

单词 peace

Definition of peace in English:


noun piːspis
mass noun
  • 1Freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.


    he just wanted to drink a few beers in peace
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This would be followed by a short period of peace with respite from the pressure inside his head.
    • Even so I seemed at every point of contact to be surrounded by abrasive people intent on disturbing my peace, my comfort, and my equable nature.
    • But you need only step a few streets away from the beach for the cacophony to subside and for peace to be restored.
    • All we can give them is honor for their sacrifice, and freedom and peace for their families.
    • For three noisy, polluted decades they have campaigned for the bypass which would restore their village's peace and safety.
    • The centre offers a place of peace and hope for those who are on the road to recovery.
    • But that period of peace from the media will now come to an abrupt end.
    • A way of life beckons that promises peace in a beautiful place, where the weather is kind, wine plentiful, and food exquisite.
    • The right to enter a church, to worship, say a prayer, soak up the atmosphere and to find a few moments' peace should be free to all.
    • There was just something about her that radiated peace, tranquility, and that made her very popular.
    • Right now, it's telling me that I've enjoyed dropping out of the rat race over the festive period, savouring peace, relaxation and sleep.
    • Now my Sundays are for worship, family, friends, reading, rest, and relaxation-such freedom and peace.
    • He said the number of visitors also had a social impact, both on other visitors who went in search of peace and tranquillity, and on the local population.
    • It was as if it had suddenly tasted peace and freedom after the tumult and congestion of Italy.
    • We offer peace and quiet, no resident children, structured control and security.
    tranquillity, calm, calmness, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness, quietude, silence, soundlessness, hush, noiselessness, stillness, still
    privacy, privateness, seclusion, solitude, isolation, retirement, lack of disturbance/interruption, freedom from interference
    1. 1.1 Mental or emotional calm.
      the peace of mind this insurance gives you


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And would he trade his musical style for more peace of mind?
      • Victory over enemies will give you satisfaction and peace of mind, but beware of discord in the family.
      • Recognizing your inner beauty is the true key to peace of mind.
      • Would this move bring me the happiness and peace of mind that I feel I have needed recently?
      • This guilt started affecting my work, my peace of mind.
      • Mental illness can rob a person of peace of mind, relationships, and sense of purpose in life.
      • Having a forgiving spirit is one formula to peace of mind, happiness and good health.
      • Perhaps the highest price is the loss of happiness, the inability to achieve peace of mind.
      • From the layman's point of view, a spiritual life gives you calmness and peace of mind.
      • We spend our lives in pursuit of happiness and peace of mind.
      • It will definitely help bring some peace of mind to law-abiding citizens who are rightfully concerned about the safety of their children.
      • If this money won't buy me happiness, at least it can give me some peace of mind.
      • The benefits, they say, include improved health, greater energy, stress relief and peace of mind.
      • If only peace of mind were so easily attainable.
      • It also has everything you need for complete peace of mind.
      • For her the children always came first, well before her own happiness and peace of mind.
      • It would definitely bring the much needed peace of mind.
      • We are increasing our budget for next year to prevent crime and to give customers peace of mind.
      • No longer a primary source of food, our gardens may exist simply for pleasure and peace of mind.
      • Incredible calm and peace of mind come from living in a beautifully organized home.
      serenity, peacefulness, tranquillity, equanimity, calm, calmness, composure, placidity, placidness, rest, repose, ease, comfort, contentment, content, contentedness, security
      bliss, joy, nirvana
  • 2A state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.

