

单词 splash

Definition of splash in English:


noun splaʃsplæʃ
  • 1A sound made by something striking or falling into liquid.


    we hit the water with a mighty splash


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Before he could do anything he hit water with a loud splash.
    • The occasional white gull winging its way through the air, the gentle splash of water against the hull, that's all there was to draw our attention away from each other.
    • She heard a splash as he poured water in the washbowl.
    • It did rain the next day and the village was silent except for the splash of the water on the cobbled streets.
    • He had not taken much notice until he heard a splash and the sound of panic-stricken voices.
    • With a hard pull, Sophie landed in the water with a splash.
    • When his body was dropped, some men though they heard a human sound come before the splash.
    • He entered with a loud splash, sending water in every direction.
    • I went back to reading my book until I was interrupted about ten minutes later by the sound of some enormous splashes.
    • Then a loud splash sounded and I looked over to the dock to see the girl standing while the boy flailed around in the water.
    • Suddenly, Siri heard a large splash of water next to her.
    • Lunging forwards with all her strength, Cassie pushes Julia backwards into the pool and watches with glee as she reaches the water with a splash.
    • A loud splash of water was heard, and nothing else.
    • After the final splash of the corpse hitting the black water below them, she peered over the edge.
    • I heard a soft splash of water, and the soft rubbing of a towel.
    • As she passed the building, she heard the splash of water.
    • Only at the last moment would they dive into the water with a resounding splash.
    • At dusk, I like sitting on the bank of the Grand Canal listening to the soft splashes of water against the ancient Venetian stones.
    • Valos slowly opened his eyes as he heard the sound of a splash.
    • Then there was a huge splash of water, and that was that.
    splashing, swashing, dashing, beating, battering
    literary plash, plashing
    archaic swash
    1. 1.1 A spell of moving about in water energetically.
      the girls joined them for a final splash in the pool


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He leaned to listen to her splashes, but the water was still.
      • The horses were cantering lightly, making small splashes of water around their hooves.
      • Within seconds he was out of the car, running into the river and sending up splashes of water as he waded out to the middle.
      • In no time the ground was deep in water, and the splashes from their feet joined the raindrops bouncing roof high.
      • We were quiet for a while, the only sound in the kitchen the ticking of the clock and the steady splash of water as I methodically washed the cups.
      • A few splashes of water, and I'm feeling a lot better.
      • The sounds of continuous splashes filled the air.
      swim, bathe, dive, plunge, paddle
    2. 1.2 A small quantity of liquid that has fallen or been dashed against a surface.
      a splash of gravy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A splash of cream extinguishes the last of the flames before paper-thin crêpes are warmed in the apple mixture.
      • There is even a thing called ‘male grooming’ these days which, apparently, involves more than a testicular scratch and a splash of Old Spice.
      • Other signature dishes include braised cod with a splash of rum and sweet and sour eel on potato chips.
      • Hell, when they get shot, most of them dig the bullet out of their shoulder themselves, using a tie as a tourniquet and a splash of Jack Daniels to clean out the wound.
      • Add the lemon juice, baby capers and a splash of Worcestershire sauce.
      • The dumplings wade in a thick peanut mixture with a splash of soy sauce and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.
      • Instead, I reject the cultural establishment's contention that politics can be rejuvenated by a splash of paint or an arty video slot.
      • Avocados discolour very quickly, but a splash of acid rubbed or brushed on will slow that process.
      • The canapé of seafood fritters slipped down nicely with a splash of chilli and coconut cream dip as did the pink smoked duck croutons with their lively mango salsa.
      • Add corn, reserved dill and a splash of reserved braising liquid and heat through.
      • Then Holly discovered she had forgotten her contact lens case and had to improvise with two wine glasses and a splash of saline.
      • And, what compliments such a look better than a splash of (obviously fake) blood?
      • There's water, obviously, and then there's some salt, a splash of chlorine, a hint of sulphur and a sprig of magnesium.
      • With crunchy spring vegetables, Japanese noodles and a splash of soya sauce, a delicious, low-fat meal can be made in minutes.
      • Medallion man womaniser Farina is forever offering the benefit of his experience, including dubious advice that women love a splash of cologne on a man's testicles.
      • He developed high-speed photography, which could freeze a hummingbird in mid-flight or a splash of milk.
      • A split second later, she was rewarded by a splash of warm - almost hot - liquid.
      • Twenty years ago, grooming meant a fifteen minute visit to the corner barbershop and a splash of Aqua Velva.
      • I would be conveniencing myself if I spritzed a splash of French dressing on my shirt before I even entered the store.
      • As they walked down the street, they heard a yell, which was followed by a splash of some liquid.
      spot, blob, dab, daub, smudge, smear, speck, speckle, fleck, patch, pop
      mark, stain
      informal splotch, splosh, splodge
    3. 1.3 A small quantity of liquid added to a drink.
      a splash of lemonade


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As with most fruits, papaya will also excel as a drink, but due to its creamy texture, it is better to whizz it up in a blender with some Greek yoghurt, a splash of lime juice and a teaspoon or so of honey.
      • These include apple and blackberry with a burst of blackcurrant, orange and raspberry with a splash of cranberry, and lemon and lime with a hint of elderflower.
      • The juice is available in Middle Eastern delis, but if you can't get hold of any, go for dry white wine soured further with a splash of lemon juice or vinegar.
      • Crack the seal, spill some for the spirits, pour it over smoking ice, and dress with a splash of whatever you fancy.
      • For a lighter cocktail, top off the drink with a splash of soda.
      • It involved a pint of milk, half a kilo of strawberries and a splash of sour cherry cordial to sweeten things up a bit.
      • Strain the ingredients into a ice filled highball glass and add a splash of soda water.
      • Now, add a splash of peach schnapps, then a gurgle or two of Jack Daniels.
      • So, I used a shot of cold coffee, a dash of milk with some chocolate powder in it, a splash of caramel syrup, and tons of ice.
      • Stirring in a splash of vermouth just adds more liquor.
      • That's why we recommend using a consistent product like Rose's, and then use a splash of fresh juice to add some dimension to the drink.
      • Another, The Jacuzzi, has more of a kick to it lent by the addition of Bombay Sapphire Gin and a splash of lemon to the traditional drink.
      • Now it's a steady rain, cold and gloomy… the kind of afternoon that calls for a splash of brandy in your cup of tea.
      • Apparently, every single pupil had simply recounted throwing a teabag in a mug, boiling a kettle, pouring on water, removing the bag with a spoon and then adding a splash of milk.
      drop, dash, bit, spot, soupçon, dribble, driblet
      little, small amount
      Scottish informal scoosh
    4. 1.4 A bright patch of colour.
      add a red scarf to give a splash of colour


