

单词 fact

Definition of fact in English:


noun faktfækt
  • 1A thing that is known or proved to be true.

    the most commonly known fact about hedgehogs is that they have fleas
    he ignores some historical and economic facts
    mass noun a body of fact


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is a fact that the single most devastating killer of small birds is the domestic cat.
    • Micky is out now and has stayed out for four years, a fact of which he is very proud.
    • When you took out a book you entered the fact in an exercise book and signed for it.
    • I would want none of my people ever to make a mistake or ever to get tired or ever miss a fact in a statement.
    • Every day another item stated as fact turns out to be based on foundations of sand.
    • Those sort of facts and statistics are true in so many instances of cancer now.
    • That does not have to be a law of human nature for my argument, just a fact about most of us.
    • If the facts cannot be so proved, then there is no basis from which to infer a future risk.
    • It is a fact that most of those who are on the street have an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
    • The good thing about this particular index is that it is based on plain and simple fact.
    • If they are going to bother to print such an amazing fact, they may as well say why it is amazing.
    • Kuhn showed that what counts as a fact to a scientist depends on the current paradigm.
    • However young you may feel, it is a sad fact that people do slow down as they get older.
    • It is a sad fact that when a litter of pigs is born, it is quite normal to have one or two born dead.
    • So go and see it with your own eyes and discover for yourself if it is an historical fact.
    • The couple beside us were toasting the fact of just being alive on so blissful a night.
    • It is also a fact that there are many things far worse for your health than smokers.
    • The court decided that no breach of a superior rule of law could be proven on the facts.
    • That does tend to be the case but it is merely a trend, not an incontrovertible fact.
    • A couple of days later, the true facts, or at least a version of them, began to emerge.
    reality, actuality, certainty, factuality, certitude
    truth, naked truth, verity, gospel
    1. 1.1facts Information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.
      even the most inventive journalism peters out without facts, and in this case there were no facts
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was simply a question on the facts of this case whether it was acceptable for the inspector to do that.
      • We work hand in hand with the broadcast teams but don't wait for them to report the facts.
      • I cannot myself see any force in the first or second point on the facts as I understand them.
      • They know the facts of their case and the plethora of documents better than anyone.
      • You may recall that that report contained a number of facts that we say had to be dealt with.
      • There is no hint of arrogance in this statement, and all of the facts seem to back his viewpoint.
      • In the absence of firm evidence and reliable facts, it is that line which tends to be followed.
      • His primary concern was always to record the facts rather than to make an effect or a profit.
      • The primary facts thus are the evidence of the ceremony that is valid according to local law.
      • It is normally for the person alleging facts in support of a claim to adduce proof of such facts.
      • It is difficult to think of facts on which there would not be a primary verdict other than neglect.
      • It was a decision confined to the particular facts and evidence of the particular case.
      • The facts in this case are set out in the headnote and I do not propose to repeat them.
      • Two hours is a long while for a documentary, and I left feeling bombarded with facts.
      • Who knows what the true facts of this case are but there is certainly more to it than meets the eye.
      • The question for us is whether to admit the new evidence in light of the facts as I have recited.
      • It was a sign of his intellect that he could muster facts on such a wide range of topics.
      • Evidently the facts do not add up and so the likelihood is that someone is distorting the truth.
      • In all cases, we have to distill the facts from the various reports and documents.
      • If facts are checked by many more sources then the truth is likelier to be told.
      detail, piece of information, particular, item, specific, element, point, factor, feature, characteristic, respect, ingredient, attribute, circumstance, consideration, aspect, facet
      (facts), information, itemized information, whole story
      informal info, gen, low-down, score, dope
    2. 1.2the fact that Used to refer to a particular situation under discussion.
      despite the fact that I'm so tired, sleep is elusive
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her problems were made worse by the fact that the lift was temporarily out of action.
      • The judge did not refer the jury to the fact that a mistaken witness can be a convincing one.
      • We should not lose sight of the fact that there has to be a sense of proportion in our debates.
      • Bardem was also drawn to the fact that there is no clear right and wrong in the film.
      • I like the fact that if I turn up, the kids enjoy it and they all get to play more sport.
      • Attackers were also deterred by the fact that the police were keeping an eye on them.
      • He was amused by the fact that he had been mistaken in his knowledge of what is right and what is left.
      • There is an honesty about what they do, helped by the fact that you can see the kitchens.
      • We want Kirklees Council to respect the fact that most of us want to stay on the estate.
      • The situation is not helped by the fact that the mist is making the court damp and slippy.
      • It might have been comic were it not for the fact that someone was likely to end up being killed.
      • It was not so much what I heard that annoyed me but the fact that no action was taken.
      • This is, of course, due to the fact that there is no way in the world that it is ever going to work.
      • He led all the way and it was a great race, despite the fact that it had to be run on the Monday.
      • It's not the fact that to get to the crew room I have to go up two flights of stairs and down three.
      • This is despite the fact that we know she is a sharp woman who reads all the papers every day.
      • The hilly course was made worse with the fact that it was pouring with rain and windy as well.
      • Kids need to get used to the fact that there are rules to be obeyed for the rest of their lives.
      • Add to this the fact that our physical bodies aren't as important to us as to animals.
      • You need to take on board the fact that in some cases terminally ill people ask to go home to die.
    3. 1.3Law mass noun The truth about events as opposed to interpretation.
      there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If the comment amounts to a statement of fact then it must be proved to be true or privileged.
      • The Ombudsman is the sole judge of fact and he can only be corrected on errors of law.
      • That is in my judgment so even if it can later be shown that the arbitrator made an error of fact or law.
      • To make an error of fact or law in the course of arriving at a decision is not even misconduct.
      • We would then have an opportunity for questions on a point of fact or a clarification.


