

单词 joint

Definition of joint in English:


noun dʒɔɪntdʒɔɪnt
  • 1A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined.


    seal the joint between the roof and the house wall
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Tape the joints with drywall tape and finish the patch with joint compound.
    • Set the tiles using plastic spacers to maintain desired grout joints.
    • For any other grout joints with other types of tiles we would use a sanded grout which holds up better when the grout lines are wider.
    • Splits are also common at joints within the expansion joint cover itself.
    • The new content includes masonry anchors, control joints and roof copings.
    • Or, you can seal the joint with duct tape placed lengthwise all along the seams and end joints.
    • Then run the round part of your hammer handle or screwdriver shank tightly up the joint to seal any gap that may be left.
    • After old caulk is removed, new caulk can then be applied to all joints in the window frame and the joint between the frame and the wall.
    • He noted that the mortar joint between the top of the brick and the underside of the plate was solid.
    • The door is made with simple but strong half-lap joints, using just a few basic hand tools and a circular saw.
    • The counter flashing, which overlaps the base flashing, is imbedded and sealed in the chimney's masonry joints.
    • Builders are often sloppy with the mortar joints between bricks when they know they will be hidden behind plaster.
    • Seal joints between the wall and your new tub with silicone caulk as protection against water seepage.
    • If the color isn't acceptable, we'd suggest you seal just the joints using a foam paintbrush to apply the material.
    • The thickness of perpend and bed joints varies considerably, and perpend joints do not line up.
    • The most effective joints for moisture resistance are concave, v-shaped, and weathered joints.
    • Look for loose joints or other structural problems with the system, and repair them as needed using pop rivets.
    • The joint between the door frame and the exterior and interior walls can be as much as an eighth of an inch gap.
    • The mortar joints between the bricks also have their own color and texture.
    • For outdoor use, most manufacturers recommend that the joints be sealed with a non-acidic silicone glue.
    join, junction, juncture, intersection, link, linkage, connection, nexus
    weld, knot, seam
    coupling, coupler
    bracket, brace, hinge
    Anatomy commissure, suture
    1. 1.1 A particular arrangement of parts of a structure at the point where they are joined.
      members connected together by rigid joints
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thanks to a new joint and crossbar arrangement for the car's load-bearing structure, the bodyshell stiffness is increased by 25 percent over its predecessor.
      • He soon knew every inch of the 1400 parts of the bridge and spent years filing the multitude of dovetail joints which hold the construction together.
    2. 1.2Geology A break or fracture in a mass of rock, with no relative displacement of the parts.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Where the original rock had been Grade II or better, this had resulted in the rock being fractured and in joints being opened.
      • Some of these master joints continue over the surface for hundreds of metres.
      • Fluorite-quartz intergrowths fill veins that follow high-angle en echelon joints and minor faults in granite.
      • Subsurface evidence from drilling shows that these folds were fractured intensively by small-scale faults and closely spaced joints.
      • Another fracture system consists of relief-related joints.
    3. 1.3 A piece of flexible material forming the hinge of a book cover.
  • 2A structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together.


    she suffers from stiff joints and finds bending difficult
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Tantalum is used for sutures, and steel in artificial hip joints.
    • In addition to being held together by ligaments, synovial joints are also stabilized by the muscles around the joints.
    • The exercise will move stiff shoulder joints and stretch muscles in the waist.
    • The shoulder is a ball and socket joint and the most mobile joint in the human body.
    • Like those of the shoulder, hip and knee joint replacement rates are only increasing.
    • Pathogenic cold may also cause a common cold with symptoms of sore aching joints and headache.
    • The most freely moving joints are the synovial joints.
    • An artificial hip joint consists of three parts, the ball, the bearing and the cup.
    • Cortisone remarkably relieved inflamed, swollen joints after just a few days of use.
    • His elbow and shoulder joints ache, but he still labors through the workouts.
    • Then follow with some easy stretching to warm the joints, muscles and connective tissue.
    • The soft tissue structures around the joint play a vital role in the stability of the shoulder.
    • The symphysis pubis is the joint that connects the two coxal bones at this area.
    • Our results showed that beginners were characterized by strong couplings between the joints of the lower limbs.
    • She presented with a history of a painful right ankle joint since childhood with no history of injury.
    • To help his recovery, Johnson had injections in December to lubricate the joint.
    • Her right leg is wasted and her knee joint is swollen, shiny and huge in comparison to the other.
    • First of all, because the body produces higher levels of hormones, the connective tissues around the joints soften.
    • The ligaments are tissues that connect the bones at the joints.
    • You may feel very hot and have painful inflamed joints.
    technical articulation
    1. 2.1 Each of the distinct sections of a body or limb between the places at which they are connected.
      the top two joints of his index finger


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You want to be able to get the distal joint of your trigger finger onto the trigger.
      • Cut at an angle to create shapes the length of the first joint of your index finger.
    2. 2.2British A large piece of meat cooked whole or ready for cooking.
      a joint of ham


