

单词 fix

Definition of fix in English:


verb fɪksfɪks
[with object]
  • 1 Fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position.


    they had candles fixed to their helmets


    figurative her words have remained fixed in my memory
    Example sentencesExamples
    • To allow movement from thermal and other forces, the roof is not fixed rigidly to its supports.
    • Ostreids were also able to fix themselves to movable objects such as driftwood or cephalopods, thereby further facilitating their dispersal.
    • The reconnaissance officers used head torches fixed to their helmets.
    • Above the figure's chest was a small metal panel, which was fixed to the figure's chest.
    • The upholstery was ‘a chassis’, that is, fixed to its own subframes independent of the main chair frame.
    • To identify those properties, firemarks - small plaques made from metal or wood adorned with the name or symbol of the company concerned - were fixed to external walls.
    • Perhaps it was their dreamlike quality or the way they could not be fixed in place.
    • Long, bronze relief friezes by Paul Day will be fixed to its walls.
    • Use several long wood screws and wood glue to fix the post in a sturdy, upright position.
    • Dave had lined the room with hardboard sheets fixed to wooden battens.
    • Most of the headstones have now been fixed back into place but others are beyond repair, and still more have been laid flat because of safety concerns.
    • His commanding officer rose to repeat the final briefing, grasping any object that was fixed to the hull, desperately trying not to go tumbling around in zero gee.
    • Freestanding and wall-mounted compositions, they are made of magnets and metal elements attached to wires that are fixed to the wall or ceiling.
    • By the 1st millennium bc iron tyres were being fixed to the outside of the rim of spoked wheels, proving to be a far more robust yet lightweight structure.
    • At that point in space, the satellite orbits Earth at the same speed as Earth's rotation - making the satellite appear to be fixed in the same location in the sky.
    • There was a shelf fixed to the wall by the light switch.
    • In both cases, the receiver was fixed inside the boat hull without negatively affecting the athletes.
    • Instead, he fixes the photograph to a mat using archival plastic corners.
    • The pieces might be fixed in a plate of stone, shaped to receive the parts, or assembled face down and then affixed to a setting bed.
    • Fix the shelf to the wall above the curtain track using the brackets.
    fasten, attach, affix, secure
    make fast, join, connect, couple, link
    install, implant, plant, embed, anchor
    stick, glue, bond, cement
    pin, nail, screw, bolt, clamp, clip
    bind, tie, lash
    establish, position, station, situate
    stick, lodge, implant, embed, anchor
    1. 1.1fix something on/upon Direct one's eyes, mind, or attention steadily or unwaveringly towards.
      Ben nodded, his eyes fixed on the ground
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The bosses have got their sights fixed firmly on global expansion.
      • They looked like bird dogs, their eyes all fixed on the exact same spot in the middle distance.
      • While Mr Thould - a history teacher himself - recognises the importance of the school's past, he's also got his sights fixed firmly on the future.
      • She kept her own eyes fixed firmly on the face of the leader.
      • Ryan's gaze was fixed intently on her face, a small smile on his lips.
      • Her gaze was fixed firmly on the ground.
      • They had their sights fixed firmly on a Connacht title, but they came up against a Mary's outfit that were more determined on the day.
      • Hawk glanced up to where Morgan sat, his gaze now fixed on the ceiling.
      • Rocket man Steve Bennett has the stars firmly fixed in his sights, and this weekend he's giving everyone the opportunity to get in on the excitement.
      • You can keep your eyes fixed as firmly on a muddy trail as you can on a four-lane highway, and if you do, your mind will drift just as quickly.
      • He had the title firmly fixed within his sights and clinched the best of five with 19, then 21 darts.
      aim, point, level
    2. 1.2fix on/uponno object (of a person's eyes, attention, or mind) be directed steadily or unwaveringly towards.
      her gaze fixed on Jess


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their gazes fixed on me, trying to interpret the words I'd left unsaid.
      • Her eyes fixed on a hawk perched above her.
      • His mind fixed only on the dark deed at hand and fulfilling his mission once and for all!
      • His gaze fixed upon a number written on a piece of paper beside the computer.
      • If his attention fixes upon the rich and varied foliage of the ancient forest, it is to single out particular specimens of trees and plants.
      focus, direct, level, point, rivet, train, turn
      converge, zero in
      attract, draw
      hold, grip, engage, captivate, absorb, rivet
    3. 1.3fix someone with Look at someone unwaveringly.
      Cowley fixed him with a cold stare
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She fixes me with a look, a wonderful mixture of playfulness and provocation.
      • According to a new report, 2-to-5-day-old infants already home in on faces that fix them with a direct gaze and devote less attention to faces with eyes that look to one side.
      • I fixed him with a hard glare that wiped the grin right off his face.
      • She fixed him with a glare and he stopped dead in his tracks.
      • ‘What you doing up so early?’ her mother continued, fixing her with an unblinking stare.
  • 2Decide or settle on (a specific price, date, course of action, etc.)


    no date has yet been fixed for a hearing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Again, I believe that it will be some months before this retrial can be fixed and we would ask for bail to be given on the same conditions.
    • The other countries which joined the EU did not have any dates fixed in advance.
    • A date was fixed for the work to be carried out but workmen never turned up.
    • So it was that a departure date was fixed for October and the and the group, in batches of a few hundred a time went to Liverpool where they were to board the ships that had been chartered to transport them.
    • The Taiwanese owners would start scrapping a total of 53 tuna fishing boats from next year if a compensation figure can be fixed, the agency said.
    • There will be many demands on the council's coffers before the budget is fixed for 2005 / 06.
    • The county final is fixed for Sunday, October 5th.
    • By order dated July 19, 2001 a trial date was fixed for September 16, 2002.
    • I am told it is the largest amount that has ever been fixed as a bail condition in this country.
    • The ceremony was fixed for two o'clock on a Sunday in the middle of the World Cup season.
    • Suppose, for example, that a scholar tried, as many did, to fix the exact date of Noah's Flood.
    • The application was fixed for a hearing on 11 June 1998.
    • The game was fixed for one week after all of the other first round games were played and for the evening before the start of the college examinations on Monday last.
    • When the court resumes a date will have to be fixed for a hearing.
    • After entitlement and scale of costs, if any, is established, a further timetable will be established for fixing the costs of the action.
    • At a case management conference held in July 1999 a trial was fixed for June 2000.
    • It is therefore impossible to fix exact proportions, or to establish a list of ingredients which will be appropriate to everyone.
    • For school children it is fixed for October 11 and for the non-governmental organisations it will be October 26.
    • The final is fixed for Sunday, December 8 in Fitzgerald Stadium.
    • Both football semi-finals are fixed for February 24, but Nemo have been approached about playing the following week to avoid a clash with the Sigerson Cup.
    decide on, select, choose, resolve on
    determine, arrive at, settle, set, finalize, arrange, prearrange, establish, allot, prescribe
    designate, define, name, ordain, appoint, specify, stipulate
    1. 2.1 Arrange (something) on a permanent basis.
      the rate of interest is fixed for the life of the loan


      the rent will be fixed at £300 a month


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This distance, however, cannot be fixed, for it is forever subject to a negotiation between past and present.
      • This dependency arises because the relationship between self and Other is not fixed, but dialectical.
      • The time fixed by the Rules is six months.
      • Web sites are dynamic, changing objects that cannot be fixed or ‘owned’ as property.
      • Some laws may be fixed in stone, like the Ten Commandments - unchanging.
      • The premium is fixed for the entire duration of the policy.
      • It's not like before, where the applications on the phone were fixed and you couldn't change them or add new ones.
      • Often rates are fixed for the first five years, but may then be increased as the insurer sees fit.
      • It will initially be more expensive, but your premium is fixed for the entire term.
      • What is striking about the interior of this building is that, despite an overall harmony, no lines are straight and nothing is fixed.
      • Whilst most landlords are well aware of the current situation in farming, many will offer a nominal decrease which will fix the rent for a further three-year period.
      • If the premiums are guaranteed they are fixed for the term of the policy.
      • Now, he is given less than the time fixed by the Rules of Court.
      • In the first year, the interest rate will be fixed at between 17.5 percent and 18.5 percent.
      • Furthermore, once selected, the definition, whatever it is, must be fixed permanently.
      • Does he agree that the meaning of the Constitution was fixed when it was adopted?
    2. 2.2 Establish the exact location of (something) by using radar or visual bearings or astronomical observation.
      having made landfall, he fixed his position
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The flight leader watched him go down, fixed his position, and saw that he was alive and in his raft.
      • We have been at the mercy of the storm for days, and the cloud cover still prevents me from fixing our location by the stars.
      • When no landmarks or aids to navigation are visible, navigators may use the Sun, the Moon, or other celestial bodies to fix the craft's position.
      • An order has just been given to stand in to enable our coast pilot, Cooper, to fix our whereabouts exactly by his knowledge of the land.
      • Later in the novel, he will use the ‘Earth’ to fix the exact location of his enemies on a flotilla of rafts in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
      • The American and Filipino artillerymen tried to fix the enemy's position by the use of sound waves, but this method proved too delicate and complicated.
    3. 2.3 Settle the form of (a language).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This translation was also important in helping to fix the dialect used as standard and spread it through England.
      • The members of the Great Assembly fixed the specific language of prayer - not to limit us, but to help guide us toward what we should want out of life.
      • It is in the reign of Louis XIV., as has been said, that this eloquence had its greatest splendour, and that the language was fixed.
      • By aiming at fixing the language, he succeeded in giving the standard of reputable use
    4. 2.4 Assign or determine (a person's liability or responsibility) for legal purposes.
      there are no facts which fix the defendant with liability


