

单词 slap


verbslaps, slapped, slapping slapslæp
  • 1with object Hit or strike with the palm of the hand or a flat object.


    my sister slapped my face


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I brought up my hand, either to punch her or to slap her, but she stepped back.
    • I drew near and he began to slap me in my face and ears with his sopping wet hands.
    • Aaron and Adam had begun slapping each other on the cheek with one hand while the other punched the other one in the arm.
    • When I visit Croatia, some of my friends, in conversation, keep touching my shoulder and my biceps, and if we sit down, they slap me on the knee.
    • After I'd almost recovered, he dragged me out of bed and began slapping me.
    • When she saw that they were most definitely not headed home, she began slapping him and making angry sounds.
    • Finally I began to gently slap him in the face in an attempt to wake him up.
    • Alexis turned back to Fred and began slapping him lightly on the cheek.
    • Julianna shouted, standing up and slapping her palms down flat on her desk.
    • Shane and Caith had begun to slap one another on the crown, as opposed to smoothing the other's hair.
    • Kaia yelled, then grabbed Kurono by the neck and began slapping him.
    • The boy smirked and reached out his palm, which was slapped extremely hard by the rest of his gang.
    • The women then began slapping Tahir and pushing him forward toward the police and security troops, who proceeded to capture him.
    • She shot me a fierce look as I began slapping her rapidly.
    • Without thinking, Colget leapt over the seat, bumping the steering wheel with his foot as he did so, and began slapping Gregor in the face.
    • Kameko jumped on top on Turk and began to slap him.
    • Dymphna's spine stiffened and she had to force herself not to strike out and slap him.
    • I hit her hard into the face causing her to jump on to me and begin slapping me, her hand had my hair and was slamming me into the ground.
    • A traffic cop pounced on them and, screaming abuses, began slapping one of the men, who could not even shield himself for fear that the cart would go out of control.
    • She claims she has been slapped, punched and called names on the way to school.
    hit, strike, smack, crack, clout, cuff, thump, punch, thwack, spank, rap, beat
    informal whack, wallop, biff, swipe, clip, bop, belt, bash, sock
    British informal slosh
    North American informal boff, slug, bust
    Australian/New Zealand informal dong, quilt
    archaic smite
    1. 1.1no object, with adverbial Hit against or into something with the sound of something being slapped.
      water slapped against the boat


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The trees bowed against the force of the wind, and leaves slapped against the outside of the window.
      • As she made her slow journey across the room, she heard the faint sound of bare flesh slapping against the stone tile.
      • My exposed feet slapped against the smooth steel floor as I moved across the platforms.
      • Sweat soon coated her forehead and slicked her arms as her skin slapped against the skin of strangers.
      • The wrapper flew off, carried by its momentum, and slapped against the wall ten feet to my right.
      • The tide slapped against the dock wall, and seagulls croaked as they bobbed on the waves, or flew above their heads.
      • Her shoes slapped against the cracked sidewalk over and over as she walked stiffly.
      • His hands slapped against the fur of her forearms, their low growls lost on the breeze.
      • This can be done using metal to sound like thunder, or meat slapped against a block to imitate a punch.
      • We stood there silently for a few minutes, only the sound of the waves gently slapping against the boat could be heard.
      • The sound of feet slapping against the pavement echoed around me, ringing in my ears.
      • He had heard something go bang in the night - followed by what seemed to be the sound of a metal spoon slapping onto pink flesh.
      • I like the feel of the sand between my toes, the warmth of the sun on my back, and the rhythmic sound of the ocean waves slapping against the shore.
      • The sound of fins slapping against the water can be just as terrifying as low-pitched violin notes.
      • The ripples silently hit the tub before crashing waves slapped against the metal sides.
      • You could hear the sounds of the water slapping as it rippled on the shore.
      • As I finally drifted off to sleep on my tiny bunk to the sound of waves slapping gently against the boat and the occasional mysterious creak, I wondered how I'd ever remember it all.
      • Her black sketcher school regulation shoes slapped against the pavement as she ran.
      • Vix hurried behind him, wincing at the sound of their boots slapping against the hard metallic floor, and hoped that she could keep up with him.
      • A few days later, William was snapped to attention by the sound of a magazine slapping on the coffee table in front of him.
    2. 1.2slap someone downinformal Reprimand someone forcefully.
      Uncle Max was always slapping me down for being big-headed
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are some people in the press who go too far, and it is fair enough to slap them down when they do.
      • Now, before anyone slaps me down for being ham-fisted, this could be taken either way.
      • If I were a dictator, I could just slap him down or retract the broadcasting licenses of the media on his payroll.
      • Things have gotten so bad for him, that any commoner with a medical professorship can slap him down.
      • She slaps me down for asking his name: ‘It wouldn't mean anything to you,’ she says firmly.
      • It's quite extraordinary that a cabinet minister with some authority said something and an un-elected adviser slapped him down.
      • A controversial councillor has been slapped down by his Labour colleagues over his proposal to change Bolton's name.
      • Why is it you've survived 25 years on this earth without the world slapping you down?
      • Never mind, I say cheerfully, I expect he will slap me down if I overstep the mark.
      • But if it takes the judge's advice and includes all calls, the FTC will be slapped down by the Supreme Court for violating the First Amendment rights of politicians and charities.
      reprimand, rebuke, reproach, scold, admonish, take to task
      squash, squelch, put down, put someone in their place, take down a peg or two, deflate
      informal tell off
      British informal tick off, have a go at
  • 2with object and adverbial Put or apply (something) somewhere quickly, carelessly, or forcefully.


