

单词 separation

Definition of separation in English:


noun sɛpəˈreɪʃ(ə)nˌsɛpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n
mass noun
  • 1The action or state of moving or being moved apart.


    the damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The film taps into one of the most basic primal fears of childhood: separation from one's parents.
    • But for others, adulthood marks the beginning of their freedom and separation from people who do not share their values.
    • He has no problem creating separation from defenders, but he runs undisciplined routes and rarely fights for the ball.
    • The album with 16 songs captures the torment, pain and frustration the prisoners undergo after separation from their loved ones.
    • As more and more Quebecers come to realize that a ‘yes’ vote means separation from Canada, fewer and fewer seem interested.
    • The central government later turned down the draft regulation as it was feared it would pave the way for the province's separation from Indonesia.
    • The author is himself a sixth generation Scot with a Highland background that has not been dimmed by 200 years of separation from his homeland.
    • Of course, reinforcing the more stable regions could lead to permanent separation and new borders.
    • By mixing wet and dry beads in a tumbler, and developing a theory for interacting beads, they found the precise conditions that lead to mixing or separation.
    • In the case of a guide dog that is affected, it can mean separation from their owner, having to be retrained, or in a small number of cases, withdrawn from working altogether.
    • We endured the pain of separation from our loved ones, were frightened when the rockets came in to camp and lives were lost.
    • Since the testimony will spread by word of mouth, anyone who's ever played telephone knows it's going to get wilder and further from the truth with each degree of separation from the source.
    • Youth is contained here and the women who fold away the knick-knacks of toddlers in their rooms display a sadness and sense of separation from the world they once inhabited.
    • The desert landscape is associated in the poetry with elopement, hardship, separation from lover or parents.
    • The researchers speculated that separation from parents might hinder the chances of forming intimate relationships as an adult.
    • There would then be over 50,000 such pieces; their average separation from one another on the ground would be over a mile.
    • With their abiding sense of separation from the rest of the Pacific, the Cook Islands have never been, and likely never will be, a mainstream Pacific destination.
    • Despite tremendous separation from the pro leagues, and lack of strong training resources and facilities, basketball trails only hockey in popularity.
    • The police also are under pressure to prove they can work effectively after their separation from the Indonesian Military.
    • The rebels have several times expressed their position, that they only will talk on the basis of separation from the Republic.
    disconnection, detachment, severance, uncoupling, dissociation, disassociation, disjunction, disunion, disaffiliation, segregation
    literary sundering
    rare disseverment
    1. 1.1 The state in which a couple remain married but live apart.
      legal grounds for divorce or separation


      See also legal separation
      count noun she and her husband have agreed to a trial separation

      她与丈夫同意试分居。参见LEGAL SEPARATION (义项1)。

      Example sentencesExamples
      • She was back in the dream, the nightmare of her parent's separation.
      • Prior to the separation, the wife worked full time in the husband's family business.
      • I think it reasonable to infer that the standard of living enjoyed by the plaintiff prior to separation was in part dependent on the greater income produced by the defendant.
      • Following separation the plaintiff did not find it necessary to encroach upon her assets.
      • When finally he got his separation from his wife and his property settlement, he decided to go in a different direction.
      • I am not persuaded that spousal support should be ordered retroactively to the date of separation as sought.
      • The husband testified he owned no such assets at separation.
      • There had been absolutely no possibility of any trial separation while we were here together in Asia, for housing reasons - it's even worse than Manhattan!
      • The parties lived very well before their separation with live-in help.
      • A father remains a father in separation, divorce or marriage and their responsibilities and rights cannot be taken away.
      • Moreover, he had just completed the purchase of the new family house, which is not readily consistent with an extended trial separation.
      • The obligation for spousal support commenced upon separation in October 1999.
      • With respect to these two pensions, the first pension was fully vested at the time of separation and thus the respondent wife has fully realized on this asset.
      • Despite the problems that have been going on since separation, the parties have chosen to remain in the home together with the children while they tried to achieve a resolution.
      • I was asked to determine the value of the wife's pension and the husband's entitlement to a credit for payment of the wife's debt after separation.
      • He says that other than a few months separation back in 1972, they have remained together.
      • Five years would have passed since the parties' separation with no spousal support having been pursued on interim motions or paid.
      • In such states, adultery remains a viable basis for divorce or separation.
      • At the time of separation the wife had not worked outside the home for 17 years.
      • In addition, the husband made voluntary payments to the wife following the separation of $600 per month.
      break-up, split, split-up, parting, estrangement, parting of the ways, rift, rupture, breach
  • 2The division of something into constituent or distinct elements.


