

单词 sound


noun saʊndsaʊnd
mass noun
  • 1Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.

    light travels faster than sound


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Since light travels faster than sound, the thunder is heard after the lightning.
    • I was a very musical person before my accident, afterwards I was in a world of silence with no music and no sound at all.
    • Bullets travel faster than sound, so I'll never hear the one that gets me, I reassured myself.
    • There are two persons in a plane which is traveling at a speed greater than the speed of sound.
    • He travels 3,000 times the speed of sound without his reindeer vaporising?
    • So if the airplane is travelling faster than the speed of sound, the air cannot move out of the way.
    • Minute differences in the timing and intensity of sound reaching each ear give the barn owl a fix on its prey.
    • Its Japanese designers believe their plane can travel at twice the speed of sound while reducing supersonic boom to a low rumble.
    • It's helpful to imagine sound as waves travelling towards a beach.
    • The slate call has holes in the side of the pan to allow sound to travel 360 degrees.
    • They make most of their calls at night, when it is cooler and sound travels farthest.
    • Even when partitions are built to the ceiling, sound can still travel up to the deck and bounce down.
    • Lightning is seen first because sound travels slower than light.
    • It was a still and humid afternoon, with only the distant drone of the traffic on the M4 to bring sound to the tableau.
    • The speed of sound is the speed at which pressure disturbances can be transmitted in a fluid such as air.
    • He attempted to examine the vacuum which he was able to create and test whether sound travelled in a vacuum.
    • Wu still remembers how she learned the principle that sound travels faster through iron than through air.
    • As a deaf musician Evelyn experiences sound through vibrations, although not, she says, specific notes.
    • To get the right effect, rooms must have areas that absorb sound and reflect it.
    • It had long been known that sound required a medium to travel through and it was quite natural to postulate a medium for the transmission of light.
    1. 1.1count noun A thing that can be heard.
      she heard the sound of voices in the hall


      don't make a sound


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sound of the celebrations reached them about halfway down the hill.
      • The sound reached him seconds before he skidded around the corner and located her.
      • The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only sound to be heard coming from the dreary hospital room.
      • She moved quietly around the camped and froze when she heard a loud rumbling sound.
      • Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
      • Just as my eyelids drooped down, I heard a familiar mewing sound.
      • This sound reached to the edge of the forest and was like a great clamor of metals striking together.
      • He immediately grabbed it again, when we both heard the unmistakable sound of a shoe squeak.
      • The sound of giggling reached his ears, and Max swiveled his head to find the source.
      • She listened to hear what she might, but the only sound was the steady clatter heard earlier.
      • The sound of distant ships' engines can be heard from a nearby river, which is dotted with swaying willows.
      • The sound reached a crescendo, then trailed off to the south in a quickly fading Doppler echo.
      • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
      • The shadow quickly disappeared and the faint sound of fleeing footsteps could be heard.
      • I heard the ugly sound of a lock click and that is when the stares and whisperings came.
      • The endless sound echoed like thunderous footfalls, beating a tattoo on the inside of her skull.
      • The familiar sound of the elevator reaching its designated floor made both women jump.
      • I let out a hideous animal sound as I sank to my knees to finish off this beast.
      • When he had gone to wait for me in the mine, he had heard a low rumbling sound.
      • From the door at the very end of the corridor I hear the all-too familiar sound of footsteps.
      noise, note, din, racket, row, bang, report, hubbub, resonance, reverberation
    2. 1.2 The area or distance within which something can be heard.
      we were always within sound of the train whistles


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Withers owns property within sound of that site.
      • I did though, manage to find ices made with local fruit, ate fish and chips within sound of the sea and got to swallow down an oyster or two.
      • The irony, of course, is that all too often the two sets of music sound exactly the same - which makes it all the more confusing.
      • The glamour of each of these plays has to do with what in them is aristocratic, removed, a high pastime played out within sound of the sea.
      • We have had a battle, and here I am still, within sound of the cannon!
      • Indeed, you can find some marvellous fishing within sight and sound of Copenhagen airport itself.
      hearing distance, hearing, distance, earshot, range
  • 2Sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Why does our premier music venue produce such a dreadful quality of sound?
    • The speaker converts musical sound into vibrations that can be felt.
    • The sound is more resonant than I would like it to be, but this is not really a big problem.
    • The main difference between these formats is the quality of sound in relation to the size of the file.
    • We could kill with song and sound at distances they could not reach with any gun.
    • The music includes vocals and ambient sound, on instruments invented by Strong.
    • The warm lyricism of the music unfurled anew in waves of lush orchestral sound.
    • Not seeing the need to improve musical sound or a specific technical aspect of playing, or an unwillingness to try new approaches or make changes in playing became a detriment to some students' overall musical progress.
    • In the pashyanti stage sound possesses qualities such as color and form.
    • The bartenders make good drinks and they always have quality music and good sound.
    • It is her blend of jazz, choral sounds and traditional African music that makes her the sensational jazz musician that she is.
    • Music and sound are crucial elements in many of his works and he also works with texts
    • The sound produced by drums is short; thus, any continuous sound can be produced only by rapid repetition.
    • You not only get more music you get better sound, which means you get a different recording.
    • Unamplified orchestral sound resonates distinctly around the hall, though far from brilliantly.
    • Moving images and sound fill a room animating thought processes and daydreams.
    • For him virtuosity per se is not so important as the quality and clarity of sound.
    • The sound is of good quality though, which is the salient point for any jazz story.
    • Greater mobility does not at all guarantee a higher quality of sound.
    • Gradually, from twin speakers, the room is showered with sound.
  • 3Music, speech, and sound effects when recorded and used to accompany a film, video, or broadcast.


    as modifier a sound studio
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Video and sound for the documentary are nothing to get excited about, but do the job.
    • There's a lot of ambient sound in this film, and it's very well presented in both mixes.
    • In environments like sound recording studios, a machine like this one would be highly desirable.
    • The impressive nature of the graphics is only bolstered by the excellent sound found within the title.
    • I then sat for two and half days behind a piano with good stuff to record sound.
    • People were less satisfied with poor quality images and poor quality sound.
    • She did all the scriptwriting, filming, sound, lighting, direction herself.
    • The installation also includes a video with sound showing images of the sewing group and their community.
    • The seven-inch screen can show videos with sound because speakers are also included in the pack.
    • Modern versions of this kind of studio could allow various sound and video clips to be playlisted and cued in manually.
    • The risers are rolled in; lights are fixed, sound is cued and video monitors are put in place.
    • The film was shot without sound, and recorded interviews were added to accompany images of the women at work.
    • Great video and sound and tons of trailers might make up for a too short running time.
    • In my opinion the main element letting the majority of films down is sound.
    • Much like the video presentations, these sound mixes are all in good working order.
    • Director Ryan Redford skilfully employs music, sound and montage to create a taut film.
    • There Caoimhín focused on the technical side and developed skills in the areas of lighting and sound.
    • It's the first hint of the superb use of sound in this film, both ambient and on the soundtrack.
    • It records target hits as fast as four shots per second with realistic sound.
    • By using little dialogue and less music, he lets the incidental sound support the film's atmosphere.
    1. 3.1 Broadcasting by radio as distinct from television.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The accent at the BBC at the time was very much toward sound rather than television.
      • Vision was transmitted on 261.3 metres and sound on 398.9 metres, medium wave.
      • The dilemma facing the BBC at the time was it was still committed to maintain its mammoth organisation of sound broadcasting and television was very much secondary to its plans.
      • The fidelity of sound equipment subsequently improved considerably, but the receivers did not.
    2. 3.2 The distinctive quality of the music of a particular composer or performer or of the sound produced by a particular instrument.
      the sound of the Beatles


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The distinctive Jamaican sound of reggae provides a template for various diasporic musics in the Caribbean.
      • Experts said the new instruments have the same sound as those made of snake skin.
      • The sound of Spanish guitars has often been the source of irritation for me.
      • Musically I guess the move played a part in developing my own sound by expanding my range of influences.
      • The blaring sound of Spanish music twirled round in my head, and the brightly coloured morning sun shone through my closed eyes.
      • By swapping guitars for spoons, the band's sound is basic yet shiny.
      • Anyway, quite a few people have told me they like the guitar sound on it.
      • Their signature double guitar lead sound has influenced countless bands beyond the rock genre.
      • Their instrumental rock sound with quiet and loud dynamics evokes a certain calmness over the listener.
      • Everything's in place here, but they could stand to find a more distinctive sound vocally.
      • I just love the fact that he seems entirely fearless, which is why his sound is so distinctive.
      • Here are men who created a signature sound, something instantly recognizable and never duplicated.
      • Their music, while possessing an undeniably indie guitar sound, is just as quirky as the band seems to be.
      • The trademark sound of his instruments had been cheaply reproduced on digital synthesisers and he had lost control of his brand name.
      • We were always searching for the best bass drum sound.
      • But you know, if you listen to earlier records, the bass drum sounds weren't that great.
      • Their music has a very distinctive and fresh sound, hardcore but very melodic and experimental.
      • The band have spent the last few months working on new material and developing their very unique sound.
      • Much of the band's sound is identified by Chris' voice.
      • The bass guitar sound was typical for the era - round & fluid & effortless.
      music, tones, note, chord
    3. 3.3soundsinformal Popular music.
      sounds of the Sixties


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When it comes to the traditional sounds of country music, Johnny Loughrey continues to set the pace.
      • This is a gem of a song that can make anyone jump up and shake it to the sounds of new-wave "rebel rock."
      • My biggest beef with electric guitar sounds of the rock persuasion is the lack of dynamics.
      • Such sonic mayhem envisioned the sounds of madness, neurosis, and warped wit.
      • Patrons will also be able to enjoy the soothing sounds of jazz, reggae and traditional African music.
  • 4in singular An idea or impression conveyed by words.


