

单词 execute

Definition of execute in English:


verb ˈɛksɪkjuːtˈɛksəˌkjut
[with object]
  • 1Put (a plan, order, or course of action) into effect.


    the corporation executed a series of financial deals


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Keeping the enemy on his toes deters and interdicts his ability to effectively execute the chosen course of action.
    • "This was a carefully co-ordinated operation which was executed successfully, " he said.
    • Parsons has also demonstrated vision and can effectively communicate and execute strategic plans.
    • Every decision we make seeks to provide soldiers what they need to successfully execute the missions that we assign them.
    • Emergency procedures should be executed in a timely manner, consistent with the nature of the emergency.
    • Their orders: to start executing the plan the day the deal closes.
    • You've got to give them the big picture, get them to believe in the team philosophy, and then execute the plan to achieve the results, which is winning.
    • Thankfully my plan was executed to perfection.
    • Well, in this league, the players can only suggest and we go out and try to execute the game plan from the coaching staff.
    • You are the ones to come up with the brightest ideas and physical energy to execute the hard work necessary to build our country.
    • Was he being richly rewarded for having faithfully executed what he was told to do?
    • Corruption arises primarily through the manipulations of middlemen and contractors who are used to execute these works.
    • How well your startup or small business does has as much to do with your big idea as it does with the tools used to plan and execute your strategy.
    • A transactional leader is one who can plan and execute an implementation strategy with precision.
    • According to O'Brien, UW's defensively-heavy game plan was executed to perfection in the opening portion of the game.
    • Colonel Casper's staff, aviators, and soldiers executed this mission with great professionalism.
    • Rural road works are executed by a number of agencies in India with a multiplicity of objectives.
    • That is why I had to devise all sorts of procedural and data checks to make sure that the work was executed correctly.
    • We must, therefore, commend the security forces for the way they executed the plans put in place by their superior officers.
    • Corporate PR pros helped plan and execute the strategy.
    carry out, accomplish, perform, implement, effect, bring off, bring about, achieve, carry off, carry through, complete, enact, enforce, put into effect, put into practice, do, discharge, prosecute, engineer, administer, attain, realize, fulfil
    informal pull off, swing, cut
    archaic acquit oneself of
    rare effectuate
    1. 1.1 Produce (a work of art)
      not only does she execute embroideries, she designs them too


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This work was executed by painting the canvas the texture of wood, so that the figure seems like a sculpture.
      • His genre paintings were executed at the very outset of his career in the early 1580s.
      • Conceptual innovators, like the cubists, made quick breakthroughs that revolutionized both the way art was executed and the way it was interpreted.
      • His work is generally executed in a graceful and delicate style, with freely flowing forms and considerable sensitivity in the handling of subject matter and material.
      • Citing Bauhaus influence, especially the paintings of Josef Albers, she executed her works by hand with painstaking precision.
      • Although he prepared and executed his works painstakingly like the old masters, he wanted his works of art look like machine made.
      • These works were executed in tiny brushstrokes, reducing the presence of the artist's hand and enhancing the illusion that the viewer was staring at a real scene.
      • The work was executed by the Piccirilli Brothers, the leading firm of carvers in New York City.
      • These works were executed in the later 1660s, in plenty of time for Van der Meulen to put them into his background.
      • Balka's art - introspective and executed with a minimalist austerity - continues to attract viewers.
      • The photographer has executed the work with a detachment that is almost cruel.
      • In rock art, it is characteristic for the artist to chose to execute the work irrespective of the rock curvature or characteristics.
      • His passion is for boats, in particular traditional barges on the Thames, and his works are executed in watercolour and pen and ink.
      • The idea was that craftsmen designed and executed their own work alongside artists such as Ford Maddox-Brown, to produce useful and decorative objects.
      • All paintings are executed using quality handmade oil paints from Germany and Italy on fine Belgian canvas.
      • It seems reasonable to suppose that the work was mostly executed around 1560, but that Titian added the foliage in the upper third immediately prior to its delivery to Philip II in Spain.
      • All the paintings were beautifully executed with great attention to detail.
      • The work is flawlessly executed and represents one of the finest examples of the metalsmith's art.
      • Associations aside, the works are deftly executed, marvelously obsessive gems.
      • The final section of this exhibition is devoted to works executed by artists after they had left Rome and the Villa Medici.
      paint, draw, depict, portray, represent, reproduce
    2. 1.2 Perform (a skilful action or manoeuvre)
      they had to execute their dance steps with the greatest precision