  • before (or after) the fact


    • Before (or after) the committing of a crime.


      an accessory before the fact


      Example sentencesExamples
      • David had been found out and his explanation is after the fact rationalization to put the best face forward on the matter.
      • Whenever an instrument tells a lie about some alleged past fact it purports to be made after the fact occurred.
      • The plaintiffs did not authorize many specific transactions but were aware of them after the fact.
      • The more open they are, the less likely they are to wind up indicted for crimes after the fact.
      • All those, although very crucial to crime prevention, are before the fact.
      • He conceded that the publication of secret information could be punished after the fact.
      • Families often learn several days after the fact that their relative was a suicide bomber.
      • Why does the department cover up for the chief assassin of its officers thirty years after the fact?
      • Yet when doing so they always sought congressional authority, even if after the fact.
      • First, the photographer snapped it while the lynching was in progress and not after the fact.
      event, happening, occurrence, incident, act, deed
  • facts and figures

    • Precise details.


      he presents the facts and figures of his case openly and honestly
      Example sentencesExamples
      • People need to be informed of undisputed facts and figures to enable a clear assessment of the situation.
      • The Disability Rights Commission doesn't have detailed facts and figures.
      • Sure, he'll talk about money and finance - those facts and figures - but won't touch topics closer to my heart.
      • You're great at math and science because you prefer hard facts and figures over messy concepts and ideas.
      • And people can request facts and figures on current issues as well as from local authority files dating back hundreds of years.
      • The message in this particular context was that an over-dependence on facts and figures to prove a specific point could be unrealistic.
      • Dozens of websites are devoted to compiling facts and figures about the number 23 and detailing those whose lives have been ruled by it.
      • Armchair analysts and cricket pundits are catching upon game statistics to reel off facts and figures in an instant.
      • A night of restful sleep before the test is the best way to ensure that the brain is ready with facts and figures, when the time comes to put pen to paper.
      • The plaintiffs would then have to give particulars and facts and figures to support it.
  • a fact of life

    • Something that must be accepted and cannot be changed, however unpalatable.


      baldness is a fact of life for a lot of men
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's a fact of life that students, when they graduate, will have to pay off their debts and fit into the commercial world.
      • Some feel there is neither rhyme nor reason as to this regular occurrence but we have to accept it as a fact of life.
      • After much fighting and agitating you accept sorrow, pain or difficulty as a fact of life.
      • In a normal environment, disease is a fact of life, but it's one we ignore at our peril.
      • The role of international financial markets seemed to be accepted as a fact of life, even though not always a pleasant one.
      • Downward mobility was and seems to have been accepted as an irreducible fact of life.
      • Terrorism may be rare, but terror warnings have become a fact of life.
      • Do you expect to have a life of your own outside work or are long hours and burnout just a fact of life you have accepted?
      • The family cat, Snowbell, has started accepting Stuart as a fact of life and part of the family.
      • Sunday drinking has also become a fact of life in recent years, as a host of licensing restrictions have been swept away.
  • the facts of life

