

单词 excess

Definition of excess in English:


noun ˈɛksɛsɪkˈsɛsɛkˈsɛs
  • 1An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.


    are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As much as I don't want those resources put to ineffectual uses, I also don't want it to go to waste since it's not like there is an excess of resources to go around.
    • Although useful in small amounts, an excess of these hormones continuously and over time, can damage the arteries and heart muscle and lead to the development of high blood pressure.
    • Increased to 168 pages this year, it is the biggest book to date, and the final images were selected from an excess of 80,000 photographs taken in throughout the year.
    • In the past I have sometimes criticised Nunn for an excess of novelistic detail.
    • They had a surplus of raw power and an excess of drive.
    • We expected that recombination should induce an excess of reversals not expected under parallel evolution.
    • The main problem with the show is that it suffers from an excess of style over content - kind of ironic, considering that the online industry has been bickering over that very issue for years.
    • More content with his place in life, the male North African Muslim only went mad through an excess of religious fervor or the influence of hashish.
    • But this is perhaps the inevitable result of a paucity of content trapped within an excess of style.
    • Presenting an excess of content in a minimum of time to an audience of diverse backgrounds is extremely difficult.
    • Any excess I have (up to the bag limit) are always kept with the skin on and frozen, to be used later as snapper bait.
    • There was an excess of tools, a green house and a store of old seed.
    • In my experience of making salts of bases, it is sometimes actually advantageous to make the first sample with an excess of acid.
    • Concordant with this result, Tajima's test and Fu and Li's tests indicated an excess of singletons as expected under the rapid growth hypothesis.
    • An additional 2 men and 7 women were dropped from the sample due to an excess of missing data.
    • A while back I criticised dogmatism among atheists as well as an excess of certainty in belief.
    • Over the millennia during which man has selected grape vines, he has chosen those capable of photosynthesizing an excess of sugars and storing them in berries.
    • I don't think that what is threatening France is an excess of the free market.
    • The genealogy is close to star-shaped, so, as in the case of population growth, we expect an excess of rare variants in our sample relative to the standard neutral model.
    • Potato prices have fallen recently, due mainly to an excess of old crop appearing on the market.
    • But many of the same critics also complain about an excess of illegal immigration.
    surplus, surfeit, overabundance, superabundance, superfluity, oversufficiency, profusion, plethora, glut
    too much, more than enough, enough and to spare
    informal more … than one can shake a stick at
    rare nimiety
    1. 1.1 The amount by which one quantity or number exceeds another.
      as regards other cancers in this age group, there is a small excess during 1984—90
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Could you explain how this structure is joined together, what we call here the golden thread that runs through people related issues in an organisation with excess of 40,000 employees?
      • The average excess on contents policies is £50 - £100, but some insurers allow £500 or more.
      • Deflation will not subside until growth is sufficient to absorb the remaining excesses in production capacity, which may be greater than the official data show.
      • Under the circumstance, the liquidity excess, which stood at around 700 billion baht now, would begin to decrease, she stated.
      • But when the central bank's CAR was higher than 8 percent of its monetary liabilities, the excess would be used to retire some of the perpetual notes.
      • In this scenario, the country will plan to pay off the temporary excess of imports at a later time, with proceeds made from future export sales.
      • What they don't realize, or perhaps chose to ignore, is that the current surplus is merely an excess of collections over distributions.
      • The fact that reducing Quota or increasing milk herd size would tend to increase the likelihood of a milk excess in relation to Quota, cannot mean that they must be treated identically.
      • The operating ratio condensed the year-end result into a single figure: the average excess of operating expenses over operating revenues per day.
      • For monthly incomes between 110 and 150 leva, the tax rate will be 15 per cent on the excess over 110 leva.
      • If however, the cash together with any other gains exceed your annual exemption you will be liable to capital gains tax on the excess at your marginal rate of tax.
      • Just to define the terms a little bit, the trade deficit is the excess of our imports of goods over our exports of goods.
      • She would've owed only the 6% tax for each year the excess remained in the IRA.
      • If your margin interest exceeds your investment income, you can carry over the excess until next year, she adds.
      • Total number of policies issued stand at more than 5.5 lakh and total sum assured is in the excess of Rs 13,000 crore, it said.
      • Even then, the number 2 will only be worth the percentage of the excess over the quota divided by the total number of votes the first preference candidate has gathered.
      • It was estimated that other government revenue was likely to be an additional 50 billion baht above target figure, leaving a total excess of 170 billion baht.
      • The gradient of risk with blood pressure was steeper for fatal than non-fatal stroke, reflecting a relative excess of haemorrhagic strokes among fatal events.
      • Although there will be enough capacity to satisfy demand in 2006, the excess of capacity over consumption will begin to shrink.
      • It is comprised of the results of past production, as the excess of output over consumption.
      • An excess of 20,000 tonnes went into US bond stores, counting against this year's quota.
      remainder, rest, residue, remaining quantity, overflow, overspill
    2. 1.2mass noun The action of exceeding a permitted or acceptable limit.
      there is no issue as to excess of jurisdiction