    the Straits were to be open to warships in time of peace


    in singular the peace didn't last


    Example sentencesExamples
    • War had resumed on the continent in 1805, though the period of peace with Britain had ended even before the Empire was proclaimed.
    • Yes, there were aberrations like the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, but mostly it was a period of peace.
    • Great prosperity at home and peace abroad enshrine the current period as a golden age in the nation's history.
    • The resulting peace agreement included a six-year interim period before a vote on independence.
    • With the comprehensive peace agreement, the suffering of our people will come to an end.
    • Neither party will trust the other to implement any peace agreement on its own.
    • As a consequence Egypt enjoyed long periods of peace when society advanced rapidly.
    • The prolonged period of peace in Europe has created a dangerous temptation to neglect our defences, both physical and psychological.
    • Both kenjutsu and jujutsu aimed at being self defence martial arts during the period of peace.
    • It also tells us that there was a long period of peace as the men were not needed to fight in any wars.
    • The island, as a whole, is enjoying a sustained period of peace as we face the new century for the first time in decades.
    • The simple thirst for revenge on the part of a few could be enough to derail any peace agreements that might come about in the future.
    • That's what I think Americans can do with this providential period of prosperity and peace.
    • Private property and relative freedom to trade gave humanity the longest period of peace in history.
    • It had gained respect and authority by ushering in a period of peace and stability in the city.
    • It was also realized in both kingdoms that for changes to be implemented, there needed to be a period of peace.
    • We were told that the end of the Cold War would bring a new period of peace and reduced military spending.
    • Other countries, including members of the European Union, may also be welcomed to play a role in monitoring any peace agreement.
    • It reopens the prospect of a period when resistance to imperialism is not about peace processes, but about struggle.
    • For China, reform and development require a long period of peace.
    law and order, lawfulness, order, peacefulness, peaceableness, harmony, harmoniousness, accord, concord, amity, amicableness, goodwill, friendship, cordiality, non-aggression, non-violence
    1. 2.1in singular A treaty agreeing peace between warring states.
      support for a negotiated peace


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It also recommends concrete steps that need to be taken as part of the process of negotiating a lasting peace.
      • If Israelis and Palestinians are unwilling or unable to negotiate a workable peace, the international community must take the lead in promoting one.
      • The selection committee nudges warring parties towards a peace that is achievable, but not quite achieved.
      • An uneasy peace was negotiated during the dying embers of Bonetti's reign.
      • They negotiate a peace with the French, who agree in the hope of gaining future advantage.
      • Hungary, a German satellite in the war, tried, covertly, to negotiate a separate peace.
      • The peace effectively reinstated the Treaty of Madrid but on more favourable terms for the French.
      • Now they have to prove that they have not only the will but the authority to end the violence and negotiate a compromise peace.
      • Finally, in 1842, the Chinese were forced to agree to an ignomious peace under the Treaty of Nanking.
      • We must conduct our affairs in such a way that it becomes in the Communists' interest to agree on a genuine peace.
      treaty, truce, ceasefire, armistice, end/cessation/suspension of hostilities, moratorium, agreement, alliance, concord, appeasement, reconciliation
    2. 2.2 The state of being free from civil disorder.
      police action to restore peace


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There were rumblings and grumblings at special meetings called by the church council in a vain bid to restore peace.
      • There are signs that peace has been restored and businesses are showing profits once again.
      • Good relations with Elizabeth were vital to maintaining the civil peace in France.
      • This was 7.30 on a Saturday morning and we fought for an hour and a half, with the alarm sounding continually, to restore peace to the neighborhood.
      • It acknowledges the de facto separation of peoples in order to try to achieve civil peace.
      • The state relied on the clan for the maintenance of a minimum of civil peace, in exchange leaving it a free hand as far as internal politics were concerned.
      • It is the foundation of our priceless civil peace, which is the envy and wonder of the world.
      • Let us confirm our commitment to all civil rights and let us declare peace a civil right in a democracy, a human right in this world.
      • If he can do this, peace will be automatically restored!
      • To recognize the right to free association might have meant to deprive hundreds of millions of the right of civil peace.
      • We know this fight is the way to defend the values that are at the basis of civil life and peace.
      • The meeting was held to chalk out measures for restoring peace on the campus.
      • A Council source revealed the investigation into the assault could take weeks to complete but moves have already been made to restore peace.
      • For civil peace - if not justice - to come about, the crimes and violence of the past have to be confronted.
      • He divided the prize money evenly among five organizations devoted to civil rights and peace.
      • Contention leads to war, and war is the antithesis of civil peace.
      • The king insists that he took direct control over the country's affairs to restore peace at a time when violence literally engulfed the kingdom.
      • Police officers who restored peace to the riot-torn streets of Bradford last year were also due to be honoured for their bravery last night.
      • He said he hoped his visit would be a focal point for discussion of what the community could do to restore peace.
      • Meanwhile another, more ominous phantom revolution was threatening civil peace in Germany.
      law and order, lawfulness, order, peacefulness, peaceableness, harmony, harmoniousness, accord, concord, amity, amicableness, goodwill, friendship, cordiality, non-aggression, non-violence
    3. 2.3 The state of being free from dissension.
      the 8.8 per cent offer promises peace with the union


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cash call smacks of poor taste, taking advantage of people's fears and anxieties by making promises of peace.
      • They truly were in dire straights, and the offer of peace was very tempting.
  • 3the peaceA ceremonial handshake or kiss exchanged during a service in some Churches (now usually only in the Eucharist), symbolizing Christian love and unity.

