

单词 legitimate

Definition of legitimate in English:


adjective lɪˈdʒɪtɪmətləˈdʒɪdəmət
  • 1Conforming to the law or to rules.


    his claims to legitimate authority


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He says tenancy databases are an important and legitimate tool which help real estate agents carry out their job responsibly.
    • They are laws because they are instructions given by a legitimate authority, not because they are backed up by force.
    • The appellant had no other legitimate purpose for making the claim.
    • Miss Rose submitted that this passage demonstrated that public perception was a legitimate element of penal policy.
    • ‘What we don't want to do is criminalize legitimate behavior,’ she argued.
    • It would be outside the scope of legitimate judicial interpretation.
    • The manner in which the trial had been conducted meant that it was necessary to do so in order to introduce legitimate examination of the appellant's evidence at the first trial.
    • But perjury is not a legitimate tool of their trade.
    • But surprisingly, the site appears to be legitimate.
    • While the EPA argues that its use of the restraining order is legitimate under the law, there is no unanimity on that point in legal circles.
    • Let's talk about where you draw the line between legitimate civil disobedience, and what constitutes damage to lawful, economical commercial activity.
    • The Crown Court judge refused to accept this as a legitimate use of the power.
    • No tax was withheld, and according to Webb he believed this to be a legitimate tax avoidance scheme.
    • He had three offshore companies registered in the Isle of Man for legitimate tax avoidance purposes prior to his bankruptcy.
    • Pre-emptive proceedings for a negative declaration in a preferred jurisdiction are entirely legitimate.
    • However, not only have there been multiple forcible annexations since the Charter's adoption, but many of them have been accepted as legitimate by the international community.
    • Only 29 per cent of respondents correctly recognised the government or judiciary as the legitimate authorities to make decisions about the legal status of online content.
    • Senior Hill sources acknowledged yesterday that the new rule's effect on legitimate charities was an unintended consequence.
    • The removal of the appellants has the legitimate aim of maintaining such control.
    • How did the police come to be accepted as legitimate authority figures rather than politically controversial bearers of power?
    legal, lawful, licit, legalized, authorized, permitted, permissible, allowable, allowed, admissible, recognized, sanctioned, approved, licensed, statutory, constitutional, within the law, going by the rules, above board, valid, honest, upright
    informal legit, by the book
    1. 1.1 (of a child) born of parents lawfully married to each other.
      a legitimate male heir
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Oliver's will left all his property to his legitimate children.
      • Furthermore, legitimate children often had the advantage of another parent to balance out any conflicts with their mothers.
      • Many of the mothers of such children later married and had legitimate children, even in ‘respectable’ neighborhoods.
      • Due to Henry VIII's agonising difficulty in siring a healthy, legitimate male heir, the succession was safeguarded by both royal wills and acts of Parliament.
      • The slaves were children, in a sense, but not the legitimate children worthy of comfort and care.
      • Besides, my marriage to Angel means my son is a legitimate child, not a bastard.
      • Since Charles II, James's brother, was unlikely to have further legitimate children, James's remarriage was imperative and a hunt for suitable partners began.
      • Although Voltaire was not the father, he helped Du Châtelet deceive her husband into thinking that the baby was legitimate.
      • She knew he would go see Tony later in the day, as he always did, but for his legitimate child he had no time.
      • Yet, parents thank the almighty for providing legitimate children to their girls.
      • She was the mother of the King's legitimate children.
      • Three times married, he had five legitimate children by his first wife.
      • She was his only legitimate child by his only wife.
      • But priests can't get married or have legitimate children, so where on earth does the last name Bishop come from?
      • None of her three uncles had any legitimate children (read into that what you will) so when they all died, she inherited the throne at 18.
      • So although Henry is said to have acknowledged more than twenty bastards, he was survived by only one legitimate child, his daughter Matilda.
      • From 1767 to 1772, four legitimate children were born.
      • So a British father of an illegitimate child born abroad is not recognised as a father for the purposes of Section 2 but a British mother is; so is a British father of a legitimate child born abroad.
      • Only rarely do legitimate children express such feelings of inferiority, and these exceptions are instructive.
      • Yet it was not until the Guardianship Act 1973 that statute gave each parent equal and separately exercisable rights over a legitimate child.
      rightful, lawful, genuine, authentic, real, true, proper, correct, authorized, sanctioned, warranted, acknowledged, recognized, approved, just
    2. 1.2 (of a sovereign) having a title based on strict hereditary right.
      the last legitimate Anglo-Saxon king


