

单词 left


adjective lɛftlɛft
  • 1On, towards, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west when the person or thing is facing north.


    her left eye


    the left side of the road


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She could only extend her left arm for nine inches sideways from her body.
    • There is a cluster of small, neat circular wounds on both sides of his left knee.
    • Bandages covered the left side of his face and his left arm, which lay atop the blankets.
    • In his right hand he grasped his sheathed sword, and his left arm he held close to his body.
    • The patient was a sturdy young man with an abscess on the outer side of his left thigh.
    • I laugh at her, pull my clothes towards me and then glance at the Rolex adorning my left wrist.
    • I'm slowly coming to realise that the left side of my body is far superior to my right side.
    • She was the victim of another stroke last March which affected the left side of her body and impaired her vision.
    • Another shot had hit her in the left knee, and this bullet also remained in her body.
    • He has been left with slurred speech, and the left side of his body is weak after his brain was damaged.
    • He placed the sharp edge against his left cheek, just below his eye but didn't make a cut.
    • King testified that the angles of impact were on the left side of the body and the right side of the head.
    • He fell off of me, and as he got up I punched him square on the side of his left eye.
    • Whenever I am extremely stressed, I suffer from an infection on the side of my left foot.
    • It veers slightly to one side, so I end up with my left shoulder aching after a while of constantly having to correct it.
    • He dismounted on the left side, and his leather boots gave a loud thud when they hit the ground.
    • Take your right leg, bend it and pull the knee over towards the floor next to your left side.
    • He still has difficulty using his left-hand side and has a splint on his left ankle.
    • Language only grounds itself in the left side of the brain as we move towards adulthood.
    • I reached out with my left arm, towards the window and gently rested my hand upon it.
    left-hand, sinistral, at nine o'clock
    Nautical port
    Nautical, archaic larboard
    Heraldry sinister
  • 2Relating to a person or group favouring radical, reforming, or socialist views.


    Left politics


    left periodicals such as Marxism Today
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Now that this perspective has so obviously failed, the left groups have little to say.
    • The existence of Respect has begun to create a left alternative to New Labour.
    • Together, we could have seriously eroded New Labour's hegemony on the left vote.
    • The best thing that could happen is left unity - for all the small left parties to unite.
    • Instead we have seen the election of left leaders who have called openly for solidarity action.
    • Wills has been forced into adopting a more left posture to defend his parliamentary position.
    • The Green Party leadership appear to believe that the left vote is theirs by right.
    • The crowd was solidly left and markedly anarchist and Marxist for the most part it seems.
    • The solution which the left cabinets proposed for the railway question is emblematic of the new regime.
    • It is clearly time for a realignment of left politics as there is no chance of reclaiming the Labour Party now.
    • The large left vote in the elections shows that it can still be an independent force in Indian politics.
    • The Respect coalition has shown people are willing to vote for a left alternative.
    • There has been no real fight against the Le Pen vote organised by the dominant left parties.
    • This is less than the combined share of the smaller left parties in the first round.
    • But there is also a much wider necessity to put forward a viable left alternative to Labour.
    • The left union leaders should issue a call for action in our workplaces for peace on 1 May.
    • In the absence of a real left alternative, the working class had to choose between one devil and another.
    • A united left campaign to rebuild the union at school level is urgently needed.
    • If a left platform had come out of the election with anything like that it would have been a sensation.
    • Some people think that it's the time to create a left alternative outside the Labour Party.
adverb lɛftlɛft
  • On or to the left side.


    turn left here


    keep left


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Silverdale train station can be reached by going left at this road junction.
    • Follow the lane and at the next road junction bear left to another junction of lanes.
    • Leave the ticket office and pass in front of the main house, turning left at the far side.
    • The third incident was when I hit the side of a bus that was turning left near a blind corner.
    • Continue to the main road, turn left and then right at a junction with the B6365.
noun lɛftlɛft
  • 1the leftThe left-hand part, side, or direction.