    平安礼(现通常仅见于圣餐仪式中,象征基督之爱和团结的礼仪性握手或接吻)。参见KISS 条 kiss of peace

    See also kiss of peace at kiss
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Big hugs or strong handshakes while sharing the peace can be painful for people with arthritis or rheumatic conditions.
    • Seek out those with disabilities when passing the peace and extend Christ's welcome.
    • The incomprehensible sermon was long past, and the handshake of peace was next.


  • at peace

    • 1Free from anxiety or distress.


      she had felt at peace, and strangely detached
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I felt secure and at peace at my parents' palace.
      • I enjoyed it so much and felt at peace and happy and calm.
      • And we want them to be safe, secure and at peace as well.
      • Caring for my two pups helped me feel at peace and reduced my anxiety and depression.
      • I'm feeling quiet inside, at peace, content in a way.
      • Jane had a special fondness for gardening and was always at peace and content in her garden which she tended with such fond care.
      • Helen is placid and at peace, and very happy to see Jane.
      • I can catch up on my rest later when I am more at peace.
      • All of a sudden I wanted to be where I felt calm and at peace.
      • The whole time she held me I felt so at peace, so secure, so loved I didn't want to ever let her down.
      serene, calm, tranquil, composed, placid, at peace, at rest, at ease, in repose, reposeful, undisturbed, untroubled, unworried, unruffled, anxiety-free, content, blissful, secure
      1. 1.1Dead and therefore free from the difficulties of life.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • He's at peace now, free of pain, free of the longing for supernatural rescue.
        • Theresa is at peace now but the rest of you are all left with the sorrow and tragedy of her death.
        dead, expired, departed, gone, no more, passed on, passed away
    • 2In a state of friendliness.


      a man at peace with the world


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once we do that, we will be at peace with ourselves.
      • I do not wish to quarrel with them, but to live as I have always done, at peace with them.
      • Just being around her best friend made her feel much more at peace with the world.
      • They would be at peace with each other and with non-Muslim nations.
      • American courts tend to recognize and protect our right to travel to and in countries at peace with us, and they have had good reason to do so.
      • This image is not one of a warrior with anti-imperialist ideals, but of a civilized leader at peace with the West.
      • I pray that we will live harmoniously and at peace with one another, regardless of which tradition or path we follow.
      • They began as revolutionary or radical attempts to reconstruct the world but became increasingly conservative and at peace with the world.
      • It was a tolerant place, where the Orthodox Christian majority lived at peace with its small Muslim minorities (as it still does).
      • I pose that question to all of you since I firmly believe that your response will indicate whether you are at peace with God, with others and with yourself.
      harmonious, at peace, strife-free, peaceable, conflict-free, on good terms, amicable, friendly, cordial, non-violent, unwarlike
  • hold one's peace

    • Remain silent about something.


      he nodded indulgently at such pertness and obstinacy, but held his peace
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At this stage I believe a reviewer should hold his peace, at least until his readers can get to see the movie.
      • When a reviewer has had his say about a book, by and large he should thereafter hold his peace.
      • I held my peace, knowing sadly that she spoke the truth.
      • It was starting to become annoying, but I tried to hold my peace.
      • Too many, however, held their peace, at least until the next atrocity.
      • But I'll admit, it was great to see him happy, so I held my peace.
      • So please, if anyone has any ideas, anything at all, please share now or forever hold your peace.
      • Crew members growled unintelligible threats beneath their breath, yet held their peace.
      • So you had best hold your peace and bide your time.
      • At present I am biding my time, and holding my peace.
  • keep the peace

    • Refrain or prevent others from disturbing civil order.


