

单词 snag


nounPlural snags snaɡsnæɡ
  • 1An unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback.


    there's one small snag


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Golf simulations have hit a snag in recent years, as very few of them have shown the ability to significantly improve on versions from previous years.
    • The Times-Metro deal hit a snag in January, when the Justice Department announced it was investigating possible antitrust ramifications.
    • If small things seem torturous, listen to what they're telling you - use those nagging little snags as clues to negotiating what you want.
    • The only snag was my season ticket wasn't valid on their network.
    • The Martha Stewart trial hit a snag when defense lawyers and prosecutors withheld a key document from them.
    • Unfortunately, this morning the plan hit a snag when none of them actually turned up.
    • I had recorded an album for the Uni label that hit snags in the production dept because Mike Post had asked to produce a couple of sides and they came off like TV music so the album never got released.
    • However the scheme hit a snag in the narrow streets, lanes and yards of Saltaire where residents have found there just is not room for two bins.
    • Transfer of the Garden City Lands to Richmond hit a snag last week after the Musqueam First Nation received a temporary court injunction preventing the move.
    • Plans to scrap a toxic ‘ghost fleet’ of former United States Navy ships in Britain hit a snag yesterday when it emerged that new planning permission might be needed.
    • When he was discharged in 1946, he began arranging for Harry James, but his career hit a snag when bebop, an intellectual genre that he rebuffed, became the rage.
    • I believe that in mental health care however, we potentially hit a bigger snag in trying to creatively doubt what we do.
    • Here's where I hit my first snag - The lid of the dumpster had been chained shut!
    • Plans for a massive renovation of Hong Kong's ageing public housing estates have hit a snag with most tenants at one estate staunchly opposed to the idea.
    • However the Government's plans to address the problem have hit a snag, with the newly appointed coordinator quitting before his job has even begun.
    • I hit my first snag when I managed to burr one of the screws, which made it impossible to remove the arm at all!
    • Stars' glorious start to the season has hit a slight snag lately with a couple of draws, while their closest rival, Ballina, continues to string together victories.
    • But there was a snag - there was no natural harbour, and Carrington surmised that building one would be at considerable expense.
    • Though originally slated in Vancouver's bid book as the site for the project, the university hit a snag early on in its plans to secure enough cash to cover its portion of the capital costs.
    • Tory Euro hopeful Ian Bruce said the 50 per cent total could be hit by Thursday night, despite postal votes being affected by a series of snags including late delivery in Elvington and confusion over new vote forms.
    obstacle, difficulty, complication, catch, hitch, stumbling block, pitfall, unseen problem, problem, issue, barrier, impediment, hindrance, inconvenience, setback, hurdle, disadvantage, downside, drawback, minus
    British disbenefit
    informal hiccup
  • 2A sharp, angular, or jagged projection.


    keep an emery board handy in case of nail snags


    Example sentencesExamples
    • When I raised my binoculars to a snag, or jagged top, of a broken, burned-out tree, I found myself locked in a gaze with a female on her nest.
    • Eventually, I spotted a bird perched atop a snag far below me.
    • We found that larger snags had indeed higher densities of wood-boring beetle larva entrance holes than smaller snags.
    sharp projection, jag, jagged bit
    thorn, spur
    informal sticky-out bit
    1. 2.1 A rent or tear in fabric caused by a snag.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You need to point out to your cleaner all stains, fabric pills, snags, minor repairs, and also point out style nuances, for instance, if you want your collar to stand up or you wear the cuffs rolled up.
      • To avoid snags, always begin projects with a new needle in a size compatible to the fabric weight.
      • Knits and other stretchy fabrics are an open invitation to snags.
      • A blunt needle can cause snags, holes or runs in seams and topstitching.
      tear, rip, rent, ladder, run, hole, gash, slash, slit
  • 3North American A dead tree.


    dozens of species of birds and mammals use standing snags for nesting
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Within habitats, forestry must ensure heterogeneity with the retention of snags, remnant trees, woody debris, and a more natural variety of tree species.
    • In some cases, trees older than those fires were observed but because the pine snags were younger I assume that these older trees survived the fire.
    • Even in the relatively rare event that a fire does kill an old-growth stand, the remaining trees and snags provide valuable nesting habitat for large birds of prey and other forest species.
    • The crossdating of white cedar and jack pine snags was accomplished using previously developed chronologies from the same area.
    • Weak cavity excavators, chickadees nest in hardwood snags, dead limbs, or knot-holes of live trees.
verbsnags, snagged, snagging snaɡsnæɡ
[with object]
  • 1Catch or tear (something) on a sharp projection.