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The vibrant costumes and scenery gave bright splashes of cartoonish colour to the scenes and the props, such as hobby horses with nodding heads, were superb.
      • Painted a cool white throughout, the apartment provides a blank canvas for buyers, with splashes of bright colours in the soft furnishings.
      • Attached to a branch of a tree were half a dozen green and yellow plastic water containers that provided a splash of colour in the bright, dust coloured landscape.
      • For a splash of bright colour it is hard to beat marigolds, Calendula officialis.
      • First there were a host of tiles, partitions and wall coverings to enhance the look of the room with splashes of bright colour, muted hues and soft lighting.
      • Hanging baskets are a great way of maximising space on a small verandah or patio and provide opportunities for injecting a splash of colour around the house.
      • Green-fingered gardeners are preparing to add a splash of colour to the Auld Grey Town this summer with their entries for the 2004 Kendal in Bloom competition.
      • Leaving the grey stone of the city, we stepped into a world of resplendent greens with splashes of colour as bright as the auroras themselves.
      • The city was sprawled out beneath them, a rainbow of earthen hues and bright splashes of colour.
      • Hundreds of ducks brought a splash of colour to an East Yorkshire village - and helped raise hundreds of pounds for the local pre-school.
      • Elsewhere in the city, there was a splash of colour in York in the shape of a yellow school bus in Parliament Street - on tour from American book publisher DK.
      • Darker colours tend to be more appropriate at work although there is no harm in adding a splash of brighter colour with accessories.
      • Add to this a splash of bright colour and the result is nothing short of arresting.
      • The black and white dress code was given a splash of colour by members of the Army, who attended in their Reds, and Colchester Town Watch appeared in medieval regalia.
      • The attractive berries produced by this popular shrub will brighten up a shady area and provide a splash of colour in the darkest months.
      • His presence would have added a splash of colour.
      • Arriving in Cambridge on a Fulbright Scholarship, she is a splash of brash American colour against a backdrop of a dour Britain in the grip of Fifties austerity.
      • Every splash of bright colour has gone back into a drawer not to be glimpsed again until next spring.
      • Clad in bright and subtle shades, the participants rendered a splash of colour to the stadium that buzzed with activity for the rest of the day.
      • This wasn't quite as frivolous as it sounds; the standard urban wardrobe of black with white and the occasional splash of bright colour wasn't going to work in the bush.
      patch, burst, streak
  • 2informal A prominent or sensational news feature or story.


    a front-page splash


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The six page splash features the tanned newly-weds barbecueing corn cobs and canoodling poolside.
    • The splash headline in the virulently anti-war Independent was exultant.
    • This conclusion won't generate the splash headlines and blanket coverage of this past week, which was just as remarkable as the political volte face.
    • But the front page splash was all about how he had changed his tune on a few key issues such as a pulp mill in Tasmania and American bases.
    • Of course, the hard but essential task now will be to maintain the sense of priority and importance about indigenous issues once the front page splashes die away again.
    • The Australian had the most comprehensive coverage with a story by Jane Schulze on the front page below the fold and the splash on the front page of the Media section.
    • Two months later the splash headline in the Mirror was ‘Married cricket legend harasses a mum for sex with obscene phone calls’.
    • The Daily Record in Scotland was one of hundreds of papers who, thanks to The Australian, also got it wrong in its front page splash about Kylie.
    • For nearly 15 years the media has contributed screaming headlines and front page splashes as well as serious studies.
    • In the cases above, information was available years before the recent news splashes that would have at least thrown up caution signs.
    • The front page splash - the main headline - on the Daily Mail today is about the same story.
    • My front-page splash became a three-inch brief on the inside - albeit one that took hours to report.
    • Agenda-setting front-page splashes started reappearing as well as longer inside reads devoted to issues not normally touched by the Record.
    • This was enough to deliver the front page splash in The Sunday Age and Sunday Herald Sun and begin what will be a long and difficult fightback.
    • It's a risk, but if it happens, maybe it beats the thrill of all those front-page splashes and sold-out arenas hands down.
    • It seems like a perfect investigation for the Hun, though today's front page splash on the bailed drug baron's Queensland holiday was a good get.
    • The front page splash of the Morden Times reveals the town is to get two more police officers, bringing the total to nine.
    • ‘A delay may be a diary story for you, for us it's a splash,’ says the man from The Sun.
    • Front page splashes on serious crimes in the town centre are giving the police a bad name, officers say.
    • The Financial Times broke with tradition, using a white-on-black splash headline for the first time in its history.
    feature, story, article, piece
    North American informal screamer
    1. 2.1 A striking, ostentatious, or exciting effect or event.
      there's going to be a big splash when Mike returns to the ring


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Country Music Awards made a big splash in the big city last week, as the event was warmly received by New Yorkers.
      • ‘We want to break into the town centre market and we want to make a big splash,’ he said.
      • With this in mind, Mr Brown will have his eye on making a big splash, hoping to follow up his speech with well-aimed and well-received tax incentives.
      • Former Handsworth student Blythe Hartley will look to make a big splash in Victoria this weekend.
      • His films ride existing awareness created by big marketing splashes for the originals.
      • Tourism chiefs in Cumbria are bidding to make a big splash in the cruise market by attracting more liners and thousands of extra visitors to the county.
      • There had been talk that Gagosian was building a new art gallery on the outer edge of Rome after making a big splash in Venice with a show by the official American artist Ed Ruscha.
      • Savvy riders will save Tidal Wave, the biggest splash, till the end of the day, and dry off in the car on the journey home, heater blasting.
      • They made their big splash, and like all big splashes, when the ripples subside, no one will remember it ever happened.
      • The story of a musical entitled Springtime for Hitler is now making as big a splash in the West End as it did on Broadway.
verb splaʃsplæʃ
  • 1with object and adverbial of direction Cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops.


    she splashed cold water on to her face


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Shakily I splashed some cold water onto my stricken face, wishing the cold liquid to act as a reality check, maybe even wake me up from this painfully real nightmare.
    • Composing herself quickly, she splashed cold water on her flushed face.
    • The bathroom was cool when she flicked on the light, and as she splashed cold water onto her face the reflection of the mirror caught her eye.
    • He walked over to the handbowl and splashed the cold water onto his face.
    • Taking her time to wash and splash some cold water on her face, Angela slowly woke up more.
    • Setting the kettle down, Kiyoshi made as if to examine his face in the reflection, and then splashed water onto it as if washing it.
    • It broke in half with the bottom falling back into the jar, splashing the liquid upon the hand that held the containment.
    • Blue liquid was splashed onto nearby equipment, but he didn't care.
    • The boy poured rice into the pan, splashing the scalding water onto Jamie's hand.
    • She ran to the porch and picked up the bucket Hunk kept below the down spout to catch what little rain water fell, and she splashed the water over me.
    • I splashed some water onto my face and wiped it with a towel.
    • I had to push past a few kissing couples to reach the bathroom, and once inside I splashed some cold water onto my face.
    • Cupping her hands into the water, she splashed the water onto her face and let the liquid run down her neck and cool her cheeks.
    • I brushed a few loose strands of hair out of my face and splashed some cold water onto my face.
    • I tried to take it away from him but he fought me for it, splashing the urine-colored liquid on my shoes.
    • He splashed the warm water onto his face and looked into the mirror.
    • Turning the water on, I cupped my hands under the faucet, and splashed some water onto the crusted blood.
    • Something smashed against Valshar's face, shattering into dust to splash a clear liquid over the face.
    • She dipped her hands into the icy cold water and splashed some water across her sleepy face, in a vain attempt to wake herself up.
    • He splashed the liquid in the container over the couch and hastily returned to his car.
    spatter, bespatter, splatter, speck, speckle, blotch, smear, stain, mark
    informal splotch, splodge
    Scottish &amp Irish informal slabber
    literary bedabble
    1. 1.1with object Make wet by splashing.
      they splashed each other with water


