

单词 file


noun ˈfiːleɪˈfēlā
mass nounNorth American
  • Pounded or powdered sassafras leaves used to flavour and thicken soup, especially gumbo.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Likewise filé powder made from the dried leaves of the sassafras tree would be added during the final stages of cooking to give the gumbo a ‘stringy’ texture.
    • "It's a sin to eat gumbo without filé."
    • Filé has since become a signature flavor in Cajun cooking, adding authentic Louisiana character to mouth-watering gumbos and your own favorite dishes.


Mid 19th century: from French, past participle of filer 'to twist'.


noun fʌɪlfaɪl
  • 1A folder or box for holding loose papers together and in order for easy reference.


    a file of correspondence


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She handed him the file she had tucked behind her back.
    • Some held thin paper files and sniffed importantly.
    • I pulled out all his drawers, rummaged through his files and papers.
    • If they did not have the required number, they continued selecting files in reverse alphabetic order starting with the letter M.
    • The man dropped the files, papers flying out of the folders and floating softly to the ground.
    • He took a handful of papers from the file he held, then placed the folder on Tanner's desk.
    • And then, today, I came across two large box files stuffed with paper copies of the correspondence, all neatly filed in date order.
    • The last drawer contained a stack full of files and papers.
    • The remaining wall was home to a huge bookshelf, with files lining the top and bottom half.
    • She found lots of files and other papers, but no keys.
    • As she started humming the tune and pulled out a stack of papers from the only file in her filing cabinet, the phone rang.
    • His brief case contains many fat pink paper files.
    • You can hardly see him behind the files on his Commons desk.
    • The admiral pushed the file towards the edge of the desk.
    • Preparation of products using recycled items will be the prime focus and the items will include cardboard files, paper cups and bags.
    • Her face remained straight, with no emotion and she quickly grabbed her files and moved towards the door to follow the other doctor.
    • In Australia he worked for a time at the sprawling Department of Veterans, one of hundreds silently compiling files which lined acres of wall.
    • Files and thus loose documents belonging to files were color coded so I knew which specific stack they were in or which folder they were filed into.
    • He moved a pile of old work papers and case files from off the coffee table and placed his bowl of broth down.
    • Parker was kind of hidden behind the files when I entered her office.
    folder, portfolio, binder, box, document case
    filing cabinet
    1. 1.1 A collection of information about a particular person or thing.
      MI5 were keeping a file on him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The work involves painstakingly searching through files and financial information looking for wrongdoing.
      • Being newly refurbished, the premises now houses files, books and information on every imaginable topic.
      • Confidential files allegedly containing detailed information about his visit were found on a London Street.
      • They found that nearly one-fifth of them still contained sensitive information such as company files and bank-account details.
      • By the time he emerges from school and the armed forces, the ordinary young adult cannot have escaped becoming the subject of at least a dozen personal information files.
      • Parents claim their children were put at risk when a model agency left behind hundreds of files containing photographs and personal details when it moved offices.
      • My information is that the files pertaining to this particular arrest were sitting on the desk of the DPP for some time previously.
      • The information revealed in the files was astonishing.
      • A child or young person can ask to have access to the information in their file.
      • The information held in the files is extremely difficult and, in the majority of cases, impossible to reinstate.
      • If you are declined credit, the lender should provide the main reason for this - whether the decision was based upon a credit score, information held on a credit file or its own policy.
      • A number of stories, partly fuelled by the British government's refusal to release all the relevant files, have grown up around Hess and his mission.
      • It is the start of a drive towards the collection in one file of all information on you in official data bases, and maybe a few commercial ones, too.
      • The people likely to work in this kind of environment may not value keeping detailed files on who ordered what for the purpose of working out what they might need in six months.
      • The ideal for any organisation is that their employees can access all company information, documents or files within seconds - no matter where they are in the world.
      • The respondent received clients' files from two separate former lawyers and proceeded to work on the case.
      dossier, document, record, report, case history, case study
      (files) data, information, particulars, case notes, documentation, annals, archives
    2. 1.2Computing A collection of data, programs, etc. stored in a computer's memory or on a storage device under a single identifying name.
      you can save the file to your hard disk
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Lastly there's a flaw related to the display of the names of downloaded files.
      • Search your computer's files, audio, video, images and emails, and even the Web.
      • Does the company have at least one back-up copy of all data and software files stored at a secure off-site storage location?
      • Users will also need special software to play the files on their desktop computers.
      • And they had to figure out what to name the file, before they could close down the computer and head out into the snow.
      batch of data, document, text
  • 2Canadian A number of issues and responsibilities relating to a particular policy area.


    what progress has the Prime Minister made on the unity file?


verb fʌɪlfaɪl
[with object]
  • 1Place (a document) in a cabinet, box, or folder in a particular order.


