

单词 Nazi

Definition of Nazi in English:


nounPlural Nazis ˈnɑːtsiˈnɑtsi
  • 1A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He documents the slow, deliberate erosion of German democracy during the Nazi's inexorable drive toward tyranny.
    • Doriot supported the Nazis and collaborated directly with the German occupying force.
    • But few would guess her harrowing ordeal at the Nazi's Dachau death camp.
    • From there it is no great leap to the slogan of the Nazis, ‘Proud to be German’.
    • Thus the Nazis justified the policy of total extermination or Holocaust of an entire people.
    • One room at the Tate Modern in central London is temporarily devoted to artists condemned by Adolf Hitler's Nazis as degenerate.
    • In the twilight of the Second World War hundreds of Nazis fled to Argentina.
    • That fire was created by the Nazis for the express purpose of rousing the German population and passage of the Enabling Act.
    • When Russia was attacked by the Nazis in the Second World War, the CP switched overnight to supporting the war.
    • To end the chaos, the electorate chose the centralized, nationalistic rule of the Nazis.
    • This was the case under the German monarch, again with the Nazis, and, in a different form, in the East German state.
    • At one time, it was a pilgrimage centre for top Nazis such as Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess.
    • Yes, the Germans had the Nazis and the French the Reign of Terror and Vichy.
    • After the first Moscow show trial, the wave of arrests also engulfed the German émigrés who had fled from the Nazis.
    • In Germany, he proposed a United Front of communists and social democrats to oppose the Nazis.
    • Edelweiss Pirates is a fascinating work dealing with the proletarian opposition to the Nazis in the city of Cologne.
    • While the Nazis acted as a party and not as a state power, they did not find an approach to the working class.
    • The Nazis were a fringe party until Germany was struck by vast unemployment.
    • These people went on to collaborate with the Nazis during the Second World War.
    • The Nazis defined the nation biologically, others understood it culturally or historically.
    • No doubt it was the most interesting period in German film history since the time before the Nazis came.
    • The term is a reference to the fascist counterrevolution, that which the Nazis called the National Revolution.
    1. 1.1derogatory A person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It takes two minutes searching the Internet to learn the truth about the England First Party that they are a racist, fascist Nazi front.
      • Attempts to pander to racism by targeting immigrants had only helped the Nazis gain support and given confidence to every right winger in the land.
      • It's like condemning the Labour Party for not throwing any Nazis off their membership lists.
      • Ten years ago the BNP Nazis thought they were on the brink of such a breakthrough in Britain.
      • This is an area where the Nazis have conned voters into electing five BNP councillors.
      • In my opinion, US leaders are simply Nazis in beliefs and Nazis in their actions.
      • We have seen in this area how the government's attacks on asylum seekers have only encouraged the Nazis to scapegoat refugees.
      • During the election campaign the BNP bussed Nazis in from across London.
      • These marches are a vital focus for local opposition to the Nazis of the BNP.
      • They are not the same as the Nazis of the BNP, but they are a reflection of the fragmentation of the mainstream right.
      • I guess what I'm wondering is at what point do we become a nation of Nazis.
      • Disparate voices were united in a huge protest against the Nazis of the National Front, who the police waded in to protect.
      • The same goes for building a unified fight against the BNP Nazis.
      • The BNP Nazis want to uproot people whose families have lived in Britain for generations.
      • Which is why most people try to avoid labelling their political enemies Nazis: its a bit ridiculous really.
      • The BNP Nazis are standing a candidate in a council by-election on Thursday.
      • Every major party claims to be strongly against the Nazis and against racism.
      • Let me lay it out plainly for all the white nationalist Nazis in hiding.
      • Can we roll back the tide of racism against refugees, and beat back the Nazis of the British National Party?
      • We have to remember that most BNP voters are not hardened Nazis, and angry workers who listen to the BNP will also listen to us.
      • In Blackburn the National Front and another Nazi group got a combined vote of 38 percent.
      • The encounter prompted many people to call Rocket a Nazi for his patriotic beliefs.
      authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, nazi, extreme right-winger, far right-winger, rightist, blackshirt, militarist
    2. 1.2 A person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.
      I learned to be more open and not such a Nazi in the studio


