

单词 fuel

Definition of fuel in English:


nounPlural fuels fjuː(ə)lˈfju(ə)l
mass noun
  • 1Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.


    one aircraft ran out of fuel and had to ditch
    count noun buses powered by alternative fuels
    as modifier an engine with high fuel consumption
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, producing mostly just water vapor and carbon dioxide.
    • Adding liquid fuel could result in a flash fire.
    • If we burn a fossil fuel like coal, the tax is $15 per tonne.
    • As around half of Australia's primary energy is derived from coal, a better alternative could be the production of liquid fuels from coal using the South African Sasol processes.
    • They burn methanol fuel and need to get push started.
    • Burning fossil fuels is the main way humans add greenhouse gases to the environment.
    • With high diesel fuel prices, selling close to home is important.
    • The main imports are raw materials, petroleum-based fuels, and consumer goods.
    • However, the solid rocket fuel was only produced in Germany and the Nazis had banned its export.
    • Soot is a product of incomplete combustion, especially of diesel fuels, biofuels, coal and outdoor biomass burning.
    • The salt mine is one of more than 500 fleets using biodiesel fuel.
    • We can burn these fuels as power, for automobiles, aircraft, and so forth.
    • On September 5, truckers in France mounted nationwide blockades in protest against high diesel fuel prices.
    • What's more, Northwest didn't attribute the fare increase to rising fuel costs.
    • Almost all of the fuels used for transportation and the majority of the fuels used for heat and electricity come from petroleum products.
    • Biodiesel is a cleaner burning fuel that can be made from domestic renewable resources such as vegetable oil.
    • The afterburner flames had ignited the fuel being dumped.
    • In 50 years' time there will be very little in the way of fuels to heat, cool, light and power the homes of a rising population, in Australia and worldwide.
    • For US Airways, rising fuel costs essentially canceled out the airline's labor cuts.
    • They are also well versed in the characteristics of fuels available for home heating such as wood, gas and oil.
    power source, combustible, propellant
    petrol, diesel oil
    North American gasoline, gas
    firewood, wood, kindling, logs
    coal, coke, anthracite
    oil, paraffin, kerosene
    heat source
    1. 1.1
      short for nuclear fuel
      Example sentencesExamples
      • North Korea claims it already has the bomb - and is reprocessing spent fuel to make more.
      • Most fuel for nuclear reactors is made from enriched uranium oxide.
      • Currently China stores spent fuel in water tanks inside the plants.
      • The days of reprocessing spent fuel to produce plutonium and uranium for potential reuse are numbered.
      • Solutions would also need to be found for safely disposing of radioactive spent fuel.
      • If 20 tonnes of highly radioactive liquefied uranium and plutonium fuel had leaked out of a reprocessing system you'd think there might be a bit of a fuss wouldn't you?
      • Then it backtracked on part of that deal, fueling American suspicions that it was not simply developing fuel for nuclear reactors.
      • Roxby Downs uranium mine opened in 1998 and produces enough fuel to make 1400 nuclear weapons per year - from the by-products alone.
      • Spent fuel can be reprocessed and used for nuclear weapons.
      • Their spent fuel has become less radioactive with age, and therefore less dangerous to handle, but they still contain potent bomb-making material.
      • Depleted uranium is a by-product of the enrichment of uranium for the production of nuclear weapons and reactor fuel.
      • This would mean preventing Iranian enrichment of uranium or reprocessing of spent fuel to produce plutonium.
      • From spent fuel rods, new fuel is created using uranium more effectively and reducing atomic waste.
      • Work will focus on the techniques used to safely store weapons-grade material and spent radioactive fuel from nuclear reactors.
      • We now believe they have started reprocessing fuel at Yongbyon.
      • Several countries today separate plutonium and uranium from irradiated fuel for recycling.
      • Uranium enriched to low grades is used for fuel in nuclear reactors, but further enrichment makes it suitable for atomic bombs.
      • The research is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and focuses on developing nuclear fuels that are better at conducting heat than conventional fuels.
      • Such spent fuel could be reprocessed to produce plutonium for nuclear arms.
      • Iran says it needs to enrich uranium to produce fuel for its future nuclear power plants.
    2. 1.2 Food, drink, or drugs as a source of energy.
      any protein intake can also be used as fuel