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They discovered that they can survive on the waste and excess of the mainstream (i.e abandoned buildings used for housing).
      • But Shanahan's isn't about bargain food, it's the acceptable face of excess.
      • In a democracy, we need every possible means of limiting the scope for excess by those governing us.
      • Also, the toxins from this excess waste matter can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body, causing many problems.
      • Because, every now and again, a bit of complete excess is perfectly acceptable.
      • That an 18 year old athlete should have a double chin just a couple of months after a foot injury is a throwback to the 1980's when excess was acceptable.
      • My own hospitality paled in comparison with the stories that circulated in medical circles, but my sense of entitlement rationalised this greed and excess as harmless and acceptable.
      • Your reporter goes on to state that I have been ordered by a court now not to engage in politics - an almost unimaginable excess of jurisdiction.
      • It's failure is based on unrivalled extravagance and excess, poor management and a desire to ignore any form of business or common sense.
      • We've witnessed a lot of reckless Credit and speculative excess over the years.
      • Constantly strive to eliminate all forms of excess and waste; improve productivity at a rate that is roughly twice the industry average.
      • No doubt about it, reckless money and credit excess has been running unabated.
      • Sooner or later the sheer magnitude of the waste and excess caused by the present patent system will lead to reform, and they will not be able to prevent it.
      • Capitalism permits excess and stupidity for brief periods.
      • A group of tweenie girls set about rescuing a beleaguered tree living next to a landfill in this spirited play about the dangers of corporate excess and waste.
      • Since they were available, they could be approached in the event of miscarriage of justice, or excess of jurisdiction, elsewhere.
      • The only arena in which Moderate Muslims permit excess is in idealism.
      • The piece calls attention to the waste and excess of postindustrial society.
      • We are now beginning to pay what will be a very heavy price for reckless excess.
      • In terms of excess of jurisdiction or denial of natural justice?
      profligacy, lack of thrift, unthriftiness, thriftlessness, improvidence, wastefulness, waste, overspending, prodigality, squandering, lavishness
  • 2mass noun Lack of moderation, especially in eating or drinking.


    bouts of alcoholic excess


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Extravagant names, colourful excess, intoxicating variety - sweets are a model of human inventiveness and exuberance.
    • Yet such indulgence is often the way, as people laugh off alcoholic excess while working themselves into a righteous moral lather over something smelly in a cigarette.
    • For young people with few prospects beyond stolid lives punctuated by bouts of alcoholic excess, it's easy to understand the allure of more irreverent, less traditional ways of life.
    • The social and emotional costs of alcoholic excess are also well documented.
    • There have long been epidemiological suggestions that lack of fibre or excess of red meat in the diet is to blame.
    • His last years were characterized by disillusionment, drunkenness, and excess, and he committed suicide in Leningrad, writing his last poem in his own blood.
    • To some extent, it appears to function as a cautionary tale, preaching moderation: excess, it warns, finishes you off quicker than boredom.
    • When I finally released the pressure, it ran up the wall, looking more like a drunken man after a nite of alcoholic excess.
    • Among younger and single women binge-drinkers, alcoholic excess is associated with the pursuit of a sexual partner and, in some cases, with low self-esteem.
    • Now women are fast catching up in the race to alcoholic excess.
    • Minors are clearly not allowed and no excess drinking please!
    • Nestled in the pristine Alps, its resorts provide great skiing in the lap of luxury, but Saint Moritz isn't just about reckless excess.
    • Hundreds of fans pressed around the Paris grave of The Doors cult singer Jim Morrison yesterday, 30 years after drug and drink excess claimed his life.
    • Alcoholic excess is certainly nothing for a political leader to boast about.
    • Just to show that we haven't lost our edge when it comes to alcoholic excess, may I present for your delectation and delight…
    • Surely it is true that, if the choice must be made between the total abstinence in use of alcoholic beverages and excess, then the choice is total abstinence.
    • Sadly, it was also a pretty good way to harm themselves with legal problems or health issues resulting from excess.
    • With the slew of people in there, it's the typically small percentage that ‘see their great night wasted’ through violent excess.
    • To top a life of drink and drug excess, the best possible career move in the music business is death.
    • Caught in a downward spiral of depression, dissipation and alcoholic excess, Boswell died on 19 May 1795.
    overindulgence, overconsumption, intemperance, intemperateness, immoderation, profligacy, lack of restraint, prodigality, lavishness, excessiveness, extravagance, decadence, self-indulgence, self-gratification, debauchery, dissipation, dissolution, dissoluteness
    1. 2.1excesses Outrageous or immoderate behaviour.
      the worst excesses of the French Revolution


