

单词 fake


  • 1Not genuine; imitation or counterfeit.


    she got on the plane with a fake passport
    a fake Cockney accent
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As a Christian, I accept as a basic premise of our faith that men are liars and many claims of levitation are fake.
    • I couldn't tell if it was a fake smile or a genuine one.
    • Successful carriers head to cities like Vienna or Amsterdam to exchange fake bills for genuine euros or to secure loans they have no intention of repaying.
    • All ethical aspects aside, fake designer shoes won't do your feet any good.
    • While fake shoes might not be as deadly as fake drugs, counterfeiting meant Indonesia had lost potential markets that could have employed millions of workers, he said.
    • The labels on the men's fake designer T-shirts mock their desperate circumstances.
    • You don't have to bow to peer pressure and get fake designer handbag.
    • Their smiles weren't the fake smiles produced so often for cameras, but genuine grins of joy.
    • While software had previously been able to detect and reject fake notes, counterfeiters had now evidently become more sophisticated and could fool the system.
    • This muscle is not easily brought under voluntary control, which is why it is usually quite easy to tell a genuine smile from a fake one.
    • We also provide enforcement agencies with training as to how to determine fake goods from genuine ones.
    • The use of fake and counterfeit drugs in Africa has led to predictably tragic consequences.
    • In Japan, counterfeiters are circulating fake bills that cost more to make than their face value.
    • This fake show of emotion is embarrassing and entirely unjustified.
    • The total value of the counterfeit goods, which also included fake clothing, was more than 60,000.
    • You see them on lots of New York City street corners: counterfeit T-shirts, bootleg DVDs, fake designer handbags.
    • His son, Gary, who initially said the signatures on the documents were his father's, now claims that the memos are fake.
    • Each year dozens of newspapers around the country parrot the report's fake pollution claims without any critical review.
    • I think wearing fake designer merchandise is so dishonest and insincere.
    • Customs officers displayed scores of counterfeit shirts along with fake CDs, DVDs and designer handbags.
    counterfeit, forged, fraudulent, sham, imitation, false, bogus, spurious, pseudo
    worthless, invalid
    informal phoney, dud
    imitation, artificial, synthetic, simulated, reproduction, replica, ersatz, plastic, man-made, dummy, false, mock, sham, bogus, so-called
    informal pretend, phoney, pseudo
    1. 1.1 (of a person) claiming to be something that one is not.
      a fake doctor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tom Cruise went off on a fake reporter for a new British prank show, after the reporter allegedly doused the movie star with a squirt gun disguised as a microphone.
      • It would be months before the doctor crossed paths with the fake lawyer Goldstein.
      • Benjamin dupes the canny general with fake prisoners, thereby gaining release of about 20 of his followers being held for execution.
      • He cautioned people, particularly those from outside Hyderabad, to be wary of fake doctors claiming to administer the fish medicine.
      • Just two weeks ago, Columbia got in trouble for manufacturing a fake movie critic, and now they have been caught manufacturing fake audience members.
      charlatan, quack, mountebank, sham, fraud, humbug, impostor, pretender, masquerader, hoodwinker, hoaxer, cheat, cheater, deceiver, dissembler, trickster, confidence trickster, fraudster
noun feɪkfeɪk
  • 1A thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham.


