

单词 sick


adjective sɪksɪk
  • 1Affected by physical or mental illness.


    nursing very sick children


    half my staff were off sick


    visiting the sick and the elderly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • High rates of HIV infection have also contributed to the crisis, with many farmers too sick with AIDS to plant or tend their crops.
    • Speaking to the Evening Press, the woman, who comes from the Malton area, said the attack had left her feeling physically sick with worry as she has to walk the same route every day.
    • Masterson said he was suspended for two days without pay and with no prior notice after the company claimed he had inappropriately taken two days off sick.
    • Fifteen to twenty percent of the elderly who are sick with pneumococci die from this infection, so it is well worth preventing.
    • Krista's sick with strep-throat or something, so she didn't come to school today.
    • Several staff members were already off sick with the flu.
    • Olwen Jones sued Sandwell Council where she worked at a training centre until 1995 when she went off sick with anxiety and depression and never returned to work.
    • He went back to the hotel that night and 22nd February he then became very sick with difficulty breathing, and went to the hospital in Hong Kong.
    • He felt physically sick with anger and betrayal but he stayed cool.
    • The end results were anything but pleasant for Niko who spent a week after the incident in the hospital ward sick with fever and poison from snakes bite.
    • So far, the people who have gotten sick with this potentially lethal virus seem to have caught it from infected birds.
    • He is always calling in sick with medically astounding symptoms, or making up increasingly implausible excuses not to come in.
    • John was a dedicated family doctor who, I later learned, was too busy looking after the many people sick with influenza in his practice to look after his own health.
    • Every year, eight million people become sick with TB, 80 per cent of whom are in 22 high burden countries.
    • Seth is really sick with bronchitis, but its definitely not that.
    • When we tried to track him down we discovered that he had been off sick for four weeks, yet this was not known to the departments that relied on him for results, and no alternative arrangements had been put in place.
    • I recalled having a bit when sick with fever, for it was rumored to be medicinal; I nearly grew sicker because of it.
    • A city council which requires employees to call a nurse when they take time off sick said yesterday the approach was helping cut absenteeism.
    • What about those tales where the whole ship falls sick with some incurable disease?
    • Following his admission to the hospital, approximately 20 hospital staff became sick with similar symptoms.
    ill, unwell, poorly, ailing, indisposed, laid up, bad, out of sorts, not oneself
    British off, off colour
    informal under the weather, on the sick list
    Australian/New Zealand informal crook
    vulgar slang crappy
    1. 1.1 Relating to those who are ill.
      the company organized a sick fund for its workers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The funds raised will provide vital free veterinary treatment to the sick and injured pets of people in need.
      • The sick fund refused to reimburse in each case: In Kohll this was because it saw no basis for exceptional treatment abroad.
      • ‘The bargaining council is once again at risk of collapsing, which would mean no more provident or sick fund for workers,’ he said.
      • The workhouse was built within the current grounds of Daisy Hill in 1841 to provide accommodation for the poorly and sick in the area.
      • In the savage factory working conditions of the time, he introduced the novel concepts of steady wages, clean, humane conditions and a sick fund.
      • Meanwhile, the Guild will be holding it's annual door to door collection in the parish next month to help fund the sending of sick parishioners on the Pilgrimage.
      • The veterinary charity, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, wants people in Cumbria to take the Challenge of a Lifetime and help to raise funds to treat sick and injured pets.
      • The Ministry of Health provides for those who do not receive care from a sick fund.
      • She didn't fall for any of those phony ‘help-the-homeless’ funds that the sick hedonists kept trying to sell to dupes.
      • He says he did not benefit directly, as the money was channelled to a trust fund for a sick relative via a family trust fund.
    2. 1.2 (of an organization, system, or society) suffering from serious problems.
      the British economy remains sick


      Example sentencesExamples
      • How sick is the society which produces such levels of anger, frustration and destructive energy?
      • It seems to me that the problems of asylum seekers, the growing divide between rich and poor and the rise in litigation are all symptoms of a sick society.
      • We live in a really sad and sick society and obviously ~ no one cares.
      • We are transforming a once very sick society into a hopeful place.
      • The recent events are nothing but reflections of a sick society where rampant corruption, political vendetta and laxity in criminal justice are the order of the day.
      • The principle that the government can and should run a deficit to stimulate a sick economy was first propounded by John Maynard Keynes.
      • Her belief that capitalism is a sick system remained undiminished, and she believed a better world was desirable but wasn't sure it was achievable.
      • Laughter is the best medicine for a sick society.
      • The Associated Press has become a very sick organization.
      • It's a sick system, and many in the medical profession realise that it has to change.
      • What kind of sick society is it, in these refugee camps, that a mother could condone the suicide, at any age, of her son?
      • Our sick society and stupid economics are dragging the planet to the edge of apocalypse.
      • What sort of a sick society are we living in, where a rape victim has to cover her face?
      • Still, what can be wrong with applying classical music as an unguent to the sores of a sick society?
      • Whatever the continuing vitality to be found in the villages, the larger political and economic systems are sick.
      • Other Ministers own property abroad, and to give them these payouts on the grounds that they have ‘incurred debts’ is a sign of a very sick society.
      • You are a part of a sick system that hates innovations.
      • They say that a sick society cleanses itself this way.
      • You cannot design the crime and disorder out of our sick society.
      • Another resolution inviting all sick societies to remove their lodges from the public houses to the schools was also carried.
  • 2predicative Feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit.


    he was starting to feel sick


    Mark felt sick with fear


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She ran to her bathroom and vomited, relieving the sick sensation a bit, but not entirely.
    • Recalling his first trip in the air, Tu said he felt very sick and even vomited.
    • On the morning of October 17, 1999, Wei sent his wife to Renji Hospital, when Zhou became extremely sick and started vomiting.
    nauseous, nauseated, queasy, bilious, sick to one's stomach, green, green about the gills
    seasick, carsick, airsick, travel-sick, suffering from motion sickness, suffering from altitude sickness, suffering from radiation sickness
    informal about to throw up
    North American informal barfy
    rare qualmish
    1. 2.1attributive (of an emotion) so intense as to cause one to feel unwell or nauseous.
      he had a sick fear of returning