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After the excesses of New Year's Eve, today's the day to pledge a healthier lifestyle for 2003.
      • Moreover, the proportion of excesses for incidence and mortality was very similar.
      • There are no mentions of mass starvation, torture, concentration camps or the excesses of the current regime.
  • 3British A part of an insurance claim to be paid by the insured.


    we will deduct the excess from the loss and then pay up to the policy limit
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is a popular method of reducing premiums by increasing excesses and many insured are caught unawares.
    • He has been hit by a 10-fold increase in his insurance excess and has the added headache of knowing he must pay the first £2,500 of any future flood claim he makes.
    • Any excess in one's claim generates an obligation to compensate those who thereby have less.
    • By agreeing to pay a greater excess on each claim you can reduce your car insurance premiums.
    • She is claiming just over £400, a sum which includes the excess on her car insurance claim, used to pay for replacement locks.
    • If the damage is small, the insured may have to carry the total loss himself or if the damage does not exceed the total excesses payable, the insured may find himself seriously out of pocket.
    • However, he accepted that, if the excess of the insured value over the market value were so great that it suggested a moral hazard, the underwriter would not insure the vessel.
    • Annual repairs and maintenance of vessels include voyage repairs and spare gear, annual survey fees, and hull and machinery insurance excess.
    • The excess for baggage loss and baggage delay claims is €100, for money loss claims it is €65.
    • As it is, the excess for flood insurance is $10,000.
    • Some insurers provide premiums to pensioners or enhanced benefits by waiving excesses.
    • But one resident, who did not wish to be named, said her insurance excess had been raised to £2,500.
    • The school had been facing a £750 demand from its insurance company for the excess on the insurance on the three minibuses.
    • Mr Croft said he will have to fork out a £50 excess on his insurance claim to repair the damage.
    • The transport chief said the cost of the damage was still unknown but, in any event, ECS would have to fork out £400 on its insurance excess.
    • And with all policies you will have to pay an excess on any claim, usually between £50 and £100.
    • She was also ordered by Selby magistrates to pay the Wests £250 compensation - the excess on their car insurance.
    • A last aspect I wish to mention, regards the payment of the excess on a claim.
    • Another reason Jacobs mentioned to illustrate the value of the system is the insurance excess payable when a vehicle is stolen.
    • It helps you to claim back your excess from the third party in the event of a non-fault claim.
  • 1attributive Exceeding a prescribed or desirable amount.


    trim any excess fat off the meat


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is nearly impossible to ingest beta carotene in toxic amounts, since the body will not convert excess amounts to toxic levels of vitamin A.
    • The small amount of excess water molecules in the reaction are released as water vapor, says Shimshon Gottesfeld, chief technology officer at MTI.
    • Fat cells produce excess amounts of the female hormone oestrogen, which can speed up the natural process of cell division and so lead to a higher risk of a cancer cell being formed.
    • It is important to limit nickel content to the level needed for control of pearlite; excess nickel increases the amount of retained austenite and lowers hardness.
    • ‘A tiny amount of excess food’ translates very nearly into ‘sweeties’.
    • Minor side effects include light-headedness, nausea, sore mouth, sore throat, hiccups and excess amount of saliva.
    • I had a good time, but I'm really tired this morning, and I have an excess amount of junk food left at my house that I need to get rid of.
    • His hand tingled, almost burned, where he held his sword, and the moment their lips made contact there was suddenly an excess amount of blinding bright light.
    • Statistics reveal that minimum temperatures have little to do with the excess winter mortality rates.
    • His pulse increased and he began to sweat excess amounts.
    • But even a small amount of excess sodium causes bloating.
    • The model is thus suggesting that this amount of excess travel time compared to the freeflow travel time, is less for the lower speed limits than it is for the 60 km/h limit.
    • The blade is polycarbonate, and is reinforced with deep ribs that add a huge amount of strength without excess weight.
    • False negatives: samples exposed to light will show decreased amounts of bilirubin; excess levels of ascorbic acid.
    • This overreaction makes your body produce excess amounts of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which can make you hyperalert and anxious.
    • So if you increase the amount of excess carbs you eat, you can increase your fat stores and add unwanted size to your physique.
    • Minor side effects from the gum include lightheadedness, nausea, mouth and throat irritation, hiccups, and an excess amount of saliva.
    • The teenager admitted charges of dangerous driving, driving with excess alcohol and driving while unfit through drugs, when he appeared in court.
    • Health professionals define ‘overweight’ as an excess amount of body weight that includes muscles, bone, fat and water.
    • This powerful neurotransmitter is a key player in the brain's learning centers, and excess amounts create deeply embedded memories of drinking.
    surplus, superfluous, spare, redundant, unwanted, unneeded, unused, excessive, leftover
    extra, additional, reserve
  • 2British attributive Required as extra payment.