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We turned around and executed an emergency descent to 10,000 feet.
      • While figure skating involves graceful acrobatic manoeuvres with music in the background, the freestyle performer executes a set of movements tracing a figure on the floor.
      • Occasionally, executing a standard manoeuvre such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would need to reinstall the engine.
      • Its virtuosic male performers towered impressively on stilts while executing complex choreography and astonishing feats of acrobatics.
      • When this maneuver is properly executed, you can literally turn within one wingspan.
      • One soldier managed to successfully execute the somersault maneuver that most people are familiar with from the childhoods.
      • Paddy's two goals were executed to perfection - they were quality finishes.
      • The manoeuvre was expertly executed, the finish applied with an aplomb of which Ian would have been proud.
      • After executing the movement, lower the bar back slowly to the original position.
      • This third try was symptomatic of a day of off-load practice for Bradford as they were given maximum time and space to execute their manoeuvres.
      • To make the change, you have to forget about where the ball is going and totally focus on learning how to execute the slide step.
      • He drove a very strong race pushing hard throughout and perfectly executing an overtaking manoeuvre over Michael that turned out to be decisive for us to finish third.
      • Jamie executes a perfect jump turn beside me and asks innocently, ‘Are you all right, Daddy?’
      • I protested that I had to enter the bus lane (which, incidentally, was bus-free at the time) to execute a left turn.
      • Although he had time to shoot under Marshall, Luna swivelled and as the keeper bore down on him executed a dive of glorious artistic merit.
      • York were unprepared for Featherstone's short kick-off which they executed to perfection.
      • This was intense - the dancers working so hard that sweat was flying from them as they executed turns.
      • When airborne and safely isolated from other traffic, he'd let me take the stick and execute cautious dives, climbs, and turns.
      • Wearing a less revealing tank top instead will still allow you to see just enough skin and muscle to properly execute your training movements.
      • Entertaining the masses, though, isn't nearly as exhilarating as executing a perfect dive.
      • Usually performed by small groups of competing dancers, this segment is performed by a large group of dancers executing the steps in perfect syncopation.
      perform, present, render
      stage, put on
    3. 1.3Law Make (a legal instrument) valid by signing or sealing it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • No new beneficial interest is created in favour of the appellant or anybody else, and the property remains subject to the same trusts as it did before the instrument was executed.
      • So the rights, whatever they were, were created, at least according to the language of the documents, a week before the dutiable instrument was executed.
      • If amount is in foreign currency, stamp duty is charged on the Irish equivalent according to the exchange rate prevailing on the day the instrument is executed.
      • Once a security instrument is executed, says GMAC, it attaches immediately to all assets covered by that instrument.
      • If he elects to have another person registered he shall execute an instrument of transfer of the share to that person.
    4. 1.4Law Carry out (a judicial sentence, the terms of a will, or other order)
      police executed a search warrant


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This can lead to the travellers moving to another car park when the order is executed and the whole process has to be gone through again.
      • The death penalty being spoken of for both is a barbaric obscenity that achieves nothing - except diminish everyone involved in executing the sentence.
      • A dozen men armed with clubs set upon a corporal in the colonial militia when he tried to execute a sentence on a man delinquent in his duty.
      • West Vancouver police executed a search warrant on the residence later that day.
      • On March 23 the police executed a search warrant at a warehouse and made further seizures.
    5. 1.5Computing Carry out an instruction or program.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once you click OK, all of these commands are executed in order in the window shown in Figure 14.
      • Privilege Level means that the program can execute all CPU instructions.
      • Modern microprocessors can execute three or more instructions per clock cycle.
      • It executes program instructions, writes and reads information to or from memory, and accesses peripheral devices such as serial ports and disk controllers.
      • With Code Morphing, the translation process can be optimized by looking at the generated code and minimizing the number of instructions executed.
  • 2Carry out a sentence of death on (a legally condemned person)