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now he knew better, though Taylor still felt the sick feeling of envy creep in him whenever he visited the Moretti household.
      • My past simply heightens my nausea, but doesn't create and sustain the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that rises throughout the day.
      • I hated the sick feeling that that gave me, and I was so so tired of doubting myself.
      • Do they derive some form of sick pleasure from seeing a stranger humiliate their child/friends on public television?
      • My father, who fought in the First World War, described fear as not so much a sick feeling as a heightening of the senses.
      • Yes, it would be part - my guess is that somebody - part of the whole kind of sick thrill.
      • Did it give you some kind of sick thrill to write about the little crime spree that you created?
      • The teacher walked in and the pride that I had felt a moment before suddenly turned into a feeling of pure sick terror.
      • I was interviewed for this programme, but I listened to it with mounting horror and a sick feeling in my stomach.
      • I don't want to enter the dark, broken-down rooms because I get this sick feeling in my gut.
      • I have witnessed institutional racism throughout my life, especially in places you would least expect it, and each time it happens I get a deep sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
      • Their lives are forfeit for the few hours of sick pleasure their agonies grant those who hunt them.
      • A scared face looked back at her, and a lonely and sick emotion filled the eyes of that face.
      • Anyone who has ever come home to the sick feeling of being broken into will know that this is a crime that can cause lasting upset and unease.
      • Decades later the pounding he took is still vivid enough for him to wonder what kind of sick pleasure his teacher took in seeing him nearly killed.
      • The sick feeling returned to him again and he knew it would be setting up shop for quite awhile now.
      • A sick thrill of excitement travelled through his body.
      • It's a funny / sick feeling that you get when you're invited to an ex-lover's wedding.
      • We've outlawed badger-baiters and dog-fighters for their sick pleasure in torturing animals, and we can only hope foxhunting will go the same way.
      • In fact, it is the hunters who tend to be violent as they become enraged at being denied the sick pleasure of killing wildlife and take out their aggression on the saboteurs.
    2. 2.2informal Disappointed, mortified, or miserable.
      he looked pretty sick at that, but he eventually agreed


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tell Luca the second he gets home that I am very worried and sick about this situation.
      • There must be individuals there who feel sick about Howard's cynical exploitation of the Australian peoples' ignorance about refuges and fears of invasion.
      • Why did my mom have to pretend that she wasn't worried sick about the fact that her daughter was thousands of miles away?
      • It was only then that I realized that him and Robbie were in the same boat together; both worried sick about us.
      • Like the mainstream in Britain and the US, Middle Australia is worried sick about declining values, the threat to national security and the future of their children.
      • It made you feel confused, fascinated, terrified and sick, but never passive or disappointed.
      • Barney is very timid and we are worried sick about him.
      • She just found out about her Dad, and I'm sure she's worried sick about you.
      • You must be worried sick about me by now, I'm sorry I wasn't able to write or call you earlier.
      • Well, we know that many of you are worried sick about the pets that you were forced to leave behind.
      • He is worried sick about her safety, since the disappearance of the Shadow Melters began.
      • Even when the flu symptoms subside, Minnis should feel sick about the money that slipped through his normally reliable hands.
      • Your grandmother is worried sick about you, and to tell you the truth it's been long since I've seen her worried about anyone but Jasmine and her siblings.
      • Ben Stiller has confessed he is worried sick about providing his daughter with a ‘normal life’.
      • But just doing the best we can and that the owners, of course, are sick about it.
      • To be honest, I feel so sick about the whole thing that even the memory of the try I scored does nothing to relieve the gloom.
      • He felt slightly sick about what he was about to do.
      • Some members of our association are worried sick about how they are going to survive.
      • There is something inherently sick about seeking to profit from deceit.
      • Now even he was beginning to feel sick about this.
      disappointed, miserable, depressed, dejected, despondent, downcast, disconsolate, unhappy, low-spirited, distressed
      angry, cross, enraged, annoyed, disgusted, displeased, disgruntled, fed up, grumpy
      British informal cheesed off
    3. 2.3archaic Pining or longing for someone or something.
      he was sick for a sight of her


  • 3sick ofIntensely annoyed with or bored by (someone or something) as a result of having had too much of them.


    I'm absolutely sick of your moods


    fed up with, bored with/by, tired of, weary of, jaded with/by, surfeited with/by, satiated with, glutted with/by
    (be sick of), have had enough of
    informal have had a basinful of, have had it up to here with
    have had something up to here
  • 4informal (especially of humour) having something unpleasant such as death or misfortune as its subject and dealing with it in an offensive way.


    this was someone's idea of a sick joke


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Laughing at his own sick humour, Suarez ascended to the second level of the house, more designed to live in than the level below.
    • The symbolic center of the film industry, Hollywood Boulevard has long been Los Angeles' secret, sick joke on hopeful tourists.
    • The ‘no patient services would be cut’ line is a sick joke.
    • The sick charm of Keller is that he really does seem like a normal everyday person.
    • It sounds same-old-same-old, but let me assure you that Mancini crams as much daft humour and sick jokes in as possible.
    • We're also unmistakably in David Cronenberg territory here, but without the sick humour that usually goes with it.
    • After every disaster or horrible murder there is a rush of sick jokes.
    • ‘Someone out there has a really sick sense of humour,’ I said mostly to myself.
    • For those with a sick sense of humour, say no more; this is your kind of movie.
    • This is one of the first tragic news events that has not been immediately followed by a round of sick jokes.
    • Humour dressed-up in combat fatigues: poor excuse for a sick joke?
    • The idea that the war has made the world a safer place is a sick joke.
    • Are you guys collaborating on any other sick jokes that we should know about?
    • Dominic and I share a sick sense of humour, what can I say?
    • The most promising lead turned out to be a sick joke when I found myself bleakly staring down at some bird food.
    • An election in which the names of the candidates in the various lists are still not known 18 days before the polls open is a sick joke, not an election.
    • Until the foreign armies leave the country, the idea that it has been liberated is little more than a sick joke.
    • A council worker is facing the threat of disciplinary action after being caught searching the internet for sick jokes about the Asian tsunami.
    • Whoever named this building had a sick sense of humour.
    • I'm essentially a decent enough guy, but I'll readily admit to possessing a bit of a sick sense of humour.
    macabre, black, ghoulish, morbid, perverted, gruesome, sadistic, cruel, offensive
    1. 4.1 (of a person) having abnormal or unnatural tendencies; perverted.
      he is a deeply sick man from whom society needs to be protected


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are sick and depraved and have convinced themselves they are right and the rest of us are wrong.
      • We think a serial killer is an intelligent, sick person who targets his victims carefully like Dr. Hannibal Lecter played by Anthony Hopkins.
      • Apparently, there were some bogus calls that were made in to try and - you know, for whatever reason, some sick people would do that.
      • But if you use that as an excuse to inflict pain on them, then you are sick and sadistic and motivated solely by bigotry.
      • These are very sick people to do this, and a message needs to go out.
      • There's too many sick people in the streets and not enough cops.
  • 5informal Excellent.


noun sɪksɪk
mass nounBritish informal
  • Vomit.


    she was busy wiping sick from the carpet
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I arrived downstairs find to both cats outside and a pile of sick in the middle of the sitting room carpet.
    • So, while I cleaned cat sick off the carpet Paul headed off home to finish putting his kitchen back together now that the painting is finished.
    • The group are taken on a tour of Wimbledon tennis centre where they are made to wear all white and are force fed strawberries until they vomit red sick.
verb sɪksɪk
[with object]sick something upBritish informal
  • Bring something up by vomiting.


    he was passing blood and sicking it up
    no object she sicked up all over the carpet


