

单词 flip


verbflipped, flipping, flips flɪpflɪp
  • 1Turn over or cause to turn over with a sudden quick movement.


    no object the plane flipped over and then exploded


    with object the six-foot wave flipped the dinghy over
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I flipped over and settled in for a bit of nostalgic viewing.
    • Her palms hit the hard stone ring and she flipped over and rolled to her feet.
    • He then hit the central reservation and flipped over it, rolling into a Mercedes van on the opposite carriageway, which was knocked off the road.
    • I was about to show Alex where I had flipped over my handlebars and broken my pinky when we had to abruptly stop to let three bunnies cross our path.
    • In his rush, he flipped over through the window, my hand still clutching the rope that was around his neck.
    • When he rolled the racer back on course the ship flipped over on its back and dove into the ground.
    • It is understood that the accident happened as the car negotiated a bend and the vehicle flipped over several times.
    • At some small retail airports, some private planes that had been tied down were ripped loose from their moorings and flipped over.
    • Within the span of a few hours, my entire life had been flipped inside out and upside down.
    • After reading her post, I flipped over to PumpkinDiary, where Bill had posted about Rae's decision.
    • Even so, Mark noticed that the clerk was reading the same book without his eyes moving once, or flipping the page.
    • Wes and Raine flipped over their top cards and Raine gave a little whoop, taking both of their cards.
    • Pixie flipped over and rolled off the bed, quite suddenly.
    • Then I flipped over and butterflied for the the last 25 metres.
    • Panicked and confused, I hit both brakes at the same time. I then flipped over the handlebars and slid across the gravel.
    • And I'd much rather flip hamburgers and send my brother to school, than push pencils and worry about where to get the money for school supplies each month.
    • The bus flipped over several times, before coming to rest on its side.
    • I've seen boards flipped over just before my final moment of conquest.
    • The volcano continually released carbon dioxide into the water, and in 1986 the lake flipped over.
    • The figure grunted, and flipped over to land on his feet in one fluid movement.
    overturn, turn over, tip over, roll over, upturn, capsize, turn topsy-turvy
    keel over, topple over, turn turtle
    throw over, overthrow, upend, invert, knock over
    Nautical pitchpole
    informal roll
    Scottish &amp Northern Irish cowp
    archaic overset
  • 2with object and adverbial Move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden quick movement.


    she flipped off her dark glasses


    she flipped a few coins on to the bar


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He broke close to the right touchline, threw an outrageous dummy and then flipped the ball out of the back of the hand to give Walker a clear run to the line.
    • Nothing was broken, but the safety was on, I flipped it to fire mode.
    • When she saw him, she said a few quick words before flipping it closed.
    • She lifted her arms behind her and pushed herself off the floor by flipping her body up, and landing on her feet.
    • He warmed up for a while, doing little dance moves, occasionally flipping his leg over the fire hydrant, just singing the same damn line.
    • Please, please, flip your hair or throw yourself on the couch: anything but this!
    • He compensated by flipping his wrists, pushing the ball short and right.
    • I do release my wrists, but I don't flip them or throw them at the ball.
    • He flipped it open, pushing a button before setting the phone down on the edge of the sink.
    • Vena glared at me, and made the movement to flip her hair back, but sadly, it was in her bun, so she only flipped air.
    • A quick test is to flip every sexual reference in an account from male to female and gauge your reaction.
    • She handed over the small silver device and Dice placed it on the black leather dash board flipping it on as he accelerated down the street.
    • She relaxed the hammer on the pistol, replaced the safety, and slipped the weapon in between her pants and her waist, flipping the sweater over it to keep it hidden.
    • I flip the seat and move my belongings to the left side for the trip back.
    • I grinned with confidence and with a sudden decision, flipped the speed up.
    • I didn't hesitate to flip it open and push the talk button.
    • Bryce growled and got to his feet quickly, resulting in his chair being flipped backwards and thrown to the side.
    • I asked for two of the bartender's best beers and flipped him a gold coin.
    • He flips the latch on the outer door and pushes, but is not surprised when the door does not open immediately.
    • If you don't bend your knees and get some lift generated with your lower body, your arms need to work harder and that can cause you to push the ball instead of flipping it.
    throw, flick, toss, fling, sling, pitch, cast, spin, twist, hurl, shy, lob, propel, launch, project, send, dash, bowl
    informal chuck, bung
    1. 2.1with object Turn (an electrical appliance or switch) on or off.
      he flipped a switch and the front door opened


