

单词 consent

Definition of consent in English:


noun kənˈsɛntkənˈsɛnt
mass noun
  • Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.


    no change may be made without the consent of all the partners
    Example sentencesExamples
    • There will be orders in accordance with the signed consent of the parties.
    • The draft order was designed to nullify the grant of the planning consent.
    • She said she gave no outward sign of agreement or consent, whether verbal or physical.
    • Accordingly, it was not an effective request for consent under the Lease.
    • However, you do not need conservation-area consent or planning permission.
    • The requirement for community consent to ordinances was affirmed, but delegated to the Common Council.
    • He could not believe that the development could be approved without his consent.
    • The Claimant alleges that the first Defendant gave her consent for him to call her, and to accompany him to a party.
    • It was simply a question of what would be available when it was built according to the development consent.
    • It should be noted that the landlord has no right to consent or withhold consent to the assignment itself.
    • The applicant filed an application for judicial review, but it was dismissed by consent.
    • Full prior consent, including agreement to periodic follow up, will, of course, be sought.
    • We were satisfied on this evidence that the sample was taken from the appellant with his consent by a medical practitioner.
    • The argument that the landscaping involved required planning consent does not seem to me to carry any weight.
    • It was agreed that any change to the facility agreement would have to have my written consent.
    • Under modern English law, however, a lack of consent only renders a marriage voidable.
    • Like all the laws of nations, it rests upon the common consent of civilized communities.
    • The question of their consent or absence of consent is totally irrelevant.
    • Claims can be settled via mutual consent, by arbitration or by a court award.
    • There is no clear legal authority for such disclosures without patient consent.
    agreement, assent, concurrence, accord
    permission, authorization, sanction, leave, clearance, acquiescence, acceptance, approval, seal of approval, stamp of approval, imprimatur, backing, endorsement, confirmation, support, favour, good wishes
    informal go-ahead, thumbs up, green light, OK
    formal approbation
verb kənˈsɛntkənˈsɛnt
[no object]
  • 1Give permission for something to happen.


    he consented to a search by a detective


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All group members consented to the discussion being taped, and we explained that all material would be made anonymous.
    • First, the legal parent has to have consented to and fostered the petitioner's relationship with the child.
    • All heads of households consented to the interview.
    • He denies all the charges, claiming the women consented to sexual activity.
    • The United States consented to that treaty in accordance with our own representative processes.
    • The professor said the family of the German man had consented to the procedure.
    • Thirteen obese patients were identified and consented to the procedure.
    • Settling around the table, the six of them bantered well into the evening until they finally consented to a chosen plan that pleased them all.
    • He consented to the taking of blood and urine samples by hospital staff ‘for medical purposes only’.
    • Where the author has consented to that, either personally or through another, then these rights will generally be exhausted.
    • I consented to the little girl's offer, letting her lead me by my free hand.
    • Was it a theoretical possibility that even though no mortgagee consented to this lease, the lease could be registered?
    • The adjournment was necessary and consented to by both parties.
    • It also suggested that as the girl did not escape earlier, she must have consented to what was done to her.
    • If you have allowed someone to send you emails on one topic, have you consented to getting anything that party wants to send you?
    • As an innocent man, his own government consented to his arbitrary detention and torture by a foreign power.
    • One way to trace liberty is to take note of occasions when people consented to those who governed them.
    • The plaintiff, at a pre-hearing, consented to an order and an order was issued for the release of the hospital records.
    • It would be quite unreal to infer that the bank consented to the withdrawal by a card holder whose account had been closed.
    • She later consented to its demolition, when informed the council would not build a new one if it was still standing.
    agree to, assent to, allow, give permission for, sanction, accept, approve, acquiesce in, go along with, accede to, concede to, yield to, give in to, submit to, comply with, abide by, concur with, conform to
    1. 1.1with infinitive Agree to do something.
      he had consented to serve as external assessor on the panel


