

单词 capitalization

Definition of capitalization in English:


(British capitalisation)
noun ˌkapɪt(ə)lʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n
mass noun
  • 1The action of writing or printing in capital letters or with an initial capital.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The capitalization of ‘True’ and ‘False’ implies that these attributes are assessments of some authority.
    • The many infelicities of language are distracting and far too many spelling mistakes and peculiar capitalisations got past the editors.
    • By default, both vi and Vim won't match anywhere in the text where the capitalization isn't exactly the same as the search pattern you entered; however, we can change this default behavior.
    • An irregular capitalization of the initial letter is assumed to activate wrong lexical units and therefore slows down word identification.
    • You got the RANDOM capitalisation, but it could have been so much more…
    • Specifically, if the capitalization of the initial letter of nouns serves as a cue for word class, it should affect structural extraction and thereby the missing-letter effect.
    • Jumping onto the band name wagon with another post, Mark took issue not with the number of definites, but with the capitalization of the prefinal one: he prescribes the The or the the The, and cites as evidence the band's logo.
    • Update #2: several people wrote in to point out that Kiesling explains his capitalization explicitly in a footnote.
    • On capitalisation, I have nothing whatever to add to the thousands, probably tens of thousands of learned and not-so-learned papers on the subject.
    • However, as already pointed out, function words (but not nouns) in German have a different capitalization depending on their position within the sentence.
    • The capitalization reduces the top inscription to its barest signification, equating Morrison's name directly with her prize.
    • But i'm rambling again and my capitalisation's gone all funky, so I'll shut up now…
    • The present experiments aimed to explore with the letter-detection task whether the capitalization of nouns in German fulfills a specific role in the extraction of sentential structure.
    • Note the capitalization of ‘Racial Groups’ --the categories of Otherness implied by this umbrella term are themselves subsumed by the exaltation of the metacategory.
    • The random capitalization and numbering of the word is what is affectionately known as ‘HAXXOR’ speak, and is used mostly by kids online as a way to psudo-code their correspondence.
    • I regularize the capitalization etc. of the original.
    • The emphatic capitalization of the ‘Me’ illustrates the dativus ethicus, the so-called ‘ethical dative.’
    • I'm the dork that writes with capitalizations and punctuation even when writing instant messages.
    • I shall refrain from unwarranted capitalisations in the middle of sentences.
    • If Sonic Youth and the Velvet Underground had never happened, then ‘roll, Spirit, roll’ (their dodgy capitalization, not mine) probably wouldn't have either.
  • 2Finance
    The provision of capital for a company, or the conversion of income or assets into capital.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The second method makes use of the capitalization of annual income earned from British financial and real investment abroad.
    • Most important is the idea that the value of an asset is the capitalization of the stream of future services expected to be thrown off by the asset.
    • Its capitalization is minuscule, maybe about $20 billion to $30 billion.
    • Industry sources said the startup will hire as many as 100 people and have an initial capitalization of $3540 million.

Definition of capitalization in US English:


(British capitalisation)
  • 1Finance
    The provision of capital for a company, or the conversion of income or assets into capital.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Industry sources said the startup will hire as many as 100 people and have an initial capitalization of $3540 million.
    • Its capitalization is minuscule, maybe about $20 billion to $30 billion.
    • Most important is the idea that the value of an asset is the capitalization of the stream of future services expected to be thrown off by the asset.
    • The second method makes use of the capitalization of annual income earned from British financial and real investment abroad.
  • 2The action of writing or printing in capital letters or with an initial capital.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • On capitalisation, I have nothing whatever to add to the thousands, probably tens of thousands of learned and not-so-learned papers on the subject.
    • Jumping onto the band name wagon with another post, Mark took issue not with the number of definites, but with the capitalization of the prefinal one: he prescribes the The or the the The, and cites as evidence the band's logo.
    • The random capitalization and numbering of the word is what is affectionately known as ‘HAXXOR’ speak, and is used mostly by kids online as a way to psudo-code their correspondence.
    • Update #2: several people wrote in to point out that Kiesling explains his capitalization explicitly in a footnote.
    • But i'm rambling again and my capitalisation's gone all funky, so I'll shut up now…
    • The emphatic capitalization of the ‘Me’ illustrates the dativus ethicus, the so-called ‘ethical dative.’
    • The capitalization reduces the top inscription to its barest signification, equating Morrison's name directly with her prize.
    • An irregular capitalization of the initial letter is assumed to activate wrong lexical units and therefore slows down word identification.
    • I'm the dork that writes with capitalizations and punctuation even when writing instant messages.
    • I shall refrain from unwarranted capitalisations in the middle of sentences.
    • However, as already pointed out, function words (but not nouns) in German have a different capitalization depending on their position within the sentence.
    • You got the RANDOM capitalisation, but it could have been so much more…
    • By default, both vi and Vim won't match anywhere in the text where the capitalization isn't exactly the same as the search pattern you entered; however, we can change this default behavior.
    • Note the capitalization of ‘Racial Groups’ --the categories of Otherness implied by this umbrella term are themselves subsumed by the exaltation of the metacategory.
    • The many infelicities of language are distracting and far too many spelling mistakes and peculiar capitalisations got past the editors.
    • If Sonic Youth and the Velvet Underground had never happened, then ‘roll, Spirit, roll’ (their dodgy capitalization, not mine) probably wouldn't have either.
    • The capitalization of ‘True’ and ‘False’ implies that these attributes are assessments of some authority.
    • The present experiments aimed to explore with the letter-detection task whether the capitalization of nouns in German fulfills a specific role in the extraction of sentential structure.
    • I regularize the capitalization etc. of the original.
    • Specifically, if the capitalization of the initial letter of nouns serves as a cue for word class, it should affect structural extraction and thereby the missing-letter effect.




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