    the contract, when signed, is filed


    figurative he still had the moment filed away in his memory


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This latest roll call of grand-slam winners is unlikely to be filed away among the classics, all of them celebrating only their first major title.
    • His office was neat and tidy, his papers neatly stacked on his desk, or filed away in cabinets.
    • The findings did not alter government policy and were simply filed away.
    • Cultural material deemed inappropriate like this Popeye cartoon are filed away in studio vaults, or in many cases just burned.
    • This allows a GM to easily file the orders for a game in its folder without cutting or, in the case of two games on opposite sides of the same sheet of paper, going to the copy shop.
    • She finally kissed him on the forehead, and then returned to filing the strewn folders.
    • Once users have downloaded what they want, they apparently annotate it and file it in filing cabinets and folders just as they always did.
    • He began collecting lists, brochures and catalogues, which he filed away on the top of a cabinet in his large office.
    • Customer purchase commitments are recorded in contracts that may be filed away or scanned into an electronic repository; in neither case are the data easy to access.
    • Pre-election promises, such as the reintroduction of wealth tax and taxation of trading profits, have been filed away.
    • She shrugged the thought and continued filing the folders in the metal cabinet.
    • Presently, raw data from most research are likely to be filed away or lost in the depths of a hard disk once the paper is published.
    • I file the papers in their eventual home and create a pointer for myself to remind me that there's unfinished business filed away there.
    • If he had given the photos straightaway to a museum or other institution they might have been filed away for years until someone got around to looking at them.
    • But all he received in return was a polite thank you note while the piece was quietly filed away in the orchestra's library.
    • The completed questionnaires were filed in a secure cabinet.
    • She picked up a bunch of folders from her desk and filed them into a cabinet labelled: ‘Simon’.
    • No, that all looked to have been filed away safely in some mental cupboard.
    • She she went straight to her desk and filed the folder in a locked cabinet in her desk.
    • This will be filed away by Portugal in the same category as England's win over Paraguay: job done.
    categorize, classify, organize, put in place, put in order, order, arrange, catalogue, tabulate, index, pigeonhole
    put on record, record, enter, store, log, archive
    1. 1.1 Submit (a legal document, application, or charge) to be placed on record by the appropriate authority.
      criminal charges were filed against the firm


      no object the company had filed for bankruptcy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But it sounds like Rifkin originally filed this patent in order to challenge the idea of patenting living materials.
      • Ms. Conner is now divorced and her nursing home has filed for bankruptcy protection.
      • Out of 6,250 applications that were filed for legal assistance with the foundation, 3,843 were approved.
      • Paperwork was filed today with the court, saying he is no longer representing Jackson.
      • Does your client not have any copies of any of the process or other documents that have been filed or orders made?
      • The applicant filed an application for judicial review, but it was dismissed by consent.
      • Bored with his career and bland, conservative nature, Miriam has already filed for divorce.
      • Provided the certificate is filed within 7 days you can have a public funding assessment.
      • In early 2002 the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the US.
      • The state government challenged the magistrate's order by filing a petition in the Bombay high court.
      • No charges were ever filed against the accountant.
      • They are referred to in the submissions filed in support of this application.
      • These applications were filed in the appeals court and during the hearing it was not allowed as evidence.
      • A class-action suit was recently filed by lawyers for the homeless who had been improperly denied their benefits.
      • The company has just filed for bankruptcy with debts of over £169.7 million.
      • Six of the companies also filed a parallel suit in Germany.
      • The special leave application filed by the applicant certainly cannot be regarded as hopeless.
      • After charges were filed, federal authorities began to look for the defendant.
      • In December, charges were filed against the women who testified.
      • I had never been told before this that they had even already filed for divorce.
      apply, put in, register, sign up, ask
      bring, press, lodge, place, lay, prefer, put forward, present, submit
    2. 1.2 (of a reporter) send (a story) to a newspaper or news organization.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It does not require, to meet Dr. Ink's standards, that the reporter file the story from that place.
      • The intrepid reporters have filed stories from around the world, including Tokyo, Montreal and Alberquerque, New Mexico.
      • I talked to that reporter before they went to file the story.
      • But because our writers are already filing timely stories that won't hold, we've decided to launch without having in place every single piece.
      • I've since picked it up, done additional reporting and filed my story.
      • Three or four trained reporters can work around that because they've trained to file stories.
      • You want to stay on, filing stories destined for front pages.
      • See, I've worked in journalism for the last seventy-eight years, ever since the usual way a reporter would file a story was by telegram.
      • It was the sound of frustrated and exhausted BBC Radio 4 reporter Michael Buchanan struggling to file his story for yesterday's Today programme.
      • Even wire service reporters cannot beat them because the former must file copy to a news desk before it is published.
      • Both the reporter and I needed to file stories at the top of the hour, so the interview was uniquely direct and productive.
      • The Birmingham News's senior political reporter filed this report.
      • Nine organizations and four individual journalists filed a federal suit in New York, seeking an injunction against enforcement of restrictions on movement.
      • One reporter filed a statement that there were over one thousand people in the march.
      • Most of the print reporters were heading back to file their stories.
      • Every daily reporter will file something from the news conference.
      • Paul Reynolds, their crime correspondent filed a report at lunchtime about the arrest of the suspect and the mistress.
      • The News Editor then ensures all the stories are filed by deadline so they can go to the sub-editors.
      • And even then it's mostly a problem for reporters, who get fed up of filing the same story.
      • Newspaper and television reporters filed dozens of stories from the scene of the fire.