    thorns snagged his sweater


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's just slightly bigger than a Fig Newton with two tire irons snapped to the side, with no sharp edges or protruding tools to snag jersey pockets or cut spare tubes.
    • The girl ducked this time, but the bird still managed to snag the strap of her tank-top, tearing it.
    • He sat down next to the boy and snagged his bag of chips, tearing it open.
    • A branch snagged his shirt sleeve, and he tore a hole as he yanked himself free.
    • As the dealer points to the 3rd baseman, she accidentally snags her hole card on her sleeve and flips it face up.
    tear, rip, ladder, gash
    1. 1.1no object Become caught on a sharp projection.
      radio aerials snagged on bushes and branches


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Fishing over and around structures often will produce results when you cannot catch fish elsewhere, although fishing lures may become snagged on structures and lost.
      • Divers have become lost inside the wreck or fouled on loose cables or caught by fishing nets snagged on the hull and drowned at the bottom.
      • Be careful sending up line from depth as there is a chance of it snagging.
      • Mr Metcalf, who was based at Ramsbottom Fire Station, dived for the boy but his rope became snagged on an underwater branch and he became submerged himself.
      • By rounding off all sharp edges, the gun does not snag when drawn or holstered.
      catch (in), hook, jag
      get caught in/on
  • 2North American informal Catch or obtain.

    it's the first time they've snagged the star for a photo



  • snaggy

  • adjective ˈsnaɡiˈsnæɡi
    • Having sharp, angular, or jagged projections.


      his teeth were snaggy and broken
      Example sentencesExamples
      • the river is really snaggy and I'm losing loads of tackle
      • Weirpools are notorious for being snaggy, for the intricacies of the currents ensures that all manner of flotsam and jetsam is carried round in the eddies and backflows until the debris becomes waterlogged and sinks.
      • In very rough seas full of weed and maybe fishing over snaggy ground, then change the reel for a tougher 7500-type multiplier filled with 20 to 25 lb line.
      • The hooks should be routinely checked as the points can ‘turn’ when fishing over rough or snaggy ground.


Late 16th century (in sense 2 of the noun): probably of Scandinavian origin. The early sense 'stump sticking out from a tree trunk' gave rise to a US sense 'submerged piece of timber obstructing navigation', of which sense 1 is originally a figurative use. Current verb senses arose in the 19th century.


bag, blag, brag, Bragg, crag, dag, drag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, mag, nag, quag, rag, sag, scrag, slag, sprag, stag, swag, tag, wag, zag


nounPlural snags snaɡsnæɡ
Australian, NZ informal
  • A sausage.


    I make my own snags, my own pies and pasties
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It was a busy 2 hours but Louise did manage to get a snag from the barbie!
    • Arthur Chisolm, a 72-year-old volunteer who took great care when turning his snags on the hotplate, said more sausages would be sold during the school holidays, but he was unsure how many.
    • We generally prefer snags with tomato sauce and white bread.
    • Had a lovely time last night, threw a few snags and shrimps on the barbie with some family and friends, pavlola for sweets, a few sherberts, a fine time was had by all.
    • Officially crowned sausage king of the Traditional Australian and Gourmet class snags, Mr Barritt said using local ingredients and staff was the key to his success.


1940s: of unknown origin.


  • 1An unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback.


    the picture's US release hit a snag
    Example sentencesExamples
    • However the scheme hit a snag in the narrow streets, lanes and yards of Saltaire where residents have found there just is not room for two bins.
    • Unfortunately, this morning the plan hit a snag when none of them actually turned up.
    • Here's where I hit my first snag - The lid of the dumpster had been chained shut!
    • Golf simulations have hit a snag in recent years, as very few of them have shown the ability to significantly improve on versions from previous years.
    • The Times-Metro deal hit a snag in January, when the Justice Department announced it was investigating possible antitrust ramifications.
    • Though originally slated in Vancouver's bid book as the site for the project, the university hit a snag early on in its plans to secure enough cash to cover its portion of the capital costs.
    • The Martha Stewart trial hit a snag when defense lawyers and prosecutors withheld a key document from them.
    • Plans for a massive renovation of Hong Kong's ageing public housing estates have hit a snag with most tenants at one estate staunchly opposed to the idea.
    • Plans to scrap a toxic ‘ghost fleet’ of former United States Navy ships in Britain hit a snag yesterday when it emerged that new planning permission might be needed.
    • However the Government's plans to address the problem have hit a snag, with the newly appointed coordinator quitting before his job has even begun.
    • If small things seem torturous, listen to what they're telling you - use those nagging little snags as clues to negotiating what you want.
    • But there was a snag - there was no natural harbour, and Carrington surmised that building one would be at considerable expense.
    • Tory Euro hopeful Ian Bruce said the 50 per cent total could be hit by Thursday night, despite postal votes being affected by a series of snags including late delivery in Elvington and confusion over new vote forms.
    • I hit my first snag when I managed to burr one of the screws, which made it impossible to remove the arm at all!
    • The only snag was my season ticket wasn't valid on their network.
    • I believe that in mental health care however, we potentially hit a bigger snag in trying to creatively doubt what we do.
    • Transfer of the Garden City Lands to Richmond hit a snag last week after the Musqueam First Nation received a temporary court injunction preventing the move.
    • When he was discharged in 1946, he began arranging for Harry James, but his career hit a snag when bebop, an intellectual genre that he rebuffed, became the rage.
    • I had recorded an album for the Uni label that hit snags in the production dept because Mike Post had asked to produce a couple of sides and they came off like TV music so the album never got released.
    • Stars' glorious start to the season has hit a slight snag lately with a couple of draws, while their closest rival, Ballina, continues to string together victories.
    obstacle, difficulty, complication, catch, hitch, stumbling block, pitfall, unseen problem, problem, issue, barrier, impediment, hindrance, inconvenience, setback, hurdle, disadvantage, downside, drawback, minus
  • 2A sharp, angular, or jagged projection.


