

单词 fulsome

Definition of fulsome in English:


adjective ˈfʊls(ə)mˈfʊlsəm
  • 1Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree.


    the press are embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yet the adulation of the rich and famous is surely as fulsome as ever.
    • The comparisons are obvious - and Duffy is fulsome in his praise for the Stones - but there's an important difference: while the Stones continue to make new music, who's actually interested in hearing it?
    • Fundraising for the new organ, which came from Scotland, was organised by Rainsford and he was fulsome in his appreciation of all the generous donors.
    • Others just want praise: the more enthusiastic and fulsome, the better.
    • One of those two points, the narrow yet yawning gap that separated the teams at the end, was scored by centre-forward Brian O'Meara, and he too paid fulsome tribute to the valiant vanquished.
    • The audience on opening night with fulsome in their appreciation of yet another very fine production by Waterford Dramatic Society.
    • It would be reasonable for him to make a fulsome apology.
    • For all that, though, there is something rather strained and artificial about the fulsome praise of America that one gets from O'Keeffe and many other defenders of American liberal democracy.
    • Following a telephone discussion with US President Bush the same day, Clark was pleased to report his ‘very, very fulsome appreciation’ of her government's support.
    • If the compliment seems fulsome, it must be remembered that Meres has higher praise and more of it for Shakespeare's fellow Warwickshireman, Michael Drayton.
    • King's lack of fulsome appreciation for McQuesten's accomplishments indicates the tepid relationship between the two men.
    • The rhetoric wasn't new, but the response from the audience was unequivocal, with even the wavering Frank Fahey, and the chain smoking Martin Cullen, fulsome in their support.
    • From her, it seemed perfectly proper, and not even fulsome, just a nice compliment.
    • Critics in Britain appear to be having an ongoing contest to see who can offer this writer the most lavishly fulsome praise.
    • Even so, Keegan has been effusive and fulsome in his praise of Pearce's contribution both on and off the field.
    • But there can seldom have been more fulsome affair than the $275 a head extravaganza last week to celebrate John Howard's 30 years in parliament.
    • And in Congress politics, fulsome flattery and obsequious loyalty play a vital role.
    • Encouraged by success, he went to Rome, collected rich patrons, and with fulsome flattery won, but failed to keep, the favour of the tyrant Domitian.
    • Nor was Steve Cotterill fulsome in his support of the referee's actions, saying: ‘The referee has made a decision in the best interests of all the players and we can't really argue with that.’
    • The international adjudicating panel was impressed by students and external partners who were as one in their fulsome praise of the Institute.
    • If the fulsome apologies coming from the Labour leadership are for excessive force used upon an elderly man then apologies are right and proper.
    enthusiastic, ample, profuse, extensive, generous, liberal, lavish, glowing, gushing, gushy
    excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative
    fawning, ingratiating
    adulatory, laudatory, acclamatory, eulogistic, rapturous, flattering, complimentary, effusive, cloying, unctuous, saccharine, sugary, honeyed
    informal over the top, OTT, buttery
    formal encomiastic
  • 2Of large size or quantity; generous or abundant.


    the fulsome details of the later legend


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And, of course, the movie is loaded with details, from the fulsome costumes to the full-scale ships and even to the eventual CGI pirate-into-ghost-pirate transitions.
    • I was feeling exhausted, what with the 22 miler, the Rowing Crew Mardi Gras and the fulsome lunch that was now rattling in my stomach and telling my brain to let me lie down in the aisle somewhere near the dairy produce and have a good snooze.
    • He even edited for publication the lectures of his professor, one Isaac Barton, and accepted a fulsome paragraph of praise in the printed version, without disclosing to the author that the whole foundation of the work was mistaken.
    • There is simply no other source with such fulsome detail about the Guid Neighbours, although writings on the second sight are far more plentiful.
    • Their reach for notoriety predicated on that fulsome mediocrity of talent detailed above has become frozen in their faces.
    • The discussion is much enhanced by fulsome detail with respect to the politics of building a new program from the ground up and the particular problems of implementing a general mission statement.
    • After we had had a chance to have good and fulsome discussions on it, we came to mutual agreement that it would be appropriate for me to leave at this time.
    abundant, superabundant, plentiful, ample, profuse, full, extensive, considerable, substantial, generous, bumper, lavish, liberal, bountiful, overflowing, abounding, teeming