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I saw Tay and Jill down by the water, splashing each other and giggling in slurs which meant they were half drunk.
      • We were laughing and splashing each other as Ben came out with someone behind him.
      • We goofed off in the ocean for quite awhile, dunking each other and splashing each other.
      • After swimming and splashing each other for about an hour, they were exhausted and climbed out of the pool.
      • The sunbathers had moved to the water, splashing each other.
      • Then they start to roll the log, spraying and splashing each other, performing all sorts of acrobatics while turning the piece of wood.
      • He continued to laugh as they fought in the water, splashing each other and she laughed with him.
      • They started splashing each other as Sunakai accidentally splashed water on Sunshe.
      • They had found an open spot on the beach, and were splashing each other, while Pat taped.
      • We giggled and laughed, splashing each other and running in a circle around the island.
      • Brandy covered up as she looked out to Rob, Diana, Jade and Tara, running along the shore line, splashing each other with the abundant element of the day.
      • I pass a besotted dad with his toddler splashing each other from opposites sides of the fountain.
      • The children whined, splashing each other and Knazarath a few more times, but then followed the guard to the bedroom obediently, if a bit noisily.
      • Together they played like children, splashing each other, catching fish to take home, building stone castles along the sandy shore.
      • The white children are bobbing in their rings, and two of them are splashing each other.
      • No sooner than she said that, all four people were spraying and splashing each other, totally forgetting about their game of water volleyball.
      • They dunked and splashed each other in an oversized birdbath.
      • Jeremy and Tara were about 20 feet out, splashing each other.
      • Soon after Ty and T.N. join in and start to splash each other in the tepid water.
      • They took turned jumping from the top of the waterfall, laughing and splashing each other like they were kids.
      sprinkle, spray, spritz, shower, splatter, slosh, slop, squirt
    2. 1.2no object, with adverbial of direction (of a liquid) fall or be scattered in irregular drops.
      a tear fell and splashed on to the pillow


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sara barely noticed the first few drops of rain splashing on her head.
      • As I expect, the water merely splashed onto the mirror and trickled down it.
      • I heard the splash, and the muddy water splashed up onto the sides.
      • She shoved her glass at me, some of the burgundy liquid splashing onto my shirt.
      • The waves crashed against the rocks, sending spray splashing across a pale face and closed eyes.
      • Suddenly, as I was sprinting backwards, huge drops of rain splashed on my forehead.
      • He landed hard with a loud thump and the rain water splashed up around him.
      • The crimson liquid splashed around in the bottle, smearing against the glass.
      • Liquid splashed up around her and stained her pants; the new ones her mother had bought for her the previous day.
      • I felt myself falling into darkness, only stopping as water splashed onto my face…
      • The object flew past his face and he thought there was some liquid splashing onto his neck, but he didn't understand what it was.
      • However as soon as I slammed the door and began screaming at the top of my lungs, she dropped the glass and the clear liquid splashed all over her blazer.
      • A large drop of rain splashed on his arm, leaving a black sooty mark.
      • She knew she looked quite a sight; her cropped hair was full of dust, and oil had splashed onto her blue jumpsuit.
      • Cassie looked down at her lap as a droplet of blood splashed.
      • The icicles began to melt, and a few drops of frigid water splashed onto her head.
      • Small soft rain drops splashed against my skin.
      • It was almost impossible to see out through the windscreen at times, with the wind gusting and the spray splashing up.
      • I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand gingerly and turned back to Trey, watching the rain droplets splash on his face.
      • The blue liquid came splashing back up, hitting the people around her.
      swash, wash, break, lap
      dash, beat, lash, batter, crash, buffet, surge
      literary plash
    3. 1.3no object, with adverbial Strike or move around in a body of water, causing it to fly about noisily.
      a stone splashed into the water


      she splashed up the path


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She saw the cars hurtle past carelessly, the rubber wheels splashing in the wide puddles.
      • Her sister Natasha, six, was splashing about in shallow water unaffected by the current.
      • Tenchiki cupped his hands into a puddle of water and splashed into her, hoping it'd get her face.
      • Visitors are asked to ‘visualise a toddler splashing in water, a young child running in a school race or a teenager getting ready to go out’.
      • At the Spree, General Rybalko led his tanks splashing into the water, without waiting for bridging gear.
      • Young children ran around the mucky puddles and splashed in the water, enjoying Saturday fun with their friends.
      • He sliced the water without splashing around and moved through it athletically.
      • The floor around us was covered with several inches of water that splashed under the truck's wheels.
      • On Sunday we hit the beach with Isaac and Jeremy, who had a marvellous time splashing about in the water, constructing mud sculptures, and collecting sea shells.
      • The trailer suggests plenty of high-ocean thrills and spills, as well as gratuitous shots of tanned bodies (both sexes) splashing about in the water.
      • It is a pleasure to see the ducks, geese and water hens merrily splashing around in the lake.
      • We had just spent a pleasant day on Belle Mare beach, splashing in crystal clear water across the street from a local ashram, the Asian version of a spiritual retreat.
      • Others splashed happily in the water, swimming and having fun.
      • Suddenly one of the crocodiles moved forward and splashed into the water.
      • Brice spun me around, holding my close to his body, for a few seconds before he tripped, sending our bodies flying and splashing into the water.
      • They splashed noisily into the water and we clambered down the pier steps, watching the ghostly glows from their torches disappear into the inky blackness.
      • Plain sailing all the way, these hardy members of the Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club at Naburn enjoy nothing more than splashing about on the water.
      • I used to sit on the beach watching their every move while they splashed about in the water.
      • Here, you'll pass old men and boys fishing from the rocks, people running with their dogs, and seagulls splashing in the water.
      • As he tried to put his other foot close to it, his body splashed into the water.
      paddle, wade, slosh
      informal splosh
    4. 1.4be splashed with Be decorated with scattered patches of.
      a field splashed with purple clover


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I can only make out a shadow since everything is dark, and the room is splashed with alternating flickering colors.
      • The lush greenery of the marsh to one side and the swamp to the other was splashed with purple mallow and pink hibiscus flowers, and there were blue herons and white egrets flapping through the trees.
      • The wall was splashed with mega-sized posters welcoming ‘Amma’ to Andipatti.
      • The river banks were splashed with the colour of wild flowers, and all was still and silent, barring the whisper of the wind and the occasional raucous call of a bird.
      • The attractive foliage of the latter is splashed with green, pink and cream and forms an interesting block of colour, which if it appeared later in the season would be overshadowed by showier plants.
      • Following the creek eastwards from the ranch, it widens into a large but shallow wetland whose clear water is splashed with islands of lily pads and dense clusters of cat tails.
      • The sun was beginning to set, the sky was splashed with purples and pinks.
      • Inside her one-bedroom apartment at Indiana University, however, the walls were splashed with vibrantly colored pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses.
      • Johnny had blue and green on his right cheek and his chin was splashed with purple.
      • They were splashed with green, blue, orange, yellow, red, and purple all over, as well as my ceiling.
      be flecked with, be dotted with, be stippled with, be studded with, be scattered with
  • 2with object Print (a story or photograph, especially a sensational one) in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine.