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This weekend was particularly interesting because of the Falun Gong demonstration amid all the chaos of white-faced ghouls, bondage Nazis and bemused tourists.
      • Finally, if releasing a book at a precise date and time is so financially important to the embargo Nazis, let them shoulder the security costs.
      • We have made appeals using common sense to show how nonsensical are the health reasons advanced by the health zealots, the health Nazis of Labour.
      • These are the real Nazis.
      • Victims of the appeasement trap often manifest their desperation by becoming company-culture Nazis.
      • Yes, and I'm sure the Few fought the Battle of Britain so that chinless little Nazis could fight elections in this country.
      • I'm a bit of a nazi about some grammar/spelling related issues.
      • I have no doubt that the health and safety Nazis will add this to their crusade against fun.
      • Let me admit up front that I am a travel nazi.
      • But I also think in the media we have people who are sort of like tolerance Nazis.
      • This is the epic story of why Wade is such a nazi.
      • People are being manipulated and mislead - by safety Nazis like you, Mister.

The Nazi Party was formed in Munich after the First World War. It advocated right-wing authoritarian nationalist government, and developed a racist ideology based on anti-Semitism and a belief in the superiority of ‘Aryan’ Germans. Its leader, Adolf Hitler, who was elected Chancellor in 1933, established a totalitarian dictatorship and precipitated the Second World War. The Nazi Party collapsed at the end of the War and was outlawed

adjective ˈnɑːtsiˈnɑtsi
  • Of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • High- and middle-ranking Nazi party members returned to public office and leading positions in the economy.
    • Shops and businesses were destroyed and their owners murdered by Nazi party members.
    • One of the T-shirts for sale had a portrait of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler standing on a laurel.
    • The most fanatical Nazi leaders - Hitler, Goebbels and Bormann - stayed in Berlin, while others fled.
    • It hid its real Nazi ideology in the elections and sought to pick up votes by tapping into the huge bitterness with mainstream politicians.
    • Indeed, until mid-1941, there were more communists and socialists in Nazi concentration camps than Jews.
    • The city of Sunderland is free from Nazi councillors despite a concerted effort by the BNP.
    • A search of the corporal's quarters following the attack is reported to have found Nazi BNP propaganda.
    • From 1938 he closely collaborated with Nazi architect Albert Speer.
    • One of her admirers was Adolf Hitler, who asked her to film the Nazi party rally of 1933.
    • He said it was too biased to be called a documentary and was similar to work by Nazi propaganda director Leni Riefenstahl.
    • In 1920, Hitler announced to the very small Nazi Party the Five Points of national Socialism.
    • Both objections were made to the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders after World War II.
    • She says she was never a Nazi party member, and never anti-Semitic.
    • He spent the war in Berlin, an honored guest of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
    • Indeed, Nazi ideology and methods were totally incompatible with the Catholic position.
    • German films explore Nazi terror and the resistance to it
    • He did not, for instance, nominate Born, who had become a refugee from Nazi anti-Semitism.
    • Next month marks the 60th anniversary of the defeat of Hitler's Nazi regime.
    • Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime persecuted and massacred millions of Jews.
    authoritarian, totalitarian, dictatorial, despotic, draconian, autocratic, nazi, undemocratic, anti-democratic, illiberal, extreme right-wing, far right-wing, rightist, militarist


  • Nazidom

  • noun
    • Now that's the cold disconcerting face of anti-smoker Nazidom right there in all it's brutal simplicity.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A claustrophobic journey into Nazidom, the likes we have rarely seen before.
      • The first experiments in the Collective under Marxism and Nazidom assumed that the individual must be sacrificed as a tool for the State.
      • This was not at all unusual in pictures made by Hollywood about Nazidom during the 1930s through the end of World War II.
      • Bad as he was, Hitler was not the arch-villain of Nazidom; his lieutenant Josef Goebbels was.
      • The twin cancers of Nazidom and Soviet-style communism have been destroyed.
  • Nazify

  • verbNazifying, Nazified, Nazifies ˈnɑːtsɪfʌɪ
    [with object]historical
    • Make Nazi in character.

      he tried to Nazify the church and schools
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nazified language
      • Dresden was an industrial and railway hub and heavily Nazified.
      • The result, in a manuscript completed in 1946, is a series of brilliant essays on how German language - and thus thought - was Nazified, words being equivalent to ‘tiny doses of arsenic’.
      • To conform with what was already happening in Germany, various Dutch professions were Nazified; all Jews in these fields had to abandon their work.
  • Naziism