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was told he could wait some three months to see a court, but if he consented to deportation he'd be gone in a week.
      • So, we have adequate reason to interpret a person's continued voluntary residence as a form of consenting to abide by the laws of the state.
      • And, as the secured creditor has consented to the payment, no recoupment of the money paid is possible.
      • The judge locates the twins' mother and she consents to take back the boys.
      • But not only does she accede to the arrangement, she consents to be the one to find a woman who can have children.
      • He was reluctant to do this, but of late severe sick headaches made the step imperative, and he consented to go to the hospital.
      • Anyone who entered an area like that would be considered to have consented to having to inhale other people's smoke.
      • Now she consents to take charge of mine (a precious mess she will have of it, between you and me).
      • He would agree to strict terms, including consenting to take antabuse and drugs to achieve chemical castration.
      • Although she was anxious to move into her new place, she consented to spending the night at her parents' home.


  • by common consent

    • With the agreement of all.


      it was, by common consent, our finest performance


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For example, just see what happens to coherence when you examine the one area of policy in which the Conservative party, by common consent, commands the field: the countryside.
      • Private property is in essence a cluster of rights inuring to the benefit of the owner, freely exchangeable in accordance with the terms of private agreements, and recognized and protected by common consent.
      • But the same trees that, by common consent, ruined thousands of acres of Scottish landscape are being cut down and left to rot - paid for once again with public funds.
      • Here, by common consent, the epidemic is out of control.
      • It is, by common consent, one of the most backward States in the country: backward economically, but also socially and culturally.
  • informed consent

    • Permission granted in full knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.

      知情同意 (尤指病人在完全了解治疗可能带来的危险和益处后对医生表示的同意)

      written informed consent was obtained from each patient
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Doctors commit themselves when they obtain the patient's informed consent.
      • Regrettably, the very same design meant that it was not possible to obtain the informed consent of the patients.
      • All patients gave informed consent, and the study had full ethical approval.
      • The clinic also tells patients that the risks are so unknown it does not think informed consent is possible.
      • Recent case law on malpractice litigation and informed consent has been incorporated.


Middle English: from Old French consente (noun), consentir (verb), from Latin consentire, from con- 'together' + sentire 'feel'.


absent, accent, anent, ascent, assent, augment, bent, cement, cent, circumvent, content, dent, event, extent, ferment, foment, forewent, forwent, frequent, gent, Ghent, Gwent, lament, leant, lent, meant, misrepresent, misspent, outwent, pent, percent, pigment, rent, scent, segment, sent, spent, stent, Stoke-on-Trent, Tashkent, tent, torment, Trent, underspent, underwent, vent, went

Definition of consent in US English:


  • Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.


    no change may be made without the consent of all the partners
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It was agreed that any change to the facility agreement would have to have my written consent.
    • The applicant filed an application for judicial review, but it was dismissed by consent.
    • The draft order was designed to nullify the grant of the planning consent.
    • The requirement for community consent to ordinances was affirmed, but delegated to the Common Council.
    • There is no clear legal authority for such disclosures without patient consent.
    • Claims can be settled via mutual consent, by arbitration or by a court award.
    • It should be noted that the landlord has no right to consent or withhold consent to the assignment itself.
    • There will be orders in accordance with the signed consent of the parties.
    • We were satisfied on this evidence that the sample was taken from the appellant with his consent by a medical practitioner.
    • The question of their consent or absence of consent is totally irrelevant.
    • Full prior consent, including agreement to periodic follow up, will, of course, be sought.
    • It was simply a question of what would be available when it was built according to the development consent.
    • However, you do not need conservation-area consent or planning permission.
    • The argument that the landscaping involved required planning consent does not seem to me to carry any weight.
    • Like all the laws of nations, it rests upon the common consent of civilized communities.
    • She said she gave no outward sign of agreement or consent, whether verbal or physical.
    • Under modern English law, however, a lack of consent only renders a marriage voidable.
    • Accordingly, it was not an effective request for consent under the Lease.
    • He could not believe that the development could be approved without his consent.
    • The Claimant alleges that the first Defendant gave her consent for him to call her, and to accompany him to a party.
    agreement, assent, concurrence, accord
[no object]
  • 1Give permission for something to happen.


