

单词 filthy

Definition of filthy in English:


adjectivefilthier, filthiest ˈfɪlθiˈfɪlθi
  • 1Disgustingly dirty.

    a filthy hospital with no sanitation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The old trawler's toilets were so filthy that we could not use them.
    • Residents claim that they are filthy, covered in mud in wet weather and dust in dry weather, and lead to dirt being trodden into their homes.
    • The air is so filthy cigarette smoke is your only chance of imbibing oxygen.
    • Each episode opens with a coach and horses drawing up outside the brooding building and the camera, roaming through the filthy corridors, seeking out the appropriate actor.
    • So when I was on the run I was filthy so much and cold sometimes but I was free.
    • I thought my days of hand washing were over and the easy days of slamming and cramming dirty, filthy, dishes had arrived in full force.
    • Maybe the bathrooms are even more disgustingly filthy, though.
    • But my major concern is the health service, the fact that hospitals are filthy.
    • They will have a long wait and most will end up in filthy bedsits, damp mobile homes and some with just a room at a house for teenage mothers.
    • In spite of the light drizzle, the crowd milling around a filthy mud tenement continued to swell.
    • He was damp and filthy and his little clothing hung half off him, but I could see nothing but the ghastly maiming to his eyes.
    • She knew she was dirty and filthy and right now, she smelled horrific.
    • I am not a filthy rag and I am not an abomination.
    • But the roads are terribly congested and the air's so filthy.
    • These children are being raised in homes that are absolutely filthy.
    • Officers and men alike were perpetually cold, wet, filthy, tired and frustrated.
    • Last Monday, after a west wind, the sea was 13° and filthy dirty.
    • I had to give her something instead of placing those filthy rags on her.
    • By the end of the night, her dress was filthy, her hair was sticking to the top of her sweaty forehead and covered in straw, and her arms were so tired she felt like passing out.
    • Brother John warns him that the boys are dirty, degenerate and filthy little hooligans, not to be mistaken for intelligent human beings.
    dirty, mucky, grimy, muddy, murky, slimy, unclean
    foul, squalid, sordid, shabby, sleazy, nasty, soiled, sullied, scummy
    polluted, contaminated, unhygienic, unsanitary
    rotten, defiled, decaying, putrid, putrefied, smelly, fetid, faecal
    informal cruddy, grungy, yucky
    British informal grotty
    Northern Irish informal bogging
    literary befouled, besmirched, begrimed
    rare feculent
    unwashed, unclean, dirty, grimy, dirt-encrusted, smeared, smeary, grubby, muddy, mucky, black, blackened, begrimed, stained, unkempt
    1. 1.1 Obscene and offensive.
      filthy language


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There has been drugs, fighting, filthy language, and police coming round at all hours.
      • Now I no longer smoke, I no longer drink, my language is no longer filthy, and I bathe daily.
      • Her mother was screaming filthy obscenities and it was wrong of her to do that.
      • I don't need to run down my opponent through filthy language in order to win.
      • Although she does lose points because the rest of the song is also absolutely filthy.
      • Being filthy dirty is not funny (as my mother always used to tell me when she caught me using too many four-lettered words), at least not by itself.
      • ‘They spit, swear and use the most filthy language,’ he said.
      • But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
      • Learn some filthy words and phrases from languages you don't normally speak.
      • ‘She is also settling in nicely, though she has picked up a lot of filthy language from Sydney,’ said Julie.
      • He ignored them and kept pulling at my skirt, mouthing filthy language.
      • The porn industry might be a dirty filthy shamefully-run machine, but aren't most entertainment industries?
      • Thousands of e-mails began pouring in, some writers chastising us with perverse and filthy language while others described us as heroes with guts.
      • The removal of that filthy, vile piece was not inexplicable.
      • The court heard how he had made people's lives a misery with threats, filthy language and abusive and intimidating conduct.
      • Here is some more filthy trash by this 16th century pornographer.
      • I'm not going to allow that filthy language in here.
      • The judge had directed the jury to consider whether the material under consideration was repulsive, filthy, loathsome and lewd.
      • I'm sorry to say this and please don't get too angry, but what a filthy mouth you have dear.
      • The explicit, filthy language of sexual situations coming out of their mouths was shocking.
      obscene, indecent, dirty, smutty, rude, improper, corrupt, coarse, bawdy, unrefined, indelicate, vulgar, lewd, racy, raw, off colour, earthy, ribald, risqué, licentious, ‘adult’
      vile, depraved, foul, impure, offensive, prurient, salacious, pornographic, explicit, foul-mouthed
      informal blue, raunchy, near the knuckle/bone, nudge-nudge, porn, porno, X-rated
    2. 1.2British informal (of weather) very unpleasant.
      it looked like being a filthy night