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One solution to the problem would be to fix liability for malpractice due to inadequate resources on the commissioner rather than the provider.
      • The only difference was to try and get in the two extra waybills, which were really to fix liability on the same actual carrier.
      • This is all about fixing legal liability, so it is not a purely philosophical debate.
      • The inference from these provisional conclusions is that the two local authorities involved are engaged in a struggle to avoid being fixed with responsibility for this awkward case.
      • Lord Wilberforce stated that in order to fix vicarious liability on the owner of a car in such a case as the present, it must be shown that the driver was using it for the owner's own purposes, under delegation of a task or duty.
  • 3Mend or repair.


    you've forgotten to fix that shelf


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some minor problems, such as holes and cracks, can be fixed by filling them with gutter caulk or by using a gutter patching kit.
    • Sending astronauts up to fix the Hubble Space Telescope in Earth orbit was difficult enough.
    • As I recall, you also had to get the shower repaired and fix quite a few things, didn't you?
    • We're going to get to the truth and then fix what went wrong.
    • The aim is to expand and improve, not to fix or repair what is broken.
    • I am at the car repair shop, getting my car fixed.
    • ‘We've got to fix it right now!’ she declared resolutely.
    • On Friday, the company sent out repair technicians, who fixed many of the machines.
    • A spokeswoman said the company was working flat out to get repairs fixed which were holding up trains and lengthening journeys.
    • From the major problems to the minor ones, all had been completely fixed and solved.
    • ‘But…’ he squealed, ‘We can fix it, right?’
    • IT support staff waste up to 75 days a year on travelling to off-site locations to physically fix PCs.
    • Dad is a DIY expert and he fixes anything that needs repairing in a matter of seconds.
    • Serious problems of disrepair are often lurking unseen below the surface, with a backlog of home repairs it is estimated will cost £37 billion to fix.
    • Ministers want the public to offer ideas about what needs fixing, and where the vision should be for the long-term future of schooling.
    • City of York Council said that broken-down fans in the roof had now been fixed, restoring proper ventilation to the baths.
    • A customer can report a dropped call or poor signal quality from a specific location, and the carrier can analyze data and fix the problem that day.
    • And, if it's a genuine glitch, I fix it right away.
    • A leak quickly fixed will save re-painting walls and repairing ceilings.
    • There was about a three-month hiatus, of course, while boats were being fixed and repaired.
    repair, mend, patch up, put right, put to rights, set right, get working, make as good as new, see to
    restore, restore to working order, remedy, rectify, put back together
    overhaul, service, renovate, recondition, rehabilitate, rebuild, reconstruct, refit, adjust
    Northern English fettle
    1. 3.1 Put (a bad or unwelcome situation) right.
      the international community should not rely on the UN to fix the world's problems


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Well, Republican presidential hopeful John McCain is rolling out his plan to fix the economy.
      • We said we would fix immigration, law and order, and the Treaty of Waitangi industry.
    2. 3.2fix something up Do the necessary work to improve or adapt something.
      we were trying to fix up the house so that it became vaguely comfortable


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Either way, clearing out the house and helping to fix it up for a potential buyer is beyond me right now.
      • If the solution seems like too much hassle, and you get that niggling feeling that you'd never get around to fixing things up, accept it and move on.
      • The landlord said that fixing the house up would be a waste of time and money.
      • Together we fixed it up and created our eco-friendly home with an emphasis on what we dubbed ‘urban farming‘.
      • They were not far from completion on fixing that building up.
      • But before the troops could get started on fixing the resort up, they had to make their own staff quarters suitable to live in.
      • I spent too much money buying the house and fixing it up to change it again.
      • I bought a ‘broken’ computer from a garage sale for ten dollars with a view to fixing it up.
      • ‘When we first moved down here I had this idea that we'd be able to fix the house up within six months,’ says Wiese.
      • Every time I planned to fix the place up, life got in the way.
      • Their last visit was a week long adventure of helping me clean and paint and generally fix my house up when I first moved in.
      • The house had been empty for many years, and he was planning to fix it up.
      • Some houses are still very dilapidated, but new people seem to be moving in all the time and fixing places up.
      • She said it was more about fixing up what was there than any major development.
      • He kept the house for only a short time, selling it in 1946 to a fellow called Ed, who planned to fix the place up.
      • Not to mention the financial cost of fixing things up after these thugs vent their frustrations on other people's property.
      • I had planned to fix the place up when I retired, but retirement isn't what it's like on TV - there's never enough energy, money, or time to do anything drastic.
      • We seem to have run out of money with which to fix this house up.
      • I went to work in the garden, I was slowly fixing the house up, and it helped pass the time while I waited.
      • I spent every penny I ever made fixing this place up.
    3. 3.3North American informal Tidy or neaten (something, especially one's hair, clothes, or make-up)
      Laura was fixing her hair


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After we ate, I did my make-up and fixed my hair a little bit.
      • I fixed my hair and make-up and then changed into a tank top and a pair of jeans that I had brought from my house.
      • Mother would be putting on her makeup and fixing her hair.
      • I gasped and stood up quickly, trying to fix my clothing and hair.
      • She fluffed her blond hair and fixed her makeup.
      • I hurriedly showered, then fixed my hair and make-up.
      • He is only too happy to feed her, fix her hair and makeup, and dress her in what appears to be his mother's clothing.
      • If you fix your hair and put on makeup and choose your clothes with some care, are you participating in a ritual?
      • I fixed my hair and clothes and touched up my concealer and makeup.
      • I spent a long time doing my hair, and fixing my makeup so I could look flawless.
      • I stood up, fixing myself and cleared my throat.
      • She changed into her school clothes and fixed her hair back into a high ponytail.
      • It was obvious from the way she tied her long hair back and fixed her clothes that she had other things on her mind.
      • Riley changed quickly, brushed her hair and fixed her makeup, then closed the door to her bedroom and waited in her living area.
      • It was the first day in ages that Rebecca had actually bothered to do her hair, fix her makeup, and put on an outfit that wasn't sweats.
      • Kate brushed her hair and fixed her eye makeup before she went downstairs to join her family in the dining room for her birthday dinner.
      • He bowed to her and then stood straight to fix himself.
      • She fixed her makeup and hair, drying it harshly with the blow-dryer.
      • In junior high, I learned how to apply makeup and fix my hair from my older step-sisters.
      • I was still fixing my hair and makeup when I heard my door open.
      neaten, arrange, put in order, adjust
      style, groom, comb, brush, preen, primp, dress
      informal do
  • 4Make arrangements for (something); organize.


    Harry's fixed up a meeting
    no object I've fixed for you to see him on Thursday


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He fixed for me to have an abortion at a clinic, but my mother came and took me away.
    • He fixed us a taxi to the hotel.
    • The visit is fixed up, and just in time; 24 hours later his laptop packs in.
    • The Battalion sailed to Egypt on the Empire Fowey but we were unable to get Minnie a passage on this ship so we fixed for her to follow on HMT Devonshire.
    • It can be very difficult fixing things up for young offenders in advance of their release.
    • As reported by the Evening Press, Supporters Direct had offered their advice, and a meeting was quickly fixed up.
    • Unlike earlier when I could walk into the shop any time I pleased, I now had to call a receptionist and fix up an appointment.
    arrange, organize, contrive, sort out, see to, see about
    manage, engineer, orchestrate, find a way
    informal swing, wangle, pull strings
    organize, arrange, make arrangements for, plan, fix, sort out, see to, put together, see about
    mastermind, choreograph, orchestrate
    1. 4.1fix someone upinformal Arrange for someone to have something; provide someone with something.
      I'll fix you up with a room


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I told him that I might be interested in a couple of days fishing, and that I had even thought of taking my wife to Namibia - so he said that he could fix us up with a whole safari, and a couple of days fishing.
      • Check the weather-stripping around doors and windows, and replace any that are worn - retailers who specialize in doors and windows can fix you up with the proper replacement type for your situation.
      • If you call into the Visitor Centre on the main street through the town they will soon fix you up with a place to suit your budget.
      • She hoped that we would fix her up with some accommodation.
      • Far too old for the part, Valence is fixed up with a wig and copious amounts of make-up.
      • Still, he managed to fix us up with an invitation to Hyde Park to see the Queen.
      • Now, get yourself down to Wallace on the first floor, he'll fix you up with a cover identity.
      • In 1979, he settled in Saudi Arabia, where he was fixed up with a splendid seaside villa in the Red Sea port of Jiddah.
      • The wiry man cried in glee, ‘Yes, we can fix you up with a grant.’
      • Come out back, and we'll see what we can fix you up with.
      • Oh, those nice people from Reliance have promised to fix us up with a couple of weeks in the sun.
      provide, supply, furnish, accommodate, equip, endow
    2. 4.2North American informal Prepare or arrange for the provision of (food or drink)
      with two objects Ruth fixed herself a cold drink