    you've had a hard day, by the sound of it


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The sound of those words chilled us both, as if suddenly the night fog had draped over the two of us without warning.
    • Some of the children were naturally very frightened and the teacher by the sound of it did an amazing job.
    • The recording process for Miles is an easy-going, relaxed one by the sound of it.
    • By the sound of it, Hylands will be drowning in paperwork for the next two years.
    • While the sound of the words was actually a bit creepy, she was glad to know the ship was still responsive.
    • Dad and Maude were having an argument but by the sound of it not about anything too serious.
    • I use to play a lot of computer games, and not very good ones by the sound of it.
    • Mr Ali has lost a son who, by the sound of it, was going to contribute to the fabric of society, a peace-loving young man who loved his family.
    • In short, with no backers and - by the sound of it - too few customers, the company has simply run out of cash.
    • It was a little girl, by the sound of it, but before he could go after her, he woke up with a shudder.
    • Frankly, he is not an expert on electoral law, democracy, or anything else, by the sound of it.
    • The other, who had no experience of the trade but liked the sound of the idea, agreed.
    idea, thought, concept, impression, prospect, description
verb saʊndsaʊnd
  • 1Emit or cause to emit sound.

    no object a loud buzzer sounded


    with object she sounded the horn


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A sweet-sounding horn sounded outside of the Velnaut residence.
    • Ravenna had not long to ponder because footsteps, faint at first but steadily growing louder sounded from the corridor.
    • At 8: 30, as I peacefully dreamed of building and living in a tree house, the intercom sounded.
    • From the edge of the field, the horns sounded a harsh blast.
    • They heard an alarm sounding off in the distance and knew they did not have much time.
    • The dhol is a north Indian drum made from goatskin, and anybody who has stood next to one will testify to how loud it sounds when played.
    • Suddenly there was a loud snap, which sounded through the basement, and Lizzie had stopped screaming.
    • Just as Jon reached for the handle, the buzzer behind them sounded.
    • Footsteps sounded in the house, and the sound of the door being closed shot fear through my body.
    • It was unguarded but had a large sign warning that alarms would sound when it opened.
    • If something - or someone - in the water interrupts the beam, an alarm sounds in the house.
    • The warning bell had sounded a minute ago.
    • Late that evening, the doorbell's chime sounded throughout the still house.
    • ‘Here we go,’ he whispered as a buzz was sounded and the ride began to spin and turn.
    • Pulling the car to a stop just outside a well-lit house with music sounding from inside, Jesse grinned.
    • In my mind I am praying, praying for the next buzzer to sound so I can escape the woman's bitter stare.
    • A shrill ring sounded in her house, and caused her to stop dead in her tracks.
    • All I could do was watch it go, sirens still sounding in the background.
    • They knew that somewhere in the house alarms sounded so they kept moving.
    • An alarm sounded, warning screens blinked and to Petrov's horror a computer map showed the hostile launch of a US nuclear warhead.
    go (off), resonate, resound, reverberate, blow, blare
    ring, chime, peal, toll, ding, clang
    operate, set off
    play, blow, blast, toot, blare
    ring, chime, peal, toll, ding, clang
    literary wind
    1. 1.1with object Give an audible signal to indicate (something)
      a different bell begins to sound midnight


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Housing association chiefs have sounded a warning shot after evicting their first tenant in York for antisocial behaviour.
      • No alarm was sounded at the hospital to indicate any emergency.
      • A further warning note was sounded by Damian Hopley, chief executive of the Professional Rugby Players' Association.
      • The Abyssinian crisis of 1935 sounded the first alarm bells.
      • The air horn sounds a blast that can be heard over the roar of aircraft engines.
      • Each stanza is separated by an interlude for the horn, which sounds a deathly fanfare for the wounded and dying of Sitwell's poem.
      • The car's horn honked a few times, seemingly sounding a cavalry call.
      • The bell rang, which sounded the start for the day's schooling.
      • Senator Browne says this should have sounded a warning signal that one of the plants would close.
      • No bells or horns or trumpets sounded the warning of our arrival.
      • A motorist used her horn to sound the alarm and another tried to block the path of the other car as it sped off.
      • The bell rang loudly, sounding the beginning of the first period, geography class.
      • One email sounded a warning note.
      • At the end of the ceremony at sea, a further eight bells were sounded to mark the end of the watch aboard ship - and the first commemoration of the disaster.
      • If the area is so dangerous that it needs such drastic measures to slow down traffic then it seems wholly appropriate that drivers help the locals by sounding a warning sign of their presence.
      • Before he could find one a horn blew somewhere sounding the approach of dawn.
      • One of Yorkshire's leading manufacturing spokesmen has sounded a warning note on employment relations activity for the New Year.
      • The huntsman's horn sounded the final knell when the last traditional hunt by the Tedworth came to en end.
      • Should that not have sounded the warning bells?
      • If your smoke alarm is sounding nuisance alarms, it may need dusting or vacuuming.
      ring, peal, toll
    2. 1.2with object Express or convey (a warning)
      pharmaceutical companies are sounding the alarm about counterfeit drugs
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Here, though, a cautionary note may be sounded.
      • However, Mr Barry sounded a warning note about risks to water everywhere as the silage-cutting season moves into top gear.
      • Eads is now sounding a more conciliatory note on the WTO dispute.
      • There is also something else and that is there is a very deeply critical note now being sounded about the Catholic Church by Irish opinion formers.
      • But he sounded a ‘note of caution’ on plans to extend the powers of community safety officers.
      • City Councilman Frank Rizzo sounds a more nostalgic note on the way to suggesting his own candidacy.
      • Reynaud succeeded him, sounding a more resolute note, but his cabinet was as divided as Daladier's - and Daladier remained as minister of war.
      • But this week a panel of wildlife biologists and conservation advocates sounded a more positive note.
      • England and Wales are at the heart of this drive so let's sound a word of warning for them.
      • On all current form it should be another home win, but I say that sounding a very definite note of warning.
      • Frank Williams sounds a very different note.
      • Most reports of the now public autopsy results sound a strangely triumphal note.
    3. 1.3with object Pronounce.
      sound the rhymes clearly
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus we are trying to get him to sound out refrigerator letters, the same way one would train children on phonics.
      • Sound the phrase Di di di di di, pulling the ee out freely.
      • The student should sound out the long /e/ sound.
      pronounce, verbalize, voice, enunciate, articulate, vocalize, say
      rare enounce
    4. 1.4with object Test (the lungs or another body cavity) by noting the sound they produce.
      the doctor sounded her chest


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She saw several doctors who sounded her chest and asked if any of her relatives had died of consumption.
      • Yes, the vet sounded her chest, which was clear, and she is eating normally.
  • 2no object Convey a specified impression when heard.


    with complement he sounded worried
    Example sentencesExamples
    • My heart sank when I heard how happy she sounded.
    • Alex had cried, sounding twice as loud in the cave.
    • I record phrases that I use often and playback to hear how I may sound to others when I say them.
    • I like that he always sounds happy to hear from me, even for a short call about nothing.
    • I thought entirely out loud and probably sounded quite crazy.
    • ‘Fatty,’ comes her whisper, sounding unnaturally loud in this awful room.
    • But after a while it sounded familiar; I heard things in the score I'd heard elsewhere.
    • It came again, sounding louder and more desperate.
    • A cheerful guffaw that would have sounded ridiculous coming from anyone else emitted from his mouth.
    • Dirt and rock scraped beneath Lior's red boots, sounding far too loud and out of place in the silent city.
    • It sounds more impersonal, but looks at the bigger picture in the decision-making process.
    • She didn't sound that pleased to hear from him.
    • I have to say, it made me feel better to hear how worried he sounded.
    • I had some difficulty deciding on a starter as they all sounded so tempting.
    • When I said it out loud I sounded so emotionless, like I didn't care and that it didn't matter.
    • This time she said it louder, sounding genuinely confused.
    • She could hardly hear what they were saying but one voice sounded vaguely familiar.
    • Well, I think it was overdubbed, so I don't think we heard how she really sounded.
    • The laughter wasn't very loud, it sounded normal, unlike the laughter of a madman, or a drunken pirate.
    • Confidence had never been one of her strong points; and now, though she sang louder, she still sounded meek and frightened.
    1. 2.1 (of something or someone that has been described to one) convey a specified impression.
      it sounds as though you really do believe that


      with complement the house sounds lovely


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Beethoven sonatas, recorded two years later in Munich, sound considerably better.
      • This synopsis makes the film sound like a depressing cautionary tale but it isn't.
      • From a distance it does sound like a real crying baby and it has a chip inside so it monitors its surroundings.
      • Her name sounded so lovely, so sweet, as it was carried on the wind by his voice.
      • As bizarre as it might sound under this house there appeared to be an underground city.
      • Though it does sound like fun if I ever did have to.
      • Is it me, or does the name of this blog sound very familiar?
      • You can track your book's progress around the world, and it all sounds very lovely and whimsical.
      • Here, virtuoso Jacques Zoon makes Mozart's music sound as fresh and warm as a doe sipping from a clear mountain spring.
      • The advance copy of the record sounds lovely, but the fact there is a record out is more important than the record itself.
      • Even the house sparrow's song sounded harsh and sinister on the day.
      • But these contradictions make the film sound more lively and daring than it actually is.
      • The waves of pain blinded him, and made the noises of the day sound far away.
      • On the other hand, perhaps I am carefully picking my words so that I can make both Gaia and the animal kingdom sound as if they are alive.
      • And while the plot makes the film sound like a campy thriller, it never falls into that trap.
      • The woman on the airport intercom sounds lovely and understanding.
      • As daunting as that may all sound, you'd be amazed at how little the areas can matter.
      • The poets all read in their native language, so we didn't understand anything they were saying, though it still sounded lovely.
      • Production values are up to snuff; this DVD both looks and sounds good.
      • In fact, the way you've phrased your description of her behavior sounds like you want to be released.
      appear to be, appear, look, look to be, look like, seem, seem to be, have the appearance/air of being, give/create the impression of being, strike someone as being, give every indication of being
      appear, look, seem
      give/create the impression that, strike someone that, give every indication that
      informal look like

Phrasal Verbs

  • sound off

    • Express one's opinions in a loud or forceful manner.


