Early morning shoppers and office workers had remarkable escapes as the bus shot onto the pavement, narrowly missing an electric lamp standard.
Now all that remains is to place motorway lamp standards behind barriers - normal safety practice elsewhere.
The foundries supplied all sorts of ironworks, mostly for the railways: everything from bridges to lamp standards.
An articulated lorry crossed the central reservation of the dual carriageway and collided with a lorry travelling in the opposite direction before hitting a lamp standard.
However, the city changed its lane policy to incorporate a more country feel with planted grass strips and no lamp standards.
The rewards of well maintained ironwork are obvious, and beautiful balconies, railings or lamp standards can add enormously to the overall visual quality of a building, whatever its age.
The councillors agreed to assist with the provision of a further six ornamental lamp standards in Attymass.
In addition, the council also provided Christmas greeting banners hanging from lamp standards in North Street and Cavendish Street.
Within 24 hours, the broken lamp standard was removed and a new one erected.
As mentioned last year, the fine lamp standards and the absence of overhead wires in the central area has made an enormous visual improvement.
The four men had been racing in three cars along Cambie Road when one of them lost control of his BMW and drove it into a lamp standard.
On some stretches of the new M1, unprotected lamp standards are beside the carriageways.
The baskets, which had been erected by the local Tidy Towns committee, were removed from the lamp standards in the early hours of Saturday night / Sunday morning last.
The vehicle struck a lamp standard on the south side of the road and rolled.
Eight new lamp standards are to be set up along a remote section of Shann Lane, high above Keighley town centre.
The carriages shown in that picture are a little fanciful, and the concrete building and the lamp standard, bearing a strip lighting tube, are quite out-of-place!
In Germany the streets have the lamp standards numbered and, as Sarah says, on the odd days you park on the odd side and so on.
Incidentally, could someone explain why the eminently simple system of numbering each lamp standard seems to have been abandoned?
Then he begins to notice the wrought-iron dolphins on lamp standards along the Embankment, the wrought-iron camels acting as bench supports.
We can consider the sitting and design of the pole, but since it is very little different from a lamp standard there were no grounds to turn it down.