

单词 Nazarene

Definition of Nazarene in English:


noun ˈnazəriːnˌnazəˈriːnˈnæzəˌrin
  • 1A native or inhabitant of Nazareth.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Jesus Christ was often referred to as a Nazarene, or Jesus of Nazareth, in both a complimentary way, by Himself and those who believed in Him, and in a derogatory manner, by those who didn't.
    • So even when he chastised his fellow Nazarenes for not accepting him, he did it out of a loving concern and even anguish over their hardness of heart.
    • Surely if the Nazarenes had called out to Jesus as Bartimaeus did, he would have opened their eyes, too.
    • But instead of smilingly accepting the accolades of his fellow Nazarenes, Jesus turns provocative.
    1. 1.1 Jesus Christ.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The scripture states, ‘Do not be alarmed, you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.’
      • Now some brutes force a man from Cyrene out of the crowd gathering to bear the cross of the Nazarene.
      • But the Nazarene and his apostles observed the Sabbath and circumcision as mentioned earlier, for they were born as Jews.
      • The precepts of the Nazarene, he asserted, were ‘the most pure, benevolent, and sublime which have ever been preached to man.’
      • All of this is encapsulated when Cleopas refers to ‘the Nazarene, considered by God and all the people to be a powerful prophet in all he did and said.’
      • In this context, George Bellows drew Jesus in prison stripes and detailed the Nazarene's seditious crimes.
      • Let's hear it for the heretics and the emergence of a Nazarene in the midst of all this theocratic consensus.
      • The apostles of the Nazarene then established them anew.
      • I had caused the people of Israel harm and had no understanding of the words of the Nazarene.
    2. 1.2 (chiefly in Jewish or Muslim use) a Christian.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A graffito on the wall of a ruined department store scrawls out a defiant message: ‘Muslim power vanquishes the Nazarenes.’
    3. 1.3 A member of an early sect of Jewish Christians, especially one in 4th-century Syria observing much of the Jewish law.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Still, somewhere beneath your feet is a subterranean passage that obligingly ran from this all male seminary to the next door convent of Nazarene nuns.
      • He boldly claims that he is a Nazarene descended from the Hebrew line of the Israelites.
    4. 1.4 A member of the Church of the Nazarene, a Protestant denomination founded in California.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A grandson of a Nazarene preacher, Edwards left the fold of his nascent church many a year ago but continues to hold tightly to the God he met there.
      • Raised as a Nazarene, she had been a member of a Pentecostal church during high school.
      • The grandson of a fiery Nazarene preacher in Colorado, it can be assumed that the only book allowed in his house as a child was the holy one.
      • In the Mennonite and Nazarene traditions there is an intimate and symbiotic relationship between colleges and church.
      • Carol was a graduate of Eatern Nazarene College as well as Muskingum.
      • Because the Nazarenes chose their own grasp of Jesus rather than looking to the Holy Spirit for revelation and divine insight.
      • My grandfather was a Free Methodist and later Nazarene pastor and spent time visiting Spiritwood.
      • The Illinois fall conference will be October 29-30 at Olivet Nazarene University.
      • Although her father was a preacher, she had found her way out of that world, triggered first in a Footloose style moment when she was cited for dancing at her Nazarene college.
      • A Nazarene minister in Idaho wants a Build A Plane project for the kids in his youth group.
      • Pastor Victor, the leader of this citywide organization, said that it is composed of Baptists, Methodists, Nazarenes and Presbyterians, but also the full gamut of Pentecostal groups.
      • Roman Catholic, Nazarene and Salvation Army mission officials are among the latest signing agreements.
      • A former aerospace engineer and boy scout troop leader, McGinley was raised a Nazarene Christian.
      • I met another guest, a beautiful young actress who grew up in the Nazarene community.
      • He received his Bachelors Degree in Physical Education last June from Point Loma Nazarene College and coaches track at a local high School.
      • The Nazarene church is also represented as are Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, and Evangelical Christians.
  • 2A member of a group of German painters formed in 1809, who sought to revive the art and techniques of medieval Germany and early Renaissance Italy.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The idea cannot be dismissed out of hand, but the similarity of technique in painting in bold colours on a light ground might be due to a common ancestry: the Nazarenes or the school of Lyons.
    • Its members wanted to reinvigorate painting with the colourfulness, naturalism, and ‘truthfulness’ of the early Italian painters, as the Nazarenes had done.
    • Yet a pretty, smooth drawing in the Italian manner of a young woman verges on the porcelain blandness of the faces in paintings by some who reckoned themselves his followers, like the 19 th-century Nazarenes.
    • The experiments in fresco at Westminster were the results of an enquiry by Dyce and Sir Charles Eastlake into the German Nazarene school.
    • The Nazarenes were a band of religiously devout artists at the Viennese Academy who formed themselves into the Brotherhood of St Luke, a reclusive community matched, although less formally, by the painters who gathered round
    • The circulation of engravings after German Nazarene artists also had a profound effect.
    • Like the Nazarenes, Dyce went on to become a painter principally of religious works; paintings of this sort, which sold in their thousands as prints, were de rigueur for the walls of any self-respecting Victorian household.
    • Even so, while the Nazarene brotherhood and the work of Runge in particular were to have an influence on England's Pre-Raphaelites, Friedrich is the one whose work has truly stood the test of time.
    • The pictures are certainly somewhat Nazarene in their style.
    • The show also highlights the work of the Nazarenes, formed by six art students in Vienna in l809 to invest modern painting with the purity of form and spiritual values they admired in early Renaissance painting.
    • Only Overbeck remained in Rome, his studio providing a meeting place for young artists who spread Nazarene ideals through Europe.
    • When we see a Nazarene painting from the life of Christ or a Baroque painting of Jews persecuting Jesus, we know that we are looking at a Nazarene or Baroque painting.
    • Fuseli's influence was now modified by that of the Nazarenes; Germanic illustrations to Frankenstein and Dante followed.
    • Other artists like Moritz von Schwind were influenced by the Nazarenes but drew more inspiration from fairytales as seen in The Rose / The Artist's Journey.
    • In that respect Nazarene painting differed from the blurred and heavy coloration of Rossetti and his immediate re-Raphaelite followers, although they were in some respects the Victorian counterparts of the Nazarenes.
adjective ˈnazəriːnˌnazəˈriːnˈnæzəˌrin
  • Relating to Nazareth or Nazarenes.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • How were they to know that this minor Nazarene prophet would cause such a fuss?
    • The question is merely a challenge to our accepted patterns of life, a threat to our content minds that is perhaps on a par with the words of one 2000 year old Nazarene carpenter.