      the police must play a crucial role in keeping the peace
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is regrettable if she was upset by the incident, but the action was taken in the interests of keeping the peace.
      • I mean, they are experts in security and keeping the peace.
      • When I was a kid, the police in my town mostly kept the peace.
      • I compromised my own self in order to keep the peace and stave off confrontation.
      • Well, first of all, let's remember that mutual deterrence and arms control has kept the peace for 50 years.
      • He's said nice, placatory things, and he's kept the peace, but we need more than that to drive the country forward.
      • Of the utmost importance to them here is keeping the peace.
      • She is a very level-headed, capable person and is good at keeping the peace.
      • It is the program that kept the peace for six years.
      • Occasionally, we may have to lend practical support for keeping the peace and protecting life and liberty in the face of internal and external aggression.
  • make (one's) peace

    • Re-establish friendly relations.


      he returned to the village to make peace with his mother
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I would make my peace with Josh and be the understanding friend I always was.
      • I just need to make my peace with myself, my neighbour, my community and my earth.
      • These are people who have made their peace with capitalism and have given up on the ideas of their youth.
      • Eventually, Gideon makes his peace with his daughter, decides to quit the rat race, and disappears off into the sunset with Stella.
      • He did his best to console them and help them to make their peace with God.
      • So in all the ensuing years have parents and children made their peace and found themselves on a common track?
      • I've made my peace with that, but it's taken a while.
      • Most mainstream religious groups have long since made their peace with evolutionary theory.
      • When he died, her in-laws finally made their peace with her.
      • Though I'm not sure Rebecca is my friend, since she's dating Jake I better make my peace with her.
      adjudicate, judge, adjudge, referee, umpire, sit in judgement, pass judgement, pronounce judgement, give a verdict, make a ruling


Middle English: from Old French pais, from Latin pax, pac- 'peace'.

  • Peace is from Old French pais, from Latin pax ‘peace’. The phrase no peace for the wicked comes from Isaiah 48:22 (There is no peace to the wicked, saith the Lord). In legal texts, the word pacific (mid 16th century), from the same root, still retains its early meaning ‘free from strife, peaceful’. In 1520 the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan passed through the stormy waters of the strait between what is now Tierra Del Fuego and mainland Chile. To his relief he emerged to calm seas, so called the ocean Mar Pacifico ‘tranquil sea’. The treacherous sound he passed through is still the Strait of Magellan. Pacify (Late Middle English) and pacifism (early 20th century) go back to the same root, as does appease (Middle English), literally ‘bring to a peaceful state’. See also pay


anis, apiece, Berenice, caprice, cassis, cease, coulisse, crease, Dumfries, fils, fleece, geese, grease, Greece, kris, lease, Lucrece, MacNeice, Matisse, McAleese, Nice, niece, obese, pelisse, police, Rees, Rhys, set piece, sublease, surcease, two-piece, underlease

Definition of peace in US English:


  • 1Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.


    you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Even so I seemed at every point of contact to be surrounded by abrasive people intent on disturbing my peace, my comfort, and my equable nature.
    • It was as if it had suddenly tasted peace and freedom after the tumult and congestion of Italy.
    • But that period of peace from the media will now come to an abrupt end.
    • For three noisy, polluted decades they have campaigned for the bypass which would restore their village's peace and safety.
    • There was just something about her that radiated peace, tranquility, and that made her very popular.
    • Now my Sundays are for worship, family, friends, reading, rest, and relaxation-such freedom and peace.
    • Right now, it's telling me that I've enjoyed dropping out of the rat race over the festive period, savouring peace, relaxation and sleep.
    • We offer peace and quiet, no resident children, structured control and security.
    • A way of life beckons that promises peace in a beautiful place, where the weather is kind, wine plentiful, and food exquisite.
    • But you need only step a few streets away from the beach for the cacophony to subside and for peace to be restored.
    • He said the number of visitors also had a social impact, both on other visitors who went in search of peace and tranquillity, and on the local population.
    • All we can give them is honor for their sacrifice, and freedom and peace for their families.
    • The right to enter a church, to worship, say a prayer, soak up the atmosphere and to find a few moments' peace should be free to all.
    • This would be followed by a short period of peace with respite from the pressure inside his head.
    • The centre offers a place of peace and hope for those who are on the road to recovery.
    tranquillity, calm, calmness, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness, quietude, silence, soundlessness, hush, noiselessness, stillness, still
    1. 1.1 Mental calm; serenity.
      the peace of mind this insurance gives you


