The quizmaster, however, was least amused as degree coffee got its name after the lactometer used to measure the milk specific gravity (to detect adulteration).
Dr Aung Gyi said most of the lactometers on the Myanmar market are from China and India, although a small number of more advanced and more expensive European-made models are available.
Water in milk shows up in its lactometer reading and the change in freezing point.
Always read the temperature of the milk first: the lactometer reading varies according to the temperature.
Meucci's lactometer bears, in this framework, a notable importance, not much for the precision of measurement (somewhat impaired by the use of strong reagents, liable to partly solubilize the milk-solids) but because it was a forerunner of the following, more sophisticated, methods of determining the fat contents of milk.
This describes a lactometer to be used for testing the quality of milk, and the illustration shows a rule of identical construction to the proof rule above, but with scales specific to the measurement of milk.
Depending upon how much water is added to it lactometer will show lower and lower readings.
The lactometer measures the specific gravity of milk.
Sub-standard milk coming from other States can easily be stopped at the check posts by checking them using lactometers.
Definition of lactometer in US English:
An instrument for measuring the density of milk.
Example sentencesExamples
Sub-standard milk coming from other States can easily be stopped at the check posts by checking them using lactometers.
Water in milk shows up in its lactometer reading and the change in freezing point.
The lactometer measures the specific gravity of milk.
Depending upon how much water is added to it lactometer will show lower and lower readings.
This describes a lactometer to be used for testing the quality of milk, and the illustration shows a rule of identical construction to the proof rule above, but with scales specific to the measurement of milk.
Meucci's lactometer bears, in this framework, a notable importance, not much for the precision of measurement (somewhat impaired by the use of strong reagents, liable to partly solubilize the milk-solids) but because it was a forerunner of the following, more sophisticated, methods of determining the fat contents of milk.
Always read the temperature of the milk first: the lactometer reading varies according to the temperature.
The quizmaster, however, was least amused as degree coffee got its name after the lactometer used to measure the milk specific gravity (to detect adulteration).
Dr Aung Gyi said most of the lactometers on the Myanmar market are from China and India, although a small number of more advanced and more expensive European-made models are available.