It is a boon that he feels able once more to talk about music - indeed, that he was ready to go rooting through the flight cases in his store room and dig out the tapes for this concert.
The Touring Package includes the popular console, flight case and spare power supply.
A premium flight case and multipin cable are included.
There was a press do there, so lots of free drink and probably some nibbles, but I didn't want the Old Compton Street door-types picking through my bag and demanding to look in the metal flight case I was carrying.
In selections from Tall Paul's flight case, beats, basslines, synths and choppy vocals drone on in a shrill, transfixing fashion, with nothing clocking under 125 bpm.
My job for the day is to help build the radio studio, which is currently in a dozen flight cases scattered around the place.
The local stage manager is fascinated as I disassemble and pack my bike into its flight case.
Springsteen and his wife Patti strolled into the empty auditorium, and sat on a couple of flight cases to listen.
Many of their 12-inches have adorned the playlists and flight cases of the best and brightest spinners, including their point man Mark Farina.
Again - it would have been manageable if the stage hadn't had a big rake which meant we were chasing the flight cases so they wouldn't roll into the auditorium!
The pick for the DJ flight cases is ‘The Dream Lives On,’ representing Holder at his minimal finest.
He is now resting from showbiz as he works on his main business, making flight cases for musical instruments and other fragile items.
There's no need to board the boat armed with enormous flight cases full of equipment, only to have to assemble and dismantle it all on what could be a boatful of divers of no fixed experience.
He will visit five takeaways in each city and take samples of peppery sauce in test tubes which will then be stored in a flight case.
I had the tape with me in order to secure the funky locks on my bicycle flight case.
And it's a job which sits nicely with his other professional interests as a singer/comedian in clubs and a businessman who sells flight cases for musical instruments.
Both novice and more experienced musicians came away from the night with a flight case full of new techniques to practise at home.