

单词 flatten

Definition of flatten in English:


verb ˈflat(ə)nˈflætn
  • 1Make or become flat or flatter.


    with object her hair had been flattened by the storm
    no object after Kendal, the countryside begins to flatten out


    Example sentencesExamples
    • His regular spot was left empty, the grass he would normally flatten sitting upright and proud.
    • Turn over the cake and flatten slightly, before slashing the top three times with a sharp knife.
    • The foot and a half tall grass was flattened in their fight.
    • I mutter a sheepish apology and get to my feet, smoothing my shirt and trying to flatten my hair.
    • Look at that mutilated cow in the field, and see that flattened grass.
    • His normally very tidy light brown hair had flattened in some areas and began to stick out in others.
    • And it just straightens her hair, flattens it out perfectly.
    • If I manage to dodge it, it will still flatten the grass and leave it's mark.
    • He is not a land artist, he flattens no grass and makes no patterns with twigs or boulders.
    • She scowls and takes out her hairbrush and flattens her hair with quick, angry strokes.
    • One was suddenly flung away and the grass flattened in a widening circle.
    • Secondly, the mixture is then flattened out in the blending machine, and then it is flattened further in an extruder machine.
    • Laurie folded his feet and sat down, flattening the grass.
    • The rain pounded down on her, flattening the wild grasses and weeds around her.
    • If your girlfriend has beautiful wavy hair, would you want her to flatten it out by combing it with the wrong brush?
    • Peter combed his dark brown hair, trying to flatten the back and sides, but as usual it remained up turned.
    • She quickly brushed, combed, and flattened her hair.
    • He attempted to flatten the hair without a comb.
    • As children first introduced to the mysteries of the kitchen, we learn how to blend the batter of a cake or flatten the dough of a pie.
    • The heavy boots he wore had long ago flattened and grass he walked on, making a perfectly straight path where he had paced for the past few hours.
    make/become flat, make/become even, make/become smooth, smooth (out/off), level (out/off), even out
    iron, steamroller
    compress, press down, crush, squash, compact
    trample, tread, tramp, wear
    1. 1.1with object and adverbial of place Press (oneself or one's body) against a surface.
      Guy flattened himself against the wall
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I flattened myself against the wall for dear life, and somehow, somehow, he never noticed me.
      • At once he made for a tree and flattened himself against its bark.
      • The five-year old flattened himself against the wall, whimpering.
      • Claria flattened herself against the wall, peering around a corner.
      • He flattened himself out on the floor and watched me.
      • She flattened herself against the treetrunk and waited.
      • A group of children noisily pushed through the crowd, so Jag flattened himself against the wall to keep from getting squashed.
      • I recoiled, eyes wide open and flattened myself to the bed.
      • Thinking quickly, he flattened himself up against the wall next to the door, lying in wait.
      • I heard a step of foot steps and flattened myself further up against the wall, looking in front of me to where the person was coming from.
      • Panting, he flattened himself against a mold-streaked stone wall, praying it would be just another sentry.
      • Nikki shrieked and flattened herself against the wall.
      • Shane flattened himself against the side of the bookshelf backing onto where the guard would approach from and waited.
      • She nodded at a pretty brunette and flattened herself against the wall.
      • He has flattened himself violently against the wall, his knees bent in towards it, body shaking.
      • The four of them immediately flattened themselves against the wall.
      • In fact, Brittany completely flattened herself against the wall.
      • At the sound of a window opening on the second floor, above my head, a little to the right, I backed up and flattened myself against the door.
      • She winced and flattened herself more against the tree.
      • In her haste, she almost ran over a ship's lieutenant, who flattened himself against the doorway as she charged past him.
  • 2with object Raze (a building or settlement) to the ground.


