The group consisted mainly of aikibudoka but karateka, judoka and jiu-jitsuka also participated.
Fourteen Zambian karatekas have been upgraded, two have been honoured while four other budding stars were showered with medals during a one week workshop which finished yesterday at Lusaka's Chrisma Hotel.
The Federation will also be holding a series of camps and seminars in an effort to instruct karatekas concerning the World Karate Federation rules and regulations.
TWENTY-five karatekas at the weekend graduated to different levels of the Zambia Karate Federation during the grading tournament held at Edwin Imboela stadium in Lusaka.
These obi weren't the belts karateka and judoka wear today - Kano hadn't invented the judogi yet, and his students were still practicing in kimono.
And while he influenced many karateka in Japan, he never developed a large karate organization around his teaching as did Funakoshi.
ZKF general secretary Moodley Chola said a 10-member squad was to be picked for the continental games and urged all karatekas to take the selection seriously if they were to make it to Nigeria.
As a karateka he was known for his awesome strength, but also for his intuition - the ability to sense an attack and destroy it before it fully developed.
The Indonesian karatekas won another two silvers and three bronzes in Bangkok from eight events.
But are we really training to be able to defeat a championship karateka, a professional boxer, or an Olympic wrestler?
It is for judoists, karateka, archers, kendo-fencers and track-and-fielders who work out every day at dawn in the open or in gyms with windows wide open, taking ice-cold showers afterward.
There are many karateka who are healthy and live long.
The motor fitness of judoists and karateka was evaluated by means of the Leuven Motor Test Battery.
The teachers who were teaching marines were judoka or karateka.
Standing face-to-face with an expert karateka like Ushiro Sensei was an enlightening and humbling experience.
Some argue that the physical interpretation of the solution by the karateka or judoka is repugnant and that that of the aikidoka is beautiful.
Naturally all the karateka shouted and waved back.
However, most boxers and karatekas are not concerned with pulling the opponent, they are more interested in striking him.
He was a superb karateka and could switch techniques during sparring.
The federation also sent 11 men karatekas for training sessions with three karate schools.
Definition of karateka in US English:
A practitioner of karate.
Example sentencesExamples
These obi weren't the belts karateka and judoka wear today - Kano hadn't invented the judogi yet, and his students were still practicing in kimono.
As a karateka he was known for his awesome strength, but also for his intuition - the ability to sense an attack and destroy it before it fully developed.
Fourteen Zambian karatekas have been upgraded, two have been honoured while four other budding stars were showered with medals during a one week workshop which finished yesterday at Lusaka's Chrisma Hotel.
It is for judoists, karateka, archers, kendo-fencers and track-and-fielders who work out every day at dawn in the open or in gyms with windows wide open, taking ice-cold showers afterward.
The Indonesian karatekas won another two silvers and three bronzes in Bangkok from eight events.
And while he influenced many karateka in Japan, he never developed a large karate organization around his teaching as did Funakoshi.
ZKF general secretary Moodley Chola said a 10-member squad was to be picked for the continental games and urged all karatekas to take the selection seriously if they were to make it to Nigeria.
The group consisted mainly of aikibudoka but karateka, judoka and jiu-jitsuka also participated.
He was a superb karateka and could switch techniques during sparring.
Some argue that the physical interpretation of the solution by the karateka or judoka is repugnant and that that of the aikidoka is beautiful.
The Federation will also be holding a series of camps and seminars in an effort to instruct karatekas concerning the World Karate Federation rules and regulations.
Naturally all the karateka shouted and waved back.
The teachers who were teaching marines were judoka or karateka.
However, most boxers and karatekas are not concerned with pulling the opponent, they are more interested in striking him.
TWENTY-five karatekas at the weekend graduated to different levels of the Zambia Karate Federation during the grading tournament held at Edwin Imboela stadium in Lusaka.
But are we really training to be able to defeat a championship karateka, a professional boxer, or an Olympic wrestler?
The federation also sent 11 men karatekas for training sessions with three karate schools.
There are many karateka who are healthy and live long.
The motor fitness of judoists and karateka was evaluated by means of the Leuven Motor Test Battery.
Standing face-to-face with an expert karateka like Ushiro Sensei was an enlightening and humbling experience.