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Italians had a great idea when they hit upon the idea of cooking joints of meat and pasta in the same pot.
      • The key to successful spit-roasting is to keep the coals at an even temperature, placing more coals, little and often, until the joint is cooked.
      • For me, an ideal meal would be a joint of lamb cooked in the Aga at home, with plenty of fresh vegetables from my garden.
      • Lukoszevieze brandishes a meat cleaver and brings it down on a substantial joint of meat.
      • If you have ever hacked into a joint of meat you will know it is difficult to cut through bone.
      • These included not only the normal range of meat joints and poultry, but also whole cattle and sheep.
      • It's Christmas, the joint of beef is on trial, and you are about to make the best gravy of your life.
      • She would get a huge joint of beef or lamb for about two shillings and they would put 2lb of sausages in for free.
      • Deglaze with the sherry vinegar and cook until reduced by half, then return the pork joint to the pan.
      • Large pieces of tuna may be braised like joints of meat.
      • Jane was in the kitchen cooking a joint of beef ready for when Daddy got home.
      • And then I plainly saw, both with wonder and delight that the joint of meat did, in some places, shine like rotten wood or stinking fish.
      • Large stew pans, shown full of joints of meat, had straight sides and flat bases.
      • And since the joint of meat was large enough to feed a family several times over, there was almost a routine to the week's menus.
      • West Country lambs are particularly large, and the joint is packed with meat all the way to the top of the chop.
      • A few minutes earlier I had placed a basketball-sized joint of beef in the fork of a tree five feet off the ground.
      • Half-past one on the dot, after my dad had returned from the pub, the joint of meat would be ceremoniously carved.
      • Turn the meat and cook until the joint is evenly browned and crusted all over.
      • Meat pies, joints of mutton, and other hearty foods are most likely to be served.
      • Large meat joints or whole poultry need special care.
    3. 2.3 The part of a stem of a plant from which a leaf or branch grows.
      cut just below a leaf joint
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Cut back a few inches to within 1/8 inch of a leaf joint.
      • After flowering, if there are no ornamental seed heads, the flowering stems may be cut back to a leaf joint to remove the faded flowers.
      • Take plenty to allow for any failures and trim each one just below a leaf joint so the cutting is about 10 cm long.
      • Using a sharp, clean knife or clippers, cut the tip of a side shoot that has at least three leaf joints.
      • Trim the cutting just below a leaf joint and dip the end in rooting hormone powder or liquid.
      • Make a cut below a leaf joint and dip the cutting in hormone rooting powder before inserting it into an open peat-free compost and perlite mix.
      • Always make the base cut of your cutting below a node or leaf joint.
      • Like all grasses, sugar cane has a jointed stem, and its leaves and branches come from the shoots at each joint.
      • Helxine soleirolii (mind-your-own-business) looks like a fragile weed but it spreads by rooting at the leaf joints.
      • First remove several stems about the thickness of a pencil from the shrub and trim them to a length of around 30 cm just below a leaf joint.
      • The underground and aboveground stems send out roots from each joint.
    4. 2.4 A section of a plant stem between two joints; an internode.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It acts perpendicular to the cross section of the joint.
      • Sometimes your older, established plants will have roots already growing from the segment joints.
      • For this study as with previous studies, stem joints were defined as the smallest diameter region between two successive stem segments.
      • Prune last year's growth back to two or three joints or buds from the base.
  • 3informal An establishment of a specified kind, especially one where people meet for eating, drinking, or entertainment.


    a burger joint


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We all decided to go to another burger joint in town.
    • The pub city has taken a hit with the 11.30 pm deadline imposed by the Police Department on entertainment joints.
    • They plant the seed of a revolutionary idea for the hamburger joint - a drive-through window like those found in banks.
    • As the number of entertainment joints in the resort has skyrocketed in the last three years, punters are increasingly choosy.
    • In the wild, snakes are as ubiquitous as fast-food joints in a city.
    • Swing originated in the juke joints and rent parties of Kansas City, Chicago and Harlem.
    • Bars and juke joints have given way to day-care centers and fast-food joints.
    • Harpo learns how to live alone, and builds a juke joint in their old home.
    • For proof, check out the entertainment joints springing up across the city.
    • How can I insist she keep working at burger joints and fund-raiser telethons?
    • Bloggers are blessedly uninfected by the musty Establishmentarian Air that permeates joints like Elaine's.
    • Outlaws is a big club hidden behind mattress warehouses and burger joints.
    • It's funky, she says, and not a theme park or a burger joint, and the food is good.
    • But such attention to detail seemed to clash with a laminated menu, which made me think of tacky burger joints and sad little cafes.
    • The furniture is composed of pink and blue plastic, the sort of material only found in fast food joints.
    • Enjoy lunch from the best fast-food joint in town - your kitchen!
    • One of the most mouth-watering of their creations is the oily chili sauce that covers the joint's bite-sized dumplings.
    • Besides, familiar faces from the silver screen and even the small screen, there will be a lot of glitterati at these burger joints.
    • The warm couple who run the joint reserves a section for celebrity habitués, although these are nowadays outnumbered by the varieties of soup.
    • One of the stores was a burger joint based on Al, the big-nosed restaurateur of ‘Happy Days’ fame.
    establishment, restaurant, bar, club, nightclub
    informal clip joint, dive
    North American informal honky-tonk
    in the US, historical speakeasy
    1. 3.1the jointNorth American Prison.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The world is out of joint, so why bother plastering?
      • And unlike the joint in Indy where boxing was a no-no, the jail in Cali specializes in fights between hardened criminals.
      • Such is life in the big house, the joint, or the pokey.
      • Mr. X's drawing of the joint was not so much useless as directed at a different objective.
  • 4informal A cannabis cigarette.


