To minimise the possibility of second marriage, registration of nikah must be officially made compulsory.
The Prophet has directed us to make nikah a simple ceremony.
I have only attended one nikah, in Lahore, Pakistan, when an American Urdu student married a young Pakistani man.
Moreover, no one can say with certainty communal riots took place because Hindus perform satpadi and Muslims nikah or that Hindus have one law of divorce while minorities have another.
When the village mullah hesitated at performing the nikah for such a young girl, the bridegroom put a gun to his head and the marriage was performed.
Urdu and Arabic.
Definition of nikah in US English:
A Muslim marriage.
Example sentencesExamples
I have only attended one nikah, in Lahore, Pakistan, when an American Urdu student married a young Pakistani man.
When the village mullah hesitated at performing the nikah for such a young girl, the bridegroom put a gun to his head and the marriage was performed.
Moreover, no one can say with certainty communal riots took place because Hindus perform satpadi and Muslims nikah or that Hindus have one law of divorce while minorities have another.
The Prophet has directed us to make nikah a simple ceremony.
To minimise the possibility of second marriage, registration of nikah must be officially made compulsory.