      Example sentencesExamples
      • William sent out news of his victory and invited the Saxon lords to recognize him as the legitimate king.
      • Even a technically legitimate ruler forfeits his right to obedience if his mandates do not correspond to moral norms.
      • It had to be secured by purchase from the legitimate rulers of the tribes.
      • Having exhausted all his resources, Pope Innocent finally yielded and recognized Roger as a legitimate king.
      • William wisely would not accept the throne until he was recognized as legitimate king by Parliament.
      rightful, lawful, genuine, authentic, real, true, proper, correct, authorized, sanctioned, warranted, acknowledged, recognized, approved, just
  • 2Able to be defended with logic or justification; valid.


    a legitimate excuse for being late


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Phoning work to say that you cannot come in because of a migraine will no longer be a legitimate excuse.
    • Obviously we couldn't see what the suspect's hands were doing behind his back, but is there a legitimate case, a legitimate justification there for smashing him in the face?
    • There is no legitimate medical justification for retraction.
    • The legitimate justification for such discrimination, she would suggest, is the majority's moral judgment.
    • In some cases, a legitimate justification may, indeed, be possible.
    • The only defender with a legitimate excuse is CB Ryan McNeil, who is playing with a soft cast on his fractured forearm.
    • Many of the arguments made thus far sound like excuses rather than legitimate reasons.
    • And since when does having a democracy excuse any country from legitimate, reasoned criticism?
    • I find, however, that the Respondent's action in seeking to remove the Appellant is in accordance with the law and has the legitimate aim of the maintenance of immigration controls.
    • The Home Office had no ulterior purpose in that case: it was solely motivated by an entirely legitimate concern to enforce proper immigration controls.
    • In order to address the legitimate concerns of the Children's Aid Society that this case proceed without delay from here on in, I will case manage it.
    • In this context it would mean that the legitimate concerns of the complainant that the alleged misconduct should be properly scrutinised by the professional body, would be ignored.
    • There is no issue as to the decision in the present case being one taken in accordance with the law and in pursuance of a legitimate objective, namely the maintenance of control over immigration.
    • Well, both factors play a role here, but they really serve as excuses more than legitimate reasons.
    • Policemen will no longer accept SARS as a legitimate excuse.
    • It is worth acknowledging that there are often very legitimate and understandable reasons for the failure of reviewers to provide timely and high quality reviews.
    • Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
    • Well, on the one hand Turks have a legitimate need to defend their national dignity - and this includes being recognised as part of the West and Europe.
    • I do not understand what legitimate reason can have justified its coming into existence.
    • These judges sent a clear message that family caregiving was not a legitimate reason to be excused from jury duty.
    valid, sound, admissible, acceptable, well founded, justifiable, reasonable, sensible, tenable, defensible, supportable, just, warrantable, fair, bona fide, proper, genuine, plausible, credible, believable, reliable, understandable, logical, rational
  • 3Constituting or relating to serious drama as distinct from musical comedy, revue, etc.


    the legitimate theatre


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yet you very rarely see them in legitimate theatre.
    • They think it's not legitimate theater, it's not reality.
    • These theatres focused on legitimate drama and opera but halls providing popular stage entertainments also began to appear.
    • Prudie learned this approach as it is used in legitimate theater.
    • Critics who claim opera is not legitimate theater must be silenced by the unforgettable performance that has been preserved here.
verb lɪˈdʒɪtɪmeɪtləˈdʒɪdəmeɪt
[with object]
  • Make lawful or justify.