    he was convicted of treason and executed


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There is the existence of legal homicide - as when a convicted and condemned criminal is executed pursuant to court order.
    • If the case against them holds up, they are likely to become the next cause célèbre in the national debate over executing people who are sentenced to death while juveniles.
    • Now, it suggested, the availability of DNA evidence reduces the risk of executing an innocent person.
    • The rest were captured and either died in prison or were executed for treason.
    • What will the situation be if a person is executed under a law that has been deemed unconstitutional and invalid?
    • It is not difficult to understand why in some parts of the world traffickers in heroin in any substantial quality are sentenced to death and executed.
    • However he was not able to shake the bitemark evidence which was subject to two appeals, and he was eventually executed ten years after his conviction.
    • The PA sentenced 12 people to death and two people were executed.
    • You see all these different movies with people being executed for committing treason or murder.
    • 1530s only some 330 people were executed for treason, of whom 287 died as rebels in the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536.
    • Edith Cavell was executed by a German firing squad on October 12, 1915.
    • Well, even though he was executed 122 years ago, bushranger Ned Kelly continues to have a strange hold over the nation's imagination.
    • Six hundred years to the day since he was executed for high treason, descendants of Archbishop Richard Scrope arrived from across the globe for a service at the city's cathedral to commemorate his life.
    • Seventy seven men were executed on charges of treason though historians tend to think the figure is higher.
    • Despite this evidence, he was executed at six o'clock on the morning of April 22.
    • Despite the proliferation of the death penalty for many new offences, less than half the people condemned to death were executed.
    • At least seven criminals, mostly rapists, have been executed by lethal injection since the penalty was restored.
    • Most shockingly, Americans still support the death penalty in large numbers despite an awareness that innocent people are executed.
    • He was executed by lethal injection on March 21st 2005.
    • His capture marked the final defeat of the losing side in the civil war and after a dramatic trial in Belgrade, he was executed for treason and war crimes on 17 July 1946.
    put to death, carry out a sentence of death on, kill
    hang, send to the gibbet, behead, guillotine, decapitate, electrocute, shoot, put before a firing squad, send to the gas chamber, garrotte, crucify, stone to death
    North American send to the electric chair, send to the chair
    informal string up
    North American informal fry
    in Turkey, historical bowstring
    1. 2.1 Kill (someone) as a political act.
      he would be executed if he fell into rebel hands
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A marine has admitted to executing an enemy soldier by shooting him in the back of the head, and killing another who was trying to run away.
      • Bert quickly learned that the soldiers summarily executed anyone who strayed from the march.
      • The police summarily execute anyone who resists with anything considered weaponry - shields, sticks, rocks.
      • The prison was where the president's henchmen tortured and executed many political prisoners.
      • All of these members were pulled out of a public meeting and summarily executed.
      • They systematically sought out political opponents and executed some on sight.
      • The fates of her other sons are unknown: it is likely they were executed by the militants as informers.
      • They have been bullying the mainland into continuing retreat and concessions whilst they continue to maim kill and execute people in the province.
      • It is unclear how many of the seven soldiers were executed, rather than killed in fighting, as the authorities contend.
      • Officials said troops, with no alternative but to fight to the death, were executing comrades who wanted to surrender.
      • Over 2000 political prisoners were executed that night!
      • During this time the government ran its own reign of terror - tens of thousands of people were made political prisoners, were executed on the streets, or simply disappeared.
      • A further 23 political prisoners were executed there in October 2001.
      • The administration is trying to frame a guilty man and lead a lynch mob to execute him.
      • And eventually, that individual was killed, summarily executed by the IRA.
      • Torture is one thing, but I don't see how executing prisoners is any different to killing them in battle.
      • Party members routinely lynch and execute their opponents without trial.
      • A Nazi officer tells the mayor of a Greek village that unless he kills three suspected partisans, his soldiers will execute fifty children.