    keep an emery board handy in case of nail snags


    Example sentencesExamples
    • When I raised my binoculars to a snag, or jagged top, of a broken, burned-out tree, I found myself locked in a gaze with a female on her nest.
    • Eventually, I spotted a bird perched atop a snag far below me.
    • We found that larger snags had indeed higher densities of wood-boring beetle larva entrance holes than smaller snags.
    sharp projection, jag, jagged bit
    1. 2.1 A rent or tear in fabric caused by a sharp or jagged projection.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To avoid snags, always begin projects with a new needle in a size compatible to the fabric weight.
      • A blunt needle can cause snags, holes or runs in seams and topstitching.
      • You need to point out to your cleaner all stains, fabric pills, snags, minor repairs, and also point out style nuances, for instance, if you want your collar to stand up or you wear the cuffs rolled up.
      • Knits and other stretchy fabrics are an open invitation to snags.
      tear, rip, rent, ladder, run, hole, gash, slash, slit
  • 3North American A dead tree.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Even in the relatively rare event that a fire does kill an old-growth stand, the remaining trees and snags provide valuable nesting habitat for large birds of prey and other forest species.
    • Weak cavity excavators, chickadees nest in hardwood snags, dead limbs, or knot-holes of live trees.
    • Within habitats, forestry must ensure heterogeneity with the retention of snags, remnant trees, woody debris, and a more natural variety of tree species.
    • The crossdating of white cedar and jack pine snags was accomplished using previously developed chronologies from the same area.
    • In some cases, trees older than those fires were observed but because the pine snags were younger I assume that these older trees survived the fire.
[with object]
  • 1Catch or tear (something) on a projection.


    thorns snagged his sweater


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The girl ducked this time, but the bird still managed to snag the strap of her tank-top, tearing it.
    • He sat down next to the boy and snagged his bag of chips, tearing it open.
    • It's just slightly bigger than a Fig Newton with two tire irons snapped to the side, with no sharp edges or protruding tools to snag jersey pockets or cut spare tubes.
    • A branch snagged his shirt sleeve, and he tore a hole as he yanked himself free.
    • As the dealer points to the 3rd baseman, she accidentally snags her hole card on her sleeve and flips it face up.
    tear, rip, ladder, gash
    1. 1.1no object Become caught on a projection.
      radio aerials snagged on bushes and branches


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Divers have become lost inside the wreck or fouled on loose cables or caught by fishing nets snagged on the hull and drowned at the bottom.
      • Be careful sending up line from depth as there is a chance of it snagging.
      • Mr Metcalf, who was based at Ramsbottom Fire Station, dived for the boy but his rope became snagged on an underwater branch and he became submerged himself.
      • Fishing over and around structures often will produce results when you cannot catch fish elsewhere, although fishing lures may become snagged on structures and lost.
      • By rounding off all sharp edges, the gun does not snag when drawn or holstered.
      catch, catch in, hook, jag
    2. 1.2North American informal Catch or obtain (someone or something)
      it's the first time they've snagged the star for a photo



Late 16th century (in snag (sense 2 of the noun)): probably of Scandinavian origin. The early sense ‘stump sticking out from a tree trunk’ gave rise to a US sense ‘submerged piece of timber obstructing navigation’, of which sense 1 is originally a figurative use. Current verb senses arose in the 19th century.


Australian, NZ informal
  • A sausage.


    I make my own snags, my own pies and pasties
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We generally prefer snags with tomato sauce and white bread.
    • It was a busy 2 hours but Louise did manage to get a snag from the barbie!
    • Had a lovely time last night, threw a few snags and shrimps on the barbie with some family and friends, pavlola for sweets, a few sherberts, a fine time was had by all.
    • Arthur Chisolm, a 72-year-old volunteer who took great care when turning his snags on the hotplate, said more sausages would be sold during the school holidays, but he was unsure how many.
    • Officially crowned sausage king of the Traditional Australian and Gourmet class snags, Mr Barritt said using local ingredients and staff was the key to his success.


1940s: of unknown origin.





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