    turn to the left


    the general sat to his left


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was sitting on my left while Tyson sat on my right holding a bag of ice on his black eye.
    • Swing left here and follow the path under pylons with the wall on the left.
    • Cross over to the left hand side and the canal can be reached on the left via a series of wooden steps.
    • They were in a small room with a table to the right side, and a small window to the left.
    • Our road took us along this western side with the sandy belt on our left.
    • There were only a few seats left, and one of them was the place directly to the left of him.
    • There is a small bar area to the left as you walk inside and then the main dining room to the right.
    • She looks at him, shakes her head, and moves slightly to the left so she's standing in front of the other bank of tills.
    • This climbs gradually on to the high plateau north of Bynack Mor and swings gently to the left of the mountain.
    • Because far more people look at departure boards than arrival boards, it is normal to put departures on the left.
    • A truck passed them on the left going the opposite direction, with Jared at the wheel.
    • They claim she began to lose weight and leaned badly to the left when sitting in a chair.
    • And it must have been coincidence that I happened to be walking on the left when he'd passed.
    • He was now lying to the side, but he had one arm to my left, and the other to my right.
    • There was another subdivision on her right side, and a good sized church on her left.
    • To my left were a weight bench and a long horizontal bar that was built into the wall.
    • She turned her eyes directly to the left when she saw a flicker of light from the barn.
    • That's the museum building on the left and the reading room on the right.
    • Follow the path over a ladder stile that leads in front of the farmhouse then cross the stile to the left by a gate after the house.
    • To the left of this is Israel and the West Bank; to the right is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
    1. 1.1 (in soccer or a similar sport) the left-hand half of the field when facing the opponents' goal.
      a free kick from the left


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Brian Flynn made a great burst down the left with a goal very much on his mind.
      • Celtic go on a rare foray outside their own half and win a free-kick just to the left of the Milan box.
      • Villa gained possession and advanced into the penalty area to the left of goal.
      • Del Piero, who's had a quiet game, expertly cuts in from the left and goes for goal.
      • Another charge was cut short illegally by a tug from Barker five yards to the left of the penalty area.
    2. 1.2 The left wing of an army.
      a token attack on the Russian left


    3. 1.3 A left turn.
      take a left here


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She went down the stairs with me trailing along while telling me a few things I needed to remember, turned a few lefts and rights until I didn't know where I was, and finally stopped at a large door.
      • There are six rights and eight lefts, and the main straight is only 650m, so it will be quite demanding.
      • ‘Then make two lefts and I'm the ranch house with the blue shutters,’ he explained.
      • I knew Lake Forest well enough to envision where I was going by the lefts and rights we took but I lost track once we made the fifth turn.
      • After doing right turns and lefts until I lost count, I came to a huge oak brown door and knocked on it.
      • Take two lefts, then a right past Venice and you're there.
      • Make a right, and two lefts, than another right.
    4. 1.4 A road, entrance, etc. on the left.
      my road's the first left


    5. 1.5 A person's left fist, especially a boxer's.
      a dazzler with the left


    6. 1.6 A blow given with the left fist.
      a left to the body


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although O'Malley continued to come forward McLeod delivered all of the important shots, hitting him with rights and lefts.
      • A right hand and a succession of lefts hurt Carey again in the third.
      • Hunt KOs Jerome, with a flurry of lefts and rights, polished off by a right hook to the head that tracks him down to the mat.
      • However, he pulled himself together and near corners scored frequently with well-placed lefts to the nose, drawing blood.
      • He was a tough opponent and he caught me with a few big lefts.
  • 2treated as singular or plural A group or party favouring radical, reforming, or socialist views.


