

单词 proconsul


noun prəʊˈkɒns(ə)lproʊˈkɑnsəl
  • 1A governor of a province in ancient Rome, having much of the authority of a consul.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Hyrcanus, though he might call himself king, got only Jerusalem, along with a few pieces north and south, but even this small area he could not govern without checking in with the Roman proconsul in Damascus.
    • Faltonia Proba was from a noble Roman family, and was probably the wife of the proconsul Clodius Celsinus Adelphius, who was prefect in AD 351.
    • He would remain proconsul over Italy, Spain, Gaul and Syria, but the Senate would take up responsibility for the rest of the provinces.
    • The proconsul and the police captain tried to persuade Polycarp to save his life by saying ‘Caesar is Lord’ and sacrificing to the Roman gods.
    • Finally, lording over the tumult is the third major actor in the drama, the Roman proconsul Heraclius, who directs the route of the procession from his mount in the exact center of the canvas.
    • Cicero was out of Rome during the eighteen months preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, being selected under regulations following Pompey's lex de provinciis.
    • The latter has taken on a role akin to the proconsuls of the Roman Empire, dutifully relaying ever more onerous conditions imposed by the IMF.
    • This was the main purpose of Rome's magistrates for most of her history, and even when they had become mostly civilian magistrates, as propraetors and proconsuls they still went out to govern provinces and wage wars.
    • Like the proconsuls of ancient Rome, the viceroy governed, administered, judged, superintended the royal treasury, was commander in chief of the army, and the vice patron of the church.
    • Studies of Mughals and missionaries, of explorers and proconsuls, have reshaped metropolitan studies, including the character of imperial expansion itself.
    • They received tribute payments from western kings and gave to those kings titles like proconsul and Master of the Horse.
    • It carefully contrived the fantasies of a modern Roman Empire and grafted the passion for unrestricted authority on to the viceroy, governors and administrators who were greeted as proconsuls and centurians.
    • A little later came the proconsuls, men of imperial gravitas, stately courtesy and crisp, regulation haircuts.
    • It needed only a few Roman officials, with a proconsul at their head, to govern this senatorial province; moreover, to judge from the epigraphic sources, very few Roman citizens were tempted to settle there.
    • Under the old Republic, a proconsul was the supreme civil and military officer of the province, superior to all other Romans and natives in the province.
    • If the Roman proconsul reinforced dominant notions of ideal masculinity and thereby captured the admiration of almost all the reviewers in 1834, the same cannot be said of the principal female figure in Ingres's painting.
    • The second event is the subject of the first Louvre miniature, the Conversion of the Roman proconsul.
    • His inattention provides a foil for the conversion of the Roman proconsul Sergius Paulus at the center of the image.
    • The ancient road system in southern Gaul began after the foundation of the province of Gallia Transalpina in 118 BC, when the proconsul Cnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus constructed the Via Domitia.
    • Caesar proconsul of the province of Further Spain; victorious campaign against the Lusitani which permits him to seek a Triumph in Rome.
  • 2A governor or deputy consul of a modern colony.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He served in Britain under Claudius and was proconsul of Africa in 63.
    • What kind of economy would the US proconsul be supervising?
    • In September 1911 he became the proconsul of Egypt, ruling there and in the Sudan until August 1914.
    • Above all their proconsuls and representatives must let themselves be seen and talk to the people.
    • The proconsuls had few illusions about the nature of the tasks they set themselves or of the people whom they hoped to liberate.
    • They ridiculed leaked U.S. plans to install a proconsul in the Douglas MacArthur mold, strutting around with a cob pipe and dictating orders to a humiliated people.
    • With the defeat of Japan, MacArthur became the virtual American proconsul in Tokyo, often ignoring instructions from Washington on occupation policy.
    • He does this, too, from the ground up-from the recruitment of junior officers to the proconsuls at the top-and he follows the story from the origins of each service to the period of decolonization.
    • The SEP insists that the Iraqi people and the people of the entire Middle East must be free to determine their own political destiny, without being subject to the dictates of US proconsuls.
    • Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
    • They made clear that the US aimed to conquer the country and install a military proconsul - along the lines of General MacArthur's six and a half-year rule in Japan - before handing it over to a puppet government.
    • The New York Times revealed recently a US occupation plan calling for Iraq to be governed by a military proconsul.
    • In Nicaragua, as elsewhere, no self-determination is tolerated and the U.S. ambassador is the de facto proconsul.
    • The chapter on the rise of the proconsuls demonstrates how the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 invested tremendous power in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and regional commanders in chief.
    • The ex-Unocal man is now special US envoy to his native country - in effect, the US proconsul in Kabul, who supervises the political affairs of the Afghan puppet regime from day to day.
    • Why not go the full hog and ask Dublin to send a proconsul to the loyal colony?
    • It requires the ruthless repression of all those who oppose the US domination of Iraq and believe that the country should be run by the Iraqi people themselves, rather than US proconsuls, generals and corporate profiteers.
    • Khalilzad, who acts as a proconsul dictating US terms in Afghanistan, declared to the press that it was time for the regional commanders to ‘clarify’ whether they wanted to join the government.


