

单词 provincialism

Definition of provincialism in English:


noun prəˈvɪnʃ(ə)lɪz(ə)mprəˈvɪn(t)ʃəˌlɪzəm
mass noun
  • 1The way of life characteristic of the regions outside the capital city of a country, especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded.


    book-loving Belle was burning to escape the provincialism of her village
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Scout Finch was so caught up in small town provincialism that she regarded a Cunningham as socially inferior.
    • It is entirely possible that conservative policies will lead to more cultural regionalism and provincialism.
    • To her they figure as an escape from the provincialism of Bursley, but they are also a form of exile to which she consigns herself for having allowed her invalid father to die on her watch.
    • Although the Kentucky native is now a devoted Texan, Mills shuns provincialism in his work.
    • I think there is a real need to get away from all this regional provincialism - especially in a country where literature itself is so much at risk.
    everyday language, spoken language, colloquial speech, native speech, conversational language, common parlance, non-standard language, jargon, -speak, cant, slang, idiom, argot, patois, dialect
    1. 1.1 Narrow-mindedness, insularity, or lack of sophistication.
      the provincialism of modern novelists
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Every glimpse provided North American audiences into the lives, problems and thinking of peoples around the world, including their artistic circles, is a blow against provincialism and narrowness.
      • Each exhibit suggests that some of the provincialism that has characterized the Canadian art world in the past (and to which some of our critics still succumb) may someday be sloughed off.
      • Could the United States shake off its provincialism and develop a true civilization worthy of its European heritage?
      • It's the height of provincialism to assume that nations only act because they're pushed one way or another by America or Europe.
      • Mansbach always notes examples of provincialism, where artists just did not know what was happening outside the borders of their country.
      • Along with their brother Andrei, who wants to become a philosophy professor, they all dream of returning to cosmopolitan Moscow and escaping the mediocrity and provincialism of their lives.
      • Conservative reaction, like socialist internationalism, was distinctly un-English in its lack of provincialism.
      • As I got to know the art world, I was shocked by its provincialism.
      • An eschatological vision of the world may offer an alternative way out of the impasse of provincialism and confessionalism.
      • Like Bush, he is widely regarded as a philistine and intellectually limited man, whose pomposity and sense of self-importance are exceeded only by his provincialism.
      • Unlike in America, provincialism doesn't equate to lack of culture here.
      • We have to cut through all forms of provincialism, parochialism, and tribalism - this is the perennial struggle of being a progressive.
      • That type of narrow provincialism is exactly what I associate with those who advocate preserving the ‘sanctity’ of marriage.
      • The parochial provincialism of mindless Eurocentrism has distorted the history of civilization as originating in Greece while summing up India's contribution in a line or two.
      • I also want to make it clear that there is no room for provincialism, cliques or personal prejudices in the national side.
      • Aitken professes to be astounded by both the explanation and the corresponding public response, considering them examples of invincible American provincialism.
      • But given the partisanship and intense provincialism of the Czech Republic, any president who bucks the system and is as cosmopolitan as Havel would face difficulties.
      narrow-mindedness, blinkered approach, blinkered attitude, parochialism, localism, narrowness, small-mindedness, pettiness, short-sightedness, myopia, inflexibility, dogmatism, illiberality, intolerance, prejudice, bigotry, bias, partisanship, sectarianism, xenophobia, discrimination
  • 2Concern for one's own area or region at the expense of national or supranational unity.


    the President warned that focusing on relations with close neighbours would lead to political provincialism
  • 3count noun A word or phrase peculiar to a local area.


    if an idiom is a provincialism, it is likely to be found in a dialect dictionary
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In a disastrous miscalculation, the producers carefully put back all the lame, dated gags and Manhattan provincialisms that dotted the original production.
    wording, diction, phrasing, phraseology, style, vocabulary, terminology, expressions, turns of phrase, parlance, manner of speaking, manner of writing, way of talking, form of expression, mode of expression, usages, locutions, idiolect, choice of words, rhetoric, oratory
  • 4Ecology
    The degree to which plant or animal communities are restricted to particular areas.


    the lack of provincialism in Silurian fauna
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Because distinctive provincialism of belemnites prevailed until the Barremian-Aptian, other factors such as temperature may have also played an important role.
    • Strong uniformity in Permian ammonoid biostratigraphy and provincialism between Xinjiang and Pamir is suggested.
    • The pattern of Ashgill brachiopod provincialism can be traced back to the early Caradoc (Nemagraptus gracilis Biozone) during the major global sea level rise and marine transgression.
    • The absence of any European and North American genera of stricklandioids is a strong indication of pentameride provincialism in South China.
    • Early Permian lagenides do not exhibit marked provincialism, but there is evidence for paleolatitudinal control on assemblages.