    prose structured into short sentences with meaningful separation into paragraphs


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This genetic separation into two groups was also clear when working with the complete set of 306 plants.
    • The separation and division of the works into three spaces in some ways disturbed the continuity of the curatorial exercise.
    • This finding was the basis for separation into the 2 groups.
    • Here the separation into subsets is easy - how many ways can you partition a set of two items?
    • The next important step in the evolution of Parliament was the separation into houses.
    • Your five year plan is well prepared and your separation of the various parts of the town into divisions establishes manageable work programmes in each.
    • This separation into stanzas is reinforced by differing dominant sounds.
    • Elliott's thematic gear shifting and tempo changing make the album's separation into eight tracks largely beside the point.
    • The separation of club and divisional teams in the County Championship was done and extra games were provided.
    1. 2.1 The extraction or removal of a specified substance for use or rejection.
      an improved method of lead separation
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This processing may include distillation or other methods or separation or purification that may be necessary to be applied before they are of usable form.
      • Fluxing of the melt facilitates the agglomeration and separation of such undesirable constituents from the melt.
      • One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
      • The focus of this research is on separation and regeneration of the catalysts in order to decrease costs of production while increasing the purity of the product.
      • By this process, a highly efficient separation of substances can be achieved.
      • The window is kept clean by means of inert gas flow at the window flange, which also carries away the gaseous products through an outlet port at the cavity bottom into a quencher for zinc condensation and separation.
      • A chemical separation method, leaching works mainly to isolate soluble materials from a solid mixture.
      • Ultimately, such novel protein architectures could be designed to include functional elements useful in sensing, separation or other technological applications on the molecular scale.
      • If any metal complexation route to produce ethylene is ever going to succeed commercially, olefin separation needs to compare favourably with cryogenics.
      • The most widely used method for separation of nucleic acids is precipitation with ethanol or other organic solvents.
      • This meant that the ‘total synthesis’ would have produced a mixture of isomers requiring painstaking separation.
      • The foam is consequently difficult to handle, and protein separation by conventional chromatographic methods is only partially successful.
      • Blood is conveyed into the first compartment for centrifugal separation into components.
      • His research in spectroscopy and chemical separation laid the groundwork for generations of analytical chemist.
      • Lasers have also revolutionized the separation of chemical isotopes, which had otherwise been extremely difficult, if not impossible.
      extraction, removal, detachment
    2. 2.2 The process of distinguishing between two or more things.
      religion involved the separation of the sacred and the profane


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A complete separation of religion from the state guarantees this freedom and protects children from manipulation by religions.
      • He describes the new reality as complex, with no separation into domestic and foreign concerns, and he no longer sees states as the sole threat.
      • Yet despite public pressures, the strict church-state separation laid down by the Warren Court survived.
      • Neither banishment of religion from the society nor a rigid wall of separation between religion and the State underlies the concept of secularism in India and elsewhere in the East.
      • You're positively correct, there is no separation between what I do and who I am; I don't go home in the evening and take off my designer hat.
      • There is no separation between the sacred and the profane, because there are no profane objects in this Universe.
      • To achieve real democracy, we need to enforce the separation of corporations and the state.
      • ‘There's an ideal I aim for where there is no separation between work and pleasure,’ he says.
      • African spirituality at its best, on the other hand, finds no separation between the sacred and the secular.
      • Essentially it means the separation of religion from some element of society, be that education, ethics or government.
      • A hallmark of these democracies has been the separation of religion and politics.
      • It was found that the plaques violated the U.S. Constitution's precepts on separation of church and state.
      • They also emphasize that there should be no separation between religion and the law.
      • He said there must be absolute separation between the decision-making process in planning and those who stood to gain from the decisions.
      • Whatever it is, don't run on church-state separation alone.
      • Tomorrow, the Supreme Court decides if school vouchers violate the constitutional separation of church and state.
      distinction, difference, differentiation, division, dividing line
      gulf, gap, chasm
  • 3Distinction or difference between the signals carried by the two channels of a stereophonic system.