    the story was splashed across the front pages


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Four out of five of Canada's largest newspapers in the country splashed the story on the front page the day after the Monday night game.
    • However, once the story was splashed across the Sun, the authorities had to respond or face media accusations of complacency.
    • Newspapers splashed graphic photos of the carnage across the front pages of yesterday's editions.
    • The fact that the agency only received 10 calls on the matter did not stop The Scotsman from sensationally splashing the story on its front page on Friday.
    • Prince Harry didn't ask for his life, and his party antics would have caused no offence if the pictures weren't splashed across every newspaper in the country.
    • In the build-up to war, Mr Beattie found his photograph splashed across the front page of a national tabloid newspaper.
    • Finally, these polling numbers were taken when sensationalistic front pages were splashed on every newspaper across the country.
    • Serena, in particular, was patently overweight and pictures of her larger-than-life figure were splashed across every newspaper in the land.
    • Magazines and newspapers once splashed their pages with her photographs; all have made her famous.
    • Even if things were otherwise, what would be the public interest defence for the tabloids splashing the story?
    • His case was splashed across the front page of a Montreal tabloid newspaper on Friday.
    • Pictures of an intolerably alluring British woman with a fabulous body were splashed across newspapers around Britain and the world.
    • Within hours, the picture was splashed across newspapers and Web sites around the world.
    • When Coleman's picture was splashed across every newspaper in the country the next day, the calls began to flood in.
    • Ferguson was splashed across the newspapers, just as Miller had been.
    • His trips to farms and factories and calls on average folk were splashed across state newspapers and television.
    • So how come this story isn't splashed all over the front pages of newspapers, and on every News TV channel?
    • Those pictures were splashed across the front page of the newspaper that I then edited.
    • The Premiership is huge in South Korea and is splashed across the newspapers every day.
    • It's in the unapologetic headlines splashed across magazines and newspapers.
    blazon, display, spread, plaster, trumpet, publicize, broadcast, headline
    informal splatter


  • make a splash

    • informal Attract a great deal of attention.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The bank is already making a splash with the most high-profile foreign bank outlet in Shanghai, located on a prominent corner on Nanjing Xilu.
      • Since then, she's been a prolific choreographer, making a splash with Buoy at the Festival International de Nouvelle Danse in 1995.
      • And they come to Hyderabad after making a splash in the US.
      • Unfortunately it opened a couple of months after a much-ballyhooed Michael Moore film, and therefore got little attention, when it really could have made a splash.
      • Our article has certainly made a splash, generating a great deal of criticism in the blog world.
      • With communicator Mercury stirring up your need to make a splash, you could emulate these ladies and attract lots of publicity with your words.
      • And so, every so often, he cannot resist making a splash, drawing attention to himself and reminding people that he is a major Labour Party player.
      • Launched in 2000 in the US, and August 2004 in China / Asia, the company is relatively new on the vodka scene, but it is already making a splash with connoisseurs.
      • Both dancers believe that the artist in residence program has given them the necessary stage and tools to continue making a splash in the city's dance community.
      • The controversy over fish eating is making a splash.
      cause a sensation, cause a stir, attract attention, draw attention to itself, draw attention to oneself, get noticed, make an impression, make an impact, cut a dash

Phrasal Verbs

  • splash down

    • (of a spacecraft) land on water.


      Apollo 12 splashed down safely in the Pacific
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was the basic shape, build like a large boat and able to splash down in water whenever it wished to dock on planet.
      • The pair then re-entered the Eagle, reuniting with Collins and the Columbia module before returning home by splashing down in the Pacific Ocean.
      • On the return trip, Verne's astronauts splash down in the ocean close to the place where the Apollo 11 crew actually did.
      • Russia's foreign ministry said on Friday the station would splash down away from major sea and air routes.
      • And maybe the astronauts on their way back to Earth would land in the field instead of splashing down into the sea like they were supposed to.
      • On March 8, one of the missiles splashed down in waters about 60 kilometers north of Yonaguni, Japan's westernmost island.
      • Such a capsule, touching down on land like Soyuz or splashing down in the ocean like Apollo, could conceivably be much easier (and hence faster and cheaper) to develop.
      • The ship had splashed down into the waters of Ever-Pitch only fifteen minutes ago, and he needed to get ready before he and the others left for the slaver encampment.
      • With a dive, from the time we leave the bottom of the sea, we're essentially freefalling upwards, and when we hit the surface we've splashed up, like an Apollo mission splashes down.
      • Space Transport also notified the Coast Guard, which issued a notice to mariners last month to watch out for the rocket, which was supposed to splash down by parachute a couple of miles from shore.
  • splash out

    • Spend money freely.


      she splashed out on a Mercedes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I feel at the end of the season Chelsea are going to splash out a lot of money on some good players.
      • You have borrowed some money and splashed out on anything from home improvements to a holiday.
      • Last year, flush with cash from successful investments, I splashed out, spending many hours online and on foot to track down the perfect gifts for family and friends.
      • My dear wife, who doesn't know it has arrived yet, will never cope, and she'll mock me, the person who is supposedly so careful with money, for splashing out on something I didn't want and don't need.
      • While less will be spent on gifts, more will be splashed out on on food, drink and decorations.
      • Williams should wait before splashing out as the money could yet be shared.
      • And she believes the £2,000 she splashed out is money well spent.
      • Unless you had the money to splash out on the Tougher Than Tough box set there wasn't much you could do to get a taste of how rich the music was.
      • However, time off is much more fun when you have the money to splash out and live it up.
      • He is valued at around £5 million and Allardyce has admitted that he would interested in splashing out some money to strengthen his strike force.
      • After splashing out the money to begin with, you could save up to £45 a year for each item, says Jennifer.
      • I had some spare money and was bored over the weekend so splashed out on some DVDs that I'd normally not bother with from a local HMV.
      • Londoners are less likely to be planning home improvements than people living elsewhere but those that are will spend more, splashing out an average of £1,586 each.
      • Pensions specialists say that retirees tend to use the money to splash out on a nice car or a trip to some far-flung destination.
      • Okay, you've splashed out on an iPod and spent a week turning your CDs into MP3s.
      • Rich retired people have taken to splashing out on themselves rather than putting their money away for their children, according to a new report.
      • Those women who had the money were splashing out on the ‘New Look’ for the big day.
      • I've told him before to splash out some of his money for a pair of specs but will he listen?
      • So for his next book they decided to splash out some money, with displays in Waterstone's windows and stuff like that.
      • Money can't buy happiness unless you splash out on a Mercedes.
      be extravagant, go on a spending spree, splurge, spare no expense, spend lavishly, spend a lot of money


Early 18th century (as a verb): alteration of plash1.