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When I'm flying, I can feel that part of my brain, like a switch, being flipped on and off.
      • Once the generator is running, you can pick and choose which appliances and circuits you want to use by flipping the switches on the transfer switch.
      • Kailey gasped in pain and covered her eyes with one of her hands, with the other she slammed his hand back onto the switch flipping the light off, but also crushing his hand.
      • After all those years of light and teaching enlightenment to others, it was all gone, as if a switch had been flipped off.
      • His sandals were downstairs so he flipped off the light switch in his room and proceeded down the steps.
      • Immediately, as if a switch had been flipped, her mind filled with ideas of new designs she wanted to create.
      • My body suddenly started sprinting, as if some internal switch had been flipped.
      • Marin flipped off the light switch, leaving the room bathed in total darkness, but for the soft light of a glowing nightlight in the corner.
      • He flips switches, which turn on strange electrical panels on the walls.
      • Slowly, my hand reached out and flipped a single blue switch on the generator to see if my creation would work.
      • The veteran, who seemed to be pacing himself, has flipped the on switch.
      • Some of you may have noticed Ampin had blown a fuse for a few months there, but the breaker switch has been flipped and once again all things rock shall be reported on.
      • I flipped off the switch, hoping it would provide some power upon landing.
      • You can't always see electricity until you flip the switch on.
      • He woke in a start, as if a switch had been flipped in his head.
      • The change was so drastic that it was as if the switch had been flipped to open the flood gates of heaven.
      • And I've seen a small group of men turn into a lynch mob like a light switch had been flipped.
      • I eased myself on the couch, flipping the on switch and watching the small screen in the center top keyboard light up to greet me.
      • Instead, plug electronics into a power strip, and then flip the off switch when you're not using your appliances.
      • Satisfied with herself, she flipped off the light switch and made her way to the kitchen to find something to eat.
      flick, click, snap, jerk, pull, tug, tweak
      informal yank
    2. 2.2with object Toss (a coin) to decide an issue.
      given those odds one might as well flip a coin


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We first discovered it in the days when we used to drive to France and, on arrival, flip a coin to decide whether to go left or right.
      • If Cousteau ever visited White Island, he must have flipped a coin to decide which to list in his top 10.
      • But Alice is not quite sure about Bob and decides to leave their future to chance by flipping a coin in private.
      • He thinks that flipping a coin to decide whether to push the button would be best, because it would give each child an equal chance of surviving.
      • Then she asked him to flip one of his coins in the air - but not try to catch it.
      • Even if we did not witness the coin being flipped but were only told the outcome it would not matter.
      • The predator model to be used was also decided by flipping a coin.
      • If James had not received an invitation, he would have flipped a coin to decide whether to go or not.
      • All attempts to find a clear victor failed, as the tiebreaks were equal, and the co-winners refused to have the issue decided by flipping a coin.
      • Before the speeches, Tom flipped a coin to decide who would speak first, and Pete won.
      • During jury selection, he flipped a coin to decide whether a potential juror should be seated on the panel.
      • We flipped a coin to decide who had to get dressed and deal with him.
      • If you flip 16 million coins 50 times, some of them will come up heads every time.
      • Frank finally flipped a coin and decided on a spot which paid off with fish biting the lines immediately.
      • Let's assume you want to flip a coin to decide weather you go to the movies or not.
      • Under Utah law, tie votes must be decided by drawing lots, which can mean anything from flipping a coin to drawing a name out of a hat.
      • The auditor consults the Laws of the State of Washington and announces that the election will now be decided by flipping a coin.
      • The partner and I flip coins when we have to make calls to her.
      • Simply assign one option to ‘heads’ and the other option to ‘tails’, commit yourself to the decision of the coin, and flip away.
      • In order for it to be fair, they flipped a coin to decide which room to paint first.
  • 3informal no object Suddenly lose control or become very angry.


    he had clearly flipped under the pressure


    she would have flipped out if someone had done this to her
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Chanelle's heart nearly stopped, she hadn't told her parents about any boys because she knew they'd flip!
    • On the last day but one, after yet another drinking binge and a row, he suddenly flipped and started raving at her in Spanish, which he spoke fluently but she didn't understand.
    • You were fine one minute, and suddenly you just flipped out.
    • And, in fact, that does seem unlikely unless the asking price is too good to be true, and then their shareholders might flip out.
    • Is it any wonder, then, that they sometimes flip?
    • He told the woman, she flipped out screamed her son's name and slammed the phone down.
    • Luke and I look at each other and think it strange that she's clearly flipping out over someone brushing against her bag.
    • He apologised for flipping out and told me he had just lost the role of a lifetime and that he had been duped by the worst person in the business.
    • Because if I have to stay here for another year, I am going to flip!
    1. 3.1 Suddenly become very enthusiastic.
      I walked into a store, saw the guitar on the wall, and just flipped


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He directed it so beautifully that even as an audience member knowing what was going to happen, I was completely flipped out in a great way.
      • But, if they liked the first then they positively flipped over this one!
      • My family absolutely flipped over the seasonings of this yummy casserole.
  • 4with object Buy and sell (something, especially shares or property) quickly in order to make a profit.


    individual investors often flip the shares they buy within days, even hours
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Let's start with the 101 on mortgage fraud, and the types of mortgage fraud, specifically property flipping.
    • In contrast, buying and selling homes involves high transaction costs, preventing people from flipping them quickly.
    • Once she finds a property and flips it, she ought to pay off the car note, the credit card debt, and begin contributing regularly to build up retirement income.
    • The 72-year-old financier has been churning chief executives with the gusto of a day trader flipping shares.
    • Its founders want to lessen the incentive to flip its shares in the first few trading days.
    • If you are buying only to flip the property quickly, you need to be absolutely certain the salesmen really deliver what they say.
    • She owns six foreclosures that she's turned into rental properties and has flipped as many as 10 others.
    • That doesn't mean that those who build to flip won't get rich.
    • The essay describes the fundamentals of property flipping, fake identities and credit histories, and straw buyers.
nounPlural flips flɪpflɪp
  • 1A sudden quick movement.


