

单词 European

Definition of European in English:


adjective jʊərəˈpiːənˌjʊrəˈpiən
  • 1Relating to or characteristic of Europe or its inhabitants.


    twentieth-century European art
    the culture and history of the European peoples
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their exhibitions were intended to promote a distinct American Impressionism and to wean American patrons from European art.
    • It was better than expected and has more European characteristics than you find in most beers from Central and South America.
    • Their style of painting was quite realistic in contrast with the abstract European art that was being brought into America.
    • Our culture is not American music, nor is it European art.
    • This is characteristic of most Western European music and some music from other cultures.
    • Shortly thereafter, French missionaries became the first European inhabitants of the island.
    • The nature and function of trade marks and the extent and characteristics of these European principles will be considered below.
    • Asian auto makers are mastering the art of European automobile allure.
    • Reynolds sought to give new dignity to British portraiture by relating it to the Grand Style of European art.
    • It allows a Scottish audience to sample the true flavour of contemporary European art.
    • My students have some notion of various art movements and are aware of the European stronghold on Western art until this century.
    • Modern art has roots both in Slovak folk themes and in European art in general.
    • This foundation collection consists largely of 19th century and contemporary British and other European art.
    • The Israeli style is highly influenced by European art, but much of it deals explicitly with Jewish themes and issues.
    • Also included are printed materials and ephemera that reveal the region's dialogue with European art of the period.
    • Today Walter sounds like an American, whereas Henry has a characteristic European accent.
    • Such a blend has been a characteristic of many popular European cars.
    • However, some common European characteristics of the modern welfare state existed.
    caucasian, non- black
    1. 1.1 Relating to the European Union.
      a single European currency