      Pietro started sounding off to the press
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The opposition are sounding off, but I guess by now they are in the habit of moaning about anything the government does.
      • It is a quasi-governmental body, not just some obscure think-tank sounding off.
      • He's sounding off about corporate scandals one moment, and his record collection the next.
      • Our very opinionated panel sounds off on the day's major stories.
      • Is this just a personal pet peeve of yours, or are your constituents actually sounding off on the issue?
      • At the same time she can generally shake off any criticism levelled at her for occasionally speaking out loud or just plain sounding off.
      • The Chancellor is certainly more than capable of sounding off about him, and the relationship between the two is said to be worse than ever.
      • And it's all about how no-one takes any notice of him when he sounds off about crime and immigration.
      • Our panel sounds off on the political news of the week.
      • But some dissidents were only interested in sounding off for the benefit of their constituents.
      speak at length, talk at length, speak, talk, go on, hold forth
      declaim, discourse, spout, expatiate, pontificate, orate, preach, sermonize
      lecture, harangue, fulminate, rant
      informal spiel, speechify, preachify, drone on
      rare perorate


  • soundless


  • adjective ˈsaʊndləsˈsaʊn(d)ləs
    • Making no sound; silent.

      Nancy's footsteps were soundless on the carpeted floor
      Example sentencesExamples
      • he opened his mouth in a soundless scream
      • Each note, barely rising up at the lower limits of hearing, is a tickle on the surface of the soundless calm that overlays the track.
      • Its environs consisted of silent plains and soundless forests.
      • These smooth, almost soundless vehicles provide access in the inner city as well as the upmarket inner suburbs to the west of city centre.
  • soundlessly


  • adverbˈsaʊndləsliˈsaʊn(d)ləsli
    • He was alive and his mouth was working soundlessly.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their battles take place soundlessly in the sky above, while ordinary New Yorkers watch and wait and worry.
      • We stress different muscles now, on the edge of control, but gliding easily, soundlessly forward.
  • soundlessness

  • nounˈsaʊndləsnəsˈsaʊn(d)ləsnəs
    • Trees shifted with hypnotic sway, ushered by winds unfelt by the dead, generating the haunting soundlessness of a forest in motion.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even the silverware and glasses were picked for their soundlessness.
      • The theme of the night is to ‘be mysterious to the point of soundlessness.’


Middle English soun, from Anglo-Norman French soun (noun), suner (verb), from Latin sonus. The form with -d was established in the 16th century.

  • There are four different ‘sounds’ in English. The one relating to noise is from Latin sonus. Related words are dissonance (Late Middle English) ‘inharmonious’; resonance (Late Middle English) ‘echo, resound’; resonant (late 16th century); resound (Late Middle English); and sonorous (early 17th century). Sonar, however, is an acronym formed from Sound Navigation and Ranging on the pattern of radar. Sound, meaning ‘in good condition, not damaged or diseased’, is from Old English gesund. In Middle English the prominent sense was ‘uninjured, unwounded’. Use of sound to mean ‘having well-grounded opinions’ dates from the early 16th century; the phrase as sound as a bell appeared in the late 16th century. This puns on the first meaning of sound, and also on the fact that a cracked bell will not ring true. The third sound (Late Middle English) ‘ascertain the depth of water’ is from Old French sonder, based on Latin sub- ‘below’ and unda ‘wave’. The final one for a narrow stretch of water is Middle English from Old Norse sund ‘swimming, strait’, related to swim.


abound, aground, around, astound, bound, compound, confound, dumbfound, expound, found, ground, hound, impound, interwound, mound, pound, profound, propound, redound, round, stoneground, surround, theatre-in-the-round (US theater-in-the-round), underground, wound


adjective saʊndsaʊnd
  • 1In good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased.


    they returned safe and sound


    he was not of sound mind


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He excels because of sound footwork, strong hands and an outstanding work ethic.
    • It is the only way they can maintain a sound mind in a life they dread.
    • Packaging is needed to ensure that a product is delivered to customers in a sound condition.
    • A good result like this will, I'm sure, act as a sound platform for more strong challenges in the coming races.
    • Baikie is now of the mind that his face doesn't seem to fit when it comes to senior sides entrusting their players to a coach with sound credentials.
    • Locke sighed in relief at knowing the girl was safe, sound and within his line of vision.
    • So I think the most important thing to do is to get a good sound medical and psychiatric diagnosis.
    • Agriculture is the substructure for a sound food security, essential to economic development.
    • Mr Welch said that the pumps appeared to be in sound condition.
    • A second medical opinion is required, and the patient must be of sound mind.
    • Both the mother and babies are in sound condition, said doctors of a local hospital said Tuesday.
    • Firstly, the individual must be of sound mind and be able to make a rational, easily understood decision.
    • They feel that the books are to blame for unhinging his previously sound mind.
    • If a person is a liar, he is usually of sound mind and lies intentionally for certain benefits.
    • It is hard to dispute that Britain would be exchanging a sound fiscal regime for a far inferior model in the event of having to sign up to the stability pact.
    • The true, strong and sound mind is the mind that can embrace equally great things and small.
    • Being of more sound mind, I went for the halibut with vegetables.
    • We could tune in and tune out, reassured that our American values were safe and sound.
    • Most are children and, fortunately, most turn up safe and sound within a few days.
    • They are amazed that people, otherwise of sound mind, are addicted to it.
    healthy, in good condition, toned, fit, physically fit, hale and hearty, in good shape, in fine fettle, in trim, disease-free, undamaged, uninjured, unimpaired
    well built, solid, well constructed, substantial, strong, sturdy, stout, durable, stable, intact, whole, undamaged, unimpaired
    1. 1.1 Financially secure.
      she could get her business on a sound footing for the first time


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mary Doherty in her treasurer's report gave some heartening news as there was a sound credit balance.
      • The club is in a sound position financially but we do need two or three players.
      • I believe the president should focus on putting Social Security on a sound footing.
      • They have all consistently demonstrated high clinical standards, good leadership and sound finances.
      • Our future standard of living depends on our ability to return to a sound currency.
      • Investments must be in financially sound firms with highly liquid shares.
      • We think Zambians just have to come up with a new work culture and work hard especially on the land to put their economy on a sound footing.
      • Waverley is on a sound financial footing, and that is how we want to keep it.
      • It is hoped that the sponsored event will put the award scheme on a sound financial footing and help in a bid to secure official charitable status.
      • He stressed however, that the project needed to generate its own funds to remain on a sound financial footing.
      • I don't regret having it, because it made me happy, but it certainly wasn't a very sound investment in financial terms.
      • Investing in Forestry makes sound commercial sense and can be viewed as a hedge against inflation.
      • Last week the Laverton Trust Management Committee published a draft plan, which they say will put the hall on sound footing.
      • If your finances are in a sound state, then you will survive any storms ahead.
      • And so, with only a few hours on the machine, this one was viewed as a sound investment.
      • A successful economy and sound public finances are crucial for sustainable investment in public services.
      • All small-scale soccer clubs run as much on sentiment than sound finance.
      • Thus structured fiscal reforms are needed to put public finance back on a sound footing.
      • While the men agree that a carbon tax would be one financially sound way to fight global warming, they disagree about how high the tax should be.
      • This week he defended their record which had seen the club put on a sound financial footing.
      solvent, able to pay its debts, debt-free, not in debt, out of debt, in the black, in funds, in credit, creditworthy, of good financial standing, solid, secure
      rare unindebted
    2. 1.2British informal Excellent.
      He ate his lasagne with relish. ‘It's sound, this.’


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's really sound, too good to be true!
      • He's a sound bloke, solid, reliable and in short a diamond geezer.
  • 2Based on valid reason or good judgement.


