Fifty percent of the population speaks Fon; other important languages include Yoruba, Aja, Mina, Goun, Bariba, Dendi, Ditamarri, Nateni, and Fulfulde.
I will continue to serve up regular (if arbitrary) slices of Fulfulde for your linguistic delight.
The language of the Fulani is known as Fulfulde.
However, the New Testament, the Jesus Film, and Christian broadcasts are available in their native Fulfulde language.
Other language families include only one or two languages; the most important of these is Fulfulde spoken by the cattle rearing Fulbe people.
Second, for Fulfulde there are some differences regionally - some conventions in Cameroon, from where the document you forwarded came, may not be the same elsewhere.
The other main languages are Azayr, Fulfulde, Mande-kan, and Wolof.
The approximately two hundred fifty local languages include Ewondo and Bulu, Duala, the Bamiléké languages, and Fulfulde.
To promote literacy among rural adults, alphabets have been created for the Malinke, Bamana, Fulfulde, Songhai, and Tuareg languages.
She has command of Twi and Ga, two principal languages in southern Ghana, and she studied Fulfulde in France in preparation for her eighteen months of fieldwork among Fulani immigrants.
All dialects of Fulfulde are mutually intelligible.
In the kitchen we speak a combination of broken Fulfulde and French.
It is estimated that more than 15 million people in these territories speak Fulfulde as their first language.