    the Left is preparing to fight presidential elections


    he is on the left of the party


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The parties of the Left and of the Right are in conflict because they both aim at supreme power.
    • Radical feminism emerged from the Left and brought left-wing values of equality to women.
    • In the broader picture, does this contention imply that America needs a credible party of the Left?
    • A key element in this process will be the capacity of the Argentinian Left to overcome its divisions.
    • It is of course the Right who regard the Left as little more than empty slogans and iconography.
    • The cover, then as now, was a moral imperialist fantasy that appealed to parts of the Left.
    • It is against this background that a recomposition and realignment of the Left is taking place.
    • That a common approach on all the central questions was agreed is significant for the Left in Europe.
    • We have built a great movement, whose social weight resonates well beyond the borders of the Left.
    • That experience in Scotland has directly led to the rebuilding of the Left in England.
    • One is never enough because the Left is going to distort the facts just as much as the Right.
    • Critics of America are not, in any case, drawn exclusively from the pacifist Left.
    • This would be the time for the Left to unite and lay the basis for the party that Argentinian workers need.
    • The Left has much in common with the radicals in the Green movement and wants to work with them.
    • Serge clearly still saw himself as an active member of the anti-Stalinist Left.
    • The national question is not a problem for the Left; it is a problem for the British ruling class.
    • The book is littered with one-liners and anecdotes that will be familiar to activists on the Left.
    • The radical Left will need better representation than Ralph Nader at the next election.
    • From this point of view the change in the vote for the radical Left is extremely significant.
    • The Left's place, in this conception, is clearly on the side of the victims of the imperial power.


  • have two left feet

    • Be clumsy or awkward.


      if you stumble when you dance, you've got two left feet
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And there are dozens of dance schools that guarantee they will turn you into a performer, even if you have two left feet.
      • She is wrinkled, she is overweight, and she still has two left feet when it comes to dancing.
      • I have two left feet when it comes to doing dance moves.
      • If she loves to dance but you have two left feet, visit a dance lesson several times and learn how.
      • The choreography was all worked out and the dancers had learned their steps, but poor David has two left feet and is tone deaf.
      • His instructor had claimed with frustration that he had two left feet and Roman couldn't agree more.
      • Joe was right; Hoss had two left feet when it came to the waltz.
      • Maybe you've realized you have two left feet, skewed rhythm and zero coordination.
      • Well I gave it a try and quickly discovered that I had two left feet and my dreams went up in smoke.
      • Are today's celebrities fleet of foot or do they have two left feet?
  • left, right, and centre (also left and right or right and left)

    • On all sides.


      deals were being done left, right, and centre


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'm turning theatre down left, right, and centre at the moment and I hope my plan pays off.
      • There will be the defrauding of charities left, right, and centre because those people will be permitted to be on them.
      • The show borrows elements from much better shows left, right, and center and comes up with few of its own original ideas.
      • I have cases left, right, and centre of families that are receiving phone calls from teachers, asking them why their kids are not at school.
      • You already ruled on this when Mr Mallard was on his feet insulting people left, right, and centre.
      • It is another classic example of this Labour Party taxing business left, right, and centre.
      • Every one of us - left, right, and center - has to be challenged to care for the church as it is, not as we would like it to be.
      • People in this country are ripping off the taxpayer, left, right, and centre, and this bill provides another loophole.
      • In a mild winter we are seeing people turning power off left, right, and centre.
      • He was the Minister of Finance who cut funding left, right, and centre.


  • leftish

  • adjective ˈlɛftɪʃˈlɛftɪʃ
    • For a while, leftish bloggers were quite caught up in the notion that the correlation of good economic performance with Democratic presidencies had to be causal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is vital that this problem should be confronted in the light of 21 st-century realities, rather than viewed through the old prism of leftish consensus.
      • His wife recently lost her job as a teacher's aide and, like many others in Clark County, Adkins is more concerned about the local economy than any leftish British view of the world.
      • Ever since, leftish malcontents have taken every opportunity to condemn the iniquity of holding all applicants for admission to the same standards.
      • If the pollsters are overestimating Labour's support once more, the consequences of their blunders could leave a lot of leftish voters looking very silly.


Old English lyft, left 'weak' (the left-hand side being regarded as the weaker side of the body), of West Germanic origin.