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He fixed himself some coffee and then got into the shower.
      • We fixed ourselves a snack and went to watch TV in the family room.
      • ‘I wish I had never had children,’ she muttered to herself as she fixed herself a drink.
      • He walked down the stairs to the wet bar and fixed himself a drink, then proceeded out to the deck that overlooked the calm Pacific.
      • She'd fixed herself a few cups of hot tea, and a piece or two of toast, but had eaten nothing else since breakfast.
      • Finally he finished and came out of his bedroom and fixed himself coffee.
      • He fixed himself breakfast and took it into the dining room.
      • At seven, after I fixed myself some rice, the phone rang.
      • So he went back into the house and fixed himself a big steak, with potatoes, garlic bread and a tall glass of iced tea.
      • By seven, she was already downstairs in the kitchen, fixing herself a French toast.
      • In the kitchen Frank fixed himself a cup of coffee and a piece of buttered toast.
      • It was past the time she usually fixed herself a little something for lunch, and her knees were beginning to go rubbery.
      • She quietly fixed herself a cup of chamomile tea and sat on the couch, her icy feet curled under her, drinking and thinking.
      • After taking a short nap, he went downstairs and fixed himself some cereal and turned on the TV.
      • Rowena washed the pot and fixed herself a cup of tea.
      • She fixed herself some breakfast and left for school.
      • She went down to the kitchen and fixed herself a sandwich, and just as she was about to sit down, the phone rang.
      • There was a plate of untouched scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice on the table, which led her to guess that he'd fixed himself breakfast but had been unable to eat.
      • Running quietly down the steps, she fixed herself a big breakfast and ate all of it in 5 minutes flat.
      • I got in, fixed myself a stiff drink and lay on the floor until the shaking died off.
      prepare, cook, make, make ready, put together, get
      informal rustle up, knock up
    3. 4.3be fixing to do somethingUS dialect Be intending or planning to do something.
      I'm fixing to call the state patrol
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tanner, Kaylee, and Mike were fixing to leave and go fishing.
      • Because at that point it looked to me like it was fixing to blow up.
      • And when team owner Ray Evernham was asked about the remark, he replied, ‘Maybe I was fixing to get fired, too.’
      • When I looked up at his face he had that smirk, that's when I knew he was fixing to do something crazy.
      • Danny reached out and caught her just as she was fixing to hit the floor.
      • I sat there for a moment preparing myself for what I was fixing to do.
      • After she had bid farewell to Mr. Fisher, who was fixing to leave and go back to town, Ana went to her new room and lay down on the bed.
      • Keeping in good spirits they blamed the unfortunate episode on the ‘socialist’ government for interfering in the market they had been fixing to become trillionaires in.
      • They were fixing to make some cooked-squid salad.
      • I knew exactly what he was fixing to say as he followed me.
      • As Isaac was fixing to go out the door his mother called out to him.
      • Facing huge public pressure, one of the most arrogant of Europe's leaders is fixing to capitulate.
      • She has her saddle and bridle on as though she was fixing to be ridden out.
      • Her grandparents were fixing to leave for work, leaving her all alone in the house.
      • So, one way or another, we'd be fixing to move about now in any case.
      • The sky was gray and it looked as if it were fixing to snow.
      • I was fixing to go with him when she pulled out her cell phone.
  • 5Make (a dye, photographic image, or drawing) permanent.


    he perfected a process of fixing a photographic likeness on a silver plate
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The next stage of the process is the addition of chemical called a fixer, because it fixes the image permanently in place.
    • Washing in water fixes the image in a bright ‘Prussian blue’ or cyan tone.
    • Light is then projected through a negative onto the paper, and after the paper is washed and fixed, a photographic print remains.
    • Ultimately, the fate of photography depended on fixing the image so it would not fade or darken.
    • They gradually perfected the process of drying the grass to fix the image with some degree of permanence.
    • After two minutes, a second bath of acid stops the development process and a third fixes the image, making the paper impervious to future contacts with light.
    • She needs only light, photosensitive paper, an object to block the light and chemicals to fix the image afterward.
    make permanent, make fast, set
    1. 5.1Biology Preserve or stabilize (a specimen) with a chemical substance prior to microscopy or other examination.
      specimens were fixed in buffered formalin


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tissue was fixed in ethanol and processed into paraffin blocks.
      • The astronauts chemically fixed the moss cultures before each mission re-entered Earth's atmosphere.
      • Briefly, slides were fixed in acetone for 5 minutes.
      • Sections were fixed with formaldehyde, and embedded in paraffin.
      • After air drying the slides were fixed with cold methanol.
    2. 5.2 (of a plant or microorganism) assimilate (nitrogen or carbon dioxide) by forming a non-gaseous compound.
      lupins fix gaseous nitrogen in their root nodules


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The bacteria supply the pea plants with nitrogen fixed from the air when the soils are deficient in that nutrient.
      • Both cover crops fix a lot of nitrogen and produce high yields of biomass that serve as organic matter to enrich the soil.
      • The fruit were covered with aluminium foil to prevent them from fixing carbon dioxide.
      • As they grow, green plants and trees fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to tissue.
      • A central aim of this study was to identify the interval during which deciduous plants fixed more carbon than their evergreen counterparts.
  • 6informal Influence the outcome of (something, especially a race, match, or election) by illegal or underhand means.


    the club attempted to fix last Thursday's league match


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The cricket fan, who has put in so much time and passion supporting the Indian team, has never been apologised to for all those matches that were fixed all those years.
    • Can we be sure that further individuals or gangs aren't attempting to fix races?
    • He has denied allegations that he fixed football matches.
    • The one-hour show, with allegations of race fixing, betting scams and jockeys mixing with criminals, made headlines on the front and back pages.
    • The fact is something like 14m bets a week are struck, and if any races have been fixed, there are major repercussions.
    • When the bet was eventually discovered I was convicted for match fixing in 1965.
    • This might be a result of an agreement between club presidents made in early May that none of them would corrupt referees and attempt to fix matches.
    • I assume it goes on in all sports and in racing it doesn't really bother me because I don't bet to make money and I don't believe every single race can be fixed.
    • But then he tried to fix the London mayoral election.
    • They also asked if he expected the elections to be fixed.
    • This would not be the first time in American history that an election had been fixed.
    • He denied taking a bribe to fix any of the matches in the triangular series, contested by South Africa, England and Zimbabwe.
    • I notice that the Police are questioning a few individuals in an attempt to uncover evidence of race fixing.
    • Players' movements and activities are so closely monitored that it is hard for anyone to approach or speak to the players, leave alone attempt to fix matches.
    • If, for one minute, fans think that an outcome has been fixed, our industry has nothing to sell the public.
    • All five had been prohibited from attending any racecourse facilities since they were charged with race fixing in March 1999.
    • Democracy came in the form of elections that were fixed and manipulated.
    • In the same year, he was one of five jockeys arrested as part of an investigation into alleged race fixing, but was later released without charge.
    • That evening the referee's bank balance swells with thousands of dollars, his reward for fixing the biggest soccer match in the world for a criminal betting syndicate.
    • In recent times, matches have been fixed, yet no attempt has been made to remove them from the books.
    rig, arrange fraudulently, prearrange/predetermine the result of
    tamper with, manipulate, manoeuvre, twist, influence
    informal fiddle, set up
    1. 6.1 Take revenge on or punish (someone)
      that little swine–I'll fix him next time


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And so, it is a much more difficult enemy to find and fix.
      • This gives priority to the areas where the enemy can be fixed and destroyed, area denial, and information collection.
      • By fixing and suppressing the enemy, we allow our own maneuvering element to accomplish its task relatively unmolested.
      • This will allow us to destroy the lead company as the second enemy is being fixed by the minefield.
      revenge oneself on, get one's revenge on, be revenged on, avenge oneself on, wreak vengeance on, take retribution on, get even with, give someone their just deserts, hit back at, get back at, settle the/a score with, settle accounts with, take reprisals against, punish, deal with
      informal get one's own back on, pay someone back/out, give someone their comeuppance, sort someone out, settle someone's hash, cook someone's goose
  • 7informal no object Take an injection of a narcotic drug.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I fixed heroin for four years.
    • He would just present me with a loaded syringe and fix me every time.
    • The guys like it when the girls can't fix themselves.
    • She confessed that she had just started fixing herself with Morphine and Pethedine.
    • A final design issue that was explored was ‘chill out rooms’ where drug users could relax after fixing in the injecting room.
    • She convinced me to fix her for the first time.
    inject drugs, take drugs
    informal shoot up, mainline, get one's fix
  • 8North American Castrate or spay (an animal); neuter.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Does my one year old female Pomeranian need to get fixed for her to get less aggressive?
    • The cancers of the reproductive organs are very rare in cats that have been fixed.
    • My soon to be fixed 6 month old female Boxer has a tenancy to hump for no apparent reason.
    • He said all his cats are fixed males and if I have any problems with them to let him know.
    • One is a girl and the other is a boy - both are fixed, as is our own cat.
    castrate, neuter, geld, cut, emasculate
    desex, sterilize
    North American &amp Australian alter
    informal doctor
    rare evirate, caponize, eunuchize
noun fɪksfɪks
  • 1informal in singular A difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself; a predicament.


    how on earth did you get into such a fix?