    sound advice for healthy living


    the scientific content is sound


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It also states ‘such an outcome will only be the result of a sound justification on the primary criteria’.
    • But I at least try to think that there is a sound reason for making the design choices we do.
    • It is a logically valid and empirically sound conclusion as our senses and mind are nowhere near perfect.
    • Her advice was freely given and was always based on common sense and sound reasoning.
    • I think that the thrust of the piece is quite sound, and the piece is generally much worth reading.
    • He had taken the car for the very sound, very logical reason that he wanted it.
    • I felt we were well-informed and the points we made were based on sound logic.
    • Havant in the main were using kicks to gain ground, which given the ground conditions, was a sound ploy.
    • Of course it took ages before the paper actually first hit the streets, but there are perhaps sound reasons for that.
    • The Department of Health insisted its decision was based on sound evidence and was designed to shake up existing provision.
    • Their influence has faded in the modern world, but the need for a sound base for moral judgments has not.
    • What is lacking is the will, the capacity to embrace change once the latter is based on a sound business plan.
    • These sound words of advice are being given to those who believe in Allah and the Last Day.
    • Although this advice is based on a sound theory, there is no clinical evidence to support it.
    • He will be unable to formulate sound policy in this area until he can see what he has done wrong.
    • For longer than most of us know, man has always buried what has died, either for sound health reasons or as an act of respect for the fallen.
    • Our simple submission is the majority in the Court of Appeal got it right for cogent and sound reasons.
    • There are sound reasons for what the council suggests, as congestion and air quality are important issues.
    • They are a matter of faith and of national machismo, rather than being based on sound science or economics.
    • They are based on sound research and real political alternatives.
    well founded, well grounded, valid, reasonable, logical, solid, weighty, authoritative, convincing, cogent, plausible, credible, reliable
    1. 2.1 Competent, reliable, or holding acceptable views.
      he's very sound on his law
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We had an intelligent team, a very fundamentally sound team that worked together.
      • Curiously all the Lambeth residents I know think he's a sound bloke who has the right idea, and that's not just the smokers.
      • Kathleen was a deeply spiritual person with a sound knowledge of theology and philosophy.
      • But what a hard lesson for the young Newbridge man who had played a very sound game up to this point.
      • In this case I wouldn't say age really mattered because he's a sound guy and you can't help liking him.
      • Bohn possesses one of the most fundamentally sound and fluid games in the world.
      • Though limited by his size and skills, Hochstein is a sound technician with a great work ethic.
      • He took good care of his land and his livestock and was a sound judge of animals.
      • A sound knowledge of the laws of tennis is a definite prerequisite for becoming a ball boy.
      • In short, I believe that a sound person should have the right to choose whether to live or die.
      • The men in suits praise him for his sound knowledge of the game and his eye for talent; all the while overlooking his shortcomings.
      • The works are sound and competent, physically big and large in their sense of the personal too.
      • The best of them were sound judges of the quality, character and capability of their clients.
      • He's effective because he is technically sound and relentless when chasing the ball.
      • It now is commonly accepted that foreign players are more fundamentally sound than we are.
      • Steve was an absolute marvel to watch and a very sound bloke to listen to.
      • The author of Glanvill clearly had a sound grounding in Roman law, though the book makes it clear that English law is by no means the same.
      • This social order is not only essential to the practice of every sound government: it has its origin in divine law.
      • You have to be fundamentally sound and have a great game plan for every game over here.
      • Paul's reference to Lois was within the context of sound Christian Living.
      reliable, dependable, trustworthy, fair
      good, sensible, intelligent, wise, judicious, sagacious, astute, shrewd, perceptive, percipient
  • 3(of sleep) deep and undisturbed.


    a doze that deepened into a sound sleep
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The effects are there for all to see: improved skin texture, vitality and sound sleep at night.
    • Your dog will wake from a sound sleep and go to the door because he can tell you're wrapping up that phone call.
    • The sound sleep that followed left me no time to repeat the enjoyment next morning before breakfast.
    • She often complains she is tired and just can't get a sound sleep like she used to when she first started out in her career.
    • This is the programme for anyone who has ever bemoaned a total lack of sleep, or simply wished for a sound night's slumber.
    • Joshua stirred from his sound slumber, finding Bonnie just as close as he remembered.
    • Still in a fog after being awakened from a sound sleep, we suddenly were in the air.
    • I trudged into the depression and fell into a sound sleep as Billie stayed on guard.
    • She was sitting bolt upright out of a sound sleep, clutching him around the neck.
    • Somewhere during this juggling of sober thoughts Stephen dropped off to a sound sleep.
    • Seven months ago, Joe awoke from a sound sleep with an awful pain in his big toe.
    • A drop of lavender oil on your pillow will also help to promote sound natural sleep.
    • Anyway, I woke out of a sound sleep on Sunday morning with an extremely vivid dream.
    • The moment we got to the hotel we threw ourselves onto bed for a sound sleep.
    • His eyes closed gently, as if he was in a sound sleep, his long eyelashes clinging to one another.
    • A cup of chamomile tea at night is said to induce sound natural sleep and calm an overactive brain.
    • An insistent pounding in her head woke her from a very sound sleep.
    • The baby could enjoy a sound sleep because noise was muffled by the sound-proofed walls.
    • Then I could so easily close my eyes to all that is happening around me and my family, roll over and fall into a deep sound sleep.
    • I had a sound sleep on the plane and now I'm awake, all rejuvenated to resume work again.
    deep, undisturbed, unbroken, uninterrupted, untroubled, peaceful
    1. 3.1 (of a person) tending to sleep deeply.
      I am a sound sleeper
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I knew it was loud and sounded awful, but at least my family members were sound sleepers.
      • She forgot that he was such a sound sleeper and there was no way that a knock would wake him up.
      • So if we take a look at the brain of an insomniac do we find anything different from the brain of a sound sleeper?
      • I’ve always been a sound sleeper, but the condition is intensified by sleep deprivation.
      • An alarm clock to wake up any sound sleeper is available.
  • 4(of a beating) severe.

    such people should be given a sound thrashing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I told him to buy some aloe vera and not to talk to strange men unless he wanted a sound thrashing.
    • Should I charge ahead at the very real risk of a sound thrashing at the hands of her family?
    • He was the one who led the other squires in their jeering taunts that had resulted in Rheyce's own sound thrashing.
    • A man finds out his son is using heroin and decides to go punish the dealer with a sound beating.
    • Scotland, for instance, gave them a sound beating in the autumn when they came up here.
    • The first offenders were given a sound thrashing by the security guards.
    • Kids from the local village quickly got into the swing and gave the Brunei lads a sound thrashing.
    • The Pistons clearly are a shaken team unaccustomed to taking two sound beatings in a series.
    • When the Muslim boys heard him calling them names, all of them gave him a sound thrashing.
    • In the grand scheme of things, a sound thrashing on a rugby field is not the be all and end all of everything.
    • He countered with a sound wallop to the back that swept the other man off his horse as he turned.
    • It is quite obvious that many of our youths today are deficient in proper values and sound discipline.
    • Cora clenched her jaw as she mentally made a note to hire some guards to give Arlan a sound beating.
    thorough, proper, real, regular, complete, total, veritable, without reserve, unqualified, out-and-out, thoroughgoing, downright, absolute, drastic, severe
    informal damn, right, royal, right royal
    Australian/New Zealand informal fair
adverb saʊndsaʊnd
  • Soundly.


    he was sound asleep


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This evening I settled down happy as can be, turned on the TV, and within moments was sound asleep.
    • The very first night I was sound asleep and I woke to the sound of my dad laughing.
    • Every person in the village was sound asleep.


Middle English: from Old English gesund, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch gezond and German gesund.


verb saʊndsaʊnd
[with object]
  • 1Ascertain (the depth of water in the sea, a lake, or a river), typically by means of a line or pole or using sound echoes.


    Mr Pattison was sounding the depth of the water with a pole
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The first ship to sound at a greater depth than 5,000 fathoms was the British surveying vessel Penguin in 1895.
    • Attempts to sound depth acoustically instead focused on determining the exact distance of a sound source by measuring the time taken for a sound generated aboard a ship to travel to the sea bottom and back.
    • Then he bangs four more times, as if sounding the echoey depths of a hidden chamber.
    measure, gauge, determine, test, investigate, survey, take a reading of, plumb, fathom, probe
    1. 1.1 Find the depth of water in (a ship's hold).
  • 2Question (someone) discreetly or cautiously so as to ascertain their opinions on a subject.


    we'll sound out parliament first


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She was merely sounding him out to see if he was interested in her.
    • Even so there were rumours he might become governor of the BBC and he was sounded out to head up the proposed privatisation of the railways.
    • They have been sounded but refused to step down from their respective offices.
    • In early October, Pete McGrath confirmed that Dublin had sounded him out yet Bailey denied all knowledge of this.
    • According to highly unreliable sources, Mr Clinton had been sounded out earlier on this proposal but had demurred due to his busy schedule of engagements.
    • London correspondent Kerry Capell sounded him out on what the future holds.
    • Sitting next to me was an older man who carefully began to sound me out.
    • Whatmore read about Yze's eventual tally of 10 in the newspapers and sounded him out about his commitment to cricket.
    • I wondered aloud whether he had only got me on the show to sound me out to discover whether I had the same interest in equine abuses as him.
    • He was sounded out about taking on the captaincy of Yorkshire as well as Middlesex and the MCC but by then he had settled in Australia.
    • ‘I haven't made any decisions, but people purporting to represent certain clubs have sounded me out,’ he said.
    • The director had sounded me out about the project about a year before the film had got its backing.
    • He flirted with Madonna, who invited him up to her Manhattan penthouse and sounded him out about marriage.
    • A witness in the case, is accused of holding back information and failing to tell investigators he was sounded out by a fellow referee to help influence a match.
    • All three wanted to sound Mitchell out about his thoughts on the leadership and the party generally.
    • Andrew Motion has been sounded out, but has declared himself uninterested at present while he remains Poet Laureate.
    • Now Berwick is, thankfully, on the road to recovery, the Diary will approach the great man and sound him out.
    • He'd been talking to Jen and said she'd been sounding him out about my feelings for her.
    • Promotion rivals Leigh have already sounded him out, but the Reds are not prepared to see the big three-quarter slip through their net.
    • But there are circumstances in which they do not have to go and people have been sounded out over Christmas.
    canvass, test the opinions of, survey, poll, question, interview, sample
    test the water, see how the land lies
    informal pump
    1. 2.1 Inquire into (someone's opinions) discreetly or cautiously.
      officials arrived to sound out public opinion at meetings in factories


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her communications director has been sounding out Jewish support for the potential candidate.
      • We held a public debate about it - to sound out the opinions and mood of the audience.
      • The management is sounding out options for the German retail bank and is not in a hurry to reach a decision.
      • Some of the likely candidates did a phone-around of colleagues yesterday to sound out likely support.
      • Sounding out the export market pays off for South Wales anti-noise specialist.
      investigate, test, check, examine, probe, carry out an investigation of, conduct a survey of, research, research into, carry out research into, explore, look into, canvass, elicit
  • 3Medicine
    Examine (a person's bladder or other internal cavity) with a long surgical probe.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Before sounding the uterus, the provider should already have screened the woman to rule out the possibility of vaginal or cervical infection.
    • After successfully sounding the uterus, open the sterile package to reveal the shaft of the inserter.
    • The blue flange should be aligned with the IUD arms and set at the distance the uterus was sounded.
  • 4no object (especially of a whale) dive down steeply to a great depth.


    he sounded, arching his back steeply and raising his rubbery flukes in the air
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They came within about 20 feet of the rail, then, sounding, dove.
    • You may see a series of spouts just before the whale sounds.
    • Soon thereafter there will be the familiar flip of the tail as the whales "sound" or dive deep to the ocean's depths.
noun saʊndsaʊnd
  • A long surgical probe, typically with a curved, blunt end.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The lithotomy sound is a specialized metal probe to prove the presence of bladder stones.
    • A uterine sound is described having a probe with measuring indicia inscribed thereon.