  • be sick

    • 1Be ill.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘Standard patients’ have some medical knowledge, enabling them to imitate real patients and allow medical students to diagnose them as if they really were sick.
      • Till late last night, as Hans and I chatted with her in exaggerated gestures and atrocious Portuguese, she was in fine spirits, though she knew her child was sick.
      • In his health passport they recorded all these diagnoses and on every occasion he was given only painkillers although he was sick, weak and losing weight quite rapidly.
      • The letter stated that Tommy was sick and was unable to testify.
      • at 8pm tonight Mary rang up and said that she couldn't go out because her mum was sick and she didn't want to leave her at home alone.
      • As most of them were sick, we stretched out to them and ensured that all of us were safe in one place.
      • Have you ever worried if the mutton or pork on your plate is from a healthy animal and not from one that was sick or one that was already dead before it was ‘slaughtered’?
      • Though always busy with his work, Michael never forgot to enquire for friends who were sick, lonely or fell on hard times.
      • He served the Forest department and provided Medicare to several animals, which were sick and dying.
      • Five workers in the office of Deputy Chief Minister, the second highest ranking official in the state, were being treated with antibiotics, and that none were sick.
    • 2Vomit.


      the baby was sick all over my silk shirt
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her condition meant she never learnt to swallow or suck as a baby and would be sick as soon as she was fed.
      • I started to keep a diary which held all my feelings and also held a record of when I felt the need to be sick and if I was sick.
      • She then turned and made for the door and then leaned out of it taking deep breaths feeling as if she were to be sick and throw up.
      • But I was sick and had to vomit several times, it would not stop.
      • He started being sick, early hours of Sunday morning and was sick a few times during the day complaining of abdominal pains.
      • The washer breaking down was the most annoying thing, happening just when the baby was sick and there was five times as much laundry to do.
      • Sometimes the child will whoop then be sick at the end of a bout of coughing.
      • After flying for half an hour or so, my friend in the front seat called me on the intercom and said he was sick, getting dicey and wanting to vomit.
      • Since he was six months old, he has often been sick and vomits.
      • Walk home one night after the taxi driver threw me out because he thought I was going to be sick.
      • He opened his mouth to announce that he was going to be sick, but the vomit rose through his throat before he could say the words.
      • If the person has been sick, then bring a sample of the vomit too - medical staff can analyse the vomit for important information.
      • He knew he was going to be sick, and took deep breaths to prevent himself from vomiting.
      • Remember to allow extra time in your schedule for last minute disasters such as your baby filling his nappy / being sick on your work clothes.
      • It seems his father was sick with vomiting yesterday.
      vomit, throw up, retch
  • get sick

    • 1Be ill.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My kids got sick because the city was incredibly polluted.
      • There was stress-induced frustration and extra guilt when the children got sick and the arguments started about whose turn it was to take the day off work.
      • The rats got sick in 1346 and half of the 20-million people died between 1346 and 1351.
      • My dad got sick very early, when I was a youngster, and I was very confused.
      • But eventually, people there got sick and died too.
      • Yes, squirrels, like humans, get sick and can be infected by a variety of parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
      • There are a lot of costs for the couple, who are already financially stretched with a mortgage, a car loan, and with Anita having had to give up her job as Craig got sick more often.
      • Is have a nice photo from before he got sick - it's how I like to remember him.
      • People buy health insurance because they don't know whether they will get sick.
      • I haven't been on the pill since mum got sick for the second time, so I've been self-regulating for coming up three years.
      • We've breakfasted on Smarties at 5.30 am, lunched on chips and Coke at IIam and then, starved for ‘real’ food, gone out to a nearby farm to pick cherries until we all got sick.
      • In other words, they got sick and died up to three years sooner than other HIV men surveyed over a 10-year period.
    • 2Vomit.


  • make someone sick

    • 1Cause someone to vomit or feel nauseous or unwell.


      sherry makes me sick and so do cigars
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It wasn't that he was afraid of blood, on the contrary, but too much blood, exposed organs, and raw flesh with that nauseous stench could already make him sick.
      • The smell made Eric sick, increasing the urge to vomit up his unfinished meal.
      1. 1.1Cause someone to feel intense annoyance or disgust.
        you're so damned self-righteous you make me sick!


        Example sentencesExamples
        • This is disgusting, makes me sick to my stomach.
        • She bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly, trying to chase away the memories and the sensations that made her sick with shame and disgust.
        • It was making her sick and disgusted just looking at them.
        • Some patients died during aversion therapy after choking on their own vomit when therapists utilised disgusting sexual imagery to make them sick.
  • — oneself sick

    • Do something to such an extent that one feels nauseous or unwell (often used for emphasis)


      she was worrying herself sick about Mike


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A mother or father who is already suffering an agonising death from cancer, worrying themselves sick about what will happen to their family, when there is no one left to bring home the bacon.
      • Don't tell me ladies that you don't know someone who's gone bankrupt in the last year or so - I know you do - and you worry yourself sick about them.
      • You must stop crying or you will make yourself sick.
      • Employees in many Montreal nail salons may be working themselves sick.
      • A disturbing 57% had indulged in binge eating, making themselves sick or cutting themselves.
      • Some women make themselves sick trying to be ‘ladylike’.
      • It's possible to make yourself sick, or at least slightly nauseous by overdoing it though.
      • It's a good thing you can't buy fabulous durians in Australia, or I'd be making myself sick on the weekends.
      • But it really worries me when I hear that young people are starving themselves sick to get thin.
      • ‘You're making yourself sick,’ he said sympathetically.
  • on the sick

    • informal Receiving sickness benefit.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After only a few weeks of that term the claimant came off on the sick again with depression and this time never returned.
      • It is almost as if they are making capital out of people being poorly - it is a tax on the sick.
      • You cannot sack someone if they are on a probationary period - they turn up for their job one day, then they go on the sick for up to a year, and you can't sack them.
      • Whatever the circumstances, you can't condone working while you are supposed to be off on the sick.
      • I'm on the sick with stress and my doctor has told me I must see a counsellor.
      • I have worked since I was 15, I haven't been on the sick in over 25 years and I've only had two weeks on the dole in my life.
      • Turns out he's been signed off on the sick with stress, and has toddled off to catch a bit of football and some rays somewhere pleasant.
      • He told me about 3 other patients of his who have this, 2 of them are working again (albeit only part time) after at least 2 years on the sick.
      • They're very sensitive souls and I think the particular family therapist that I met might well be off work on the sick with stress after meeting me.
      • Always seems to be on the sick from his main job, but happy to come out and have a look at your problem if he's well enough.
  • sick and tired of

    • informal Annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer.