    she dismissed his qualms with a flip of her hand
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away with a flip of her hair.
    • Speaking of sensors, Motorola is making a big deal out of its new camera that can be activated through two quick flips of the wrist.
    • A yesteryear heroine could seduce not just the hero but the entire audience with just a flip of her hair or a mere glance.
    • Just when Fletcher thought he had caught a big, fat juicy fish, it would give a flip of the tail and disappear into the murk.
    • At one point the hose had me trapped down by the greenhouse until I did a quick flip of the wrist and turned it over so that it was spraying into the grass and I could make my escape.
    • Tabitha turned with a flip of her hair and strode away.
    • Two quick flips of the rod tip drew a hard strike and the hooked trout shook and flurried in the bright arc.
    • Moments later after she stormed out of the room with a flip of her hair, she returned asking for a different meal, apologizing for her behavior.
    • With one flip of the wrist, the lamp switches from work light to ambient lighting effortlessly.
    • Want to check the time or a most recent stat, all it takes is a flip of the wrist and the display pops to life.
    1. 1.1 An act or instance of turning over or being turned over in the air.
      he celebrates his goals with an acrobatic flip
      figurative Alex's heart did a little flip inside her chest
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At one point he was seen negotiating a rope walk, adding in a backwards flip for good measure.
      • Failed attempts at somersaults and flips while on a trampoline may especially result in cervical spine injuries.
      • Something about the way Georgina said that made Penelope feel uneasy, her stomach performing a small flip in the pit of her belly.
      • Perform tricks and flips on magnetically driven in-line skates, but watch out for the local police force!
      • Trampoline classes teach students the fundamentals of body awareness and training for somersaults, twists, and flips.
      • Once you've mastered standing up and carving turns, options include slalom skiing and airborne tricks, like flips.
      • He was among the first to ride a bodyboard like others ride a surfboard - holding steady on his knees while doing tricks and flips.
      • Instead, she turned the move into some kind of gymnastic flip and came down as softly on her feet as if she stepped off a street curb.
      • He skis backward into the jump, turns to his right, then whips out three head-over-heels flips while grabbing a ski.
      • There are ramps and jumps to get you in the air and perform flips to gain points.
    2. 1.2a flip through A quick look through a book, magazine, etc.
      a quick flip through my cookery books


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A quick flip through Raidan's notes found nothing on them.
      • When thinking about solutions, a quick flip through this book should help get ideas flowing.
      • A quick flip through the Yellow Pages revealed a variety of advertising slogans.
      • But a flip through the catalogues turned up at least one must-get work.
      • Again, Yuen was full of doubt, hesitant, he took a quick flip through the book.
      • Yeah, some of the songs may be older, but a flip through the liner notes will show that these introspective raps bring us right up to today.
  • 2British dated, informal A quick tour or pleasure trip.


    I did a flip round the post-show party


adjective flɪpflɪp
  • Glib or flippant.


    he couldn't get away with flip, funny conversation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I don't mean to sound flip either, but literally all you have to do to get rid of some guys is to let them know you're interested in spending more time with them.
    • This major emotional downer is as raw as it gets, and while it doesn't quite chime with the flip ending, it helps cement this as a powerful and evocative piece of work.
    • We are not making a flip attack on an organization we value.
    • That's a combination of the flip answer, and just where we are in the news cycle right now.
    • He gained wider exposure in the hip, flip Scottish thriller about three flatmates who dispose of a body that stands between them and a suitcase filled with cash.
    • His respect for women increased after that; I'm not sure if he was serious, or being flip, when he said that.
    • What's more, because I made a flip remark in my old gallery pages about one of my colleagues looking like said film star, it's also on the first page.
    • Though they then ruin the effect by making an amateurish mistake on a flip reference to cricket.
    • There is nothing flip or carefree about these individuals.
    • I really don't mean to be flip, but it is that simple.
    • One of the reviews in England said my songs were flip and flimsy trifles.
    • Holmes was a master of the flip aphorism, but one shouldn't confuse flip aphorisms with legal acumen.
    • I made a flip suggestion to some of my bloodthirsty friends yesterday.
    • From cartoons to sitcoms, the stars are now sassy children who deliver flip one-liners, put down authority figures and revel in a laugh track.
    • When I suggest that he must be a fan, he puts on a brave face but it becomes clear just how far he thinks his work is removed from the flip media world.
    • But he's being almost as flip and happy and smiley as people are accusing Sneddon of being, no?
    • I enjoy this kind of flip remark, but the chilly response indicated that my new friend didn't, and he summoned over the local vicar, dressed in mufti, to deal with me.
    • About whether your wife wants to be with you in the future: well, I don't intend to be flip, but don't ask me, ask her.
    • Also the apology he made is questionable, as I can't imagine that he would be really sorry for what he said, because he is so flip and arrogant about it.
  • Used to express mild annoyance.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Oh flip - Is it that time again?
    • Oh flip! I need to get some stuff off my chest.