    the regime was not legitimated by popular support


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But, while their identity as victims legitimated their cause, it also conferred on them the image of a people who had gone like lambs to the slaughter.
    • By the end of his reign, Henry had Parliament restore both his daughters to the succession, although neither was legitimated.
    • But she finds subtle shifts in the way governments legitimated their foreign policies.
    • The interests protected from invasion by criminal laws are interests legitimated by a given conception of a just social order.
    • Certainly, this is reflected in concerns about the validity of using the writings of previous religious scholars for legitimating arguments over the correct performance of ritual.
    • He's legitimating hostility toward judges, however, and portraying the judges as out-of-control power-wielders.
    • But would these crimes cease to be crimes if, instead of being committed by unscrupulous tyrants, they were legitimated by popular consensus?
    • The healthy effects of market competition may be offset by mergers, cartels, or price leadership understandings, most of which are legitimated or tolerated by government.
    • The Supreme Court decision legitimated the claims of African Americans and other racial minorities to participate in national life and set the stage for the emerging civil rights movement.
    • Slave law backed up and legitimated the private power of slaveowners.
    • Acts of violence against one's own countrymen that are legitimated by religion are not new.
    • This legitimated the regime in the eyes of the faithful, a very political consequence of adherence to a seemingly apolitical ideology.
    • It is legitimating a human want by means of legislation.
    • If the state thinks it is legitimate then it legitimates its own laws.
    • An institution is legitimated in terms of values and norms, that is, a purpose transcending individual self-interest in favor of a presumed higher good.
    • Those opposed to such research think that the logic of justification behind therapeutic cloning will set a dangerous precedent, legitimating experimentation on other human beings, born and unborn.
    • The rhetoric of rights legitimates claims and mobilizes support for groups demanding autonomy.
    • This union is neither a revocable contract between independent and equal parties nor mandated by an unchanging divine law which legitimates the subordination of women.
    • There are some cases in which the efforts of conservatives to appease racism in the electorate have deprived fascists of support, but other cases in which this has legitimated fascism.
    • Acts of violence are legitimated through the evocation of historical events.


  • legitimation

  • noun lɪdʒɪtɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n
    • What exactly are the mechanisms and institutions of legitimation?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But this isn't the same as popular legitimation.
      • The effect was to confer a quite new level of political legitimation on Berlusconi.
      • The absence of UN legitimation of this exercise, as I've said many times in the past, has never been the central issue.
      • On the contrary, even leftist commentators are lamenting its lack of legitimation.
  • legitimatization

  • noun lɪˌdʒɪtɪmətʌɪˈzeɪʃnləˌdʒɪdəməˌtaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n
    • Consequently, without a conscious effort, educators will inadvertently contribute to the legitimatization and reproduction of the existing, unequal social order.
      European public anger might give new legitimatization to once-unthinkable restructuring, limitation, and loosening of its relationship with NATO.
  • legitimatize

  • verb lɪˈdʒɪtɪmətʌɪzləˈdʒɪdəməˌtaɪz
    [with object]
    • Make legitimate or lawful.


      they found a way to legitimatize the collection of private data
      Example sentencesExamples
      • These two events had the effect of legitimatizing the Chicago mathematics department within one year of its opening.
      • The boy informs her that he is Sean reincarnated, and he drops a few tidbits intended to legitimatize his claim.
      • She says that for many students, exchange legitimatises traveling before they finish school.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'born of parents lawfully married to each other'): from medieval Latin legitimatus 'made legal', from the verb legitimare, from Latin legitimus 'lawful', from lex, leg- 'law'.

  • law from Old English:

    The words legacy (Late Middle English), legal (Late Middle English), legitimate (Late Middle English), and loyal (early 16th century) all descend from Latin lex ‘law’, the source also of law. The phrase law and order is found from the late 16th century. It was Charles Dickens who first said the law is an ass, or rather his character Mr Bumble did in Oliver Twist: ‘“If the law supposes that,” said Mr Bumble…“the law is a ass…a idiot.”’ See also jungle



Definition of legitimate in US English:


  • 1Conforming to the law or to rules.


    his claims to legitimate authority


    Example sentencesExamples
    • No tax was withheld, and according to Webb he believed this to be a legitimate tax avoidance scheme.
    • Senior Hill sources acknowledged yesterday that the new rule's effect on legitimate charities was an unintended consequence.
    • Only 29 per cent of respondents correctly recognised the government or judiciary as the legitimate authorities to make decisions about the legal status of online content.
    • The Crown Court judge refused to accept this as a legitimate use of the power.
    • Miss Rose submitted that this passage demonstrated that public perception was a legitimate element of penal policy.
    • He says tenancy databases are an important and legitimate tool which help real estate agents carry out their job responsibly.
    • ‘What we don't want to do is criminalize legitimate behavior,’ she argued.
    • It would be outside the scope of legitimate judicial interpretation.
    • However, not only have there been multiple forcible annexations since the Charter's adoption, but many of them have been accepted as legitimate by the international community.
    • But perjury is not a legitimate tool of their trade.
    • They are laws because they are instructions given by a legitimate authority, not because they are backed up by force.
    • While the EPA argues that its use of the restraining order is legitimate under the law, there is no unanimity on that point in legal circles.
    • Let's talk about where you draw the line between legitimate civil disobedience, and what constitutes damage to lawful, economical commercial activity.
    • The removal of the appellants has the legitimate aim of maintaining such control.
    • How did the police come to be accepted as legitimate authority figures rather than politically controversial bearers of power?
    • The manner in which the trial had been conducted meant that it was necessary to do so in order to introduce legitimate examination of the appellant's evidence at the first trial.
    • He had three offshore companies registered in the Isle of Man for legitimate tax avoidance purposes prior to his bankruptcy.
    • The appellant had no other legitimate purpose for making the claim.
    • But surprisingly, the site appears to be legitimate.
    • Pre-emptive proceedings for a negative declaration in a preferred jurisdiction are entirely legitimate.
    legal, lawful, licit, legalized, authorized, permitted, permissible, allowable, allowed, admissible, recognized, sanctioned, approved, licensed, statutory, constitutional, within the law, going by the rules, above board, valid, honest, upright
    1. 1.1 Able to be defended with logic or justification.
      a legitimate excuse for being late