  • sounder


  • noun ˈsaʊndəˈsaʊndər
    • A device used to ascertain the depth of a body of water.

      multi-beam echo sounders
      the depth sounder tells him how deep his traps are
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Fish can be spotted on modern sounders with ease but be careful, many so-called ‘fish ID ‘facilities can be misleading, picking up weed, boulders and other obstructions and flagging them up as fish.’
      • With digital GPS and colour video sounders, you can challenge the skipper to see how close he can get to a particular point on the wreck.
      • Almost immediately on arrival we saw an echo on the sounder.
      • We have sophisticated fish finding equipment - sounders and GPS systems.
      • Strangely I also have yet to mark a tuna on the sounder.


Late Middle English: from Old French sonder, based on Latin sub- 'below' + unda 'wave'.


noun saʊndsaʊnd
  • 1A narrow stretch of water forming an inlet or connecting two wider areas of water such as two seas or a sea and a lake.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Captains of foreign ships, and even those under U.S. registry, don't know the topography of the sound like an experienced local.
    • They are common on the coast and in north Puget Sound, and are less common in the southern end of the sound.
    • As I remember, there was a time that we started on Friday doing endless laps around the Sound.
    channel, (sea) passage, strait(s), neck, narrows, waterway, stretch of water
    inlet, branch, arm (of the sea), fjord, creek, bay, voe
    estuary, firth
    1. 1.1
      another name for Øresund


Middle English: from Old Norse sund 'swimming, strait'; related to swim.


  • 1Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.

    light travels faster than sound


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As a deaf musician Evelyn experiences sound through vibrations, although not, she says, specific notes.
    • It's helpful to imagine sound as waves travelling towards a beach.
    • Bullets travel faster than sound, so I'll never hear the one that gets me, I reassured myself.
    • Even when partitions are built to the ceiling, sound can still travel up to the deck and bounce down.
    • So if the airplane is travelling faster than the speed of sound, the air cannot move out of the way.
    • He attempted to examine the vacuum which he was able to create and test whether sound travelled in a vacuum.
    • Wu still remembers how she learned the principle that sound travels faster through iron than through air.
    • He travels 3,000 times the speed of sound without his reindeer vaporising?
    • Minute differences in the timing and intensity of sound reaching each ear give the barn owl a fix on its prey.
    • Lightning is seen first because sound travels slower than light.
    • The slate call has holes in the side of the pan to allow sound to travel 360 degrees.
    • Since light travels faster than sound, the thunder is heard after the lightning.
    • There are two persons in a plane which is traveling at a speed greater than the speed of sound.
    • They make most of their calls at night, when it is cooler and sound travels farthest.
    • Its Japanese designers believe their plane can travel at twice the speed of sound while reducing supersonic boom to a low rumble.
    • It was a still and humid afternoon, with only the distant drone of the traffic on the M4 to bring sound to the tableau.
    • I was a very musical person before my accident, afterwards I was in a world of silence with no music and no sound at all.
    • It had long been known that sound required a medium to travel through and it was quite natural to postulate a medium for the transmission of light.
    • To get the right effect, rooms must have areas that absorb sound and reflect it.
    • The speed of sound is the speed at which pressure disturbances can be transmitted in a fluid such as air.
    1. 1.1 A thing that can be heard.
      she heard the sound of voices in the hall


      don't make a sound


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This sound reached to the edge of the forest and was like a great clamor of metals striking together.
      • She listened to hear what she might, but the only sound was the steady clatter heard earlier.
      • Just as my eyelids drooped down, I heard a familiar mewing sound.
      • The shadow quickly disappeared and the faint sound of fleeing footsteps could be heard.
      • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
      • Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
      • I heard the ugly sound of a lock click and that is when the stares and whisperings came.
      • I let out a hideous animal sound as I sank to my knees to finish off this beast.
      • From the door at the very end of the corridor I hear the all-too familiar sound of footsteps.
      • She moved quietly around the camped and froze when she heard a loud rumbling sound.
      • The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only sound to be heard coming from the dreary hospital room.
      • The sound of giggling reached his ears, and Max swiveled his head to find the source.
      • The sound reached a crescendo, then trailed off to the south in a quickly fading Doppler echo.
      • The endless sound echoed like thunderous footfalls, beating a tattoo on the inside of her skull.
      • He immediately grabbed it again, when we both heard the unmistakable sound of a shoe squeak.
      • The familiar sound of the elevator reaching its designated floor made both women jump.
      • The sound of distant ships' engines can be heard from a nearby river, which is dotted with swaying willows.
      • The sound of the celebrations reached them about halfway down the hill.
      • The sound reached him seconds before he skidded around the corner and located her.
      • When he had gone to wait for me in the mine, he had heard a low rumbling sound.
      noise, note, din, racket, row, bang, report, hubbub, resonance, reverberation
    2. 1.2 The area or distance within which something can be heard.
      we were always within sound of the train whistles


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Withers owns property within sound of that site.
      • I did though, manage to find ices made with local fruit, ate fish and chips within sound of the sea and got to swallow down an oyster or two.
      • We have had a battle, and here I am still, within sound of the cannon!
      • The glamour of each of these plays has to do with what in them is aristocratic, removed, a high pastime played out within sound of the sea.
      • Indeed, you can find some marvellous fishing within sight and sound of Copenhagen airport itself.
      • The irony, of course, is that all too often the two sets of music sound exactly the same - which makes it all the more confusing.
      hearing distance, hearing, distance, earshot, range
  • 2Sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Greater mobility does not at all guarantee a higher quality of sound.
    • In the pashyanti stage sound possesses qualities such as color and form.
    • The sound is of good quality though, which is the salient point for any jazz story.
    • Why does our premier music venue produce such a dreadful quality of sound?
    • We could kill with song and sound at distances they could not reach with any gun.
    • The warm lyricism of the music unfurled anew in waves of lush orchestral sound.
    • The speaker converts musical sound into vibrations that can be felt.
    • Not seeing the need to improve musical sound or a specific technical aspect of playing, or an unwillingness to try new approaches or make changes in playing became a detriment to some students' overall musical progress.
    • You not only get more music you get better sound, which means you get a different recording.
    • The sound produced by drums is short; thus, any continuous sound can be produced only by rapid repetition.
    • Moving images and sound fill a room animating thought processes and daydreams.
    • The bartenders make good drinks and they always have quality music and good sound.
    • Gradually, from twin speakers, the room is showered with sound.
    • The main difference between these formats is the quality of sound in relation to the size of the file.
    • Unamplified orchestral sound resonates distinctly around the hall, though far from brilliantly.
    • The sound is more resonant than I would like it to be, but this is not really a big problem.
    • It is her blend of jazz, choral sounds and traditional African music that makes her the sensational jazz musician that she is.
    • For him virtuosity per se is not so important as the quality and clarity of sound.
    • The music includes vocals and ambient sound, on instruments invented by Strong.
    • Music and sound are crucial elements in many of his works and he also works with texts
  • 3Music, speech, and sound effects when recorded, used to accompany a film or video production, or broadcast.


    as modifier a sound studio
    Example sentencesExamples
    • There's a lot of ambient sound in this film, and it's very well presented in both mixes.
    • Director Ryan Redford skilfully employs music, sound and montage to create a taut film.
    • Video and sound for the documentary are nothing to get excited about, but do the job.
    • The impressive nature of the graphics is only bolstered by the excellent sound found within the title.
    • The risers are rolled in; lights are fixed, sound is cued and video monitors are put in place.
    • I then sat for two and half days behind a piano with good stuff to record sound.
    • The installation also includes a video with sound showing images of the sewing group and their community.
    • In my opinion the main element letting the majority of films down is sound.
    • She did all the scriptwriting, filming, sound, lighting, direction herself.
    • There Caoimhín focused on the technical side and developed skills in the areas of lighting and sound.
    • In environments like sound recording studios, a machine like this one would be highly desirable.
    • It records target hits as fast as four shots per second with realistic sound.
    • It's the first hint of the superb use of sound in this film, both ambient and on the soundtrack.
    • People were less satisfied with poor quality images and poor quality sound.
    • The seven-inch screen can show videos with sound because speakers are also included in the pack.
    • Modern versions of this kind of studio could allow various sound and video clips to be playlisted and cued in manually.
    • Much like the video presentations, these sound mixes are all in good working order.
    • The film was shot without sound, and recorded interviews were added to accompany images of the women at work.
    • Great video and sound and tons of trailers might make up for a too short running time.
    • By using little dialogue and less music, he lets the incidental sound support the film's atmosphere.
    1. 3.1 Broadcasting by radio as distinct from television.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The accent at the BBC at the time was very much toward sound rather than television.
      • The dilemma facing the BBC at the time was it was still committed to maintain its mammoth organisation of sound broadcasting and television was very much secondary to its plans.
      • The fidelity of sound equipment subsequently improved considerably, but the receivers did not.
      • Vision was transmitted on 261.3 metres and sound on 398.9 metres, medium wave.
    2. 3.2 The distinctive quality of the music of a particular composer or performer or of the sound produced by a particular musical instrument.
      the sound of the Beatles