    he rolled a joint


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Blue rolls another joint and the air grows sweeter.
    • He made a good deal of money turning the plants into joints, and selling them to the local teenagers.
    • I have smoked some joints, of course, especially during my crisis period.
    • Here a man was sent to jail for possessing enough cannabis to make 2 joints.
    • Nick had been silently moving around the room, gathering cigarettes and joints.
    • Dr Corrigan said the crucial factor was the combination of cannabis and tobacco in joints resulting in ‘the worst of both worlds’.
    • They think they can walk around town smoking a joint and nothing will happen.
    • She pulled a joint out of her cigarette box and looked around to make sure nobody was watching.
    • He admitted being ‘stoned’ after smoking two or three joints of cannabis, which he claimed affected his judgment.
    • Last November, Ming sent cannabis joints to Dáil politicians through the post.
    • He didn't normally smoke cigarettes, only joints, but this was not a normal moment, so he took one.
    • Anyone caught carrying up to 500 cannabis joints is likely to escape trafficking charges under Home Office proposals published yesterday.
    • With that she rips a piece off the page and uses it for her joint.
    • Benjamin said that they drove in Chris' car to Savernake Forest where between them they had smoked two or three cannabis joints.
    • Many of the anti-dope medical trials have been totally flawed because they focused on people smoking cannabis joints containing tobacco.
    • They have also stated that cannabis is in fact less addictive, and less carcinogenic than the tobacco used to roll the joints.
    • But Njoh was spotted smoking a cannabis joint at the carnival and was stopped and searched by police.
    • I felt the best thing to do would be to learn to roll joints, and buy my own cannabis.
    • But smoking a cannabis joint is not the same as smoking a normal cigarette.
    • Every day after school, she'd smoke a joint of marijuana and then proceeded to prank call my house.
    cannabis cigarette, marijuana cigarette
    informal spliff, reefer, bomb, bomber, stick, blunt
    South African zol
    British informal bifter
  • 5US informal A piece of creative work, especially a musical recording.


    listen to one of his joints nowadays and you don't even need to see the production credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There was a sense of future that was the result of the mixture of politics, cinema, music, the first joints.
adjective dʒɔɪntdʒɔɪnt
  • 1attributive Shared, held, or made by two or more people together.


    a joint statement


    Example sentencesExamples
    • When joint custody works well, a child has a sense of balance and unity.
    • We have managed to reconcile all of our major disagreements, and we present this as a truly joint text.
    • A joint communique is also expected to be signed.
    • The joint statement specifically named Taiwan as a mutual security concern for the first time.
    • Mr. Ladisa seeks an order for joint custody of all three of his children.
    • In a joint statement, they described his action as a " betrayal".
    • The Polish Government came to the rescue through a joint shipping company to transport materials China needed.
    • The trio's new joint venture intends to bid for other inter-city rail franchises in Britain.
    • Profits from the new joint venture will be shared by ADM and Farmland.
    • Legal title to the property was taken by the parties as joint tenants.
    • For example, if a husband and wife have an estate worth £500,000, they could take a joint share in their house and divide their investments.
    • The Memorandum contemplated joint custody with Evan having his primary residence with Ms Howey.
    • When the house is in joint ownership, a will can ensure that the surviving spouse will inherit only a right of occupancy.
    • Onward movement is accomplished when joint forces leave the staging area and move to assigned areas of operation.
    • A couple wanting to buy the same house would need a joint income of more than £60,000.
    • However, the new joint agreement with Fujitsu covering the development of future Solaris servers really grabs the attention.
    • There was a joint satellite session each day with speakers, panelists, question-and-answer sessions, and workshops in each city.
    • That bank building will house a branch as well as joint headquarters functions.
    • The work was done on the property for the benefit of the two owners as joint tenants.
    • Make joint custody a reality instead of a meaningless scrap of paper.
    common, shared, communal, collective, corporate
    mutual, reciprocal
    cooperative, collaborative, concerted, joined, combined, allied, united
    1. 1.1 Sharing in a position, achievement, or activity.
      a joint winner