      I am sick and tired of all the criticism


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am sick and tired of being told what might and what might not happen.
      • I am sick and tired of my four-year-old son coming into the house with soiled shoes and having to clean the mess off the carpets.
      • I got sick and tired of people arguing about which kind of bird was called what.
      • I am sick and tired of people telling me how noble this cause is.
      • My guess is that he's sick and tired of people trying to blame him for their own cruelty and stupidity.
      • We are sick and tired of the cry nothing can be done about it.
      • I'm sick and tired of people constantly chipping away at our most sacred institution.
      • People are flat out sick and tired of losing their jobs to cheaper foreign labor.
      • They are sick and tired of government officials who change their position every time there is trouble.
      • I for one am sick and tired of sensationalist reporting by all branches of the media to sell papers or boost ratings on TV.
  • (as) sick as a dog

    • informal Extremely ill.


      you were as sick as a dog when you ate those shrimps
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have been sick as a dog - still have the bronchitis going, but the worst part is an unbelievably sore throat - so bad that I literally cannot swallow, talk, etc.
      • I've spent the last week trying to do as little as possible, because I've been sick as a dog.
      • Back in the saddle again, after being sick as a dog all week.
      • What amazed me was he was sick as a dog, but if a school was coming the next day, he'd put on his suit and get out there.
      • At times, when I was lying on my hospital bed being pumped full of chemotherapy drugs that made me as sick as a dog and caused my hair to fall out, I used to close my eyes and dream I was somewhere else.
      • I did not write any more this week because I was sick as a dog.
      • Yeah well, I spent the next two days sick as a dog, and Nurse Hatchmore found our why.
      • That night, Zach was looking better, but still sick as a dog.
      • I arrived sick as a dog and played the first few games with a high fever, mowing everyone down with unnerving ease.
      • But as little as I like him, I don't think he'd have been willing to make himself sick as a dog just for a little personal drama.
  • (as) sick as a parrot

    • informal Extremely disappointed.


      if I was to break my leg tomorrow I'd be as sick as a parrot
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Dave, should have looked as sick as a parrot, but instead beamed a ghastly smile as he enthused about the prospect of Team GB entering a British Football Team into the 2012 Olympic Games.
      • I must admit when Wakerdine suffered his groin injury so soon after the transfer of Edmunds I was feeling as sick as a parrot, but then we've always had a strong reserve line-up so even then I was hoping for a result.
      • Computer users who fall for this trick will be feeling as sick as a parrot when their bank accounts are emptied and they find they have become the victim of identity fraudsters.
      • ‘The only thing that has made Ciarán sick as a parrot is Ireland's defeat against Spain in the World Cup,’ said Margaret.
      • It's a fair bet that the husband was sick as a parrot when he found out he had missed the first half of the season.
      • ‘I really am, as the old cliché goes, sick as a parrot because I really do think it was three points missed and at this stage of the season we need three points, nothing more, nothing less,’ he said.
  • sick to the teeth (or back teeth) of

    • Extremely annoyed about or tired of.

      I'm just sick to the back teeth of waiting
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I wish they'd leave me alone because, to be quite honest, I'm sick to the back teeth of them.
      • She is sick to the teeth, she says, with snails eating everything.
      • The actions of these youths are very intimidating and we're all sick to the teeth of it.
      • I love football and the games themselves were good, unfortunately I was sick to the back teeth of all the hype in the media.
      • People are sick to the teeth of what's going on, and spoke out.
      • We are all sick to the back teeth of vandalism in the town.
      • "I was sick to the teeth of office politics and knew that if I didn't make the break I never would," said Kay.
      • We're sick to the back teeth of your pious pontificating.
      dissatisfied, disgruntled, fed up, disaffected, discontent, malcontent, unhappy, aggrieved, displeased, resentful, envious
  • the sick man of —

    • A country that is politically or economically unsound, especially in comparison with its neighbours.


      the country had been the sick man of Europe for too long


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Britain remained the sick man of Europe, its output per worker growing by only 2.5 per cent per annum.
      • Many is the occasion that I have lauded the economy's transformation from the dire days of the 1970s, when Britain was the sick man of Europe.
      • Its rise from the sick man of Europe to the rich man in less than a generation is an amazing story, says Friedman.
      • Today, Europe again looks like the sick man of the global economy.
      • Indonesia remains the sick man of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
      • Sema is best left alone until it can demonstrate that it is no longer the sick man of the industry.
      • The Bulldogs on the other hand, now stand out as the sick man of the AFL.
      • For too long, Germany has faced the ignominy of being the sick man of Europe.
      • ‘For an emergent tiger economy, the Philippines is back once more to being the sick man of Asia,’ she said.
      • If we are not careful, Britain will again be the sick man of Europe, and the progress of the last 20 years will be lost.
  • sick to death of

    • informal Annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer.


      I am sick to death of being told that this is our fault
  • sick to one's stomach

    • 1Nauseous.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Drink too much - as little as two cups - and you may feel restless, nervous, unable to sleep, even sick to your stomach.
      • Radiation and chemotherapy can make you feel tired and sick to your stomach.
      • The pain is worse but I am no longer as sick to my stomach as I have been for the last several months.
      • Getting sick to your stomach and throwing up when nervous is your body's way of telling you that you are over-stressed.
      • Regular birth control pills make some women feel sick to their stomach.
      • I catch a glimpse of Lizzy through their living room window, and I get sick to my stomach.
      • My hands were wrapped around my stomach, for some reason I was sick to my stomach.
      • If you use IV medicines, you might feel sleepy or a little sick to your stomach.
      • That feeling in her stomach was back and she felt weak and sick to her stomach.
      • At what point does the rollercoaster ride stop being a thrill and simply make you sick to your stomach?
      1. 1.1Disgusted.
        I felt sick to my stomach reading that filth
        Example sentencesExamples
        • After reading that interview and never once seeing a pointed question, I am sick to my stomach.
        • This disgusted her and made her sick to her stomach.
        • I felt sick to my stomach, I was trembling with disgust.
        • Now I feel sick to my stomach and I can't seem to stop hating my friend.
        • All of a sudden, this devil masquerading as a human being had a face, and it made me sick to my stomach.
        • Maybe next year's renewal rates won't make you sick to your stomach.
        • So I look at those pictures, and I feel sick to my stomach.
        • This system is wrecking children's lives and it makes me sick to my stomach.
        • You know you might get a fever and maybe even feel sick to your stomach after that.
        • It was disgusting and I felt sick to my stomach but I heard a pair of voices coming from inside.


  • sickish

  • adjective
    • Because of ionization, the choking air filled with a sickish sweet ‘electric smell.’
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rising gradually to her feet, those sickish green eyes met the Captain's level, immediately locking on to those specks of electric blue.
      • My sore hands shake, a hot, sickish dread rises inside my chest.
      • The pain is so bad that I gag, a sickish feeling in my sinuses.
      • I have to now face the fact that I, who am rarely sick, have been sickish for a week now, mostly with coughing phlegmy runny nose-and-eyes ick.


Old English sēoc 'affected by illness', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziek and German siech.

  • The Old English word sick was the usual way of referring to someone physically unwell before ill arrived in the Middle Ages, and is still normal use in the USA. A variety of animals have cropped up over the centuries in phrases emphasizing how ill someone is feeling. The first was the dog, back in the early 18th century. Other comparisons include the horse, the pig, and the cat, the latter well known for its problems with hairballs, and so common a comparison that ‘to cat’ was 19th-century schoolboy slang for ‘to vomit’. All these phrases refer to physical sickness, whereas being as sick as a parrot is a mental state, to do with feeling depressed. This goes back to the 1970s and is particularly associated with despondent footballers and managers being interviewed after a defeat. The phrase may have been suggested by the Dead Parrot sketch in the television comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus. The opposite is over the moonsee moon.