  • on file

    • In a file or filing system.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The reports must be filed monthly with the Supreme Court and be kept on file with the local court's clerk.
      • A key factor is that these households pay a monthly bill, so they already have their credit card on file.
      • I also know that by law, many companies are required to keep written resume's on file for at least a year.
      • You will be pleased to hear that I have enough of these tales on file to last another six months, and three out of the next four involve things getting blown up.
      • With regard to evidence, I have been told that you have everything on file and you have the files in front of you.
      • The boy was cleared of the charges and has no previous convictions, charges or warnings but despite this his fingerprints were kept on file.
      • You should make sure the address they have on file is your current address and that any charges on the account were made by you.
      • This is compared to the voter's signature on file at the elections office.
      • He has a retaliation complaint on file with the city's Employee Relations Board.
      • Of course, I already knew they would not have my name on file, but I figured it couldn't hurt.


  • filer

  • noun ˈfʌɪləˈfaɪlər
    • Moreover, there's ample evidence that a sizeable percentage of bankruptcy filers engage in quite a lot of strategic behavior in the run-up to bankruptcy.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once again, almost all of the tax savings would go to that lucky 3 percent of filers with incomes above $200,000.
      • Assume the same facts as in Example 1, except that the filer filed the annual report on March 31, 2006.
      • Filers should use the resources and education in this section to ensure they meet reporting requirements.
      • From 1974 to 1984, 20 percent to 30 percent of filers contributed.


Late Middle English (as a verb meaning 'string documents on a thread or wire to keep them in order'): from French filer 'to string', fil 'a thread', both from Latin filum 'a thread'. Compare with file2.

  • Of the three different words that take the form file in English, the oldest is the word for the smoothing tool, which is Old English. The other two, the folder and the queue, both go back to Latin filum ‘thread’ found also in filament (late 16th century), filigree (late 17th century) which was originally spelt filigrane and formed from filum and granum ‘seed’, and fillet (Middle English) originally a ribbon tied round the head and subsequently used for any long, thin strip. The folder sense, from Late Middle English, comes about because it was originally used of paperwork kept in order by being threaded on string. The line of people, which is late 16th century, comes via French, from the idea of people strung out.


aisle, Argyle, awhile, beguile, bile, Carlisle, Carlyle, compile, De Stijl, ensile, guile, I'll, interfile, isle, Kabyle, kyle, lisle, Lyle, Mikhail, mile, Nile, pile, rank-and-file, resile, rile, Ryle, Sieg Heil, smile, spile, stile, style, tile, vile, Weil, while, wile, worthwhile


noun fʌɪlfaɪl
  • 1A line of people or things one behind another.


    files of tourists stream up the narrow lanes of Mont St Michel
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They line nine men up in a file, one behind the other.
    • It's all too clear: it's not the visionaries but rather the pragmatics that are standing in file.
    • He walked off to a corridor out of the landing bay with the lead general at his side and the other two in file behind them.
    • ‘There,’ she said softly, and a moment later, saw a dark file of flying shapes appear.
    • Aside from a few occasions, we rode in file, all strung out, from the start until Pradollano.
    line, column, row, string, chain, queue, procession, train, convoy, caravan
    British informal crocodile
    1. 1.1Military A small detachment of troops.
      a file of English soldiers had ridden out from Perth


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One soldier in the file was hit by mortar fire a few yards from my tank.
      • Commanders and platoon leaders should lead from the front of attack formation even when in file or column when fighting in urban terrain.
      • Maneuvering and the use of machine guns in fighting made infantry files pressing along the front inefficient.
    2. 1.2Chess Each of the eight rows of eight squares on a chessboard running away from the player towards the opponent.
      〔棋〕(棋盘上的)格子纵列。比较 RANK1 (义项 2)
      Compare with rank (sense 2 of the noun)
      Example sentencesExamples
      • For kings on the same file, this is just an odd number of squares between kings!
      • Instead of just accepting this situation, an experienced player would actively play to create a file for his Rooks.
      • Two pawns of the same color lined up on a file as the result of a capture.
      • Black is opening a file on the queenside in order to activate his rook.
      • Since the position is closed, we have time (if needed) to bring our pieces to a better square or file.
verb fʌɪlfaɪl
  • no object, with adverbial of direction (of a group of people) walk one behind the other, typically in an orderly and solemn manner.