  • flip burgers

    • informal Work as a cook in a fast-food restaurant.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Upon graduating from university, I took a job flipping burgers at a Canadian fast food chain called Lick's.
      • Using his business experience, Cain worked his way up in the organization, even flipping burgers on the grill to better understand every aspect of the industry.
      • The press typically knows how to do its job about as well as the 15-year-old-with-acne flipping burgers at McDonald's.
      • For the sake of comparison, a person flipping burgers or working retail full-time for $7 per hour would make approximately $14,000 in a year.
      • With little official oversight, growers simply turn away domestic workers, or offer wages so low that flipping burgers becomes more appealing.
      • I mean, do you know how much more they get per hour than someone who flips burgers at Burger King?
      • He's the guy flipping burgers at the grill who overhears something you say and makes an interesting remark that might be a compliment, and might be an insult - might be both.
      • There's nothing wrong or demeaning in flipping burgers.
      • And not all the new jobs being created are flipping burgers, Jones said.
      • I don't think anyone ever really thought about the independence of our country while they were flipping burgers or doing cannonballs into the pool or singing Jimmy Rosselli songs with their grandfather, drunk on his wine.
  • flip one's lid (or wig)

    • informal Suddenly lose control or become very angry.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After a wager over his anger, Lucy must get Ricky to flip his lid, or lose the hat she just purchased.
      • Years later he discovers a footprint on the beach and totally flips his lid.
      • At one point, Bicke flips his wig and begins screaming at the televised image of Nixon, ‘It's all about money, Dick!’
      • He flipped his lid and told her to get a job because he won't be supporting her anymore.
      • This isn't the only reason why I think he's flipped his lid but it sure contributes to the overall impression.
      • The last thing Akira wanted was for Mitsuki to flip her wig over something stupid like a dream.
      • The teacher would flip her wig, which would not be hard since her wig was so unrealistic.
      • Are they afraid to admit that their only leader has flipped his wig?
      • If you read Dirtbike Manifesto first, however, and discover The Couriers at a later date, you'll probably flip your wig.
      • And I danced with her, and she'd flip her wig every night and then run under the table and under the piano and start crying and all.
      • The mother, half in denial, flips her lid and frantically tries to cover up the evidence of her son's alleged crime as the police move in.
      • You'll flip your wig on some of the Warden's thoughts on booze, over-priced guacamole and hot tubs.

Phrasal Verbs

  • flip through

    • Look quickly through (a book, magazine, etc.)

      McLeish flipped through his notes
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He'd been flipping through papers and now seemed to be searching for something.
      • I sat in the chair furthest away from him (one seat away), and he picked up a random magazine and flipped through it.
      • I think I glanced at that fact while quickly flipping through some glossy magazine.
      • Mary quickly flipped through the book to a section that listed the symptoms of stigmata.
      • The search engine flips through the copy of its known world, presenting a cross-section of all knowledge within its reach, regardless of its cultural weight.
      • I leave Mom who flips through a Family Circle magazine, she looks older then usual.
      • He flips through some papers and steals a look at my rose bush.
      • She shoved a cup of coffee toward me and started flipping through some papers.
      • Conveniently, the library is on my way home from work, so it's a great place to stop on my way and flip through a book quickly.
      • Laura immediately flips through the papers until she reaches the appropriate page.
      • At two sharp, a middle-aged storyteller with horn-rimmed glasses flipped through a pair of books.
      • While I was doing the reading, Patsy sat on a couch across from me, flipping through a magazine.
      • Samuel turns to the papers, and flips through them, a smile of anticipation spreading over his face.
      • I don't get the magazines, but then when you're in a place with them, you immediately go to the magazines and you're flipping through.
      • I hold my tongue, watching my daughter, who, oblivious to the conversation around her, flips through a coffee table book of photographs chronicling one day in the life of America.
      • The vivacious teenager is keen on mastering singing and dancing when her peers are busy flipping through books.
      • Voracious readers all, they often spend hours at a fair, flipping through each and every book that catches their fancy.
      • This one will require thought, expertise, and flipping through dusty volumes.
      • He studied the small book, flipping through the pages.
      • His wife claimed his seat and started to flip through the paper while he wrapped up his sleeves and searched for the dishbrush in the cupboard under the sink.
      • Summer sat down on the bed and flipped through a magazine.
      • I was just flipping through a magazine when I came across this face which reflected so much innocence!
      • He was flipping through a magazine, appearing remotely bored, though his expression changed upon looking up.
      • Besides, she wasn't even sure if she should be even flipping through this book.
      • So I'm sitting in a waiting room with my mum, flipping through a fashion magazine, half awake.
      • Desperate for more information, she nearly tore the brittle paper while flipping through it.
      • While Oliver stirred his spoon around the steaming soup, Simon flipped through the book he'd been reading.
      • She flipped through notes and books on tables and floor, in the kitchen, dining and living rooms.
      • I flipped through the small book listlessly, scanning the poems passively.
      • I flipped through the paper, and as I was almost finished my interviewer entered.
      thumb, thumb through, leaf through, flick through, run through, skim through, scan, look through, riffle through, browse through, dip into, glance at, glance through, peruse, read quickly, have a quick look at, run one's eye over, give something a once-over, give something the once-over


Mid 16th century (as a verb in the sense 'make a flick with the finger and thumb'): probably a contraction of fillip.

  • fillip from Late Middle English:

    Back in the Middle Ages fillip meant simply ‘a flick of the finger’, and probably came into use because the sound was felt to represent the movement. Flip (mid 16th century) is probably a shortening, expanded in turn in the early 17th century to form flippant.


blip, chip, clip, dip, drip, equip, grip, gyp, hip, kip, lip, nip, outstrip, pip, quip, rip, scrip, ship, sip, skip, slip, snip, strip, tip, toodle-pip, trip, whip, yip, zip


nounPlural flips flɪpflɪp
mass noun
  • 1A drink of heated, sweetened beer and spirit.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • While gloggs, grogs, nogs and flips may still have their place on a hot drink menu, today's heated libations are more than just warmed-over versions of old favorites.
    • He drank glass after glass of flip, until he'd achieved a superb, shimmering calm.
    1. 1.1
      another term for eggnog


Late 17th century: perhaps from flip1 in the sense 'whip up'.