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The department was in a fix about the problem, as it had to figure out the exact amount spent by the subscribers.
    • Our poor town planner is now in a fix, unable to predict the town's population ten years into the future.
    • Helen's sister Delia is in a bit of a fix herself since being arrested for reckless driving, public endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.
    • Anyone who finds themselves in a really difficult fix should contact the organisation - it sounds like it could be a life-saver.
    • Those importing brand new vehicles are in a fix because for them, the cost will be astronomical.
    • Do not get yourself into the fix I experienced, that of running out of money before finding a job.
    • In the past Italian governments got out of this kind of fix by devaluing the lira to stimulate exports and growth, but this option is closed by membership of the euro.
    • Flexible hours would leave us in a right fix.
    predicament, plight, difficulty, difficult situation, awkward situation, spot of trouble, bit of bother, corner, ticklish/tricky situation, tight spot
    muddle, mess, mare's nest
    quandary, dilemma
    dire straits
    informal pickle, jam, hole, spot, scrape, bind, pinch, sticky situation, hot water, the soup
  • 2informal A dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted.


    he hadn't had his fix


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The number of daily cocaine fixes ranged from 2 to 30, with a median number of fixes per day being 12.
    • He needed to have surgery the following morning but Chris couldn't stay in overnight because he needed a fix.
    • He goes to the bathroom to get his morning drug fix, and falls asleep on the porch with his son in his lap.
    • His eyes took on the glazed expression of a drug addict contemplating his next fix.
    • I wonder if it's how drug addicts feel when they need a fix.
    • I hope he gets a really bad dose of whatever his fix is and never wakes up again.
    • Traders claim that drug addicts collecting their daily fixes at a newly-transferred chemist shop are killing Leigh town centre.
    • If the real victims of drugs are the people who get their houses burgled by addicts desperate for the money for a fix, maybe we should legalise drugs, she suggests.
    • You won't care who you tread on and hurt en route to your next fix - even your family and closest friends.
    • At one time my only worry would have been where I'd get my next fix from; today I worry that I won't have enough time to do all of the things that I want to do.
    • Neither did he remember landing on the road with a bounce, only to be sifted through and robbed of his watch by a man in search of money for a cocaine fix.
    • This man was a convicted drug addict who had falsified prescriptions to get his fixes.
    • But everyone surfaces wearing the expression of drug addicts who have just acquired a fix.
    • He may well feel better after a fix, but he's just storing up more problems than it will solve.
    • Police say most burglaries are carried out by drug addicts to pay for their next fix.
    • Consider, then, a person addicted to a drug such as heroin, who is considering whether to obtain some more of the drug for another fix.
    • In some areas nearly all robbery and burglary is drug related to pay for the next fix.
    • The road-building programme is like the heroin addict getting his last fix.
    • Phil Smith, of Swindon's Threshold Housing Link, believes addicts desperate for a fix will start using more subtle methods of getting cash.
    • He also points to a Dutch pilot project that showed that when addicts know they're going to get their fix, they stop their criminal activity.
    informal hit, rush
    1. 2.1 An experience of something from which one derives great pleasure or stimulation.
      get your coffee fix at home with this state-of-the-art espresso-maker


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have found a new coffee shop to get my daily fix.
      • One-day cricket is a simple fix - you get to see the ball being hit hard.
      • Some nights she'll have a few glasses of wine, and I get my fix from coffee.
      • After my weekend fix of toast and a pot of coffee, I went back to bed and slept till noon.
      • Where else, for example, could they get their daily gambling fix?
      • Those who need a daily sugar fix are in luck.
      • I'm usually in Neanderthal mode until I've had my caffeine fix for the morning.
      • Stopping a moment to light a cigarette, he inhales, enjoying the nicotine fix.
      • Imaginative and sophisticated workouts are evolving to engage dwindling attention spans or cash in on punters addicted to the endorphin fix.
      • I have been in the heart of the south-west for a few days and not had a chilli fix, and I am now starting to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
      • Usually those were the people who needed a quick nicotine fix between classes.
      • He emerged from the booth in need of a large nicotine fix.
      • It was a cold, rainy November day and all I wanted was my daily fix of coffee.
      • If you need a caffeine fix, bring along a Starbucks Double Shot and chocolate.
      • Few street corners now fail to offer Britain's army of caffeine addicts a fix.
      • Then we went to the cafe in Borders bookshop because I was needing a coffee fix.
      • There were, if you can credit it, illegal ‘coffee dens’ where people who were addicted to the stuff would go for their fix.
      • Coca-Cola became my caffeine fix, my hangover cure, my beverage of choice.
      • The caffeine fix is just one aspect of coffee drinking.
      • If you are an NFL or College Football junkie, which I am, it won't be hard to get a fix this weekend.
  • 3A measure taken to resolve a problem or correct a mistake; a solution or remedy.

    making everything easier for the car driver would only be a short-term fix
    the company is working on a fix but suggests users consider technical workarounds in the meantime
    Example sentencesExamples
    • System upgrades are particularly important because many of these updates contain vital security fixes.
    • Get your Internet experience in top form this weekend with these simple fixes.
    • At best, the bill is a very temporary fix to an ongoing problem.
    • Is there a fix for our political, economic and moral problems?
    • Software is complex and dynamic and that 'simple fix' you put in place last week could have undesired consequences.
    • Our team in London is working on a fix!
    • The bad news is that there isn't a simple fix for your problem.
    • The company has issued a fix for the problem.
    • I'll report back if I hear anything about a workaround or fix.
    • They knew there was no short-term, easy fix, there could be no band-aid approach.
    • We must diagnose first if we have any hope of coming up with a good fix for the problem.
    • None of this means that there will be an easy fix to the problems created by Katrina.
    • The hardware maker is fast at work on a fix for a bug that leaves multiple devices vulnerable to exploits.
    • Sam was right, he hadn't given me an instant fix to my problems, but he had significantly cheered me up simply by treating me as though I were human.
    • So while expanding opportunities through trade is a good thing for the American economy, it's not going to be a fix for our current problems.
    • I'm afraid that Katherine is seeking an instant fix for her problems and that she might be disappointed if the therapeutic process takes a bit more time.
    • Professor Hood contends that there are no short-term fixes.
    • Some of those same users later reported that the issue returned, so a reboot may only be a temporary fix.
    • If the network is not well managed, increasing the size of the bandwidth will only give you a temporary fix.
    • We have a short-term fix for the communication problem.
    • The problem isn't wide spread and I am sure Sharp will issue a fix.
    solution, answer, resolution, way out
    remedy, antidote, cure, nostrum, panacea
    informal magic bullet
  • 4A position determined by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observations.


    the radio operator received the distress call and calculated the fix
    Example sentencesExamples
    • GPS receivers use the passive, one-way transmissions of signals from the orbiting satellites to determine a position fix.
    • The sampling scheme was intended to gather five independent location fixes per week, but ample movement during dispersal sometimes resulted in lower frequencies of fixes.
    • It has navigation, communications, and recording systems and can obtain exact position fixes from beacons set in the sea bottom.
    • To find the maximum distance at which the various devices could be relocated, we secured them to weighted shotlines and recorded their position with a GPS fix.
    • In such environments, too few satellites are visible for a receiver to determine a fix.
    • A dead-reckoned position is an approximate one which should be corrected from time to time using an accurate position fix.
    • If only three satellites are visible, then one dimension, typically the altitude, must be held constant to provide position fixes.
    • GPS position fixes, however, are independent measurements that don't necessarily account for a car's travel along a road network with sharp corners.
    • After another ritual check, Howard determined that he had better not go more than another kilometer before his next position fix.
    • When a positive fix was not possible, the position was deduced from reckoning (time, speed, and direction).
    • Firstly, it will provide researchers with an estimated position of an animal at any time between GPS fixes.
  • 5informal in singular A dishonest or underhand arrangement.


    obviously, his appointment was a fix


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Probably, some awards are a total fix; but prestigious awards cannot be a total fix.
    • Partial privatization is the most costly and intellectually dishonest fix of all.
    • She found it hard to believe a forecast favourable to the Administration wasn't somehow a politically dishonest fix.
    • I think the whole competition was a fix.
    fraud, swindle, pretence, hoax, trick, charade, sham
    informal set-up, scam, con trick, fiddle, sting


  • get a fix on

    • 1Determine the position of (something) by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observation.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A colleague rushed to locate him with the standard bit of kit, but couldn't get a fix on the man, even though he was just 50 meters away.
      • They were equipped with technical facilities to get a fix on a target.
      • ‘Helm get a fix on our location’ the captain ordered the lieutenant at the navigational station.
      • You may end up having to tell a human operator where you are if the system cannot get a fix on your phone.
      • Having set up the software and hardware, I waited a few short moments for the system to get a fix on the GPS satellites.
      • Satellites get a fix on the signal location and forward it to emergency response agencies on land.
      • The saucer bobs up and down, trying to get a fix on me, then flies away.
      • Thus, you get a fix on it, and then it disappears, only to resurface much later and a considerable distance away.
      • Once again, I stood there trying to get a fix on his whereabouts.
      • It doesn't stop after a minute or two, so I go outside, get a fix on the position, and call 911.
      1. 1.1informal Assess or determine the nature or facts of.
        it is hard to get a fix on their ages


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Scientists involved in modelling climate change are trying to get a fix on how much the ice sheet has melted throughout history.
        • The figures I've just shown you don't have anything to do with white collar crime quite obviously, and there are real problems getting a fix on whether white collar crime has grown.
        • Naturally, you are trying to get a fix on this startling turn of fortune.
        • What is fascinating is the difficulty in getting a fix on community values.
        • Something as basic as a graphic showing how growth is going, whether at national or European level, is an instant, relatively easy way to get a fix on how the economy is moving.
        • I really feel as though I've got a fix on what it all means from this half of one book.
        • ‘The market is a bit dead at the moment, so it's hard to get a fix on the value of the property,’ says Kevin.
        • These maps are the easiest way to get a fix on what's in the night sky: Simply take a star map, orient the map and yourself to the north, and look up.
        • They also agreed that it's easier to talk about God's love for us and our love for self and neighbor than it is to get a fix on our love for God.
        • So they do research, and interview people, in order to get a fix on just what the story might be.
        understand, comprehend, work out, fathom out, make sense of, grasp, catch, follow, perceive, make out, penetrate, divine, search out, ferret out, puzzle out, take in, assimilate, absorb, get to the bottom of


  • fixable

  • adjective
    • And it feeds a conceit that is oddly comforting: that whatever is wrong with the world is caused by us and fixable by us.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Anything's fixable if you give it enough effort, time, and attention.
      • We live in a world where people expect everything to be preventable or fixable.
      • I don't even know where to start fixing this or if it's fixable.
      • I was assuming the problem had been caused on my end and was fixable.