    slap on a bit of make-up


    he slapped a copy of the paper on to her desk
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Megan quickly slapped her hand away from her mouth and gave her a reproving look.
    • Amanda's mother gasped, slapping her hand to her mouth, and quickly knelt down beside her.
    • Ignore toothpaste and other items of ‘oral care’, ignore medicines and tablets, and ignore things that you only slap on occasionally.
    • Hello, I've tried to understand what you're doing by slapping some example activities and technologies on a copy of your diagram.
    • Chris blinked, a bit of dry laughter seeping through his lips as he slapped a hand over his eyes.
    • I slapped my copy in the CD player as soon as I got home from the pub last night, and cranked up the volume.
    • I slap the tuna onto a cracker and pensively munch while examining the rest of the refrigerator.
    • He quickly slapped it away and yelled at her to get the hell out of there.
    • A group of little girls slap makeup on a friend and make her the bride in a make believe wedding.
    • As she claimed to perform massage, butter was slapped over all of my sunburnt skin.
    • ‘He slaps steak on to the grill, gulps from beer in one hand then attacks the meat with tongs in the other,’ he says.
    • So I will slap a bit around in the weekend, and we will see what everyone thinks.
    • What do you get when you take a standard computer case, slap on a nice paint job, and style the front a bit?
    • Aurora felt something rise within her throat and she slapped a hand over her mouth quickly.
    • He pulled a glob of scum from the bucket and slapped it across her mouth; it spread to cover the lower half of her face like a gag.
    • If all you plan to do is slap on a coat of bottom paint and get your boat back in the water, consider how an engine failure or need for a tow could cut into your summer fun.
    • The girl took her hand off my mouth and quickly slapped a strip of duct tape over it.
    • He had slapped a hard copy of his warrant on the clerk's desk as soon as he had entered.
    • Normally, I would just slap on some lipstick and put on the first article of clothing I saw.
    • It's not like a sports massage, where they really get the elbows and thumbs in; in a spa, they just slap on some oil and rub your skin.
    fling, throw, toss, sling, slam, bang
    informal bung, plonk
    daub, plaster, spread
    1. 2.1slap something oninformal Impose a fine or other penalty on.
      the government had slapped an embargo on imports


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Optical Council slapped its harshest sanction on its member and struck his name from the register.
      • The mum of a disabled boy today hit out at a parking warden who slapped a fine on their specially adapted car - because it overhung the bay.
      • Both were later freed after rebellion charges slapped against the two were dropped.
      • Councillors have slapped a tree preservation order on parts of the old Turner's site.
      • If we dare to not be as accountable as they demand they will slap heavy fines on us.
      • The Corporation is, in fact, contemplating of slapping fines on those who refuse to take up the rainwater harvesting.
      • The parking wardens have no problem and are very quick at slapping fines on people who park illegally around Portlaoise.
      • The get tough stance comes just a few weeks after parking attendants in the town were criticised for slapping fines on coaches picking up children from a Christmas pantomime.
      • School chiefs in Swindon have been told to slap fines on parents or even put them in jail if their children play truant from school.
      • Earlier this year Ottawa unveiled a draft law that proposed slapping fines on those possessing small amounts of the drug.
      • Now, all it takes is a watchful sanitation worker to slap a fine on the offender.
      impose, levy, put on, add
nounPlural slaps slapslæp
  • 1A blow with the palm of the hand or a flat object.


