

单词 sickly

Definition of sickly in English:


adjectivesickliest, sicklier ˈsɪkliˈsɪkli
  • 1Often ill; in poor health.


    she was a thin, sickly child


    Example sentencesExamples
    • His wife is frail and sickly, and he is often without work.
    • In history books, one can find descriptions of this Bulgarian king as ‘weak, sickly, meek and a poor statesman’.
    • A real man, I used to say, no matter how sickly or incapacitated, should pick up a case by its handle and carry it like a man.
    • A baby that appeared weak or sickly at birth, or had even a minor birth defect such a cleft pallet, hair lip, or cleft foot, or was in some other way imperfect was killed.
    • While there were leaves, they were sickly and frail and barely hanging on from their branches.
    • The predator weeds out the weak and the sickly (those incapable of participation).
    • As a tyke, little Bobby Jones was a frail, sickly kid, living under the auspices of protective parents, and a Puritanical grandfather.
    • I left thoroughly turned-off by the film's weak, sickly ending.
    • When I was a child, I was a weak, sickly little thing.
    • During the 19th century it had a reputation in Britain as a restorative food for invalids and sickly children, and was added to their diet in various forms.
    • He had always been more comfortable with women; as a young boy, he was sickly and weak and preferred to stay at home with his mother and sisters rather than play with the boys.
    • My true love returned a fortnight later, clearly shocked to see such a pale, weak and sickly frame propped up against a mountain of pillows.
    • Physically he gives Alexei a gentle, frail, almost sickly presence that naturally arouses women's protective instincts.
    • Rumoured to be sickly, deformed and incapable of producing heirs, Carlos was widely held to have only a few years to live.
    • Scrawny and pale, with a mop of scruffy black hair and watery grey eyes, he looked sickly and weak.
    • Colonel Brandon mentions wearing one, and Marianne takes this as a sign he is old and sickly, and incapable of being a lover.
    • The incessant screech grew in a massive crescendo of sound, and made Vincent's entire body feel sickly and weak.
    • ‘Remove these weak and sickly ones,’ he commanded of the soldiers that accompanied him.
    • King was a sickly child, once bedridden for a year, and at the age of four he one day returned home silently after playing with a friend and crawled into bed.
    • It was a tough birth, and I was a frail, sickly infant.
    unhealthy, in poor health, chronically ill, often ill, always ill
    delicate, frail, weak, feeble, puny
    1. 1.1 (of a person's complexion or expression) indicative of poor health.
      his usual sickly pallor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sun never made quite an effect on him, resulting in a sickly pale complexion, which was the basis of many a taunt.
      • This King, of course, was a sickly neurotic, whom every day brought nearer to complete mental disability.
      • Haru finally stated matter-of-factly; his face appearing childish from the sickly, sleepy expression he was wearing.
      • Her sun baked skin had deteriorated to a grey, sickly pallor and her eyes had lost its bright sparkle.
      • He was described as having ‘a sickly, pasty complexion’.
      • If there was anything to be salvaged from the situation, it might've been said to have been worth it for the sickly expression on Rupert's face.
      • Looking over, he saw a sickly, shocked expression on Jack's face.
      • He needed a shave, his complexion was pale and sickly and he looked drastically deprived of sleep.
      • She could have easily passed for a corpse, complete with a sickly pale complexion and dark circles under blood-shot eyes.
      • When I was a baby, my eyes were as black as my hair and I recall my brothers calling me sickly for my pale pallor, though I was never ill.
      • Not only that, but his formerly vibrant face was now marred by a sickly pallor and shadows under his eyes.
      • Her figure was thin from undernourishment and her complexion a morose sickly gray.
      pale, wan, pasty, colourless, sallow, pallid, white, waxen, ashen
      ashen-faced, anaemic, bloodless, peaky, peakish, languid, listless, washed out
      informal like death warmed up
      Scottish informal peely-wally
      rare etiolated, lymphatic
    2. 1.2literary (of a place or climate) causing or characterized by unhealthiness.
      a sickly vaporous swamp