Via late Latin from Greek Nazarēnos, from Nazaret 'Nazareth'.


Aberdeen, Amin, aquamarine, baleen, bean, been, beguine, Benin, between, canteen, careen, Claudine, clean, contravene, convene, cuisine, dean, Dene, e'en, eighteen, fascine, fedayeen, fifteen, figurine, foreseen, fourteen, Francine, gean, gene, glean, gombeen, green, Greene, Halloween, intervene, Janine, Jean, Jeannine, Jolene, Kean, keen, Keene, Ladin, langoustine, latrine, lean, limousine, machine, Maclean, magazine, Malines, margarine, marine, Mascarene, Massine, Maxine, mean, Medellín, mesne, mien, Moline, moreen, mujahedin, Nadine, nankeen, Nene, nineteen, nougatine, obscene, palanquin, peen, poteen, preen, quean, Rabin, Racine, ramin, ravine, routine, Sabine, saltine, sardine, sarin, sateen, scene, screen, seen, serene, seventeen, shagreen, shebeen, sheen, sixteen, spleen, spring-clean, squireen, Steen, submarine, supervene, tambourine, tangerine, teen, terrine, thirteen, transmarine, treen, tureen, Tyrrhene, ultramarine, umpteen, velveteen, wean, ween, Wheen, yean

Definition of Nazarene in US English:


  • 1A native or inhabitant of Nazareth.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So even when he chastised his fellow Nazarenes for not accepting him, he did it out of a loving concern and even anguish over their hardness of heart.
    • But instead of smilingly accepting the accolades of his fellow Nazarenes, Jesus turns provocative.
    • Surely if the Nazarenes had called out to Jesus as Bartimaeus did, he would have opened their eyes, too.
    • Jesus Christ was often referred to as a Nazarene, or Jesus of Nazareth, in both a complimentary way, by Himself and those who believed in Him, and in a derogatory manner, by those who didn't.
    1. 1.1the Nazarene Jesus Christ.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now some brutes force a man from Cyrene out of the crowd gathering to bear the cross of the Nazarene.
      • I had caused the people of Israel harm and had no understanding of the words of the Nazarene.
      • All of this is encapsulated when Cleopas refers to ‘the Nazarene, considered by God and all the people to be a powerful prophet in all he did and said.’
      • The scripture states, ‘Do not be alarmed, you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.’
      • The apostles of the Nazarene then established them anew.
      • Let's hear it for the heretics and the emergence of a Nazarene in the midst of all this theocratic consensus.
      • But the Nazarene and his apostles observed the Sabbath and circumcision as mentioned earlier, for they were born as Jews.
      • In this context, George Bellows drew Jesus in prison stripes and detailed the Nazarene's seditious crimes.
      • The precepts of the Nazarene, he asserted, were ‘the most pure, benevolent, and sublime which have ever been preached to man.’
    2. 1.2 (chiefly in Jewish or Muslim use) a Christian.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A graffito on the wall of a ruined department store scrawls out a defiant message: ‘Muslim power vanquishes the Nazarenes.’
    3. 1.3 A member of an early sect or faction of Jewish Christians, especially one in 4th-century Syria using an Aramaic version of the Gospels and observing much of the Jewish law.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Still, somewhere beneath your feet is a subterranean passage that obligingly ran from this all male seminary to the next door convent of Nazarene nuns.
      • He boldly claims that he is a Nazarene descended from the Hebrew line of the Israelites.
    4. 1.4 A member of the Church of the Nazarene, a Christian Protestant denomination originating in the American holiness movement.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although her father was a preacher, she had found her way out of that world, triggered first in a Footloose style moment when she was cited for dancing at her Nazarene college.
      • In the Mennonite and Nazarene traditions there is an intimate and symbiotic relationship between colleges and church.
      • Raised as a Nazarene, she had been a member of a Pentecostal church during high school.
      • Carol was a graduate of Eatern Nazarene College as well as Muskingum.
      • He received his Bachelors Degree in Physical Education last June from Point Loma Nazarene College and coaches track at a local high School.
      • The Illinois fall conference will be October 29-30 at Olivet Nazarene University.
      • I met another guest, a beautiful young actress who grew up in the Nazarene community.
      • Roman Catholic, Nazarene and Salvation Army mission officials are among the latest signing agreements.
      • The Nazarene church is also represented as are Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, and Evangelical Christians.
      • A grandson of a Nazarene preacher, Edwards left the fold of his nascent church many a year ago but continues to hold tightly to the God he met there.
      • A former aerospace engineer and boy scout troop leader, McGinley was raised a Nazarene Christian.
      • Pastor Victor, the leader of this citywide organization, said that it is composed of Baptists, Methodists, Nazarenes and Presbyterians, but also the full gamut of Pentecostal groups.
      • Because the Nazarenes chose their own grasp of Jesus rather than looking to the Holy Spirit for revelation and divine insight.
      • My grandfather was a Free Methodist and later Nazarene pastor and spent time visiting Spiritwood.
      • A Nazarene minister in Idaho wants a Build A Plane project for the kids in his youth group.
      • The grandson of a fiery Nazarene preacher in Colorado, it can be assumed that the only book allowed in his house as a child was the holy one.
  • 2A member of a group of German painters working mainly in Rome who from 1809 sought to revive the art and techniques of medieval Germany and early Renaissance Italy.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Nazarenes were a band of religiously devout artists at the Viennese Academy who formed themselves into the Brotherhood of St Luke, a reclusive community matched, although less formally, by the painters who gathered round
    • Its members wanted to reinvigorate painting with the colourfulness, naturalism, and ‘truthfulness’ of the early Italian painters, as the Nazarenes had done.
    • The experiments in fresco at Westminster were the results of an enquiry by Dyce and Sir Charles Eastlake into the German Nazarene school.
    • The circulation of engravings after German Nazarene artists also had a profound effect.
    • The show also highlights the work of the Nazarenes, formed by six art students in Vienna in l809 to invest modern painting with the purity of form and spiritual values they admired in early Renaissance painting.
    • Only Overbeck remained in Rome, his studio providing a meeting place for young artists who spread Nazarene ideals through Europe.
    • Fuseli's influence was now modified by that of the Nazarenes; Germanic illustrations to Frankenstein and Dante followed.
    • Like the Nazarenes, Dyce went on to become a painter principally of religious works; paintings of this sort, which sold in their thousands as prints, were de rigueur for the walls of any self-respecting Victorian household.
    • The pictures are certainly somewhat Nazarene in their style.
    • The idea cannot be dismissed out of hand, but the similarity of technique in painting in bold colours on a light ground might be due to a common ancestry: the Nazarenes or the school of Lyons.
    • Other artists like Moritz von Schwind were influenced by the Nazarenes but drew more inspiration from fairytales as seen in The Rose / The Artist's Journey.
    • Yet a pretty, smooth drawing in the Italian manner of a young woman verges on the porcelain blandness of the faces in paintings by some who reckoned themselves his followers, like the 19 th-century Nazarenes.
    • Even so, while the Nazarene brotherhood and the work of Runge in particular were to have an influence on England's Pre-Raphaelites, Friedrich is the one whose work has truly stood the test of time.
    • In that respect Nazarene painting differed from the blurred and heavy coloration of Rossetti and his immediate re-Raphaelite followers, although they were in some respects the Victorian counterparts of the Nazarenes.
    • When we see a Nazarene painting from the life of Christ or a Baroque painting of Jews persecuting Jesus, we know that we are looking at a Nazarene or Baroque painting.
  • Relating to Nazareth or Nazarenes.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • How were they to know that this minor Nazarene prophet would cause such a fuss?
    • The question is merely a challenge to our accepted patterns of life, a threat to our content minds that is perhaps on a par with the words of one 2000 year old Nazarene carpenter.


Via late Latin from Greek Nazarēnos, from Nazaret ‘Nazareth’.





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