    fakes of Old Masters


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Jewelry is also a good buy in India, but again, beware of fakes and frauds.
    • As he points out, faking often occurs in waves, and when this happens it is easy to mistake the older fakes for the genuine article, or at least view them with greater sympathy.
    • He bought many of Little's pieces to demonstrate how similar to genuine objects fakes could be.
    • Since both works were hoaxes and fakes, we were told that neither work was literature.
    • Most of us are aware that there are such things as fakes, forgeries, copies and reproductions.
    • Turner's claims are not the first concerning possible fakes at the museum.
    • These documents have proved to be forgeries and accepted as fakes by Washington and the IAEA.
    • In addition to finding counterfeits, fakes and forgeries, they also find individuals using artists' names to generate sales.
    • A gem-collector friend of mine claims he can tell if a diamond is a fake from twenty paces.
    • The subject of fakes, forgeries and deceptions is intriguing enough by itself to pique the curiosity of those who have only a passing interest in the world of art and antiques.
    • In addition, the company also produced a complicated series of innovations to help consumers recognize the difference between fakes and genuine items.
    • The ball was a fake, she claimed, as she had the real one right there next to her in her Dallas home.
    • Many are fakes, but genuine artefacts are looted or dug up by treasure seekers.
    • The obscenely high price of mahogany woods and precious metals prevented counterfeiters from producing fakes, the profit of such operations being next to nil.
    • Provenance is also important because there are so many fakes and forgeries in the market, as well as a wealth of items illegally excavated and exported.
    • If museums and established auction houses can mistake fakes for genuine articles, so can you.
    • All his life, Frank fought neo-Nazi claims that the diary was a fake.
    • There are a number of situations that present potential liability for artists, galleries and publishers in the area of fakes, forgeries and stolen art.
    • Microsoft promises to acknowledge receipt within two days, and will let the customer know whether the software is genuine or a fake.
    • When they are unemployed, or working for a tiny salary, some resort to producing fakes for organised crime gangs.
    forgery, counterfeit, copy, sham, fraud, hoax, imitation, mock-up, dummy, reproduction, lookalike, likeness
    1. 1.1 A person who falsely claims to be something.
      I felt sure that some of the nuns were fakes
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Perhaps KB the wise old bird saw through the manipulation and the scheming of the pretenders, fakes, and exploiters, and was determined to keep the wolves away.
      • Most of the time, you can spot a fake from a genuine beggar.
      • I am sad when I think of the original Santaji, they must have killed him or kidnapped him or hidden him somewhere and all of these fakes are going around claiming to be him.
      • The internet is vastly growing into a pool of professional fakes and scammers.
      • She was immediately labelled a fake, but Lavigne never claimed to be a pop rebel - she was just an ordinary girl from Napanee, Ontario.
      • We have to get the cowboys, the fakes, the frauds, the thieves, the incompetent, the irresponsible, and the greedy out of the immigration loop in terms of people wishing to come to this nation.
      • Many thought that he was a fake, merely claiming to be the prince to gain power.
      • Then the students were asked to estimate how many so-called psychics were really fakes using magician's tricks.
      • One other thing I took out of the film was that here was someone shown to some extent to be a fake, he was pretending to be an Indian, and I took a broader lesson.
      • The more they appear as fakes and liars, the more they will resort to naked political power in pursuit of their goals.
      charlatan, quack, mountebank, sham, fraud, humbug, impostor, pretender, masquerader, hoodwinker, hoaxer, cheat, cheater, deceiver, dissembler, trickster, confidence trickster, fraudster
verb feɪkfeɪk
[with object]
  • 1Forge or counterfeit (something)