  • 1Turn over or cause to turn over with a sudden sharp movement.


    no object the plane flipped over and then exploded


    with object the yacht was flipped by a huge wave


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Pixie flipped over and rolled off the bed, quite suddenly.
    • I was about to show Alex where I had flipped over my handlebars and broken my pinky when we had to abruptly stop to let three bunnies cross our path.
    • Then I flipped over and butterflied for the the last 25 metres.
    • The figure grunted, and flipped over to land on his feet in one fluid movement.
    • After reading her post, I flipped over to PumpkinDiary, where Bill had posted about Rae's decision.
    • I flipped over and settled in for a bit of nostalgic viewing.
    • Panicked and confused, I hit both brakes at the same time. I then flipped over the handlebars and slid across the gravel.
    • The volcano continually released carbon dioxide into the water, and in 1986 the lake flipped over.
    • The bus flipped over several times, before coming to rest on its side.
    • Within the span of a few hours, my entire life had been flipped inside out and upside down.
    • And I'd much rather flip hamburgers and send my brother to school, than push pencils and worry about where to get the money for school supplies each month.
    • He then hit the central reservation and flipped over it, rolling into a Mercedes van on the opposite carriageway, which was knocked off the road.
    • Her palms hit the hard stone ring and she flipped over and rolled to her feet.
    • Wes and Raine flipped over their top cards and Raine gave a little whoop, taking both of their cards.
    • I've seen boards flipped over just before my final moment of conquest.
    • At some small retail airports, some private planes that had been tied down were ripped loose from their moorings and flipped over.
    • When he rolled the racer back on course the ship flipped over on its back and dove into the ground.
    • Even so, Mark noticed that the clerk was reading the same book without his eyes moving once, or flipping the page.
    • It is understood that the accident happened as the car negotiated a bend and the vehicle flipped over several times.
    • In his rush, he flipped over through the window, my hand still clutching the rope that was around his neck.
    overturn, turn over, tip over, roll over, upturn, capsize, turn topsy-turvy
  • 2with object and adverbial Move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden sharp movement.


    she flipped off her dark glasses


    she flipped a few coins onto the bar


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Nothing was broken, but the safety was on, I flipped it to fire mode.
    • She handed over the small silver device and Dice placed it on the black leather dash board flipping it on as he accelerated down the street.
    • He broke close to the right touchline, threw an outrageous dummy and then flipped the ball out of the back of the hand to give Walker a clear run to the line.
    • When she saw him, she said a few quick words before flipping it closed.
    • Please, please, flip your hair or throw yourself on the couch: anything but this!
    • If you don't bend your knees and get some lift generated with your lower body, your arms need to work harder and that can cause you to push the ball instead of flipping it.
    • I do release my wrists, but I don't flip them or throw them at the ball.
    • I grinned with confidence and with a sudden decision, flipped the speed up.
    • I flip the seat and move my belongings to the left side for the trip back.
    • He warmed up for a while, doing little dance moves, occasionally flipping his leg over the fire hydrant, just singing the same damn line.
    • He compensated by flipping his wrists, pushing the ball short and right.
    • Bryce growled and got to his feet quickly, resulting in his chair being flipped backwards and thrown to the side.
    • He flipped it open, pushing a button before setting the phone down on the edge of the sink.
    • I asked for two of the bartender's best beers and flipped him a gold coin.
    • He flips the latch on the outer door and pushes, but is not surprised when the door does not open immediately.
    • I didn't hesitate to flip it open and push the talk button.
    • She relaxed the hammer on the pistol, replaced the safety, and slipped the weapon in between her pants and her waist, flipping the sweater over it to keep it hidden.
    • A quick test is to flip every sexual reference in an account from male to female and gauge your reaction.
    • Vena glared at me, and made the movement to flip her hair back, but sadly, it was in her bun, so she only flipped air.
    • She lifted her arms behind her and pushed herself off the floor by flipping her body up, and landing on her feet.
    throw, flick, toss, fling, sling, pitch, cast, spin, twist, hurl, shy, lob, propel, launch, project, send, dash, bowl
    1. 2.1 Turn (an electrical appliance or switch) on or off.
      he flipped a switch and the front door opened


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Slowly, my hand reached out and flipped a single blue switch on the generator to see if my creation would work.
      • Marin flipped off the light switch, leaving the room bathed in total darkness, but for the soft light of a glowing nightlight in the corner.
      • Once the generator is running, you can pick and choose which appliances and circuits you want to use by flipping the switches on the transfer switch.
      • Satisfied with herself, she flipped off the light switch and made her way to the kitchen to find something to eat.
      • The veteran, who seemed to be pacing himself, has flipped the on switch.
      • Instead, plug electronics into a power strip, and then flip the off switch when you're not using your appliances.
      • Some of you may have noticed Ampin had blown a fuse for a few months there, but the breaker switch has been flipped and once again all things rock shall be reported on.
      • And I've seen a small group of men turn into a lynch mob like a light switch had been flipped.
      • He woke in a start, as if a switch had been flipped in his head.
      • He flips switches, which turn on strange electrical panels on the walls.
      • After all those years of light and teaching enlightenment to others, it was all gone, as if a switch had been flipped off.
      • Kailey gasped in pain and covered her eyes with one of her hands, with the other she slammed his hand back onto the switch flipping the light off, but also crushing his hand.
      • I flipped off the switch, hoping it would provide some power upon landing.
      • I eased myself on the couch, flipping the on switch and watching the small screen in the center top keyboard light up to greet me.
      • When I'm flying, I can feel that part of my brain, like a switch, being flipped on and off.
      • My body suddenly started sprinting, as if some internal switch had been flipped.
      • The change was so drastic that it was as if the switch had been flipped to open the flood gates of heaven.
      • His sandals were downstairs so he flipped off the light switch in his room and proceeded down the steps.
      • You can't always see electricity until you flip the switch on.
      • Immediately, as if a switch had been flipped, her mind filled with ideas of new designs she wanted to create.
      flick, click, snap, jerk, pull, tug, tweak
    2. 2.2 Toss (a coin) to decide an issue.
      given those odds, one may as well flip a coin