Late Middle English: from Old French executer, from medieval Latin executare, from Latin exsequi 'follow up, punish', from ex- 'out' + sequi 'follow'.

Definition of execute in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Carry out or put into effect (a plan, order, or course of action)


    the corporation executed a series of financial deals


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Emergency procedures should be executed in a timely manner, consistent with the nature of the emergency.
    • Parsons has also demonstrated vision and can effectively communicate and execute strategic plans.
    • Was he being richly rewarded for having faithfully executed what he was told to do?
    • Every decision we make seeks to provide soldiers what they need to successfully execute the missions that we assign them.
    • Colonel Casper's staff, aviators, and soldiers executed this mission with great professionalism.
    • That is why I had to devise all sorts of procedural and data checks to make sure that the work was executed correctly.
    • Corruption arises primarily through the manipulations of middlemen and contractors who are used to execute these works.
    • Rural road works are executed by a number of agencies in India with a multiplicity of objectives.
    • According to O'Brien, UW's defensively-heavy game plan was executed to perfection in the opening portion of the game.
    • A transactional leader is one who can plan and execute an implementation strategy with precision.
    • You've got to give them the big picture, get them to believe in the team philosophy, and then execute the plan to achieve the results, which is winning.
    • You are the ones to come up with the brightest ideas and physical energy to execute the hard work necessary to build our country.
    • We must, therefore, commend the security forces for the way they executed the plans put in place by their superior officers.
    • Corporate PR pros helped plan and execute the strategy.
    • "This was a carefully co-ordinated operation which was executed successfully, " he said.
    • Keeping the enemy on his toes deters and interdicts his ability to effectively execute the chosen course of action.
    • Thankfully my plan was executed to perfection.
    • Their orders: to start executing the plan the day the deal closes.
    • How well your startup or small business does has as much to do with your big idea as it does with the tools used to plan and execute your strategy.
    • Well, in this league, the players can only suggest and we go out and try to execute the game plan from the coaching staff.
    carry out, accomplish, perform, implement, effect, bring off, bring about, achieve, carry off, carry through, complete, enact, enforce, put into effect, put into practice, do, discharge, prosecute, engineer, administer, attain, realize, fulfil
    1. 1.1 Produce (a work of art)
      not only does she execute embroideries, she designs them too


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The work is flawlessly executed and represents one of the finest examples of the metalsmith's art.
      • The photographer has executed the work with a detachment that is almost cruel.
      • These works were executed in the later 1660s, in plenty of time for Van der Meulen to put them into his background.
      • Balka's art - introspective and executed with a minimalist austerity - continues to attract viewers.
      • This work was executed by painting the canvas the texture of wood, so that the figure seems like a sculpture.
      • All the paintings were beautifully executed with great attention to detail.
      • All paintings are executed using quality handmade oil paints from Germany and Italy on fine Belgian canvas.
      • His passion is for boats, in particular traditional barges on the Thames, and his works are executed in watercolour and pen and ink.
      • The final section of this exhibition is devoted to works executed by artists after they had left Rome and the Villa Medici.
      • Citing Bauhaus influence, especially the paintings of Josef Albers, she executed her works by hand with painstaking precision.
      • These works were executed in tiny brushstrokes, reducing the presence of the artist's hand and enhancing the illusion that the viewer was staring at a real scene.
      • The idea was that craftsmen designed and executed their own work alongside artists such as Ford Maddox-Brown, to produce useful and decorative objects.
      • It seems reasonable to suppose that the work was mostly executed around 1560, but that Titian added the foliage in the upper third immediately prior to its delivery to Philip II in Spain.
      • Conceptual innovators, like the cubists, made quick breakthroughs that revolutionized both the way art was executed and the way it was interpreted.
      • His work is generally executed in a graceful and delicate style, with freely flowing forms and considerable sensitivity in the handling of subject matter and material.
      • Although he prepared and executed his works painstakingly like the old masters, he wanted his works of art look like machine made.
      • His genre paintings were executed at the very outset of his career in the early 1580s.
      • In rock art, it is characteristic for the artist to chose to execute the work irrespective of the rock curvature or characteristics.
      • Associations aside, the works are deftly executed, marvelously obsessive gems.
      • The work was executed by the Piccirilli Brothers, the leading firm of carvers in New York City.
      paint, draw, depict, portray, represent, reproduce
    2. 1.2 Perform (an activity or maneuver requiring care or skill)
      they had to execute their dance steps with the greatest precision