    he gave her a slap across her cheek


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Alyssa was hitting Jen's cheeks with light slaps and shaking her.
    • Kella continued, finally sitting down, exhausted after he gave her light slaps on both cheeks.
    • I marched up to her and gave her a stinging slap on the cheek.
    • I thought of the slap on my cheek from the previous day, and was not surprised when I found a bruise had developed there.
    • A sharp slap on his right cheek brought him back to reality.
    • He put enough of his wrist into it for a good slap with the flat of the blade, but it was only enough to leave a welt.
    • Delilah instinctively gives her mother a quick slap across the cheek.
    • He hit the steering wheel with an angry slap of his palm.
    • Tony's mother stepped forward and delivered a quick slap to his cheek.
    • The prosecution accepted it was a slap rather than a punch and that Mr Bennett, suffered no visible injury.
    • We shuffled around and tried to revive him with slaps to his cheeks, some of us using more vigor than others, until he finally got up.
    • It wasn't a hard slap for there was barely any sound from that slap.
    • It was said that what began with little slaps ended in torture and murder.
    • And when the two women finally trade physical blows, it descends into succession of slaps and upper cuts.
    • This was received with a giggle and a light slap on the cheek.
    • Yugi cried out as she received a slap on her cheek.
    • I put a hand up to his face, and he stepped backwards, obviously expecting a slap, but I stroked his cheek.
    • Hartnett said he was pushed by Laurence, and hit back in self-defence with a single slap with the palm of his hand.
    • Her struggling and shrieking was met with deafening, stinging slaps to her cheeks, rendering her even more determined to be released from his death grip.
    • His knocks on her door, once strong and quick, were now reduced to tired, dull slaps of his palm against the wood.
    smack, blow, thump, cuff, clout, punch, crack, thwack
    spank, rap, bang
    informal whack, wallop, clip, biff, swipe, bop, belt, bash, sock
    1. 1.1 A sound made or as if made by a slap.
      she heard the slap of water against the harbour wall


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They continued down the dark corridors, the only sound being the slap of their feet against the warm earth and their rough breathing.
      • A slap, like the crack of a whip, made me flinch as if Mum had slapped me instead of Dad.
      • Gloves were banned until the 1880s, so the slap of ball into palm is the norm.
      • Hand claps, body slaps, foot stomps, and the hollow sounds of the boxes being hit built into complex and satisfying rhythmic structures.
      • At night the only sounds you might hear are the slap of ripples against the piers and the white noise hum of surf on the distant reef.
      • She heard the slaps of feet and knew in an instant that it wasn't her rescuer.
      • The only sound was the slap of their bare feet on the cool marble floors, as they had left their footwear at the door.
      • I'm sure you could've heard the slaps all over the pavilion.
      • Then as I turned into the living quarters of his home, I heard the slap of water hitting the floor before my mind registered the sight before me.
      • He repeatedly raised and lowered the bat in to his open palm, and the slap of polished wood against flesh was far too loud to be real.
      • She could hear the slap of Laura's flip-flops and the swish of her jeans grow steadily louder.
      • The sound a piercing slap caused her to jump back, eyes scanning for the two brawling individuals.
      • A police inspector had heard shouting, slaps and yelps through an open window and found the injured dog in bloody sheets of newspaper inside the house.
      • A loud slap could be heard that seemed to echo across the trees.
      • The loud hiss of water and a loud slap of tile is heard as Aquila enters the shower, getting a shock from the heat of the water.
      • Emily heard a sharp gasp, then the sound of shuffling feet, then several thuds and slaps as the purists complied with the request, their paws meeting the cabinets.
      • In the distance he could hear the slap of sandaled feet, fading and hurried.
      • He slams the door behind him so you can't see what is going on, but you can hear screams and slaps echoing through the air.
      • The slap sounded throughout the room and Janice's cheek began to turn red, but she did not cry out.
      • The loudest sound you'll hear is the slap of waves against the steel hull.
  • 2informal mass noun Make-up, especially when applied thickly or carelessly.


    I put a bit of slap on my face and we were ready to go
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I'm not saying that Stephanie doesn't wear slap - it's just getting to be a motif.
    • So if you're a food faddy, get those heels on, put on a bit of slap and head out into the night for a little bit of singleton fun.
    • That's a shame, because her brand of industrial slap was really starting to grow on me.
    • But most of the female population likes to put on a bit of slap now and then for self-confidence and attracting men so for that alone it gives guys some peace.
    • He couldn't care less about the vast age gap between us - in fact he loves me unconditionally whether or not I've got any slap on and whether or not I'm dressed to the nines.
    • They almost have a uniform - high heels, tiny skirts and an inch of slap on their faces.
    • The singers, in blonde wigs and full slap, are often inaudible, and when they come off at the end they are bitterly disappointed.
    • And, if feeling a little more energetic, I could read the paper, open the morning's post or put on some last-minute slap.
    • From childhood war paint to a student's bare-faced chic, a bit of slap can always help you out in a crisis.
    • Now these remnants look far preferable to the forest green slap.
    • IT'S a little disconcerting to walk into a hotel room and find a quintet of young men all wearing slap which is far more expertly applied than your own.
adverb slapslæp
  • 1Suddenly and directly, especially with great force.


    storming out of her room, she went slap into Luke


    Example sentencesExamples
    • What happens when improving people's quality of life runs slap bang into environmental limits?
    • It takes us slap bang into the world of three very different young women as they explore their first forays into the world of physical love.
    1. 1.1 Exactly; right.
      the parador is slap bang in the middle of the Alhambra
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It lies eight miles in from the edge of the capital, slap under the final approach to Heathrow.
      • The only thing in favour of the Midland was that it was slap in the middle of town and a vastly more interesting building with rooms that were not meticulously square.
      • It appears the sticky-backed number which should have been attached to Luis' shorts came loose at the start, caught the wind and landed slap across his chops.
      • But Easter fell slap in the middle of the 10-month hurricane season.
      straight, right, directly, squarely, dead, plumb, point-blank
      exactly, precisely
      informal smack, bang, slap bang
      North American informal spang, smack dab