  • proconsular

  • adjective prəʊˈkɒnsjʊləproʊˈkɑns(j)(ə)lər
    • Above all it heralded the end of the proconsular autonomy hitherto enjoyed by the representatives on mission.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As praetor 148, he was sent to Macedonia, probably with proconsular status, and remained until 146, defeating Andriscus and perhaps another pretender.
      • The actual title was imperium praeconsulare maius - greater proconsular power.
  • proconsulate

  • noun prəʊˈkɒnsjʊlətproʊˈkɑns(j)(ə)lət
  • proconsulship

  • noun
    • We know of no other office held by Tacitus, till seniority brought him the proconsulship of Asia for 112-13.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The consulship of Pompey and Crassus; law passed prolonging Caesar's proconsulship for five years with new commands for both Consuls.
      • Recalled to Rome, Agricola lived in retirement, having refused the proconsulship of Asia.
      • The coalition provisional authority under the proconsulship will cease to exist, replaced by a new interim Iraqi government.
      • The inscription below the pediment indicates that the temple was dedicated in 183-4 by a Roman senator who had risen to hold the proconsulship of Asia.


From Latin pro consule '(one acting) for the consul'.


consul, tonsil


noun prəʊˈkɒns(ə)lproʊˈkɑnsəl
  • A fossil hominoid primate found in Lower Miocene deposits in East Africa, one of the last common ancestors of both humans and the great apes.

    Genus Proconsul, family Pongidae

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Although the taxonomic assignment of the Kisingiri and Tinderet material to the genus Proconsul is rather secure, the potential FAE and LAE for this taxon is somewhat problematic.
    • Instead, Morotopithecus is considered here to occupy the stratigraphic interval defined by the FAE of Proconsul and the FAE of Afropithecus.
    • The topologies of each of these eight cladograms were identical to the MMPC, except that the relative position of Proconsul varied across the set creating a polytomy between Proconsul and the two hominoid clades.
    • The ‘archaic’ group here included Proconsul with Afropithecus, Turkanapithecus, Equatorius, Kenyapithecus, and Griphopithecus.