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Another objective of the report is securing greater and continued support from the trade for joint tourism development activity.
      • A large centre in the same city co-ordinates joint business activities.
      • U.S. military activities include joint exercises, training, and active arms sales to rich Arab Gulf states.
      • The memorandum said that maximising the benefits of joint activities in the areas of investment and re-equipment would be a key focus for both.
      • The pension companies will come up with a joint position on their participation in the pension reform.
      • Perhaps we were still a bit dehydrated but nothing could take away the feeling of euphoria we had at our joint achievement.
      • I support joint activities with our ally when it is proper or expedient to do so (and especially when it is both proper and expedient).
      • They spent time at each other's houses and went on joint holidays.
      • Most of the joint task force positions will earn joint-duty credit depending on actual length of rotation, officials said.
      • It has Sweden and Greece in joint favourites position, at 7-1, followed by Doran at 8-1.
      • Once it has been established that the local infrastructures of two cities support joint activities and projects, the hard work starts.
      • The weak points of each school become apparent when joint practices are held.
      • Marie is bringing her accounting skills to help the finance management of the club and takes up the position of joint treasurer.
      • Three years later, he became joint managing director with finance director Tom Jenkinson.
      • The pool itself will be linked to the activity zone with a joint reception.
      • Drafters of the roadmap also hope to encourage collaboration by funding more joint research.
      • He cannot therefore be liable as a joint tortfeasor with the company.
      • However, opportunities for more formalized joint sessions on a regular basis might be explored.
      • They say the two governments have agreed a joint position, bar a spot of fine-tuning on key issues like policing, and this in itself is a major achievement.
      • The award is a joint achievement by everyone at the site and I'm tremendously proud of every single employee.
    2. 1.2Law Applied or regarded together.
      〔律〕连带的,共同的,(被认为是)同一个法律体的。常与SEVERAL 相对
      Often contrasted with several
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Joint tenancy is joint ownership and possession of the same property.
      • In a joint statement the couple described their break-up as " a very tough decision".
      • The history of this is in fact set out in the joint judgment of Justices Gummow and Hayne in Angas Law Services.
      • In any event, the RVP samples tested by Mr Cooper are properly to be regarded as the joint property of AIC and Mobil.
      • In a joint statement both parties said that their High Court dispute had been " settled amicably".
verb dʒɔɪntdʒɔɪnt
[with object]
  • 1Provide or fasten (something) with joints.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The students rev faster as we thump across the unevenly jointed highway.
    • The hide will have to be jointed, preferably under the hand grip.
    • The industry defines collectible teddy bears as hard, not floppy, and fully jointed (meaning arms, legs, and head are moveable).
    • Made of 2in-thick slabs of precisely jointed oak, it spirals up, entirely self-supporting, without even a central pillar.
    • The one bit I didn't enjoy was the double jointed contortionist, who actually dislocated his shoulder and elbow on stage.
    • Nitrogen should be applied by April 15 or before jointing.
    • Other dolls, Lily and Jane, made in Germany, had jointed arms and legs, eyelashes, eyes that opened and shut and real hair.
    • Most common rules were available in either boxwood or ivory and were jointed and trimmed with either brass or German silver.
    • Alicia exclaimed, ‘Do you think that we're double jointed!’
    • Traditional timber buildings in Bhutan are jointed together using no steel fasteners.
    1. 1.1 Fill up the joints of (masonry or brickwork) with mortar; point.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, the gill arches seem to be jointed and they appear to be closely related to paired fin-folds on the anaspid model.
      • Tightly jointed stonework complements the house's crisp lines and ties it to the site, part of a former farm.
      • The walls are columnar jointed and aphanitic, and internally the massive core is texturally zoned.
      • At the precipice of the roof, a stairwell circled its way to the bottom floor, where it jointed itself to a room that was probably once a bar.
      • All parking lots must be jointed, with the joint spacing depending on the pavement thickness.
      • The second seems to have a similar simple verticality when seen through the portal, but within the room shows itself to be jointed and angled.
      • Possible tell-tale signs in this connection is any evidence of algae staining/open jointed brickwork to the rear, adjacent to such fixed pipes.
    2. 1.2 Prepare (a board) for being joined to another by planing its edge.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Be certain that the edges are properly jointed with no space between the boards.
      • You can use a router to cut mortises for hardware, to joint and trim lumber, to create recesses for decorative inlays, and much more.
      • Self-bows are those which are made fully of wood, either a single stave, or a pair of shorter staves, usually jointed at the handle, giving a single length.
      • As I set about planing, jointing, gluing and sanding the pieces, I also began a creative argument with the wood.
      • The timbers are often cut and dressed by hand, jointed and interlocked in the traditional way, and fastened throughout with wood pegs.
  • 2Cut (the body of an animal) into joints for cooking.


    use a sharp knife to joint the bird
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Having found a butcher to joint it we started to skin it but we then discovered its problems - a missing front foot and a stinking gangrenous shoulder.
    • Patterns of jointing meat vary between countries depending on the methods favoured for cookery.
    • If cattle are removed at jointing, there will be very little yield loss.
    • He sends his fat cattle to a local butcher to be slaughtered and jointed, then sells the meat.
    • The jointed body was pinned to itself in a sort of fold.
    cut up, chop up, butcher, carve


  • out of joint

    • 1(of a joint of the body) out of position; dislocated.


      he put his hip out of joint


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jacob wrestled with the angel until the angel put his hip out of joint.
      • The injury has progressed to the point that the heads can dislocate or come out of joint.
      • I am in discomfort all the time and my hip keeps popping out of joint so I have to wiggle it back in.
      • For, as with Sutton, Petrov has put a few noses out of joint with his match-winning interventions this season.
      • I've managed to pull my hip out of joint somehow and have stabbing pains when I stand up.
      • She pulls it hard enough to put it out of joint, but does not break it.
      • He rolled off to one side, and was trying to rise, but his arm had been put out of joint at the shoulder in the fall.
      • However, his comeback was accompanied by a 90 percent chance the shoulder would pop out of joint again.
      1. 1.1In a state of disorder or disorientation.
        time was thrown completely out of joint


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Confucius finds himself in an age in which values are out of joint.
        • The modern world, as BT portrays it, is out of joint.
        • Highly trained sniffer dogs used to detect explosives could have their snouts put out of joint by pioneering chemical research.
        • The things they describe are not integral to the story, and the language of the descriptions is forced and somehow out of joint.
        • The poets seem to be ethnographers, slightly out of joint.
        • The time, and the medium, seem out of joint for such productions.
        • A group of fruit trees in this work becomes a hideous metaphor for a world out of joint.
        • Similarly out of joint is the notion that Rachel's example in Genesis 30 would be taken by fundamentalists as justification for concubinage.
        • But there is something collectively out of joint in European culture, if rhetoric like this really resonates with the public.
        • The angles are out of joint, the proportions irregular, the sky stained by blotches; still the birds flutter along in meditation.