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After executing the movement, lower the bar back slowly to the original position.
      • He drove a very strong race pushing hard throughout and perfectly executing an overtaking manoeuvre over Michael that turned out to be decisive for us to finish third.
      • Wearing a less revealing tank top instead will still allow you to see just enough skin and muscle to properly execute your training movements.
      • York were unprepared for Featherstone's short kick-off which they executed to perfection.
      • Occasionally, executing a standard manoeuvre such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would need to reinstall the engine.
      • Usually performed by small groups of competing dancers, this segment is performed by a large group of dancers executing the steps in perfect syncopation.
      • Entertaining the masses, though, isn't nearly as exhilarating as executing a perfect dive.
      • When this maneuver is properly executed, you can literally turn within one wingspan.
      • Jamie executes a perfect jump turn beside me and asks innocently, ‘Are you all right, Daddy?’
      • To make the change, you have to forget about where the ball is going and totally focus on learning how to execute the slide step.
      • Paddy's two goals were executed to perfection - they were quality finishes.
      • This third try was symptomatic of a day of off-load practice for Bradford as they were given maximum time and space to execute their manoeuvres.
      • Although he had time to shoot under Marshall, Luna swivelled and as the keeper bore down on him executed a dive of glorious artistic merit.
      • Its virtuosic male performers towered impressively on stilts while executing complex choreography and astonishing feats of acrobatics.
      • This was intense - the dancers working so hard that sweat was flying from them as they executed turns.
      • While figure skating involves graceful acrobatic manoeuvres with music in the background, the freestyle performer executes a set of movements tracing a figure on the floor.
      • One soldier managed to successfully execute the somersault maneuver that most people are familiar with from the childhoods.
      • When airborne and safely isolated from other traffic, he'd let me take the stick and execute cautious dives, climbs, and turns.
      • I protested that I had to enter the bus lane (which, incidentally, was bus-free at the time) to execute a left turn.
      • The manoeuvre was expertly executed, the finish applied with an aplomb of which Ian would have been proud.
      • We turned around and executed an emergency descent to 10,000 feet.
      perform, present, render
    3. 1.3Law Make (a legal instrument) valid by signing or sealing it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If amount is in foreign currency, stamp duty is charged on the Irish equivalent according to the exchange rate prevailing on the day the instrument is executed.
      • So the rights, whatever they were, were created, at least according to the language of the documents, a week before the dutiable instrument was executed.
      • Once a security instrument is executed, says GMAC, it attaches immediately to all assets covered by that instrument.
      • No new beneficial interest is created in favour of the appellant or anybody else, and the property remains subject to the same trusts as it did before the instrument was executed.
      • If he elects to have another person registered he shall execute an instrument of transfer of the share to that person.
    4. 1.4Law Carry out (a judicial sentence, the terms of a will, or other order)
      police executed a search warrant


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The death penalty being spoken of for both is a barbaric obscenity that achieves nothing - except diminish everyone involved in executing the sentence.
      • West Vancouver police executed a search warrant on the residence later that day.
      • On March 23 the police executed a search warrant at a warehouse and made further seizures.
      • A dozen men armed with clubs set upon a corporal in the colonial militia when he tried to execute a sentence on a man delinquent in his duty.
      • This can lead to the travellers moving to another car park when the order is executed and the whole process has to be gone through again.
    5. 1.5Computing Carry out an instruction or program.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Modern microprocessors can execute three or more instructions per clock cycle.
      • It executes program instructions, writes and reads information to or from memory, and accesses peripheral devices such as serial ports and disk controllers.
      • With Code Morphing, the translation process can be optimized by looking at the generated code and minimizing the number of instructions executed.
      • Privilege Level means that the program can execute all CPU instructions.
      • Once you click OK, all of these commands are executed in order in the window shown in Figure 14.
  • 2Carry out a sentence of death on (a legally condemned person)