    she faked her spouse's signature


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Although he's supposed to be English, he doesn't try to fake the accent, which somehow works in his favour.
    • During an appeal hearing against the fine it was uncovered that one of the pictures had been faked and the date changed.
    • There are all sorts of reasons why documents might be faked and we should expect that many of them will be.
    • The forms needed to be signed by someone authorised by the hospital such as a doctor - but these signatures were faked, the court heard.
    • Within ten years of Vincent van Gogh's death in 1890, his paintings and drawings were being faked, and forgeries continue to distort our understanding of his work.
    • He later confessed to his deceptive scheme, telling police he wanted to fake the insurance claim and use the money to finance another trip back to Thailand.
    • Data can be faked, and there are mechanisms in place to deal with that.
    • You'd wonder why somebody would go to the lengths to fake something like this.
    • Is faking a doctoral degree by a minister of government less worthy of dismissal?
    • The stories make it clear that the guns have been registered to the defendant, and the original picture we see of him is supposed to have come off his gun licence, but these things can be lied about or faked.
    • I meant that Burberry is so popular it has started being faked and made badly!
    • He argues that the real pirates are the crime syndicates making fake CDs and selling them, but that those who use file sharing are getting all of the attention.
    • The book treated in colourful detail the supposed survival into modern times of dinosaurs and ape-men - and included a tantalising line about bones being as easy to fake as a photograph.
    • Designed when the Net was small, they allow spammers to cover their tracks by forging headers, faking domain names, and bouncing e-mails off servers across the globe.
    • After 1918 old glass, especially Irish, started to make high premiums and it began to be faked.
    • For instance, Magdalena de la Cruz confessed, during a serious illness in 1543, that her stigmata had been faked.
    • After the death of his wife, Thomas faked a will in her name to avoid certain legal complications.
    • Chinese counterfeiters, in one instance, have faked an American company's entire product line, right down to its Web site.
    • The move to tighten the vetting process was taken after news that 10 of the 12 Spanish learning difficulties basketball team at the 2000 Sydney Olympics were faking their conditions.
    • I'm tired of explaining myself, of being told I'm this, I'm that, faking a persona, assuming another name, another identity.
    forge, counterfeit, falsify, sham, feign, mock up, copy, reproduce, replicate
    doctor, alter, tamper with, tinker with
    informal pirate
    British informal fiddle (with)
    1. 1.1 Pretend to feel or have (an emotion, illness, or injury)
      Rob faked suspicion, a jealous concern
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They faked being hurt and then threw grenades at Marines who approached to provide medical treatment.
      • We need to trust people to enter into social, emotional and, for that matter, business dealings with them and you can't trust someone who is faking.
      • In college she protested the war in Vietnam, but when she was in danger of committing a crime, her father called her to his bedside by faking a heart condition while he arranged to have her radical friends arrested.
      • If he'd taken it, I wouldn't have had to fake that seizure.
      • Turkey is outraged as a top player faces £1,000 fine for faking injury.
      • You know how some people will fake illness or injury to get out of doing something they don't want to do?
      • It was always about pretending, and faking, and concealing feelings.
      • Would she still love me if she knew I had faked injury to profit from the only pub in town that still had not altered its written rules to address my behavior?
      • If they smack themselves, they're most likely unconscious; if not, they're faking.
      • Threatened with being thrown back into the world when the insurance money runs out, she fakes multiple personality disorder.
      • I am tempted to fake a leg injury - a phantom hernia - but in the end, decide to run too.
      • The difficulty for doctors is to identify those that are faking, and those that are genuinely unwell.
      • There are clearly ways in which the law could be tightened to prevent offenders, at least within Australia, from making a joke of the criminal justice system by faking or exaggerating illness.
      • We need a passion that is not faked, but one that belongs to a woman who dares to admit that she wants her place in the land of the glamour and beauty.
      • The clear intimation in one published column was that the team believed he was faking an injury and that he feared an opponent.
      • I just couldn't fake liking movies I think are dumb.
      • Later that evening she opens them with a kind of controlled hysteria that I'm convinced is completely faked.
      • Although, you know, again, when Scott does show signs of emotion, when he breaks down, the suggestion now is made that somehow he's faking or it may be orchestrated by his defense team.
      • The staff still thought she was faking; several girls recall them laughing and telling jokes as Gina lay on the ground.
      • Sometimes, I even faked being happy if I felt the producer was trying to get me to say something bad.
      feigned, faked, put-on, assumed, improvised, invented, affected, pseudo, insincere, unconvincing, artificial, imitation, mock, sham
      informal phoney, pseud, pretend
      British informal cod
    2. 1.2 Make (an event) appear to happen.
      he faked his own death