    Tsar Nicholas I of Russia reportedly said of the Sultan of Turkey in 1853: ‘I am not so eager about what shall be done when the sick man dies, as I am to determine with England what shall not be done upon that event taking place.’ His remarks reflected the precarious state of the Ottoman Empire and its slow but inevitable disintegration. Political commentators exploited this view and started to refer to Turkey as the sick man of Europe. The expression the sick man of— was applied to other countries over the following decades, and now often refers to factors other than economics or politics.


artic, brick, chick, click, crick, flick, hand-pick, hic, hick, kick, lick, mick, miskick, nick, pic, pick, quick, rick, shtick, sic, slick, snick, stick, thick, tic, tick, trick, Vic, wick


(also sic)
verb sɪksɪk
[with object]sick something on
  • 1Set a dog on.

    the plan was to surprise the heck out of the grizzly by sicking the dog on him


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sure some of the people would run after us with their guns or throw rocks or sick their dogs on us but it was fun.
    • Sparrow was so offended, he recalled, that ‘I nearly sicked my dog on him,’ but his mother intervened, establishing a selling price that was ‘high enough, so I wasn't mad at her.’
    1. 1.1sick someone oninformal Set someone to pursue, keep watch on, or accompany (another)
      who sicked those two on to us?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I swear if you say anything mean to him I'll beat you up… okay, so maybe it won't be me, per se, but I'll sick Danny on you.
      • Just sick Drew on him, he strikes me as the protective type, as if you need protecting with those biceps.
      • He looked back at the girl, ‘If you don't pay me the rest of the money for that drink I'll sick Jumper on you’.
      • At any rate, there's not a lot I can do right now to change things aside from defecting to the government and sicking them on the reformists.
      • She will learn her place even if we have to sick Longmeyer on her.
      • She shook her head, ‘Remember that it was Gwen is the one who sicked her on me.’
      • I didn't expect yesterday's comments on the ALP to go unanswered, dear subscribers - even before the editor sicked you onto me.
      • Or I'll sick Selene on you, who is completely psychotic in case you didn't notice
      • If I don't update by next Thursday, try all you want to sick Miah on me.
      • Roses are red, violets are blue, if you steal from me, I'll sick Dayle on you!


Mid 19th century: dialect variant of seek.


  • 1Affected by physical or mental illness.


    nursing very sick children


    visiting the sick and the elderly


    we were sick with bronchitis
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Several staff members were already off sick with the flu.
    • Seth is really sick with bronchitis, but its definitely not that.
    • He went back to the hotel that night and 22nd February he then became very sick with difficulty breathing, and went to the hospital in Hong Kong.
    • When we tried to track him down we discovered that he had been off sick for four weeks, yet this was not known to the departments that relied on him for results, and no alternative arrangements had been put in place.
    • A city council which requires employees to call a nurse when they take time off sick said yesterday the approach was helping cut absenteeism.
    • Masterson said he was suspended for two days without pay and with no prior notice after the company claimed he had inappropriately taken two days off sick.
    • Speaking to the Evening Press, the woman, who comes from the Malton area, said the attack had left her feeling physically sick with worry as she has to walk the same route every day.
    • John was a dedicated family doctor who, I later learned, was too busy looking after the many people sick with influenza in his practice to look after his own health.
    • He felt physically sick with anger and betrayal but he stayed cool.
    • Krista's sick with strep-throat or something, so she didn't come to school today.
    • Olwen Jones sued Sandwell Council where she worked at a training centre until 1995 when she went off sick with anxiety and depression and never returned to work.
    • The end results were anything but pleasant for Niko who spent a week after the incident in the hospital ward sick with fever and poison from snakes bite.
    • Every year, eight million people become sick with TB, 80 per cent of whom are in 22 high burden countries.
    • What about those tales where the whole ship falls sick with some incurable disease?
    • I recalled having a bit when sick with fever, for it was rumored to be medicinal; I nearly grew sicker because of it.
    • So far, the people who have gotten sick with this potentially lethal virus seem to have caught it from infected birds.
    • Fifteen to twenty percent of the elderly who are sick with pneumococci die from this infection, so it is well worth preventing.
    • He is always calling in sick with medically astounding symptoms, or making up increasingly implausible excuses not to come in.
    • High rates of HIV infection have also contributed to the crisis, with many farmers too sick with AIDS to plant or tend their crops.
    • Following his admission to the hospital, approximately 20 hospital staff became sick with similar symptoms.
    ill, unwell, poorly, ailing, indisposed, laid up, bad, out of sorts, not oneself
    1. 1.1 Relating to those who are ill.
      the company organized a sick fund for its workers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sick fund refused to reimburse in each case: In Kohll this was because it saw no basis for exceptional treatment abroad.
      • The veterinary charity, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, wants people in Cumbria to take the Challenge of a Lifetime and help to raise funds to treat sick and injured pets.
      • In the savage factory working conditions of the time, he introduced the novel concepts of steady wages, clean, humane conditions and a sick fund.
      • The Ministry of Health provides for those who do not receive care from a sick fund.
      • He says he did not benefit directly, as the money was channelled to a trust fund for a sick relative via a family trust fund.
      • Meanwhile, the Guild will be holding it's annual door to door collection in the parish next month to help fund the sending of sick parishioners on the Pilgrimage.
      • She didn't fall for any of those phony ‘help-the-homeless’ funds that the sick hedonists kept trying to sell to dupes.
      • ‘The bargaining council is once again at risk of collapsing, which would mean no more provident or sick fund for workers,’ he said.
      • The workhouse was built within the current grounds of Daisy Hill in 1841 to provide accommodation for the poorly and sick in the area.
      • The funds raised will provide vital free veterinary treatment to the sick and injured pets of people in need.
    2. 1.2 (of an organization, system, or society) suffering from serious problems, especially of a financial nature.
      their economy remains sick


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We live in a really sad and sick society and obviously ~ no one cares.
      • They say that a sick society cleanses itself this way.
      • Another resolution inviting all sick societies to remove their lodges from the public houses to the schools was also carried.
      • The principle that the government can and should run a deficit to stimulate a sick economy was first propounded by John Maynard Keynes.
      • It seems to me that the problems of asylum seekers, the growing divide between rich and poor and the rise in litigation are all symptoms of a sick society.
      • We are transforming a once very sick society into a hopeful place.
      • Laughter is the best medicine for a sick society.
      • Our sick society and stupid economics are dragging the planet to the edge of apocalypse.
      • What kind of sick society is it, in these refugee camps, that a mother could condone the suicide, at any age, of her son?
      • You cannot design the crime and disorder out of our sick society.
      • The Associated Press has become a very sick organization.
      • The recent events are nothing but reflections of a sick society where rampant corruption, political vendetta and laxity in criminal justice are the order of the day.
      • Her belief that capitalism is a sick system remained undiminished, and she believed a better world was desirable but wasn't sure it was achievable.
      • Still, what can be wrong with applying classical music as an unguent to the sores of a sick society?
      • What sort of a sick society are we living in, where a rape victim has to cover her face?
      • It's a sick system, and many in the medical profession realise that it has to change.
      • You are a part of a sick system that hates innovations.
      • Other Ministers own property abroad, and to give them these payouts on the grounds that they have ‘incurred debts’ is a sign of a very sick society.
      • How sick is the society which produces such levels of anger, frustration and destructive energy?
      • Whatever the continuing vitality to be found in the villages, the larger political and economic systems are sick.
  • 2predicative Feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit.