Although the earliest use of fulsome (first recorded in the 13th century) was ‘generous or abundant’, this meaning is now regarded by some people as wrong. The correct meaning today is held to be ‘excessively complimentary or flattering’. However, the word is still often used in its original sense of ‘abundant’, especially in sentences such as she was fulsome in her praise for the people who organized it, and this use can give rise to ambiguity: for one speaker, fulsome praise may be a genuine compliment, whereas for others it will be interpreted as an insult


  • fulsomely

  • adverb ˈfʊls(ə)mliˈfʊlsəmli
    • Johnston, who has had nothing to say about art of any kind since the early 1970s, most fulsomely exemplifies this ‘cronyist’ position.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One who essentially will bend to the unofficial bidding of his political masters and then contribute fulsomely to the perception that all is of his own doing.
      • He fulsomely praised the paper's coverage of the Scottish parliament, professing that he thought it provided the best service of all the British ‘national’ broadsheets to the institution.
      • He mumbled fulsomely as he shuffled his papers.
      • When Prince Charles arrived, Johnson rose from his pew and fulsomely welcomed him to Australia.
      • First, at the time of Hutton's selection and in the weeks leading up to the report's release, the BBC repeatedly and fulsomely praised him.
      • Please please please understand that if I cause any offence to anybody, at all, anywhere, I apologise fulsomely and unreservedly.
      • The answers were directly and fulsomely tendered.
      • The point of the UN - the wonderful idea you were praising so fulsomely but a second ago - is that it applies to everyone, big or small, and that powerful nations can be restrained from throwing their weight around.
      • If longevity is a cause for celebration then it was right and proper that her life should have been marked so fulsomely.
      • I strongly believe that it is through education that we can change the world for the better, a view so fulsomely echoed by the Regents Round Square scholars recently.
      • David Carter also spoke very fulsomely about them.
      • But it seemed that few of those praising critics were aware of the implications of what they were so fulsomely lauding.
      • He fulsomely praised Hong Kong police and law enforcement officials, but warned that everyone must be vigilant against terrorism.
      • But Guther's music veritably invites critical vitriol and disdain, given the ‘innocent’ aura it perpetuates so fulsomely without a single trace of irony.
      • Defoe and Sterne would have been overwhelmed with joy, though astounded, if they could have known that at the start of the twenty-first century their work would be praised so fulsomely in these new biographies.
      • Could it be because he'd already committed himself too squarely and fulsomely to keeping those funds off-limits (the promise Daniels has now said the administration will break)?
      • He could publicly and fulsomely endorse Bush and throw the Republican campaign into a deep strategic confusion.
      • Clark had taken this as a personal compliment, graciously accepted it and then fulsomely agreed with herself - ‘Thank you!’
      • She said: ‘I was very cross, but David is a very old friend of mine, he has apologised fulsomely and I think that's the end of the matter.’
  • fulsomeness

  • noun ˈfʊls(ə)mnəsˈfʊlsəmnəs
    • Aside from the fulsomeness of the introductory language, there does not seem to be much opportunity for comedy here.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But praise from friends of the Market reached new heights of fulsomeness.
      • The more you ration out the berries in each child's bowl, carefully divvy up the number of gifts they get, and tabulate the frequency and fulsomeness of the praise you pepper them with, the more you'll encourage your kids to measure your performance on a balance sheet - and to find errors.
      • The duplicate inscriptions on the N and S faces of the Arch of Constantine set the tone for this work of propaganda, in both their monumentality and their obsequious fulsomeness.
      • I think we have learned our lesson, to be sufficiently aware of the fulsomeness of life.
      • And he should show some of it now by resisting the urge to zap his hair into Warneyesque fulsomeness.
      • Well, there is little question about the fulsomeness of his courage, his patriotism, his heroism, his leadership, putting others first.


Middle English (in the sense 'abundant'): from full1 + -some1.