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jim had faked his death by appearing to drown off the coast of Miami, knowing his death would be reported and that his wife would make a claim on his life assurance policy.
      • However the fact that he emptied the joint bank account, remortgaged the house and left some unanswered questions relating to the proceeds of a charity fundraising event, suggests his disappearance may have been faked.
      • But if it is, the protesters have gone to great lengths in their subterfuge: faking riots, dressing as police officers, hiring horses, releasing tear-gas canisters.
      • The suspicion that the emperor's death had been faked gained more and more adherents.
      • Only his death will be faked, and word will be sent that he died at the claws of a vicious sand dragon!
      • The second features how-to instructions for faking one's death using various roots & berries.
      feign, pretend, simulate, sham, put on, make-believe, affect
    3. 1.3fake someone outNorth American informal Trick or deceive someone.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sue closed her eyes, she didn't want anyone else to fake her out, to pretend to be something they were not.
      • He always had a habit of going down on one knee to block shots, so I thought I could fake him out of position.
      • He may be able to fake you out to some extent, but there's no way he could know all the details.
      • Then he opens his empty hand and smiles at me, and I say, ‘You faked me out!’
      • Sadly, the movie's ending fakes us out and along comes the faux-epilogue where, all of a sudden, we get an update on where everyone is one year later.


  • faker

  • nounˈfeɪkəˈfeɪkər
    • 1A person who forges or counterfeits something.


      fakers are clever so be watchful for 'new' furniture made from old parts
      1. 1.1 A person who makes a pretence of something.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Some fakers are compulsive liars who convince themselves of the truth of their own stories.
      • We get to live the life of someone with special powers; it is presented as just another occupation, although with a higher than normal quota of charlatans and fakers.
      • For years fakers and charlatans have cheated the gullible out of their money.
      • he labelled his opponent a political faker and a moral fraud
  • fakery

  • nounˈfeɪkəriˈfeɪk(ə)ri
    • Finally, digital fakery presents the next important issue, particularly for fine art photographers, collectors, and dealers of fine art photography.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A young man and would-be dancer who comes to New York from small-town Ohio and is bewildered by the city's intensity and fakery, and rediscovers his passion in a tragic act of self-destruction.
      • When you take your laptop to the neighborhood coffee shop you can't help but feeling like a wretched poseur because the very act of taking a laptop to a coffee shop is completely redolent of conspicuous artiness and flat-out fakery.
      • As much as the reporters snickered about the campaign fakery, and occasionally cracked about it in print, there is no question that they were attracted to the big-campaign symbolism like moths to a lamp.
      • It's a part of it and to deny that would have been fakery.


Late 18th century (originally slang): origin uncertain; perhaps ultimately related to German fegen 'sweep, thrash'. Compare with fig2.


ache, awake, bake, betake, Blake, brake, break, cake, crake, drake, flake, forsake, hake, Jake, lake, make, mistake, opaque, partake, quake, rake, sake, shake, sheikh, slake, snake, splake, stake, steak, strake, take, undertake, wake, wideawake


noun & verb
  • variant spelling of flake


Late Middle English (as a verb): of unknown origin.


  • 1Not genuine; counterfeit.