    he was starting to feel sick


    Mark felt sick with fear


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Recalling his first trip in the air, Tu said he felt very sick and even vomited.
    • On the morning of October 17, 1999, Wei sent his wife to Renji Hospital, when Zhou became extremely sick and started vomiting.
    • She ran to her bathroom and vomited, relieving the sick sensation a bit, but not entirely.
    nauseous, nauseated, queasy, bilious, sick to one's stomach, green, green about the gills
    1. 2.1attributive (of an emotion) so intense as to cause one to feel unwell or nauseous.
      he had a sick fear of returning


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have witnessed institutional racism throughout my life, especially in places you would least expect it, and each time it happens I get a deep sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
      • In fact, it is the hunters who tend to be violent as they become enraged at being denied the sick pleasure of killing wildlife and take out their aggression on the saboteurs.
      • My father, who fought in the First World War, described fear as not so much a sick feeling as a heightening of the senses.
      • My past simply heightens my nausea, but doesn't create and sustain the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that rises throughout the day.
      • I was interviewed for this programme, but I listened to it with mounting horror and a sick feeling in my stomach.
      • Now he knew better, though Taylor still felt the sick feeling of envy creep in him whenever he visited the Moretti household.
      • Decades later the pounding he took is still vivid enough for him to wonder what kind of sick pleasure his teacher took in seeing him nearly killed.
      • Did it give you some kind of sick thrill to write about the little crime spree that you created?
      • Their lives are forfeit for the few hours of sick pleasure their agonies grant those who hunt them.
      • I hated the sick feeling that that gave me, and I was so so tired of doubting myself.
      • A scared face looked back at her, and a lonely and sick emotion filled the eyes of that face.
      • I don't want to enter the dark, broken-down rooms because I get this sick feeling in my gut.
      • A sick thrill of excitement travelled through his body.
      • It's a funny / sick feeling that you get when you're invited to an ex-lover's wedding.
      • The sick feeling returned to him again and he knew it would be setting up shop for quite awhile now.
      • We've outlawed badger-baiters and dog-fighters for their sick pleasure in torturing animals, and we can only hope foxhunting will go the same way.
      • Do they derive some form of sick pleasure from seeing a stranger humiliate their child/friends on public television?
      • The teacher walked in and the pride that I had felt a moment before suddenly turned into a feeling of pure sick terror.
      • Anyone who has ever come home to the sick feeling of being broken into will know that this is a crime that can cause lasting upset and unease.
      • Yes, it would be part - my guess is that somebody - part of the whole kind of sick thrill.
    2. 2.2informal Disappointed, mortified, or miserable.
      he looked pretty sick at that, but he eventually agreed


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She just found out about her Dad, and I'm sure she's worried sick about you.
      • It made you feel confused, fascinated, terrified and sick, but never passive or disappointed.
      • There must be individuals there who feel sick about Howard's cynical exploitation of the Australian peoples' ignorance about refuges and fears of invasion.
      • Now even he was beginning to feel sick about this.
      • But just doing the best we can and that the owners, of course, are sick about it.
      • Why did my mom have to pretend that she wasn't worried sick about the fact that her daughter was thousands of miles away?
      • Your grandmother is worried sick about you, and to tell you the truth it's been long since I've seen her worried about anyone but Jasmine and her siblings.
      • Even when the flu symptoms subside, Minnis should feel sick about the money that slipped through his normally reliable hands.
      • He is worried sick about her safety, since the disappearance of the Shadow Melters began.
      • There is something inherently sick about seeking to profit from deceit.
      • Ben Stiller has confessed he is worried sick about providing his daughter with a ‘normal life’.
      • Some members of our association are worried sick about how they are going to survive.
      • Like the mainstream in Britain and the US, Middle Australia is worried sick about declining values, the threat to national security and the future of their children.
      • Tell Luca the second he gets home that I am very worried and sick about this situation.
      • To be honest, I feel so sick about the whole thing that even the memory of the try I scored does nothing to relieve the gloom.
      • Well, we know that many of you are worried sick about the pets that you were forced to leave behind.
      • Barney is very timid and we are worried sick about him.
      • You must be worried sick about me by now, I'm sorry I wasn't able to write or call you earlier.
      • He felt slightly sick about what he was about to do.
      • It was only then that I realized that him and Robbie were in the same boat together; both worried sick about us.
      disappointed, miserable, depressed, dejected, despondent, downcast, disconsolate, unhappy, low-spirited, distressed
    3. 2.3archaic Pining or longing for someone or something.
      he was sick for a sight of her


  • 3sick ofpredicative Intensely annoyed with or bored by (someone or something) as a result of having had too much of them.


    I'm absolutely sick of your moods


    fed up with, bored by, bored with, tired of, weary of, jaded by, jaded with, surfeited by, surfeited with, satiated with, glutted by, glutted with
  • 4informal (especially of humor) having something unpleasant such as death, illness, or misfortune as its subject and dealing with it in an offensive way.


    this was someone's idea of a sick joke


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I'm essentially a decent enough guy, but I'll readily admit to possessing a bit of a sick sense of humour.
    • This is one of the first tragic news events that has not been immediately followed by a round of sick jokes.
    • Dominic and I share a sick sense of humour, what can I say?
    • It sounds same-old-same-old, but let me assure you that Mancini crams as much daft humour and sick jokes in as possible.
    • ‘Someone out there has a really sick sense of humour,’ I said mostly to myself.
    • An election in which the names of the candidates in the various lists are still not known 18 days before the polls open is a sick joke, not an election.
    • The symbolic center of the film industry, Hollywood Boulevard has long been Los Angeles' secret, sick joke on hopeful tourists.
    • Until the foreign armies leave the country, the idea that it has been liberated is little more than a sick joke.
    • After every disaster or horrible murder there is a rush of sick jokes.
    • We're also unmistakably in David Cronenberg territory here, but without the sick humour that usually goes with it.
    • Humour dressed-up in combat fatigues: poor excuse for a sick joke?
    • For those with a sick sense of humour, say no more; this is your kind of movie.
    • The most promising lead turned out to be a sick joke when I found myself bleakly staring down at some bird food.
    • Whoever named this building had a sick sense of humour.
    • Laughing at his own sick humour, Suarez ascended to the second level of the house, more designed to live in than the level below.
    • The idea that the war has made the world a safer place is a sick joke.
    • A council worker is facing the threat of disciplinary action after being caught searching the internet for sick jokes about the Asian tsunami.
    • The ‘no patient services would be cut’ line is a sick joke.
    • Are you guys collaborating on any other sick jokes that we should know about?
    • The sick charm of Keller is that he really does seem like a normal everyday person.
    macabre, black, ghoulish, morbid, perverted, gruesome, sadistic, cruel, offensive
    1. 4.1 (of a person) having abnormal or unnatural tendencies; perverted.
      he is a deeply sick man from whom society needs to be protected