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The legitimate justification for such discrimination, she would suggest, is the majority's moral judgment.
      • There is no issue as to the decision in the present case being one taken in accordance with the law and in pursuance of a legitimate objective, namely the maintenance of control over immigration.
      • In this context it would mean that the legitimate concerns of the complainant that the alleged misconduct should be properly scrutinised by the professional body, would be ignored.
      • Many of the arguments made thus far sound like excuses rather than legitimate reasons.
      • Policemen will no longer accept SARS as a legitimate excuse.
      • The only defender with a legitimate excuse is CB Ryan McNeil, who is playing with a soft cast on his fractured forearm.
      • I find, however, that the Respondent's action in seeking to remove the Appellant is in accordance with the law and has the legitimate aim of the maintenance of immigration controls.
      • Well, on the one hand Turks have a legitimate need to defend their national dignity - and this includes being recognised as part of the West and Europe.
      • It is worth acknowledging that there are often very legitimate and understandable reasons for the failure of reviewers to provide timely and high quality reviews.
      • The Home Office had no ulterior purpose in that case: it was solely motivated by an entirely legitimate concern to enforce proper immigration controls.
      • There is no legitimate medical justification for retraction.
      • Obviously we couldn't see what the suspect's hands were doing behind his back, but is there a legitimate case, a legitimate justification there for smashing him in the face?
      • And since when does having a democracy excuse any country from legitimate, reasoned criticism?
      • In order to address the legitimate concerns of the Children's Aid Society that this case proceed without delay from here on in, I will case manage it.
      • I do not understand what legitimate reason can have justified its coming into existence.
      • These judges sent a clear message that family caregiving was not a legitimate reason to be excused from jury duty.
      • Phoning work to say that you cannot come in because of a migraine will no longer be a legitimate excuse.
      • In some cases, a legitimate justification may, indeed, be possible.
      • Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
      • Well, both factors play a role here, but they really serve as excuses more than legitimate reasons.
      valid, sound, admissible, acceptable, well founded, justifiable, reasonable, sensible, tenable, defensible, supportable, just, warrantable, fair, bona fide, proper, genuine, plausible, credible, believable, reliable, understandable, logical, rational
    2. 1.2 (of a child) born of parents lawfully married to each other.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Since Charles II, James's brother, was unlikely to have further legitimate children, James's remarriage was imperative and a hunt for suitable partners began.
      • Yet, parents thank the almighty for providing legitimate children to their girls.
      • So although Henry is said to have acknowledged more than twenty bastards, he was survived by only one legitimate child, his daughter Matilda.
      • From 1767 to 1772, four legitimate children were born.
      • She knew he would go see Tony later in the day, as he always did, but for his legitimate child he had no time.
      • Oliver's will left all his property to his legitimate children.
      • Besides, my marriage to Angel means my son is a legitimate child, not a bastard.
      • So a British father of an illegitimate child born abroad is not recognised as a father for the purposes of Section 2 but a British mother is; so is a British father of a legitimate child born abroad.
      • Although Voltaire was not the father, he helped Du Châtelet deceive her husband into thinking that the baby was legitimate.
      • Only rarely do legitimate children express such feelings of inferiority, and these exceptions are instructive.
      • None of her three uncles had any legitimate children (read into that what you will) so when they all died, she inherited the throne at 18.
      • She was the mother of the King's legitimate children.
      • Due to Henry VIII's agonising difficulty in siring a healthy, legitimate male heir, the succession was safeguarded by both royal wills and acts of Parliament.
      • But priests can't get married or have legitimate children, so where on earth does the last name Bishop come from?
      • She was his only legitimate child by his only wife.
      • Three times married, he had five legitimate children by his first wife.
      • Furthermore, legitimate children often had the advantage of another parent to balance out any conflicts with their mothers.
      • Yet it was not until the Guardianship Act 1973 that statute gave each parent equal and separately exercisable rights over a legitimate child.
      • Many of the mothers of such children later married and had legitimate children, even in ‘respectable’ neighborhoods.
      • The slaves were children, in a sense, but not the legitimate children worthy of comfort and care.
      rightful, lawful, genuine, authentic, real, true, proper, correct, authorized, sanctioned, warranted, acknowledged, recognized, approved, just
    3. 1.3 (of a sovereign) having a title based on strict hereditary right.
      the last legitimate Anglo-Saxon king