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are light, a great source of essential carbohydrate fuel, and are low in fat despite the chocolate topping.
      • The other fuel - food - is desperately necessary to his health and his life.
      • I couldn't fancy anyone who saw lingering in a market as a waste of time, who viewed food as a source of fuel or status.
      • The heart normally uses fatty acid as its primary fuel source for energy.
      • It is not an ideal situation; the brain's preferred source of fuel is sugar.
      • Carbohydrates are your body's main fuel source and can be found in foods such as pasta, potatoes, bread, rice and cereals.
      • The latest science says the following six foods provide healthy fuel for burning fat and building muscle.
      • Food is not only fuel, but it can also have a powerful psychological effect.
      • Some kind of fuel is converted to energy which in turn allows me to move.
      • They should be your first choice as a fuel source for energy and growth.
      • Diet is the key to losing fat: Body fat is stored energy, a fuel source for the body, waiting to be used.
      • When we go on holiday together she is massively energetic, and then suddenly fades and requires food fuel.
      • Eating more low-GI foods will not only give you a steady source of fuel throughout the day, it will also help you eat less - and that can make up for a missed workout.
      • This sugar is vital to your health because it's your body's main source of fuel.
      nourishment, sustenance, nutriment, nutrition, food, fodder
    3. 1.3 A thing that sustains or inflames passion, argument, or other intense emotion.
      the remuneration packages will add fuel to the debate about top-level rewards


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But her birthplace has probably helped fuel her passion for things tropical.
      • Meanwhile, the controversial sales add fuel to a growing international debate over who owns stolen artifacts.
      • His comments are certain to add fuel to the already fiery debate between councils and the Government over urban planning in the region.
      • A lukewarm attitude of the government is sure to add fuel to the uneasiness of the people when the sales of imported American beef have been virtually suspended.
      • That passion is the emotional fuel driving the cognitive process.
      • The wider gap could add fuel to a long-term debate swirling around when modern human behavior, as opposed to modern human anatomy, emerged.
      • And this gives a lot of fuel to those arguments, and it's really heartbreaking.
      • And, even if it is not solely by Shakespeare, at least this production will add merry fuel to the debate.
      • Christian proselytizing is fuel for Muslim fundamentalists, but it is also a source of uneasiness between the pope and some of his more moderate and like-minded religious peers.
      • And it's likely to add fuel to the controversy about games and violence.
      • This clear flaunting of Islamic law by displaying pictures of scantily clad women will only add fuel to sentiments that the U.S. is trying to undermine Muslim culture in Iraq.
      • This rage is fuel for Islamic fundamentalism and terror.
      • It adds fuel to the debate about whether his home city of York should be celebrating the devastating plot.
      • What happened in Bali sickens me - and not only because of the appalling suffering and loss of life, but because of the way it added spurious fuel to the cause of the warmongers.
      • Hate, preached from street corners and rogue lecterns is fuel for the internal fires of dissatisfaction in receptive, conditioned brains.
      • They are experienced enough to know how timing and careful selection of language can add fuel to inflamed prejudices.
      • The links to the military and to the drug trade have been fuel for critics of a $1.6 billion anti-narcotics aid package that is being debated in Washington.
      • The latest record by the David Lowery-led Cracker adds fuel to the argument that Americans don't understand irony.
      • Although neither my friends nor myself ever owned one, these toy robots were fuel for the imagination.
      • Recent ruling adds new fuel to debate over cross-burning in public places
      encouragement, incentive, ammunition, incitement, stimulus
      provocation, goading
verbfuels, fuelled, fuelling, fueled, fueling fjuː(ə)lˈfju(ə)l
[with object]
  • 1Supply or power (an industrial plant, vehicle, or machine) with fuel.