Late Middle English: partly from Old French fix 'fixed', partly from medieval Latin fixare 'to fix', both from Latin fixus, past participle of figere 'fix, fasten'. The noun dates from the early 19th century.


admix, affix, commix, Hicks, intermix, MI6, mix, nix, Nyx, pix, Pnyx, prix fixe, pyx, Ricks, six, Styx, transfix, Wicks

Definition of fix in US English:


[with object]
  • 1 Fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position.


    fix the clamp on a rail


    the upper jaw of an amphibian is firmly fixed to the skull
    figurative he turned back to fix the scene in his mind


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Use several long wood screws and wood glue to fix the post in a sturdy, upright position.
    • The upholstery was ‘a chassis’, that is, fixed to its own subframes independent of the main chair frame.
    • Long, bronze relief friezes by Paul Day will be fixed to its walls.
    • Perhaps it was their dreamlike quality or the way they could not be fixed in place.
    • In both cases, the receiver was fixed inside the boat hull without negatively affecting the athletes.
    • Most of the headstones have now been fixed back into place but others are beyond repair, and still more have been laid flat because of safety concerns.
    • Ostreids were also able to fix themselves to movable objects such as driftwood or cephalopods, thereby further facilitating their dispersal.
    • The pieces might be fixed in a plate of stone, shaped to receive the parts, or assembled face down and then affixed to a setting bed.
    • Above the figure's chest was a small metal panel, which was fixed to the figure's chest.
    • Instead, he fixes the photograph to a mat using archival plastic corners.
    • Freestanding and wall-mounted compositions, they are made of magnets and metal elements attached to wires that are fixed to the wall or ceiling.
    • There was a shelf fixed to the wall by the light switch.
    • The reconnaissance officers used head torches fixed to their helmets.
    • To allow movement from thermal and other forces, the roof is not fixed rigidly to its supports.
    • Dave had lined the room with hardboard sheets fixed to wooden battens.
    • At that point in space, the satellite orbits Earth at the same speed as Earth's rotation - making the satellite appear to be fixed in the same location in the sky.
    • To identify those properties, firemarks - small plaques made from metal or wood adorned with the name or symbol of the company concerned - were fixed to external walls.
    • His commanding officer rose to repeat the final briefing, grasping any object that was fixed to the hull, desperately trying not to go tumbling around in zero gee.
    • By the 1st millennium bc iron tyres were being fixed to the outside of the rim of spoked wheels, proving to be a far more robust yet lightweight structure.
    • Fix the shelf to the wall above the curtain track using the brackets.
    fasten, attach, affix, secure
    stick, lodge, implant, embed, anchor
    1. 1.1fix something on/upon Direct one's eyes, mind, or attention steadily or unwaveringly toward.
      I fixed my attention on the tower


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They had their sights fixed firmly on a Connacht title, but they came up against a Mary's outfit that were more determined on the day.
      • Ryan's gaze was fixed intently on her face, a small smile on his lips.
      • While Mr Thould - a history teacher himself - recognises the importance of the school's past, he's also got his sights fixed firmly on the future.
      • Hawk glanced up to where Morgan sat, his gaze now fixed on the ceiling.
      • The bosses have got their sights fixed firmly on global expansion.
      • She kept her own eyes fixed firmly on the face of the leader.
      • He had the title firmly fixed within his sights and clinched the best of five with 19, then 21 darts.
      • You can keep your eyes fixed as firmly on a muddy trail as you can on a four-lane highway, and if you do, your mind will drift just as quickly.
      • They looked like bird dogs, their eyes all fixed on the exact same spot in the middle distance.
      • Rocket man Steve Bennett has the stars firmly fixed in his sights, and this weekend he's giving everyone the opportunity to get in on the excitement.
      • Her gaze was fixed firmly on the ground.
      aim, point, level
    2. 1.2fix on/uponno object (of a person's eyes, attention, or mind) be directed steadily or unwaveringly toward.
      her gaze fixed on Jess


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their gazes fixed on me, trying to interpret the words I'd left unsaid.
      • His mind fixed only on the dark deed at hand and fulfilling his mission once and for all!
      • Her eyes fixed on a hawk perched above her.
      • His gaze fixed upon a number written on a piece of paper beside the computer.
      • If his attention fixes upon the rich and varied foliage of the ancient forest, it is to single out particular specimens of trees and plants.
      attract, draw
      focus, direct, level, point, rivet, train, turn
    3. 1.3fix someone with Look at someone unwaveringly.
      she fixed her nephew with an unwavering stare


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘What you doing up so early?’ her mother continued, fixing her with an unblinking stare.
      • She fixes me with a look, a wonderful mixture of playfulness and provocation.
      • According to a new report, 2-to-5-day-old infants already home in on faces that fix them with a direct gaze and devote less attention to faces with eyes that look to one side.
      • I fixed him with a hard glare that wiped the grin right off his face.
      • She fixed him with a glare and he stopped dead in his tracks.
  • 2Decide or settle on (a specific price, date, course of action, etc.)


    no date has yet been fixed for a hearing


    the rent will be fixed at $600 a month


    no object their thinking then seemed fixed on conventional projects
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The application was fixed for a hearing on 11 June 1998.
    • At a case management conference held in July 1999 a trial was fixed for June 2000.
    • By order dated July 19, 2001 a trial date was fixed for September 16, 2002.
    • So it was that a departure date was fixed for October and the and the group, in batches of a few hundred a time went to Liverpool where they were to board the ships that had been chartered to transport them.
    • Again, I believe that it will be some months before this retrial can be fixed and we would ask for bail to be given on the same conditions.
    • A date was fixed for the work to be carried out but workmen never turned up.
    • I am told it is the largest amount that has ever been fixed as a bail condition in this country.
    • The ceremony was fixed for two o'clock on a Sunday in the middle of the World Cup season.
    • After entitlement and scale of costs, if any, is established, a further timetable will be established for fixing the costs of the action.
    • The game was fixed for one week after all of the other first round games were played and for the evening before the start of the college examinations on Monday last.
    • It is therefore impossible to fix exact proportions, or to establish a list of ingredients which will be appropriate to everyone.
    • The final is fixed for Sunday, December 8 in Fitzgerald Stadium.
    • There will be many demands on the council's coffers before the budget is fixed for 2005 / 06.
    • When the court resumes a date will have to be fixed for a hearing.
    • The Taiwanese owners would start scrapping a total of 53 tuna fishing boats from next year if a compensation figure can be fixed, the agency said.
    • For school children it is fixed for October 11 and for the non-governmental organisations it will be October 26.
    • The other countries which joined the EU did not have any dates fixed in advance.
    • The county final is fixed for Sunday, October 5th.
    • Suppose, for example, that a scholar tried, as many did, to fix the exact date of Noah's Flood.
    • Both football semi-finals are fixed for February 24, but Nemo have been approached about playing the following week to avoid a clash with the Sigerson Cup.
    decide on, select, choose, resolve on
    1. 2.1 Establish the exact location of (something) by using radar or visual bearings or astronomical observation.
      having made landfall, he fixed his position
      Example sentencesExamples
      • An order has just been given to stand in to enable our coast pilot, Cooper, to fix our whereabouts exactly by his knowledge of the land.
      • We have been at the mercy of the storm for days, and the cloud cover still prevents me from fixing our location by the stars.
      • Later in the novel, he will use the ‘Earth’ to fix the exact location of his enemies on a flotilla of rafts in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
      • The flight leader watched him go down, fixed his position, and saw that he was alive and in his raft.
      • The American and Filipino artillerymen tried to fix the enemy's position by the use of sound waves, but this method proved too delicate and complicated.
      • When no landmarks or aids to navigation are visible, navigators may use the Sun, the Moon, or other celestial bodies to fix the craft's position.
    2. 2.2 Settle the form of (a language).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is in the reign of Louis XIV., as has been said, that this eloquence had its greatest splendour, and that the language was fixed.
      • The members of the Great Assembly fixed the specific language of prayer - not to limit us, but to help guide us toward what we should want out of life.
      • This translation was also important in helping to fix the dialect used as standard and spread it through England.
      • By aiming at fixing the language, he succeeded in giving the standard of reputable use
    3. 2.3 Assign or determine (a person's liability or responsibility) for legal purposes.
      there are no facts that fix the defendant with liability


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One solution to the problem would be to fix liability for malpractice due to inadequate resources on the commissioner rather than the provider.
      • The inference from these provisional conclusions is that the two local authorities involved are engaged in a struggle to avoid being fixed with responsibility for this awkward case.
      • This is all about fixing legal liability, so it is not a purely philosophical debate.
      • Lord Wilberforce stated that in order to fix vicarious liability on the owner of a car in such a case as the present, it must be shown that the driver was using it for the owner's own purposes, under delegation of a task or duty.
      • The only difference was to try and get in the two extra waybills, which were really to fix liability on the same actual carrier.
  • 3Mend or repair.