    • Information about sexual functions and practices, especially as given to children.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • So they give students a ‘fact based’ education, but what good are the facts of life without the guidance to use them?
      • They were left to play in blissful ignorance until such a time, as they were old enough to understand the sexual facts of life.
      • They need basic facts of life, and information about health and contraception.
      • They handle reproduction very tastefully, concentrating on the genetic facts of life rather than physical how-tos.
      • She welcomes the new approach which still teaches the facts of life and contraception but also looks at relationships and taking responsibility for decisions.
      • She was educated about the facts of life both at home and at school but she had the attitude that nothing could touch her.
      • Physical abuse, worries over the facts of life, family rows and sexual abuse were listed as the other top problems which prompt that age group to call for help.
      • My children will let me know when they are ready to learn about the facts of life.
      • Sharon got to sit in her bedroom, listening to her mom explain the true facts of life.
      • I know it is easy enough to find out the facts of life by yourself but I do believe that a place like a school can and should help on the subject.
  • the fact of the matter

    • The truth.


      the fact of the matter is that few such cases reach the magistrates' courts
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They battled bravely even when defeat was staring them in the face, but the fact of the matter is that they are not yet ready to take on teams in the top flight.
      • And the fact of the matter is, is we are busy responding to the last threat, which is the terrorist threat.
      • Well, despite all this, the fact of the matter is that, look, flying has always been relatively safe.
      • And the fact of the matter is, these advertisers are paying for these programs.
      • But the fact of the matter is that this incident occurred and I would like an explanation from whoever is in charge.
      • And the fact of the matter is, he did what many, many people would do in that situation, right or wrong.
      • I think that the fact of the matter is there are plenty of women who are interested in helping other women come up through the ranks.
      • But the fact of the matter is, any time you ingest a pill, a chemical, there is going to be a risk.
      • And the fact of the matter is, anybody can become violent under the right circumstances.
      • The simple fact of the matter is that he was the first to use the name in the field of popular music.
      • That's not a criticism, that's a description of what I think is the fact of the matter.
      the fact of the matter, what actually happened, what really happened, the case, so
  • in (point of) fact

    • Used to emphasize the truth of an assertion, especially one opposite to what might be expected or what has been asserted.


      the brook trout is in fact a char
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You were actually in contest with your governor, in point of fact, over the awarding of contracts to foreign-based companies.
      • In other words, this opposition group, in point of fact, has a very good record in terms of its accuracy and its veracity?
      • This seems like an obvious truth, and yet there is in fact no evidence to support it.
      • Now that is so easy to raise hopes and, in point of fact, hype results, but this experimental vaccine has proved to be, so far, 100 percent effective in some instances.
      • Well, in point of fact, both sides have recognized and acknowledged that this mid-air collision took place in international waters.
      • Intelligence is not all that important in the exercise of power, and is often, in point of fact, useless.
      • Whether she was in fact telling the truth is of course an entirely different matter.
      • It is in fact the truth: she's told the story so many times she now thinks she made it up.
      • And in point of fact, the notion that any species is ‘more evolved’ than another in evolutionary theory is nonsense right from the start.
      • I looked down at the hand of his I could see and realized he was in fact telling the truth.
      actually, in actuality, in actual fact, really, in reality, in point of fact, as a matter of fact, in truth, if truth be told, to tell the truth, the truth is, the truth was
      in fact, as a matter of fact, actually, in actual fact, really, in reality, as it happens, in truth, to tell the truth, truly


Late 15th century: from Latin factum, neuter past participle of facere 'do'. The original sense was 'an act', later 'a crime', surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The earliest of the current senses ( 'truth, reality') dates from the late 16th century.