    power stations fuelled by low-grade coal
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Price hikes would also be up to the state-run Chinese Petroleum Corporation, as it is the company that supplies oil and gas to fuel the power plants.
    • However, as the country started to industrialise itself, more and more coal was needed to fuel steam engines and furnaces.
    • Because the railway networks are straining to transport 400 million tonnes of coal to fuel electricity plants, many other goods are left behind.
    • We continue to rely on aircraft carriers and troops to assure adequate supplies of oil to fuel our cars and heat our homes.
    • This process is but one cog in the machine of war that obtains the resources that fuels the machine of war that obtains the recources.
    • This, of course, required a steam plant fueled by coal.
    • An onsite cogeneration plant fueled by chipped tree waste provides hot water and electricity for the whole complex and heat for work spaces.
    • The amount of electricity produced is much less than power plants fueled by coal or natural gas, but with very low operating costs, the solar project is expected quickly to turn a profit while emitting zero pollution.
    • Sixty years ago, American industrial and financial power fueled the rebuilding of a world capitalist order that had been shattered by depression and war.
    • Enriched uranium can be used to fuel power plants or to make weapons if highly enriched.
    • When England was the center of the Industrial Revolution, coal fueled the steam engines.
    • It's like fueling the engine of a race car with the same regular, unleaded gasoline you put into your lawn mower!
    • We believe it is critical for success that we address the underlying factors of risk to HIV, which fuel HIV transmission.
    • So, too, is the natural gas which will be ‘monetised’ to fuel the plant, among other factors of production.
    • Most US power plants are fueled by coal, fuel oil, and natural gas, the only fuels available in sufficient quantities to meet the demand.
    • Your electric could rise too, because 17 percent of power plants are fueled by natural gas.
    • Increased peasant purchasing power would then fuel the growth of industry as it responded to increased demand.
    • About the simplest way to fuel an engine was to call in a tank wagon from the local Shell distributor and have him fill the switcher on the crew's 20-minute lunch break.
    • Driving a car fueled by something other than gasoline or diesel fuel is no longer the stuff of science fiction.
    • And Cummins imports engines fueled by natural gas for mainland bus fleets.
    power, charge, fire, stoke up, supply with fuel
  • 2Cause (a fire) to burn more intensely.


    petrol may have been used to fuel the fire
    don't open a door or you could fuel the flames
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Despite their best efforts, station officer Joe Hassle said a lack of access to water and the straw fuelling the fire hampered the crews.
    • The fabric and wood fueled the flames while fire units worked to extinguish the blaze.
    • What you want to do is get down to lower weights on fuel so you're not carrying a lot of fuel, so if anything happened that the plane broke apart you wouldn't have a big fire fueled by a lot of fuel on board.
    • Our land typifies the condition of the vast forests of the American West, where increasingly crowded undergrowth has fueled the huge fires of recent years.
    • The fierce Santa Ana winds are fueling the flames, driving those fires about 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
    • Customers fueled the fire by trying to put out the flames with their drinks.
    • After several years of research, Bain is convinced that the on-board hydrogen certainly fueled the fire, but it played no role in starting it.
    • A drought in Portugal is helping to fuel huge fires now.
    • It fuels the amazing fire tornado, which pirouettes in a fiery red glow at ten-minute intervals.
    • Dry conditions and wind gusts of up to 40 miles per hour are fueling the fires.
    • Those hot and dry Santa Ana winds which have fueled this fire from the outset are not blowing today in the Los Angeles area.
    • Authorities say powerful Santa Ana winds are fueling the fires.
    1. 2.1 Sustain or inflame (an intense feeling)
      his resignation fuelled speculation of an imminent cabinet reshuffle