      no object you want to flip for it?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then she asked him to flip one of his coins in the air - but not try to catch it.
      • If you flip 16 million coins 50 times, some of them will come up heads every time.
      • We first discovered it in the days when we used to drive to France and, on arrival, flip a coin to decide whether to go left or right.
      • If Cousteau ever visited White Island, he must have flipped a coin to decide which to list in his top 10.
      • In order for it to be fair, they flipped a coin to decide which room to paint first.
      • All attempts to find a clear victor failed, as the tiebreaks were equal, and the co-winners refused to have the issue decided by flipping a coin.
      • Frank finally flipped a coin and decided on a spot which paid off with fish biting the lines immediately.
      • During jury selection, he flipped a coin to decide whether a potential juror should be seated on the panel.
      • Let's assume you want to flip a coin to decide weather you go to the movies or not.
      • Even if we did not witness the coin being flipped but were only told the outcome it would not matter.
      • The auditor consults the Laws of the State of Washington and announces that the election will now be decided by flipping a coin.
      • We flipped a coin to decide who had to get dressed and deal with him.
      • The predator model to be used was also decided by flipping a coin.
      • But Alice is not quite sure about Bob and decides to leave their future to chance by flipping a coin in private.
      • Before the speeches, Tom flipped a coin to decide who would speak first, and Pete won.
      • If James had not received an invitation, he would have flipped a coin to decide whether to go or not.
      • Under Utah law, tie votes must be decided by drawing lots, which can mean anything from flipping a coin to drawing a name out of a hat.
      • He thinks that flipping a coin to decide whether to push the button would be best, because it would give each child an equal chance of surviving.
      • The partner and I flip coins when we have to make calls to her.
      • Simply assign one option to ‘heads’ and the other option to ‘tails’, commit yourself to the decision of the coin, and flip away.
  • 3informal no object Suddenly lose control or become very angry.


    he had clearly flipped under the pressure


    she would have flipped out if someone had done this to her
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Is it any wonder, then, that they sometimes flip?
    • Because if I have to stay here for another year, I am going to flip!
    • And, in fact, that does seem unlikely unless the asking price is too good to be true, and then their shareholders might flip out.
    • Chanelle's heart nearly stopped, she hadn't told her parents about any boys because she knew they'd flip!
    • On the last day but one, after yet another drinking binge and a row, he suddenly flipped and started raving at her in Spanish, which he spoke fluently but she didn't understand.
    • You were fine one minute, and suddenly you just flipped out.
    • Luke and I look at each other and think it strange that she's clearly flipping out over someone brushing against her bag.
    • He apologised for flipping out and told me he had just lost the role of a lifetime and that he had been duped by the worst person in the business.
    • He told the woman, she flipped out screamed her son's name and slammed the phone down.
    1. 3.1 Suddenly become very enthusiastic.
      I walked into a store, saw the guitar on the wall, and just flipped


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My family absolutely flipped over the seasonings of this yummy casserole.
      • But, if they liked the first then they positively flipped over this one!
      • He directed it so beautifully that even as an audience member knowing what was going to happen, I was completely flipped out in a great way.
  • 4with object Buy and sell (something, especially real estate or shares) quickly to make a profit.

    within one week of starting I flipped a property for a quick $3,000 profit
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The 72-year-old financier has been churning chief executives with the gusto of a day trader flipping shares.
    • She owns six foreclosures that she's turned into rental properties and has flipped as many as 10 others.
    • Let's start with the 101 on mortgage fraud, and the types of mortgage fraud, specifically property flipping.
    • If you are buying only to flip the property quickly, you need to be absolutely certain the salesmen really deliver what they say.
    • Once she finds a property and flips it, she ought to pay off the car note, the credit card debt, and begin contributing regularly to build up retirement income.
    • In contrast, buying and selling homes involves high transaction costs, preventing people from flipping them quickly.
    • The essay describes the fundamentals of property flipping, fake identities and credit histories, and straw buyers.
    • Its founders want to lessen the incentive to flip its shares in the first few trading days.
    • That doesn't mean that those who build to flip won't get rich.
  • 5US informal no object Become an informer.

