

单词 florid

Definition of florid in English:


adjective ˈflɒrɪd
  • 1Having a red or flushed complexion.


    a stout man with a florid face


    Example sentencesExamples
    • His features and florid complexion are all too familiar to readers of The Sunday Times, where he provides the savoury delights in the restaurant pages of Style magazine.
    • Kara stared aghast as the brawny Maggie Finch, with a florid complexion like red brick and forearms like a butcher's, rolled up her sleeves and went to meet the threat of the two men in black Greek fisherman's garb.
    • Twenty-two years later, as Duchess of Lauderdale and already somewhat florid, but with a defiantly low corsage, she sat again for Lely with the Duke her husband.
    • He was a great big fellow with a florid complexion and blue eyes, and was utterly devoid of fear, nothing that came in his direction being too hot for him to handle.
    • Added to this influence was the deep impression made upon his mind by the florid sumptuousness of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, whose works he had an opportunity of studying in Venice before he returned to Paris in 1761.
    • Mr Carker was a gentleman thirty-eight or forty years old, of a florid complexion, and with two unbroken rows of glistening teeth, whose regularity and whiteness were quite distressing.
    • He was a rotund, florid, bad-tempered, red-haired man who would shout orders.
    • Think of high blood pressure - or hypertension as doctors call it - and you probably think headaches, dizzy spells and a florid complexion.
    • All over campus are people whose complexions have turned from pale to florid in the space of just a few days.
    • The first definition is: a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion but of course I am using it in its main sense.
    • As usual in his Neapolitan operas, there are also splendid opportunities for rival tenors - the dark, baritonal villain Antenore and the light, florid tenore di grazia Ilo - to pit their vocal skills against each other.
    • Reynolds painted his florid, bald, ruddy countenance many times, and for decades less distinguished portraits swung outside countless taverns.
    • After only a few minutes my normally florid complexion had begun to resemble Florida.
    • His florid face, unusual in the South, bobbed up and down, side to side, as his conversation galloped forward at the speed of thought.
    ruddy, red, red-faced, reddish, rosy, rosy-cheeked, pink, pinkish, roseate, rubicund
    healthy-looking, glowing, fresh
    flushed, blushing, high-coloured, blowsy
    archaic sanguine
    rare erubescent, rubescent
  • 2Excessively intricate or elaborate.