    he consented to a search by a detective


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All group members consented to the discussion being taped, and we explained that all material would be made anonymous.
    • As an innocent man, his own government consented to his arbitrary detention and torture by a foreign power.
    • Settling around the table, the six of them bantered well into the evening until they finally consented to a chosen plan that pleased them all.
    • He consented to the taking of blood and urine samples by hospital staff ‘for medical purposes only’.
    • It also suggested that as the girl did not escape earlier, she must have consented to what was done to her.
    • The plaintiff, at a pre-hearing, consented to an order and an order was issued for the release of the hospital records.
    • One way to trace liberty is to take note of occasions when people consented to those who governed them.
    • It would be quite unreal to infer that the bank consented to the withdrawal by a card holder whose account had been closed.
    • I consented to the little girl's offer, letting her lead me by my free hand.
    • Thirteen obese patients were identified and consented to the procedure.
    • The professor said the family of the German man had consented to the procedure.
    • If you have allowed someone to send you emails on one topic, have you consented to getting anything that party wants to send you?
    • The United States consented to that treaty in accordance with our own representative processes.
    • She later consented to its demolition, when informed the council would not build a new one if it was still standing.
    • Was it a theoretical possibility that even though no mortgagee consented to this lease, the lease could be registered?
    • Where the author has consented to that, either personally or through another, then these rights will generally be exhausted.
    • He denies all the charges, claiming the women consented to sexual activity.
    • First, the legal parent has to have consented to and fostered the petitioner's relationship with the child.
    • All heads of households consented to the interview.
    • The adjournment was necessary and consented to by both parties.
    agree to, assent to, allow, give permission for, sanction, accept, approve, acquiesce in, go along with, accede to, concede to, yield to, give in to, submit to, comply with, abide by, concur with, conform to
    1. 1.1 Agree to do something.
      he had consented to serve on the panel


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now she consents to take charge of mine (a precious mess she will have of it, between you and me).
      • Although she was anxious to move into her new place, she consented to spending the night at her parents' home.
      • He was told he could wait some three months to see a court, but if he consented to deportation he'd be gone in a week.
      • So, we have adequate reason to interpret a person's continued voluntary residence as a form of consenting to abide by the laws of the state.
      • But not only does she accede to the arrangement, she consents to be the one to find a woman who can have children.
      • And, as the secured creditor has consented to the payment, no recoupment of the money paid is possible.
      • The judge locates the twins' mother and she consents to take back the boys.
      • He would agree to strict terms, including consenting to take antabuse and drugs to achieve chemical castration.
      • Anyone who entered an area like that would be considered to have consented to having to inhale other people's smoke.
      • He was reluctant to do this, but of late severe sick headaches made the step imperative, and he consented to go to the hospital.


  • by common consent

    • With the agreement of all.


      it was, by common consent, our finest performance


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For example, just see what happens to coherence when you examine the one area of policy in which the Conservative party, by common consent, commands the field: the countryside.
      • But the same trees that, by common consent, ruined thousands of acres of Scottish landscape are being cut down and left to rot - paid for once again with public funds.
      • Here, by common consent, the epidemic is out of control.
      • Private property is in essence a cluster of rights inuring to the benefit of the owner, freely exchangeable in accordance with the terms of private agreements, and recognized and protected by common consent.
      • It is, by common consent, one of the most backward States in the country: backward economically, but also socially and culturally.
  • informed consent

    • Permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.

      知情同意 (尤指病人在完全了解治疗可能带来的危险和益处后对医生表示的同意)

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Recent case law on malpractice litigation and informed consent has been incorporated.
      • The clinic also tells patients that the risks are so unknown it does not think informed consent is possible.
      • Doctors commit themselves when they obtain the patient's informed consent.
      • All patients gave informed consent, and the study had full ethical approval.
      • Regrettably, the very same design meant that it was not possible to obtain the informed consent of the patients.


Middle English: from Old French consente (noun), consentir (verb), from Latin consentire, from con- ‘together’ + sentire ‘feel’.





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