Because the chemical is fat-soluble, it can be passed along the food chain, steadily accumulating in animal tissue.
Progesterone is a small fat-soluble molecule, which can be easily absorbed through the skin.
It also enhances the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, a fat-soluble free radical scavenger.
Table cinnamon is made from cinnamon bark and contains both water-soluble and fat-soluble compounds.
The body's main strategy is to use bile salts as detergents: the molecules have a water-soluble (hydrophilic) side and a fat-soluble (hydrophobic) side.
Many types of flavorings are fat-soluble, so the fat acts as a carrier, helping the flavor to come through.
It is through our diets that we get exposed to many toxins, especially the fat-soluble toxins that are found in the fatty part of our foods.
And because lycopene is fat-soluble, eating tomatoes with oil can improve absorption.
Diabetics and others on low-fat diets often need supplemental amounts of this fat-soluble nutrient.