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Would this move bring me the happiness and peace of mind that I feel I have needed recently?
      • Victory over enemies will give you satisfaction and peace of mind, but beware of discord in the family.
      • Perhaps the highest price is the loss of happiness, the inability to achieve peace of mind.
      • It would definitely bring the much needed peace of mind.
      • It also has everything you need for complete peace of mind.
      • Mental illness can rob a person of peace of mind, relationships, and sense of purpose in life.
      • It will definitely help bring some peace of mind to law-abiding citizens who are rightfully concerned about the safety of their children.
      • Recognizing your inner beauty is the true key to peace of mind.
      • The benefits, they say, include improved health, greater energy, stress relief and peace of mind.
      • For her the children always came first, well before her own happiness and peace of mind.
      • This guilt started affecting my work, my peace of mind.
      • Having a forgiving spirit is one formula to peace of mind, happiness and good health.
      • From the layman's point of view, a spiritual life gives you calmness and peace of mind.
      • If only peace of mind were so easily attainable.
      • If this money won't buy me happiness, at least it can give me some peace of mind.
      • Incredible calm and peace of mind come from living in a beautifully organized home.
      • We spend our lives in pursuit of happiness and peace of mind.
      • No longer a primary source of food, our gardens may exist simply for pleasure and peace of mind.
      • And would he trade his musical style for more peace of mind?
      • We are increasing our budget for next year to prevent crime and to give customers peace of mind.
      serenity, peacefulness, tranquillity, equanimity, calm, calmness, composure, placidity, placidness, rest, repose, ease, comfort, contentment, content, contentedness, security
  • 2A state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.

    the Straits were to be open to warships in time of peace


    in singular the peace didn't last


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yes, there were aberrations like the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, but mostly it was a period of peace.
    • Great prosperity at home and peace abroad enshrine the current period as a golden age in the nation's history.
    • The resulting peace agreement included a six-year interim period before a vote on independence.
    • The prolonged period of peace in Europe has created a dangerous temptation to neglect our defences, both physical and psychological.
    • For China, reform and development require a long period of peace.
    • Private property and relative freedom to trade gave humanity the longest period of peace in history.
    • Other countries, including members of the European Union, may also be welcomed to play a role in monitoring any peace agreement.
    • Neither party will trust the other to implement any peace agreement on its own.
    • Both kenjutsu and jujutsu aimed at being self defence martial arts during the period of peace.
    • It was also realized in both kingdoms that for changes to be implemented, there needed to be a period of peace.
    • We were told that the end of the Cold War would bring a new period of peace and reduced military spending.
    • With the comprehensive peace agreement, the suffering of our people will come to an end.
    • As a consequence Egypt enjoyed long periods of peace when society advanced rapidly.
    • It had gained respect and authority by ushering in a period of peace and stability in the city.
    • It also tells us that there was a long period of peace as the men were not needed to fight in any wars.
    • The simple thirst for revenge on the part of a few could be enough to derail any peace agreements that might come about in the future.
    • The island, as a whole, is enjoying a sustained period of peace as we face the new century for the first time in decades.
    • It reopens the prospect of a period when resistance to imperialism is not about peace processes, but about struggle.
    • War had resumed on the continent in 1805, though the period of peace with Britain had ended even before the Empire was proclaimed.
    • That's what I think Americans can do with this providential period of prosperity and peace.
    law and order, lawfulness, order, peacefulness, peaceableness, harmony, harmoniousness, accord, concord, amity, amicableness, goodwill, friendship, cordiality, non-aggression, non-violence
    1. 2.1in singular A treaty agreeing to the cessation of war between warring states.
      support for a negotiated peace


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The peace effectively reinstated the Treaty of Madrid but on more favourable terms for the French.
      • They negotiate a peace with the French, who agree in the hope of gaining future advantage.
      • It also recommends concrete steps that need to be taken as part of the process of negotiating a lasting peace.
      • Now they have to prove that they have not only the will but the authority to end the violence and negotiate a compromise peace.
      • The selection committee nudges warring parties towards a peace that is achievable, but not quite achieved.
      • An uneasy peace was negotiated during the dying embers of Bonetti's reign.
      • Finally, in 1842, the Chinese were forced to agree to an ignomious peace under the Treaty of Nanking.
      • Hungary, a German satellite in the war, tried, covertly, to negotiate a separate peace.
      • If Israelis and Palestinians are unwilling or unable to negotiate a workable peace, the international community must take the lead in promoting one.
      • We must conduct our affairs in such a way that it becomes in the Communists' interest to agree on a genuine peace.
      treaty, truce, ceasefire, armistice, cessation of hostilities, end of hostilities, suspension of hostilities, moratorium, agreement, alliance, concord, appeasement, reconciliation
    2. 2.2 Freedom from civil disorder.
      police action to restore peace