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Earlier, an MCA spokesman said: ‘The weather is filthy and anything we do is likely to be dictated by the weather.’
      • Cross-country entries decreased due to filthy weather but some great races ensued.
      • The northern wing fell back, in filthy weather, on Metz.
      • They are particularly appropriate on those utterly filthy days of freezing rain, when the neoprene insulation is a blessing.
      • They face it every week, pitting themselves against tortuous terrain and filthy weather, recovering the fells' casualties without pay or team funding.
      • The violent electrical discharges would be heard as swishing fizzes on speakers, and the lights flickered occasionally, but these were the only signs of a filthy night outside.
      • And it did so on a filthy night in a suburb of the city and in circumstances that could hardly have been more dramatic.
      • In contrast, the weather was filthy, however, and the driving rain was no aid to good kicking, particularly as Eden were without regular goal-kicker Rick Heron.
      • For the third visit running, the most notable aspect of an England Test match at Centurion Park was the filthy weather.
      • His opponents were also helped by the filthy weather.
      cold, chilly, bitter, bleak, raw, wintry, freezing, snowy, icy
    3. 1.3informal Angry and bad-tempered.
      he arrived at the meeting half an hour late and in a filthy temper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then again, it's got nothing to do with the gods when you've got a filthy temper, and that I certainly have.
      • On the morning of my last day at home, my father came bursting into my room in a particularly filthy temper.
      • Meade was not a brilliant general, and his filthy temper made him a difficult man to serve.
      • Both Andrea and I have been in filthy moods, and spent the whole day reading rude remarks into everything people say.
      • And like your mother, you're beautiful, but you have a filthy temper.
      bad, foul, unpleasant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, aggressive, cross, fractious, peevish, short-tempered, hot-tempered, quick-tempered
      informal snappish, snappy, chippy, on a short fuse, short-fused
      British informal shirty, stroppy, narky, ratty
      North American informal cranky, ornery, peckish, soreheaded
      informal, dated waxy, miffy
    4. 1.4informal Contemptible (used for emphasis)
      you filthy liar


      Example sentencesExamples
      • An all-encompassing disgust with the whole filthy business is a way to claim your good-citizenship merit badge without earning it.
      • Get your filthy paws off her, I think as anger sweeps through my body but it is shortly replaced with a desire.
      • She didn't want to do anything that would arouse this filthy man's suspicions or anger.
      • And this is how you repay her efforts, you filthy bastard.
      • Or am I just a filthy minded pervert?
      • They were disgusting, filthy people, more disgusting than anything she could have imagined.
      • Oh, and I was also 14 at the time, you filthy bastards.
      • A poacher would neither understand, nor care… vile, filthy, treacherous and thieving creatures of the night they are.
      • But now the youth of today, they live in sin rotting like beasts between filthy sheets.
      • Not all men are filthy, disgusting, vile excuses for human beings, you know.
      • After years of being a non-smoker my husband has taken up the filthy habit again.
      • Her mother believed it was a filthy habit that just ended up killing you.
      • "You snuck up on us, you filthy bastard," Millie said.
      • Normal people say I'm to young, much to young, that it's filthy and disgusting, but I know they think I deserve it deep down.
      • She blames everything on him, disgusted by his filthy ways and drug use, even going so far as to blame him for their inability to conceive a child.
      • For seven days Ghost had ridden on the back of this filthy beast their handler called Daisy.
      • One night, he begins to write down how he feels about the ‘intricate, filthy, disgusting maze’ he concocted to snare her.
      • Oh my God, what kind of filthy perverts are these?
      • I'll also be honest and say that I'm a filthy liar when I say there are countless pictures like that.
      • Amazing how a dirty filthy traitor can become a confused kid with a heart of gold when Dad can afford good lawyers.
      despicable, contemptible, nasty, low, base, mean, vile, disgusting, unpleasant, obnoxious, wretched, shabby, sordid
      informal dirty, dirty rotten, low-down, no-good, beastly, lousy
adverb ˈfɪlθiˈfɪlθi
  • as submodifier To an extreme extent.