  • factory from late 16th century:

    The first factories were far from any urban area, in India and southeast Asia. A factory in the late 16th century was a trading company's foreign base or station. The first use of the word in something like the modern sense came in the early 17th century, but until the Victorian era a building where goods were produced was more usually called a manufactory. The root of factory is Latin facere ‘to make or do’, the source of a great many English words such as fact, factor, feat, and feature (all LME). The sense ‘a place where things are made’ probably came from Latin factorium ‘oil press’.


abreact, abstract, act, attract, bract, compact, contract, counteract, diffract, enact, exact, extract, humpbacked, impact, interact, matter-of-fact, pact, protract, redact, refract, retroact, subcontract, subtract, tact, tract, transact, unbacked, underact, untracked

Definition of fact in US English:


  • 1A thing that is known or proved to be true.

    he ignores some historical and economic facts
    a body of fact


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The couple beside us were toasting the fact of just being alive on so blissful a night.
    • That does tend to be the case but it is merely a trend, not an incontrovertible fact.
    • It is a fact that most of those who are on the street have an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
    • So go and see it with your own eyes and discover for yourself if it is an historical fact.
    • It is also a fact that there are many things far worse for your health than smokers.
    • It is a sad fact that when a litter of pigs is born, it is quite normal to have one or two born dead.
    • When you took out a book you entered the fact in an exercise book and signed for it.
    • However young you may feel, it is a sad fact that people do slow down as they get older.
    • Every day another item stated as fact turns out to be based on foundations of sand.
    • The court decided that no breach of a superior rule of law could be proven on the facts.
    • It is a fact that the single most devastating killer of small birds is the domestic cat.
    • If they are going to bother to print such an amazing fact, they may as well say why it is amazing.
    • That does not have to be a law of human nature for my argument, just a fact about most of us.
    • A couple of days later, the true facts, or at least a version of them, began to emerge.
    • If the facts cannot be so proved, then there is no basis from which to infer a future risk.
    • Micky is out now and has stayed out for four years, a fact of which he is very proud.
    • Kuhn showed that what counts as a fact to a scientist depends on the current paradigm.
    • The good thing about this particular index is that it is based on plain and simple fact.
    • I would want none of my people ever to make a mistake or ever to get tired or ever miss a fact in a statement.
    • Those sort of facts and statistics are true in so many instances of cancer now.
    reality, actuality, certainty, factuality, certitude
    1. 1.1usually facts A piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In all cases, we have to distill the facts from the various reports and documents.
      • The primary facts thus are the evidence of the ceremony that is valid according to local law.
      • The facts in this case are set out in the headnote and I do not propose to repeat them.
      • Evidently the facts do not add up and so the likelihood is that someone is distorting the truth.
      • Two hours is a long while for a documentary, and I left feeling bombarded with facts.
      • You may recall that that report contained a number of facts that we say had to be dealt with.
      • There is no hint of arrogance in this statement, and all of the facts seem to back his viewpoint.
      • It is normally for the person alleging facts in support of a claim to adduce proof of such facts.
      • His primary concern was always to record the facts rather than to make an effect or a profit.
      • It is difficult to think of facts on which there would not be a primary verdict other than neglect.
      • I cannot myself see any force in the first or second point on the facts as I understand them.
      • Who knows what the true facts of this case are but there is certainly more to it than meets the eye.
      • In the absence of firm evidence and reliable facts, it is that line which tends to be followed.
      • The question for us is whether to admit the new evidence in light of the facts as I have recited.
      • If facts are checked by many more sources then the truth is likelier to be told.
      • They know the facts of their case and the plethora of documents better than anyone.
      • It was simply a question on the facts of this case whether it was acceptable for the inspector to do that.
      • It was a sign of his intellect that he could muster facts on such a wide range of topics.
      • It was a decision confined to the particular facts and evidence of the particular case.
      • We work hand in hand with the broadcast teams but don't wait for them to report the facts.
      detail, piece of information, particular, item, specific, element, point, factor, feature, characteristic, respect, ingredient, attribute, circumstance, consideration, aspect, facet
    2. 1.2the fact that Used in discussing the significance of something that is the case.
      the real problem facing them is the fact that their funds are being cut