    the mourners filed into the church


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The mostly middle-aged crowd from labour unions and peace groups filed behind a truck with speakers blasting, ‘Power to the People’.
    • As the rest of the Training Center filed out, I walked up onto the stage and behind the curtain.
    • The group filed out, and one of them slammed the door shut, ‘What did they want with us?’
    • At the funeral they were filing past the open coffin to pay their respects.
    • The movie was soon over and the group filed out of the cinema.
    • Sarah's two groupies filed in behind her, both had their own individual walks but they would all be classified in the same category.
    • The group filed out of the classroom and made their way downstairs to the locker rooms.
    • They all filed out of the room and stopped just outside the door.
    • The group slowly filed into the small cell, circling the block in quiet reverence.
    • The guys all filed out of the room until it was just the two of them.
    • The group filed out of the room, Cheryl and Tim staying a moment behind.
    • A few seconds passed and the group filed to the back of the shuttle.
    • The mourners filed out of the church.
    • She glanced out the window, and saw the group filing down the path a few stories down.
    • Fingers were crossed and prayers said as the group filed back into their seats.
    • The group filed out of the recording booth and into the room.
    • He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and walked out with the medics filing out behind him.
    • He looked over to one of the hallways leading into the dining hall and saw a large group of people filing in through the doors.
    • There was a beep as an elevator door opened, and a group of people filed out.
    • The group all filed into each of the rooms, which Jim presumed were identical.
    walk in a line, proceed in a line, march, parade, troop, pass in formation


Late 16th century: from French file, from filer 'to string'.


noun fʌɪlfaɪl
  • A tool with a roughened surface or surfaces, typically of steel, used for smoothing or shaping a hard material.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The exception would be the use of a hacksaw with a fine toothed blade to cut it to length and a metal file to smooth out the roughness.
    • Sandersons was situated on the Cutlery Road and was involved in the production of tools, saws, files etc.
    • Use a smooth file or sanding block to take off the sharp edge with a few shear strokes (down and along the edge simultaneously).
    • Fine-toothed files shaped tangs on both barrels, one stroke at a time.
    • It would be impossible to etch checkering like this with a hand file because the area you'd want to checker is surrounded by stuff you just don't want to cut.
    • He would also have punches with which to make holes, shears for cutting sheet metal and files for smoothing the metal.
    • Basic Fitting was a course designed to equip graduates with the skills required to use metals tools, drills, files and the like.
    • The facility is filled with workbenches bearing tool boxes loaded with files, stones, scrapers and reamers.
    • Maintain the existing angle on the blade, and sharpen with a smooth pass with the file.
verb fʌɪlfaɪl
[with object]
  • 1Smooth or shape with a file.


    never file your nails from the centre to the sides
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A juror was dismissed from duty yesterday after reading a magazine and filing her nails during a case.
    • She was seated in the foyer, and when she was not fixing appointments, was busy filing her nails.
    • Your favourite shirt might be fuchsia, or you might have a tendency to file your nails and pumice your feet while you're in the bath.
    • They took me back to the house and my aunt cleaned me up then gave me a manicure, filing my nails and painting them maroon.
    • I suspect the government agent assigned to my life spends most of the day filing his nails and eating toast and wondering how I can go so long without ever doing laundry.
    • The head was shaped with a bow saw, then rasped, filed, and smoothed like the shaft.
    • She was busy filing her nails and I cleared my throat.
    • After spreading a dry towel across her lap so not to dirty her dress, she took Liz's left hand and began filing the nails.
    • When dry, Claire gently tapped it - she said when it sounded hard and solid she knew it was ready to be filed into shape.
    • Trim them regularly, and if you file your nails do it in one direction only, as sawing back and forth will encourage them to split.
    • Brooks filed each part to shape, marked both locks as ‘London Warranted,’ and finished them with color case hardening.
    • The expert use of forging dies and of skilled hands to file, smooth, polish, and finish are readily apparent.
    • The secretary had tight red curls done all through her hair, and was filing her nails when I caught her attention.
    • You can often bend the brake wall back and file it smooth enough to keep riding on it.
    • First, Sharon filed my nails into lovely rounded shapes.
    • He then files the piece to smooth out the rough edges and rubs it on different sand papers for a smooth finish.
    • The technicians wear small paper masks over their mouths, but their hands and faces are liberally covered with white powder from filing clients' acrylic nails.
    • And filing my nails has become really important.
    • Mike shaped, filed and polished the buttplate and triggerguard from rough brass castings before fitting them to the stock.
    • The edges of the bands were filed smooth before they were used and males were banded on the right forearm and females on the left forearm.
    smooth, buff, rub, rub down, polish, burnish, furbish
    shape, refine
    scrape, abrade, rasp, sandpaper
    1. 1.1file something away/off Remove something by grinding it off with a file.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's rather creepy how the dead ant-parts are filed off in the spiral staircases and heaped in piles behind the painted barn.
      • If caught early enough, the cracks can be filed away before they spread deeper a bit like filing a cracked finger nail before it splits.
      • Once the worst pitting and damage is filed away, he sands the metal with a coarse sandpaper.
      • The one place where the jagged edges are filed smoothly, efficiently away.