  • provincialist

  • adjective & noun
    • In Bulgaria, Detchko Uzunov might be a provincialist or a parochialist, but he surely was not a regionalist.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's just that being patriotic seems too often to be the banner that's waved by provincialists.
      • I also argued that recognizing Quebec as a distinct society would give the provincialists the ammunition they need to achieve their ends of dismantling our federation.

Definition of provincialism in US English:


  • 1The way of life or mode of thought characteristic of the regions outside the capital city of a country, especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Scout Finch was so caught up in small town provincialism that she regarded a Cunningham as socially inferior.
    • It is entirely possible that conservative policies will lead to more cultural regionalism and provincialism.
    • To her they figure as an escape from the provincialism of Bursley, but they are also a form of exile to which she consigns herself for having allowed her invalid father to die on her watch.
    • Although the Kentucky native is now a devoted Texan, Mills shuns provincialism in his work.
    • I think there is a real need to get away from all this regional provincialism - especially in a country where literature itself is so much at risk.
    everyday language, spoken language, colloquial speech, native speech, conversational language, common parlance, non-standard language, jargon, -speak, cant, slang, idiom, argot, patois, dialect
    1. 1.1 Narrow-mindedness, insularity, or lack of sophistication.
      the provincialism of modern novelists
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Could the United States shake off its provincialism and develop a true civilization worthy of its European heritage?
      • An eschatological vision of the world may offer an alternative way out of the impasse of provincialism and confessionalism.
      • Like Bush, he is widely regarded as a philistine and intellectually limited man, whose pomposity and sense of self-importance are exceeded only by his provincialism.
      • Every glimpse provided North American audiences into the lives, problems and thinking of peoples around the world, including their artistic circles, is a blow against provincialism and narrowness.
      • But given the partisanship and intense provincialism of the Czech Republic, any president who bucks the system and is as cosmopolitan as Havel would face difficulties.
      • Mansbach always notes examples of provincialism, where artists just did not know what was happening outside the borders of their country.
      • Along with their brother Andrei, who wants to become a philosophy professor, they all dream of returning to cosmopolitan Moscow and escaping the mediocrity and provincialism of their lives.
      • Aitken professes to be astounded by both the explanation and the corresponding public response, considering them examples of invincible American provincialism.
      • Each exhibit suggests that some of the provincialism that has characterized the Canadian art world in the past (and to which some of our critics still succumb) may someday be sloughed off.
      • We have to cut through all forms of provincialism, parochialism, and tribalism - this is the perennial struggle of being a progressive.
      • As I got to know the art world, I was shocked by its provincialism.
      • I also want to make it clear that there is no room for provincialism, cliques or personal prejudices in the national side.
      • The parochial provincialism of mindless Eurocentrism has distorted the history of civilization as originating in Greece while summing up India's contribution in a line or two.
      • That type of narrow provincialism is exactly what I associate with those who advocate preserving the ‘sanctity’ of marriage.
      • Conservative reaction, like socialist internationalism, was distinctly un-English in its lack of provincialism.
      • It's the height of provincialism to assume that nations only act because they're pushed one way or another by America or Europe.
      • Unlike in America, provincialism doesn't equate to lack of culture here.
      narrow-mindedness, blinkered approach, blinkered attitude, parochialism, localism, narrowness, small-mindedness, pettiness, short-sightedness, myopia, inflexibility, dogmatism, illiberality, intolerance, prejudice, bigotry, bias, partisanship, sectarianism, xenophobia, discrimination
  • 2Concern for one's own area or region at the expense of national or supranational unity.


  • 3A word or phrase peculiar to a local area.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In a disastrous miscalculation, the producers carefully put back all the lame, dated gags and Manhattan provincialisms that dotted the original production.
    wording, diction, phrasing, phraseology, style, vocabulary, terminology, expressions, turns of phrase, parlance, manner of speaking, manner of writing, way of talking, form of expression, mode of expression, usages, locutions, idiolect, choice of words, rhetoric, oratory
  • 4Ecology
    The degree to which plant or animal communities are restricted to particular areas.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Early Permian lagenides do not exhibit marked provincialism, but there is evidence for paleolatitudinal control on assemblages.
    • The absence of any European and North American genera of stricklandioids is a strong indication of pentameride provincialism in South China.
    • Because distinctive provincialism of belemnites prevailed until the Barremian-Aptian, other factors such as temperature may have also played an important role.
    • Strong uniformity in Permian ammonoid biostratigraphy and provincialism between Xinjiang and Pamir is suggested.
    • The pattern of Ashgill brachiopod provincialism can be traced back to the early Caradoc (Nemagraptus gracilis Biozone) during the major global sea level rise and marine transgression.




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