    when he was taken in by the investigators, he flipped immediately
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We'll make it worth their while to flip.
    • She had agreed to flip rather than face fifteen years in a federal prison.
    • She was willing to roll over, to flip, to work, to inform, and to betray in order to stay out of jail.
    • He flipped as well, ratting out his brother.
    • Like all informants, she'd flipped because she'd had to.
    • The pressure to flip was intense.
    • Usually, they only flipped after they'd been busted for something big like murder.
    • The first major mafia informant since Reles, he flipped in 1962.
    • Charlie was a defendant informant who was arrested for trying to buy five kilos of heroin and flipped to save himself.
    • His case agent didn't know exactly why he'd flipped.
    1. 5.1with object Persuade to become an informer.
      the prosecutors won't be able to flip any witnesses to testify against the ex-CEO
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At the moment when the undercover tries to flip him, the informant may try to negotiate.
      • Informant Roy was "flipped" by the FBI.
      • The purpose of the interview is to flip Andreas in order to gather other evidence.
      • His people debriefed an informant they'd flipped.
      • The DEA agent's ability to flip informants is limited by the simple fact that the agent lacks the power to arrest anyone.
      • Prior to 1970, law enforcement flipped only two significant mafia informants.
      • They couldn't arrest him, but they had him on a parole violation, so they turned him over to me, and I tried to flip him.
      • Informants are valuable for the information they possess at the time they are flipped.
      • An informant may be flipped initially by an agent in secret but eventually end up with counsel.
      • A prosecutor may want to flip and reward a defendant that the police believe should be prosecuted to the fullest.
  • 1A sudden sharp movement.


    she dismissed his qualms with a flip of her hand
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A yesteryear heroine could seduce not just the hero but the entire audience with just a flip of her hair or a mere glance.
    • Two quick flips of the rod tip drew a hard strike and the hooked trout shook and flurried in the bright arc.
    • The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away with a flip of her hair.
    • Speaking of sensors, Motorola is making a big deal out of its new camera that can be activated through two quick flips of the wrist.
    • With one flip of the wrist, the lamp switches from work light to ambient lighting effortlessly.
    • Just when Fletcher thought he had caught a big, fat juicy fish, it would give a flip of the tail and disappear into the murk.
    • Want to check the time or a most recent stat, all it takes is a flip of the wrist and the display pops to life.
    • At one point the hose had me trapped down by the greenhouse until I did a quick flip of the wrist and turned it over so that it was spraying into the grass and I could make my escape.
    • Tabitha turned with a flip of her hair and strode away.
    • Moments later after she stormed out of the room with a flip of her hair, she returned asking for a different meal, apologizing for her behavior.
    1. 1.1 An act or instance of turning over or being turned over in the air.
      he celebrates his goals with an acrobatic flip
      figurative Alex's heart did a little flip inside her chest
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Instead, she turned the move into some kind of gymnastic flip and came down as softly on her feet as if she stepped off a street curb.
      • At one point he was seen negotiating a rope walk, adding in a backwards flip for good measure.
      • There are ramps and jumps to get you in the air and perform flips to gain points.
      • Failed attempts at somersaults and flips while on a trampoline may especially result in cervical spine injuries.
      • Something about the way Georgina said that made Penelope feel uneasy, her stomach performing a small flip in the pit of her belly.
      • Perform tricks and flips on magnetically driven in-line skates, but watch out for the local police force!
      • Once you've mastered standing up and carving turns, options include slalom skiing and airborne tricks, like flips.
      • He was among the first to ride a bodyboard like others ride a surfboard - holding steady on his knees while doing tricks and flips.
      • Trampoline classes teach students the fundamentals of body awareness and training for somersaults, twists, and flips.
      • He skis backward into the jump, turns to his right, then whips out three head-over-heels flips while grabbing a ski.
    2. 1.2a flip through A quick look or search through a volume or a collection of papers.
      a quick flip through my cookbooks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yeah, some of the songs may be older, but a flip through the liner notes will show that these introspective raps bring us right up to today.
      • Again, Yuen was full of doubt, hesitant, he took a quick flip through the book.
      • A quick flip through the Yellow Pages revealed a variety of advertising slogans.
      • When thinking about solutions, a quick flip through this book should help get ideas flowing.
      • But a flip through the catalogues turned up at least one must-get work.
      • A quick flip through Raidan's notes found nothing on them.
  • 2British dated, informal A quick tour or pleasure trip.


    I did a flip round the post-show party


  • Glib or flippant.


    he couldn't get away with flip, funny conversation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • From cartoons to sitcoms, the stars are now sassy children who deliver flip one-liners, put down authority figures and revel in a laugh track.
    • That's a combination of the flip answer, and just where we are in the news cycle right now.
    • His respect for women increased after that; I'm not sure if he was serious, or being flip, when he said that.
    • One of the reviews in England said my songs were flip and flimsy trifles.
    • This major emotional downer is as raw as it gets, and while it doesn't quite chime with the flip ending, it helps cement this as a powerful and evocative piece of work.
    • I don't mean to sound flip either, but literally all you have to do to get rid of some guys is to let them know you're interested in spending more time with them.
    • I made a flip suggestion to some of my bloodthirsty friends yesterday.
    • But he's being almost as flip and happy and smiley as people are accusing Sneddon of being, no?
    • Though they then ruin the effect by making an amateurish mistake on a flip reference to cricket.
    • What's more, because I made a flip remark in my old gallery pages about one of my colleagues looking like said film star, it's also on the first page.
    • Holmes was a master of the flip aphorism, but one shouldn't confuse flip aphorisms with legal acumen.
    • About whether your wife wants to be with you in the future: well, I don't intend to be flip, but don't ask me, ask her.
    • I enjoy this kind of flip remark, but the chilly response indicated that my new friend didn't, and he summoned over the local vicar, dressed in mufti, to deal with me.
    • I really don't mean to be flip, but it is that simple.
    • He gained wider exposure in the hip, flip Scottish thriller about three flatmates who dispose of a body that stands between them and a suitcase filled with cash.
    • Also the apology he made is questionable, as I can't imagine that he would be really sorry for what he said, because he is so flip and arrogant about it.
    • There is nothing flip or carefree about these individuals.
    • When I suggest that he must be a fan, he puts on a brave face but it becomes clear just how far he thinks his work is removed from the flip media world.
    • We are not making a flip attack on an organization we value.
  • Used to express mild annoyance.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Oh flip! I need to get some stuff off my chest.
    • Oh flip - Is it that time again?