  • filer

  • noun ˈfʌɪləˈfaɪlər
    • The product range includes household knives, chef's knives, multiutility pieces with scissors, nail filers, bottle openers and butler knives.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You will also find extra goodies such as nail filers, hair accessories, and brushes there for the best quality at the best bargain.


Old English fīl, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vijl and German Feile.


North American
  • Pounded or powdered sassafras leaves used to flavor and thicken soup, especially gumbo.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Likewise filé powder made from the dried leaves of the sassafras tree would be added during the final stages of cooking to give the gumbo a ‘stringy’ texture.
    • "It's a sin to eat gumbo without filé."
    • Filé has since become a signature flavor in Cajun cooking, adding authentic Louisiana character to mouth-watering gumbos and your own favorite dishes.


Mid 19th century: from French, past participle of filer ‘to twist’.


  • 1A folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference.


    a file of correspondence


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As she started humming the tune and pulled out a stack of papers from the only file in her filing cabinet, the phone rang.
    • He took a handful of papers from the file he held, then placed the folder on Tanner's desk.
    • In Australia he worked for a time at the sprawling Department of Veterans, one of hundreds silently compiling files which lined acres of wall.
    • The man dropped the files, papers flying out of the folders and floating softly to the ground.
    • And then, today, I came across two large box files stuffed with paper copies of the correspondence, all neatly filed in date order.
    • He moved a pile of old work papers and case files from off the coffee table and placed his bowl of broth down.
    • The admiral pushed the file towards the edge of the desk.
    • Some held thin paper files and sniffed importantly.
    • Files and thus loose documents belonging to files were color coded so I knew which specific stack they were in or which folder they were filed into.
    • Her face remained straight, with no emotion and she quickly grabbed her files and moved towards the door to follow the other doctor.
    • If they did not have the required number, they continued selecting files in reverse alphabetic order starting with the letter M.
    • The last drawer contained a stack full of files and papers.
    • She found lots of files and other papers, but no keys.
    • Parker was kind of hidden behind the files when I entered her office.
    • She handed him the file she had tucked behind her back.
    • You can hardly see him behind the files on his Commons desk.
    • Preparation of products using recycled items will be the prime focus and the items will include cardboard files, paper cups and bags.
    • The remaining wall was home to a huge bookshelf, with files lining the top and bottom half.
    • I pulled out all his drawers, rummaged through his files and papers.
    • His brief case contains many fat pink paper files.
    folder, portfolio, binder, box, document case
    1. 1.1 The contents of a file folder or box.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A move to electronic records could make a patient's medical files accessible anywhere in the world.
      • We have also been busy sorting and sending files and materials to the new editorial staff and are working closely with them to ensure a smooth transition.
      • I know that the Minister has said that those things will be irrelevant to the researchers when they look through files, but the issue is that the researchers will still see those things.
      • During that time, we managed to steal someone's military files before they were destroyed.
      • They did not, however, have access to military files.
      • There are plans to ensure that credit reference files differentiate between a would-be borrower making an enquiry of a lender and actually taking out credit with them.
      • Yesterday I had tried to look at files in the restricted area but the guards had refused to let me saying that I wasn't one of the king's champions.
      • Instead, the government is making files available to former residents and their families.
      • Legal representatives have been trying to gain access to key state files in order to vindicate their clients' interests.
      • So the White House was vindicated on the issue of the FBI files.
      • He said he had to look through paper files in a ‘broom cupboard office’ next to the force's divisional intelligence bureau to unearth the details.
      • The right, which already existed in relation to information stored on a computer, now extends to manual data, including structured paper files.
      • Doctors' offices no longer held hard copy medical files, they were now held on computers.
      • However, he said if the issue of releasing files was raised again, his advice to the board would be to act in a transparent manner.
      • I carefully put all the files together, making notes on them as I went through, so I could report effectively to him.
      • Whatever the truth behind his death, the files he left behind are not only evidence of a vast network of corruption but may also have profound effects on international relations.
      • This file was the responsibility of one Kathryn Gregory, who is now on leave.
      • Overall, there is a lot of duplication between these files and the contents of files previously released.
      • Those authorities demonstrate that judicial notice cannot be taken of material within a court file; such material is not evidence.
      • Still, faculty members are no more amenable to network snooping than they are to having their paper files randomly inspected by administrators.
    2. 1.2Computing A collection of data, programs, etc., stored in a computer's memory or on a storage device under a single identifying name.
      do you want to save this file?
      as modifier a file name
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Lastly there's a flaw related to the display of the names of downloaded files.
      • And they had to figure out what to name the file, before they could close down the computer and head out into the snow.
      • Users will also need special software to play the files on their desktop computers.
      • Does the company have at least one back-up copy of all data and software files stored at a secure off-site storage location?
      • Search your computer's files, audio, video, images and emails, and even the Web.
      batch of data, document, text
[with object]
  • 1Place (a document) in a cabinet, box, or folder in a particular order for preservation and easy reference.