    you should fix that shelf
    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘But…’ he squealed, ‘We can fix it, right?’
    • And, if it's a genuine glitch, I fix it right away.
    • I am at the car repair shop, getting my car fixed.
    • IT support staff waste up to 75 days a year on travelling to off-site locations to physically fix PCs.
    • Serious problems of disrepair are often lurking unseen below the surface, with a backlog of home repairs it is estimated will cost £37 billion to fix.
    • We're going to get to the truth and then fix what went wrong.
    • Sending astronauts up to fix the Hubble Space Telescope in Earth orbit was difficult enough.
    • Some minor problems, such as holes and cracks, can be fixed by filling them with gutter caulk or by using a gutter patching kit.
    • Dad is a DIY expert and he fixes anything that needs repairing in a matter of seconds.
    • On Friday, the company sent out repair technicians, who fixed many of the machines.
    • There was about a three-month hiatus, of course, while boats were being fixed and repaired.
    • Ministers want the public to offer ideas about what needs fixing, and where the vision should be for the long-term future of schooling.
    • City of York Council said that broken-down fans in the roof had now been fixed, restoring proper ventilation to the baths.
    • The aim is to expand and improve, not to fix or repair what is broken.
    • As I recall, you also had to get the shower repaired and fix quite a few things, didn't you?
    • ‘We've got to fix it right now!’ she declared resolutely.
    • A leak quickly fixed will save re-painting walls and repairing ceilings.
    • A spokeswoman said the company was working flat out to get repairs fixed which were holding up trains and lengthening journeys.
    • A customer can report a dropped call or poor signal quality from a specific location, and the carrier can analyze data and fix the problem that day.
    • From the major problems to the minor ones, all had been completely fixed and solved.
    repair, mend, patch up, put right, put to rights, set right, get working, make as good as new, see to
    1. 3.1fix something up Do the necessary work to improve or adapt something.
      we want to fix up the house before we sell it
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Some houses are still very dilapidated, but new people seem to be moving in all the time and fixing places up.
      • But before the troops could get started on fixing the resort up, they had to make their own staff quarters suitable to live in.
      • We seem to have run out of money with which to fix this house up.
      • I went to work in the garden, I was slowly fixing the house up, and it helped pass the time while I waited.
      • He kept the house for only a short time, selling it in 1946 to a fellow called Ed, who planned to fix the place up.
      • I had planned to fix the place up when I retired, but retirement isn't what it's like on TV - there's never enough energy, money, or time to do anything drastic.
      • If the solution seems like too much hassle, and you get that niggling feeling that you'd never get around to fixing things up, accept it and move on.
      • They were not far from completion on fixing that building up.
      • I bought a ‘broken’ computer from a garage sale for ten dollars with a view to fixing it up.
      • Either way, clearing out the house and helping to fix it up for a potential buyer is beyond me right now.
      • Their last visit was a week long adventure of helping me clean and paint and generally fix my house up when I first moved in.
      • I spent too much money buying the house and fixing it up to change it again.
      • Not to mention the financial cost of fixing things up after these thugs vent their frustrations on other people's property.
      • She said it was more about fixing up what was there than any major development.
      • Together we fixed it up and created our eco-friendly home with an emphasis on what we dubbed ‘urban farming‘.
      • The landlord said that fixing the house up would be a waste of time and money.
      • I spent every penny I ever made fixing this place up.
      • The house had been empty for many years, and he was planning to fix it up.
      • ‘When we first moved down here I had this idea that we'd be able to fix the house up within six months,’ says Wiese.
      • Every time I planned to fix the place up, life got in the way.
    2. 3.2North American informal Restore order or tidiness to (something, especially one's hair, clothes, or makeup)
      Laura was fixing her hair


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In junior high, I learned how to apply makeup and fix my hair from my older step-sisters.
      • It was obvious from the way she tied her long hair back and fixed her clothes that she had other things on her mind.
      • I hurriedly showered, then fixed my hair and make-up.
      • After we ate, I did my make-up and fixed my hair a little bit.
      • I spent a long time doing my hair, and fixing my makeup so I could look flawless.
      • I stood up, fixing myself and cleared my throat.
      • It was the first day in ages that Rebecca had actually bothered to do her hair, fix her makeup, and put on an outfit that wasn't sweats.
      • Kate brushed her hair and fixed her eye makeup before she went downstairs to join her family in the dining room for her birthday dinner.
      • Mother would be putting on her makeup and fixing her hair.
      • She changed into her school clothes and fixed her hair back into a high ponytail.
      • Riley changed quickly, brushed her hair and fixed her makeup, then closed the door to her bedroom and waited in her living area.
      • I fixed my hair and clothes and touched up my concealer and makeup.
      • He is only too happy to feed her, fix her hair and makeup, and dress her in what appears to be his mother's clothing.
      • I was still fixing my hair and makeup when I heard my door open.
      • He bowed to her and then stood straight to fix himself.
      • She fixed her makeup and hair, drying it harshly with the blow-dryer.
      • She fluffed her blond hair and fixed her makeup.
      • If you fix your hair and put on makeup and choose your clothes with some care, are you participating in a ritual?
      • I fixed my hair and make-up and then changed into a tank top and a pair of jeans that I had brought from my house.
      • I gasped and stood up quickly, trying to fix my clothing and hair.
      neaten, arrange, put in order, adjust
  • 4Make arrangements for (something); organize.


    I've fixed it for you to see him on Thursday


    he's sent her on ahead to fix things up


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It can be very difficult fixing things up for young offenders in advance of their release.
    • The visit is fixed up, and just in time; 24 hours later his laptop packs in.
    • As reported by the Evening Press, Supporters Direct had offered their advice, and a meeting was quickly fixed up.
    • He fixed us a taxi to the hotel.
    • He fixed for me to have an abortion at a clinic, but my mother came and took me away.
    • The Battalion sailed to Egypt on the Empire Fowey but we were unable to get Minnie a passage on this ship so we fixed for her to follow on HMT Devonshire.
    • Unlike earlier when I could walk into the shop any time I pleased, I now had to call a receptionist and fix up an appointment.
    arrange, organize, contrive, sort out, see to, see about
    organize, arrange, make arrangements for, plan, fix, sort out, see to, put together, see about
    1. 4.1fix someone upinformal Arrange for someone to have something; provide someone with something.
      I'll fix you up with a room


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I told him that I might be interested in a couple of days fishing, and that I had even thought of taking my wife to Namibia - so he said that he could fix us up with a whole safari, and a couple of days fishing.
      • Come out back, and we'll see what we can fix you up with.
      • Far too old for the part, Valence is fixed up with a wig and copious amounts of make-up.
      • Check the weather-stripping around doors and windows, and replace any that are worn - retailers who specialize in doors and windows can fix you up with the proper replacement type for your situation.
      • The wiry man cried in glee, ‘Yes, we can fix you up with a grant.’
      • Now, get yourself down to Wallace on the first floor, he'll fix you up with a cover identity.
      • Still, he managed to fix us up with an invitation to Hyde Park to see the Queen.
      • In 1979, he settled in Saudi Arabia, where he was fixed up with a splendid seaside villa in the Red Sea port of Jiddah.
      • If you call into the Visitor Centre on the main street through the town they will soon fix you up with a place to suit your budget.
      • Oh, those nice people from Reliance have promised to fix us up with a couple of weeks in the sun.
      • She hoped that we would fix her up with some accommodation.
      provide, supply, furnish, accommodate, equip, endow
    2. 4.2fix someone upinformal Arrange for someone to meet or go out with someone in order to help them establish a romantic relationship.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Its great going clubbing with guys, they all try and fix you up with their mates!
      • I asked some of the guys I knew there if there were any decent men they could fix me up with, and they suggested all the guys I already know that I would never date, so then I drank some more.
      • He and his wife, knowing I'm a single mother, are determined to fix me up with a good husband.
      • Oh mother, I wish you wouldn't fix me up with that boy.
      • We're trying to fix him up with a girlfriend, but so far no luck.
      • I wish you wouldn't fix me up with anyone.
      • Leo's a nice boy, and I think my Dad thinks he's going to fix me up with Leo, but he's got no chance.
      • I can fix you up with anyone on the football team, ANYONE, you don't have to go for nerds like that guy.
      • Some of them even go to the extent of helping me out by trying to fix me up with some friend or acquaintance of theirs.
      • I mean, if you want, Eddie knows this kid Peter he could probably fix you up with.
      • Other guests were coming up to me trying to fix me up with their friends.
      • She smirked, then pointed out, ‘It's safe to say that both of us made assumptions about the other back when we were fixed up.’
      • Don't ever fix me up with a blind date, because it's embarrassing.
      • But even one of the ladies at work was trying to fix me up with one of the younger members of staff.
      • Have your friends fix you up with that nice guy you've been avoiding and see if you can turn him a little naughty.
      • Apart from the fact he's hoping I'll fix him up with an Internet date, he seems to think that like him I have brown eyes and black hair.
      • If he and Adie had been together at one point, why was she so happy to fix him up with someone else?
      • The next time your aunt tries to fix you up with somebody in her church group, tell her that you already have a boyfriend… in South Africa.
    3. 4.3North American informal Prepare or arrange for the provision of (food or drink)
      Ruth fixed herself a cold drink