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Variations in vineyard temperatures deliver flavours ranging from apples to tinned pineapple or, in extreme circumstances, to sickly shrivelled sultanas.
      • In the corner of his room a sickly yellow glow was permeating through his wall, passing though it and away.
      • Aaron went back to his sickly field and farmhouse.
      • So a bit of help from the sickly oil fields themselves is welcome.
      • Without them the place was sickly quiet, but Adam was too tired to do anything about it.
      • As his skin blackened, a sickly aroma exploded throughout the alley.
      • The yellow street lights caused the world to glow sickly as he moved through the downtown South District.
      • The only sort of eye to be found in Dunham's paintings puts in an appearance in Beautiful Dirt Valley: the disembodied eye of heaven hovering in a sickly sky.
  • 2(of a flavour, smell, colour, etc.) unpleasant in a way that induces discomfort or nausea.


    the walls were painted a sickly green


    she liked her coffee sweet and sickly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The sickly sweet smell is inescapable at local rock shows…
    • I've had a lot of anticlimactic hot chocolate drinks lately: they're all syrupy, sickly and goopy.
    • He feels like himself, but is trapped in a dog's body, describing in graphic detail the many pungent, metallic, meaty and sickly smells all around him.
    • Just round the corner we pass Camden Market, a hypermarket of henna and hemp, where the pavements are packed and there's a rather different sickly sweet smell in the air.
    • I entered the school and was met by the sweet, sickly smell of flowers and the dead.
    • Her pale face stood out against the warm, creamy colours of the pillows and sheets, some of the smaller bruises starting to turn the sickly colour of yellow and brown.
    • The atmosphere seemed stifling, the sweet, sickly smell in the air was unbearable.
    • It was soupy and gloopy, sickly and sour, and downright wonderful.
    • Bright white and blue flowers bloomed from them and smelled almost sickly sweet.
    • The walls were the same sickly colour, the smell was the same of dense human aromas, and my feelings of determination and acceptance were one and the same.
    • There was a sickly sweet smell that surrounded it.
    • There was a sickly sweet smell surrounding them.
    • His normally pale skin was a sickly green colour with a glistening sheen of sweat, his hair flopped lifelessly as the ship lurched from side to side, his eyes were drooping and he looked exhausted.
    • I enjoyed my creme brûlée, although the excess sugar was a bit sickly.
    • In this state they contain small amounts of a poisonous alkaloid, and have a sickly, unpleasant smell and taste.
    • When a bug has fed it emits a sickly sweet smell to attract hungry relatives: a giveaway sign of infestation.
    • Usually I hated the sickly smell of vanilla but today it was soothing.
    • Flora saw her chance, lunged, and ripped into Moonlights chest and pulled out her heart, which was glowing a sickly purple.
    • As I walked from work in the late winter Melbourne sunshine yesterday I smelled the sickly, sweet stench of death.
    bilious, nauseating, distasteful, unattractive
    lurid, garish, loud, violent
    1. 2.1 Excessively sentimental or mawkish.
      a sickly fable of delicate young lovers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Your Silent Nights and Joy to the Worlds manage to be special and festive without first being coated with a cubic kilometre of sickly sentimentality.
      • Describing an object, sentiment or situation which is cute in a sickly, laughable, boring, old, shudderingly childish and overly sweet way.
      • Those with an aversion to sickly sentiment should look away now.
      • Behind all its smug hypocrisy and sickly sentimentality are the sinister outlines of the class war.
      • The lyrics are so endearing, the sentiment so sickly sweet, that you can't help but sing along in faux earnest.
      • Hawley achieves the difficult task of walking the tightrope between sweet and sickly sweet, between sentiment and sentimentality.
      • When he asked the question, he shifted back to a patronising, sickly treacle-sweet voice.
      • ‘Bon,’ Mademoiselle Piera said from the table, flashing Ryan her best sickly saccharine smile.
      • I support you for the comments you made, and am glad you haven't retracted your views on the sickly sentimentality which is demeaning and undermining the true Britishness of our country.
      • It displays the essence of Chopin's music that surely Fokine desired and rescues it from the sickly sentiment and yards of tulle that Les Sylphides usually heralds.
      sentimental, over-sentimental, overemotional, mawkish, cloying, sugary, syrupy, saccharine, sickening, nauseating, maudlin, lachrymose, banal, trite
      British twee
      informal mushy, slushy, sloppy, schmaltzy, weepy, cutesy, lovey-dovey, gooey, drippy, sloshy, soupy, treacly, cheesy, corny, icky, sick-making, toe-curling
      British informal soppy
      North American informal cornball, sappy, hokey, three-hanky


  • sickliness

  • noun ˈsɪklɪnəsˈsɪklinəs
    • It was well worth venturing out in spite of my lingering sickliness.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • What is inherited is not the sickness but sickliness: the lack of strength to resist the danger of infections, etc., the broken resistance; morally speaking, resignation and meekness in face of the enemy.
      • Then, in 1858, when malaria in the valley and foothills reached epidemic proportions, Logan attributed the region's sickliness to the environmental changes associated with mining and farming.
      • But Chopin, too, fits certain pariah stereotypes: of effeminacy, sickliness, even degeneracy.
      • Loving my children seemed to solve any problem they had - even discovering Kyle had cystic fibrosis at the age of seven - this was the reason for his low weight and sickliness as a baby.