  • see flash, pop


abash, ash, Ashe, bash, brash, cache, calash, cash, clash, crash, dash, encash, flash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, Nash, panache, pash, plash, rash, sash, slash, smash, soutache, stash, thrash, trash

Definition of splash in US English:


  • 1A sound made by something striking or falling into liquid.


    we hit the water with a mighty splash


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I went back to reading my book until I was interrupted about ten minutes later by the sound of some enormous splashes.
    • The occasional white gull winging its way through the air, the gentle splash of water against the hull, that's all there was to draw our attention away from each other.
    • Before he could do anything he hit water with a loud splash.
    • After the final splash of the corpse hitting the black water below them, she peered over the edge.
    • When his body was dropped, some men though they heard a human sound come before the splash.
    • She heard a splash as he poured water in the washbowl.
    • Only at the last moment would they dive into the water with a resounding splash.
    • He entered with a loud splash, sending water in every direction.
    • With a hard pull, Sophie landed in the water with a splash.
    • Then a loud splash sounded and I looked over to the dock to see the girl standing while the boy flailed around in the water.
    • It did rain the next day and the village was silent except for the splash of the water on the cobbled streets.
    • At dusk, I like sitting on the bank of the Grand Canal listening to the soft splashes of water against the ancient Venetian stones.
    • A loud splash of water was heard, and nothing else.
    • Lunging forwards with all her strength, Cassie pushes Julia backwards into the pool and watches with glee as she reaches the water with a splash.
    • I heard a soft splash of water, and the soft rubbing of a towel.
    • Then there was a huge splash of water, and that was that.
    • As she passed the building, she heard the splash of water.
    • Valos slowly opened his eyes as he heard the sound of a splash.
    • Suddenly, Siri heard a large splash of water next to her.
    • He had not taken much notice until he heard a splash and the sound of panic-stricken voices.
    splashing, swashing, dashing, beating, battering
    1. 1.1 A spell of moving about in water energetically.
      the girls joined them for a final splash in the pool


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The horses were cantering lightly, making small splashes of water around their hooves.
      • In no time the ground was deep in water, and the splashes from their feet joined the raindrops bouncing roof high.
      • Within seconds he was out of the car, running into the river and sending up splashes of water as he waded out to the middle.
      • He leaned to listen to her splashes, but the water was still.
      • A few splashes of water, and I'm feeling a lot better.
      • We were quiet for a while, the only sound in the kitchen the ticking of the clock and the steady splash of water as I methodically washed the cups.
      • The sounds of continuous splashes filled the air.
      swim, bathe, dive, plunge, paddle
    2. 1.2 A small quantity of liquid that has fallen or been dashed against a surface.
      a splash of gravy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then Holly discovered she had forgotten her contact lens case and had to improvise with two wine glasses and a splash of saline.
      • The canapé of seafood fritters slipped down nicely with a splash of chilli and coconut cream dip as did the pink smoked duck croutons with their lively mango salsa.
      • Instead, I reject the cultural establishment's contention that politics can be rejuvenated by a splash of paint or an arty video slot.
      • Hell, when they get shot, most of them dig the bullet out of their shoulder themselves, using a tie as a tourniquet and a splash of Jack Daniels to clean out the wound.
      • And, what compliments such a look better than a splash of (obviously fake) blood?
      • Twenty years ago, grooming meant a fifteen minute visit to the corner barbershop and a splash of Aqua Velva.
      • As they walked down the street, they heard a yell, which was followed by a splash of some liquid.
      • I would be conveniencing myself if I spritzed a splash of French dressing on my shirt before I even entered the store.
      • A split second later, she was rewarded by a splash of warm - almost hot - liquid.
      • There is even a thing called ‘male grooming’ these days which, apparently, involves more than a testicular scratch and a splash of Old Spice.
      • Avocados discolour very quickly, but a splash of acid rubbed or brushed on will slow that process.
      • Medallion man womaniser Farina is forever offering the benefit of his experience, including dubious advice that women love a splash of cologne on a man's testicles.
      • Add corn, reserved dill and a splash of reserved braising liquid and heat through.
      • With crunchy spring vegetables, Japanese noodles and a splash of soya sauce, a delicious, low-fat meal can be made in minutes.
      • He developed high-speed photography, which could freeze a hummingbird in mid-flight or a splash of milk.
      • The dumplings wade in a thick peanut mixture with a splash of soy sauce and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.
      • There's water, obviously, and then there's some salt, a splash of chlorine, a hint of sulphur and a sprig of magnesium.
      • Other signature dishes include braised cod with a splash of rum and sweet and sour eel on potato chips.
      • A splash of cream extinguishes the last of the flames before paper-thin crêpes are warmed in the apple mixture.
      • Add the lemon juice, baby capers and a splash of Worcestershire sauce.
      spot, blob, dab, daub, smudge, smear, speck, speckle, fleck, patch, pop
    3. 1.3 A small quantity of liquid added to a drink.
      a splash of lemonade


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It involved a pint of milk, half a kilo of strawberries and a splash of sour cherry cordial to sweeten things up a bit.
      • These include apple and blackberry with a burst of blackcurrant, orange and raspberry with a splash of cranberry, and lemon and lime with a hint of elderflower.
      • That's why we recommend using a consistent product like Rose's, and then use a splash of fresh juice to add some dimension to the drink.
      • The juice is available in Middle Eastern delis, but if you can't get hold of any, go for dry white wine soured further with a splash of lemon juice or vinegar.
      • Apparently, every single pupil had simply recounted throwing a teabag in a mug, boiling a kettle, pouring on water, removing the bag with a spoon and then adding a splash of milk.
      • Another, The Jacuzzi, has more of a kick to it lent by the addition of Bombay Sapphire Gin and a splash of lemon to the traditional drink.
      • Strain the ingredients into a ice filled highball glass and add a splash of soda water.
      • As with most fruits, papaya will also excel as a drink, but due to its creamy texture, it is better to whizz it up in a blender with some Greek yoghurt, a splash of lime juice and a teaspoon or so of honey.
      • Now it's a steady rain, cold and gloomy… the kind of afternoon that calls for a splash of brandy in your cup of tea.
      • Stirring in a splash of vermouth just adds more liquor.
      • Crack the seal, spill some for the spirits, pour it over smoking ice, and dress with a splash of whatever you fancy.
      • So, I used a shot of cold coffee, a dash of milk with some chocolate powder in it, a splash of caramel syrup, and tons of ice.
      • For a lighter cocktail, top off the drink with a splash of soda.
      • Now, add a splash of peach schnapps, then a gurgle or two of Jack Daniels.
      drop, dash, bit, spot, soupçon, dribble, driblet
    4. 1.4 A bright patch of color.
      add a red scarf to give a splash of color