  • The original core sense of left in Old English is ‘weak’—the majority of people are right-handed, and the left-hand side was regarded as the weaker side of the body. The political application of left originated in the French National Assembly of 1789, in which the nobles as a body took the position of honour on the president's right, and the Third Estate—the French bourgeoisie and working class—sat on his left. See also ambidextrous, sinister. In baseball left field is the part of the outfield that is to the left from the perspective of the batter. In US English something that is left-field or out of left field is surprising or unconventional, or possibly ignorant or mistaken. The connection with baseball probably came from the fact that in many early ball parks the left field was larger than the right, making it more difficult to retrieve balls hit there and sometimes leading to delay and general confusion.


bereft, cleft, deft, eft, heft, klepht, reft, theft, weft


  • past and past participle of leave


  • 1On, toward, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west when the person or thing is facing north.


    her left eye


    the left side of the road


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He fell off of me, and as he got up I punched him square on the side of his left eye.
    • I'm slowly coming to realise that the left side of my body is far superior to my right side.
    • Another shot had hit her in the left knee, and this bullet also remained in her body.
    • I reached out with my left arm, towards the window and gently rested my hand upon it.
    • Bandages covered the left side of his face and his left arm, which lay atop the blankets.
    • It veers slightly to one side, so I end up with my left shoulder aching after a while of constantly having to correct it.
    • He has been left with slurred speech, and the left side of his body is weak after his brain was damaged.
    • She was the victim of another stroke last March which affected the left side of her body and impaired her vision.
    • In his right hand he grasped his sheathed sword, and his left arm he held close to his body.
    • There is a cluster of small, neat circular wounds on both sides of his left knee.
    • He placed the sharp edge against his left cheek, just below his eye but didn't make a cut.
    • King testified that the angles of impact were on the left side of the body and the right side of the head.
    • Language only grounds itself in the left side of the brain as we move towards adulthood.
    • I laugh at her, pull my clothes towards me and then glance at the Rolex adorning my left wrist.
    • He dismounted on the left side, and his leather boots gave a loud thud when they hit the ground.
    • The patient was a sturdy young man with an abscess on the outer side of his left thigh.
    • She could only extend her left arm for nine inches sideways from her body.
    • Take your right leg, bend it and pull the knee over towards the floor next to your left side.
    • He still has difficulty using his left-hand side and has a splint on his left ankle.
    • Whenever I am extremely stressed, I suffer from an infection on the side of my left foot.
    left-hand, sinistral, at nine o'clock
  • 2Relating to a person or group favoring liberal, socialist, or radical views.


    Left politics


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is less than the combined share of the smaller left parties in the first round.
    • The large left vote in the elections shows that it can still be an independent force in Indian politics.
    • In the absence of a real left alternative, the working class had to choose between one devil and another.
    • The crowd was solidly left and markedly anarchist and Marxist for the most part it seems.
    • There has been no real fight against the Le Pen vote organised by the dominant left parties.
    • Wills has been forced into adopting a more left posture to defend his parliamentary position.
    • But there is also a much wider necessity to put forward a viable left alternative to Labour.
    • If a left platform had come out of the election with anything like that it would have been a sensation.
    • Some people think that it's the time to create a left alternative outside the Labour Party.
    • The existence of Respect has begun to create a left alternative to New Labour.
    • The Respect coalition has shown people are willing to vote for a left alternative.
    • A united left campaign to rebuild the union at school level is urgently needed.
    • Now that this perspective has so obviously failed, the left groups have little to say.
    • It is clearly time for a realignment of left politics as there is no chance of reclaiming the Labour Party now.
    • Instead we have seen the election of left leaders who have called openly for solidarity action.
    • The Green Party leadership appear to believe that the left vote is theirs by right.
    • The left union leaders should issue a call for action in our workplaces for peace on 1 May.
    • Together, we could have seriously eroded New Labour's hegemony on the left vote.
    • The solution which the left cabinets proposed for the railway question is emblematic of the new regime.
    • The best thing that could happen is left unity - for all the small left parties to unite.
  • On or to the left side.