    a florid, baroque building
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Her gestures, however, can seem too mannered, even by the florid standards of Baroque song recitals.
    • Ritter's one work has harmonic richness and operatic swagger in its florid vocal writing.
    • During nearly half a century's worth of participation in the cat fancy, she had written her name in large, florid letters across its record books.
    • Matthews was inspired by Geoffrey Hill's poem sequence on the subject, Funeral music, which Hill himself described as ‘a florid grim music broken by grunts and shrieks’.
    • His furniture and interior designs, often made in collaboration with his wife Margaret Macdonald, are characteristically art nouveau while avoiding florid excess.
    • Sedov, a young Israeli of Russian extraction, has a characterful voice - not unlike Ramey's, come to think of it - and he negotiates Rossini's florid music with aplomb.
    • They play works from the baroque and classical periods on original instruments, and present some of the world's finest singers of florid music when they work in opera.
    • State buildings neighbour the florid works of nineteenth-century Russian and Viennese architects.
    • Harris looks great in Jess Goldstein's Joan Collins gowns, she packs a mean pistol, and she even sings the florid music with considerable grace and élan.
    • Between the Kyrie and Gloria we get one of Andrea's florid organ intonations; lovely scene setting music.
    • I remember my mother grinding up tablets of Largactil (the major tranquilliser chlorpromazine) to put in his tea in the hope of dampening his florid auditory hallucinations.
    • Like Herodotus's exciting account of Leonidas and his 300 spunky Spartans holding up the entire Persian army at Thermopylae, this is story-telling so florid and fantastical that Tolkien himself might have written it.
    • The other side of Cuban music was the romantic ballads of people like Beny Moré - florid, sentimental stories backed by the sensual music of Oriente.
    • In an age when the life of the spirit is besieged by the excesses of a florid globalism, claimants to sole proprietorship of truth have never been more numerous.
    • It is sad to hear the veteran struggling with Rossini's florid music as the titular Turk, and both buffo baritones are, frankly, provincial.
    • All the same, busy foyer ceramics and florid room furnishings suggest a resort ripe for refurbishment.
    • The ceremony was as elaborate as ever, and the certificate looked as florid as before; but some things had changed in Curacao in three years: rumors of autonomy and even independence were in the air.
    • Adult castrati could sing the most florid music imaginable and continued to preserve the Pauline ban on female voices in church - at least in the pope's Sistine Chapel in Rome - until the 20th century.
    • There is nothing florid here, nothing in the tradition of Romantic harp music.
    • On the plus side was the intriguingly ornate solo piano part, with florid additions, one may speculate, to compensate for the thinner strings.
    ornate, fancy, very elaborate, over-elaborate, embellished, curlicued, extravagant, flamboyant, baroque, rococo, fussy, busy, ostentatious, showy, wedding-cake, gingerbread
    flowery, flamboyant, high-flown, high-sounding, magniloquent, grandiloquent, ornate, fancy, baroque, orotund, rhetorical, oratorical, bombastic, laboured, strained, overwrought, elaborate, over-elaborate, overblown, overripe, overdone, convoluted, turgid, inflated
    informal highfalutin, purple
    rare tumid, pleonastic, euphuistic, aureate, Ossianic, fustian, hyperventilated
    1. 2.1 (of language) using unusual words or complicated rhetorical devices.
      his florid and exciting prose
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In her first letter written in Huntsville, on Christmas Eve 1817, she described in florid prose her arrival that day.
      • Expressing ourselves in quite such florid language about what we are is why fingers are pointed at us.
      • In the absence of florid imagery and beautifully-crafted prose, all I can tell you is that the new album is ace.
      • All these things cohere because of the surrealism and typical Spanish violence of the juxtapositions, the balance between flat prose and highly florid colouration.
      • That was probably a reaction to the florid language Rothwell used - and an initial response to the content.
      • In florid language, the article describes his ‘flamboyant’ mood and attendance at lap-dancing clubs and expensive restaurants.
      • Much of it is a good read, although some of the writing is florid and the metaphors extravagant.
      • Some judges and magistrates tend to clothe their remarks in florid language which is likely to appeal to reporters.
      • The accompanying text celebrates her virtue and health in typically winsome and florid language.
      • Now, those of you who have already passed some time at this exalted seat of learning will surely have identified the author of this somewhat florid prose.
      • We can toothcomb the statistics, scowl over the double counting, curl a lip at florid rhetoric.
      • But instead what happens is that legitimate concerns get pushed aside by florid rhetoric and high dudgeon, debate gets polarised, until eventually everyone gets bored and blogging continues pretty much as it did before.
      • There is a hole at the core of his personality, and his florid prose and arid intellectualism has, for too long, prevented us from admitting it.
      • ‘You look sad,’ Fay said simply - florid language had never been his style.
      • Considering that a location map is usually a prosaic affair, the use of such florid prose is indicative of the importance attached to the aesthetic qualities of the island's geology.
      • So you can use your florid words and twisted metaphors to make me see your point?
      • The baroque style with its florid language and stock allegories lasted longer in Ukraine than in Western Europe.
      • The report's recommendations were striking, however, not for their expansive ambition or their florid language but for the speed with which they became reality.
      • The expression on my face would not be one of ladylike grace and anyone standing close enough to the truck that morning heard the full range of my florid vocabulary learned at my Daddy's knee.
      • I wonder if readers take these cliches and contrived metaphors at face value, or do they all snigger at the florid prose.
      extravagant, grandiloquent, magniloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, sonorous, lofty, orotund, bombastic, grandiose, pompous, pretentious, overblown, overripe, oratorical, turgid, flowery, declamatory, ciceronian
  • 3Medicine
    (of a disease or its manifestations) occurring in a fully developed form.


    florid symptoms of psychiatric disorder


    Example sentencesExamples
    • To our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which florid parvovirus infection and subsequent recovery was documented by sequential bone marrow examination.
    • The present case was a diagnostic challenge because the dominant feature of the lesion was florid giant cell proliferation.
    • These were associated with florid acute inflammation, including microabscesses, an indication of the acute nature and severity of the process.
    • He volunteered for the prison medical service, but as the war turned against the Japanese, and rations were stopped, he and his colleagues were unable to prevent the florid level of malnutrition that developed.
    • Or they may come with, or deteriorate by rapidly developing, florid pneumonia or septicaemia with multi-organ failure and die in spite of the usual treatments.