  • nounˈnɑːtsiːɪz(ə)mˈnɑtsiˌɪzəm
    • They weren't evil, even though they flirted with Naziism in a pretty stupid manner.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Marxism of Sartre and the Naziism of Heidegger are sufficient to prove that Existentialism, which already denies any reality to moral principles, can randomly be associated with any sort of politics.
      • For a long time, the origin of the Third Reich consumed the attention of historians interested in German Naziism.
      • Suddenly it seemed that Naziism was alive and well and living in Vienna, not least because Haider's anti-immigration and anti-EU rhetoric seemed to hark back to a darker past.
      • Of course, both Naziism and Soviet communism were critiques of bourgeois liberalism, so maybe they had a lot in common to begin with after all.


German, abbreviation representing the pronunciation of Nati- in Nationalsozialist 'national socialist', probably by analogy with Sozi, from Sozialist 'socialist'.

Definition of Nazi in US English:


  • 1A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.


    The Nazi Party was formed in Munich after World War I. It advocated right-wing authoritarian nationalist government and developed a racist ideology based on anti-Semitism and a belief in the superiority of “Aryan” Germans. Its charismatic leader, Adolf Hitler, who was elected Chancellor in 1933, established a totalitarian dictatorship, rearmed Germany in support of expansionist foreign policies in central Europe, and thus precipitated World War II. The Nazi Party collapsed at the end of the war and was outlawed in Germany

    Example sentencesExamples
    • He documents the slow, deliberate erosion of German democracy during the Nazi's inexorable drive toward tyranny.
    • These people went on to collaborate with the Nazis during the Second World War.
    • From there it is no great leap to the slogan of the Nazis, ‘Proud to be German’.
    • While the Nazis acted as a party and not as a state power, they did not find an approach to the working class.
    • In the twilight of the Second World War hundreds of Nazis fled to Argentina.
    • After the first Moscow show trial, the wave of arrests also engulfed the German émigrés who had fled from the Nazis.
    • When Russia was attacked by the Nazis in the Second World War, the CP switched overnight to supporting the war.
    • Doriot supported the Nazis and collaborated directly with the German occupying force.
    • One room at the Tate Modern in central London is temporarily devoted to artists condemned by Adolf Hitler's Nazis as degenerate.
    • That fire was created by the Nazis for the express purpose of rousing the German population and passage of the Enabling Act.
    • This was the case under the German monarch, again with the Nazis, and, in a different form, in the East German state.
    • In Germany, he proposed a United Front of communists and social democrats to oppose the Nazis.
    • To end the chaos, the electorate chose the centralized, nationalistic rule of the Nazis.
    • But few would guess her harrowing ordeal at the Nazi's Dachau death camp.
    • Yes, the Germans had the Nazis and the French the Reign of Terror and Vichy.
    • No doubt it was the most interesting period in German film history since the time before the Nazis came.
    • At one time, it was a pilgrimage centre for top Nazis such as Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess.
    • The term is a reference to the fascist counterrevolution, that which the Nazis called the National Revolution.
    • Edelweiss Pirates is a fascinating work dealing with the proletarian opposition to the Nazis in the city of Cologne.
    • Thus the Nazis justified the policy of total extermination or Holocaust of an entire people.
    • The Nazis were a fringe party until Germany was struck by vast unemployment.
    • The Nazis defined the nation biologically, others understood it culturally or historically.
    1. 1.1derogatory A person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Every major party claims to be strongly against the Nazis and against racism.
      • We have to remember that most BNP voters are not hardened Nazis, and angry workers who listen to the BNP will also listen to us.
      • It's like condemning the Labour Party for not throwing any Nazis off their membership lists.
      • In my opinion, US leaders are simply Nazis in beliefs and Nazis in their actions.
      • Ten years ago the BNP Nazis thought they were on the brink of such a breakthrough in Britain.
      • The encounter prompted many people to call Rocket a Nazi for his patriotic beliefs.
      • In Blackburn the National Front and another Nazi group got a combined vote of 38 percent.
      • Can we roll back the tide of racism against refugees, and beat back the Nazis of the British National Party?
      • During the election campaign the BNP bussed Nazis in from across London.
      • The BNP Nazis are standing a candidate in a council by-election on Thursday.
      • Which is why most people try to avoid labelling their political enemies Nazis: its a bit ridiculous really.
      • I guess what I'm wondering is at what point do we become a nation of Nazis.
      • They are not the same as the Nazis of the BNP, but they are a reflection of the fragmentation of the mainstream right.
      • We have seen in this area how the government's attacks on asylum seekers have only encouraged the Nazis to scapegoat refugees.
      • Disparate voices were united in a huge protest against the Nazis of the National Front, who the police waded in to protect.
      • It takes two minutes searching the Internet to learn the truth about the England First Party that they are a racist, fascist Nazi front.
      • The BNP Nazis want to uproot people whose families have lived in Britain for generations.
      • Let me lay it out plainly for all the white nationalist Nazis in hiding.
      • This is an area where the Nazis have conned voters into electing five BNP councillors.
      • The same goes for building a unified fight against the BNP Nazis.
      • Attempts to pander to racism by targeting immigrants had only helped the Nazis gain support and given confidence to every right winger in the land.
      • These marches are a vital focus for local opposition to the Nazis of the BNP.
      authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, nazi, extreme right-winger, far right-winger, rightist, blackshirt, militarist
    2. 1.2 A person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.
      I learned to be more open and not such a Nazi in the studio