      Example sentencesExamples
      • These are very sick people to do this, and a message needs to go out.
      • We think a serial killer is an intelligent, sick person who targets his victims carefully like Dr. Hannibal Lecter played by Anthony Hopkins.
      • There's too many sick people in the streets and not enough cops.
      • They are sick and depraved and have convinced themselves they are right and the rest of us are wrong.
      • But if you use that as an excuse to inflict pain on them, then you are sick and sadistic and motivated solely by bigotry.
      • Apparently, there were some bogus calls that were made in to try and - you know, for whatever reason, some sick people would do that.
  • 5informal Excellent.


    it was a sick party and there were tons of cool people there
British informal
  • Vomit.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So, while I cleaned cat sick off the carpet Paul headed off home to finish putting his kitchen back together now that the painting is finished.
    • The group are taken on a tour of Wimbledon tennis centre where they are made to wear all white and are force fed strawberries until they vomit red sick.
    • I arrived downstairs find to both cats outside and a pile of sick in the middle of the sitting room carpet.
[with object]sick something upBritish informal
  • Bring something up by vomiting.



  • be sick

    • 1Be ill.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Till late last night, as Hans and I chatted with her in exaggerated gestures and atrocious Portuguese, she was in fine spirits, though she knew her child was sick.
      • Have you ever worried if the mutton or pork on your plate is from a healthy animal and not from one that was sick or one that was already dead before it was ‘slaughtered’?
      • In his health passport they recorded all these diagnoses and on every occasion he was given only painkillers although he was sick, weak and losing weight quite rapidly.
      • ‘Standard patients’ have some medical knowledge, enabling them to imitate real patients and allow medical students to diagnose them as if they really were sick.
      • The letter stated that Tommy was sick and was unable to testify.
      • Though always busy with his work, Michael never forgot to enquire for friends who were sick, lonely or fell on hard times.
      • Five workers in the office of Deputy Chief Minister, the second highest ranking official in the state, were being treated with antibiotics, and that none were sick.
      • at 8pm tonight Mary rang up and said that she couldn't go out because her mum was sick and she didn't want to leave her at home alone.
      • As most of them were sick, we stretched out to them and ensured that all of us were safe in one place.
      • He served the Forest department and provided Medicare to several animals, which were sick and dying.
    • 2Vomit.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sometimes the child will whoop then be sick at the end of a bout of coughing.
      • He opened his mouth to announce that he was going to be sick, but the vomit rose through his throat before he could say the words.
      • Remember to allow extra time in your schedule for last minute disasters such as your baby filling his nappy / being sick on your work clothes.
      • It seems his father was sick with vomiting yesterday.
      • The washer breaking down was the most annoying thing, happening just when the baby was sick and there was five times as much laundry to do.
      • He started being sick, early hours of Sunday morning and was sick a few times during the day complaining of abdominal pains.
      • If the person has been sick, then bring a sample of the vomit too - medical staff can analyse the vomit for important information.
      • I started to keep a diary which held all my feelings and also held a record of when I felt the need to be sick and if I was sick.
      • She then turned and made for the door and then leaned out of it taking deep breaths feeling as if she were to be sick and throw up.
      • Her condition meant she never learnt to swallow or suck as a baby and would be sick as soon as she was fed.
      • He knew he was going to be sick, and took deep breaths to prevent himself from vomiting.
      • Since he was six months old, he has often been sick and vomits.
      • Walk home one night after the taxi driver threw me out because he thought I was going to be sick.
      • After flying for half an hour or so, my friend in the front seat called me on the intercom and said he was sick, getting dicey and wanting to vomit.
      • But I was sick and had to vomit several times, it would not stop.
      vomit, throw up, retch
  • get sick

    • 1Become ill.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • People buy health insurance because they don't know whether they will get sick.
      • My dad got sick very early, when I was a youngster, and I was very confused.
      • My kids got sick because the city was incredibly polluted.
      • We've breakfasted on Smarties at 5.30 am, lunched on chips and Coke at IIam and then, starved for ‘real’ food, gone out to a nearby farm to pick cherries until we all got sick.
      • There are a lot of costs for the couple, who are already financially stretched with a mortgage, a car loan, and with Anita having had to give up her job as Craig got sick more often.
      • In other words, they got sick and died up to three years sooner than other HIV men surveyed over a 10-year period.
      • I haven't been on the pill since mum got sick for the second time, so I've been self-regulating for coming up three years.
      • Yes, squirrels, like humans, get sick and can be infected by a variety of parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
      • There was stress-induced frustration and extra guilt when the children got sick and the arguments started about whose turn it was to take the day off work.
      • Is have a nice photo from before he got sick - it's how I like to remember him.
      • The rats got sick in 1346 and half of the 20-million people died between 1346 and 1351.
      • But eventually, people there got sick and died too.
    • 2Vomit.


  • make someone sick

    • 1Cause someone to vomit or feel nauseous or unwell.


      sherry makes me sick and so do cigars
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It wasn't that he was afraid of blood, on the contrary, but too much blood, exposed organs, and raw flesh with that nauseous stench could already make him sick.
      • The smell made Eric sick, increasing the urge to vomit up his unfinished meal.
      1. 1.1Cause someone to feel intense annoyance or disgust.
        you're so damned self-righteous you make me sick!


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Some patients died during aversion therapy after choking on their own vomit when therapists utilised disgusting sexual imagery to make them sick.
        • She bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly, trying to chase away the memories and the sensations that made her sick with shame and disgust.
        • It was making her sick and disgusted just looking at them.
        • This is disgusting, makes me sick to my stomach.
  • — oneself sick

    • Do something to such an extent that one feels nauseous or unwell (often used for emphasis)


      she was worrying herself sick about Mike


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But it really worries me when I hear that young people are starving themselves sick to get thin.
      • Don't tell me ladies that you don't know someone who's gone bankrupt in the last year or so - I know you do - and you worry yourself sick about them.
      • ‘You're making yourself sick,’ he said sympathetically.
      • Some women make themselves sick trying to be ‘ladylike’.
      • You must stop crying or you will make yourself sick.
      • It's possible to make yourself sick, or at least slightly nauseous by overdoing it though.
      • A disturbing 57% had indulged in binge eating, making themselves sick or cutting themselves.
      • Employees in many Montreal nail salons may be working themselves sick.
      • It's a good thing you can't buy fabulous durians in Australia, or I'd be making myself sick on the weekends.
      • A mother or father who is already suffering an agonising death from cancer, worrying themselves sick about what will happen to their family, when there is no one left to bring home the bacon.
  • sick and tired of

    • informal Annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer.