    use two transmitters for full stereo separation
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Oddly enough, the Japanese stereo track is actually an improvement over that of the first volume, with better channel separation and more bass activity.
    • The audio fares much better, with occasionally muffled dialogue and moderate use of the left and right speakers, giving some appearance of channel separation.
    • The few action sequences let viewers hear nice separation in the stereo channels.
    • Actually, while this is a nice mix it does display a few inconstancies in the way of dynamic range and channel separation.
    • Sound wise, the Dolby Digital Stereo offers no real channel separation and the aural palette is so limited that there is no real chance at creating ambiance or atmosphere.
    • It exhibits dated fidelity, there's very little channel separation, no bass activity, and the surrounds rarely come into play.
    • The audio is presented in what appears to be Dolby Stereo, although there is next to no channel separation and the final result is indistinguishable from a mono track.
    • The packaging says it's mono, but somehow I doubt this because there is noticeable separation in the front channels.
    • The stereo soundtracks predominantly come across more like two-channel mono; only in the music can any real channel separation be found.
    • Dialogue is well presented with moderate use of channel separation.
    • Channel separation, frequency response, clarity were all excellent, with plenty of panning sounds front to rear and right to left, or both.
    • With crisp dialogue and nice separation among the available channels, many scenes begged for the richness of a true surround mix.
    • The stereo sound is merely okay, with passable channel separation and fidelity, allowing you to enjoy bad voiceover acting at its finest.
    • The Japanese stereo track features very good channel separation and some rather nice low-end action.
    • Excellent imaging and detailed channel separation, along with the aforementioned stirring score gives this disc a memorable sound.
    • Your audio choice is a very nice Dolby Digital 2.0 Spanish mix, which has very good separation over the two channels and some nice bass.
    • Both the English stereo dub and the original Japanese stereo track are thin and pinched, with very little channel separation.
    • The stereo mix gives only a slightly more channel separation, but not by much.
    • The original Japanese stereo audio has very good channel separation and a much wider soundstage than I had anticipated.
    • The rear surrounds are put to good use, although there is not clearly defined separation or distinction between the channels.
  • 4

    short for colour separation
    Example sentencesExamples
    • You may ask why I use CMYK separation rather than the more normal CMY.
  • 5Aeronautics Physics
    The generation of a turbulent boundary layer between the surface of a body and a moving fluid, or between two fluids moving at different speeds.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The same mechanism of unsteady vorticity injection appears to control separation and turbulence production.
    • The optical measurement of surface separation is based on thin-film interferometry.
    • His work on separation of the boundary layer was summarised in the Von Neumann lecture he gave to the American Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in 1980.
    • This is the first time that a fluid bilayer/fluid isotropic DAG phase separation within the bilayer is directly observed.
    • As scale decreases, viscous forces inhibit separation with the consequence that the additional lift must diminish and, at some unknown Re, disappear.


  • separation of powers

    • The vesting of the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers of government in separate bodies.


      constitutional arrangements based on separation of powers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When the constitution was written there was no question of strict separation of powers either in the Westminster system or in Australia.
      • It actually gave rise to and provided justification for the principle of separation of powers in the establishment of our republic.
      • The Australian Constitution, with its more rigorous separation of powers, prevents our common law changing in the same direction.
      • He said it also violates the government's separation of powers.
      • Although there is no separation of powers, unlike the USA, the system only makes democratic sense if the legislature acts as a brake on the executive.
      • That's why the president talked about the separation of powers.
      • And getting the court involved in this to me was a great mistake, because it violates the separation of powers.
      • There can be nothing more activist than members of congress violating the separation of powers as they did this past week-end.
      • The constitutionality of the legislation is suspect and potentially breaches the separation of powers.
      • Voluntarily appearing in front of a congressional committee in public does not violate separation of powers.


Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin separatio(n-), from separare 'disjoin, divide' (see separate).

Definition of separation in US English:


  • 1The action or state of moving or being moved apart.


    the damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We endured the pain of separation from our loved ones, were frightened when the rockets came in to camp and lives were lost.
    • By mixing wet and dry beads in a tumbler, and developing a theory for interacting beads, they found the precise conditions that lead to mixing or separation.
    • The album with 16 songs captures the torment, pain and frustration the prisoners undergo after separation from their loved ones.
    • Youth is contained here and the women who fold away the knick-knacks of toddlers in their rooms display a sadness and sense of separation from the world they once inhabited.
    • But for others, adulthood marks the beginning of their freedom and separation from people who do not share their values.
    • Of course, reinforcing the more stable regions could lead to permanent separation and new borders.
    • The film taps into one of the most basic primal fears of childhood: separation from one's parents.
    • The desert landscape is associated in the poetry with elopement, hardship, separation from lover or parents.
    • In the case of a guide dog that is affected, it can mean separation from their owner, having to be retrained, or in a small number of cases, withdrawn from working altogether.
    • The rebels have several times expressed their position, that they only will talk on the basis of separation from the Republic.
    • Despite tremendous separation from the pro leagues, and lack of strong training resources and facilities, basketball trails only hockey in popularity.
    • The author is himself a sixth generation Scot with a Highland background that has not been dimmed by 200 years of separation from his homeland.
    • Since the testimony will spread by word of mouth, anyone who's ever played telephone knows it's going to get wilder and further from the truth with each degree of separation from the source.
    • The researchers speculated that separation from parents might hinder the chances of forming intimate relationships as an adult.
    • With their abiding sense of separation from the rest of the Pacific, the Cook Islands have never been, and likely never will be, a mainstream Pacific destination.
    • The central government later turned down the draft regulation as it was feared it would pave the way for the province's separation from Indonesia.
    • As more and more Quebecers come to realize that a ‘yes’ vote means separation from Canada, fewer and fewer seem interested.
    • He has no problem creating separation from defenders, but he runs undisciplined routes and rarely fights for the ball.
    • There would then be over 50,000 such pieces; their average separation from one another on the ground would be over a mile.
    • The police also are under pressure to prove they can work effectively after their separation from the Indonesian Military.
    disconnection, detachment, severance, uncoupling, dissociation, disassociation, disjunction, disunion, disaffiliation, segregation
    break-up, split, split-up, parting, estrangement, parting of the ways, rift, rupture, breach
    1. 1.1 The state in which a couple remain married but live apart.
      legal grounds for divorce or separation


      See also legal separation
      she and her husband have agreed to a trial separation

      她与丈夫同意试分居。参见LEGAL SEPARATION (义项1)。

      Example sentencesExamples
      • In such states, adultery remains a viable basis for divorce or separation.
      • With respect to these two pensions, the first pension was fully vested at the time of separation and thus the respondent wife has fully realized on this asset.
      • The obligation for spousal support commenced upon separation in October 1999.
      • I was asked to determine the value of the wife's pension and the husband's entitlement to a credit for payment of the wife's debt after separation.
      • He says that other than a few months separation back in 1972, they have remained together.
      • The parties lived very well before their separation with live-in help.
      • When finally he got his separation from his wife and his property settlement, he decided to go in a different direction.
      • Following separation the plaintiff did not find it necessary to encroach upon her assets.
      • In addition, the husband made voluntary payments to the wife following the separation of $600 per month.
      • At the time of separation the wife had not worked outside the home for 17 years.
      • She was back in the dream, the nightmare of her parent's separation.
      • Despite the problems that have been going on since separation, the parties have chosen to remain in the home together with the children while they tried to achieve a resolution.
      • There had been absolutely no possibility of any trial separation while we were here together in Asia, for housing reasons - it's even worse than Manhattan!
      • The husband testified he owned no such assets at separation.
      • Prior to the separation, the wife worked full time in the husband's family business.
      • I think it reasonable to infer that the standard of living enjoyed by the plaintiff prior to separation was in part dependent on the greater income produced by the defendant.
      • A father remains a father in separation, divorce or marriage and their responsibilities and rights cannot be taken away.
      • Five years would have passed since the parties' separation with no spousal support having been pursued on interim motions or paid.
      • I am not persuaded that spousal support should be ordered retroactively to the date of separation as sought.
      • Moreover, he had just completed the purchase of the new family house, which is not readily consistent with an extended trial separation.
      break-up, split, split-up, parting, estrangement, parting of the ways, rift, rupture, breach
  • 2The division of something into constituent or distinct elements.