    the full excess fare had to be paid


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Meanwhile the police also conducted a special drive on Thursday to check auto rickshaws for faulty exhausts leading to excess emission and charging excess fare from passengers.
    • There was no waiver of any excess payments by the respondent from December 1, 1998, to May 1, 2002.
    • Other unique features of the Legal Shield policy are the lack of a waiting period and the ‘no - excess payment’ requirement in the event of a claim.
    • And weigh charges for late payments, excess fees on cash advances and the cost of transferring balances.
    • Most experts agree that the introduction of excess coverage payment and other measures will not suffice to fill the gaps in the public health insurers' finances.
    • They negotiated their gold ransom for the kidnapped Freia with all the dogged, gormless determination of a ticket collector extracting an excess fare.
    • Ask your broker about items that are automatically covered, as well as the terms and excess payments that may apply.
    • While 24 per cent of violations are for overloading, 22 per cent are for demanding excess fare.
    • There are 2 windows, 1 behind the barriers for excess fares and the expired and one before the barriers for normal tickets.
    • We impose fines of Rs 300 for refusals and charging excess fares.
    • Subsequent claims within a six month period may be subject to an increased excess payment.


  • in (or to) excess

    • Exceeding the proper amount or degree.


      she insisted that he did not drink to excess


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The stalks contain oxalic acid, which is harmful if eaten to excess, but the amounts are no greater than those in spinach and chard, for example.
      • After last night's game, I got back to my much preferred lifestyle; namely, drinking and smoking to excess.
      • New Zealand has a degree of tolerance for drinking to excess that I think is greater than that of any other country in the world.
      • He thought people also drank to excess because young people had more disposable income than ever before.
      • This and many other traumas took an inevitable toll on her after the war, and led her to drink to excess, burst into tirades and complain of depression to her doctor.
      • Eating and drinking to excess cause many of our diseases and infirmities.
      • On Christmas Eve, 10 years ago, she was hooked up to various machines in hospital after drinking to excess.
      • There is one loose story arc, involving the Geek from Texas who finds out he can drink to excess and actually win a best-bod contest.
      • Normally in short supply, it is found in excess amounts in up to half of all types of malignant tumors.
      • Having bought the car that evening he drank to excess so much that six hours after the crash, when he gave a test, he was still more than twice over the alcohol limit.
      • There were big screens, pubs showing the match and opportunities before and after it for men to get together and talk about football and drink to excess.
      • ‘Early on in the evening they had been calm and polite and were not drinking to excess,’ she said.
      • These days, I drink to excess, and then wake up at six in the morning, grumpy, tired, dizzy, hungover and unable to go back to sleep.
      • The problem is some of the people who drink are idiots, and correct me if I'm wrong but idiots have been drinking to excess as long as there have been idiots.
      • There is no reason why there shouldn't be a continental-style culture where people go out to eat and socialise without drinking to excess.
      • That's the view of publicans who feel they cannot be held solely responsible for underage drinking or those who drink to excess.
      • We could all go to the pub in party hats, drink to excess, and then count down each of the final ten seconds before February 24th arrives.
      • The lesson is: don't eat fatty foods in excess, don't drink in excess, don't smoke at all, and keep fit.
      • The campaign theme, Think before you Drink Less is More, is aimed at young people who, on a single occasion drink to excess.
      • Eating and drinking to excess may have felt good at the time but those fatty mince pies and toxin-laden tipples have devastating effects on our health.
  • in excess of

    • More than.