    he has become filthy rich


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If they are right, many of them will become filthy rich, maybe even millionaires.
    • It was not a good exchange but at least some people got filthy rich from the dealings.
    • Most romance writers don't get famous, nor - contrary to popular belief - filthy rich.
    • I'm back from Sydney and even managed to go out last night on top of not much sleep the night before and a filthy hangover that nothing would cure.
    • They were all filthy rich (they had gold bars taped to their torsos).
    • But, if he is, again the way the filthy rich are treated in our society may be relevant.
    • Of course, he could have sued the guard, but, hey, he's probably not filthy rich, is he?
    • Finally, you are shown the adventures of Ella, a lady chimney sweep with a filthy cold.
    • So, if there's anyone out there in Edinburgh who's filthy rich, then do get in touch.
    • Now, on a filthy rich supermodel the low-slung jean probably looks quite good.
    • Polo as an international circle is so tight and so filthy rich that impostors are rare.
    • If it wasn't for the fact that he's filthy rich, and can afford paid staff, I suspect he himself might find it difficult to find a job in this high-tech world.
    • They've found many new and innovative ways to become filthy rich with very little work, but they don't keep it to themselves.
    • So what are the symptoms of becoming filthy rich overnight?
    • Yet already I've thought up at least 145 ways I would insult people if I were filthy rich.
    • The mega-wealthy and the filthy rich have been feeding their faces at the expense of the rest of us.
    • Yet it came from a tiny little schoolgirl, who'd been struck down by a filthy cold on the day of the recording.
    • That makes it all the more depressing, for one would have hoped that someone who came up the hard way would know that the filthy rich don't deserve special favors.
    • Financial independence is not about getting filthy rich, but it's about having enough to give away to others with a free conscience.
    • He declared that most long fraud trials were the result of the very rich robbing the filthy rich, who then pursued justice at the expense of the taxpayer.
    very, extremely, tremendously, immensely, vastly, hugely, remarkably
    disgustingly, excessively, exceedingly, abominably, revoltingly
    informal stinking, terrifically, awfully, terribly, madly, seriously, mega, ultra, damn, damned, too … for words


  • filthily

  • adverb ˈfɪlθɪliˈfɪlθəli
    • He ends up with some of his fellow trainees, secretly filmed, being filthily racist in their language, their fantasies and their behaviour.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Don't sulk and get in a filthily bad temper unless you've got an audience to notice this change in mood, and at least one person who will bravely ask you what's wrong.
      • In what other sport but cricket could you get 26,000 people splashing around in the puddles of a filthily overcast ground, waiting in vain for a game that might never resume?
      • Do you all talk that filthily at your company?
      • Jimmy swore filthily and grabbed Timmy's arm as if to protect him; Dan and Kenneth exchanged worried glances, fearing it was over for them.
  • filthiness

  • noun ˈfɪlθɪnəsˈfɪlθinəs
    • You could smell his filthiness a long way away.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Those statements have, in every case, been allegations of fact - illness, madness, filthiness or defilement.
      • The guard hesitated, eying her suspiciously, taking in her filthiness and the peasant clothes she was wearing.
      • The dirt and the filthiness of the city and its open drains nauseate her.
      • The house was a little bigger on the inside than it had appeared externally, though my first impression of its filthiness held true.

Definition of filthy in US English:


  • 1Disgustingly dirty.