      I am sick and tired of all the criticism


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I got sick and tired of people arguing about which kind of bird was called what.
      • I am sick and tired of my four-year-old son coming into the house with soiled shoes and having to clean the mess off the carpets.
      • I am sick and tired of people telling me how noble this cause is.
      • We are sick and tired of the cry nothing can be done about it.
      • I'm sick and tired of people constantly chipping away at our most sacred institution.
      • I for one am sick and tired of sensationalist reporting by all branches of the media to sell papers or boost ratings on TV.
      • They are sick and tired of government officials who change their position every time there is trouble.
      • My guess is that he's sick and tired of people trying to blame him for their own cruelty and stupidity.
      • People are flat out sick and tired of losing their jobs to cheaper foreign labor.
      • I am sick and tired of being told what might and what might not happen.
  • (as) sick as a dog

    • informal Extremely ill.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have been sick as a dog - still have the bronchitis going, but the worst part is an unbelievably sore throat - so bad that I literally cannot swallow, talk, etc.
      • But as little as I like him, I don't think he'd have been willing to make himself sick as a dog just for a little personal drama.
      • Yeah well, I spent the next two days sick as a dog, and Nurse Hatchmore found our why.
      • Back in the saddle again, after being sick as a dog all week.
      • I arrived sick as a dog and played the first few games with a high fever, mowing everyone down with unnerving ease.
      • That night, Zach was looking better, but still sick as a dog.
      • I've spent the last week trying to do as little as possible, because I've been sick as a dog.
      • At times, when I was lying on my hospital bed being pumped full of chemotherapy drugs that made me as sick as a dog and caused my hair to fall out, I used to close my eyes and dream I was somewhere else.
      • What amazed me was he was sick as a dog, but if a school was coming the next day, he'd put on his suit and get out there.
      • I did not write any more this week because I was sick as a dog.
  • (as) sick as a parrot

    • informal Extremely disappointed.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I must admit when Wakerdine suffered his groin injury so soon after the transfer of Edmunds I was feeling as sick as a parrot, but then we've always had a strong reserve line-up so even then I was hoping for a result.
      • It's a fair bet that the husband was sick as a parrot when he found out he had missed the first half of the season.
      • Computer users who fall for this trick will be feeling as sick as a parrot when their bank accounts are emptied and they find they have become the victim of identity fraudsters.
      • ‘The only thing that has made Ciarán sick as a parrot is Ireland's defeat against Spain in the World Cup,’ said Margaret.
      • Dave, should have looked as sick as a parrot, but instead beamed a ghastly smile as he enthused about the prospect of Team GB entering a British Football Team into the 2012 Olympic Games.
      • ‘I really am, as the old cliché goes, sick as a parrot because I really do think it was three points missed and at this stage of the season we need three points, nothing more, nothing less,’ he said.
  • the sick man of —

    • A country that is politically or economically unsound, especially in comparison with its neighbors in the region specified.


      the country had been the sick man of Europe for too long


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For too long, Germany has faced the ignominy of being the sick man of Europe.
      • ‘For an emergent tiger economy, the Philippines is back once more to being the sick man of Asia,’ she said.
      • Today, Europe again looks like the sick man of the global economy.
      • Britain remained the sick man of Europe, its output per worker growing by only 2.5 per cent per annum.
      • Many is the occasion that I have lauded the economy's transformation from the dire days of the 1970s, when Britain was the sick man of Europe.
      • Indonesia remains the sick man of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
      • If we are not careful, Britain will again be the sick man of Europe, and the progress of the last 20 years will be lost.
      • Sema is best left alone until it can demonstrate that it is no longer the sick man of the industry.
      • Its rise from the sick man of Europe to the rich man in less than a generation is an amazing story, says Friedman.
      • The Bulldogs on the other hand, now stand out as the sick man of the AFL.
  • sick to death of

    • informal Annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer.


      I am sick to death of being told that this is our fault
  • sick to one's stomach

    • 1Nauseous.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Getting sick to your stomach and throwing up when nervous is your body's way of telling you that you are over-stressed.
      • My hands were wrapped around my stomach, for some reason I was sick to my stomach.
      • I catch a glimpse of Lizzy through their living room window, and I get sick to my stomach.
      • At what point does the rollercoaster ride stop being a thrill and simply make you sick to your stomach?
      • Drink too much - as little as two cups - and you may feel restless, nervous, unable to sleep, even sick to your stomach.
      • If you use IV medicines, you might feel sleepy or a little sick to your stomach.
      • Regular birth control pills make some women feel sick to their stomach.
      • Radiation and chemotherapy can make you feel tired and sick to your stomach.
      • That feeling in her stomach was back and she felt weak and sick to her stomach.
      • The pain is worse but I am no longer as sick to my stomach as I have been for the last several months.
      1. 1.1Disgusted.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Now I feel sick to my stomach and I can't seem to stop hating my friend.
        • This system is wrecking children's lives and it makes me sick to my stomach.
        • I felt sick to my stomach, I was trembling with disgust.
        • This disgusted her and made her sick to her stomach.
        • Maybe next year's renewal rates won't make you sick to your stomach.
        • So I look at those pictures, and I feel sick to my stomach.
        • All of a sudden, this devil masquerading as a human being had a face, and it made me sick to my stomach.
        • After reading that interview and never once seeing a pointed question, I am sick to my stomach.
        • You know you might get a fever and maybe even feel sick to your stomach after that.
        • It was disgusting and I felt sick to my stomach but I heard a pair of voices coming from inside.
  • fall (or take) sick

    • Become ill.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Those who fall sick or complain about unfair treatment risk getting deported.
      • Lucknow in January is not the best place to fall sick in.
      • Today, Britain is the last place in Europe that any man or woman would want to fall sick,’ he said.
      • When they fall sick they have no option but to pay €38 to the doctor for a five-minute visit before being fleeced by the pharmacists, even if they have nothing more threatening than a cold.
      • Some of the children fall sick due to hazardous work but they are not offered treatment facilities.
      • Instead, they ordered two ships, including a destroyer, to trail the trawler on its three-week fishing trip to Iceland and to intercept any distress calls should a crew member fall sick.
      • Missing a key nutrient, an animal may fall sick, then appear to be cured when the missing compound is administered.
      • American hamburgers have been demonized in recent years when people across the USA fall sick from contaminated beef.
      • Religion plays a dominant role in daily life and the country's 5,000-odd Buddhist monks are often called for ceremonies on auspicious occasions such as house-warmings or when people fall sick.
      • If a team member should fall sick or suddenly not be able to compete, the alternate will fill the slot.


Old English sēoc ‘affected by illness’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziek and German siech.


  • variant of sic
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sure some of the people would run after us with their guns or throw rocks or sick their dogs on us but it was fun.
    • Sparrow was so offended, he recalled, that ‘I nearly sicked my dog on him,’ but his mother intervened, establishing a selling price that was ‘high enough, so I wasn't mad at her.’




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