1.1Physiology Occurring in phases rather than continuously.
phasic and tonic stretch reflexes
Example sentencesExamples
Davidson has further emphasized that ‘affective chronometry’, or individual differences in tonic activation and phasic reactivity in this circuit, play an important role in governing different aspects of anxiety.
We measured both tonic and phasic heart rate dimensions.
In addition to several specific tasks concerning the components of tonic and phasic alertness and selective, divided, and sustained attention, we presented a working memory test.
These phasic values of blood pressure can be recorded accurately using modern transducers (electronic measuring devices) connected to catheters (fine tubes) inserted into arteries.
Presumably, this airway collapse is due to falling pharyngeal muscle tone as the phasic afferent breathing-associated neural drive to these muscles declines as a central apnea develops.
Definition of phasic in US English:
1Relating to a phase or phases.
1.1Physiology Characterized by occurrence in phases rather than continuously.
phasic and tonic stretch reflexes
Example sentencesExamples
We measured both tonic and phasic heart rate dimensions.
Presumably, this airway collapse is due to falling pharyngeal muscle tone as the phasic afferent breathing-associated neural drive to these muscles declines as a central apnea develops.
Davidson has further emphasized that ‘affective chronometry’, or individual differences in tonic activation and phasic reactivity in this circuit, play an important role in governing different aspects of anxiety.
These phasic values of blood pressure can be recorded accurately using modern transducers (electronic measuring devices) connected to catheters (fine tubes) inserted into arteries.
In addition to several specific tasks concerning the components of tonic and phasic alertness and selective, divided, and sustained attention, we presented a working memory test.