    the entire town centre was flattened by the 500 lb bomb
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Churches, mosques and school buildings are among the public facilities flattened by the quakes.
    • Walls of houses were completely flattened; glass, bricks and debris are everywhere.
    • The army has used its newly acquired firepower to flatten houses and other buildings, destroy coconut plantations and turn the city into a virtual ghost town.
    • Plans to flatten a listed building for a TV show have been branded ridiculous by the grandson of the man who built it.
    • Traders were triumphant today after plans to flatten their homes and businesses were refused by council planners.
    • A boat has managed to get to the south of the island but initial reports are that all the buildings are flattened.
    • Just 12 minutes after the order, the bombs were dropped from an altitude of 20,000 ft, flattening the building.
    • There were no immediate details of casualties on the ground but witnesses said 12 houses were flattened in the disaster.
    • Thousands of houses were completely flattened, and many others were partially destroyed.
    • Homes and public buildings were completely flattened.
    • Workmen moved on to the site last week to flatten the building and replace it with 138 flats.
    • The resulting explosion flattened the target building and the surrounding infrastructure, crushing the defenders.
    • The blast had destroyed the wall of the cemetery and flattened a nearby home.
    • It ripped off roofs, flattened buildings and threw container lorries great distances.
    • But the torrent of brown water, which was already flattening buildings, wiped out the jeep, drowning her grandchildren.
    • These bombs vaporised all living life and flattened all buildings within the epicentre of the explosion.
    • Bulldozers could flatten buildings used to care for the elderly and disabled if a site near the town centre is sold off.
    • Hurricanes bring winds and slashing rains that flood streets, flatten homes, and leave survivors struggling to pick up the pieces.
    • The storm, which also flattened several power pylons, left much of the Eastern Cape without electricity.
    • A business that is hit hard during a recession is not unlike a business whose building is flattened by a tornado.
    demolish, raze, raze to the ground, level, tear down, knock down, destroy, wipe out, topple, wreck, reduce to ruins, devastate, annihilate, pulverize, obliterate, ravage, smash, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe off the map
    North American informal total
    rare unbuild
    1. 2.1informal Strike (someone) so as to make them fall down.
      Flynn flattened him with a single punch


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In perhaps the turning point of the game, Steven Boyack flattened Dennis Wyness just inside the area in 18 minutes and Paul Sheerin powered in the penalty.
      • A vision of me stepping on him, wobbling and then falling on him, flattening him like a pancake flashed through my head.
      • When former St Peter's schoolboy, James Dougherty, led a lone break-out he was flattened by an excellent Heppleston tackle.
      • So there I was in the paddock when I'm flattened by some idiot running into me on a monkey bike!
      • The guy was very fortunate as the big man could have flattened him.
      • He said: ‘The old guy looked in good shape and I'm sure he would have flattened the other guy - if he could have caught him.’
      • Kristie landed on him, flattening him against the floor.
      • The scrum-half must have suspected a conspiracy - on three occasions in the first half he was flattened by opponents.
      • He also mowed over his wife on the same day Maude flattened the child.
      • I was about to wish for a rock to fall off the sky and flatten me into a very slow and painful death, when the doorbell rang.
      • I considered, with idle horror, how a simple kick of my foot could flatten him beyond repair.
      • Luckily for him the ambulance was not travelling very fast, because he gave the paramedic driving it so little warning time that had it been going any faster it would have certainly flattened Patrick.
      • You were lucky Brett didn't end up flattening you.
      • The match exploded after a clash between Iain Hendry and Bromley's Mark Watson, who chased the Leatherhead man and flattened him, earning an instant red card.
      • Terrified I'd flatten a child, I picked my way between bodies, big and small, and noticed Sainabo cuddled up beside her mother.
      • The next minute, she was flattened by a reversing car, leaving her with broken arms and legs.
      • I woke up cold and he tried to roll his body onto me and share his body heat and the sleeping bag, nearly flattening me in the process.
      • The purpose of modernisation is to flatten the pyramid, to push power downwards and re-enfranchise the rank-and-file.
      knock down, knock over, knock to the ground, knock off one's feet, fell, rugby-tackle, topple, prostrate
      informal lay out, floor, deck, knock for six, knock into the middle of next week
    2. 2.2informal Defeat heavily in a contest.
      they flattened Bridgend by forty-two points to fifteen
      beat, conquer, win against, win a victory over, triumph over, prevail over, get the better of, best, worst, vanquish
      loss, beating, conquest, conquering, besting, worsting, vanquishing, vanquishment, game, set, and match
    3. 2.3informal Humiliate or depress (someone)
      the controversy has flattened everybody here