Definition of fulsome in US English:


  • 1Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree.


    they are almost embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Critics in Britain appear to be having an ongoing contest to see who can offer this writer the most lavishly fulsome praise.
    • Even so, Keegan has been effusive and fulsome in his praise of Pearce's contribution both on and off the field.
    • The international adjudicating panel was impressed by students and external partners who were as one in their fulsome praise of the Institute.
    • Others just want praise: the more enthusiastic and fulsome, the better.
    • If the compliment seems fulsome, it must be remembered that Meres has higher praise and more of it for Shakespeare's fellow Warwickshireman, Michael Drayton.
    • For all that, though, there is something rather strained and artificial about the fulsome praise of America that one gets from O'Keeffe and many other defenders of American liberal democracy.
    • King's lack of fulsome appreciation for McQuesten's accomplishments indicates the tepid relationship between the two men.
    • Following a telephone discussion with US President Bush the same day, Clark was pleased to report his ‘very, very fulsome appreciation’ of her government's support.
    • From her, it seemed perfectly proper, and not even fulsome, just a nice compliment.
    • Encouraged by success, he went to Rome, collected rich patrons, and with fulsome flattery won, but failed to keep, the favour of the tyrant Domitian.
    • But there can seldom have been more fulsome affair than the $275 a head extravaganza last week to celebrate John Howard's 30 years in parliament.
    • The rhetoric wasn't new, but the response from the audience was unequivocal, with even the wavering Frank Fahey, and the chain smoking Martin Cullen, fulsome in their support.
    • And in Congress politics, fulsome flattery and obsequious loyalty play a vital role.
    • Fundraising for the new organ, which came from Scotland, was organised by Rainsford and he was fulsome in his appreciation of all the generous donors.
    • The audience on opening night with fulsome in their appreciation of yet another very fine production by Waterford Dramatic Society.
    • One of those two points, the narrow yet yawning gap that separated the teams at the end, was scored by centre-forward Brian O'Meara, and he too paid fulsome tribute to the valiant vanquished.
    • Yet the adulation of the rich and famous is surely as fulsome as ever.
    • Nor was Steve Cotterill fulsome in his support of the referee's actions, saying: ‘The referee has made a decision in the best interests of all the players and we can't really argue with that.’
    • If the fulsome apologies coming from the Labour leadership are for excessive force used upon an elderly man then apologies are right and proper.
    • The comparisons are obvious - and Duffy is fulsome in his praise for the Stones - but there's an important difference: while the Stones continue to make new music, who's actually interested in hearing it?
    • It would be reasonable for him to make a fulsome apology.
    enthusiastic, ample, profuse, extensive, generous, liberal, lavish, glowing, gushing, gushy
  • 2Of large size or quantity; generous or abundant.


    a fulsome harvest
    Example sentencesExamples
    • And, of course, the movie is loaded with details, from the fulsome costumes to the full-scale ships and even to the eventual CGI pirate-into-ghost-pirate transitions.
    • Their reach for notoriety predicated on that fulsome mediocrity of talent detailed above has become frozen in their faces.
    • There is simply no other source with such fulsome detail about the Guid Neighbours, although writings on the second sight are far more plentiful.
    • After we had had a chance to have good and fulsome discussions on it, we came to mutual agreement that it would be appropriate for me to leave at this time.
    • I was feeling exhausted, what with the 22 miler, the Rowing Crew Mardi Gras and the fulsome lunch that was now rattling in my stomach and telling my brain to let me lie down in the aisle somewhere near the dairy produce and have a good snooze.
    • He even edited for publication the lectures of his professor, one Isaac Barton, and accepted a fulsome paragraph of praise in the printed version, without disclosing to the author that the whole foundation of the work was mistaken.
    • The discussion is much enhanced by fulsome detail with respect to the politics of building a new program from the ground up and the particular problems of implementing a general mission statement.
    abundant, superabundant, plentiful, ample, profuse, full, extensive, considerable, substantial, generous, bumper, lavish, liberal, bountiful, overflowing, abounding, teeming


Although the earliest use of fulsome (first recorded in the 13th century) was ‘generous or abundant,’ this meaning is now regarded by some people as wrong. The correct meaning today is held to be ‘excessively complimentary or flattering.’ However, the word is still often used in its original sense of ‘abundant,’ especially in sentences such as she was fulsome in her praise for the people who organized it, and this use can give rise to ambiguity: for one speaker, fulsome praise may be a genuine compliment, while for others it will be interpreted as an insult


Middle English (in the sense ‘abundant’): from full + -some.





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