      a top speed in excess of 20 knots


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sum raised was well in excess of £2,500 which will be a welcome boost to church funds.
      • Is it just a glorified car boot sale that costs the ratepayers in excess of £300,000?
      • The state achieved a production in excess of 4 lakh tonne for the first time last year.
      • The reason the house was uninhabited is that it needs in excess of £40,000 worth of work.
      • In the publishing industry at large, there are few jobs which pay in excess of 100,000 a year.
      • Anthony revved the engine of the BMW on the main road doing well in excess of the speed limit.
      • It will be a great attraction and should draw a crowd in excess of 10,000 spectators.
      • I agree one should not fork out in excess of four to five times the average weekly wage for any computer based on looks.
      • To some extent, you can't blame them when it sold in excess of 13 million copies.
      • Instead, the cameras do one simple job - they detect speeds in excess of a fixed speed limit.
      • At peak times staff were taking in excess of 600 calls an hour and working extremely long hours.
      • The total value of the three contracts will be worth in excess of £100 million annually.
      • It has a population in excess of 900 which is more than many rural villages in the county.
      • It was a special club draw for clubs selling in excess of twenty tickets above the quota.
      • Dr Adeley said as far as he was concerned Kaygun was travelling in excess of the speed limit.
      • He'd lived a very frugal life and with canny investments left an estate in excess of £3m.
      • It is now a national project and serves in excess of 20,000 children a year.
      • The rocket left the pad, reaching a velocity in excess of five times the speed of sound in a couple of seconds.
      • A sum in excess of 700 was raised on the night and this has been handed over to the red cross.
      • On a rough count I'm now getting in excess of 300 unsolicited mailings each and every day.
      more than, over, above, over and above, upwards of, beyond


Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin excessus, from excedere 'go out, surpass' (see exceed).


acquiesce, address, assess, Bess, bless, bouillabaisse, caress, cess, chess, coalesce, compress, confess, convalesce, cress, deliquesce, digress, dress, duchesse, duress, effervesce, effloresce, evanesce, express, fess, finesse, fluoresce, guess, Hesse, impress, incandesce, intumesce, jess, largesse, less, manageress, mess, ness, noblesse, obsess, oppress, outguess, phosphoresce, politesse, possess, press, priestess, princess, process, profess, progress, prophetess, regress, retrogress, stress, success, suppress, tendresse, top-dress, transgress, tress, tristesse, underdress, vicomtesse, yes

Definition of excess in US English:


  • 1An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.


    are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Presenting an excess of content in a minimum of time to an audience of diverse backgrounds is extremely difficult.
    • An additional 2 men and 7 women were dropped from the sample due to an excess of missing data.
    • Potato prices have fallen recently, due mainly to an excess of old crop appearing on the market.
    • But this is perhaps the inevitable result of a paucity of content trapped within an excess of style.
    • Any excess I have (up to the bag limit) are always kept with the skin on and frozen, to be used later as snapper bait.
    • Increased to 168 pages this year, it is the biggest book to date, and the final images were selected from an excess of 80,000 photographs taken in throughout the year.
    • Concordant with this result, Tajima's test and Fu and Li's tests indicated an excess of singletons as expected under the rapid growth hypothesis.
    • More content with his place in life, the male North African Muslim only went mad through an excess of religious fervor or the influence of hashish.
    • A while back I criticised dogmatism among atheists as well as an excess of certainty in belief.
    • We expected that recombination should induce an excess of reversals not expected under parallel evolution.
    • I don't think that what is threatening France is an excess of the free market.
    • They had a surplus of raw power and an excess of drive.
    • In the past I have sometimes criticised Nunn for an excess of novelistic detail.
    • But many of the same critics also complain about an excess of illegal immigration.
    • Although useful in small amounts, an excess of these hormones continuously and over time, can damage the arteries and heart muscle and lead to the development of high blood pressure.
    • There was an excess of tools, a green house and a store of old seed.
    • Over the millennia during which man has selected grape vines, he has chosen those capable of photosynthesizing an excess of sugars and storing them in berries.
    • The main problem with the show is that it suffers from an excess of style over content - kind of ironic, considering that the online industry has been bickering over that very issue for years.
    • The genealogy is close to star-shaped, so, as in the case of population growth, we expect an excess of rare variants in our sample relative to the standard neutral model.
    • As much as I don't want those resources put to ineffectual uses, I also don't want it to go to waste since it's not like there is an excess of resources to go around.
    • In my experience of making salts of bases, it is sometimes actually advantageous to make the first sample with an excess of acid.
    surplus, surfeit, overabundance, superabundance, superfluity, oversufficiency, profusion, plethora, glut
    remainder, rest, residue, remaining quantity, overflow, overspill
    1. 1.1 The amount by which one quantity or number exceeds another.
      the excess of imports over exports rose $1.4 billion
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If however, the cash together with any other gains exceed your annual exemption you will be liable to capital gains tax on the excess at your marginal rate of tax.
      • The average excess on contents policies is £50 - £100, but some insurers allow £500 or more.
      • For monthly incomes between 110 and 150 leva, the tax rate will be 15 per cent on the excess over 110 leva.
      • If your margin interest exceeds your investment income, you can carry over the excess until next year, she adds.
      • Just to define the terms a little bit, the trade deficit is the excess of our imports of goods over our exports of goods.
      • What they don't realize, or perhaps chose to ignore, is that the current surplus is merely an excess of collections over distributions.
      • In this scenario, the country will plan to pay off the temporary excess of imports at a later time, with proceeds made from future export sales.
      • The operating ratio condensed the year-end result into a single figure: the average excess of operating expenses over operating revenues per day.
      • Although there will be enough capacity to satisfy demand in 2006, the excess of capacity over consumption will begin to shrink.
      • Could you explain how this structure is joined together, what we call here the golden thread that runs through people related issues in an organisation with excess of 40,000 employees?
      • The gradient of risk with blood pressure was steeper for fatal than non-fatal stroke, reflecting a relative excess of haemorrhagic strokes among fatal events.
      • Total number of policies issued stand at more than 5.5 lakh and total sum assured is in the excess of Rs 13,000 crore, it said.
      • It is comprised of the results of past production, as the excess of output over consumption.
      • She would've owed only the 6% tax for each year the excess remained in the IRA.
      • Under the circumstance, the liquidity excess, which stood at around 700 billion baht now, would begin to decrease, she stated.
      • An excess of 20,000 tonnes went into US bond stores, counting against this year's quota.
      • The fact that reducing Quota or increasing milk herd size would tend to increase the likelihood of a milk excess in relation to Quota, cannot mean that they must be treated identically.
      • Deflation will not subside until growth is sufficient to absorb the remaining excesses in production capacity, which may be greater than the official data show.
      • It was estimated that other government revenue was likely to be an additional 50 billion baht above target figure, leaving a total excess of 170 billion baht.
      • But when the central bank's CAR was higher than 8 percent of its monetary liabilities, the excess would be used to retire some of the perpetual notes.
      • Even then, the number 2 will only be worth the percentage of the excess over the quota divided by the total number of votes the first preference candidate has gathered.
      remainder, rest, residue, remaining quantity, overflow, overspill
    2. 1.2 The action of exceeding a permitted limit.
      there is no issue as to excess of jurisdiction