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For a splash of bright colour it is hard to beat marigolds, Calendula officialis.
      • Every splash of bright colour has gone back into a drawer not to be glimpsed again until next spring.
      • Painted a cool white throughout, the apartment provides a blank canvas for buyers, with splashes of bright colours in the soft furnishings.
      • Green-fingered gardeners are preparing to add a splash of colour to the Auld Grey Town this summer with their entries for the 2004 Kendal in Bloom competition.
      • The city was sprawled out beneath them, a rainbow of earthen hues and bright splashes of colour.
      • His presence would have added a splash of colour.
      • The attractive berries produced by this popular shrub will brighten up a shady area and provide a splash of colour in the darkest months.
      • Hanging baskets are a great way of maximising space on a small verandah or patio and provide opportunities for injecting a splash of colour around the house.
      • Hundreds of ducks brought a splash of colour to an East Yorkshire village - and helped raise hundreds of pounds for the local pre-school.
      • The vibrant costumes and scenery gave bright splashes of cartoonish colour to the scenes and the props, such as hobby horses with nodding heads, were superb.
      • The black and white dress code was given a splash of colour by members of the Army, who attended in their Reds, and Colchester Town Watch appeared in medieval regalia.
      • Attached to a branch of a tree were half a dozen green and yellow plastic water containers that provided a splash of colour in the bright, dust coloured landscape.
      • Clad in bright and subtle shades, the participants rendered a splash of colour to the stadium that buzzed with activity for the rest of the day.
      • Leaving the grey stone of the city, we stepped into a world of resplendent greens with splashes of colour as bright as the auroras themselves.
      • First there were a host of tiles, partitions and wall coverings to enhance the look of the room with splashes of bright colour, muted hues and soft lighting.
      • Elsewhere in the city, there was a splash of colour in York in the shape of a yellow school bus in Parliament Street - on tour from American book publisher DK.
      • Darker colours tend to be more appropriate at work although there is no harm in adding a splash of brighter colour with accessories.
      • Add to this a splash of bright colour and the result is nothing short of arresting.
      • Arriving in Cambridge on a Fulbright Scholarship, she is a splash of brash American colour against a backdrop of a dour Britain in the grip of Fifties austerity.
      • This wasn't quite as frivolous as it sounds; the standard urban wardrobe of black with white and the occasional splash of bright colour wasn't going to work in the bush.
      patch, burst, streak
    5. 1.5informal A prominent or sensational news feature or story.
      a front-page splash


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It seems like a perfect investigation for the Hun, though today's front page splash on the bailed drug baron's Queensland holiday was a good get.
      • It's a risk, but if it happens, maybe it beats the thrill of all those front-page splashes and sold-out arenas hands down.
      • The splash headline in the virulently anti-war Independent was exultant.
      • ‘A delay may be a diary story for you, for us it's a splash,’ says the man from The Sun.
      • The six page splash features the tanned newly-weds barbecueing corn cobs and canoodling poolside.
      • The front page splash of the Morden Times reveals the town is to get two more police officers, bringing the total to nine.
      • Front page splashes on serious crimes in the town centre are giving the police a bad name, officers say.
      • The Australian had the most comprehensive coverage with a story by Jane Schulze on the front page below the fold and the splash on the front page of the Media section.
      • This was enough to deliver the front page splash in The Sunday Age and Sunday Herald Sun and begin what will be a long and difficult fightback.
      • In the cases above, information was available years before the recent news splashes that would have at least thrown up caution signs.
      • Two months later the splash headline in the Mirror was ‘Married cricket legend harasses a mum for sex with obscene phone calls’.
      • Agenda-setting front-page splashes started reappearing as well as longer inside reads devoted to issues not normally touched by the Record.
      • My front-page splash became a three-inch brief on the inside - albeit one that took hours to report.
      • The front page splash - the main headline - on the Daily Mail today is about the same story.
      • For nearly 15 years the media has contributed screaming headlines and front page splashes as well as serious studies.
      • The Daily Record in Scotland was one of hundreds of papers who, thanks to The Australian, also got it wrong in its front page splash about Kylie.
      • But the front page splash was all about how he had changed his tune on a few key issues such as a pulp mill in Tasmania and American bases.
      • Of course, the hard but essential task now will be to maintain the sense of priority and importance about indigenous issues once the front page splashes die away again.
      • The Financial Times broke with tradition, using a white-on-black splash headline for the first time in its history.
      • This conclusion won't generate the splash headlines and blanket coverage of this past week, which was just as remarkable as the political volte face.
      feature, story, article, piece
    6. 1.6informal A striking, ostentatious, or exciting effect or event.
      there's going to be a big splash when Mike returns to the ring


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There had been talk that Gagosian was building a new art gallery on the outer edge of Rome after making a big splash in Venice with a show by the official American artist Ed Ruscha.
      • Former Handsworth student Blythe Hartley will look to make a big splash in Victoria this weekend.
      • The story of a musical entitled Springtime for Hitler is now making as big a splash in the West End as it did on Broadway.
      • They made their big splash, and like all big splashes, when the ripples subside, no one will remember it ever happened.
      • ‘We want to break into the town centre market and we want to make a big splash,’ he said.
      • Tourism chiefs in Cumbria are bidding to make a big splash in the cruise market by attracting more liners and thousands of extra visitors to the county.
      • With this in mind, Mr Brown will have his eye on making a big splash, hoping to follow up his speech with well-aimed and well-received tax incentives.
      • The Country Music Awards made a big splash in the big city last week, as the event was warmly received by New Yorkers.
      • Savvy riders will save Tidal Wave, the biggest splash, till the end of the day, and dry off in the car on the journey home, heater blasting.
      • His films ride existing awareness created by big marketing splashes for the originals.
[with object]
  • 1Cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops.


    she splashed cold water onto her face


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Composing herself quickly, she splashed cold water on her flushed face.
    • He walked over to the handbowl and splashed the cold water onto his face.
    • Taking her time to wash and splash some cold water on her face, Angela slowly woke up more.
    • Setting the kettle down, Kiyoshi made as if to examine his face in the reflection, and then splashed water onto it as if washing it.
    • Shakily I splashed some cold water onto my stricken face, wishing the cold liquid to act as a reality check, maybe even wake me up from this painfully real nightmare.
    • I had to push past a few kissing couples to reach the bathroom, and once inside I splashed some cold water onto my face.
    • The bathroom was cool when she flicked on the light, and as she splashed cold water onto her face the reflection of the mirror caught her eye.
    • She ran to the porch and picked up the bucket Hunk kept below the down spout to catch what little rain water fell, and she splashed the water over me.
    • She dipped her hands into the icy cold water and splashed some water across her sleepy face, in a vain attempt to wake herself up.
    • He splashed the liquid in the container over the couch and hastily returned to his car.
    • It broke in half with the bottom falling back into the jar, splashing the liquid upon the hand that held the containment.
    • Blue liquid was splashed onto nearby equipment, but he didn't care.
    • The boy poured rice into the pan, splashing the scalding water onto Jamie's hand.
    • Something smashed against Valshar's face, shattering into dust to splash a clear liquid over the face.
    • Cupping her hands into the water, she splashed the water onto her face and let the liquid run down her neck and cool her cheeks.
    • I brushed a few loose strands of hair out of my face and splashed some cold water onto my face.
    • He splashed the warm water onto his face and looked into the mirror.
    • Turning the water on, I cupped my hands under the faucet, and splashed some water onto the crusted blood.
    • I tried to take it away from him but he fought me for it, splashing the urine-colored liquid on my shoes.
    • I splashed some water onto my face and wiped it with a towel.
    spatter, bespatter, splatter, speck, speckle, blotch, smear, stain, mark
    1. 1.1 Make wet by splashing.
      they splashed each other with water


