Today I disassembled a non-functioning VCR and harvested 63 small screws which will join the thousands of other small screws housed in little glass jars in my workshop.
Old, obsolete and non-functioning computer monitors and cell phones are but a few of the many items that constitute electronic waste.
We had a leak in one of the still non-functioning water-heaters.
In the late 1980s, the capital city of Malabo had two non-functioning movie theaters used for government events.
Asking the doctor to adjust the non-functioning spouse's treatment might be more satisfactory for both partners.
My cable TV was working fine, so I was puzzled as to why the cable modem for my internet would be non-functioning.
Rather than greeting Monday morning with my usual combination of bleary eyes, splitting headache, non-functioning brain and general reluctance towards the whole idea of being in work, today has so far found me feeling almost lively.
It also has a big scary hole in the living room ceiling, no grounded outlets and two non-functioning washing machines.
And entering a non-existent or non-functioning URL in the address bar will default to a Google search on that address.
A prosthesis is an artificial replacement for a missing or non-functioning body part.