  • floridity

  • noun flɒˈrɪdɪtifləˈrɪdədi
    • Hirst's speech was notable not only for its floridity.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the furious first movement, Vivaldi unleashes these and other afflictions to music of staggering floridity.
  • floridly

  • adverb
    • The lost art of well-jumping, an odyssey with the best mango in India as its objective, a Corbett-inspired episode starring a man-eating tiger - these could be seen either as images natural to the story, or as floridly exotic elements.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The film doesn't stint in showing us the results of these dark deeds; while the imagery isn't floridly splattery it doesn't mask things in shadows either.
      • This more than anything will become their signature - everything about them will be seized on, floridly discussed, and stay unexplained.
      • The young man, floridly mad, believed that he had been cheated by his family of an inheritance that would have made him extremely rich.
      • Of these, the most outstanding was the floridly entitled Palace of the Commander of the Arsenal, a squat stone tower embellished with statues.
  • floridness

  • noun
    • By combining the arch floridness of Victorian prose with a present-tense, subtly ironic style, Gray has created a distinctive voice.


Mid 17th century: from Latin floridus, from flos, flor- 'flower'.


forehead, horrid, torrid

Definition of florid in US English:


  • 1Having a red or flushed complexion.


    a stout man with a florid face


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Twenty-two years later, as Duchess of Lauderdale and already somewhat florid, but with a defiantly low corsage, she sat again for Lely with the Duke her husband.
    • His florid face, unusual in the South, bobbed up and down, side to side, as his conversation galloped forward at the speed of thought.
    • The first definition is: a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion but of course I am using it in its main sense.
    • Kara stared aghast as the brawny Maggie Finch, with a florid complexion like red brick and forearms like a butcher's, rolled up her sleeves and went to meet the threat of the two men in black Greek fisherman's garb.
    • All over campus are people whose complexions have turned from pale to florid in the space of just a few days.
    • After only a few minutes my normally florid complexion had begun to resemble Florida.
    • Mr Carker was a gentleman thirty-eight or forty years old, of a florid complexion, and with two unbroken rows of glistening teeth, whose regularity and whiteness were quite distressing.
    • Reynolds painted his florid, bald, ruddy countenance many times, and for decades less distinguished portraits swung outside countless taverns.
    • Added to this influence was the deep impression made upon his mind by the florid sumptuousness of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, whose works he had an opportunity of studying in Venice before he returned to Paris in 1761.
    • Think of high blood pressure - or hypertension as doctors call it - and you probably think headaches, dizzy spells and a florid complexion.
    • He was a rotund, florid, bad-tempered, red-haired man who would shout orders.
    • As usual in his Neapolitan operas, there are also splendid opportunities for rival tenors - the dark, baritonal villain Antenore and the light, florid tenore di grazia Ilo - to pit their vocal skills against each other.
    • His features and florid complexion are all too familiar to readers of The Sunday Times, where he provides the savoury delights in the restaurant pages of Style magazine.
    • He was a great big fellow with a florid complexion and blue eyes, and was utterly devoid of fear, nothing that came in his direction being too hot for him to handle.
    ruddy, red, red-faced, reddish, rosy, rosy-cheeked, pink, pinkish, roseate, rubicund
  • 2Elaborately or excessively intricate or complicated.


    florid operatic-style music was out


    Example sentencesExamples
    • During nearly half a century's worth of participation in the cat fancy, she had written her name in large, florid letters across its record books.
    • Matthews was inspired by Geoffrey Hill's poem sequence on the subject, Funeral music, which Hill himself described as ‘a florid grim music broken by grunts and shrieks’.
    • Sedov, a young Israeli of Russian extraction, has a characterful voice - not unlike Ramey's, come to think of it - and he negotiates Rossini's florid music with aplomb.
    • All the same, busy foyer ceramics and florid room furnishings suggest a resort ripe for refurbishment.
    • Ritter's one work has harmonic richness and operatic swagger in its florid vocal writing.
    • The ceremony was as elaborate as ever, and the certificate looked as florid as before; but some things had changed in Curacao in three years: rumors of autonomy and even independence were in the air.
    • The other side of Cuban music was the romantic ballads of people like Beny Moré - florid, sentimental stories backed by the sensual music of Oriente.
    • Like Herodotus's exciting account of Leonidas and his 300 spunky Spartans holding up the entire Persian army at Thermopylae, this is story-telling so florid and fantastical that Tolkien himself might have written it.
    • Between the Kyrie and Gloria we get one of Andrea's florid organ intonations; lovely scene setting music.
    • In an age when the life of the spirit is besieged by the excesses of a florid globalism, claimants to sole proprietorship of truth have never been more numerous.
    • On the plus side was the intriguingly ornate solo piano part, with florid additions, one may speculate, to compensate for the thinner strings.
    • State buildings neighbour the florid works of nineteenth-century Russian and Viennese architects.
    • His furniture and interior designs, often made in collaboration with his wife Margaret Macdonald, are characteristically art nouveau while avoiding florid excess.
    • There is nothing florid here, nothing in the tradition of Romantic harp music.
    • Her gestures, however, can seem too mannered, even by the florid standards of Baroque song recitals.
    • It is sad to hear the veteran struggling with Rossini's florid music as the titular Turk, and both buffo baritones are, frankly, provincial.
    • Adult castrati could sing the most florid music imaginable and continued to preserve the Pauline ban on female voices in church - at least in the pope's Sistine Chapel in Rome - until the 20th century.
    • Harris looks great in Jess Goldstein's Joan Collins gowns, she packs a mean pistol, and she even sings the florid music with considerable grace and élan.
    • They play works from the baroque and classical periods on original instruments, and present some of the world's finest singers of florid music when they work in opera.
    • I remember my mother grinding up tablets of Largactil (the major tranquilliser chlorpromazine) to put in his tea in the hope of dampening his florid auditory hallucinations.
    ornate, fancy, very elaborate, over-elaborate, embellished, curlicued, extravagant, flamboyant, baroque, rococo, fussy, busy, ostentatious, showy, wedding-cake, gingerbread
    flowery, flamboyant, high-flown, high-sounding, magniloquent, grandiloquent, ornate, fancy, baroque, orotund, rhetorical, oratorical, bombastic, laboured, strained, overwrought, elaborate, over-elaborate, overblown, overripe, overdone, convoluted, turgid, inflated
    1. 2.1 (of language) using unusual words or complicated rhetorical constructions.
      the florid prose of the nineteenth century