      with two objects they were fixing him breakfast


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We fixed ourselves a snack and went to watch TV in the family room.
      • He walked down the stairs to the wet bar and fixed himself a drink, then proceeded out to the deck that overlooked the calm Pacific.
      • It was past the time she usually fixed herself a little something for lunch, and her knees were beginning to go rubbery.
      • She went down to the kitchen and fixed herself a sandwich, and just as she was about to sit down, the phone rang.
      • Rowena washed the pot and fixed herself a cup of tea.
      • Finally he finished and came out of his bedroom and fixed himself coffee.
      • He fixed himself breakfast and took it into the dining room.
      • By seven, she was already downstairs in the kitchen, fixing herself a French toast.
      • After taking a short nap, he went downstairs and fixed himself some cereal and turned on the TV.
      • I got in, fixed myself a stiff drink and lay on the floor until the shaking died off.
      • Running quietly down the steps, she fixed herself a big breakfast and ate all of it in 5 minutes flat.
      • ‘I wish I had never had children,’ she muttered to herself as she fixed herself a drink.
      • There was a plate of untouched scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice on the table, which led her to guess that he'd fixed himself breakfast but had been unable to eat.
      • So he went back into the house and fixed himself a big steak, with potatoes, garlic bread and a tall glass of iced tea.
      • She'd fixed herself a few cups of hot tea, and a piece or two of toast, but had eaten nothing else since breakfast.
      • She fixed herself some breakfast and left for school.
      • She quietly fixed herself a cup of chamomile tea and sat on the couch, her icy feet curled under her, drinking and thinking.
      • At seven, after I fixed myself some rice, the phone rang.
      • In the kitchen Frank fixed himself a cup of coffee and a piece of buttered toast.
      • He fixed himself some coffee and then got into the shower.
      prepare, cook, make, make ready, put together, get
    4. 4.4be fixing to do somethingUS dialect Be intending or planning to do something.
      you're fixing to get into trouble


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Keeping in good spirits they blamed the unfortunate episode on the ‘socialist’ government for interfering in the market they had been fixing to become trillionaires in.
      • Tanner, Kaylee, and Mike were fixing to leave and go fishing.
      • Because at that point it looked to me like it was fixing to blow up.
      • I sat there for a moment preparing myself for what I was fixing to do.
      • The sky was gray and it looked as if it were fixing to snow.
      • Her grandparents were fixing to leave for work, leaving her all alone in the house.
      • And when team owner Ray Evernham was asked about the remark, he replied, ‘Maybe I was fixing to get fired, too.’
      • As Isaac was fixing to go out the door his mother called out to him.
      • I knew exactly what he was fixing to say as he followed me.
      • So, one way or another, we'd be fixing to move about now in any case.
      • Facing huge public pressure, one of the most arrogant of Europe's leaders is fixing to capitulate.
      • After she had bid farewell to Mr. Fisher, who was fixing to leave and go back to town, Ana went to her new room and lay down on the bed.
      • I was fixing to go with him when she pulled out her cell phone.
      • When I looked up at his face he had that smirk, that's when I knew he was fixing to do something crazy.
      • Danny reached out and caught her just as she was fixing to hit the floor.
      • She has her saddle and bridle on as though she was fixing to be ridden out.
      • They were fixing to make some cooked-squid salad.
  • 5Make (a dye, photographic image, or drawing) permanent.


    he perfected a process of fixing a photographic likeness on a silver plate
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Ultimately, the fate of photography depended on fixing the image so it would not fade or darken.
    • She needs only light, photosensitive paper, an object to block the light and chemicals to fix the image afterward.
    • The next stage of the process is the addition of chemical called a fixer, because it fixes the image permanently in place.
    • After two minutes, a second bath of acid stops the development process and a third fixes the image, making the paper impervious to future contacts with light.
    • They gradually perfected the process of drying the grass to fix the image with some degree of permanence.
    • Washing in water fixes the image in a bright ‘Prussian blue’ or cyan tone.
    • Light is then projected through a negative onto the paper, and after the paper is washed and fixed, a photographic print remains.
    make permanent, make fast, set
    1. 5.1Biology Preserve or stabilize (a specimen) with a chemical substance prior to microscopy or other examination.
      specimens were fixed in buffered formalin


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After air drying the slides were fixed with cold methanol.
      • Tissue was fixed in ethanol and processed into paraffin blocks.
      • The astronauts chemically fixed the moss cultures before each mission re-entered Earth's atmosphere.
      • Briefly, slides were fixed in acetone for 5 minutes.
      • Sections were fixed with formaldehyde, and embedded in paraffin.
    2. 5.2 (of a plant or microorganism) assimilate (nitrogen or carbon dioxide) by forming a nongaseous compound.
      lupins fix gaseous nitrogen in their root nodules


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Both cover crops fix a lot of nitrogen and produce high yields of biomass that serve as organic matter to enrich the soil.
      • A central aim of this study was to identify the interval during which deciduous plants fixed more carbon than their evergreen counterparts.
      • As they grow, green plants and trees fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to tissue.
      • The bacteria supply the pea plants with nitrogen fixed from the air when the soils are deficient in that nutrient.
      • The fruit were covered with aluminium foil to prevent them from fixing carbon dioxide.
  • 6informal Influence the outcome of (something, especially a race, contest, or election) by illegal or underhanded means.


    the foundation denies fixing races
    Example sentencesExamples
    • When the bet was eventually discovered I was convicted for match fixing in 1965.
    • If, for one minute, fans think that an outcome has been fixed, our industry has nothing to sell the public.
    • I assume it goes on in all sports and in racing it doesn't really bother me because I don't bet to make money and I don't believe every single race can be fixed.
    • The fact is something like 14m bets a week are struck, and if any races have been fixed, there are major repercussions.
    • All five had been prohibited from attending any racecourse facilities since they were charged with race fixing in March 1999.
    • This would not be the first time in American history that an election had been fixed.
    • In the same year, he was one of five jockeys arrested as part of an investigation into alleged race fixing, but was later released without charge.
    • Democracy came in the form of elections that were fixed and manipulated.
    • The cricket fan, who has put in so much time and passion supporting the Indian team, has never been apologised to for all those matches that were fixed all those years.
    • Players' movements and activities are so closely monitored that it is hard for anyone to approach or speak to the players, leave alone attempt to fix matches.
    • In recent times, matches have been fixed, yet no attempt has been made to remove them from the books.
    • The one-hour show, with allegations of race fixing, betting scams and jockeys mixing with criminals, made headlines on the front and back pages.
    • Can we be sure that further individuals or gangs aren't attempting to fix races?
    • They also asked if he expected the elections to be fixed.
    • But then he tried to fix the London mayoral election.
    • That evening the referee's bank balance swells with thousands of dollars, his reward for fixing the biggest soccer match in the world for a criminal betting syndicate.
    • I notice that the Police are questioning a few individuals in an attempt to uncover evidence of race fixing.
    • He has denied allegations that he fixed football matches.
    • He denied taking a bribe to fix any of the matches in the triangular series, contested by South Africa, England and Zimbabwe.
    • This might be a result of an agreement between club presidents made in early May that none of them would corrupt referees and attempt to fix matches.
    rig, arrange fraudulently, prearrange the result of, predetermine the result of
    1. 6.1 Put (an enemy or rival) out of action, especially by killing them.
      don't you tell nobody, or I'll fix you good!


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And so, it is a much more difficult enemy to find and fix.
      • This will allow us to destroy the lead company as the second enemy is being fixed by the minefield.
      • By fixing and suppressing the enemy, we allow our own maneuvering element to accomplish its task relatively unmolested.
      • This gives priority to the areas where the enemy can be fixed and destroyed, area denial, and information collection.
      revenge oneself on, get one's revenge on, be revenged on, avenge oneself on, wreak vengeance on, take retribution on, get even with, give someone their just deserts, hit back at, get back at, settle a score with, settle the score with, settle accounts with, take reprisals against, punish, deal with
  • 7informal no object Take an injection of a narcotic drug.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The guys like it when the girls can't fix themselves.
    • She confessed that she had just started fixing herself with Morphine and Pethedine.
    • I fixed heroin for four years.
    • He would just present me with a loaded syringe and fix me every time.
    • She convinced me to fix her for the first time.
    • A final design issue that was explored was ‘chill out rooms’ where drug users could relax after fixing in the injecting room.
    inject drugs, take drugs
  • 8North American Castrate or spay (an animal); neuter.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • My soon to be fixed 6 month old female Boxer has a tenancy to hump for no apparent reason.
    • Does my one year old female Pomeranian need to get fixed for her to get less aggressive?
    • The cancers of the reproductive organs are very rare in cats that have been fixed.
    • He said all his cats are fixed males and if I have any problems with them to let him know.
    • One is a girl and the other is a boy - both are fixed, as is our own cat.
    castrate, neuter, geld, cut, emasculate
  • 1informal in singular A difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself; a predicament.


    how on earth did you get into such a fix?


