

单词 cock and bull story

Definition of cock and bull story in English:

cock and bull story

  • An implausible story used as an explanation or excuse.

    nobody believes this cock and bull story about the sacking incident
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He failed, of course, but we managed to concoct some cock and bull story about Scotland's financial sector being in good heart.
    • She was glad she did not have to listen to his cock and bull stories anymore.
    • He also made remarks to cock and bull stories which the authorities are told by people.
    • The court failed to apply its mind and blindly accepted these repeated cock and bull stories to be true.
    • If all else fails, you just muddy the waters with some cock and bull story that you know the party faithful will swallow.
    • He even went so far as to blame the intelligence agencies for actually believing the cock and bull stories his people fed them.
    • But no, you feed me some cock and bull story about having to meet my real family.
    • It's one of Carla's fans with some cock and bull story.
    • It sounds like a cock and bull story, but he got into farming rare breeds through an interest in old furniture.
    • These people are generally university lecturers who have to come up with some cock and bull story or they don't get any more funding.
    • That was really some cock and bull story you just said.
    • Still the media rumour mill is busy overtime churning out cock and bull stories.
    • I spoke with him yesterday and he was clearly upset by the cock and bull story somebody ran with on a local radio station.
    • He refused to oblige me by saying some cock and bull stories about it not being viable to cut out a midsection.
    • He told me some cock and bull story about holding Death hostage in his house and if he releases him he will be taken to Hell!
    • Indeed, any of them who were informed would have been told the same cock and bull story that we were told at the briefing we had earlier today.
    • Further, for some reason, I dismissed this as another cock and bull story.
    • If you knew I was coming long enough to cook up this cock and bull story, why didn't you just confront me?
    fairy story/tale, made-up story, trumped-up story, fabrication, concoction, piece of fiction, fiction, falsification, falsity, lie, untruth, falsehood, fib, deception, barefaced lie
    (little) white lie, half-truth, exaggeration, prevarication, departure from the truth
    yarn, story, red herring, rumour, myth, flight of fancy, figment of the imagination
    pretence, pretext, sham, ruse, wile, trickery, stratagem
    informal tall story, tall tale, whopper
    British informal porky, pork pie, porky pie
    humorous terminological inexactitude
    vulgar slang bullshit
    Australian/New Zealand vulgar slang bulldust

Definition of cock and bull story in US English:

cock and bull story

nounkɑk ænd
  • A ridiculous and implausible story.


    nobody believes this cock and bull story about the sacking incident
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It sounds like a cock and bull story, but he got into farming rare breeds through an interest in old furniture.
    • It's one of Carla's fans with some cock and bull story.
    • But no, you feed me some cock and bull story about having to meet my real family.
    • He told me some cock and bull story about holding Death hostage in his house and if he releases him he will be taken to Hell!
    • If you knew I was coming long enough to cook up this cock and bull story, why didn't you just confront me?
    • He also made remarks to cock and bull stories which the authorities are told by people.
    • I spoke with him yesterday and he was clearly upset by the cock and bull story somebody ran with on a local radio station.
    • He even went so far as to blame the intelligence agencies for actually believing the cock and bull stories his people fed them.
    • He failed, of course, but we managed to concoct some cock and bull story about Scotland's financial sector being in good heart.
    • If all else fails, you just muddy the waters with some cock and bull story that you know the party faithful will swallow.
    • Indeed, any of them who were informed would have been told the same cock and bull story that we were told at the briefing we had earlier today.
    • The court failed to apply its mind and blindly accepted these repeated cock and bull stories to be true.
    • These people are generally university lecturers who have to come up with some cock and bull story or they don't get any more funding.
    • Further, for some reason, I dismissed this as another cock and bull story.
    • Still the media rumour mill is busy overtime churning out cock and bull stories.
    • She was glad she did not have to listen to his cock and bull stories anymore.
    • That was really some cock and bull story you just said.
    • He refused to oblige me by saying some cock and bull stories about it not being viable to cut out a midsection.
    fairy story, fairy tale, made-up story, trumped-up story, fake news, fabrication, concoction, piece of fiction, fiction, falsification, falsity, lie, untruth, falsehood, fib, deception, barefaced lie




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