    fake designer clothing


    expressing fake emotions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This muscle is not easily brought under voluntary control, which is why it is usually quite easy to tell a genuine smile from a fake one.
    • The use of fake and counterfeit drugs in Africa has led to predictably tragic consequences.
    • You see them on lots of New York City street corners: counterfeit T-shirts, bootleg DVDs, fake designer handbags.
    • In Japan, counterfeiters are circulating fake bills that cost more to make than their face value.
    • The labels on the men's fake designer T-shirts mock their desperate circumstances.
    • We also provide enforcement agencies with training as to how to determine fake goods from genuine ones.
    • The total value of the counterfeit goods, which also included fake clothing, was more than 60,000.
    • I think wearing fake designer merchandise is so dishonest and insincere.
    • While software had previously been able to detect and reject fake notes, counterfeiters had now evidently become more sophisticated and could fool the system.
    • This fake show of emotion is embarrassing and entirely unjustified.
    • Each year dozens of newspapers around the country parrot the report's fake pollution claims without any critical review.
    • Their smiles weren't the fake smiles produced so often for cameras, but genuine grins of joy.
    • You don't have to bow to peer pressure and get fake designer handbag.
    • Customs officers displayed scores of counterfeit shirts along with fake CDs, DVDs and designer handbags.
    • While fake shoes might not be as deadly as fake drugs, counterfeiting meant Indonesia had lost potential markets that could have employed millions of workers, he said.
    • All ethical aspects aside, fake designer shoes won't do your feet any good.
    • His son, Gary, who initially said the signatures on the documents were his father's, now claims that the memos are fake.
    • As a Christian, I accept as a basic premise of our faith that men are liars and many claims of levitation are fake.
    • I couldn't tell if it was a fake smile or a genuine one.
    • Successful carriers head to cities like Vienna or Amsterdam to exchange fake bills for genuine euros or to secure loans they have no intention of repaying.
    forgery, counterfeit, copy, sham, fraud, hoax, imitation, mock-up, dummy, reproduction, lookalike, likeness
    counterfeit, forged, fraudulent, sham, imitation, false, bogus, spurious, pseudo
    imitation, artificial, synthetic, simulated, reproduction, replica, ersatz, plastic, man-made, dummy, false, mock, sham, bogus, so-called
    1. 1.1 (of a person) claiming to be something that one is not.
      a fake doctor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It would be months before the doctor crossed paths with the fake lawyer Goldstein.
      • Benjamin dupes the canny general with fake prisoners, thereby gaining release of about 20 of his followers being held for execution.
      • Just two weeks ago, Columbia got in trouble for manufacturing a fake movie critic, and now they have been caught manufacturing fake audience members.
      • Tom Cruise went off on a fake reporter for a new British prank show, after the reporter allegedly doused the movie star with a squirt gun disguised as a microphone.
      • He cautioned people, particularly those from outside Hyderabad, to be wary of fake doctors claiming to administer the fish medicine.
      charlatan, quack, mountebank, sham, fraud, humbug, impostor, pretender, masquerader, hoodwinker, hoaxer, cheat, cheater, deceiver, dissembler, trickster, confidence trickster, fraudster
  • 1A thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham.


    the painting was a fake
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In addition to finding counterfeits, fakes and forgeries, they also find individuals using artists' names to generate sales.
    • In addition, the company also produced a complicated series of innovations to help consumers recognize the difference between fakes and genuine items.
    • The obscenely high price of mahogany woods and precious metals prevented counterfeiters from producing fakes, the profit of such operations being next to nil.
    • All his life, Frank fought neo-Nazi claims that the diary was a fake.
    • Many are fakes, but genuine artefacts are looted or dug up by treasure seekers.
    • Jewelry is also a good buy in India, but again, beware of fakes and frauds.
    • Since both works were hoaxes and fakes, we were told that neither work was literature.
    • When they are unemployed, or working for a tiny salary, some resort to producing fakes for organised crime gangs.
    • If museums and established auction houses can mistake fakes for genuine articles, so can you.
    • Turner's claims are not the first concerning possible fakes at the museum.
    • These documents have proved to be forgeries and accepted as fakes by Washington and the IAEA.
    • Most of us are aware that there are such things as fakes, forgeries, copies and reproductions.
    • There are a number of situations that present potential liability for artists, galleries and publishers in the area of fakes, forgeries and stolen art.
    • Microsoft promises to acknowledge receipt within two days, and will let the customer know whether the software is genuine or a fake.
    • A gem-collector friend of mine claims he can tell if a diamond is a fake from twenty paces.
    • He bought many of Little's pieces to demonstrate how similar to genuine objects fakes could be.
    • The subject of fakes, forgeries and deceptions is intriguing enough by itself to pique the curiosity of those who have only a passing interest in the world of art and antiques.
    • As he points out, faking often occurs in waves, and when this happens it is easy to mistake the older fakes for the genuine article, or at least view them with greater sympathy.
    • The ball was a fake, she claimed, as she had the real one right there next to her in her Dallas home.
    • Provenance is also important because there are so many fakes and forgeries in the market, as well as a wealth of items illegally excavated and exported.
    forgery, counterfeit, copy, sham, fraud, hoax, imitation, mock-up, dummy, reproduction, lookalike, likeness
    1. 1.1 A person who appears or claims to be something that they are not.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We have to get the cowboys, the fakes, the frauds, the thieves, the incompetent, the irresponsible, and the greedy out of the immigration loop in terms of people wishing to come to this nation.
      • She was immediately labelled a fake, but Lavigne never claimed to be a pop rebel - she was just an ordinary girl from Napanee, Ontario.
      • I am sad when I think of the original Santaji, they must have killed him or kidnapped him or hidden him somewhere and all of these fakes are going around claiming to be him.
      • The more they appear as fakes and liars, the more they will resort to naked political power in pursuit of their goals.
      • Most of the time, you can spot a fake from a genuine beggar.
      • The internet is vastly growing into a pool of professional fakes and scammers.
      • One other thing I took out of the film was that here was someone shown to some extent to be a fake, he was pretending to be an Indian, and I took a broader lesson.
      • Perhaps KB the wise old bird saw through the manipulation and the scheming of the pretenders, fakes, and exploiters, and was determined to keep the wolves away.
      • Then the students were asked to estimate how many so-called psychics were really fakes using magician's tricks.
      • Many thought that he was a fake, merely claiming to be the prince to gain power.
      charlatan, quack, mountebank, sham, fraud, humbug, impostor, pretender, masquerader, hoodwinker, hoaxer, cheat, cheater, deceiver, dissembler, trickster, confidence trickster, fraudster
[with object]
  • 1Forge or counterfeit (something)