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Our poor town planner is now in a fix, unable to predict the town's population ten years into the future.
    • Helen's sister Delia is in a bit of a fix herself since being arrested for reckless driving, public endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.
    • Those importing brand new vehicles are in a fix because for them, the cost will be astronomical.
    • In the past Italian governments got out of this kind of fix by devaluing the lira to stimulate exports and growth, but this option is closed by membership of the euro.
    • Flexible hours would leave us in a right fix.
    • The department was in a fix about the problem, as it had to figure out the exact amount spent by the subscribers.
    • Anyone who finds themselves in a really difficult fix should contact the organisation - it sounds like it could be a life-saver.
    • Do not get yourself into the fix I experienced, that of running out of money before finding a job.
    predicament, plight, difficulty, difficult situation, awkward situation, spot of trouble, bit of bother, corner, ticklish situation, tricky situation, tight spot
  • 2informal A dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted.


    he hadn't had his fix


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He goes to the bathroom to get his morning drug fix, and falls asleep on the porch with his son in his lap.
    • His eyes took on the glazed expression of a drug addict contemplating his next fix.
    • The number of daily cocaine fixes ranged from 2 to 30, with a median number of fixes per day being 12.
    • In some areas nearly all robbery and burglary is drug related to pay for the next fix.
    • I hope he gets a really bad dose of whatever his fix is and never wakes up again.
    • At one time my only worry would have been where I'd get my next fix from; today I worry that I won't have enough time to do all of the things that I want to do.
    • He may well feel better after a fix, but he's just storing up more problems than it will solve.
    • He needed to have surgery the following morning but Chris couldn't stay in overnight because he needed a fix.
    • But everyone surfaces wearing the expression of drug addicts who have just acquired a fix.
    • You won't care who you tread on and hurt en route to your next fix - even your family and closest friends.
    • This man was a convicted drug addict who had falsified prescriptions to get his fixes.
    • The road-building programme is like the heroin addict getting his last fix.
    • I wonder if it's how drug addicts feel when they need a fix.
    • He also points to a Dutch pilot project that showed that when addicts know they're going to get their fix, they stop their criminal activity.
    • Consider, then, a person addicted to a drug such as heroin, who is considering whether to obtain some more of the drug for another fix.
    • Phil Smith, of Swindon's Threshold Housing Link, believes addicts desperate for a fix will start using more subtle methods of getting cash.
    • If the real victims of drugs are the people who get their houses burgled by addicts desperate for the money for a fix, maybe we should legalise drugs, she suggests.
    • Police say most burglaries are carried out by drug addicts to pay for their next fix.
    • Neither did he remember landing on the road with a bounce, only to be sifted through and robbed of his watch by a man in search of money for a cocaine fix.
    • Traders claim that drug addicts collecting their daily fixes at a newly-transferred chemist shop are killing Leigh town centre.
    1. 2.1 A thing or activity that gives a person a feeling of euphoria or pleasure and that it is difficult to do without.
      that rush of adrenaline that is the fix of the professional newsman


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Few street corners now fail to offer Britain's army of caffeine addicts a fix.
      • Where else, for example, could they get their daily gambling fix?
      • One-day cricket is a simple fix - you get to see the ball being hit hard.
      • I have been in the heart of the south-west for a few days and not had a chilli fix, and I am now starting to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
      • I'm usually in Neanderthal mode until I've had my caffeine fix for the morning.
      • He emerged from the booth in need of a large nicotine fix.
      • After my weekend fix of toast and a pot of coffee, I went back to bed and slept till noon.
      • Coca-Cola became my caffeine fix, my hangover cure, my beverage of choice.
      • Some nights she'll have a few glasses of wine, and I get my fix from coffee.
      • The caffeine fix is just one aspect of coffee drinking.
      • Imaginative and sophisticated workouts are evolving to engage dwindling attention spans or cash in on punters addicted to the endorphin fix.
      • Stopping a moment to light a cigarette, he inhales, enjoying the nicotine fix.
      • I have found a new coffee shop to get my daily fix.
      • Then we went to the cafe in Borders bookshop because I was needing a coffee fix.
      • If you are an NFL or College Football junkie, which I am, it won't be hard to get a fix this weekend.
      • It was a cold, rainy November day and all I wanted was my daily fix of coffee.
      • Usually those were the people who needed a quick nicotine fix between classes.
      • Those who need a daily sugar fix are in luck.
      • If you need a caffeine fix, bring along a Starbucks Double Shot and chocolate.
      • There were, if you can credit it, illegal ‘coffee dens’ where people who were addicted to the stuff would go for their fix.
  • 3A measure taken to resolve a problem or correct a mistake; a solution or remedy.

    the company is working on a fix but suggests users consider technical workarounds in the meantime
    representatives trying to find cheap fixes to meet their obligations

    代表们为不辱使命而想找到简单易行的应急措施。参见 QUICK FIX

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The bad news is that there isn't a simple fix for your problem.
    • Is there a fix for our political, economic and moral problems?
    • Software is complex and dynamic and that 'simple fix' you put in place last week could have undesired consequences.
    • The company has issued a fix for the problem.
    • We have a short-term fix for the communication problem.
    • I'm afraid that Katherine is seeking an instant fix for her problems and that she might be disappointed if the therapeutic process takes a bit more time.
    • Our team in London is working on a fix!
    • I'll report back if I hear anything about a workaround or fix.
    • So while expanding opportunities through trade is a good thing for the American economy, it's not going to be a fix for our current problems.
    • Sam was right, he hadn't given me an instant fix to my problems, but he had significantly cheered me up simply by treating me as though I were human.
    • If the network is not well managed, increasing the size of the bandwidth will only give you a temporary fix.
    • System upgrades are particularly important because many of these updates contain vital security fixes.
    • The problem isn't wide spread and I am sure Sharp will issue a fix.
    • Some of those same users later reported that the issue returned, so a reboot may only be a temporary fix.
    • At best, the bill is a very temporary fix to an ongoing problem.
    • Professor Hood contends that there are no short-term fixes.
    • None of this means that there will be an easy fix to the problems created by Katrina.
    • The hardware maker is fast at work on a fix for a bug that leaves multiple devices vulnerable to exploits.
    • We must diagnose first if we have any hope of coming up with a good fix for the problem.
    • Get your Internet experience in top form this weekend with these simple fixes.
    • They knew there was no short-term, easy fix, there could be no band-aid approach.
    solution, answer, resolution, way out
  • 4A position determined by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observations.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It has navigation, communications, and recording systems and can obtain exact position fixes from beacons set in the sea bottom.
    • GPS receivers use the passive, one-way transmissions of signals from the orbiting satellites to determine a position fix.
    • After another ritual check, Howard determined that he had better not go more than another kilometer before his next position fix.
    • A dead-reckoned position is an approximate one which should be corrected from time to time using an accurate position fix.
    • In such environments, too few satellites are visible for a receiver to determine a fix.
    • If only three satellites are visible, then one dimension, typically the altitude, must be held constant to provide position fixes.
    • Firstly, it will provide researchers with an estimated position of an animal at any time between GPS fixes.
    • The sampling scheme was intended to gather five independent location fixes per week, but ample movement during dispersal sometimes resulted in lower frequencies of fixes.
    • When a positive fix was not possible, the position was deduced from reckoning (time, speed, and direction).
    • To find the maximum distance at which the various devices could be relocated, we secured them to weighted shotlines and recorded their position with a GPS fix.
    • GPS position fixes, however, are independent measurements that don't necessarily account for a car's travel along a road network with sharp corners.
  • 5informal in singular A dishonest or underhanded arrangement.


    obviously, his appointment was a fix


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Probably, some awards are a total fix; but prestigious awards cannot be a total fix.
    • I think the whole competition was a fix.
    • She found it hard to believe a forecast favourable to the Administration wasn't somehow a politically dishonest fix.
    • Partial privatization is the most costly and intellectually dishonest fix of all.
    fraud, swindle, pretence, hoax, trick, charade, sham


  • get a fix on

    • 1Determine the position of (something) by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observation.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once again, I stood there trying to get a fix on his whereabouts.
      • You may end up having to tell a human operator where you are if the system cannot get a fix on your phone.
      • Satellites get a fix on the signal location and forward it to emergency response agencies on land.
      • A colleague rushed to locate him with the standard bit of kit, but couldn't get a fix on the man, even though he was just 50 meters away.
      • It doesn't stop after a minute or two, so I go outside, get a fix on the position, and call 911.
      • Having set up the software and hardware, I waited a few short moments for the system to get a fix on the GPS satellites.
      • The saucer bobs up and down, trying to get a fix on me, then flies away.
      • ‘Helm get a fix on our location’ the captain ordered the lieutenant at the navigational station.
      • They were equipped with technical facilities to get a fix on a target.
      • Thus, you get a fix on it, and then it disappears, only to resurface much later and a considerable distance away.
      1. 1.1informal Assess or determine the nature or facts of; obtain a clear understanding of.
        it is hard to get a fix on their ages


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Naturally, you are trying to get a fix on this startling turn of fortune.
        • I really feel as though I've got a fix on what it all means from this half of one book.
        • These maps are the easiest way to get a fix on what's in the night sky: Simply take a star map, orient the map and yourself to the north, and look up.
        • So they do research, and interview people, in order to get a fix on just what the story might be.
        • The figures I've just shown you don't have anything to do with white collar crime quite obviously, and there are real problems getting a fix on whether white collar crime has grown.
        • Something as basic as a graphic showing how growth is going, whether at national or European level, is an instant, relatively easy way to get a fix on how the economy is moving.
        • Scientists involved in modelling climate change are trying to get a fix on how much the ice sheet has melted throughout history.
        • ‘The market is a bit dead at the moment, so it's hard to get a fix on the value of the property,’ says Kevin.
        • They also agreed that it's easier to talk about God's love for us and our love for self and neighbor than it is to get a fix on our love for God.
        • What is fascinating is the difficulty in getting a fix on community values.
        understand, comprehend, work out, fathom out, make sense of, grasp, catch, follow, perceive, make out, penetrate, divine, search out, ferret out, puzzle out, take in, assimilate, absorb, get to the bottom of


Late Middle English: partly from Old French fix ‘fixed’, partly from medieval Latin fixare ‘to fix’, both from Latin fixus, past participle of figere ‘fix, fasten’. The noun dates from the early 19th century.





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