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I pass a besotted dad with his toddler splashing each other from opposites sides of the fountain.
      • I saw Tay and Jill down by the water, splashing each other and giggling in slurs which meant they were half drunk.
      • They dunked and splashed each other in an oversized birdbath.
      • The white children are bobbing in their rings, and two of them are splashing each other.
      • Soon after Ty and T.N. join in and start to splash each other in the tepid water.
      • Jeremy and Tara were about 20 feet out, splashing each other.
      • After swimming and splashing each other for about an hour, they were exhausted and climbed out of the pool.
      • No sooner than she said that, all four people were spraying and splashing each other, totally forgetting about their game of water volleyball.
      • They took turned jumping from the top of the waterfall, laughing and splashing each other like they were kids.
      • They had found an open spot on the beach, and were splashing each other, while Pat taped.
      • The sunbathers had moved to the water, splashing each other.
      • Then they start to roll the log, spraying and splashing each other, performing all sorts of acrobatics while turning the piece of wood.
      • They started splashing each other as Sunakai accidentally splashed water on Sunshe.
      • He continued to laugh as they fought in the water, splashing each other and she laughed with him.
      • Together they played like children, splashing each other, catching fish to take home, building stone castles along the sandy shore.
      • The children whined, splashing each other and Knazarath a few more times, but then followed the guard to the bedroom obediently, if a bit noisily.
      • We were laughing and splashing each other as Ben came out with someone behind him.
      • We giggled and laughed, splashing each other and running in a circle around the island.
      • Brandy covered up as she looked out to Rob, Diana, Jade and Tara, running along the shore line, splashing each other with the abundant element of the day.
      • We goofed off in the ocean for quite awhile, dunking each other and splashing each other.
      sprinkle, spray, spritz, shower, splatter, slosh, slop, squirt
    2. 1.2no object (of a liquid) fall or be scattered in irregular drops.
      a tear fell and splashed onto the pillow


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Small soft rain drops splashed against my skin.
      • Suddenly, as I was sprinting backwards, huge drops of rain splashed on my forehead.
      • Liquid splashed up around her and stained her pants; the new ones her mother had bought for her the previous day.
      • Cassie looked down at her lap as a droplet of blood splashed.
      • He landed hard with a loud thump and the rain water splashed up around him.
      • I felt myself falling into darkness, only stopping as water splashed onto my face…
      • She shoved her glass at me, some of the burgundy liquid splashing onto my shirt.
      • I heard the splash, and the muddy water splashed up onto the sides.
      • However as soon as I slammed the door and began screaming at the top of my lungs, she dropped the glass and the clear liquid splashed all over her blazer.
      • As I expect, the water merely splashed onto the mirror and trickled down it.
      • I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand gingerly and turned back to Trey, watching the rain droplets splash on his face.
      • Sara barely noticed the first few drops of rain splashing on her head.
      • The waves crashed against the rocks, sending spray splashing across a pale face and closed eyes.
      • The object flew past his face and he thought there was some liquid splashing onto his neck, but he didn't understand what it was.
      • She knew she looked quite a sight; her cropped hair was full of dust, and oil had splashed onto her blue jumpsuit.
      • A large drop of rain splashed on his arm, leaving a black sooty mark.
      • The icicles began to melt, and a few drops of frigid water splashed onto her head.
      • The crimson liquid splashed around in the bottle, smearing against the glass.
      • It was almost impossible to see out through the windscreen at times, with the wind gusting and the spray splashing up.
      • The blue liquid came splashing back up, hitting the people around her.
      swash, wash, break, lap
    3. 1.3no object Strike or move around in a body of water, causing it to fly about noisily.
      some stones splashed into the water


      wheels splashed through a puddle
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I used to sit on the beach watching their every move while they splashed about in the water.
      • Young children ran around the mucky puddles and splashed in the water, enjoying Saturday fun with their friends.
      • Her sister Natasha, six, was splashing about in shallow water unaffected by the current.
      • She saw the cars hurtle past carelessly, the rubber wheels splashing in the wide puddles.
      • The floor around us was covered with several inches of water that splashed under the truck's wheels.
      • Visitors are asked to ‘visualise a toddler splashing in water, a young child running in a school race or a teenager getting ready to go out’.
      • On Sunday we hit the beach with Isaac and Jeremy, who had a marvellous time splashing about in the water, constructing mud sculptures, and collecting sea shells.
      • He sliced the water without splashing around and moved through it athletically.
      • The trailer suggests plenty of high-ocean thrills and spills, as well as gratuitous shots of tanned bodies (both sexes) splashing about in the water.
      • Tenchiki cupped his hands into a puddle of water and splashed into her, hoping it'd get her face.
      • We had just spent a pleasant day on Belle Mare beach, splashing in crystal clear water across the street from a local ashram, the Asian version of a spiritual retreat.
      • At the Spree, General Rybalko led his tanks splashing into the water, without waiting for bridging gear.
      • Plain sailing all the way, these hardy members of the Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club at Naburn enjoy nothing more than splashing about on the water.
      • Suddenly one of the crocodiles moved forward and splashed into the water.
      • They splashed noisily into the water and we clambered down the pier steps, watching the ghostly glows from their torches disappear into the inky blackness.
      • Brice spun me around, holding my close to his body, for a few seconds before he tripped, sending our bodies flying and splashing into the water.
      • It is a pleasure to see the ducks, geese and water hens merrily splashing around in the lake.
      • Others splashed happily in the water, swimming and having fun.
      • Here, you'll pass old men and boys fishing from the rocks, people running with their dogs, and seagulls splashing in the water.
      • As he tried to put his other foot close to it, his body splashed into the water.
      paddle, wade, slosh
    4. 1.4be splashed with Be decorated with scattered patches of.
      a field splashed with purple clover


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I can only make out a shadow since everything is dark, and the room is splashed with alternating flickering colors.
      • The sun was beginning to set, the sky was splashed with purples and pinks.
      • The wall was splashed with mega-sized posters welcoming ‘Amma’ to Andipatti.
      • The river banks were splashed with the colour of wild flowers, and all was still and silent, barring the whisper of the wind and the occasional raucous call of a bird.
      • Inside her one-bedroom apartment at Indiana University, however, the walls were splashed with vibrantly colored pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses.
      • They were splashed with green, blue, orange, yellow, red, and purple all over, as well as my ceiling.
      • Johnny had blue and green on his right cheek and his chin was splashed with purple.
      • Following the creek eastwards from the ranch, it widens into a large but shallow wetland whose clear water is splashed with islands of lily pads and dense clusters of cat tails.
      • The attractive foliage of the latter is splashed with green, pink and cream and forms an interesting block of colour, which if it appeared later in the season would be overshadowed by showier plants.
      • The lush greenery of the marsh to one side and the swamp to the other was splashed with purple mallow and pink hibiscus flowers, and there were blue herons and white egrets flapping through the trees.
      be flecked with, be dotted with, be stippled with, be studded with, be scattered with
    5. 1.5 Print (a story or photograph, especially a sensational one) in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine.
      the story was splashed across the front pages