  • jointless

  • adjective
    • What we do have here is a rather queer looking creature with a faceless Charlie Brown head, duck legs, two jointless yet pliable arms, and tentacles.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In his Flora, painted as early as 1518, the nails of the jointless fingers are indicated only where they catch flecks of light.
      • In place of crisp corners, radiused edges - as in Tokyo Prada - create the illusion of a jointless architecture.
      • As she bourrées on pointe, her jointless yet oddly articulate upper limbs delicately caress the air, forming looping undulations and crisscrossing patterns.


Middle English: from Old French, past participle of joindre 'to join' (see join).


anoint, appoint, conjoint, outpoint, point, point-to-point

Definition of joint in US English:


  • 1A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If the color isn't acceptable, we'd suggest you seal just the joints using a foam paintbrush to apply the material.
    • The mortar joints between the bricks also have their own color and texture.
    • Look for loose joints or other structural problems with the system, and repair them as needed using pop rivets.
    • Tape the joints with drywall tape and finish the patch with joint compound.
    • Seal joints between the wall and your new tub with silicone caulk as protection against water seepage.
    • Or, you can seal the joint with duct tape placed lengthwise all along the seams and end joints.
    • Splits are also common at joints within the expansion joint cover itself.
    • For outdoor use, most manufacturers recommend that the joints be sealed with a non-acidic silicone glue.
    • The joint between the door frame and the exterior and interior walls can be as much as an eighth of an inch gap.
    • The counter flashing, which overlaps the base flashing, is imbedded and sealed in the chimney's masonry joints.
    • Set the tiles using plastic spacers to maintain desired grout joints.
    • Builders are often sloppy with the mortar joints between bricks when they know they will be hidden behind plaster.
    • For any other grout joints with other types of tiles we would use a sanded grout which holds up better when the grout lines are wider.
    • After old caulk is removed, new caulk can then be applied to all joints in the window frame and the joint between the frame and the wall.
    • The door is made with simple but strong half-lap joints, using just a few basic hand tools and a circular saw.
    • Then run the round part of your hammer handle or screwdriver shank tightly up the joint to seal any gap that may be left.
    • He noted that the mortar joint between the top of the brick and the underside of the plate was solid.
    • The most effective joints for moisture resistance are concave, v-shaped, and weathered joints.
    • The thickness of perpend and bed joints varies considerably, and perpend joints do not line up.
    • The new content includes masonry anchors, control joints and roof copings.
    join, junction, juncture, intersection, link, linkage, connection, nexus
    1. 1.1Geology A break or fracture in a mass of rock, with no relative displacement of the parts.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Subsurface evidence from drilling shows that these folds were fractured intensively by small-scale faults and closely spaced joints.
      • Where the original rock had been Grade II or better, this had resulted in the rock being fractured and in joints being opened.
      • Some of these master joints continue over the surface for hundreds of metres.
      • Fluorite-quartz intergrowths fill veins that follow high-angle en echelon joints and minor faults in granite.
      • Another fracture system consists of relief-related joints.
    2. 1.2 A piece of flexible material forming the hinge of a book cover.
  • 2A structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • You may feel very hot and have painful inflamed joints.
    • The ligaments are tissues that connect the bones at the joints.
    • The exercise will move stiff shoulder joints and stretch muscles in the waist.
    • The soft tissue structures around the joint play a vital role in the stability of the shoulder.
    • Tantalum is used for sutures, and steel in artificial hip joints.
    • The most freely moving joints are the synovial joints.
    • An artificial hip joint consists of three parts, the ball, the bearing and the cup.
    • Her right leg is wasted and her knee joint is swollen, shiny and huge in comparison to the other.
    • Like those of the shoulder, hip and knee joint replacement rates are only increasing.
    • His elbow and shoulder joints ache, but he still labors through the workouts.
    • First of all, because the body produces higher levels of hormones, the connective tissues around the joints soften.
    • The shoulder is a ball and socket joint and the most mobile joint in the human body.
    • The symphysis pubis is the joint that connects the two coxal bones at this area.
    • She presented with a history of a painful right ankle joint since childhood with no history of injury.
    • Then follow with some easy stretching to warm the joints, muscles and connective tissue.
    • In addition to being held together by ligaments, synovial joints are also stabilized by the muscles around the joints.
    • Pathogenic cold may also cause a common cold with symptoms of sore aching joints and headache.
    • Cortisone remarkably relieved inflamed, swollen joints after just a few days of use.
    • To help his recovery, Johnson had injections in December to lubricate the joint.
    • Our results showed that beginners were characterized by strong couplings between the joints of the lower limbs.
    1. 2.1 Each of the distinct sections of a body or limb between the places at which they are connected.
      the top two joints of his index finger


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You want to be able to get the distal joint of your trigger finger onto the trigger.
      • Cut at an angle to create shapes the length of the first joint of your index finger.
    2. 2.2British A large piece of meat cooked whole or ready for cooking.
      a joint of ham