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's failure is based on unrivalled extravagance and excess, poor management and a desire to ignore any form of business or common sense.
      • In a democracy, we need every possible means of limiting the scope for excess by those governing us.
      • Since they were available, they could be approached in the event of miscarriage of justice, or excess of jurisdiction, elsewhere.
      • They discovered that they can survive on the waste and excess of the mainstream (i.e abandoned buildings used for housing).
      • The only arena in which Moderate Muslims permit excess is in idealism.
      • Constantly strive to eliminate all forms of excess and waste; improve productivity at a rate that is roughly twice the industry average.
      • My own hospitality paled in comparison with the stories that circulated in medical circles, but my sense of entitlement rationalised this greed and excess as harmless and acceptable.
      • Because, every now and again, a bit of complete excess is perfectly acceptable.
      • The piece calls attention to the waste and excess of postindustrial society.
      • Also, the toxins from this excess waste matter can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body, causing many problems.
      • But Shanahan's isn't about bargain food, it's the acceptable face of excess.
      • No doubt about it, reckless money and credit excess has been running unabated.
      • We are now beginning to pay what will be a very heavy price for reckless excess.
      • In terms of excess of jurisdiction or denial of natural justice?
      • Your reporter goes on to state that I have been ordered by a court now not to engage in politics - an almost unimaginable excess of jurisdiction.
      • That an 18 year old athlete should have a double chin just a couple of months after a foot injury is a throwback to the 1980's when excess was acceptable.
      • A group of tweenie girls set about rescuing a beleaguered tree living next to a landfill in this spirited play about the dangers of corporate excess and waste.
      • Capitalism permits excess and stupidity for brief periods.
      • Sooner or later the sheer magnitude of the waste and excess caused by the present patent system will lead to reform, and they will not be able to prevent it.
      • We've witnessed a lot of reckless Credit and speculative excess over the years.
      profligacy, lack of thrift, unthriftiness, thriftlessness, improvidence, wastefulness, waste, overspending, prodigality, squandering, lavishness
  • 2Lack of moderation in an activity, especially eating or drinking.