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The current process of European unification is painful in many ways.
      • The recent decision to grant a referendum on the European constitution in the near future is a reflection of this.
      • The French president was chastened by the recent defeat of his European constitution referendum initiative.
      • The UK is covered under the European Convention on Human Rights.
      • The furore is over the referendum over the European constitution, and whether Britain should adopt the euro currency.
      • After all, what lies at the heart of European absolutism or Russian autocracy?
      • But the idea of working with European partners on foreign policy and security issues is gaining favor.
      • I'm voting Green in the European elections and Lib Dem in the locals.
      • Instead we would be following the reformist line of European social democracy, for as long as it lasts.
      • Under capitalism European unification means the domination of the continent by the strongest imperialist powers.
      • His U-turn on a referendum on the European constitution is a sign of his weakness.
      • Do you mean, what about regional devolution like that which might occur under a federal European government?
      • In fact, the joint European currency union was organised in similar empirical fashion.
      • Every successful attack made by US capital on its workers increases the pressure on European capitalists and their governments to do the same.
      • To do so would breach the Refugee Convention and European Convention on Human Rights.
      • The single European market and currency and the coming expansion eastward have given Europe a high degree of economic integration.
      • In Britain he is looking to wriggle out of a promised referendum on the European constitution, as he will almost certainly lose it.
      • They lost two seats, while others won European seats in both Northern and Southern Ireland.
      • He knew almost all the leaders of the European parties of Social Democracy.
      • There was also to be a debate on Europe, where both motions up for discussion call for a no vote in any referendum on the European constitution.
noun jʊərəˈpiːənˌjʊrəˈpiən
  • 1A native or inhabitant of Europe.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The term derives from the Turkish sipahi, also the root of sepoy, the word used by Europeans for native Indian soldiers.
    • Most critical is how Americans and Europeans, including Britons, face up as communities to problems.
    • On this, the Americans, Europeans and Asians I met this January seem agreed.
    • It is very different between the Americans, the Europeans and the Asians.
    • Unsurprisingly, the Ohioans strongly resented being lectured to on the foolishness of their national leader by some random bunch of erudite Europeans.
    • He was part Indian, part European and founded the Native American Studies Program at Dartmouth College.
    • There were Asians, Africans, Europeans, the feminine and the androgynous, the young and mature, all vying for the available trade.
    • For almost all northern Europeans, national identity continues to be wrapped up in, and equated with, ethnic background.
    • For example, both Native Americans and Europeans used awls to produce clothing, bags, and leggings.
    • The second part focuses on the ways that Native Americans and Europeans adjusted to this new commerce.
    • Initially set up in 1997, the company now sells to the European, Asian and American markets and employs six people.
    • In this sense, he correctly talks of the Europeans as usurpers of native right.
    • The natives battled with the Europeans during this period, and were defeated.
    • Although Americans assumed it had native origins, Europeans brought forth their own theories of its origins.
    • Arter suggested that the positive vote of this younger group was a vote for a new national identity as west Europeans.
    • Indians and African Americans could mimic the Europeans for their own ends, while also preserving their own rituals.
    • And so West Europeans welcome East Europeans to their family of nations but then won't have them about the house.
    1. 1.1 A national of a state belonging to the European Union.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Above all the Europeans have learned to live without full national sovereignty.
      • The Europeans would support the United States government, on such a policy.
      • I think Europeans would tend to support it, without U.S. pressure to the contrary.
      • Look at Europe, many Europeans say, we have eradicated wars, dangerous nationalism and dictatorships.
      • So this particular protocol suits the Europeans, but it does not suit many other nations of the world.
      • A fetac Award is like a passport with national and most importantly, as Europeans, international recognition.
      • There is broad opposition among Europeans to admitting the poor, largely Muslim nation of 70 million.
      • It takes time for Europeans, or any other nation for that matter, to internalize the truth.
      • The majority of Europeans are not willing to support such radical parties.
      • But Europeans see democratic legitimacy as flowing from the will of the international community.
      • Most Europeans can name who is in charge of their municipal services.
      • At the same time, Europeans are clearly not ready for continent-wide, full-fledged democracy.
      • But it is not a democratic model that Europeans can readily recognize.
      • If the United Nations is ignored then the Europeans would no longer support the anti-terror struggle, he declared.
      • Eighty percent of the world's national boundaries have been drawn up by Europeans.
      • The success of Denmark and other nations gives the Europeans a benchmark against which to measure their efforts.
      • The problem for the Europeans is that Europe is a collection of nation states with competing interests.
      • To Americans, the national flag has a depth of meaning that Europeans find hard to understand.
      • However, among those Europeans who do support superpower status for the EU, the rationales vary in a telling way.
      • It also encompasses interactions with Europeans and national and regional officials and institutions.
    2. 1.2 A person who is committed to the European Union.
      they claimed to be the party of good Europeans


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is the fact that French leaders have been at once passionate patriots and passionate Europeans, a combination which leaves the British incredulous.
    3. 1.3 A person of European parentage.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Coffee companies don't belong to Ugandans, they belong to white Europeans, to muzungus.
      • The remainder are Indians, Pakistanis, other Asians, Arabs, Europeans, and groups of mixed ancestry.
      • Portuguese, Chinese, Amerindians, and other Europeans make up the remainder of the population.
      • The gap between African Americans and Europeans continues to grow throughout the schooling process.
      • It is surprising that another emotive word like tribe is still used to describe ethnic groupings in Africa when Europeans are called nationals.


  • Europeanism

  • noun ˌjʊərəˈpiːənɪz(ə)mˌjərəˈpiəˌnɪzəm
    • Political isolation and half-hearted Europeanism will also wreak havoc with our attempts to reform the European Central Bank, the common agricultural policy and the union itself.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To bring my meanderings back to the topic of British politics, this either France or America mentality would be fatal to the success of the cause of Europeanism in the UK.
      • A new pan-eastern Europeanism seemingly supplies America's greatest metropolis with its negative libidinal forces.
      • Even the anti-EU opposition, in truth, professes just another vision of Europeanism.
      • In the spirit of Europeanism, the English will unite behind Germany's bid to win the World Cup on Sunday.