    the contract, when signed, is filed


    figurative he still had the moment filed away in his memory


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But all he received in return was a polite thank you note while the piece was quietly filed away in the orchestra's library.
    • If he had given the photos straightaway to a museum or other institution they might have been filed away for years until someone got around to looking at them.
    • Once users have downloaded what they want, they apparently annotate it and file it in filing cabinets and folders just as they always did.
    • His office was neat and tidy, his papers neatly stacked on his desk, or filed away in cabinets.
    • He began collecting lists, brochures and catalogues, which he filed away on the top of a cabinet in his large office.
    • Cultural material deemed inappropriate like this Popeye cartoon are filed away in studio vaults, or in many cases just burned.
    • The findings did not alter government policy and were simply filed away.
    • This will be filed away by Portugal in the same category as England's win over Paraguay: job done.
    • She shrugged the thought and continued filing the folders in the metal cabinet.
    • Presently, raw data from most research are likely to be filed away or lost in the depths of a hard disk once the paper is published.
    • The completed questionnaires were filed in a secure cabinet.
    • Pre-election promises, such as the reintroduction of wealth tax and taxation of trading profits, have been filed away.
    • This allows a GM to easily file the orders for a game in its folder without cutting or, in the case of two games on opposite sides of the same sheet of paper, going to the copy shop.
    • This latest roll call of grand-slam winners is unlikely to be filed away among the classics, all of them celebrating only their first major title.
    • She she went straight to her desk and filed the folder in a locked cabinet in her desk.
    • I file the papers in their eventual home and create a pointer for myself to remind me that there's unfinished business filed away there.
    • She picked up a bunch of folders from her desk and filed them into a cabinet labelled: ‘Simon’.
    • She finally kissed him on the forehead, and then returned to filing the strewn folders.
    • No, that all looked to have been filed away safely in some mental cupboard.
    • Customer purchase commitments are recorded in contracts that may be filed away or scanned into an electronic repository; in neither case are the data easy to access.
    categorize, classify, organize, put in place, put in order, order, arrange, catalogue, tabulate, index, pigeonhole
    1. 1.1 Submit (a legal document, application, or charge) to be placed on record by the appropriate authority.
      criminal charges were filed against the firm