    bouts of alcoholic excess


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Just to show that we haven't lost our edge when it comes to alcoholic excess, may I present for your delectation and delight…
    • Minors are clearly not allowed and no excess drinking please!
    • Hundreds of fans pressed around the Paris grave of The Doors cult singer Jim Morrison yesterday, 30 years after drug and drink excess claimed his life.
    • Nestled in the pristine Alps, its resorts provide great skiing in the lap of luxury, but Saint Moritz isn't just about reckless excess.
    • The social and emotional costs of alcoholic excess are also well documented.
    • Among younger and single women binge-drinkers, alcoholic excess is associated with the pursuit of a sexual partner and, in some cases, with low self-esteem.
    • Caught in a downward spiral of depression, dissipation and alcoholic excess, Boswell died on 19 May 1795.
    • To top a life of drink and drug excess, the best possible career move in the music business is death.
    • Sadly, it was also a pretty good way to harm themselves with legal problems or health issues resulting from excess.
    • There have long been epidemiological suggestions that lack of fibre or excess of red meat in the diet is to blame.
    • With the slew of people in there, it's the typically small percentage that ‘see their great night wasted’ through violent excess.
    • His last years were characterized by disillusionment, drunkenness, and excess, and he committed suicide in Leningrad, writing his last poem in his own blood.
    • Surely it is true that, if the choice must be made between the total abstinence in use of alcoholic beverages and excess, then the choice is total abstinence.
    • Extravagant names, colourful excess, intoxicating variety - sweets are a model of human inventiveness and exuberance.
    • To some extent, it appears to function as a cautionary tale, preaching moderation: excess, it warns, finishes you off quicker than boredom.
    • For young people with few prospects beyond stolid lives punctuated by bouts of alcoholic excess, it's easy to understand the allure of more irreverent, less traditional ways of life.
    • Alcoholic excess is certainly nothing for a political leader to boast about.
    • Yet such indulgence is often the way, as people laugh off alcoholic excess while working themselves into a righteous moral lather over something smelly in a cigarette.
    • Now women are fast catching up in the race to alcoholic excess.
    • When I finally released the pressure, it ran up the wall, looking more like a drunken man after a nite of alcoholic excess.
    overindulgence, overconsumption, intemperance, intemperateness, immoderation, profligacy, lack of restraint, prodigality, lavishness, excessiveness, extravagance, decadence, self-indulgence, self-gratification, debauchery, dissipation, dissolution, dissoluteness
    1. 2.1excesses Outrageous or immoderate behavior.
      the worst excesses of the French Revolution


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Moreover, the proportion of excesses for incidence and mortality was very similar.
      • After the excesses of New Year's Eve, today's the day to pledge a healthier lifestyle for 2003.
      • There are no mentions of mass starvation, torture, concentration camps or the excesses of the current regime.
  • attributive Exceeding a prescribed or desirable amount.


    trim any excess fat off the meat


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is nearly impossible to ingest beta carotene in toxic amounts, since the body will not convert excess amounts to toxic levels of vitamin A.
    • Minor side effects include light-headedness, nausea, sore mouth, sore throat, hiccups and excess amount of saliva.
    • ‘A tiny amount of excess food’ translates very nearly into ‘sweeties’.
    • But even a small amount of excess sodium causes bloating.
    • The small amount of excess water molecules in the reaction are released as water vapor, says Shimshon Gottesfeld, chief technology officer at MTI.
    • The model is thus suggesting that this amount of excess travel time compared to the freeflow travel time, is less for the lower speed limits than it is for the 60 km/h limit.
    • The blade is polycarbonate, and is reinforced with deep ribs that add a huge amount of strength without excess weight.
    • The teenager admitted charges of dangerous driving, driving with excess alcohol and driving while unfit through drugs, when he appeared in court.
    • Minor side effects from the gum include lightheadedness, nausea, mouth and throat irritation, hiccups, and an excess amount of saliva.
    • His hand tingled, almost burned, where he held his sword, and the moment their lips made contact there was suddenly an excess amount of blinding bright light.
    • This overreaction makes your body produce excess amounts of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which can make you hyperalert and anxious.
    • False negatives: samples exposed to light will show decreased amounts of bilirubin; excess levels of ascorbic acid.
    • I had a good time, but I'm really tired this morning, and I have an excess amount of junk food left at my house that I need to get rid of.
    • Statistics reveal that minimum temperatures have little to do with the excess winter mortality rates.
    • Fat cells produce excess amounts of the female hormone oestrogen, which can speed up the natural process of cell division and so lead to a higher risk of a cancer cell being formed.
    • It is important to limit nickel content to the level needed for control of pearlite; excess nickel increases the amount of retained austenite and lowers hardness.
    • This powerful neurotransmitter is a key player in the brain's learning centers, and excess amounts create deeply embedded memories of drinking.
    • So if you increase the amount of excess carbs you eat, you can increase your fat stores and add unwanted size to your physique.
    • His pulse increased and he began to sweat excess amounts.
    • Health professionals define ‘overweight’ as an excess amount of body weight that includes muscles, bone, fat and water.
    surplus, superfluous, spare, redundant, unwanted, unneeded, unused, excessive, leftover