From French européen, from Latin europaeus, based on Greek Eurōpē 'Europe'.


Actaeon, Aegean, aeon (US eon), Augean, Behan, Cadmean, Caribbean, Carolean, Chaldean, Cyclopean, empyrean, epicurean, Fijian, Galilean, Hasmonean, Hebridean, Herculean, Ian, Jacobean, Kampuchean, Laodicean, lien, Linnaean (US Linnean), Maccabean, Mandaean (US Mandean), Medicean, monogenean, Nabataean (US Nabatean), Orphean, paean, paeon, pean, peon, Periclean, piscean, plebeian, Pyrenean, Pythagorean, Sabaean, Sadducean, Sisyphean, skean, Tanzanian, Tennesseean, Terpsichorean, theodicean, Tyrolean

Definition of European in US English:


  • 1Relating to or characteristic of Europe or its inhabitants.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Today Walter sounds like an American, whereas Henry has a characteristic European accent.
    • Shortly thereafter, French missionaries became the first European inhabitants of the island.
    • The nature and function of trade marks and the extent and characteristics of these European principles will be considered below.
    • It allows a Scottish audience to sample the true flavour of contemporary European art.
    • Their style of painting was quite realistic in contrast with the abstract European art that was being brought into America.
    • It was better than expected and has more European characteristics than you find in most beers from Central and South America.
    • The Israeli style is highly influenced by European art, but much of it deals explicitly with Jewish themes and issues.
    • Their exhibitions were intended to promote a distinct American Impressionism and to wean American patrons from European art.
    • My students have some notion of various art movements and are aware of the European stronghold on Western art until this century.
    • Also included are printed materials and ephemera that reveal the region's dialogue with European art of the period.
    • This is characteristic of most Western European music and some music from other cultures.
    • Such a blend has been a characteristic of many popular European cars.
    • Asian auto makers are mastering the art of European automobile allure.
    • However, some common European characteristics of the modern welfare state existed.
    • This foundation collection consists largely of 19th century and contemporary British and other European art.
    • Modern art has roots both in Slovak folk themes and in European art in general.
    • Our culture is not American music, nor is it European art.
    • Reynolds sought to give new dignity to British portraiture by relating it to the Grand Style of European art.
    caucasian, non-black
    1. 1.1 Relating to the European Union.
      a single European currency