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I like the fact that if I turn up, the kids enjoy it and they all get to play more sport.
      • Kids need to get used to the fact that there are rules to be obeyed for the rest of their lives.
      • We should not lose sight of the fact that there has to be a sense of proportion in our debates.
      • This is, of course, due to the fact that there is no way in the world that it is ever going to work.
      • The hilly course was made worse with the fact that it was pouring with rain and windy as well.
      • It was not so much what I heard that annoyed me but the fact that no action was taken.
      • There is an honesty about what they do, helped by the fact that you can see the kitchens.
      • The judge did not refer the jury to the fact that a mistaken witness can be a convincing one.
      • It's not the fact that to get to the crew room I have to go up two flights of stairs and down three.
      • The situation is not helped by the fact that the mist is making the court damp and slippy.
      • Her problems were made worse by the fact that the lift was temporarily out of action.
      • This is despite the fact that we know she is a sharp woman who reads all the papers every day.
      • He led all the way and it was a great race, despite the fact that it had to be run on the Monday.
      • Add to this the fact that our physical bodies aren't as important to us as to animals.
      • You need to take on board the fact that in some cases terminally ill people ask to go home to die.
      • It might have been comic were it not for the fact that someone was likely to end up being killed.
      • We want Kirklees Council to respect the fact that most of us want to stay on the estate.
      • Attackers were also deterred by the fact that the police were keeping an eye on them.
      • He was amused by the fact that he had been mistaken in his knowledge of what is right and what is left.
      • Bardem was also drawn to the fact that there is no clear right and wrong in the film.
    3. 1.3Law The truth about events as opposed to interpretation.
      there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We would then have an opportunity for questions on a point of fact or a clarification.
      • The Ombudsman is the sole judge of fact and he can only be corrected on errors of law.
      • That is in my judgment so even if it can later be shown that the arbitrator made an error of fact or law.
      • If the comment amounts to a statement of fact then it must be proved to be true or privileged.
      • To make an error of fact or law in the course of arriving at a decision is not even misconduct.


  • before (or after) the fact


    • Before (or after) the committing of a crime.


      an accessory before the fact


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Families often learn several days after the fact that their relative was a suicide bomber.
      • Whenever an instrument tells a lie about some alleged past fact it purports to be made after the fact occurred.
      • David had been found out and his explanation is after the fact rationalization to put the best face forward on the matter.
      • First, the photographer snapped it while the lynching was in progress and not after the fact.
      • He conceded that the publication of secret information could be punished after the fact.
      • Why does the department cover up for the chief assassin of its officers thirty years after the fact?
      • The plaintiffs did not authorize many specific transactions but were aware of them after the fact.
      • Yet when doing so they always sought congressional authority, even if after the fact.
      • All those, although very crucial to crime prevention, are before the fact.
      • The more open they are, the less likely they are to wind up indicted for crimes after the fact.
      event, happening, occurrence, incident, act, deed
  • facts and figures

    • Precise details.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Armchair analysts and cricket pundits are catching upon game statistics to reel off facts and figures in an instant.
      • The Disability Rights Commission doesn't have detailed facts and figures.
      • The message in this particular context was that an over-dependence on facts and figures to prove a specific point could be unrealistic.
      • Dozens of websites are devoted to compiling facts and figures about the number 23 and detailing those whose lives have been ruled by it.
      • Sure, he'll talk about money and finance - those facts and figures - but won't touch topics closer to my heart.
      • And people can request facts and figures on current issues as well as from local authority files dating back hundreds of years.
      • A night of restful sleep before the test is the best way to ensure that the brain is ready with facts and figures, when the time comes to put pen to paper.
      • You're great at math and science because you prefer hard facts and figures over messy concepts and ideas.
      • The plaintiffs would then have to give particulars and facts and figures to support it.
      • People need to be informed of undisputed facts and figures to enable a clear assessment of the situation.
  • a fact of life

    • Something that must be accepted as true and unchanging, even if it is unpleasant.