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The baroque style with its florid language and stock allegories lasted longer in Ukraine than in Western Europe.
      • Much of it is a good read, although some of the writing is florid and the metaphors extravagant.
      • Considering that a location map is usually a prosaic affair, the use of such florid prose is indicative of the importance attached to the aesthetic qualities of the island's geology.
      • In her first letter written in Huntsville, on Christmas Eve 1817, she described in florid prose her arrival that day.
      • But instead what happens is that legitimate concerns get pushed aside by florid rhetoric and high dudgeon, debate gets polarised, until eventually everyone gets bored and blogging continues pretty much as it did before.
      • Some judges and magistrates tend to clothe their remarks in florid language which is likely to appeal to reporters.
      • All these things cohere because of the surrealism and typical Spanish violence of the juxtapositions, the balance between flat prose and highly florid colouration.
      • Expressing ourselves in quite such florid language about what we are is why fingers are pointed at us.
      • The report's recommendations were striking, however, not for their expansive ambition or their florid language but for the speed with which they became reality.
      • I wonder if readers take these cliches and contrived metaphors at face value, or do they all snigger at the florid prose.
      • So you can use your florid words and twisted metaphors to make me see your point?
      • The accompanying text celebrates her virtue and health in typically winsome and florid language.
      • In the absence of florid imagery and beautifully-crafted prose, all I can tell you is that the new album is ace.
      • ‘You look sad,’ Fay said simply - florid language had never been his style.
      • In florid language, the article describes his ‘flamboyant’ mood and attendance at lap-dancing clubs and expensive restaurants.
      • We can toothcomb the statistics, scowl over the double counting, curl a lip at florid rhetoric.
      • There is a hole at the core of his personality, and his florid prose and arid intellectualism has, for too long, prevented us from admitting it.
      • Now, those of you who have already passed some time at this exalted seat of learning will surely have identified the author of this somewhat florid prose.
      • The expression on my face would not be one of ladylike grace and anyone standing close enough to the truck that morning heard the full range of my florid vocabulary learned at my Daddy's knee.
      • That was probably a reaction to the florid language Rothwell used - and an initial response to the content.
      extravagant, grandiloquent, magniloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, sonorous, lofty, orotund, bombastic, grandiose, pompous, pretentious, overblown, overripe, oratorical, turgid, flowery, declamatory, ciceronian
  • 3Medicine
    (of a disease or its manifestations) occurring in a fully developed form.


    florid symptoms of psychiatric disorder


    Example sentencesExamples
    • To our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which florid parvovirus infection and subsequent recovery was documented by sequential bone marrow examination.
    • He volunteered for the prison medical service, but as the war turned against the Japanese, and rations were stopped, he and his colleagues were unable to prevent the florid level of malnutrition that developed.
    • These were associated with florid acute inflammation, including microabscesses, an indication of the acute nature and severity of the process.
    • The present case was a diagnostic challenge because the dominant feature of the lesion was florid giant cell proliferation.
    • Or they may come with, or deteriorate by rapidly developing, florid pneumonia or septicaemia with multi-organ failure and die in spite of the usual treatments.


Mid 17th century: from Latin floridus, from flos, flor- ‘flower’.





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