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Neither action will make us any safer, but fear fuels a futile desire to turn back time and freeze the world the way it was, or the way we thought it was, before the news hit.
      • The paintings seemed stirred by the same passions that fuel the Spanish love for bullfights.
      • His words inflamed, and helped fuel the violent unrest of the days to come, an ugly venting of accumulated African rage.
      • Add to this a few allegations of cover-ups and fear mongering and an absolute media frenzy that further fuelled the feeling of terror throughout US and the world.
      • Such feelings are fueled by the bounty that this land is blessed with - more than two thousand varieties of the mango in all conceivable combinations of shape, flavour, aroma, and texture.
      • He said the threats directed at the nurses appeared to have started with other hospital staff and he promised to investigate and get rid of anyone found to be fuelling negative feeling towards the nurses.
      • The last thing I want is for my resignation to fuel unrest at the club.
      • After that line has been crossed her own deeply buried shame fuels her resentments and fears and it seems there is no hope for her.
      • The attacks fueled a feeling of patriotism across the country.
      • Reading some of the hot stories fueled the feelings.
      • She kissed him with a passion fueled by her intense fear of being found out, and she felt him kissing her back.
      • The move has fuelled resentment and protests among ‘plains’ people who fear they will be disadvantaged in the new state.
      • While this reflects the fact that we all have God-given talents and will often desire to express and utilise them, the motivations fuelling passion can run deep and be complex.
      • We can all look around and find situations that fuel a certain feeling in our lives.
      • The pain only fueled my boiling rage at the fact.
      • Behind these successes is a background of unemployment, which can be used to fuel racist feelings.
      • This period of insecurity and pain has since fuelled his desire for rebellion.
      • Comments like these just fuel feelings of social isolation.
      • That statistic, though, will only fuel the feeling that a longer burst of Czech activity will be too much for Greece back in this stadium in the second semi-final on Thursday night.
      • Is liberty a price worth paying, for a security that will only fuel our feelings of insecurity?
      stimulate, boost, encourage, intensify, fortify, support, nurture
      incite, inflame, exacerbate, animate, vitalize, fan, feed, whip up
      provoke, goad


  • add fuel to the fire (or flames)

    • Cause a situation or conflict to become more intense.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is no denying that the mass media and pop song fans play a vital role in adding fuel to the flames.
      • I'm even afraid to respond to this, for fear that it adds fuel to the fire.
      • But there is another group that adds fuel to the fire, and that is predatory young men.
      • It adds fuel to the fire, and to the pain and hatred on the other side.
      • And yet some free traders have gotten on board with the desire to use protectionist means to boost prices and thereby add fuel to the fire of socialized medicine.
      • We are all in the game to promote football and talking down to a player is simply adding fuel to the flames and has to be stamped out.
      • Regardless, the behavior of these security guards only adds fuel to the fire of the far left, in that the more things like this happen, the more they can cry about police state tactics.
      • I think having this number of men held for this length of time without trial simply adds fuel to the fire in the Middle East.
      • It is very important therefore that emotions, particularly on the volatile land expropriation issue, be kept in check on all sides; and the President should show the way instead of adding fuel to the fire in this regard.
      • By any sensible logic, fighting terrorism with war is only counter-productive and in the long run only adds fuel to the fire.
      increase, magnify, amplify, augment, intensify, heighten, deepen, enhance, boost, inflate, escalate


Middle English: from Old French fouaille, based on Latin focus 'hearth' (in late Latin 'fire').

  • Fuel comes ultimately from Latin focus ‘hearth’ (see focus), so there has been a shift in meaning from where the fire was laid to what was being burned. Fuel poverty has recently been prominent but is found from the 1970s for the inability to afford adequate domestic heating, lighting, and power. See also fossil


accrual, construal, crewel, cruel, dual, duel, gruel, jewel, newel, renewal, reviewal

Definition of fuel in US English:


  • 1Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, producing mostly just water vapor and carbon dioxide.
    • The afterburner flames had ignited the fuel being dumped.
    • Burning fossil fuels is the main way humans add greenhouse gases to the environment.
    • What's more, Northwest didn't attribute the fare increase to rising fuel costs.
    • The salt mine is one of more than 500 fleets using biodiesel fuel.
    • For US Airways, rising fuel costs essentially canceled out the airline's labor cuts.
    • They burn methanol fuel and need to get push started.
    • On September 5, truckers in France mounted nationwide blockades in protest against high diesel fuel prices.
    • However, the solid rocket fuel was only produced in Germany and the Nazis had banned its export.
    • In 50 years' time there will be very little in the way of fuels to heat, cool, light and power the homes of a rising population, in Australia and worldwide.
    • Almost all of the fuels used for transportation and the majority of the fuels used for heat and electricity come from petroleum products.
    • We can burn these fuels as power, for automobiles, aircraft, and so forth.
    • Soot is a product of incomplete combustion, especially of diesel fuels, biofuels, coal and outdoor biomass burning.
    • They are also well versed in the characteristics of fuels available for home heating such as wood, gas and oil.
    • Biodiesel is a cleaner burning fuel that can be made from domestic renewable resources such as vegetable oil.
    • As around half of Australia's primary energy is derived from coal, a better alternative could be the production of liquid fuels from coal using the South African Sasol processes.
    • With high diesel fuel prices, selling close to home is important.
    • If we burn a fossil fuel like coal, the tax is $15 per tonne.
    • Adding liquid fuel could result in a flash fire.
    • The main imports are raw materials, petroleum-based fuels, and consumer goods.
    power source, heat source, combustible, propellant
    1. 1.1
      short for nuclear fuel
      Example sentencesExamples
      • From spent fuel rods, new fuel is created using uranium more effectively and reducing atomic waste.
      • North Korea claims it already has the bomb - and is reprocessing spent fuel to make more.
      • This would mean preventing Iranian enrichment of uranium or reprocessing of spent fuel to produce plutonium.
      • Roxby Downs uranium mine opened in 1998 and produces enough fuel to make 1400 nuclear weapons per year - from the by-products alone.
      • Work will focus on the techniques used to safely store weapons-grade material and spent radioactive fuel from nuclear reactors.
      • Most fuel for nuclear reactors is made from enriched uranium oxide.
      • Uranium enriched to low grades is used for fuel in nuclear reactors, but further enrichment makes it suitable for atomic bombs.
      • Currently China stores spent fuel in water tanks inside the plants.
      • We now believe they have started reprocessing fuel at Yongbyon.
      • Such spent fuel could be reprocessed to produce plutonium for nuclear arms.
      • Spent fuel can be reprocessed and used for nuclear weapons.
      • Several countries today separate plutonium and uranium from irradiated fuel for recycling.
      • Their spent fuel has become less radioactive with age, and therefore less dangerous to handle, but they still contain potent bomb-making material.
      • Then it backtracked on part of that deal, fueling American suspicions that it was not simply developing fuel for nuclear reactors.
      • Iran says it needs to enrich uranium to produce fuel for its future nuclear power plants.
      • The research is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and focuses on developing nuclear fuels that are better at conducting heat than conventional fuels.
      • Depleted uranium is a by-product of the enrichment of uranium for the production of nuclear weapons and reactor fuel.
      • If 20 tonnes of highly radioactive liquefied uranium and plutonium fuel had leaked out of a reprocessing system you'd think there might be a bit of a fuss wouldn't you?
      • The days of reprocessing spent fuel to produce plutonium and uranium for potential reuse are numbered.
      • Solutions would also need to be found for safely disposing of radioactive spent fuel.
    2. 1.2 Food, drink, or drugs as a source of energy.
      any protein intake can also be used as fuel


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They should be your first choice as a fuel source for energy and growth.
      • The other fuel - food - is desperately necessary to his health and his life.
      • It is not an ideal situation; the brain's preferred source of fuel is sugar.
      • The heart normally uses fatty acid as its primary fuel source for energy.
      • The latest science says the following six foods provide healthy fuel for burning fat and building muscle.
      • They are light, a great source of essential carbohydrate fuel, and are low in fat despite the chocolate topping.
      • Some kind of fuel is converted to energy which in turn allows me to move.
      • I couldn't fancy anyone who saw lingering in a market as a waste of time, who viewed food as a source of fuel or status.
      • Diet is the key to losing fat: Body fat is stored energy, a fuel source for the body, waiting to be used.
      • Food is not only fuel, but it can also have a powerful psychological effect.
      • This sugar is vital to your health because it's your body's main source of fuel.
      • Carbohydrates are your body's main fuel source and can be found in foods such as pasta, potatoes, bread, rice and cereals.
      • When we go on holiday together she is massively energetic, and then suddenly fades and requires food fuel.
      • Eating more low-GI foods will not only give you a steady source of fuel throughout the day, it will also help you eat less - and that can make up for a missed workout.
      nourishment, sustenance, nutriment, nutrition, food, fodder
    3. 1.3 A thing that sustains or inflames passion, argument, or other emotion or activity.
      the remuneration packages will add fuel to the debate about top-level rewards