  • in (or to) excess

    • Exceeding the proper amount or degree.


      she insisted that he did not drink to excess


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The stalks contain oxalic acid, which is harmful if eaten to excess, but the amounts are no greater than those in spinach and chard, for example.
      • Normally in short supply, it is found in excess amounts in up to half of all types of malignant tumors.
      • That's the view of publicans who feel they cannot be held solely responsible for underage drinking or those who drink to excess.
      • On Christmas Eve, 10 years ago, she was hooked up to various machines in hospital after drinking to excess.
      • He thought people also drank to excess because young people had more disposable income than ever before.
      • Eating and drinking to excess may have felt good at the time but those fatty mince pies and toxin-laden tipples have devastating effects on our health.
      • We could all go to the pub in party hats, drink to excess, and then count down each of the final ten seconds before February 24th arrives.
      • There were big screens, pubs showing the match and opportunities before and after it for men to get together and talk about football and drink to excess.
      • This and many other traumas took an inevitable toll on her after the war, and led her to drink to excess, burst into tirades and complain of depression to her doctor.
      • Having bought the car that evening he drank to excess so much that six hours after the crash, when he gave a test, he was still more than twice over the alcohol limit.
      • Eating and drinking to excess cause many of our diseases and infirmities.
      • The lesson is: don't eat fatty foods in excess, don't drink in excess, don't smoke at all, and keep fit.
      • After last night's game, I got back to my much preferred lifestyle; namely, drinking and smoking to excess.
      • There is one loose story arc, involving the Geek from Texas who finds out he can drink to excess and actually win a best-bod contest.
      • ‘Early on in the evening they had been calm and polite and were not drinking to excess,’ she said.
      • New Zealand has a degree of tolerance for drinking to excess that I think is greater than that of any other country in the world.
      • These days, I drink to excess, and then wake up at six in the morning, grumpy, tired, dizzy, hungover and unable to go back to sleep.
      • The problem is some of the people who drink are idiots, and correct me if I'm wrong but idiots have been drinking to excess as long as there have been idiots.
      • The campaign theme, Think before you Drink Less is More, is aimed at young people who, on a single occasion drink to excess.
      • There is no reason why there shouldn't be a continental-style culture where people go out to eat and socialise without drinking to excess.
  • in excess of

    • More than; exceeding.


      a top speed in excess of 20 knots


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I agree one should not fork out in excess of four to five times the average weekly wage for any computer based on looks.
      • On a rough count I'm now getting in excess of 300 unsolicited mailings each and every day.
      • The rocket left the pad, reaching a velocity in excess of five times the speed of sound in a couple of seconds.
      • It has a population in excess of 900 which is more than many rural villages in the county.
      • The state achieved a production in excess of 4 lakh tonne for the first time last year.
      • The reason the house was uninhabited is that it needs in excess of £40,000 worth of work.
      • Is it just a glorified car boot sale that costs the ratepayers in excess of £300,000?
      • A sum in excess of 700 was raised on the night and this has been handed over to the red cross.
      • It was a special club draw for clubs selling in excess of twenty tickets above the quota.
      • To some extent, you can't blame them when it sold in excess of 13 million copies.
      • The sum raised was well in excess of £2,500 which will be a welcome boost to church funds.
      • At peak times staff were taking in excess of 600 calls an hour and working extremely long hours.
      • He'd lived a very frugal life and with canny investments left an estate in excess of £3m.
      • It will be a great attraction and should draw a crowd in excess of 10,000 spectators.
      • In the publishing industry at large, there are few jobs which pay in excess of 100,000 a year.
      • The total value of the three contracts will be worth in excess of £100 million annually.
      • Instead, the cameras do one simple job - they detect speeds in excess of a fixed speed limit.
      • Anthony revved the engine of the BMW on the main road doing well in excess of the speed limit.
      • Dr Adeley said as far as he was concerned Kaygun was travelling in excess of the speed limit.
      • It is now a national project and serves in excess of 20,000 children a year.
      more than, over, above, over and above, upwards of, beyond


Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin excessus, from excedere ‘go out, surpass’ (see exceed).





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