A method of estimating a quantity or fitting a graph to data so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed values and the estimated values.
Example sentencesExamples
For linear models, the least squares minimization is usually done analytically using calculus.
One thing is certain, to find the least squares polynomial the above linear system must be solved.
Why is it that the least squares regression line is said not to be resistant to outliers?
The general least squares process can be used to solve a set of equations for a set of unknowns.
Other topics related to total least squares, errors-in-variables modeling, and their applications are also welcome.
Definition of least squares in US English:
least squares
A method of estimating a quantity or fitting a graph to data so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed values and the estimated values.
Example sentencesExamples
One thing is certain, to find the least squares polynomial the above linear system must be solved.
Other topics related to total least squares, errors-in-variables modeling, and their applications are also welcome.
Why is it that the least squares regression line is said not to be resistant to outliers?
For linear models, the least squares minimization is usually done analytically using calculus.
The general least squares process can be used to solve a set of equations for a set of unknowns.