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His trips to farms and factories and calls on average folk were splashed across state newspapers and television.
      • It's in the unapologetic headlines splashed across magazines and newspapers.
      • Newspapers splashed graphic photos of the carnage across the front pages of yesterday's editions.
      • Those pictures were splashed across the front page of the newspaper that I then edited.
      • The fact that the agency only received 10 calls on the matter did not stop The Scotsman from sensationally splashing the story on its front page on Friday.
      • Serena, in particular, was patently overweight and pictures of her larger-than-life figure were splashed across every newspaper in the land.
      • Ferguson was splashed across the newspapers, just as Miller had been.
      • In the build-up to war, Mr Beattie found his photograph splashed across the front page of a national tabloid newspaper.
      • When Coleman's picture was splashed across every newspaper in the country the next day, the calls began to flood in.
      • Magazines and newspapers once splashed their pages with her photographs; all have made her famous.
      • Prince Harry didn't ask for his life, and his party antics would have caused no offence if the pictures weren't splashed across every newspaper in the country.
      • Pictures of an intolerably alluring British woman with a fabulous body were splashed across newspapers around Britain and the world.
      • Within hours, the picture was splashed across newspapers and Web sites around the world.
      • Even if things were otherwise, what would be the public interest defence for the tabloids splashing the story?
      • However, once the story was splashed across the Sun, the authorities had to respond or face media accusations of complacency.
      • The Premiership is huge in South Korea and is splashed across the newspapers every day.
      • Four out of five of Canada's largest newspapers in the country splashed the story on the front page the day after the Monday night game.
      • So how come this story isn't splashed all over the front pages of newspapers, and on every News TV channel?
      • His case was splashed across the front page of a Montreal tabloid newspaper on Friday.
      • Finally, these polling numbers were taken when sensationalistic front pages were splashed on every newspaper across the country.
      blazon, display, spread, plaster, trumpet, publicize, broadcast, headline


  • make a splash

    • informal Attract a great deal of attention.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Launched in 2000 in the US, and August 2004 in China / Asia, the company is relatively new on the vodka scene, but it is already making a splash with connoisseurs.
      • Both dancers believe that the artist in residence program has given them the necessary stage and tools to continue making a splash in the city's dance community.
      • And they come to Hyderabad after making a splash in the US.
      • Since then, she's been a prolific choreographer, making a splash with Buoy at the Festival International de Nouvelle Danse in 1995.
      • And so, every so often, he cannot resist making a splash, drawing attention to himself and reminding people that he is a major Labour Party player.
      • The bank is already making a splash with the most high-profile foreign bank outlet in Shanghai, located on a prominent corner on Nanjing Xilu.
      • The controversy over fish eating is making a splash.
      • Unfortunately it opened a couple of months after a much-ballyhooed Michael Moore film, and therefore got little attention, when it really could have made a splash.
      • Our article has certainly made a splash, generating a great deal of criticism in the blog world.
      • With communicator Mercury stirring up your need to make a splash, you could emulate these ladies and attract lots of publicity with your words.
      cause a sensation, cause a stir, attract attention, draw attention to itself, draw attention to oneself, get noticed, make an impression, make an impact, cut a dash

Phrasal Verbs

  • splash down

    • (of a spacecraft) land on water.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The pair then re-entered the Eagle, reuniting with Collins and the Columbia module before returning home by splashing down in the Pacific Ocean.
      • The ship had splashed down into the waters of Ever-Pitch only fifteen minutes ago, and he needed to get ready before he and the others left for the slaver encampment.
      • Such a capsule, touching down on land like Soyuz or splashing down in the ocean like Apollo, could conceivably be much easier (and hence faster and cheaper) to develop.
      • On the return trip, Verne's astronauts splash down in the ocean close to the place where the Apollo 11 crew actually did.
      • It was the basic shape, build like a large boat and able to splash down in water whenever it wished to dock on planet.
      • With a dive, from the time we leave the bottom of the sea, we're essentially freefalling upwards, and when we hit the surface we've splashed up, like an Apollo mission splashes down.
      • Russia's foreign ministry said on Friday the station would splash down away from major sea and air routes.
      • Space Transport also notified the Coast Guard, which issued a notice to mariners last month to watch out for the rocket, which was supposed to splash down by parachute a couple of miles from shore.
      • And maybe the astronauts on their way back to Earth would land in the field instead of splashing down into the sea like they were supposed to.
      • On March 8, one of the missiles splashed down in waters about 60 kilometers north of Yonaguni, Japan's westernmost island.
  • splash out

    • Spend money freely.


      she splashed out on a Mercedes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I feel at the end of the season Chelsea are going to splash out a lot of money on some good players.
      • I had some spare money and was bored over the weekend so splashed out on some DVDs that I'd normally not bother with from a local HMV.
      • Those women who had the money were splashing out on the ‘New Look’ for the big day.
      • Unless you had the money to splash out on the Tougher Than Tough box set there wasn't much you could do to get a taste of how rich the music was.
      • My dear wife, who doesn't know it has arrived yet, will never cope, and she'll mock me, the person who is supposedly so careful with money, for splashing out on something I didn't want and don't need.
      • However, time off is much more fun when you have the money to splash out and live it up.
      • He is valued at around £5 million and Allardyce has admitted that he would interested in splashing out some money to strengthen his strike force.
      • And she believes the £2,000 she splashed out is money well spent.
      • You have borrowed some money and splashed out on anything from home improvements to a holiday.
      • While less will be spent on gifts, more will be splashed out on on food, drink and decorations.
      • Pensions specialists say that retirees tend to use the money to splash out on a nice car or a trip to some far-flung destination.
      • Money can't buy happiness unless you splash out on a Mercedes.
      • So for his next book they decided to splash out some money, with displays in Waterstone's windows and stuff like that.
      • I've told him before to splash out some of his money for a pair of specs but will he listen?
      • After splashing out the money to begin with, you could save up to £45 a year for each item, says Jennifer.
      • Okay, you've splashed out on an iPod and spent a week turning your CDs into MP3s.
      • Last year, flush with cash from successful investments, I splashed out, spending many hours online and on foot to track down the perfect gifts for family and friends.
      • Rich retired people have taken to splashing out on themselves rather than putting their money away for their children, according to a new report.
      • Londoners are less likely to be planning home improvements than people living elsewhere but those that are will spend more, splashing out an average of £1,586 each.
      • Williams should wait before splashing out as the money could yet be shared.
      be extravagant, go on a spending spree, splurge, spare no expense, spend lavishly, spend a lot of money


Early 18th century (as a verb): alteration of plash.





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