As the film progresses, we discover that there are other types of war victims - the non-passive kind.
We specialise in making a song the best it can be on record, with our non-passive approach to music production.
As a listener, I suppose I look for the type of music and performance that allows me some opportunity to interact in a non-passive manner.
These books will assist adults and children in the quest for nonpassive, more savvy viewing habits.
If the government banned smoking, both passive and non-passive smokers would benefit.
In considering a nonpassive defense, the Army needs to take into account a number of Federal statutes.
In a non-passive medium like the web people are information-seeking, interactive users as opposed to passive viewers.
New forms of consumption have been created that have different characteristics; they are based on interaction and this means that they are dialectical, non-passive, and complex.
operative, working, functioning, functional, operating, operational, in action, in operation, in force, live