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When, in my fifties, my wife left me I was flattened.
      • My friend The Teacher would always say that Sunday is a day that can flatten you if you're not feeling on top of the world.
      humiliate, crush, quash, squash, deflate, subdue, humble, cow, chasten, bring down/low, take down a peg or two, mortify
      informal put down, floor, cut down to size, put someone in their place, settle someone's hash
      US informal own
  • 3Music
    with object Lower (a note) in pitch by a semitone.


Phrasal Verbs

  • flatten out

    • 1(of an increasing quantity or rate) show a less marked rise; slow down.


      over the last two years our sales increase has flattened out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Eating at shorter intervals will also help flatten out excessive rises and dips in your blood sugar, which means you'll have energy available for use more consistently.
      • We saw prices rise by about five or six per cent and the market flattened out a lot.
      • The long ‘plateau’ period where this rise in prosecutions flattened out is more difficult to explain.
      • Both these trends have flattened out in recent years, with the rate increasing slightly in 1999 and 2000.
      • On the other hand, the survey report will point out that the recent fall in unemployment is slowing, effectively flattening out over the past three months.
      • If you're a retailer, for example, the hosting bills will likely surge during the holiday season but then flatten out during slow months.
      • That asymptotic rise of the stock markets since WWII has flattened out.
      • Despite an ongoing economic boom, Portland's housing cost increases flattened out after 1995, and now roughly match the rate of inflation.
      • However, this rate has flattened out in the past decade, although women's educational level continues to grow steadily.
      • There was, as a result, no financial and industrial bankruptcy, but growth rates flattened out for the rest of the period, until they were restarted by the outbreak of the First World War.
    • 2Make an aircraft fly horizontally after a dive or climb.


      he flattened out and made a fine three-point landing


      Example sentencesExamples
      • People out fishing reported seeing the aircraft flying straight and level, then entering a spiral dive before flattening out momentarily.
      • The Ju 88 went into a steep, jinking dive with the rear gunner firing at the other members of his Section who all attacked, until the Ju 88 flattened out and crash-landed at high speed.


  • flattener

  • noun


baton, batten, fatten, harmattan, Manhattan, Mountbatten, paten, patten, pattern, platen, Saturn, slattern

Definition of flatten in US English:


  • 1Make or become flat or flatter.


    with object spoon the mixture into the pan, flatten into cakes, and fry until brown
    no object the ground flattened out and became marshy
    they were dancing on the flattened grass


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The heavy boots he wore had long ago flattened and grass he walked on, making a perfectly straight path where he had paced for the past few hours.
    • If your girlfriend has beautiful wavy hair, would you want her to flatten it out by combing it with the wrong brush?
    • The rain pounded down on her, flattening the wild grasses and weeds around her.
    • I mutter a sheepish apology and get to my feet, smoothing my shirt and trying to flatten my hair.
    • If I manage to dodge it, it will still flatten the grass and leave it's mark.
    • One was suddenly flung away and the grass flattened in a widening circle.
    • Look at that mutilated cow in the field, and see that flattened grass.
    • He is not a land artist, he flattens no grass and makes no patterns with twigs or boulders.
    • Peter combed his dark brown hair, trying to flatten the back and sides, but as usual it remained up turned.
    • He attempted to flatten the hair without a comb.
    • She quickly brushed, combed, and flattened her hair.
    • She scowls and takes out her hairbrush and flattens her hair with quick, angry strokes.
    • Turn over the cake and flatten slightly, before slashing the top three times with a sharp knife.
    • Secondly, the mixture is then flattened out in the blending machine, and then it is flattened further in an extruder machine.
    • The foot and a half tall grass was flattened in their fight.
    • Laurie folded his feet and sat down, flattening the grass.
    • And it just straightens her hair, flattens it out perfectly.
    • As children first introduced to the mysteries of the kitchen, we learn how to blend the batter of a cake or flatten the dough of a pie.
    • His regular spot was left empty, the grass he would normally flatten sitting upright and proud.
    • His normally very tidy light brown hair had flattened in some areas and began to stick out in others.
    become flat, make flat, become even, make even, become smooth, make smooth, smooth, smooth off, smooth out, level, level off, level out, even out
    compress, press down, crush, squash, compact
    1. 1.1with object and adverbial of place Press (oneself or one's body) against a surface, typically to get away from something or to let someone pass.
      they flattened themselves on the pavement as a bomb came whistling down