      Example sentencesExamples
      • People are being manipulated and mislead - by safety Nazis like you, Mister.
      • This weekend was particularly interesting because of the Falun Gong demonstration amid all the chaos of white-faced ghouls, bondage Nazis and bemused tourists.
      • Yes, and I'm sure the Few fought the Battle of Britain so that chinless little Nazis could fight elections in this country.
      • We have made appeals using common sense to show how nonsensical are the health reasons advanced by the health zealots, the health Nazis of Labour.
      • But I also think in the media we have people who are sort of like tolerance Nazis.
      • I have no doubt that the health and safety Nazis will add this to their crusade against fun.
      • These are the real Nazis.
      • I'm a bit of a nazi about some grammar/spelling related issues.
      • This is the epic story of why Wade is such a nazi.
      • Victims of the appeasement trap often manifest their desperation by becoming company-culture Nazis.
      • Let me admit up front that I am a travel nazi.
      • Finally, if releasing a book at a precise date and time is so financially important to the embargo Nazis, let them shoulder the security costs.
  • Of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime persecuted and massacred millions of Jews.
    • Next month marks the 60th anniversary of the defeat of Hitler's Nazi regime.
    • The most fanatical Nazi leaders - Hitler, Goebbels and Bormann - stayed in Berlin, while others fled.
    • Shops and businesses were destroyed and their owners murdered by Nazi party members.
    • He did not, for instance, nominate Born, who had become a refugee from Nazi anti-Semitism.
    • He spent the war in Berlin, an honored guest of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
    • One of the T-shirts for sale had a portrait of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler standing on a laurel.
    • The city of Sunderland is free from Nazi councillors despite a concerted effort by the BNP.
    • One of her admirers was Adolf Hitler, who asked her to film the Nazi party rally of 1933.
    • Indeed, Nazi ideology and methods were totally incompatible with the Catholic position.
    • Both objections were made to the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders after World War II.
    • German films explore Nazi terror and the resistance to it
    • She says she was never a Nazi party member, and never anti-Semitic.
    • Indeed, until mid-1941, there were more communists and socialists in Nazi concentration camps than Jews.
    • A search of the corporal's quarters following the attack is reported to have found Nazi BNP propaganda.
    • From 1938 he closely collaborated with Nazi architect Albert Speer.
    • In 1920, Hitler announced to the very small Nazi Party the Five Points of national Socialism.
    • It hid its real Nazi ideology in the elections and sought to pick up votes by tapping into the huge bitterness with mainstream politicians.
    • High- and middle-ranking Nazi party members returned to public office and leading positions in the economy.
    • He said it was too biased to be called a documentary and was similar to work by Nazi propaganda director Leni Riefenstahl.
    authoritarian, totalitarian, dictatorial, despotic, draconian, autocratic, nazi, undemocratic, anti-democratic, illiberal, extreme right-wing, far right-wing, rightist, militarist


German, abbreviation representing the pronunciation of Nati- in Nationalsozialist ‘national socialist’, probably by analogy with Sozi, from Sozialist ‘socialist’.





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