    the woman faked her spouse's signature


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Although he's supposed to be English, he doesn't try to fake the accent, which somehow works in his favour.
    • For instance, Magdalena de la Cruz confessed, during a serious illness in 1543, that her stigmata had been faked.
    • After 1918 old glass, especially Irish, started to make high premiums and it began to be faked.
    • He later confessed to his deceptive scheme, telling police he wanted to fake the insurance claim and use the money to finance another trip back to Thailand.
    • There are all sorts of reasons why documents might be faked and we should expect that many of them will be.
    • After the death of his wife, Thomas faked a will in her name to avoid certain legal complications.
    • Designed when the Net was small, they allow spammers to cover their tracks by forging headers, faking domain names, and bouncing e-mails off servers across the globe.
    • Is faking a doctoral degree by a minister of government less worthy of dismissal?
    • The stories make it clear that the guns have been registered to the defendant, and the original picture we see of him is supposed to have come off his gun licence, but these things can be lied about or faked.
    • I meant that Burberry is so popular it has started being faked and made badly!
    • The book treated in colourful detail the supposed survival into modern times of dinosaurs and ape-men - and included a tantalising line about bones being as easy to fake as a photograph.
    • You'd wonder why somebody would go to the lengths to fake something like this.
    • I'm tired of explaining myself, of being told I'm this, I'm that, faking a persona, assuming another name, another identity.
    • During an appeal hearing against the fine it was uncovered that one of the pictures had been faked and the date changed.
    • Within ten years of Vincent van Gogh's death in 1890, his paintings and drawings were being faked, and forgeries continue to distort our understanding of his work.
    • The forms needed to be signed by someone authorised by the hospital such as a doctor - but these signatures were faked, the court heard.
    • He argues that the real pirates are the crime syndicates making fake CDs and selling them, but that those who use file sharing are getting all of the attention.
    • Chinese counterfeiters, in one instance, have faked an American company's entire product line, right down to its Web site.
    • Data can be faked, and there are mechanisms in place to deal with that.
    • The move to tighten the vetting process was taken after news that 10 of the 12 Spanish learning difficulties basketball team at the 2000 Sydney Olympics were faking their conditions.
    forge, counterfeit, falsify, sham, feign, mock up, copy, reproduce, replicate
    1. 1.1 Pretend to feel or suffer from (an emotion or illness)
      he had begun to fake a bad stomachache