    turn left here


    keep left


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Leave the ticket office and pass in front of the main house, turning left at the far side.
    • Silverdale train station can be reached by going left at this road junction.
    • Continue to the main road, turn left and then right at a junction with the B6365.
    • Follow the lane and at the next road junction bear left to another junction of lanes.
    • The third incident was when I hit the side of a bus that was turning left near a blind corner.
  • 1the leftThe left-hand part, side, or direction.


    a turn to the left


    the general sat to his left


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Swing left here and follow the path under pylons with the wall on the left.
    • A truck passed them on the left going the opposite direction, with Jared at the wheel.
    • To the left of this is Israel and the West Bank; to the right is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
    • There were only a few seats left, and one of them was the place directly to the left of him.
    • Cross over to the left hand side and the canal can be reached on the left via a series of wooden steps.
    • This climbs gradually on to the high plateau north of Bynack Mor and swings gently to the left of the mountain.
    • There was another subdivision on her right side, and a good sized church on her left.
    • She looks at him, shakes her head, and moves slightly to the left so she's standing in front of the other bank of tills.
    • To my left were a weight bench and a long horizontal bar that was built into the wall.
    • And it must have been coincidence that I happened to be walking on the left when he'd passed.
    • He was sitting on my left while Tyson sat on my right holding a bag of ice on his black eye.
    • She turned her eyes directly to the left when she saw a flicker of light from the barn.
    • That's the museum building on the left and the reading room on the right.
    • He was now lying to the side, but he had one arm to my left, and the other to my right.
    • They were in a small room with a table to the right side, and a small window to the left.
    • Our road took us along this western side with the sandy belt on our left.
    • They claim she began to lose weight and leaned badly to the left when sitting in a chair.
    • Because far more people look at departure boards than arrival boards, it is normal to put departures on the left.
    • There is a small bar area to the left as you walk inside and then the main dining room to the right.
    • Follow the path over a ladder stile that leads in front of the farmhouse then cross the stile to the left by a gate after the house.
    1. 1.1 (in soccer or a similar sport) the left-hand half of the field when facing the opponents' goal.
      a free kick from the left


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Another charge was cut short illegally by a tug from Barker five yards to the left of the penalty area.
      • Del Piero, who's had a quiet game, expertly cuts in from the left and goes for goal.
      • Villa gained possession and advanced into the penalty area to the left of goal.
      • Celtic go on a rare foray outside their own half and win a free-kick just to the left of the Milan box.
      • Brian Flynn made a great burst down the left with a goal very much on his mind.
    2. 1.2leftBaseball
      a sacrifice fly to left
      short for left field
    3. 1.3 The left wing of an army.
      a token attack on the Russian left


    4. 1.4 A left turn.
      take a left here


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are six rights and eight lefts, and the main straight is only 650m, so it will be quite demanding.
      • Make a right, and two lefts, than another right.
      • ‘Then make two lefts and I'm the ranch house with the blue shutters,’ he explained.
      • I knew Lake Forest well enough to envision where I was going by the lefts and rights we took but I lost track once we made the fifth turn.
      • She went down the stairs with me trailing along while telling me a few things I needed to remember, turned a few lefts and rights until I didn't know where I was, and finally stopped at a large door.
      • Take two lefts, then a right past Venice and you're there.
      • After doing right turns and lefts until I lost count, I came to a huge oak brown door and knocked on it.
    5. 1.5 A road, entrance, etc. on the left.
      my road's the first left