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are experienced enough to know how timing and careful selection of language can add fuel to inflamed prejudices.
      • That passion is the emotional fuel driving the cognitive process.
      • This rage is fuel for Islamic fundamentalism and terror.
      • Hate, preached from street corners and rogue lecterns is fuel for the internal fires of dissatisfaction in receptive, conditioned brains.
      • Recent ruling adds new fuel to debate over cross-burning in public places
      • Meanwhile, the controversial sales add fuel to a growing international debate over who owns stolen artifacts.
      • And this gives a lot of fuel to those arguments, and it's really heartbreaking.
      • His comments are certain to add fuel to the already fiery debate between councils and the Government over urban planning in the region.
      • But her birthplace has probably helped fuel her passion for things tropical.
      • This clear flaunting of Islamic law by displaying pictures of scantily clad women will only add fuel to sentiments that the U.S. is trying to undermine Muslim culture in Iraq.
      • The links to the military and to the drug trade have been fuel for critics of a $1.6 billion anti-narcotics aid package that is being debated in Washington.
      • Christian proselytizing is fuel for Muslim fundamentalists, but it is also a source of uneasiness between the pope and some of his more moderate and like-minded religious peers.
      • What happened in Bali sickens me - and not only because of the appalling suffering and loss of life, but because of the way it added spurious fuel to the cause of the warmongers.
      • The wider gap could add fuel to a long-term debate swirling around when modern human behavior, as opposed to modern human anatomy, emerged.
      • And, even if it is not solely by Shakespeare, at least this production will add merry fuel to the debate.
      • Although neither my friends nor myself ever owned one, these toy robots were fuel for the imagination.
      • It adds fuel to the debate about whether his home city of York should be celebrating the devastating plot.
      • And it's likely to add fuel to the controversy about games and violence.
      • A lukewarm attitude of the government is sure to add fuel to the uneasiness of the people when the sales of imported American beef have been virtually suspended.
      • The latest record by the David Lowery-led Cracker adds fuel to the argument that Americans don't understand irony.
      power source, heat source, combustible, propellant
      encouragement, incentive, ammunition, incitement, stimulus
[with object]
  • 1Supply or power (an industrial plant, vehicle, or machine) with fuel.