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He said he hoped his visit would be a focal point for discussion of what the community could do to restore peace.
      • Contention leads to war, and war is the antithesis of civil peace.
      • It is the foundation of our priceless civil peace, which is the envy and wonder of the world.
      • If he can do this, peace will be automatically restored!
      • The king insists that he took direct control over the country's affairs to restore peace at a time when violence literally engulfed the kingdom.
      • This was 7.30 on a Saturday morning and we fought for an hour and a half, with the alarm sounding continually, to restore peace to the neighborhood.
      • For civil peace - if not justice - to come about, the crimes and violence of the past have to be confronted.
      • To recognize the right to free association might have meant to deprive hundreds of millions of the right of civil peace.
      • It acknowledges the de facto separation of peoples in order to try to achieve civil peace.
      • Police officers who restored peace to the riot-torn streets of Bradford last year were also due to be honoured for their bravery last night.
      • Let us confirm our commitment to all civil rights and let us declare peace a civil right in a democracy, a human right in this world.
      • The meeting was held to chalk out measures for restoring peace on the campus.
      • The state relied on the clan for the maintenance of a minimum of civil peace, in exchange leaving it a free hand as far as internal politics were concerned.
      • He divided the prize money evenly among five organizations devoted to civil rights and peace.
      • Meanwhile another, more ominous phantom revolution was threatening civil peace in Germany.
      • There are signs that peace has been restored and businesses are showing profits once again.
      • There were rumblings and grumblings at special meetings called by the church council in a vain bid to restore peace.
      • A Council source revealed the investigation into the assault could take weeks to complete but moves have already been made to restore peace.
      • Good relations with Elizabeth were vital to maintaining the civil peace in France.
      • We know this fight is the way to defend the values that are at the basis of civil life and peace.
      law and order, lawfulness, order, peacefulness, peaceableness, harmony, harmoniousness, accord, concord, amity, amicableness, goodwill, friendship, cordiality, non-aggression, non-violence
    3. 2.3 Freedom from dispute or dissension between individuals or groups.
      the 8.8 percent offer that promises peace with the board


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cash call smacks of poor taste, taking advantage of people's fears and anxieties by making promises of peace.
      • They truly were in dire straights, and the offer of peace was very tempting.
  • 3the peaceA ceremonial handshake or kiss exchanged during a service in some Churches (now usually only in the Eucharist), symbolizing Christian love and unity.

    平安礼(现通常仅见于圣餐仪式中,象征基督之爱和团结的礼仪性握手或接吻)。参见KISS 条 kiss of peace

    See also kiss of peace at kiss
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The incomprehensible sermon was long past, and the handshake of peace was next.
    • Seek out those with disabilities when passing the peace and extend Christ's welcome.
    • Big hugs or strong handshakes while sharing the peace can be painful for people with arthritis or rheumatic conditions.
  • 1US informal Used as a friendly greeting.

    1. 1.1also peace out Used to express good wishes on parting.
  • 2archaic Used as an order to remain silent.

    peace, be still!
[no object]peace outUS informal
  • Leave.

    I woke up at seven, thanked my host, and peaced out


  • at peace

    • 1Free from anxiety or distress.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jane had a special fondness for gardening and was always at peace and content in her garden which she tended with such fond care.
      • I felt secure and at peace at my parents' palace.
      • Helen is placid and at peace, and very happy to see Jane.
      • And we want them to be safe, secure and at peace as well.
      • I'm feeling quiet inside, at peace, content in a way.
      • I enjoyed it so much and felt at peace and happy and calm.
      • The whole time she held me I felt so at peace, so secure, so loved I didn't want to ever let her down.
      • I can catch up on my rest later when I am more at peace.
      • All of a sudden I wanted to be where I felt calm and at peace.
      • Caring for my two pups helped me feel at peace and reduced my anxiety and depression.
      serene, calm, tranquil, composed, placid, at peace, at rest, at ease, in repose, reposeful, undisturbed, untroubled, unworried, unruffled, anxiety-free, content, blissful, secure
      1. 1.1Dead (used to suggest that someone has escaped from the difficulties of life).
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Theresa is at peace now but the rest of you are all left with the sorrow and tragedy of her death.
        • He's at peace now, free of pain, free of the longing for supernatural rescue.
        dead, expired, departed, gone, no more, passed on, passed away
    • 2In a state of friendliness.