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It had to be secured by purchase from the legitimate rulers of the tribes.
      • William wisely would not accept the throne until he was recognized as legitimate king by Parliament.
      • William sent out news of his victory and invited the Saxon lords to recognize him as the legitimate king.
      • Having exhausted all his resources, Pope Innocent finally yielded and recognized Roger as a legitimate king.
      • Even a technically legitimate ruler forfeits his right to obedience if his mandates do not correspond to moral norms.
      rightful, lawful, genuine, authentic, real, true, proper, correct, authorized, sanctioned, warranted, acknowledged, recognized, approved, just
    4. 1.4 Constituting or relating to serious drama as distinct from musical comedy, revue, etc.
      the legitimate theater


      Example sentencesExamples
      • These theatres focused on legitimate drama and opera but halls providing popular stage entertainments also began to appear.
      • Prudie learned this approach as it is used in legitimate theater.
      • Critics who claim opera is not legitimate theater must be silenced by the unforgettable performance that has been preserved here.
      • Yet you very rarely see them in legitimate theatre.
      • They think it's not legitimate theater, it's not reality.
[with object]
  • Make legitimate; justify or make lawful.


    the regime was not legitimated by popular support


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This union is neither a revocable contract between independent and equal parties nor mandated by an unchanging divine law which legitimates the subordination of women.
    • Slave law backed up and legitimated the private power of slaveowners.
    • Certainly, this is reflected in concerns about the validity of using the writings of previous religious scholars for legitimating arguments over the correct performance of ritual.
    • If the state thinks it is legitimate then it legitimates its own laws.
    • Acts of violence are legitimated through the evocation of historical events.
    • Those opposed to such research think that the logic of justification behind therapeutic cloning will set a dangerous precedent, legitimating experimentation on other human beings, born and unborn.
    • The healthy effects of market competition may be offset by mergers, cartels, or price leadership understandings, most of which are legitimated or tolerated by government.
    • The Supreme Court decision legitimated the claims of African Americans and other racial minorities to participate in national life and set the stage for the emerging civil rights movement.
    • He's legitimating hostility toward judges, however, and portraying the judges as out-of-control power-wielders.
    • By the end of his reign, Henry had Parliament restore both his daughters to the succession, although neither was legitimated.
    • It is legitimating a human want by means of legislation.
    • An institution is legitimated in terms of values and norms, that is, a purpose transcending individual self-interest in favor of a presumed higher good.
    • This legitimated the regime in the eyes of the faithful, a very political consequence of adherence to a seemingly apolitical ideology.
    • But would these crimes cease to be crimes if, instead of being committed by unscrupulous tyrants, they were legitimated by popular consensus?
    • Acts of violence against one's own countrymen that are legitimated by religion are not new.
    • The interests protected from invasion by criminal laws are interests legitimated by a given conception of a just social order.
    • But, while their identity as victims legitimated their cause, it also conferred on them the image of a people who had gone like lambs to the slaughter.
    • There are some cases in which the efforts of conservatives to appease racism in the electorate have deprived fascists of support, but other cases in which this has legitimated fascism.
    • But she finds subtle shifts in the way governments legitimated their foreign policies.
    • The rhetoric of rights legitimates claims and mobilizes support for groups demanding autonomy.


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘born of parents lawfully married to each other’): from medieval Latin legitimatus ‘made legal’, from the verb legitimare, from Latin legitimus ‘lawful’, from lex, leg- ‘law’.





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