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The blaring sound of Spanish music twirled round in my head, and the brightly coloured morning sun shone through my closed eyes.
      • The bass guitar sound was typical for the era - round & fluid & effortless.
      • Experts said the new instruments have the same sound as those made of snake skin.
      • The band have spent the last few months working on new material and developing their very unique sound.
      • We were always searching for the best bass drum sound.
      • Their music, while possessing an undeniably indie guitar sound, is just as quirky as the band seems to be.
      • By swapping guitars for spoons, the band's sound is basic yet shiny.
      • Everything's in place here, but they could stand to find a more distinctive sound vocally.
      • Anyway, quite a few people have told me they like the guitar sound on it.
      • Their signature double guitar lead sound has influenced countless bands beyond the rock genre.
      • Their music has a very distinctive and fresh sound, hardcore but very melodic and experimental.
      • Musically I guess the move played a part in developing my own sound by expanding my range of influences.
      • Much of the band's sound is identified by Chris' voice.
      • Their instrumental rock sound with quiet and loud dynamics evokes a certain calmness over the listener.
      • The distinctive Jamaican sound of reggae provides a template for various diasporic musics in the Caribbean.
      • The sound of Spanish guitars has often been the source of irritation for me.
      • I just love the fact that he seems entirely fearless, which is why his sound is so distinctive.
      • But you know, if you listen to earlier records, the bass drum sounds weren't that great.
      • The trademark sound of his instruments had been cheaply reproduced on digital synthesisers and he had lost control of his brand name.
      • Here are men who created a signature sound, something instantly recognizable and never duplicated.
      music, tones, note, chord
    3. 3.3soundsinformal Music, especially popular music.
      sounds of the Sixties


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When it comes to the traditional sounds of country music, Johnny Loughrey continues to set the pace.
      • This is a gem of a song that can make anyone jump up and shake it to the sounds of new-wave "rebel rock."
      • Patrons will also be able to enjoy the soothing sounds of jazz, reggae and traditional African music.
      • My biggest beef with electric guitar sounds of the rock persuasion is the lack of dynamics.
      • Such sonic mayhem envisioned the sounds of madness, neurosis, and warped wit.
  • 4The ideas or impressions conveyed by words.


    you've had a hard day, by the sound of it


    Example sentencesExamples
    • While the sound of the words was actually a bit creepy, she was glad to know the ship was still responsive.
    • By the sound of it, Hylands will be drowning in paperwork for the next two years.
    • The recording process for Miles is an easy-going, relaxed one by the sound of it.
    • The sound of those words chilled us both, as if suddenly the night fog had draped over the two of us without warning.
    • The other, who had no experience of the trade but liked the sound of the idea, agreed.
    • Dad and Maude were having an argument but by the sound of it not about anything too serious.
    • In short, with no backers and - by the sound of it - too few customers, the company has simply run out of cash.
    • It was a little girl, by the sound of it, but before he could go after her, he woke up with a shudder.
    • Some of the children were naturally very frightened and the teacher by the sound of it did an amazing job.
    • I use to play a lot of computer games, and not very good ones by the sound of it.
    • Frankly, he is not an expert on electoral law, democracy, or anything else, by the sound of it.
    • Mr Ali has lost a son who, by the sound of it, was going to contribute to the fabric of society, a peace-loving young man who loved his family.
    idea, thought, concept, impression, prospect, description
  • 1Emit or cause to emit sound.

    no object a loud buzzer sounded


    with object she sounded the horn


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All I could do was watch it go, sirens still sounding in the background.
    • The dhol is a north Indian drum made from goatskin, and anybody who has stood next to one will testify to how loud it sounds when played.
    • It was unguarded but had a large sign warning that alarms would sound when it opened.
    • They heard an alarm sounding off in the distance and knew they did not have much time.
    • Just as Jon reached for the handle, the buzzer behind them sounded.
    • In my mind I am praying, praying for the next buzzer to sound so I can escape the woman's bitter stare.
    • They knew that somewhere in the house alarms sounded so they kept moving.
    • Suddenly there was a loud snap, which sounded through the basement, and Lizzie had stopped screaming.
    • Footsteps sounded in the house, and the sound of the door being closed shot fear through my body.
    • A shrill ring sounded in her house, and caused her to stop dead in her tracks.
    • Late that evening, the doorbell's chime sounded throughout the still house.
    • At 8: 30, as I peacefully dreamed of building and living in a tree house, the intercom sounded.
    • Pulling the car to a stop just outside a well-lit house with music sounding from inside, Jesse grinned.
    • A sweet-sounding horn sounded outside of the Velnaut residence.
    • ‘Here we go,’ he whispered as a buzz was sounded and the ride began to spin and turn.
    • Ravenna had not long to ponder because footsteps, faint at first but steadily growing louder sounded from the corridor.
    • From the edge of the field, the horns sounded a harsh blast.
    • The warning bell had sounded a minute ago.
    • An alarm sounded, warning screens blinked and to Petrov's horror a computer map showed the hostile launch of a US nuclear warhead.
    • If something - or someone - in the water interrupts the beam, an alarm sounds in the house.
    go, go off, resonate, resound, reverberate, blow, blare
    operate, set off
    1. 1.1with object Give an audible signal to indicate (something)
      a different bell begins to sound midnight


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The bell rang, which sounded the start for the day's schooling.
      • At the end of the ceremony at sea, a further eight bells were sounded to mark the end of the watch aboard ship - and the first commemoration of the disaster.
      • Housing association chiefs have sounded a warning shot after evicting their first tenant in York for antisocial behaviour.
      • The car's horn honked a few times, seemingly sounding a cavalry call.
      • Before he could find one a horn blew somewhere sounding the approach of dawn.
      • One of Yorkshire's leading manufacturing spokesmen has sounded a warning note on employment relations activity for the New Year.
      • Should that not have sounded the warning bells?
      • The air horn sounds a blast that can be heard over the roar of aircraft engines.
      • The Abyssinian crisis of 1935 sounded the first alarm bells.
      • A motorist used her horn to sound the alarm and another tried to block the path of the other car as it sped off.
      • No bells or horns or trumpets sounded the warning of our arrival.
      • No alarm was sounded at the hospital to indicate any emergency.
      • The huntsman's horn sounded the final knell when the last traditional hunt by the Tedworth came to en end.
      • Senator Browne says this should have sounded a warning signal that one of the plants would close.
      • One email sounded a warning note.
      • A further warning note was sounded by Damian Hopley, chief executive of the Professional Rugby Players' Association.
      • The bell rang loudly, sounding the beginning of the first period, geography class.
      • If the area is so dangerous that it needs such drastic measures to slow down traffic then it seems wholly appropriate that drivers help the locals by sounding a warning sign of their presence.
      • If your smoke alarm is sounding nuisance alarms, it may need dusting or vacuuming.
      • Each stanza is separated by an interlude for the horn, which sounds a deathly fanfare for the wounded and dying of Sitwell's poem.
      ring, peal, toll
    2. 1.2with object Express or convey (a warning)
      pharmaceutical companies are sounding the alarm about counterfeit drugs
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, Mr Barry sounded a warning note about risks to water everywhere as the silage-cutting season moves into top gear.
      • Eads is now sounding a more conciliatory note on the WTO dispute.
      • On all current form it should be another home win, but I say that sounding a very definite note of warning.
      • Reynaud succeeded him, sounding a more resolute note, but his cabinet was as divided as Daladier's - and Daladier remained as minister of war.
      • Most reports of the now public autopsy results sound a strangely triumphal note.
      • There is also something else and that is there is a very deeply critical note now being sounded about the Catholic Church by Irish opinion formers.
      • Here, though, a cautionary note may be sounded.
      • England and Wales are at the heart of this drive so let's sound a word of warning for them.
      • Frank Williams sounds a very different note.
      • City Councilman Frank Rizzo sounds a more nostalgic note on the way to suggesting his own candidacy.
      • But he sounded a ‘note of caution’ on plans to extend the powers of community safety officers.
      • But this week a panel of wildlife biologists and conservation advocates sounded a more positive note.
    3. 1.3with object Test (the lungs or another body cavity) by noting the sound they produce.
      the doctor sounded her chest


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yes, the vet sounded her chest, which was clear, and she is eating normally.
      • She saw several doctors who sounded her chest and asked if any of her relatives had died of consumption.
  • 2no object Convey a specified impression when heard.