Late Middle English: probably suggested by Old Norse sjúkligr.



Definition of sickly in US English:


  • 1Often ill; in poor health.


    she was a thin, sickly child


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Colonel Brandon mentions wearing one, and Marianne takes this as a sign he is old and sickly, and incapable of being a lover.
    • My true love returned a fortnight later, clearly shocked to see such a pale, weak and sickly frame propped up against a mountain of pillows.
    • The predator weeds out the weak and the sickly (those incapable of participation).
    • A baby that appeared weak or sickly at birth, or had even a minor birth defect such a cleft pallet, hair lip, or cleft foot, or was in some other way imperfect was killed.
    • As a tyke, little Bobby Jones was a frail, sickly kid, living under the auspices of protective parents, and a Puritanical grandfather.
    • Physically he gives Alexei a gentle, frail, almost sickly presence that naturally arouses women's protective instincts.
    • It was a tough birth, and I was a frail, sickly infant.
    • A real man, I used to say, no matter how sickly or incapacitated, should pick up a case by its handle and carry it like a man.
    • King was a sickly child, once bedridden for a year, and at the age of four he one day returned home silently after playing with a friend and crawled into bed.
    • While there were leaves, they were sickly and frail and barely hanging on from their branches.
    • Scrawny and pale, with a mop of scruffy black hair and watery grey eyes, he looked sickly and weak.
    • I left thoroughly turned-off by the film's weak, sickly ending.
    • ‘Remove these weak and sickly ones,’ he commanded of the soldiers that accompanied him.
    • When I was a child, I was a weak, sickly little thing.
    • Rumoured to be sickly, deformed and incapable of producing heirs, Carlos was widely held to have only a few years to live.
    • In history books, one can find descriptions of this Bulgarian king as ‘weak, sickly, meek and a poor statesman’.
    • He had always been more comfortable with women; as a young boy, he was sickly and weak and preferred to stay at home with his mother and sisters rather than play with the boys.
    • During the 19th century it had a reputation in Britain as a restorative food for invalids and sickly children, and was added to their diet in various forms.
    • The incessant screech grew in a massive crescendo of sound, and made Vincent's entire body feel sickly and weak.
    • His wife is frail and sickly, and he is often without work.
    unhealthy, in poor health, chronically ill, often ill, always ill
    1. 1.1 (of a person's complexion or expression) indicative of poor health.
      his usual sickly pallor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her sun baked skin had deteriorated to a grey, sickly pallor and her eyes had lost its bright sparkle.
      • Haru finally stated matter-of-factly; his face appearing childish from the sickly, sleepy expression he was wearing.
      • He needed a shave, his complexion was pale and sickly and he looked drastically deprived of sleep.
      • When I was a baby, my eyes were as black as my hair and I recall my brothers calling me sickly for my pale pallor, though I was never ill.
      • He was described as having ‘a sickly, pasty complexion’.
      • Not only that, but his formerly vibrant face was now marred by a sickly pallor and shadows under his eyes.
      • The sun never made quite an effect on him, resulting in a sickly pale complexion, which was the basis of many a taunt.
      • Looking over, he saw a sickly, shocked expression on Jack's face.
      • If there was anything to be salvaged from the situation, it might've been said to have been worth it for the sickly expression on Rupert's face.
      • Her figure was thin from undernourishment and her complexion a morose sickly gray.
      • She could have easily passed for a corpse, complete with a sickly pale complexion and dark circles under blood-shot eyes.
      • This King, of course, was a sickly neurotic, whom every day brought nearer to complete mental disability.
      pale, wan, pasty, colourless, sallow, pallid, white, waxen, ashen
    2. 1.2literary (of a place, climate, or time) causing or characterized by unhealthiness.
      a deep sickly vaporous swamp