    a filthy hospital with no sanitation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But my major concern is the health service, the fact that hospitals are filthy.
    • But the roads are terribly congested and the air's so filthy.
    • Last Monday, after a west wind, the sea was 13° and filthy dirty.
    • Brother John warns him that the boys are dirty, degenerate and filthy little hooligans, not to be mistaken for intelligent human beings.
    • These children are being raised in homes that are absolutely filthy.
    • I thought my days of hand washing were over and the easy days of slamming and cramming dirty, filthy, dishes had arrived in full force.
    • The old trawler's toilets were so filthy that we could not use them.
    • She knew she was dirty and filthy and right now, she smelled horrific.
    • By the end of the night, her dress was filthy, her hair was sticking to the top of her sweaty forehead and covered in straw, and her arms were so tired she felt like passing out.
    • Officers and men alike were perpetually cold, wet, filthy, tired and frustrated.
    • They will have a long wait and most will end up in filthy bedsits, damp mobile homes and some with just a room at a house for teenage mothers.
    • Each episode opens with a coach and horses drawing up outside the brooding building and the camera, roaming through the filthy corridors, seeking out the appropriate actor.
    • I am not a filthy rag and I am not an abomination.
    • In spite of the light drizzle, the crowd milling around a filthy mud tenement continued to swell.
    • I had to give her something instead of placing those filthy rags on her.
    • The air is so filthy cigarette smoke is your only chance of imbibing oxygen.
    • So when I was on the run I was filthy so much and cold sometimes but I was free.
    • Residents claim that they are filthy, covered in mud in wet weather and dust in dry weather, and lead to dirt being trodden into their homes.
    • He was damp and filthy and his little clothing hung half off him, but I could see nothing but the ghastly maiming to his eyes.
    • Maybe the bathrooms are even more disgustingly filthy, though.
    dirty, mucky, grimy, muddy, murky, slimy, unclean
    unwashed, unclean, dirty, grimy, dirt-encrusted, smeared, smeary, grubby, muddy, mucky, black, blackened, begrimed, stained, unkempt
    1. 1.1 Obscene and offensive.
      filthy language


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although she does lose points because the rest of the song is also absolutely filthy.
      • The explicit, filthy language of sexual situations coming out of their mouths was shocking.
      • The removal of that filthy, vile piece was not inexplicable.
      • Being filthy dirty is not funny (as my mother always used to tell me when she caught me using too many four-lettered words), at least not by itself.
      • ‘They spit, swear and use the most filthy language,’ he said.
      • Her mother was screaming filthy obscenities and it was wrong of her to do that.
      • Thousands of e-mails began pouring in, some writers chastising us with perverse and filthy language while others described us as heroes with guts.
      • ‘She is also settling in nicely, though she has picked up a lot of filthy language from Sydney,’ said Julie.
      • But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
      • Learn some filthy words and phrases from languages you don't normally speak.
      • The court heard how he had made people's lives a misery with threats, filthy language and abusive and intimidating conduct.
      • I don't need to run down my opponent through filthy language in order to win.
      • Now I no longer smoke, I no longer drink, my language is no longer filthy, and I bathe daily.
      • The porn industry might be a dirty filthy shamefully-run machine, but aren't most entertainment industries?
      • I'm sorry to say this and please don't get too angry, but what a filthy mouth you have dear.
      • The judge had directed the jury to consider whether the material under consideration was repulsive, filthy, loathsome and lewd.
      • There has been drugs, fighting, filthy language, and police coming round at all hours.
      • Here is some more filthy trash by this 16th century pornographer.
      • He ignored them and kept pulling at my skirt, mouthing filthy language.
      • I'm not going to allow that filthy language in here.
      obscene, indecent, dirty, smutty, rude, improper, corrupt, coarse, bawdy, unrefined, indelicate, vulgar, lewd, racy, raw, off colour, earthy, ribald, risqué, licentious
    2. 1.2British informal (of weather) very unpleasant.
      it looked like a filthy night


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For the third visit running, the most notable aspect of an England Test match at Centurion Park was the filthy weather.
      • In contrast, the weather was filthy, however, and the driving rain was no aid to good kicking, particularly as Eden were without regular goal-kicker Rick Heron.
      • His opponents were also helped by the filthy weather.
      • They face it every week, pitting themselves against tortuous terrain and filthy weather, recovering the fells' casualties without pay or team funding.
      • The violent electrical discharges would be heard as swishing fizzes on speakers, and the lights flickered occasionally, but these were the only signs of a filthy night outside.
      • They are particularly appropriate on those utterly filthy days of freezing rain, when the neoprene insulation is a blessing.
      • The northern wing fell back, in filthy weather, on Metz.
      • Cross-country entries decreased due to filthy weather but some great races ensued.
      • Earlier, an MCA spokesman said: ‘The weather is filthy and anything we do is likely to be dictated by the weather.’
      • And it did so on a filthy night in a suburb of the city and in circumstances that could hardly have been more dramatic.
      cold, chilly, bitter, bleak, raw, wintry, freezing, snowy, icy
    3. 1.3informal (of a mood) bad-tempered and aggressive.
      he arrived at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Both Andrea and I have been in filthy moods, and spent the whole day reading rude remarks into everything people say.
      • On the morning of my last day at home, my father came bursting into my room in a particularly filthy temper.
      • Meade was not a brilliant general, and his filthy temper made him a difficult man to serve.
      • Then again, it's got nothing to do with the gods when you've got a filthy temper, and that I certainly have.
      • And like your mother, you're beautiful, but you have a filthy temper.
      bad, foul, unpleasant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, aggressive, cross, fractious, peevish, short-tempered, hot-tempered, quick-tempered
    4. 1.4informal Used to express one's anger and disgust.
      〈非正式〉 表示愤怒、憎恶可耻的;卑鄙的
      you filthy beast