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And then I plainly saw, both with wonder and delight that the joint of meat did, in some places, shine like rotten wood or stinking fish.
      • She would get a huge joint of beef or lamb for about two shillings and they would put 2lb of sausages in for free.
      • Lukoszevieze brandishes a meat cleaver and brings it down on a substantial joint of meat.
      • The key to successful spit-roasting is to keep the coals at an even temperature, placing more coals, little and often, until the joint is cooked.
      • The Italians had a great idea when they hit upon the idea of cooking joints of meat and pasta in the same pot.
      • For me, an ideal meal would be a joint of lamb cooked in the Aga at home, with plenty of fresh vegetables from my garden.
      • Large stew pans, shown full of joints of meat, had straight sides and flat bases.
      • These included not only the normal range of meat joints and poultry, but also whole cattle and sheep.
      • Large pieces of tuna may be braised like joints of meat.
      • Meat pies, joints of mutton, and other hearty foods are most likely to be served.
      • West Country lambs are particularly large, and the joint is packed with meat all the way to the top of the chop.
      • Turn the meat and cook until the joint is evenly browned and crusted all over.
      • A few minutes earlier I had placed a basketball-sized joint of beef in the fork of a tree five feet off the ground.
      • Deglaze with the sherry vinegar and cook until reduced by half, then return the pork joint to the pan.
      • And since the joint of meat was large enough to feed a family several times over, there was almost a routine to the week's menus.
      • Jane was in the kitchen cooking a joint of beef ready for when Daddy got home.
      • If you have ever hacked into a joint of meat you will know it is difficult to cut through bone.
      • It's Christmas, the joint of beef is on trial, and you are about to make the best gravy of your life.
      • Half-past one on the dot, after my dad had returned from the pub, the joint of meat would be ceremoniously carved.
      • Large meat joints or whole poultry need special care.
    3. 2.3 The part of a stem of a plant from which a leaf or branch grows.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Cut back a few inches to within 1/8 inch of a leaf joint.
      • After flowering, if there are no ornamental seed heads, the flowering stems may be cut back to a leaf joint to remove the faded flowers.
      • Always make the base cut of your cutting below a node or leaf joint.
      • Using a sharp, clean knife or clippers, cut the tip of a side shoot that has at least three leaf joints.
      • Like all grasses, sugar cane has a jointed stem, and its leaves and branches come from the shoots at each joint.
      • Make a cut below a leaf joint and dip the cutting in hormone rooting powder before inserting it into an open peat-free compost and perlite mix.
      • Trim the cutting just below a leaf joint and dip the end in rooting hormone powder or liquid.
      • Helxine soleirolii (mind-your-own-business) looks like a fragile weed but it spreads by rooting at the leaf joints.
      • Take plenty to allow for any failures and trim each one just below a leaf joint so the cutting is about 10 cm long.
      • First remove several stems about the thickness of a pencil from the shrub and trim them to a length of around 30 cm just below a leaf joint.
      • The underground and aboveground stems send out roots from each joint.
    4. 2.4 A section of a plant stem between two joints; an internode.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Prune last year's growth back to two or three joints or buds from the base.
      • Sometimes your older, established plants will have roots already growing from the segment joints.
      • It acts perpendicular to the cross section of the joint.
      • For this study as with previous studies, stem joints were defined as the smallest diameter region between two successive stem segments.
  • 3informal An establishment of a specified kind, especially one where people meet for eating, drinking, or entertainment.


    a burger joint


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Besides, familiar faces from the silver screen and even the small screen, there will be a lot of glitterati at these burger joints.
    • The pub city has taken a hit with the 11.30 pm deadline imposed by the Police Department on entertainment joints.
    • Outlaws is a big club hidden behind mattress warehouses and burger joints.
    • We all decided to go to another burger joint in town.
    • For proof, check out the entertainment joints springing up across the city.
    • As the number of entertainment joints in the resort has skyrocketed in the last three years, punters are increasingly choosy.
    • How can I insist she keep working at burger joints and fund-raiser telethons?
    • One of the stores was a burger joint based on Al, the big-nosed restaurateur of ‘Happy Days’ fame.
    • The furniture is composed of pink and blue plastic, the sort of material only found in fast food joints.
    • In the wild, snakes are as ubiquitous as fast-food joints in a city.
    • It's funky, she says, and not a theme park or a burger joint, and the food is good.
    • They plant the seed of a revolutionary idea for the hamburger joint - a drive-through window like those found in banks.
    • One of the most mouth-watering of their creations is the oily chili sauce that covers the joint's bite-sized dumplings.
    • But such attention to detail seemed to clash with a laminated menu, which made me think of tacky burger joints and sad little cafes.
    • The warm couple who run the joint reserves a section for celebrity habitués, although these are nowadays outnumbered by the varieties of soup.
    • Bars and juke joints have given way to day-care centers and fast-food joints.
    • Enjoy lunch from the best fast-food joint in town - your kitchen!
    • Swing originated in the juke joints and rent parties of Kansas City, Chicago and Harlem.
    • Harpo learns how to live alone, and builds a juke joint in their old home.
    • Bloggers are blessedly uninfected by the musty Establishmentarian Air that permeates joints like Elaine's.
    establishment, restaurant, bar, club, nightclub
    1. 3.1the jointNorth American Prison.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The world is out of joint, so why bother plastering?
      • Such is life in the big house, the joint, or the pokey.
      • Mr. X's drawing of the joint was not so much useless as directed at a different objective.
      • And unlike the joint in Indy where boxing was a no-no, the jail in Cali specializes in fights between hardened criminals.
  • 4informal A marijuana cigarette.