    he was convicted of treason and executed


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The rest were captured and either died in prison or were executed for treason.
    • Despite the proliferation of the death penalty for many new offences, less than half the people condemned to death were executed.
    • At least seven criminals, mostly rapists, have been executed by lethal injection since the penalty was restored.
    • Most shockingly, Americans still support the death penalty in large numbers despite an awareness that innocent people are executed.
    • His capture marked the final defeat of the losing side in the civil war and after a dramatic trial in Belgrade, he was executed for treason and war crimes on 17 July 1946.
    • Seventy seven men were executed on charges of treason though historians tend to think the figure is higher.
    • Well, even though he was executed 122 years ago, bushranger Ned Kelly continues to have a strange hold over the nation's imagination.
    • Despite this evidence, he was executed at six o'clock on the morning of April 22.
    • What will the situation be if a person is executed under a law that has been deemed unconstitutional and invalid?
    • Edith Cavell was executed by a German firing squad on October 12, 1915.
    • You see all these different movies with people being executed for committing treason or murder.
    • Now, it suggested, the availability of DNA evidence reduces the risk of executing an innocent person.
    • The PA sentenced 12 people to death and two people were executed.
    • Six hundred years to the day since he was executed for high treason, descendants of Archbishop Richard Scrope arrived from across the globe for a service at the city's cathedral to commemorate his life.
    • It is not difficult to understand why in some parts of the world traffickers in heroin in any substantial quality are sentenced to death and executed.
    • However he was not able to shake the bitemark evidence which was subject to two appeals, and he was eventually executed ten years after his conviction.
    • There is the existence of legal homicide - as when a convicted and condemned criminal is executed pursuant to court order.
    • 1530s only some 330 people were executed for treason, of whom 287 died as rebels in the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536.
    • He was executed by lethal injection on March 21st 2005.
    • If the case against them holds up, they are likely to become the next cause célèbre in the national debate over executing people who are sentenced to death while juveniles.
    put to death, carry out a sentence of death on, kill
    1. 2.1 Kill (someone) as a political act.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Bert quickly learned that the soldiers summarily executed anyone who strayed from the march.
      • It is unclear how many of the seven soldiers were executed, rather than killed in fighting, as the authorities contend.
      • Party members routinely lynch and execute their opponents without trial.
      • All of these members were pulled out of a public meeting and summarily executed.
      • The fates of her other sons are unknown: it is likely they were executed by the militants as informers.
      • They systematically sought out political opponents and executed some on sight.
      • A marine has admitted to executing an enemy soldier by shooting him in the back of the head, and killing another who was trying to run away.
      • Over 2000 political prisoners were executed that night!
      • A further 23 political prisoners were executed there in October 2001.
      • Officials said troops, with no alternative but to fight to the death, were executing comrades who wanted to surrender.
      • They have been bullying the mainland into continuing retreat and concessions whilst they continue to maim kill and execute people in the province.
      • And eventually, that individual was killed, summarily executed by the IRA.
      • The prison was where the president's henchmen tortured and executed many political prisoners.
      • The administration is trying to frame a guilty man and lead a lynch mob to execute him.
      • A Nazi officer tells the mayor of a Greek village that unless he kills three suspected partisans, his soldiers will execute fifty children.
      • Torture is one thing, but I don't see how executing prisoners is any different to killing them in battle.
      • The police summarily execute anyone who resists with anything considered weaponry - shields, sticks, rocks.
      • During this time the government ran its own reign of terror - tens of thousands of people were made political prisoners, were executed on the streets, or simply disappeared.


Late Middle English: from Old French executer, from medieval Latin executare, from Latin exsequi ‘follow up, punish’, from ex- ‘out’ + sequi ‘follow’.





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