    6. 1.6 A person's left fist, especially a boxer's.
      a dazzler with the left


    7. 1.7 A blow given with the left fist.
      a left to the body


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, he pulled himself together and near corners scored frequently with well-placed lefts to the nose, drawing blood.
      • Although O'Malley continued to come forward McLeod delivered all of the important shots, hitting him with rights and lefts.
      • Hunt KOs Jerome, with a flurry of lefts and rights, polished off by a right hook to the head that tracks him down to the mat.
      • A right hand and a succession of lefts hurt Carey again in the third.
      • He was a tough opponent and he caught me with a few big lefts.
  • 2often the Lefttreated as singular or plural A group or party favoring liberal, socialist, or radical views.

    the Left is preparing to fight presidential elections


    he is on the left of the party


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Critics of America are not, in any case, drawn exclusively from the pacifist Left.
    • The book is littered with one-liners and anecdotes that will be familiar to activists on the Left.
    • In the broader picture, does this contention imply that America needs a credible party of the Left?
    • From this point of view the change in the vote for the radical Left is extremely significant.
    • That experience in Scotland has directly led to the rebuilding of the Left in England.
    • This would be the time for the Left to unite and lay the basis for the party that Argentinian workers need.
    • Serge clearly still saw himself as an active member of the anti-Stalinist Left.
    • The Left's place, in this conception, is clearly on the side of the victims of the imperial power.
    • That a common approach on all the central questions was agreed is significant for the Left in Europe.
    • The parties of the Left and of the Right are in conflict because they both aim at supreme power.
    • The radical Left will need better representation than Ralph Nader at the next election.
    • We have built a great movement, whose social weight resonates well beyond the borders of the Left.
    • One is never enough because the Left is going to distort the facts just as much as the Right.
    • A key element in this process will be the capacity of the Argentinian Left to overcome its divisions.
    • The cover, then as now, was a moral imperialist fantasy that appealed to parts of the Left.
    • It is of course the Right who regard the Left as little more than empty slogans and iconography.
    • It is against this background that a recomposition and realignment of the Left is taking place.
    • The national question is not a problem for the Left; it is a problem for the British ruling class.
    • The Left has much in common with the radicals in the Green movement and wants to work with them.
    • Radical feminism emerged from the Left and brought left-wing values of equality to women.


  • have two left feet

    • Be clumsy or awkward.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The choreography was all worked out and the dancers had learned their steps, but poor David has two left feet and is tone deaf.
      • I have two left feet when it comes to doing dance moves.
      • His instructor had claimed with frustration that he had two left feet and Roman couldn't agree more.
      • Well I gave it a try and quickly discovered that I had two left feet and my dreams went up in smoke.
      • Are today's celebrities fleet of foot or do they have two left feet?
      • She is wrinkled, she is overweight, and she still has two left feet when it comes to dancing.
      • Maybe you've realized you have two left feet, skewed rhythm and zero coordination.
      • And there are dozens of dance schools that guarantee they will turn you into a performer, even if you have two left feet.
      • Joe was right; Hoss had two left feet when it came to the waltz.
      • If she loves to dance but you have two left feet, visit a dance lesson several times and learn how.
  • left, right, and center (also left and right or right and left)

    • On all sides.


      deals were being done left, right, and center


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You already ruled on this when Mr Mallard was on his feet insulting people left, right, and centre.
      • The show borrows elements from much better shows left, right, and center and comes up with few of its own original ideas.
      • Every one of us - left, right, and center - has to be challenged to care for the church as it is, not as we would like it to be.
      • It is another classic example of this Labour Party taxing business left, right, and centre.
      • He was the Minister of Finance who cut funding left, right, and centre.
      • People in this country are ripping off the taxpayer, left, right, and centre, and this bill provides another loophole.
      • There will be the defrauding of charities left, right, and centre because those people will be permitted to be on them.
      • I'm turning theatre down left, right, and centre at the moment and I hope my plan pays off.
      • I have cases left, right, and centre of families that are receiving phone calls from teachers, asking them why their kids are not at school.
      • In a mild winter we are seeing people turning power off left, right, and centre.


Old English lyft, left ‘weak’ (the left-hand side being regarded as the weaker side of the body), of West Germanic origin.


  • past and past participle of leave




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