      no object the company had filed for bankruptcy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Provided the certificate is filed within 7 days you can have a public funding assessment.
      • Bored with his career and bland, conservative nature, Miriam has already filed for divorce.
      • Paperwork was filed today with the court, saying he is no longer representing Jackson.
      • But it sounds like Rifkin originally filed this patent in order to challenge the idea of patenting living materials.
      • Ms. Conner is now divorced and her nursing home has filed for bankruptcy protection.
      • Does your client not have any copies of any of the process or other documents that have been filed or orders made?
      • In December, charges were filed against the women who testified.
      • Out of 6,250 applications that were filed for legal assistance with the foundation, 3,843 were approved.
      • These applications were filed in the appeals court and during the hearing it was not allowed as evidence.
      • The applicant filed an application for judicial review, but it was dismissed by consent.
      • Six of the companies also filed a parallel suit in Germany.
      • In early 2002 the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the US.
      • The special leave application filed by the applicant certainly cannot be regarded as hopeless.
      • After charges were filed, federal authorities began to look for the defendant.
      • The state government challenged the magistrate's order by filing a petition in the Bombay high court.
      • A class-action suit was recently filed by lawyers for the homeless who had been improperly denied their benefits.
      • No charges were ever filed against the accountant.
      • The company has just filed for bankruptcy with debts of over £169.7 million.
      • I had never been told before this that they had even already filed for divorce.
      • They are referred to in the submissions filed in support of this application.
      apply, put in, register, sign up, ask
      bring, press, lodge, place, lay, prefer, put forward, present, submit
    2. 1.2 (of a reporter) send (a story) to a newspaper or news organization.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Every daily reporter will file something from the news conference.
      • But because our writers are already filing timely stories that won't hold, we've decided to launch without having in place every single piece.
      • One reporter filed a statement that there were over one thousand people in the march.
      • Even wire service reporters cannot beat them because the former must file copy to a news desk before it is published.
      • It does not require, to meet Dr. Ink's standards, that the reporter file the story from that place.
      • See, I've worked in journalism for the last seventy-eight years, ever since the usual way a reporter would file a story was by telegram.
      • It was the sound of frustrated and exhausted BBC Radio 4 reporter Michael Buchanan struggling to file his story for yesterday's Today programme.
      • Paul Reynolds, their crime correspondent filed a report at lunchtime about the arrest of the suspect and the mistress.
      • Most of the print reporters were heading back to file their stories.
      • Three or four trained reporters can work around that because they've trained to file stories.
      • Newspaper and television reporters filed dozens of stories from the scene of the fire.
      • The intrepid reporters have filed stories from around the world, including Tokyo, Montreal and Alberquerque, New Mexico.
      • You want to stay on, filing stories destined for front pages.
      • I talked to that reporter before they went to file the story.
      • Nine organizations and four individual journalists filed a federal suit in New York, seeking an injunction against enforcement of restrictions on movement.
      • And even then it's mostly a problem for reporters, who get fed up of filing the same story.
      • I've since picked it up, done additional reporting and filed my story.
      • The News Editor then ensures all the stories are filed by deadline so they can go to the sub-editors.
      • Both the reporter and I needed to file stories at the top of the hour, so the interview was uniquely direct and productive.
      • The Birmingham News's senior political reporter filed this report.


  • on file

    • In a file or filing system.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He has a retaliation complaint on file with the city's Employee Relations Board.
      • You should make sure the address they have on file is your current address and that any charges on the account were made by you.
      • I also know that by law, many companies are required to keep written resume's on file for at least a year.
      • You will be pleased to hear that I have enough of these tales on file to last another six months, and three out of the next four involve things getting blown up.
      • The boy was cleared of the charges and has no previous convictions, charges or warnings but despite this his fingerprints were kept on file.
      • A key factor is that these households pay a monthly bill, so they already have their credit card on file.
      • This is compared to the voter's signature on file at the elections office.
      • The reports must be filed monthly with the Supreme Court and be kept on file with the local court's clerk.
      • Of course, I already knew they would not have my name on file, but I figured it couldn't hurt.
      • With regard to evidence, I have been told that you have everything on file and you have the files in front of you.


Late Middle English (as a verb meaning ‘string documents on a thread or wire to keep them in order’): from French filer ‘to string’, fil ‘a thread’, both from Latin filum ‘a thread’. Compare with file.


  • 1A line of people or things one behind another.


    Plains Cree warriors riding in file down the slopes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's all too clear: it's not the visionaries but rather the pragmatics that are standing in file.
    • They line nine men up in a file, one behind the other.
    • He walked off to a corridor out of the landing bay with the lead general at his side and the other two in file behind them.
    • ‘There,’ she said softly, and a moment later, saw a dark file of flying shapes appear.
    • Aside from a few occasions, we rode in file, all strung out, from the start until Pradollano.
    line, column, row, string, chain, queue, procession, train, convoy, caravan
    1. 1.1Military A small detachment of troops.
      a file of English soldiers had ridden out from Perth


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Maneuvering and the use of machine guns in fighting made infantry files pressing along the front inefficient.
      • One soldier in the file was hit by mortar fire a few yards from my tank.
      • Commanders and platoon leaders should lead from the front of attack formation even when in file or column when fighting in urban terrain.
    2. 1.2Chess Each of the eight rows of eight squares on a chessboard running away from the player toward the opponent.
      〔棋〕(棋盘上的)格子纵列。比较 RANK1 (义项 2)
      Compare with rank (sense 2 of the noun)
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Black is opening a file on the queenside in order to activate his rook.
      • Instead of just accepting this situation, an experienced player would actively play to create a file for his Rooks.
      • Since the position is closed, we have time (if needed) to bring our pieces to a better square or file.
      • Two pawns of the same color lined up on a file as the result of a capture.
      • For kings on the same file, this is just an odd number of squares between kings!
  • no object, with adverbial of direction (of a group of people) walk one behind the other, typically in an orderly and solemn manner.