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The yellow street lights caused the world to glow sickly as he moved through the downtown South District.
      • As his skin blackened, a sickly aroma exploded throughout the alley.
      • The only sort of eye to be found in Dunham's paintings puts in an appearance in Beautiful Dirt Valley: the disembodied eye of heaven hovering in a sickly sky.
      • So a bit of help from the sickly oil fields themselves is welcome.
      • Variations in vineyard temperatures deliver flavours ranging from apples to tinned pineapple or, in extreme circumstances, to sickly shrivelled sultanas.
      • Without them the place was sickly quiet, but Adam was too tired to do anything about it.
      • In the corner of his room a sickly yellow glow was permeating through his wall, passing though it and away.
      • Aaron went back to his sickly field and farmhouse.
  • 2(of a flavor, smell, color, or light) so unpleasant as to induce discomfort or nausea.


    the walls were painted a sickly green


    she liked her coffee sweet and sickly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I've had a lot of anticlimactic hot chocolate drinks lately: they're all syrupy, sickly and goopy.
    • His normally pale skin was a sickly green colour with a glistening sheen of sweat, his hair flopped lifelessly as the ship lurched from side to side, his eyes were drooping and he looked exhausted.
    • Bright white and blue flowers bloomed from them and smelled almost sickly sweet.
    • When a bug has fed it emits a sickly sweet smell to attract hungry relatives: a giveaway sign of infestation.
    • As I walked from work in the late winter Melbourne sunshine yesterday I smelled the sickly, sweet stench of death.
    • There was a sickly sweet smell surrounding them.
    • I enjoyed my creme brûlée, although the excess sugar was a bit sickly.
    • Usually I hated the sickly smell of vanilla but today it was soothing.
    • In this state they contain small amounts of a poisonous alkaloid, and have a sickly, unpleasant smell and taste.
    • There was a sickly sweet smell that surrounded it.
    • Her pale face stood out against the warm, creamy colours of the pillows and sheets, some of the smaller bruises starting to turn the sickly colour of yellow and brown.
    • Just round the corner we pass Camden Market, a hypermarket of henna and hemp, where the pavements are packed and there's a rather different sickly sweet smell in the air.
    • It was soupy and gloopy, sickly and sour, and downright wonderful.
    • The atmosphere seemed stifling, the sweet, sickly smell in the air was unbearable.
    • The walls were the same sickly colour, the smell was the same of dense human aromas, and my feelings of determination and acceptance were one and the same.
    • Flora saw her chance, lunged, and ripped into Moonlights chest and pulled out her heart, which was glowing a sickly purple.
    • The sickly sweet smell is inescapable at local rock shows…
    • I entered the school and was met by the sweet, sickly smell of flowers and the dead.
    • He feels like himself, but is trapped in a dog's body, describing in graphic detail the many pungent, metallic, meaty and sickly smells all around him.
    bilious, nauseating, distasteful, unattractive
    1. 2.1 Excessively sentimental or mawkish.
      a sickly fable of delicate young lovers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It displays the essence of Chopin's music that surely Fokine desired and rescues it from the sickly sentiment and yards of tulle that Les Sylphides usually heralds.
      • Describing an object, sentiment or situation which is cute in a sickly, laughable, boring, old, shudderingly childish and overly sweet way.
      • Behind all its smug hypocrisy and sickly sentimentality are the sinister outlines of the class war.
      • Your Silent Nights and Joy to the Worlds manage to be special and festive without first being coated with a cubic kilometre of sickly sentimentality.
      • I support you for the comments you made, and am glad you haven't retracted your views on the sickly sentimentality which is demeaning and undermining the true Britishness of our country.
      • ‘Bon,’ Mademoiselle Piera said from the table, flashing Ryan her best sickly saccharine smile.
      • When he asked the question, he shifted back to a patronising, sickly treacle-sweet voice.
      • Those with an aversion to sickly sentiment should look away now.
      • The lyrics are so endearing, the sentiment so sickly sweet, that you can't help but sing along in faux earnest.
      • Hawley achieves the difficult task of walking the tightrope between sweet and sickly sweet, between sentiment and sentimentality.
      sentimental, over-sentimental, overemotional, mawkish, cloying, sugary, syrupy, saccharine, sickening, nauseating, maudlin, lachrymose, banal, trite


Late Middle English: probably suggested by Old Norse sjúkligr.





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