    with complement he sounded worried
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I thought entirely out loud and probably sounded quite crazy.
    • The laughter wasn't very loud, it sounded normal, unlike the laughter of a madman, or a drunken pirate.
    • I had some difficulty deciding on a starter as they all sounded so tempting.
    • But after a while it sounded familiar; I heard things in the score I'd heard elsewhere.
    • Well, I think it was overdubbed, so I don't think we heard how she really sounded.
    • I have to say, it made me feel better to hear how worried he sounded.
    • Dirt and rock scraped beneath Lior's red boots, sounding far too loud and out of place in the silent city.
    • This time she said it louder, sounding genuinely confused.
    • When I said it out loud I sounded so emotionless, like I didn't care and that it didn't matter.
    • A cheerful guffaw that would have sounded ridiculous coming from anyone else emitted from his mouth.
    • Alex had cried, sounding twice as loud in the cave.
    • It came again, sounding louder and more desperate.
    • My heart sank when I heard how happy she sounded.
    • I like that he always sounds happy to hear from me, even for a short call about nothing.
    • Confidence had never been one of her strong points; and now, though she sang louder, she still sounded meek and frightened.
    • She could hardly hear what they were saying but one voice sounded vaguely familiar.
    • It sounds more impersonal, but looks at the bigger picture in the decision-making process.
    • ‘Fatty,’ comes her whisper, sounding unnaturally loud in this awful room.
    • I record phrases that I use often and playback to hear how I may sound to others when I say them.
    • She didn't sound that pleased to hear from him.
    1. 2.1 (of something or someone that has been described to one) convey a specified impression.
      it sounds as though you really do believe that


      with complement the house sounds lovely


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The advance copy of the record sounds lovely, but the fact there is a record out is more important than the record itself.
      • In fact, the way you've phrased your description of her behavior sounds like you want to be released.
      • And while the plot makes the film sound like a campy thriller, it never falls into that trap.
      • The poets all read in their native language, so we didn't understand anything they were saying, though it still sounded lovely.
      • From a distance it does sound like a real crying baby and it has a chip inside so it monitors its surroundings.
      • But these contradictions make the film sound more lively and daring than it actually is.
      • You can track your book's progress around the world, and it all sounds very lovely and whimsical.
      • On the other hand, perhaps I am carefully picking my words so that I can make both Gaia and the animal kingdom sound as if they are alive.
      • Her name sounded so lovely, so sweet, as it was carried on the wind by his voice.
      • The Beethoven sonatas, recorded two years later in Munich, sound considerably better.
      • As bizarre as it might sound under this house there appeared to be an underground city.
      • As daunting as that may all sound, you'd be amazed at how little the areas can matter.
      • The woman on the airport intercom sounds lovely and understanding.
      • Is it me, or does the name of this blog sound very familiar?
      • Though it does sound like fun if I ever did have to.
      • This synopsis makes the film sound like a depressing cautionary tale but it isn't.
      • Production values are up to snuff; this DVD both looks and sounds good.
      • Here, virtuoso Jacques Zoon makes Mozart's music sound as fresh and warm as a doe sipping from a clear mountain spring.
      • The waves of pain blinded him, and made the noises of the day sound far away.
      • Even the house sparrow's song sounded harsh and sinister on the day.
      appear to be, appear, look, look to be, look like, seem, seem to be, have the air of being, have the appearance of being, create the impression of being, give the impression of being, strike someone as being, give every indication of being
      appear, look, seem

Phrasal Verbs

  • sound off

    • Express one's opinions in a loud or forceful manner.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our very opinionated panel sounds off on the day's major stories.
      • Our panel sounds off on the political news of the week.
      • He's sounding off about corporate scandals one moment, and his record collection the next.
      • The Chancellor is certainly more than capable of sounding off about him, and the relationship between the two is said to be worse than ever.
      • At the same time she can generally shake off any criticism levelled at her for occasionally speaking out loud or just plain sounding off.
      • But some dissidents were only interested in sounding off for the benefit of their constituents.
      • It is a quasi-governmental body, not just some obscure think-tank sounding off.
      • The opposition are sounding off, but I guess by now they are in the habit of moaning about anything the government does.
      • Is this just a personal pet peeve of yours, or are your constituents actually sounding off on the issue?
      • And it's all about how no-one takes any notice of him when he sounds off about crime and immigration.
      speak at length, talk at length, speak, talk, go on, hold forth


Middle English soun, from Anglo-Norman French soun (noun), suner (verb), from Latin sonus. The form with -d was established in the 16th century.


  • 1In good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased.


    they returned safe and sound


    he was not of sound mind


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Being of more sound mind, I went for the halibut with vegetables.
    • It is hard to dispute that Britain would be exchanging a sound fiscal regime for a far inferior model in the event of having to sign up to the stability pact.
    • A good result like this will, I'm sure, act as a sound platform for more strong challenges in the coming races.
    • They are amazed that people, otherwise of sound mind, are addicted to it.
    • He excels because of sound footwork, strong hands and an outstanding work ethic.
    • They feel that the books are to blame for unhinging his previously sound mind.
    • It is the only way they can maintain a sound mind in a life they dread.
    • If a person is a liar, he is usually of sound mind and lies intentionally for certain benefits.
    • We could tune in and tune out, reassured that our American values were safe and sound.
    • Both the mother and babies are in sound condition, said doctors of a local hospital said Tuesday.
    • So I think the most important thing to do is to get a good sound medical and psychiatric diagnosis.
    • Locke sighed in relief at knowing the girl was safe, sound and within his line of vision.
    • Most are children and, fortunately, most turn up safe and sound within a few days.
    • Firstly, the individual must be of sound mind and be able to make a rational, easily understood decision.
    • A second medical opinion is required, and the patient must be of sound mind.
    • Mr Welch said that the pumps appeared to be in sound condition.
    • The true, strong and sound mind is the mind that can embrace equally great things and small.
    • Agriculture is the substructure for a sound food security, essential to economic development.
    • Baikie is now of the mind that his face doesn't seem to fit when it comes to senior sides entrusting their players to a coach with sound credentials.
    • Packaging is needed to ensure that a product is delivered to customers in a sound condition.
    healthy, in good condition, toned, fit, physically fit, hale and hearty, in good shape, in fine fettle, in trim, disease-free, undamaged, uninjured, unimpaired
    well built, solid, well constructed, substantial, strong, sturdy, stout, durable, stable, intact, whole, undamaged, unimpaired
    1. 1.1 Financially secure.
      she could get her business on a sound footing for the first time


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus structured fiscal reforms are needed to put public finance back on a sound footing.
      • If your finances are in a sound state, then you will survive any storms ahead.
      • I believe the president should focus on putting Social Security on a sound footing.
      • We think Zambians just have to come up with a new work culture and work hard especially on the land to put their economy on a sound footing.
      • Last week the Laverton Trust Management Committee published a draft plan, which they say will put the hall on sound footing.
      • Mary Doherty in her treasurer's report gave some heartening news as there was a sound credit balance.
      • While the men agree that a carbon tax would be one financially sound way to fight global warming, they disagree about how high the tax should be.
      • They have all consistently demonstrated high clinical standards, good leadership and sound finances.
      • And so, with only a few hours on the machine, this one was viewed as a sound investment.
      • He stressed however, that the project needed to generate its own funds to remain on a sound financial footing.
      • This week he defended their record which had seen the club put on a sound financial footing.
      • It is hoped that the sponsored event will put the award scheme on a sound financial footing and help in a bid to secure official charitable status.
      • All small-scale soccer clubs run as much on sentiment than sound finance.
      • Investing in Forestry makes sound commercial sense and can be viewed as a hedge against inflation.
      • Waverley is on a sound financial footing, and that is how we want to keep it.
      • Our future standard of living depends on our ability to return to a sound currency.
      • Investments must be in financially sound firms with highly liquid shares.
      • I don't regret having it, because it made me happy, but it certainly wasn't a very sound investment in financial terms.
      • A successful economy and sound public finances are crucial for sustainable investment in public services.
      • The club is in a sound position financially but we do need two or three players.
      solvent, able to pay its debts, debt-free, not in debt, out of debt, in the black, in funds, in credit, creditworthy, of good financial standing, solid, secure
  • 2Based on reason, sense, or judgment.


    sound advice for healthy living


    the scientific content is sound


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Of course it took ages before the paper actually first hit the streets, but there are perhaps sound reasons for that.
    • They are a matter of faith and of national machismo, rather than being based on sound science or economics.
    • He will be unable to formulate sound policy in this area until he can see what he has done wrong.
    • Our simple submission is the majority in the Court of Appeal got it right for cogent and sound reasons.
    • For longer than most of us know, man has always buried what has died, either for sound health reasons or as an act of respect for the fallen.
    • Their influence has faded in the modern world, but the need for a sound base for moral judgments has not.
    • Her advice was freely given and was always based on common sense and sound reasoning.
    • These sound words of advice are being given to those who believe in Allah and the Last Day.
    • There are sound reasons for what the council suggests, as congestion and air quality are important issues.
    • I felt we were well-informed and the points we made were based on sound logic.
    • I think that the thrust of the piece is quite sound, and the piece is generally much worth reading.
    • Although this advice is based on a sound theory, there is no clinical evidence to support it.
    • They are based on sound research and real political alternatives.
    • But I at least try to think that there is a sound reason for making the design choices we do.
    • The Department of Health insisted its decision was based on sound evidence and was designed to shake up existing provision.
    • Havant in the main were using kicks to gain ground, which given the ground conditions, was a sound ploy.
    • It also states ‘such an outcome will only be the result of a sound justification on the primary criteria’.
    • It is a logically valid and empirically sound conclusion as our senses and mind are nowhere near perfect.
    • What is lacking is the will, the capacity to embrace change once the latter is based on a sound business plan.
    • He had taken the car for the very sound, very logical reason that he wanted it.
    well founded, well grounded, valid, reasonable, logical, solid, weighty, authoritative, convincing, cogent, plausible, credible, reliable
    1. 2.1 Competent, reliable, or holding acceptable views.
      he's a bit stuffy, but he's very sound on his law