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was always about pretending, and faking, and concealing feelings.
      • Threatened with being thrown back into the world when the insurance money runs out, she fakes multiple personality disorder.
      • The clear intimation in one published column was that the team believed he was faking an injury and that he feared an opponent.
      • The difficulty for doctors is to identify those that are faking, and those that are genuinely unwell.
      • You know how some people will fake illness or injury to get out of doing something they don't want to do?
      • Although, you know, again, when Scott does show signs of emotion, when he breaks down, the suggestion now is made that somehow he's faking or it may be orchestrated by his defense team.
      • We need a passion that is not faked, but one that belongs to a woman who dares to admit that she wants her place in the land of the glamour and beauty.
      • The staff still thought she was faking; several girls recall them laughing and telling jokes as Gina lay on the ground.
      • I am tempted to fake a leg injury - a phantom hernia - but in the end, decide to run too.
      • Turkey is outraged as a top player faces £1,000 fine for faking injury.
      • They faked being hurt and then threw grenades at Marines who approached to provide medical treatment.
      • Sometimes, I even faked being happy if I felt the producer was trying to get me to say something bad.
      • Would she still love me if she knew I had faked injury to profit from the only pub in town that still had not altered its written rules to address my behavior?
      • I just couldn't fake liking movies I think are dumb.
      • There are clearly ways in which the law could be tightened to prevent offenders, at least within Australia, from making a joke of the criminal justice system by faking or exaggerating illness.
      • Later that evening she opens them with a kind of controlled hysteria that I'm convinced is completely faked.
      • We need to trust people to enter into social, emotional and, for that matter, business dealings with them and you can't trust someone who is faking.
      • If they smack themselves, they're most likely unconscious; if not, they're faking.
      • In college she protested the war in Vietnam, but when she was in danger of committing a crime, her father called her to his bedside by faking a heart condition while he arranged to have her radical friends arrested.
      • If he'd taken it, I wouldn't have had to fake that seizure.
      feigned, faked, put-on, assumed, improvised, invented, affected, pseudo, insincere, unconvincing, artificial, imitation, mock, sham
      feign, pretend, simulate, sham, put on, make-believe, affect
    2. 1.2 Make (an event) appear to happen.
      he faked his own death


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The suspicion that the emperor's death had been faked gained more and more adherents.
      • However the fact that he emptied the joint bank account, remortgaged the house and left some unanswered questions relating to the proceeds of a charity fundraising event, suggests his disappearance may have been faked.
      • But if it is, the protesters have gone to great lengths in their subterfuge: faking riots, dressing as police officers, hiring horses, releasing tear-gas canisters.
      • Jim had faked his death by appearing to drown off the coast of Miami, knowing his death would be reported and that his wife would make a claim on his life assurance policy.
      • Only his death will be faked, and word will be sent that he died at the claws of a vicious sand dragon!
      • The second features how-to instructions for faking one's death using various roots & berries.
      feign, pretend, simulate, sham, put on, make-believe, affect
    3. 1.3 Accomplish (a task) by improvising.
      all the experts agree that you can't fake it
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If not, you'll need to learn how to fake being rich.
      • If it's so easy to fake being an American citizen, why go to all that trouble to fingerprint and photograph foreigners at airports?
      • He'd fake dying and fall down the stairs ever so slowly and dramatically, just to get his mother to stop shopping.
      • You should at least have to fake that you are singing, shouldn't you?
      • Grace gets her first job at the Crêmerie and Goyette captures perfectly the nauseating feeling of trying to fake one's way through a menial job in a language one is barely competent in.
      • Even when you watch news shows, they fake the script.
      • Also, don't fake that you're lost in a subject if you're really pulling down A's.
      • In The Dotty Mack Show, we find some musical instruments, though the actors fake playing them.
    4. 1.4Music Improvise.
      he fakes the melody line of a standard tune


Late 18th century (originally slang): origin uncertain; perhaps ultimately related to German fegen ‘sweep, thrash’. Compare with fig.


verb & nounfeɪkfāk
  • variant spelling of flake


Late Middle English (as a verb): of unknown origin.





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