    the plan includes a hydroelectric plant to fuel a paper factory


    figurative a big novel that is fueled by anger and revenge
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We believe it is critical for success that we address the underlying factors of risk to HIV, which fuel HIV transmission.
    • The amount of electricity produced is much less than power plants fueled by coal or natural gas, but with very low operating costs, the solar project is expected quickly to turn a profit while emitting zero pollution.
    • Sixty years ago, American industrial and financial power fueled the rebuilding of a world capitalist order that had been shattered by depression and war.
    • When England was the center of the Industrial Revolution, coal fueled the steam engines.
    • Enriched uranium can be used to fuel power plants or to make weapons if highly enriched.
    • This, of course, required a steam plant fueled by coal.
    • We continue to rely on aircraft carriers and troops to assure adequate supplies of oil to fuel our cars and heat our homes.
    • An onsite cogeneration plant fueled by chipped tree waste provides hot water and electricity for the whole complex and heat for work spaces.
    • Driving a car fueled by something other than gasoline or diesel fuel is no longer the stuff of science fiction.
    • Because the railway networks are straining to transport 400 million tonnes of coal to fuel electricity plants, many other goods are left behind.
    • Your electric could rise too, because 17 percent of power plants are fueled by natural gas.
    • This process is but one cog in the machine of war that obtains the resources that fuels the machine of war that obtains the recources.
    • And Cummins imports engines fueled by natural gas for mainland bus fleets.
    • However, as the country started to industrialise itself, more and more coal was needed to fuel steam engines and furnaces.
    • So, too, is the natural gas which will be ‘monetised’ to fuel the plant, among other factors of production.
    • About the simplest way to fuel an engine was to call in a tank wagon from the local Shell distributor and have him fill the switcher on the crew's 20-minute lunch break.
    • Price hikes would also be up to the state-run Chinese Petroleum Corporation, as it is the company that supplies oil and gas to fuel the power plants.
    • Increased peasant purchasing power would then fuel the growth of industry as it responded to increased demand.
    • Most US power plants are fueled by coal, fuel oil, and natural gas, the only fuels available in sufficient quantities to meet the demand.
    • It's like fueling the engine of a race car with the same regular, unleaded gasoline you put into your lawn mower!
    power, charge, fire, stoke up, supply with fuel
    1. 1.1fuel upno object (of a person) eat a meal.
      arrive straight from work and fuel up on the complimentary buffet
      Example sentencesExamples
      • So to start this trip, after fueling up with a pasta lunch in Italian-accented North Beach, my sister and I stroll along Columbus Avenue, popping into Molinari Delicatessen just to inhale the mingling scents of salami and garlic.
      • This is also the time to concentrate on optimal hydration and fuelling up with carbohydrates.
      • You should fuel up with a large high-carbohydrate dinner to fully stock the fuel tanks in your muscles for the next morning's exercise.
      • It may feel awkward or unnatural to miss a meal or not eat when everyone else does, but fueling up when your tank is already full only adds up to unwanted pounds.
      • Along the way, snack on foods like trail mix and cheese, and fuel up often.
      • For all its pretensions Subiaco has a village feel to it, and it's easy to while away a morning here inspecting the art galleries and fashion boutiques before fuelling up at a snazzy café.
      • The restaurant soon filled up with NYPD officers, who, apparently, were also fuelling up for a full day of protest.
      • A leg workout can and should take a lot of energy, so make sure you fuel up before the workout.
      • They open for breakfast a half-hour before the store opens, so you can fuel up before embarking on your shopping trip.
      • In fact, we think that stopping for lunch during an all-day hike or bike adventure shouldn't just be about fueling up for the second leg of the trip.
      • But there's to be said - flavor being one; cost another - for the old-school approach to fueling up.
      • At day's end, you'll fuel up on healthy, creative Southwestern cuisine using chilies, vegetables and sauces unique to New Mexico.
      • While Jerry guzzled coffee and ordered all the greasy meat on the menu, Tom fueled up on carbs with multigrain cereal and toast, and protein from eggs and dairy to replenish his power.
      • If you don't have time for a bowl of high-fiber cereal, grab a container of lowfat yogurt, slice of toast, piece of fruit or carton of milk so you can fuel up while heading to class.
      • My sister and I were driving home for break and dropped by Wendy's to fuel up.
      • To prevent this, I make sure I have snacks like fruit or meal-replacement bars with me so that whenever I have a few free minutes, I can fuel up.
      • There will be a pit stop at Foley's of Garryhill for about an hour and a half where participants can fuel up on soup and sandwiches.
      • When they get there, some birds may spend three weeks or more in Cuba, resting and fueling up for the rest of their journey.
      • So we stopped off at the local coffee shop to fuel up on caffeinated courage before heading out to a bar, where we closed the place down.
      • After waking, fuel up with a PB & J sandwich, yogurt and an apple.
  • 2Cause (a fire) to burn more intensely.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It fuels the amazing fire tornado, which pirouettes in a fiery red glow at ten-minute intervals.
    • After several years of research, Bain is convinced that the on-board hydrogen certainly fueled the fire, but it played no role in starting it.
    • The fierce Santa Ana winds are fueling the flames, driving those fires about 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
    • Dry conditions and wind gusts of up to 40 miles per hour are fueling the fires.
    • What you want to do is get down to lower weights on fuel so you're not carrying a lot of fuel, so if anything happened that the plane broke apart you wouldn't have a big fire fueled by a lot of fuel on board.
    • The fabric and wood fueled the flames while fire units worked to extinguish the blaze.
    • Authorities say powerful Santa Ana winds are fueling the fires.
    • Customers fueled the fire by trying to put out the flames with their drinks.
    • A drought in Portugal is helping to fuel huge fires now.
    • Our land typifies the condition of the vast forests of the American West, where increasingly crowded undergrowth has fueled the huge fires of recent years.
    • Despite their best efforts, station officer Joe Hassle said a lack of access to water and the straw fuelling the fire hampered the crews.
    • Those hot and dry Santa Ana winds which have fueled this fire from the outset are not blowing today in the Los Angeles area.
    1. 2.1 Sustain or inflame (a feeling or activity)
      his private pain fuels his passion as an actor
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Is liberty a price worth paying, for a security that will only fuel our feelings of insecurity?
      • After that line has been crossed her own deeply buried shame fuels her resentments and fears and it seems there is no hope for her.
      • His words inflamed, and helped fuel the violent unrest of the days to come, an ugly venting of accumulated African rage.
      • The move has fuelled resentment and protests among ‘plains’ people who fear they will be disadvantaged in the new state.
      • The attacks fueled a feeling of patriotism across the country.
      • Comments like these just fuel feelings of social isolation.
      • The paintings seemed stirred by the same passions that fuel the Spanish love for bullfights.
      • Add to this a few allegations of cover-ups and fear mongering and an absolute media frenzy that further fuelled the feeling of terror throughout US and the world.
      • This period of insecurity and pain has since fuelled his desire for rebellion.
      • Neither action will make us any safer, but fear fuels a futile desire to turn back time and freeze the world the way it was, or the way we thought it was, before the news hit.
      • He said the threats directed at the nurses appeared to have started with other hospital staff and he promised to investigate and get rid of anyone found to be fuelling negative feeling towards the nurses.
      • Reading some of the hot stories fueled the feelings.
      • She kissed him with a passion fueled by her intense fear of being found out, and she felt him kissing her back.
      • Behind these successes is a background of unemployment, which can be used to fuel racist feelings.
      • That statistic, though, will only fuel the feeling that a longer burst of Czech activity will be too much for Greece back in this stadium in the second semi-final on Thursday night.
      • Such feelings are fueled by the bounty that this land is blessed with - more than two thousand varieties of the mango in all conceivable combinations of shape, flavour, aroma, and texture.
      • We can all look around and find situations that fuel a certain feeling in our lives.
      • The pain only fueled my boiling rage at the fact.
      • The last thing I want is for my resignation to fuel unrest at the club.
      • While this reflects the fact that we all have God-given talents and will often desire to express and utilise them, the motivations fuelling passion can run deep and be complex.
      stimulate, boost, encourage, intensify, fortify, support, nurture