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But what a hard lesson for the young Newbridge man who had played a very sound game up to this point.
      • Kathleen was a deeply spiritual person with a sound knowledge of theology and philosophy.
      • In short, I believe that a sound person should have the right to choose whether to live or die.
      • This social order is not only essential to the practice of every sound government: it has its origin in divine law.
      • He took good care of his land and his livestock and was a sound judge of animals.
      • Though limited by his size and skills, Hochstein is a sound technician with a great work ethic.
      • Bohn possesses one of the most fundamentally sound and fluid games in the world.
      • The author of Glanvill clearly had a sound grounding in Roman law, though the book makes it clear that English law is by no means the same.
      • You have to be fundamentally sound and have a great game plan for every game over here.
      • He's effective because he is technically sound and relentless when chasing the ball.
      • Curiously all the Lambeth residents I know think he's a sound bloke who has the right idea, and that's not just the smokers.
      • It now is commonly accepted that foreign players are more fundamentally sound than we are.
      • The best of them were sound judges of the quality, character and capability of their clients.
      • Steve was an absolute marvel to watch and a very sound bloke to listen to.
      • In this case I wouldn't say age really mattered because he's a sound guy and you can't help liking him.
      • A sound knowledge of the laws of tennis is a definite prerequisite for becoming a ball boy.
      • We had an intelligent team, a very fundamentally sound team that worked together.
      • Paul's reference to Lois was within the context of sound Christian Living.
      • The works are sound and competent, physically big and large in their sense of the personal too.
      • The men in suits praise him for his sound knowledge of the game and his eye for talent; all the while overlooking his shortcomings.
      reliable, dependable, trustworthy, fair
  • 3(of sleep) deep and undisturbed.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Then I could so easily close my eyes to all that is happening around me and my family, roll over and fall into a deep sound sleep.
    • Your dog will wake from a sound sleep and go to the door because he can tell you're wrapping up that phone call.
    • She often complains she is tired and just can't get a sound sleep like she used to when she first started out in her career.
    • The moment we got to the hotel we threw ourselves onto bed for a sound sleep.
    • The baby could enjoy a sound sleep because noise was muffled by the sound-proofed walls.
    • Somewhere during this juggling of sober thoughts Stephen dropped off to a sound sleep.
    • I had a sound sleep on the plane and now I'm awake, all rejuvenated to resume work again.
    • A cup of chamomile tea at night is said to induce sound natural sleep and calm an overactive brain.
    • His eyes closed gently, as if he was in a sound sleep, his long eyelashes clinging to one another.
    • Joshua stirred from his sound slumber, finding Bonnie just as close as he remembered.
    • Seven months ago, Joe awoke from a sound sleep with an awful pain in his big toe.
    • The effects are there for all to see: improved skin texture, vitality and sound sleep at night.
    • Anyway, I woke out of a sound sleep on Sunday morning with an extremely vivid dream.
    • Still in a fog after being awakened from a sound sleep, we suddenly were in the air.
    • A drop of lavender oil on your pillow will also help to promote sound natural sleep.
    • I trudged into the depression and fell into a sound sleep as Billie stayed on guard.
    • She was sitting bolt upright out of a sound sleep, clutching him around the neck.
    • An insistent pounding in her head woke her from a very sound sleep.
    • This is the programme for anyone who has ever bemoaned a total lack of sleep, or simply wished for a sound night's slumber.
    • The sound sleep that followed left me no time to repeat the enjoyment next morning before breakfast.
    deep, undisturbed, unbroken, uninterrupted, untroubled, peaceful
    1. 3.1 (of a person) tending to sleep deeply.
      I am a sound sleeper
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I knew it was loud and sounded awful, but at least my family members were sound sleepers.
      • An alarm clock to wake up any sound sleeper is available.
      • So if we take a look at the brain of an insomniac do we find anything different from the brain of a sound sleeper?
      • She forgot that he was such a sound sleeper and there was no way that a knock would wake him up.
      • I’ve always been a sound sleeper, but the condition is intensified by sleep deprivation.
  • 4Severe.


    such people should be given a sound thrashing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The first offenders were given a sound thrashing by the security guards.
    • A man finds out his son is using heroin and decides to go punish the dealer with a sound beating.
    • The Pistons clearly are a shaken team unaccustomed to taking two sound beatings in a series.
    • Kids from the local village quickly got into the swing and gave the Brunei lads a sound thrashing.
    • I told him to buy some aloe vera and not to talk to strange men unless he wanted a sound thrashing.
    • Cora clenched her jaw as she mentally made a note to hire some guards to give Arlan a sound beating.
    • He was the one who led the other squires in their jeering taunts that had resulted in Rheyce's own sound thrashing.
    • He countered with a sound wallop to the back that swept the other man off his horse as he turned.
    • Scotland, for instance, gave them a sound beating in the autumn when they came up here.
    • Should I charge ahead at the very real risk of a sound thrashing at the hands of her family?
    • When the Muslim boys heard him calling them names, all of them gave him a sound thrashing.
    • In the grand scheme of things, a sound thrashing on a rugby field is not the be all and end all of everything.
    • It is quite obvious that many of our youths today are deficient in proper values and sound discipline.
    thorough, proper, real, regular, complete, total, veritable, without reserve, unqualified, out-and-out, thoroughgoing, downright, absolute, drastic, severe
  • Soundly.


    he was sound asleep


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This evening I settled down happy as can be, turned on the TV, and within moments was sound asleep.
    • Every person in the village was sound asleep.
    • The very first night I was sound asleep and I woke to the sound of my dad laughing.


Middle English: from Old English gesund, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch gezond and German gesund.


  • 1with object Ascertain (the depth of water), typically by means of a line or pole or using sound echoes.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The first ship to sound at a greater depth than 5,000 fathoms was the British surveying vessel Penguin in 1895.
    • Then he bangs four more times, as if sounding the echoey depths of a hidden chamber.
    • Attempts to sound depth acoustically instead focused on determining the exact distance of a sound source by measuring the time taken for a sound generated aboard a ship to travel to the sea bottom and back.
    measure, gauge, determine, test, investigate, survey, take a reading of, plumb, fathom, probe
    1. 1.1Medicine Examine (a person's bladder or other internal cavity) with a long surgical probe.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Before sounding the uterus, the provider should already have screened the woman to rule out the possibility of vaginal or cervical infection.
      • After successfully sounding the uterus, open the sterile package to reveal the shaft of the inserter.
      • The blue flange should be aligned with the IUD arms and set at the distance the uterus was sounded.
  • 2with object Question (someone), typically in a cautious or discreet way, as to their opinions or feelings on a subject.


    we'll sound out our representatives first


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I wondered aloud whether he had only got me on the show to sound me out to discover whether I had the same interest in equine abuses as him.
    • But there are circumstances in which they do not have to go and people have been sounded out over Christmas.
    • All three wanted to sound Mitchell out about his thoughts on the leadership and the party generally.
    • He flirted with Madonna, who invited him up to her Manhattan penthouse and sounded him out about marriage.
    • In early October, Pete McGrath confirmed that Dublin had sounded him out yet Bailey denied all knowledge of this.
    • According to highly unreliable sources, Mr Clinton had been sounded out earlier on this proposal but had demurred due to his busy schedule of engagements.
    • London correspondent Kerry Capell sounded him out on what the future holds.
    • Andrew Motion has been sounded out, but has declared himself uninterested at present while he remains Poet Laureate.
    • ‘I haven't made any decisions, but people purporting to represent certain clubs have sounded me out,’ he said.
    • Even so there were rumours he might become governor of the BBC and he was sounded out to head up the proposed privatisation of the railways.
    • He was sounded out about taking on the captaincy of Yorkshire as well as Middlesex and the MCC but by then he had settled in Australia.
    • Sitting next to me was an older man who carefully began to sound me out.
    • They have been sounded but refused to step down from their respective offices.
    • The director had sounded me out about the project about a year before the film had got its backing.
    • Now Berwick is, thankfully, on the road to recovery, the Diary will approach the great man and sound him out.
    • Promotion rivals Leigh have already sounded him out, but the Reds are not prepared to see the big three-quarter slip through their net.
    • A witness in the case, is accused of holding back information and failing to tell investigators he was sounded out by a fellow referee to help influence a match.
    • She was merely sounding him out to see if he was interested in her.
    • Whatmore read about Yze's eventual tally of 10 in the newspapers and sounded him out about his commitment to cricket.
    • He'd been talking to Jen and said she'd been sounding him out about my feelings for her.
    canvass, test the opinions of, survey, poll, question, interview, sample
    1. 2.1 Inquire into (someone's opinions of feelings) in a cautious way.
      officials arrived to sound out public opinion at meetings in factories


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We held a public debate about it - to sound out the opinions and mood of the audience.
      • Her communications director has been sounding out Jewish support for the potential candidate.
      • Some of the likely candidates did a phone-around of colleagues yesterday to sound out likely support.
      • Sounding out the export market pays off for South Wales anti-noise specialist.
      • The management is sounding out options for the German retail bank and is not in a hurry to reach a decision.
      investigate, test, check, examine, probe, carry out an investigation of, conduct a survey of, research, research into, carry out research into, explore, look into, canvass, elicit
  • 3no object (especially of a whale) dive down steeply to a great depth.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They came within about 20 feet of the rail, then, sounding, dove.
    • Soon thereafter there will be the familiar flip of the tail as the whales "sound" or dive deep to the ocean's depths.
    • You may see a series of spouts just before the whale sounds.
  • A long surgical probe, typically with a curved, blunt end.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The lithotomy sound is a specialized metal probe to prove the presence of bladder stones.
    • A uterine sound is described having a probe with measuring indicia inscribed thereon.


Late Middle English: from Old French sonder, based on Latin sub- ‘below’ + unda ‘wave’.


  • 1A narrow stretch of water forming an inlet or connecting two wider areas of water such as two seas or a sea and a lake.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As I remember, there was a time that we started on Friday doing endless laps around the Sound.
    • They are common on the coast and in north Puget Sound, and are less common in the southern end of the sound.
    • Captains of foreign ships, and even those under U.S. registry, don't know the topography of the sound like an experienced local.
    channel, passage, sea passage, strait, straits, neck, narrows, waterway, stretch of water
    1. 1.1the Sound
      another name for Øresund


Middle English: from Old Norse sund ‘swimming, strait’; related to swim.





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