  • a slap in the face

    • An unexpected rejection or affront.


      his remarks are a slap in the face for the local community
      Example sentencesExamples
      • For every pat on the back there has been a slap in the face.
      • It was a slap in the face that Canada's indigenous people have not forgotten.
      • To use Memorial Day to make up for a snow day is a slap in the face to every person in Alexandria who has lost someone to the perils of war.
      • It would be an insult to Scottish women to allow him to fight here, and it is a slap in the face over all the campaigns against domestic violence against women.
      • Now they insult all the victims or off-spring with this slap in the face.
      • The loss of announcers and the lack of moves called is a slap in the face and an insult to wrestling.
      • It's a slap in the face to the victims and to the families of these people.
      • It's almost a slap in the face that because of this, I will potentially have to change my whole life.
      • That it was also a sacrilegious slap in the face to the Christian faith was little remarked upon.
      • A big World Cup would be a slap in the face for the doubters, not to mention providing a huge boost for the chances of the Wallabies.
      rebuff, rejection, snub, insult, affront, put-down, humiliation, a blow to one's pride
  • a slap on the back

    • Congratulations or commendations.


      they deserve a hearty slap on the back for their efforts


      Example sentencesExamples
      • (And please give our foreign editors a slap on the back here for success in acculturation).
      • Each and every one of them deserves a big slap on the back.
      • What's more, while an increase of 29% in operating cash flow deserves a hearty slap on the back, it's easier to report good quarters when the bar is lower.
      • Grandpa gave him a complimentary slap on the back.
      • Fox has done a nice job on this transfer and deserves a hearty slap on the back.
      • After getting congratulated with a slap on the back, he returns to his sister with a grin.
      • The Grammys are the annual slap on the back for the American music industry.
      • For a Cockney sparrow, Jim Howard has flown very far and high - and done it all with a laugh and a friendly slap on the back on the way.
      • What was meant to be a kick has become a slap on the back.
      • A high-five or a slap on the back can mean everything.
      congratulations, commendation, approbation, approval, accolades, encomiums, compliments, tributes, a pat on the back, praise, acclaim, acclamation, a round of applause
  • slap someone on the back

    • Congratulate someone.


      the group has been slapping itself on the back after its success
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But they give you a kick in the shins and then tell you that they're slapping you on the back.
      • Now, go slap Alex on the back in congratulations while I go look at this.
      • People congratulated him, shaking his hand, slapping him on the back.
      • When you are doing well there are always plenty of people around to slap you on the back but you can feel pretty lonely when you are sidelined and not involved in the action.
      • And slapping them on the back and handing them a Medicare ‘Gold Card’ may seal the deal for oldies and their aspirational offspring.
      • I simply will not tolerate this injustice on their behalf, yet do you see queues of harpies slapping me on the back and congratulating me?
      • But I recognized bodies around me, slapping me on the back and congratulating me as I made my way back to my seat at the back of the room.
      • And all of a sudden all these people from the past are reappearing, and slapping me on the back, and I can't work out if they're completely oblivious to the agony they are causing me.
      • Bruce, if you are reading this, I want to slap you on the back.
  • a slap on the wrist

    • A mild reprimand or punishment.


      the few perpetrators prosecuted only got a slap on the wrist
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You know, it's not a slap on the wrist, it's very, very strict supervision for the next ten years of his life.
      • Why do students think they can always break the law and be let off with just a reprimand or a slap on the wrist?
      • But critics suggest they constitute only a slap on the wrist.
      • Some people get a slap on the wrist; some people get fired.
      • Yet even at their most far-fetched offerings, the band's only elicited a mere chuckle and slap on the wrist from critics.
      • Hacking into computer networks was long seen as little more than a prank, and punishment was typically a slap on the wrist.
      • That was all, a slap on the wrist and a lecture, and he was off the hook, as he did so often to his students.
      • The reprimand is a slap on the wrist; nothing, no pain, nothing.
      • All you would get, apparently, would be a slap on the wrist, a telling-off but also praise for work well done.
      • But they believe in adequate punishment and their punishments are rarely as light as a slap on the wrist.
      reprimand, rebuke, reproof, scolding, admonition, admonishment, reproval


Late Middle English (as a verb): probably imitative. The noun dates from the mid 17th century.