  • 1A governor of a province in ancient Rome, having much of the authority of a consul.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Hyrcanus, though he might call himself king, got only Jerusalem, along with a few pieces north and south, but even this small area he could not govern without checking in with the Roman proconsul in Damascus.
    • His inattention provides a foil for the conversion of the Roman proconsul Sergius Paulus at the center of the image.
    • Caesar proconsul of the province of Further Spain; victorious campaign against the Lusitani which permits him to seek a Triumph in Rome.
    • Like the proconsuls of ancient Rome, the viceroy governed, administered, judged, superintended the royal treasury, was commander in chief of the army, and the vice patron of the church.
    • Under the old Republic, a proconsul was the supreme civil and military officer of the province, superior to all other Romans and natives in the province.
    • The ancient road system in southern Gaul began after the foundation of the province of Gallia Transalpina in 118 BC, when the proconsul Cnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus constructed the Via Domitia.
    • Cicero was out of Rome during the eighteen months preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, being selected under regulations following Pompey's lex de provinciis.
    • The second event is the subject of the first Louvre miniature, the Conversion of the Roman proconsul.
    • The latter has taken on a role akin to the proconsuls of the Roman Empire, dutifully relaying ever more onerous conditions imposed by the IMF.
    • They received tribute payments from western kings and gave to those kings titles like proconsul and Master of the Horse.
    • If the Roman proconsul reinforced dominant notions of ideal masculinity and thereby captured the admiration of almost all the reviewers in 1834, the same cannot be said of the principal female figure in Ingres's painting.
    • The proconsul and the police captain tried to persuade Polycarp to save his life by saying ‘Caesar is Lord’ and sacrificing to the Roman gods.
    • A little later came the proconsuls, men of imperial gravitas, stately courtesy and crisp, regulation haircuts.
    • It needed only a few Roman officials, with a proconsul at their head, to govern this senatorial province; moreover, to judge from the epigraphic sources, very few Roman citizens were tempted to settle there.
    • It carefully contrived the fantasies of a modern Roman Empire and grafted the passion for unrestricted authority on to the viceroy, governors and administrators who were greeted as proconsuls and centurians.
    • This was the main purpose of Rome's magistrates for most of her history, and even when they had become mostly civilian magistrates, as propraetors and proconsuls they still went out to govern provinces and wage wars.
    • Faltonia Proba was from a noble Roman family, and was probably the wife of the proconsul Clodius Celsinus Adelphius, who was prefect in AD 351.
    • He would remain proconsul over Italy, Spain, Gaul and Syria, but the Senate would take up responsibility for the rest of the provinces.
    • Studies of Mughals and missionaries, of explorers and proconsuls, have reshaped metropolitan studies, including the character of imperial expansion itself.
    • Finally, lording over the tumult is the third major actor in the drama, the Roman proconsul Heraclius, who directs the route of the procession from his mount in the exact center of the canvas.
  • 2A governor or deputy consul of a modern colony.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They made clear that the US aimed to conquer the country and install a military proconsul - along the lines of General MacArthur's six and a half-year rule in Japan - before handing it over to a puppet government.
    • The SEP insists that the Iraqi people and the people of the entire Middle East must be free to determine their own political destiny, without being subject to the dictates of US proconsuls.
    • He served in Britain under Claudius and was proconsul of Africa in 63.
    • Why not go the full hog and ask Dublin to send a proconsul to the loyal colony?
    • They ridiculed leaked U.S. plans to install a proconsul in the Douglas MacArthur mold, strutting around with a cob pipe and dictating orders to a humiliated people.
    • In Nicaragua, as elsewhere, no self-determination is tolerated and the U.S. ambassador is the de facto proconsul.
    • The chapter on the rise of the proconsuls demonstrates how the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 invested tremendous power in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and regional commanders in chief.
    • What kind of economy would the US proconsul be supervising?
    • It requires the ruthless repression of all those who oppose the US domination of Iraq and believe that the country should be run by the Iraqi people themselves, rather than US proconsuls, generals and corporate profiteers.
    • The proconsuls had few illusions about the nature of the tasks they set themselves or of the people whom they hoped to liberate.
    • Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
    • The New York Times revealed recently a US occupation plan calling for Iraq to be governed by a military proconsul.
    • Khalilzad, who acts as a proconsul dictating US terms in Afghanistan, declared to the press that it was time for the regional commanders to ‘clarify’ whether they wanted to join the government.
    • In September 1911 he became the proconsul of Egypt, ruling there and in the Sudan until August 1914.
    • The ex-Unocal man is now special US envoy to his native country - in effect, the US proconsul in Kabul, who supervises the political affairs of the Afghan puppet regime from day to day.
    • He does this, too, from the ground up-from the recruitment of junior officers to the proconsuls at the top-and he follows the story from the origins of each service to the period of decolonization.
    • With the defeat of Japan, MacArthur became the virtual American proconsul in Tokyo, often ignoring instructions from Washington on occupation policy.
    • Above all their proconsuls and representatives must let themselves be seen and talk to the people.


From Latin pro consule ‘(one acting) for the consul’.


  • A fossil hominoid primate found in Lower Miocene deposits in East Africa, one of the last common ancestors of both humans and the great apes.

    Genus Proconsul, family Pongidae

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Although the taxonomic assignment of the Kisingiri and Tinderet material to the genus Proconsul is rather secure, the potential FAE and LAE for this taxon is somewhat problematic.
    • The topologies of each of these eight cladograms were identical to the MMPC, except that the relative position of Proconsul varied across the set creating a polytomy between Proconsul and the two hominoid clades.
    • Instead, Morotopithecus is considered here to occupy the stratigraphic interval defined by the FAE of Proconsul and the FAE of Afropithecus.
    • The ‘archaic’ group here included Proconsul with Afropithecus, Turkanapithecus, Equatorius, Kenyapithecus, and Griphopithecus.




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