    he rolled a joint


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But smoking a cannabis joint is not the same as smoking a normal cigarette.
    • He made a good deal of money turning the plants into joints, and selling them to the local teenagers.
    • Every day after school, she'd smoke a joint of marijuana and then proceeded to prank call my house.
    • Here a man was sent to jail for possessing enough cannabis to make 2 joints.
    • I have smoked some joints, of course, especially during my crisis period.
    • But Njoh was spotted smoking a cannabis joint at the carnival and was stopped and searched by police.
    • Last November, Ming sent cannabis joints to Dáil politicians through the post.
    • They think they can walk around town smoking a joint and nothing will happen.
    • Anyone caught carrying up to 500 cannabis joints is likely to escape trafficking charges under Home Office proposals published yesterday.
    • Dr Corrigan said the crucial factor was the combination of cannabis and tobacco in joints resulting in ‘the worst of both worlds’.
    • I felt the best thing to do would be to learn to roll joints, and buy my own cannabis.
    • With that she rips a piece off the page and uses it for her joint.
    • Benjamin said that they drove in Chris' car to Savernake Forest where between them they had smoked two or three cannabis joints.
    • He admitted being ‘stoned’ after smoking two or three joints of cannabis, which he claimed affected his judgment.
    • He didn't normally smoke cigarettes, only joints, but this was not a normal moment, so he took one.
    • Blue rolls another joint and the air grows sweeter.
    • Many of the anti-dope medical trials have been totally flawed because they focused on people smoking cannabis joints containing tobacco.
    • She pulled a joint out of her cigarette box and looked around to make sure nobody was watching.
    • Nick had been silently moving around the room, gathering cigarettes and joints.
    • They have also stated that cannabis is in fact less addictive, and less carcinogenic than the tobacco used to roll the joints.
    cannabis cigarette, marijuana cigarette
  • 5US informal A piece of creative work, especially a musical recording.


    listen to one of his joints nowadays and you don't even need to see the production credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There was a sense of future that was the result of the mixture of politics, cinema, music, the first joints.
  • 1attributive Shared, held, or made by two or more people, parties, or organizations together.


    the companies issued a joint statement
    a joint session of Congress
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A couple wanting to buy the same house would need a joint income of more than £60,000.
    • Make joint custody a reality instead of a meaningless scrap of paper.
    • Profits from the new joint venture will be shared by ADM and Farmland.
    • There was a joint satellite session each day with speakers, panelists, question-and-answer sessions, and workshops in each city.
    • The joint statement specifically named Taiwan as a mutual security concern for the first time.
    • In a joint statement, they described his action as a " betrayal".
    • The Polish Government came to the rescue through a joint shipping company to transport materials China needed.
    • A joint communique is also expected to be signed.
    • Onward movement is accomplished when joint forces leave the staging area and move to assigned areas of operation.
    • When the house is in joint ownership, a will can ensure that the surviving spouse will inherit only a right of occupancy.
    • The Memorandum contemplated joint custody with Evan having his primary residence with Ms Howey.
    • We have managed to reconcile all of our major disagreements, and we present this as a truly joint text.
    • That bank building will house a branch as well as joint headquarters functions.
    • For example, if a husband and wife have an estate worth £500,000, they could take a joint share in their house and divide their investments.
    • However, the new joint agreement with Fujitsu covering the development of future Solaris servers really grabs the attention.
    • The trio's new joint venture intends to bid for other inter-city rail franchises in Britain.
    • The work was done on the property for the benefit of the two owners as joint tenants.
    • When joint custody works well, a child has a sense of balance and unity.
    • Legal title to the property was taken by the parties as joint tenants.
    • Mr. Ladisa seeks an order for joint custody of all three of his children.
    common, shared, communal, collective, corporate
    1. 1.1 Sharing in a position, achievement, or activity.
      a joint winner