  • When slap first came into English it was probably meant to imitate the sound of a blow with the palm of the hand. Slap and tickle, playful sexual activity, dates from the early 20th century. To create the sound of a blow in the theatre or circus, pantomime actors and clowns use a device consisting of two flexible pieces of wood joined together at one end. This is a slapstick, so called since the late 19th century. Since then it has also been the term for comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and embarrassing events. Slaphead is British slang for a bald man, recorded from the late 1980s. It could be a reference to a long-running routine of the comedian Benny Hill, in which Hill slapped his short, bald sidekick Jackie Wright repeatedly on the head. Another 1980s British slang term of uncertain origin is slapper, ‘an unattractive woman’. It may be from a woman ‘slapping on’ a large amount of make-up, or could be connected with Yiddish schlepper ‘scruffy person’. From this source comes to schlep. Originally meaning ‘to haul’, and first recorded in this sense in James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) ‘She trudges, schlepps, trains, drags…her load’, but now more often found in the sense ‘traipse, trudge’.


bap, cap, chap, clap, dap, entrap, enwrap, flap, frap, gap, giftwrap, hap, knap, lap, Lapp, map, nap, nappe, pap, rap, sap, schappe, scrap, snap, strap, tap, trap, wrap, yap, zap


adjective slapslæp
South African
  • 1Lacking strength, energy, or discipline; ineffectual.


    the book took her three years to write because she was very slap


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Training your muscles should ache, and the next morning you should feel like a slap stokvis.
    • They will even be able to captain the Province side and get rid of that slap lazy De Wet.
  • 2(of food) soft or runny.


    the chips were crisp outside and slap inside


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘Pap’, as it's affectionately known, can be served ‘slap’ (with a thin consistency).
    • Firstly, it was not the normal bacon eggs and slap toast.


Afrikaans, literally 'dangling, flabby'.


[with object]
  • 1Hit (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand or a flat object.


    my sister slapped my face


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Aaron and Adam had begun slapping each other on the cheek with one hand while the other punched the other one in the arm.
    • Finally I began to gently slap him in the face in an attempt to wake him up.
    • I hit her hard into the face causing her to jump on to me and begin slapping me, her hand had my hair and was slamming me into the ground.
    • The women then began slapping Tahir and pushing him forward toward the police and security troops, who proceeded to capture him.
    • Without thinking, Colget leapt over the seat, bumping the steering wheel with his foot as he did so, and began slapping Gregor in the face.
    • She claims she has been slapped, punched and called names on the way to school.
    • When she saw that they were most definitely not headed home, she began slapping him and making angry sounds.
    • Dymphna's spine stiffened and she had to force herself not to strike out and slap him.
    • I brought up my hand, either to punch her or to slap her, but she stepped back.
    • She shot me a fierce look as I began slapping her rapidly.
    • I drew near and he began to slap me in my face and ears with his sopping wet hands.
    • Kameko jumped on top on Turk and began to slap him.
    • Julianna shouted, standing up and slapping her palms down flat on her desk.
    • The boy smirked and reached out his palm, which was slapped extremely hard by the rest of his gang.
    • A traffic cop pounced on them and, screaming abuses, began slapping one of the men, who could not even shield himself for fear that the cart would go out of control.
    • When I visit Croatia, some of my friends, in conversation, keep touching my shoulder and my biceps, and if we sit down, they slap me on the knee.
    • After I'd almost recovered, he dragged me out of bed and began slapping me.
    • Shane and Caith had begun to slap one another on the crown, as opposed to smoothing the other's hair.
    • Alexis turned back to Fred and began slapping him lightly on the cheek.
    • Kaia yelled, then grabbed Kurono by the neck and began slapping him.
    hit, strike, smack, crack, clout, cuff, thump, punch, thwack, spank, rap, beat
    1. 1.1no object Hit against or into something with the sound of a slap.
      water slapped against the boat


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her black sketcher school regulation shoes slapped against the pavement as she ran.
      • The tide slapped against the dock wall, and seagulls croaked as they bobbed on the waves, or flew above their heads.
      • Vix hurried behind him, wincing at the sound of their boots slapping against the hard metallic floor, and hoped that she could keep up with him.
      • We stood there silently for a few minutes, only the sound of the waves gently slapping against the boat could be heard.
      • He had heard something go bang in the night - followed by what seemed to be the sound of a metal spoon slapping onto pink flesh.
      • As she made her slow journey across the room, she heard the faint sound of bare flesh slapping against the stone tile.
      • The sound of fins slapping against the water can be just as terrifying as low-pitched violin notes.
      • This can be done using metal to sound like thunder, or meat slapped against a block to imitate a punch.
      • The sound of feet slapping against the pavement echoed around me, ringing in my ears.
      • I like the feel of the sand between my toes, the warmth of the sun on my back, and the rhythmic sound of the ocean waves slapping against the shore.
      • You could hear the sounds of the water slapping as it rippled on the shore.
      • A few days later, William was snapped to attention by the sound of a magazine slapping on the coffee table in front of him.
      • As I finally drifted off to sleep on my tiny bunk to the sound of waves slapping gently against the boat and the occasional mysterious creak, I wondered how I'd ever remember it all.
      • The wrapper flew off, carried by its momentum, and slapped against the wall ten feet to my right.
      • The trees bowed against the force of the wind, and leaves slapped against the outside of the window.
      • Sweat soon coated her forehead and slicked her arms as her skin slapped against the skin of strangers.
      • His hands slapped against the fur of her forearms, their low growls lost on the breeze.
      • My exposed feet slapped against the smooth steel floor as I moved across the platforms.
      • Her shoes slapped against the cracked sidewalk over and over as she walked stiffly.
      • The ripples silently hit the tub before crashing waves slapped against the metal sides.
    2. 1.2slap someone downinformal Reprimand someone forcefully.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Never mind, I say cheerfully, I expect he will slap me down if I overstep the mark.
      • She slaps me down for asking his name: ‘It wouldn't mean anything to you,’ she says firmly.
      • It's quite extraordinary that a cabinet minister with some authority said something and an un-elected adviser slapped him down.
      • If I were a dictator, I could just slap him down or retract the broadcasting licenses of the media on his payroll.
      • Now, before anyone slaps me down for being ham-fisted, this could be taken either way.
      • Why is it you've survived 25 years on this earth without the world slapping you down?
      • A controversial councillor has been slapped down by his Labour colleagues over his proposal to change Bolton's name.
      • But if it takes the judge's advice and includes all calls, the FTC will be slapped down by the Supreme Court for violating the First Amendment rights of politicians and charities.
      • There are some people in the press who go too far, and it is fair enough to slap them down when they do.
      • Things have gotten so bad for him, that any commoner with a medical professorship can slap him down.
      reprimand, rebuke, reproach, scold, admonish, take to task
    3. 1.3 Put or apply (something) somewhere quickly, carelessly, or forcefully.
      slap on a bit of makeup