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Claria flattened herself against the wall, peering around a corner.
      • At once he made for a tree and flattened himself against its bark.
      • She flattened herself against the treetrunk and waited.
      • I heard a step of foot steps and flattened myself further up against the wall, looking in front of me to where the person was coming from.
      • I recoiled, eyes wide open and flattened myself to the bed.
      • I flattened myself against the wall for dear life, and somehow, somehow, he never noticed me.
      • He has flattened himself violently against the wall, his knees bent in towards it, body shaking.
      • A group of children noisily pushed through the crowd, so Jag flattened himself against the wall to keep from getting squashed.
      • At the sound of a window opening on the second floor, above my head, a little to the right, I backed up and flattened myself against the door.
      • In fact, Brittany completely flattened herself against the wall.
      • Nikki shrieked and flattened herself against the wall.
      • He flattened himself out on the floor and watched me.
      • In her haste, she almost ran over a ship's lieutenant, who flattened himself against the doorway as she charged past him.
      • The four of them immediately flattened themselves against the wall.
      • She nodded at a pretty brunette and flattened herself against the wall.
      • Panting, he flattened himself against a mold-streaked stone wall, praying it would be just another sentry.
      • Thinking quickly, he flattened himself up against the wall next to the door, lying in wait.
      • The five-year old flattened himself against the wall, whimpering.
      • She winced and flattened herself more against the tree.
      • Shane flattened himself against the side of the bookshelf backing onto where the guard would approach from and waited.
  • 2with object Raze (a building or settlement) to the ground.