    prose structured into short sentences with meaningful separation into paragraphs


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The separation of club and divisional teams in the County Championship was done and extra games were provided.
    • Here the separation into subsets is easy - how many ways can you partition a set of two items?
    • This finding was the basis for separation into the 2 groups.
    • The separation and division of the works into three spaces in some ways disturbed the continuity of the curatorial exercise.
    • Elliott's thematic gear shifting and tempo changing make the album's separation into eight tracks largely beside the point.
    • The next important step in the evolution of Parliament was the separation into houses.
    • Your five year plan is well prepared and your separation of the various parts of the town into divisions establishes manageable work programmes in each.
    • This genetic separation into two groups was also clear when working with the complete set of 306 plants.
    • This separation into stanzas is reinforced by differing dominant sounds.
    1. 2.1 The process of sorting and then extracting or removing a specified substance for use or rejection.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ultimately, such novel protein architectures could be designed to include functional elements useful in sensing, separation or other technological applications on the molecular scale.
      • One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
      • A chemical separation method, leaching works mainly to isolate soluble materials from a solid mixture.
      • By this process, a highly efficient separation of substances can be achieved.
      • The window is kept clean by means of inert gas flow at the window flange, which also carries away the gaseous products through an outlet port at the cavity bottom into a quencher for zinc condensation and separation.
      • His research in spectroscopy and chemical separation laid the groundwork for generations of analytical chemist.
      • Lasers have also revolutionized the separation of chemical isotopes, which had otherwise been extremely difficult, if not impossible.
      • The most widely used method for separation of nucleic acids is precipitation with ethanol or other organic solvents.
      • Blood is conveyed into the first compartment for centrifugal separation into components.
      • This meant that the ‘total synthesis’ would have produced a mixture of isomers requiring painstaking separation.
      • The focus of this research is on separation and regeneration of the catalysts in order to decrease costs of production while increasing the purity of the product.
      • Fluxing of the melt facilitates the agglomeration and separation of such undesirable constituents from the melt.
      • If any metal complexation route to produce ethylene is ever going to succeed commercially, olefin separation needs to compare favourably with cryogenics.
      • The foam is consequently difficult to handle, and protein separation by conventional chromatographic methods is only partially successful.
      • This processing may include distillation or other methods or separation or purification that may be necessary to be applied before they are of usable form.
      extraction, removal, detachment
    2. 2.2 The process of distinguishing between two or more things.
      religion involved the separation of the sacred and the profane