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He quickly slapped it away and yelled at her to get the hell out of there.
      • Chris blinked, a bit of dry laughter seeping through his lips as he slapped a hand over his eyes.
      • I slapped my copy in the CD player as soon as I got home from the pub last night, and cranked up the volume.
      • It's not like a sports massage, where they really get the elbows and thumbs in; in a spa, they just slap on some oil and rub your skin.
      • A group of little girls slap makeup on a friend and make her the bride in a make believe wedding.
      • Aurora felt something rise within her throat and she slapped a hand over her mouth quickly.
      • He pulled a glob of scum from the bucket and slapped it across her mouth; it spread to cover the lower half of her face like a gag.
      • The girl took her hand off my mouth and quickly slapped a strip of duct tape over it.
      • What do you get when you take a standard computer case, slap on a nice paint job, and style the front a bit?
      • Amanda's mother gasped, slapping her hand to her mouth, and quickly knelt down beside her.
      • Ignore toothpaste and other items of ‘oral care’, ignore medicines and tablets, and ignore things that you only slap on occasionally.
      • Normally, I would just slap on some lipstick and put on the first article of clothing I saw.
      • If all you plan to do is slap on a coat of bottom paint and get your boat back in the water, consider how an engine failure or need for a tow could cut into your summer fun.
      • He had slapped a hard copy of his warrant on the clerk's desk as soon as he had entered.
      • As she claimed to perform massage, butter was slapped over all of my sunburnt skin.
      • I slap the tuna onto a cracker and pensively munch while examining the rest of the refrigerator.
      • Megan quickly slapped her hand away from her mouth and gave her a reproving look.
      • ‘He slaps steak on to the grill, gulps from beer in one hand then attacks the meat with tongs in the other,’ he says.
      • Hello, I've tried to understand what you're doing by slapping some example activities and technologies on a copy of your diagram.
      • So I will slap a bit around in the weekend, and we will see what everyone thinks.
      fling, throw, toss, sling, slam, bang
      daub, plaster, spread
    4. 1.4slap something oninformal Impose a fine or other penalty on.
      the government had slapped an embargo on imports


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The parking wardens have no problem and are very quick at slapping fines on people who park illegally around Portlaoise.
      • The get tough stance comes just a few weeks after parking attendants in the town were criticised for slapping fines on coaches picking up children from a Christmas pantomime.
      • The mum of a disabled boy today hit out at a parking warden who slapped a fine on their specially adapted car - because it overhung the bay.
      • School chiefs in Swindon have been told to slap fines on parents or even put them in jail if their children play truant from school.
      • Both were later freed after rebellion charges slapped against the two were dropped.
      • Councillors have slapped a tree preservation order on parts of the old Turner's site.
      • The Corporation is, in fact, contemplating of slapping fines on those who refuse to take up the rainwater harvesting.
      • Now, all it takes is a watchful sanitation worker to slap a fine on the offender.
      • If we dare to not be as accountable as they demand they will slap heavy fines on us.
      • Earlier this year Ottawa unveiled a draft law that proposed slapping fines on those possessing small amounts of the drug.
      • The Optical Council slapped its harshest sanction on its member and struck his name from the register.
      impose, levy, put on, add
  • 1A blow with the palm of the hand or a flat object.