      baldness is a fact of life for a lot of men
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Do you expect to have a life of your own outside work or are long hours and burnout just a fact of life you have accepted?
      • In a normal environment, disease is a fact of life, but it's one we ignore at our peril.
      • Some feel there is neither rhyme nor reason as to this regular occurrence but we have to accept it as a fact of life.
      • Terrorism may be rare, but terror warnings have become a fact of life.
      • Sunday drinking has also become a fact of life in recent years, as a host of licensing restrictions have been swept away.
      • The family cat, Snowbell, has started accepting Stuart as a fact of life and part of the family.
      • The role of international financial markets seemed to be accepted as a fact of life, even though not always a pleasant one.
      • It's a fact of life that students, when they graduate, will have to pay off their debts and fit into the commercial world.
      • After much fighting and agitating you accept sorrow, pain or difficulty as a fact of life.
      • Downward mobility was and seems to have been accepted as an irreducible fact of life.
  • the facts of life

    • Information about sexual functions and practices, especially as given to children.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Physical abuse, worries over the facts of life, family rows and sexual abuse were listed as the other top problems which prompt that age group to call for help.
      • Sharon got to sit in her bedroom, listening to her mom explain the true facts of life.
      • My children will let me know when they are ready to learn about the facts of life.
      • So they give students a ‘fact based’ education, but what good are the facts of life without the guidance to use them?
      • They were left to play in blissful ignorance until such a time, as they were old enough to understand the sexual facts of life.
      • They need basic facts of life, and information about health and contraception.
      • I know it is easy enough to find out the facts of life by yourself but I do believe that a place like a school can and should help on the subject.
      • They handle reproduction very tastefully, concentrating on the genetic facts of life rather than physical how-tos.
      • She was educated about the facts of life both at home and at school but she had the attitude that nothing could touch her.
      • She welcomes the new approach which still teaches the facts of life and contraception but also looks at relationships and taking responsibility for decisions.
  • the fact of the matter

    • The truth.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And the fact of the matter is, he did what many, many people would do in that situation, right or wrong.
      • And the fact of the matter is, anybody can become violent under the right circumstances.
      • They battled bravely even when defeat was staring them in the face, but the fact of the matter is that they are not yet ready to take on teams in the top flight.
      • And the fact of the matter is, these advertisers are paying for these programs.
      • I think that the fact of the matter is there are plenty of women who are interested in helping other women come up through the ranks.
      • That's not a criticism, that's a description of what I think is the fact of the matter.
      • Well, despite all this, the fact of the matter is that, look, flying has always been relatively safe.
      • The simple fact of the matter is that he was the first to use the name in the field of popular music.
      • But the fact of the matter is that this incident occurred and I would like an explanation from whoever is in charge.
      • But the fact of the matter is, any time you ingest a pill, a chemical, there is going to be a risk.
      • And the fact of the matter is, is we are busy responding to the last threat, which is the terrorist threat.
      the fact of the matter, what actually happened, what really happened, the case, so
  • in (point of) fact

    • Used to emphasize the truth of an assertion, especially one contrary to what might be expected or what has been asserted.


      Aunt Madeline isn't in fact an aunt but a more distant relative
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whether she was in fact telling the truth is of course an entirely different matter.
      • You were actually in contest with your governor, in point of fact, over the awarding of contracts to foreign-based companies.
      • Intelligence is not all that important in the exercise of power, and is often, in point of fact, useless.
      • And in point of fact, the notion that any species is ‘more evolved’ than another in evolutionary theory is nonsense right from the start.
      • Well, in point of fact, both sides have recognized and acknowledged that this mid-air collision took place in international waters.
      • It is in fact the truth: she's told the story so many times she now thinks she made it up.
      • Now that is so easy to raise hopes and, in point of fact, hype results, but this experimental vaccine has proved to be, so far, 100 percent effective in some instances.
      • This seems like an obvious truth, and yet there is in fact no evidence to support it.
      • I looked down at the hand of his I could see and realized he was in fact telling the truth.
      • In other words, this opposition group, in point of fact, has a very good record in terms of its accuracy and its veracity?
      actually, in actuality, in actual fact, really, in reality, in point of fact, as a matter of fact, in truth, if truth be told, to tell the truth, the truth is, the truth was
      in fact, as a matter of fact, actually, in actual fact, really, in reality, as it happens, in truth, to tell the truth, truly


Late 15th century: from Latin factum, neuter past participle of facere ‘do’. The original sense was ‘an act’, later ‘a crime’, surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The earliest of the current senses (‘truth, reality’) dates from the late 16th century.





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