And it's worth noting that CEO offices in today's Corbusian towers often boast wood paneling and other warm features sharply at odds with the cold environments encasing them.
These consisted of more or less Corbusian slabs raised on columns, mixed with low-rise blocks in open landscaped parks.
The rebuilding of the city was inspired by Le Corbusian ideals - interesting today to see the reality which is frankly a bit shabby.
The Corbusian motifs of the Modulor and the open hand that recur throughout the city have little meaning for her local inhabitants.
A distinct change in Tange's approach appears soon afterwards with the design of the Yamanashi Communications Centre which was much more fragmented than anything that emerged from the Corbusian years.
Consider the renovation of the vast Park Hill Estate in Sheffield, one of Britain's first, and largest, housing estates, and one which had evolved specifically out of the then fashionable Corbusian doctrines.
They undermine his creative originality - his early domestic work in particular is very Corbusian (Douglas House, Smith House) - and the collages reinforce this debt, rather than signify a clear progression.