    the hurricane flattened thousands of homes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Traders were triumphant today after plans to flatten their homes and businesses were refused by council planners.
    • Hurricanes bring winds and slashing rains that flood streets, flatten homes, and leave survivors struggling to pick up the pieces.
    • Just 12 minutes after the order, the bombs were dropped from an altitude of 20,000 ft, flattening the building.
    • Plans to flatten a listed building for a TV show have been branded ridiculous by the grandson of the man who built it.
    • A boat has managed to get to the south of the island but initial reports are that all the buildings are flattened.
    • Walls of houses were completely flattened; glass, bricks and debris are everywhere.
    • Bulldozers could flatten buildings used to care for the elderly and disabled if a site near the town centre is sold off.
    • These bombs vaporised all living life and flattened all buildings within the epicentre of the explosion.
    • The storm, which also flattened several power pylons, left much of the Eastern Cape without electricity.
    • Workmen moved on to the site last week to flatten the building and replace it with 138 flats.
    • Churches, mosques and school buildings are among the public facilities flattened by the quakes.
    • But the torrent of brown water, which was already flattening buildings, wiped out the jeep, drowning her grandchildren.
    • Homes and public buildings were completely flattened.
    • Thousands of houses were completely flattened, and many others were partially destroyed.
    • There were no immediate details of casualties on the ground but witnesses said 12 houses were flattened in the disaster.
    • It ripped off roofs, flattened buildings and threw container lorries great distances.
    • A business that is hit hard during a recession is not unlike a business whose building is flattened by a tornado.
    • The army has used its newly acquired firepower to flatten houses and other buildings, destroy coconut plantations and turn the city into a virtual ghost town.
    • The blast had destroyed the wall of the cemetery and flattened a nearby home.
    • The resulting explosion flattened the target building and the surrounding infrastructure, crushing the defenders.
    demolish, raze, raze to the ground, level, tear down, knock down, destroy, wipe out, topple, wreck, reduce to ruins, devastate, annihilate, pulverize, obliterate, ravage, smash, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe off the map
    1. 2.1informal Knock someone down with power and vigor.
      once I'm in the ring, I know I can flatten him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In perhaps the turning point of the game, Steven Boyack flattened Dennis Wyness just inside the area in 18 minutes and Paul Sheerin powered in the penalty.
      • The guy was very fortunate as the big man could have flattened him.
      • I woke up cold and he tried to roll his body onto me and share his body heat and the sleeping bag, nearly flattening me in the process.
      • Kristie landed on him, flattening him against the floor.
      • So there I was in the paddock when I'm flattened by some idiot running into me on a monkey bike!
      • The scrum-half must have suspected a conspiracy - on three occasions in the first half he was flattened by opponents.
      • The next minute, she was flattened by a reversing car, leaving her with broken arms and legs.
      • Terrified I'd flatten a child, I picked my way between bodies, big and small, and noticed Sainabo cuddled up beside her mother.
      • You were lucky Brett didn't end up flattening you.
      • A vision of me stepping on him, wobbling and then falling on him, flattening him like a pancake flashed through my head.
      • He also mowed over his wife on the same day Maude flattened the child.
      • Luckily for him the ambulance was not travelling very fast, because he gave the paramedic driving it so little warning time that had it been going any faster it would have certainly flattened Patrick.
      • When former St Peter's schoolboy, James Dougherty, led a lone break-out he was flattened by an excellent Heppleston tackle.
      • I considered, with idle horror, how a simple kick of my foot could flatten him beyond repair.
      • I was about to wish for a rock to fall off the sky and flatten me into a very slow and painful death, when the doorbell rang.
      • The match exploded after a clash between Iain Hendry and Bromley's Mark Watson, who chased the Leatherhead man and flattened him, earning an instant red card.
      • He said: ‘The old guy looked in good shape and I'm sure he would have flattened the other guy - if he could have caught him.’
      • The purpose of modernisation is to flatten the pyramid, to push power downwards and re-enfranchise the rank-and-file.
      knock down, knock over, knock to the ground, knock off one's feet, fell, rugby-tackle, topple, prostrate
    2. 2.2informal Defeat (someone) completely, especially in a sports contest.
      beat, conquer, win against, win a victory over, triumph over, prevail over, get the better of, best, worst, vanquish
      loss, beating, conquest, conquering, besting, worsting, vanquishing, vanquishment, game, set, and match
  • 3Music
    with object Lower (a note) in pitch by a half step.


Phrasal Verbs

  • flatten out

    • 1(of an increasing quantity or rate) show a less marked rise; slow down.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Eating at shorter intervals will also help flatten out excessive rises and dips in your blood sugar, which means you'll have energy available for use more consistently.
      • That asymptotic rise of the stock markets since WWII has flattened out.
      • If you're a retailer, for example, the hosting bills will likely surge during the holiday season but then flatten out during slow months.
      • On the other hand, the survey report will point out that the recent fall in unemployment is slowing, effectively flattening out over the past three months.
      • However, this rate has flattened out in the past decade, although women's educational level continues to grow steadily.
      • The long ‘plateau’ period where this rise in prosecutions flattened out is more difficult to explain.
      • Both these trends have flattened out in recent years, with the rate increasing slightly in 1999 and 2000.
      • There was, as a result, no financial and industrial bankruptcy, but growth rates flattened out for the rest of the period, until they were restarted by the outbreak of the First World War.
      • Despite an ongoing economic boom, Portland's housing cost increases flattened out after 1995, and now roughly match the rate of inflation.
      • We saw prices rise by about five or six per cent and the market flattened out a lot.
    • 2Make an aircraft fly horizontally after a dive or climb.


      he flattened out and made a fine three-point landing


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Ju 88 went into a steep, jinking dive with the rear gunner firing at the other members of his Section who all attacked, until the Ju 88 flattened out and crash-landed at high speed.
      • People out fishing reported seeing the aircraft flying straight and level, then entering a spiral dive before flattening out momentarily.




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更新时间:2024/10/19 13:31:08