    the mourners filed into the church


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sarah's two groupies filed in behind her, both had their own individual walks but they would all be classified in the same category.
    • A few seconds passed and the group filed to the back of the shuttle.
    • The group filed out of the classroom and made their way downstairs to the locker rooms.
    • He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and walked out with the medics filing out behind him.
    • The guys all filed out of the room until it was just the two of them.
    • They all filed out of the room and stopped just outside the door.
    • The group slowly filed into the small cell, circling the block in quiet reverence.
    • There was a beep as an elevator door opened, and a group of people filed out.
    • The group filed out of the recording booth and into the room.
    • She glanced out the window, and saw the group filing down the path a few stories down.
    • He looked over to one of the hallways leading into the dining hall and saw a large group of people filing in through the doors.
    • The group filed out, and one of them slammed the door shut, ‘What did they want with us?’
    • The group all filed into each of the rooms, which Jim presumed were identical.
    • The mourners filed out of the church.
    • The movie was soon over and the group filed out of the cinema.
    • As the rest of the Training Center filed out, I walked up onto the stage and behind the curtain.
    • Fingers were crossed and prayers said as the group filed back into their seats.
    • The group filed out of the room, Cheryl and Tim staying a moment behind.
    • At the funeral they were filing past the open coffin to pay their respects.
    • The mostly middle-aged crowd from labour unions and peace groups filed behind a truck with speakers blasting, ‘Power to the People’.
    walk in a line, proceed in a line, march, parade, troop, pass in formation


Late 16th century: from French file, from filer ‘to string’.


  • A tool with a roughened surface or surfaces, typically of steel, used for smoothing or shaping a hard material.


    it is possible to make the necessary notch with a file
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It would be impossible to etch checkering like this with a hand file because the area you'd want to checker is surrounded by stuff you just don't want to cut.
    • Basic Fitting was a course designed to equip graduates with the skills required to use metals tools, drills, files and the like.
    • He would also have punches with which to make holes, shears for cutting sheet metal and files for smoothing the metal.
    • Fine-toothed files shaped tangs on both barrels, one stroke at a time.
    • Use a smooth file or sanding block to take off the sharp edge with a few shear strokes (down and along the edge simultaneously).
    • The exception would be the use of a hacksaw with a fine toothed blade to cut it to length and a metal file to smooth out the roughness.
    • Sandersons was situated on the Cutlery Road and was involved in the production of tools, saws, files etc.
    • Maintain the existing angle on the blade, and sharpen with a smooth pass with the file.
    • The facility is filled with workbenches bearing tool boxes loaded with files, stones, scrapers and reamers.
[with object]
  • 1Smooth or shape (something) with a file.


    when I have nothing else to do, I file my nails
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The technicians wear small paper masks over their mouths, but their hands and faces are liberally covered with white powder from filing clients' acrylic nails.
    • The head was shaped with a bow saw, then rasped, filed, and smoothed like the shaft.
    • And filing my nails has become really important.
    • She was busy filing her nails and I cleared my throat.
    • Brooks filed each part to shape, marked both locks as ‘London Warranted,’ and finished them with color case hardening.
    • They took me back to the house and my aunt cleaned me up then gave me a manicure, filing my nails and painting them maroon.
    • The edges of the bands were filed smooth before they were used and males were banded on the right forearm and females on the left forearm.
    • Trim them regularly, and if you file your nails do it in one direction only, as sawing back and forth will encourage them to split.
    • The secretary had tight red curls done all through her hair, and was filing her nails when I caught her attention.
    • Your favourite shirt might be fuchsia, or you might have a tendency to file your nails and pumice your feet while you're in the bath.
    • First, Sharon filed my nails into lovely rounded shapes.
    • When dry, Claire gently tapped it - she said when it sounded hard and solid she knew it was ready to be filed into shape.
    • The expert use of forging dies and of skilled hands to file, smooth, polish, and finish are readily apparent.
    • She was seated in the foyer, and when she was not fixing appointments, was busy filing her nails.
    • Mike shaped, filed and polished the buttplate and triggerguard from rough brass castings before fitting them to the stock.
    • You can often bend the brake wall back and file it smooth enough to keep riding on it.
    • He then files the piece to smooth out the rough edges and rubs it on different sand papers for a smooth finish.
    • After spreading a dry towel across her lap so not to dirty her dress, she took Liz's left hand and began filing the nails.
    • A juror was dismissed from duty yesterday after reading a magazine and filing her nails during a case.
    • I suspect the government agent assigned to my life spends most of the day filing his nails and eating toast and wondering how I can go so long without ever doing laundry.
    smooth, buff, rub, rub down, polish, burnish, furbish
    1. 1.1file something away/off Remove something by grinding it off with a file.
      the engine numbers were filed away


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once the worst pitting and damage is filed away, he sands the metal with a coarse sandpaper.
      • The one place where the jagged edges are filed smoothly, efficiently away.
      • It's rather creepy how the dead ant-parts are filed off in the spiral staircases and heaped in piles behind the painted barn.
      • If caught early enough, the cracks can be filed away before they spread deeper a bit like filing a cracked finger nail before it splits.


Old English fīl, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vijl and German Feile.





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