      the constitution imposed a clear separation between church and state


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A hallmark of these democracies has been the separation of religion and politics.
      • There is no separation between the sacred and the profane, because there are no profane objects in this Universe.
      • You're positively correct, there is no separation between what I do and who I am; I don't go home in the evening and take off my designer hat.
      • He describes the new reality as complex, with no separation into domestic and foreign concerns, and he no longer sees states as the sole threat.
      • Neither banishment of religion from the society nor a rigid wall of separation between religion and the State underlies the concept of secularism in India and elsewhere in the East.
      • Whatever it is, don't run on church-state separation alone.
      • Tomorrow, the Supreme Court decides if school vouchers violate the constitutional separation of church and state.
      • It was found that the plaques violated the U.S. Constitution's precepts on separation of church and state.
      • They also emphasize that there should be no separation between religion and the law.
      • Yet despite public pressures, the strict church-state separation laid down by the Warren Court survived.
      • Essentially it means the separation of religion from some element of society, be that education, ethics or government.
      • ‘There's an ideal I aim for where there is no separation between work and pleasure,’ he says.
      • African spirituality at its best, on the other hand, finds no separation between the sacred and the secular.
      • A complete separation of religion from the state guarantees this freedom and protects children from manipulation by religions.
      • To achieve real democracy, we need to enforce the separation of corporations and the state.
      • He said there must be absolute separation between the decision-making process in planning and those who stood to gain from the decisions.
      distinction, difference, differentiation, division, dividing line
  • 3Distinction or difference between the signals carried by the two channels of a stereophonic system.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Channel separation, frequency response, clarity were all excellent, with plenty of panning sounds front to rear and right to left, or both.
    • The stereo soundtracks predominantly come across more like two-channel mono; only in the music can any real channel separation be found.
    • Actually, while this is a nice mix it does display a few inconstancies in the way of dynamic range and channel separation.
    • The audio is presented in what appears to be Dolby Stereo, although there is next to no channel separation and the final result is indistinguishable from a mono track.
    • The few action sequences let viewers hear nice separation in the stereo channels.
    • The stereo mix gives only a slightly more channel separation, but not by much.
    • The stereo sound is merely okay, with passable channel separation and fidelity, allowing you to enjoy bad voiceover acting at its finest.
    • The Japanese stereo track features very good channel separation and some rather nice low-end action.
    • Sound wise, the Dolby Digital Stereo offers no real channel separation and the aural palette is so limited that there is no real chance at creating ambiance or atmosphere.
    • The audio fares much better, with occasionally muffled dialogue and moderate use of the left and right speakers, giving some appearance of channel separation.
    • Excellent imaging and detailed channel separation, along with the aforementioned stirring score gives this disc a memorable sound.
    • The original Japanese stereo audio has very good channel separation and a much wider soundstage than I had anticipated.
    • Dialogue is well presented with moderate use of channel separation.
    • The rear surrounds are put to good use, although there is not clearly defined separation or distinction between the channels.
    • Both the English stereo dub and the original Japanese stereo track are thin and pinched, with very little channel separation.
    • It exhibits dated fidelity, there's very little channel separation, no bass activity, and the surrounds rarely come into play.
    • With crisp dialogue and nice separation among the available channels, many scenes begged for the richness of a true surround mix.
    • The packaging says it's mono, but somehow I doubt this because there is noticeable separation in the front channels.
    • Oddly enough, the Japanese stereo track is actually an improvement over that of the first volume, with better channel separation and more bass activity.
    • Your audio choice is a very nice Dolby Digital 2.0 Spanish mix, which has very good separation over the two channels and some nice bass.
  • 4

    short for color separation
    Example sentencesExamples
    • You may ask why I use CMYK separation rather than the more normal CMY.
  • 5Aeronautics Physics
    The generation of a turbulent boundary layer between the surface of a body and a moving fluid, or between two fluids moving at different speeds.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The optical measurement of surface separation is based on thin-film interferometry.
    • The same mechanism of unsteady vorticity injection appears to control separation and turbulence production.
    • His work on separation of the boundary layer was summarised in the Von Neumann lecture he gave to the American Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in 1980.
    • As scale decreases, viscous forces inhibit separation with the consequence that the additional lift must diminish and, at some unknown Re, disappear.
    • This is the first time that a fluid bilayer/fluid isotropic DAG phase separation within the bilayer is directly observed.


  • separation of powers

    • An act of vesting the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government in separate bodies.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Voluntarily appearing in front of a congressional committee in public does not violate separation of powers.
      • He said it also violates the government's separation of powers.
      • The Australian Constitution, with its more rigorous separation of powers, prevents our common law changing in the same direction.
      • There can be nothing more activist than members of congress violating the separation of powers as they did this past week-end.
      • And getting the court involved in this to me was a great mistake, because it violates the separation of powers.
      • Although there is no separation of powers, unlike the USA, the system only makes democratic sense if the legislature acts as a brake on the executive.
      • That's why the president talked about the separation of powers.
      • It actually gave rise to and provided justification for the principle of separation of powers in the establishment of our republic.
      • The constitutionality of the legislation is suspect and potentially breaches the separation of powers.
      • When the constitution was written there was no question of strict separation of powers either in the Westminster system or in Australia.


Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin separatio(n-), from separare ‘disjoin, divide’ (see separate).





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