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Oh, and I was also 14 at the time, you filthy bastards.
      • Amazing how a dirty filthy traitor can become a confused kid with a heart of gold when Dad can afford good lawyers.
      • She blames everything on him, disgusted by his filthy ways and drug use, even going so far as to blame him for their inability to conceive a child.
      • "You snuck up on us, you filthy bastard," Millie said.
      • She didn't want to do anything that would arouse this filthy man's suspicions or anger.
      • But now the youth of today, they live in sin rotting like beasts between filthy sheets.
      • Get your filthy paws off her, I think as anger sweeps through my body but it is shortly replaced with a desire.
      • One night, he begins to write down how he feels about the ‘intricate, filthy, disgusting maze’ he concocted to snare her.
      • An all-encompassing disgust with the whole filthy business is a way to claim your good-citizenship merit badge without earning it.
      • For seven days Ghost had ridden on the back of this filthy beast their handler called Daisy.
      • And this is how you repay her efforts, you filthy bastard.
      • Normal people say I'm to young, much to young, that it's filthy and disgusting, but I know they think I deserve it deep down.
      • Oh my God, what kind of filthy perverts are these?
      • A poacher would neither understand, nor care… vile, filthy, treacherous and thieving creatures of the night they are.
      • They were disgusting, filthy people, more disgusting than anything she could have imagined.
      • After years of being a non-smoker my husband has taken up the filthy habit again.
      • Not all men are filthy, disgusting, vile excuses for human beings, you know.
      • Her mother believed it was a filthy habit that just ended up killing you.
      • Or am I just a filthy minded pervert?
      • I'll also be honest and say that I'm a filthy liar when I say there are countless pictures like that.
      despicable, contemptible, nasty, low, base, mean, vile, disgusting, unpleasant, obnoxious, wretched, shabby, sordid
  • as submodifier To an extreme and often disgusting extent.


    he has become filthy rich


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yet already I've thought up at least 145 ways I would insult people if I were filthy rich.
    • If they are right, many of them will become filthy rich, maybe even millionaires.
    • If it wasn't for the fact that he's filthy rich, and can afford paid staff, I suspect he himself might find it difficult to find a job in this high-tech world.
    • Now, on a filthy rich supermodel the low-slung jean probably looks quite good.
    • Polo as an international circle is so tight and so filthy rich that impostors are rare.
    • They've found many new and innovative ways to become filthy rich with very little work, but they don't keep it to themselves.
    • Finally, you are shown the adventures of Ella, a lady chimney sweep with a filthy cold.
    • He declared that most long fraud trials were the result of the very rich robbing the filthy rich, who then pursued justice at the expense of the taxpayer.
    • That makes it all the more depressing, for one would have hoped that someone who came up the hard way would know that the filthy rich don't deserve special favors.
    • So, if there's anyone out there in Edinburgh who's filthy rich, then do get in touch.
    • So what are the symptoms of becoming filthy rich overnight?
    • But, if he is, again the way the filthy rich are treated in our society may be relevant.
    • They were all filthy rich (they had gold bars taped to their torsos).
    • The mega-wealthy and the filthy rich have been feeding their faces at the expense of the rest of us.
    • It was not a good exchange but at least some people got filthy rich from the dealings.
    • Financial independence is not about getting filthy rich, but it's about having enough to give away to others with a free conscience.
    • I'm back from Sydney and even managed to go out last night on top of not much sleep the night before and a filthy hangover that nothing would cure.
    • Yet it came from a tiny little schoolgirl, who'd been struck down by a filthy cold on the day of the recording.
    • Most romance writers don't get famous, nor - contrary to popular belief - filthy rich.
    • Of course, he could have sued the guard, but, hey, he's probably not filthy rich, is he?
    very, extremely, tremendously, immensely, vastly, hugely, remarkably




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更新时间:2024/10/19 18:26:35