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Drafters of the roadmap also hope to encourage collaboration by funding more joint research.
      • He cannot therefore be liable as a joint tortfeasor with the company.
      • The pension companies will come up with a joint position on their participation in the pension reform.
      • Once it has been established that the local infrastructures of two cities support joint activities and projects, the hard work starts.
      • Another objective of the report is securing greater and continued support from the trade for joint tourism development activity.
      • Perhaps we were still a bit dehydrated but nothing could take away the feeling of euphoria we had at our joint achievement.
      • However, opportunities for more formalized joint sessions on a regular basis might be explored.
      • The pool itself will be linked to the activity zone with a joint reception.
      • I support joint activities with our ally when it is proper or expedient to do so (and especially when it is both proper and expedient).
      • They spent time at each other's houses and went on joint holidays.
      • A large centre in the same city co-ordinates joint business activities.
      • U.S. military activities include joint exercises, training, and active arms sales to rich Arab Gulf states.
      • Marie is bringing her accounting skills to help the finance management of the club and takes up the position of joint treasurer.
      • It has Sweden and Greece in joint favourites position, at 7-1, followed by Doran at 8-1.
      • Most of the joint task force positions will earn joint-duty credit depending on actual length of rotation, officials said.
      • The memorandum said that maximising the benefits of joint activities in the areas of investment and re-equipment would be a key focus for both.
      • The weak points of each school become apparent when joint practices are held.
      • The award is a joint achievement by everyone at the site and I'm tremendously proud of every single employee.
      • Three years later, he became joint managing director with finance director Tom Jenkinson.
      • They say the two governments have agreed a joint position, bar a spot of fine-tuning on key issues like policing, and this in itself is a major achievement.
    2. 1.2Law Applied or regarded together.
      〔律〕连带的,共同的,(被认为是)同一个法律体的。常与SEVERAL 相对
      Often contrasted with several
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In a joint statement the couple described their break-up as " a very tough decision".
      • In a joint statement both parties said that their High Court dispute had been " settled amicably".
      • In any event, the RVP samples tested by Mr Cooper are properly to be regarded as the joint property of AIC and Mobil.
      • Joint tenancy is joint ownership and possession of the same property.
      • The history of this is in fact set out in the joint judgment of Justices Gummow and Hayne in Angas Law Services.
[with object]
  • 1Provide or fasten (something) with joints.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The one bit I didn't enjoy was the double jointed contortionist, who actually dislocated his shoulder and elbow on stage.
    • The hide will have to be jointed, preferably under the hand grip.
    • Most common rules were available in either boxwood or ivory and were jointed and trimmed with either brass or German silver.
    • Other dolls, Lily and Jane, made in Germany, had jointed arms and legs, eyelashes, eyes that opened and shut and real hair.
    • The industry defines collectible teddy bears as hard, not floppy, and fully jointed (meaning arms, legs, and head are moveable).
    • Traditional timber buildings in Bhutan are jointed together using no steel fasteners.
    • Alicia exclaimed, ‘Do you think that we're double jointed!’
    • The students rev faster as we thump across the unevenly jointed highway.
    • Made of 2in-thick slabs of precisely jointed oak, it spirals up, entirely self-supporting, without even a central pillar.
    • Nitrogen should be applied by April 15 or before jointing.
    1. 1.1 Fill up the joints of (masonry or brickwork) with mortar; point.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The second seems to have a similar simple verticality when seen through the portal, but within the room shows itself to be jointed and angled.
      • At the precipice of the roof, a stairwell circled its way to the bottom floor, where it jointed itself to a room that was probably once a bar.
      • The walls are columnar jointed and aphanitic, and internally the massive core is texturally zoned.
      • Tightly jointed stonework complements the house's crisp lines and ties it to the site, part of a former farm.
      • All parking lots must be jointed, with the joint spacing depending on the pavement thickness.
      • Possible tell-tale signs in this connection is any evidence of algae staining/open jointed brickwork to the rear, adjacent to such fixed pipes.
      • However, the gill arches seem to be jointed and they appear to be closely related to paired fin-folds on the anaspid model.
    2. 1.2 Prepare (a board) for being joined to another by planing its edge.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Be certain that the edges are properly jointed with no space between the boards.
      • The timbers are often cut and dressed by hand, jointed and interlocked in the traditional way, and fastened throughout with wood pegs.
      • Self-bows are those which are made fully of wood, either a single stave, or a pair of shorter staves, usually jointed at the handle, giving a single length.
      • As I set about planing, jointing, gluing and sanding the pieces, I also began a creative argument with the wood.
      • You can use a router to cut mortises for hardware, to joint and trim lumber, to create recesses for decorative inlays, and much more.
  • 2Cut (the body of an animal) into joints.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The jointed body was pinned to itself in a sort of fold.
    • Having found a butcher to joint it we started to skin it but we then discovered its problems - a missing front foot and a stinking gangrenous shoulder.
    • Patterns of jointing meat vary between countries depending on the methods favoured for cookery.
    • He sends his fat cattle to a local butcher to be slaughtered and jointed, then sells the meat.
    • If cattle are removed at jointing, there will be very little yield loss.
    cut up, chop up, butcher, carve


  • out of joint

    • 1(of a joint of the body) out of position; dislocated.


      he put his hip out of joint


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The injury has progressed to the point that the heads can dislocate or come out of joint.
      • She pulls it hard enough to put it out of joint, but does not break it.
      • I've managed to pull my hip out of joint somehow and have stabbing pains when I stand up.
      • He rolled off to one side, and was trying to rise, but his arm had been put out of joint at the shoulder in the fall.
      • I am in discomfort all the time and my hip keeps popping out of joint so I have to wiggle it back in.
      • However, his comeback was accompanied by a 90 percent chance the shoulder would pop out of joint again.
      • Jacob wrestled with the angel until the angel put his hip out of joint.
      • For, as with Sutton, Petrov has put a few noses out of joint with his match-winning interventions this season.
      1. 1.1In a state of disorder or disorientation.
        time was thrown completely out of joint


        Example sentencesExamples
        • The things they describe are not integral to the story, and the language of the descriptions is forced and somehow out of joint.
        • Confucius finds himself in an age in which values are out of joint.
        • The time, and the medium, seem out of joint for such productions.
        • Highly trained sniffer dogs used to detect explosives could have their snouts put out of joint by pioneering chemical research.
        • The poets seem to be ethnographers, slightly out of joint.
        • But there is something collectively out of joint in European culture, if rhetoric like this really resonates with the public.
        • A group of fruit trees in this work becomes a hideous metaphor for a world out of joint.
        • Similarly out of joint is the notion that Rachel's example in Genesis 30 would be taken by fundamentalists as justification for concubinage.
        • The modern world, as BT portrays it, is out of joint.
        • The angles are out of joint, the proportions irregular, the sky stained by blotches; still the birds flutter along in meditation.


Middle English: from Old French, past participle of joindre ‘to join’ (see join).





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