  • add fuel to the fire (or flames)

    • Cause a situation or conflict to become more intense.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Regardless, the behavior of these security guards only adds fuel to the fire of the far left, in that the more things like this happen, the more they can cry about police state tactics.
      • By any sensible logic, fighting terrorism with war is only counter-productive and in the long run only adds fuel to the fire.
      • It adds fuel to the fire, and to the pain and hatred on the other side.
      • There is no denying that the mass media and pop song fans play a vital role in adding fuel to the flames.
      • We are all in the game to promote football and talking down to a player is simply adding fuel to the flames and has to be stamped out.
      • But there is another group that adds fuel to the fire, and that is predatory young men.
      • It is very important therefore that emotions, particularly on the volatile land expropriation issue, be kept in check on all sides; and the President should show the way instead of adding fuel to the fire in this regard.
      • I think having this number of men held for this length of time without trial simply adds fuel to the fire in the Middle East.
      • And yet some free traders have gotten on board with the desire to use protectionist means to boost prices and thereby add fuel to the fire of socialized medicine.
      • I'm even afraid to respond to this, for fear that it adds fuel to the fire.
      increase, magnify, amplify, augment, intensify, heighten, deepen, enhance, boost, inflate, escalate


Middle English: from Old French fouaille, based on Latin focus ‘hearth’ (in late Latin ‘fire’).





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