    he gave her a slap across her cheek


    Example sentencesExamples
    • His knocks on her door, once strong and quick, were now reduced to tired, dull slaps of his palm against the wood.
    • It wasn't a hard slap for there was barely any sound from that slap.
    • It was said that what began with little slaps ended in torture and murder.
    • I put a hand up to his face, and he stepped backwards, obviously expecting a slap, but I stroked his cheek.
    • A sharp slap on his right cheek brought him back to reality.
    • He hit the steering wheel with an angry slap of his palm.
    • And when the two women finally trade physical blows, it descends into succession of slaps and upper cuts.
    • He put enough of his wrist into it for a good slap with the flat of the blade, but it was only enough to leave a welt.
    • Hartnett said he was pushed by Laurence, and hit back in self-defence with a single slap with the palm of his hand.
    • Tony's mother stepped forward and delivered a quick slap to his cheek.
    • I marched up to her and gave her a stinging slap on the cheek.
    • The prosecution accepted it was a slap rather than a punch and that Mr Bennett, suffered no visible injury.
    • This was received with a giggle and a light slap on the cheek.
    • Kella continued, finally sitting down, exhausted after he gave her light slaps on both cheeks.
    • We shuffled around and tried to revive him with slaps to his cheeks, some of us using more vigor than others, until he finally got up.
    • Delilah instinctively gives her mother a quick slap across the cheek.
    • Alyssa was hitting Jen's cheeks with light slaps and shaking her.
    • Yugi cried out as she received a slap on her cheek.
    • I thought of the slap on my cheek from the previous day, and was not surprised when I found a bruise had developed there.
    • Her struggling and shrieking was met with deafening, stinging slaps to her cheeks, rendering her even more determined to be released from his death grip.
    smack, blow, thump, cuff, clout, punch, crack, thwack
    1. 1.1 A sound made or as if made by a slap.
      she heard the slap of water against the harbor wall


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the distance he could hear the slap of sandaled feet, fading and hurried.
      • She could hear the slap of Laura's flip-flops and the swish of her jeans grow steadily louder.
      • A police inspector had heard shouting, slaps and yelps through an open window and found the injured dog in bloody sheets of newspaper inside the house.
      • They continued down the dark corridors, the only sound being the slap of their feet against the warm earth and their rough breathing.
      • He repeatedly raised and lowered the bat in to his open palm, and the slap of polished wood against flesh was far too loud to be real.
      • Gloves were banned until the 1880s, so the slap of ball into palm is the norm.
      • The loud hiss of water and a loud slap of tile is heard as Aquila enters the shower, getting a shock from the heat of the water.
      • He slams the door behind him so you can't see what is going on, but you can hear screams and slaps echoing through the air.
      • The sound a piercing slap caused her to jump back, eyes scanning for the two brawling individuals.
      • She heard the slaps of feet and knew in an instant that it wasn't her rescuer.
      • Then as I turned into the living quarters of his home, I heard the slap of water hitting the floor before my mind registered the sight before me.
      • The slap sounded throughout the room and Janice's cheek began to turn red, but she did not cry out.
      • A loud slap could be heard that seemed to echo across the trees.
      • A slap, like the crack of a whip, made me flinch as if Mum had slapped me instead of Dad.
      • The only sound was the slap of their bare feet on the cool marble floors, as they had left their footwear at the door.
      • Emily heard a sharp gasp, then the sound of shuffling feet, then several thuds and slaps as the purists complied with the request, their paws meeting the cabinets.
      • I'm sure you could've heard the slaps all over the pavilion.
      • The loudest sound you'll hear is the slap of waves against the steel hull.
      • At night the only sounds you might hear are the slap of ripples against the piers and the white noise hum of surf on the distant reef.
      • Hand claps, body slaps, foot stomps, and the hollow sounds of the boxes being hit built into complex and satisfying rhythmic structures.
  • 1Suddenly and directly, especially with great force.


    storming out of her room, she ran slap into Luke


    Example sentencesExamples
    • What happens when improving people's quality of life runs slap bang into environmental limits?
    • It takes us slap bang into the world of three very different young women as they explore their first forays into the world of physical love.
    1. 1.1 Exactly; right.
      we passed slap through the middle of an enemy armored unit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It appears the sticky-backed number which should have been attached to Luis' shorts came loose at the start, caught the wind and landed slap across his chops.
      • It lies eight miles in from the edge of the capital, slap under the final approach to Heathrow.
      • But Easter fell slap in the middle of the 10-month hurricane season.
      • The only thing in favour of the Midland was that it was slap in the middle of town and a vastly more interesting building with rooms that were not meticulously square.
      straight, right, directly, squarely, dead, plumb, point-blank


  • slap on the back

    • Congratulations or commendations.