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The UK is covered under the European Convention on Human Rights.
      • They lost two seats, while others won European seats in both Northern and Southern Ireland.
      • Instead we would be following the reformist line of European social democracy, for as long as it lasts.
      • The French president was chastened by the recent defeat of his European constitution referendum initiative.
      • In fact, the joint European currency union was organised in similar empirical fashion.
      • Every successful attack made by US capital on its workers increases the pressure on European capitalists and their governments to do the same.
      • The furore is over the referendum over the European constitution, and whether Britain should adopt the euro currency.
      • The single European market and currency and the coming expansion eastward have given Europe a high degree of economic integration.
      • To do so would breach the Refugee Convention and European Convention on Human Rights.
      • After all, what lies at the heart of European absolutism or Russian autocracy?
      • In Britain he is looking to wriggle out of a promised referendum on the European constitution, as he will almost certainly lose it.
      • Do you mean, what about regional devolution like that which might occur under a federal European government?
      • I'm voting Green in the European elections and Lib Dem in the locals.
      • He knew almost all the leaders of the European parties of Social Democracy.
      • The recent decision to grant a referendum on the European constitution in the near future is a reflection of this.
      • But the idea of working with European partners on foreign policy and security issues is gaining favor.
      • The current process of European unification is painful in many ways.
      • Under capitalism European unification means the domination of the continent by the strongest imperialist powers.
      • There was also to be a debate on Europe, where both motions up for discussion call for a no vote in any referendum on the European constitution.
      • His U-turn on a referendum on the European constitution is a sign of his weakness.
  • 1A native or inhabitant of Europe.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For almost all northern Europeans, national identity continues to be wrapped up in, and equated with, ethnic background.
    • For example, both Native Americans and Europeans used awls to produce clothing, bags, and leggings.
    • Although Americans assumed it had native origins, Europeans brought forth their own theories of its origins.
    • The natives battled with the Europeans during this period, and were defeated.
    • On this, the Americans, Europeans and Asians I met this January seem agreed.
    • And so West Europeans welcome East Europeans to their family of nations but then won't have them about the house.
    • Unsurprisingly, the Ohioans strongly resented being lectured to on the foolishness of their national leader by some random bunch of erudite Europeans.
    • Initially set up in 1997, the company now sells to the European, Asian and American markets and employs six people.
    • In this sense, he correctly talks of the Europeans as usurpers of native right.
    • It is very different between the Americans, the Europeans and the Asians.
    • He was part Indian, part European and founded the Native American Studies Program at Dartmouth College.
    • Arter suggested that the positive vote of this younger group was a vote for a new national identity as west Europeans.
    • Indians and African Americans could mimic the Europeans for their own ends, while also preserving their own rituals.
    • Most critical is how Americans and Europeans, including Britons, face up as communities to problems.
    • There were Asians, Africans, Europeans, the feminine and the androgynous, the young and mature, all vying for the available trade.
    • The second part focuses on the ways that Native Americans and Europeans adjusted to this new commerce.
    • The term derives from the Turkish sipahi, also the root of sepoy, the word used by Europeans for native Indian soldiers.
    1. 1.1 A national of a state belonging to the European Union.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The majority of Europeans are not willing to support such radical parties.
      • But it is not a democratic model that Europeans can readily recognize.
      • Eighty percent of the world's national boundaries have been drawn up by Europeans.
      • Most Europeans can name who is in charge of their municipal services.
      • At the same time, Europeans are clearly not ready for continent-wide, full-fledged democracy.
      • The success of Denmark and other nations gives the Europeans a benchmark against which to measure their efforts.
      • A fetac Award is like a passport with national and most importantly, as Europeans, international recognition.
      • I think Europeans would tend to support it, without U.S. pressure to the contrary.
      • There is broad opposition among Europeans to admitting the poor, largely Muslim nation of 70 million.
      • Above all the Europeans have learned to live without full national sovereignty.
      • So this particular protocol suits the Europeans, but it does not suit many other nations of the world.
      • The Europeans would support the United States government, on such a policy.
      • The problem for the Europeans is that Europe is a collection of nation states with competing interests.
      • If the United Nations is ignored then the Europeans would no longer support the anti-terror struggle, he declared.
      • To Americans, the national flag has a depth of meaning that Europeans find hard to understand.
      • Look at Europe, many Europeans say, we have eradicated wars, dangerous nationalism and dictatorships.
      • It also encompasses interactions with Europeans and national and regional officials and institutions.
      • It takes time for Europeans, or any other nation for that matter, to internalize the truth.
      • But Europeans see democratic legitimacy as flowing from the will of the international community.
      • However, among those Europeans who do support superpower status for the EU, the rationales vary in a telling way.
    2. 1.2 A person who is committed to the European Union.
      they claimed to be the party of good Europeans


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is the fact that French leaders have been at once passionate patriots and passionate Europeans, a combination which leaves the British incredulous.
    3. 1.3 A person of European parentage.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The gap between African Americans and Europeans continues to grow throughout the schooling process.
      • Portuguese, Chinese, Amerindians, and other Europeans make up the remainder of the population.
      • It is surprising that another emotive word like tribe is still used to describe ethnic groupings in Africa when Europeans are called nationals.
      • The remainder are Indians, Pakistanis, other Asians, Arabs, Europeans, and groups of mixed ancestry.
      • Coffee companies don't belong to Ugandans, they belong to white Europeans, to muzungus.


From French européen, from Latin europaeus, based on Greek Eurōpē ‘Europe’.





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