The seed of a tropical American palm, which, when hardened, is a source of vegetable ivory.
象牙椰子,象牙棕果(美洲的一种热带棕榈的种子,变硬后可成为植物象牙的原料)。亦称TAGUA NUT
The palm is Phytelephas macrocarpa, family Palmae
Also called tagua nut
Example sentencesExamples
Vegetable ivory or ivory nuts are primarily the nuts of the Tagua palm tree although other palms of the same subfamily also produce ivory nuts.
The trees produce a vegetable ivory nut or seed called Tagua nut, they grow in large armored clusters with each cluster containing many nuts.
Conservation International is carrying out the Tagua Initiative project to promote sustainable harvest of the ivory nuts in rural communities in Esmeraldas Province as a means of protecting the forests in which this species occurs.
Tagua nuts (or vegetable ivory nuts) are produced by a lovely Amazonian palm Phytelephas Aequatorialis meaning ‘elephant palm’.
The hard, ivory-like seeds (exported under the name of Polynesian ivory nuts, Tahiti-nuts, Südsee-Steinnüsse) are used for the production of buttons.
Definition of ivory nut in US English:
ivory nut
The seed of a tropical American palm, which, when hardened, is a source of vegetable ivory.
象牙椰子,象牙棕果(美洲的一种热带棕榈的种子,变硬后可成为植物象牙的原料)。亦称TAGUA NUT
The palm is Phytelephas macrocarpa, family Palmae
Also called tagua nut
Example sentencesExamples
Conservation International is carrying out the Tagua Initiative project to promote sustainable harvest of the ivory nuts in rural communities in Esmeraldas Province as a means of protecting the forests in which this species occurs.
Tagua nuts (or vegetable ivory nuts) are produced by a lovely Amazonian palm Phytelephas Aequatorialis meaning ‘elephant palm’.
The hard, ivory-like seeds (exported under the name of Polynesian ivory nuts, Tahiti-nuts, Südsee-Steinnüsse) are used for the production of buttons.
Vegetable ivory or ivory nuts are primarily the nuts of the Tagua palm tree although other palms of the same subfamily also produce ivory nuts.
The trees produce a vegetable ivory nut or seed called Tagua nut, they grow in large armored clusters with each cluster containing many nuts.