  • flip one's lid (or wig)

    • informal Suddenly become deranged or lose one's self-control.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The teacher would flip her wig, which would not be hard since her wig was so unrealistic.
      • This isn't the only reason why I think he's flipped his lid but it sure contributes to the overall impression.
      • Years later he discovers a footprint on the beach and totally flips his lid.
      • After a wager over his anger, Lucy must get Ricky to flip his lid, or lose the hat she just purchased.
      • You'll flip your wig on some of the Warden's thoughts on booze, over-priced guacamole and hot tubs.
      • And I danced with her, and she'd flip her wig every night and then run under the table and under the piano and start crying and all.
      • If you read Dirtbike Manifesto first, however, and discover The Couriers at a later date, you'll probably flip your wig.
      • At one point, Bicke flips his wig and begins screaming at the televised image of Nixon, ‘It's all about money, Dick!’
      • The mother, half in denial, flips her lid and frantically tries to cover up the evidence of her son's alleged crime as the police move in.
      • The last thing Akira wanted was for Mitsuki to flip her wig over something stupid like a dream.
      • Are they afraid to admit that their only leader has flipped his wig?
      • He flipped his lid and told her to get a job because he won't be supporting her anymore.

Phrasal Verbs

  • flip through

    • Look or search quickly through (a volume or a collection of papers)


      just flip through the phone book and pick a lawyer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mary quickly flipped through the book to a section that listed the symptoms of stigmata.
      • Samuel turns to the papers, and flips through them, a smile of anticipation spreading over his face.
      • At two sharp, a middle-aged storyteller with horn-rimmed glasses flipped through a pair of books.
      • His wife claimed his seat and started to flip through the paper while he wrapped up his sleeves and searched for the dishbrush in the cupboard under the sink.
      • I hold my tongue, watching my daughter, who, oblivious to the conversation around her, flips through a coffee table book of photographs chronicling one day in the life of America.
      • Besides, she wasn't even sure if she should be even flipping through this book.
      • He was flipping through a magazine, appearing remotely bored, though his expression changed upon looking up.
      • I flipped through the small book listlessly, scanning the poems passively.
      • So I'm sitting in a waiting room with my mum, flipping through a fashion magazine, half awake.
      • Conveniently, the library is on my way home from work, so it's a great place to stop on my way and flip through a book quickly.
      • She flipped through notes and books on tables and floor, in the kitchen, dining and living rooms.
      • The search engine flips through the copy of its known world, presenting a cross-section of all knowledge within its reach, regardless of its cultural weight.
      • I was just flipping through a magazine when I came across this face which reflected so much innocence!
      • Summer sat down on the bed and flipped through a magazine.
      • While Oliver stirred his spoon around the steaming soup, Simon flipped through the book he'd been reading.
      • Desperate for more information, she nearly tore the brittle paper while flipping through it.
      • While I was doing the reading, Patsy sat on a couch across from me, flipping through a magazine.
      • I don't get the magazines, but then when you're in a place with them, you immediately go to the magazines and you're flipping through.
      • I think I glanced at that fact while quickly flipping through some glossy magazine.
      • I flipped through the paper, and as I was almost finished my interviewer entered.
      • I sat in the chair furthest away from him (one seat away), and he picked up a random magazine and flipped through it.
      • He flips through some papers and steals a look at my rose bush.
      • He studied the small book, flipping through the pages.
      • I leave Mom who flips through a Family Circle magazine, she looks older then usual.
      • Laura immediately flips through the papers until she reaches the appropriate page.
      • He'd been flipping through papers and now seemed to be searching for something.
      • Voracious readers all, they often spend hours at a fair, flipping through each and every book that catches their fancy.
      • This one will require thought, expertise, and flipping through dusty volumes.
      • She shoved a cup of coffee toward me and started flipping through some papers.
      • The vivacious teenager is keen on mastering singing and dancing when her peers are busy flipping through books.
      thumb, thumb through, leaf through, flick through, run through, skim through, scan, look through, riffle through, browse through, dip into, glance at, glance through, peruse, read quickly, have a quick look at, run one's eye over, give something a once-over, give something the once-over


Mid 16th century (as a verb in the sense ‘make a flick with the finger and thumb’): probably a contraction of fillip.


  • another term for eggnog
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He drank glass after glass of flip, until he'd achieved a superb, shimmering calm.
    • While gloggs, grogs, nogs and flips may still have their place on a hot drink menu, today's heated libations are more than just warmed-over versions of old favorites.


Late 17th century: perhaps from flip in the sense ‘whip up’.





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