      a man at peace with the world


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I do not wish to quarrel with them, but to live as I have always done, at peace with them.
      • I pray that we will live harmoniously and at peace with one another, regardless of which tradition or path we follow.
      • Once we do that, we will be at peace with ourselves.
      • Just being around her best friend made her feel much more at peace with the world.
      • I pose that question to all of you since I firmly believe that your response will indicate whether you are at peace with God, with others and with yourself.
      • They would be at peace with each other and with non-Muslim nations.
      • American courts tend to recognize and protect our right to travel to and in countries at peace with us, and they have had good reason to do so.
      • This image is not one of a warrior with anti-imperialist ideals, but of a civilized leader at peace with the West.
      • It was a tolerant place, where the Orthodox Christian majority lived at peace with its small Muslim minorities (as it still does).
      • They began as revolutionary or radical attempts to reconstruct the world but became increasingly conservative and at peace with the world.
      harmonious, at peace, strife-free, peaceable, conflict-free, on good terms, amicable, friendly, cordial, non-violent, unwarlike
  • hold one's peace

    • Remain silent about something.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Crew members growled unintelligible threats beneath their breath, yet held their peace.
      • When a reviewer has had his say about a book, by and large he should thereafter hold his peace.
      • So you had best hold your peace and bide your time.
      • I held my peace, knowing sadly that she spoke the truth.
      • So please, if anyone has any ideas, anything at all, please share now or forever hold your peace.
      • Too many, however, held their peace, at least until the next atrocity.
      • At present I am biding my time, and holding my peace.
      • But I'll admit, it was great to see him happy, so I held my peace.
      • At this stage I believe a reviewer should hold his peace, at least until his readers can get to see the movie.
      • It was starting to become annoying, but I tried to hold my peace.
  • keep the peace

    • Refrain or prevent others from disturbing civil order.


      the police must play a crucial role in keeping the peace
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Well, first of all, let's remember that mutual deterrence and arms control has kept the peace for 50 years.
      • I compromised my own self in order to keep the peace and stave off confrontation.
      • It is the program that kept the peace for six years.
      • She is a very level-headed, capable person and is good at keeping the peace.
      • It is regrettable if she was upset by the incident, but the action was taken in the interests of keeping the peace.
      • Occasionally, we may have to lend practical support for keeping the peace and protecting life and liberty in the face of internal and external aggression.
      • I mean, they are experts in security and keeping the peace.
      • Of the utmost importance to them here is keeping the peace.
      • When I was a kid, the police in my town mostly kept the peace.
      • He's said nice, placatory things, and he's kept the peace, but we need more than that to drive the country forward.
  • make (one's) peace

    • Re-establish friendly relations; become reconciled.


      not every conservative has made peace with big government
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I would make my peace with Josh and be the understanding friend I always was.
      • I just need to make my peace with myself, my neighbour, my community and my earth.
      • I've made my peace with that, but it's taken a while.
      • Eventually, Gideon makes his peace with his daughter, decides to quit the rat race, and disappears off into the sunset with Stella.
      • He did his best to console them and help them to make their peace with God.
      • Most mainstream religious groups have long since made their peace with evolutionary theory.
      • These are people who have made their peace with capitalism and have given up on the ideas of their youth.
      • So in all the ensuing years have parents and children made their peace and found themselves on a common track?
      • When he died, her in-laws finally made their peace with her.
      • Though I'm not sure Rebecca is my friend, since she's dating Jake I better make my peace with her.
      adjudicate, judge, adjudge, referee, umpire, sit in judgement, pass judgement, pronounce judgement, give a verdict, make a ruling


Middle English: from Old French pais, from Latin pax, pac- ‘peace’.





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