      they deserve a hearty slap on the back for their efforts


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For a Cockney sparrow, Jim Howard has flown very far and high - and done it all with a laugh and a friendly slap on the back on the way.
      • A high-five or a slap on the back can mean everything.
      • Fox has done a nice job on this transfer and deserves a hearty slap on the back.
      • What was meant to be a kick has become a slap on the back.
      • What's more, while an increase of 29% in operating cash flow deserves a hearty slap on the back, it's easier to report good quarters when the bar is lower.
      • (And please give our foreign editors a slap on the back here for success in acculturation).
      • Grandpa gave him a complimentary slap on the back.
      • The Grammys are the annual slap on the back for the American music industry.
      • Each and every one of them deserves a big slap on the back.
      • After getting congratulated with a slap on the back, he returns to his sister with a grin.
      congratulations, commendation, approbation, approval, accolades, encomiums, compliments, tributes, a pat on the back, praise, acclaim, acclamation, a round of applause
  • slap in the face

    • An unexpected rejection or affront.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • To use Memorial Day to make up for a snow day is a slap in the face to every person in Alexandria who has lost someone to the perils of war.
      • Now they insult all the victims or off-spring with this slap in the face.
      • A big World Cup would be a slap in the face for the doubters, not to mention providing a huge boost for the chances of the Wallabies.
      • It was a slap in the face that Canada's indigenous people have not forgotten.
      • It's almost a slap in the face that because of this, I will potentially have to change my whole life.
      • The loss of announcers and the lack of moves called is a slap in the face and an insult to wrestling.
      • It's a slap in the face to the victims and to the families of these people.
      • That it was also a sacrilegious slap in the face to the Christian faith was little remarked upon.
      • It would be an insult to Scottish women to allow him to fight here, and it is a slap in the face over all the campaigns against domestic violence against women.
      • For every pat on the back there has been a slap in the face.
      rebuff, rejection, snub, insult, affront, put-down, humiliation, a blow to one's pride
  • slap someone around

    • Beat or hit someone repeatedly.

      The teachers knew to watch out to make sure none of the other kids got slapped around
      The people responsible need to be slapped around a little and forced to correct things
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Just like a battered wife returning to her husband, we kept voting in the same bunch of bullies to slap us around a bit.
      • And Mr. district attorney there in Cobb County, you need to slap him around just a little bit.
      • Women are freely slapped around without any resistance.
      • He actually goes and starts slapping the kid around.
      • So we probably deserved to be slapped around a bit.
      • I don't beat my wife or slap my kid around.
      • He doesn't slap her around, he doesn't cheat on her.
      • It doesn't seem like they've been slapping him around to me.
      • Go ahead, slap me around a little.
      • Once confronted, Mitch flips out on Slim, slapping her around like she was a tossed salad.
  • slap someone on the back

    • Congratulate someone.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When you are doing well there are always plenty of people around to slap you on the back but you can feel pretty lonely when you are sidelined and not involved in the action.
      • And slapping them on the back and handing them a Medicare ‘Gold Card’ may seal the deal for oldies and their aspirational offspring.
      • Now, go slap Alex on the back in congratulations while I go look at this.
      • And all of a sudden all these people from the past are reappearing, and slapping me on the back, and I can't work out if they're completely oblivious to the agony they are causing me.
      • Bruce, if you are reading this, I want to slap you on the back.
      • I simply will not tolerate this injustice on their behalf, yet do you see queues of harpies slapping me on the back and congratulating me?
      • But they give you a kick in the shins and then tell you that they're slapping you on the back.
      • People congratulated him, shaking his hand, slapping him on the back.
      • But I recognized bodies around me, slapping me on the back and congratulating me as I made my way back to my seat at the back of the room.
  • slap on the wrist

    • A mild reprimand or punishment.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But they believe in adequate punishment and their punishments are rarely as light as a slap on the wrist.
      • Some people get a slap on the wrist; some people get fired.
      • Yet even at their most far-fetched offerings, the band's only elicited a mere chuckle and slap on the wrist from critics.
      • That was all, a slap on the wrist and a lecture, and he was off the hook, as he did so often to his students.
      • The reprimand is a slap on the wrist; nothing, no pain, nothing.
      • But critics suggest they constitute only a slap on the wrist.
      • You know, it's not a slap on the wrist, it's very, very strict supervision for the next ten years of his life.
      • Hacking into computer networks was long seen as little more than a prank, and punishment was typically a slap on the wrist.
      • Why do students think they can always break the law and be let off with just a reprimand or a slap on the wrist?
      • All you would get, apparently, would be a slap on the wrist, a telling-off but also praise for work well done.
      reprimand, rebuke, reproof, scolding, admonition, admonishment, reproval


Late Middle English (as a verb): probably imitative. The noun dates from the mid 17th century.


South African
  • 1Lacking strength, energy, or discipline; ineffectual.


    the book took her three years to write because she was very slap


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Training your muscles should ache, and the next morning you should feel like a slap stokvis.
    • They will even be able to captain the Province side and get rid of that slap lazy De Wet.
  • 2(of food) soft or runny.


    the chips were crisp outside and slap inside


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘Pap’, as it's affectionately known, can be served ‘slap’ (with a thin consistency).
    • Firstly, it was not the normal bacon eggs and slap toast.


Afrikaans, literally ‘dangling, flabby’.





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