A machine used to stamp an official mark on a letter or parcel to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.
check that the date on the franking machine is correct
Example sentencesExamples
Mr Crossley suggests businesses use other Royal Mail services, such as franking machines or pre-printed mail contracts.
Where a franking machine requires manual adjustments to change the date, staff should ensure that this is done each morning before the machine is used.
Is there any company out there who would run some appeal letters through their franking machines?
Customers who wish to use their franking machine to add the return address should consult their machine supplier.
Certain franking machine suppliers provide specially marked envelopes for mail that has been received late.
French law had discriminated against imported postal franking machines.
Unbeknown to me, Jonathan swiped my franking machine to send out magazines.
The franking machine must never be used for the posting of any personal mail; its key should always be locked away.
Big businesses have mailrooms that deal with couriers and have franking machines.
Never use the office franking machine for your personal correspondence.