

单词 ripe

Definition of ripe in English:


adjective rʌɪpraɪp
  • 1(of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.


    a ripe tomato
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Berry bushes may be bare these days, but come next summer, they'll be laden with ripe fruit.
    • The tree was dripping with ripe, juicy peaches that looked so soft and succulent that they'd burst in your mouth at first bite.
    • I looked at the date palm trees that lined the roads, dripping with lush ripe dates.
    • He can tell by looking if a fruit is ripe or overly grown.
    • He sat up and plucked a large ripe orange off the weighted tree.
    • He poured himself a cup of coffee and picked a ripe, juicy peach for breakfast.
    • I proceeded to pick the ripe fruits and vegetables.
    • What I craved was local food in season: ripe strawberries, fresh asparagus, traditional apple varieties.
    • The fruit is ripe for the picking so long as you can be bothered to pick the fruit.
    • I ignored him still, knowing I was too high up to be seen, and picked a lovely ripe apple bigger than any he had gotten.
    • Outside in the back garden, he could see Mrs Galloway, who was their cook, picking ripe fruit from the strawberry patches nearby the greenhouse, collecting them in her apron.
    • There are crops which are ripe now and ready to be harvested!
    • With five of us it was only a few hours of work, and I had a great time watching the more athletic ones hang from branches trying to grab that last far-flung, beautifully ripe orange.
    • He looked carefully around him as he walked, noting bushes laden with ripe fruit.
    • The vendors took great pride in displaying and selling their wares; the ripe fruits adding colour and the voices of vendors adding din to the already noisy bazaar.
    • Her voice was so soft that he nearly missed the question, losing the words in the rustle of ripe wheat that surrounded them.
    • Trees bearing big, ripe fruits of all kinds were everywhere.
    • About a half mile from the trailer there was a stand of trees filled with ripe cherries.
    • The branches greened, leaves sprouted, and blossoms sprung and turned into ripe apples.
    • Infecting fruits, flowers, and trees, gray mold looks like gray fuzz and is found on aging blossoms and soft ripe fruits.
    • Quinces grew in the valley, and their fruits were ripe.
    mature, ripened, fully developed, full grown, ready to eat, soft, lush, juicy, tender
    luscious, sweet, full-flavoured, mellow
    1. 1.1 (of a cheese or wine) fully matured.
      a ripe Brie
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I give them each some of my real buttermilk, soured just right, or a chunk of my ripe cheese.
      • A ripe Australian Shiraz or Californian Zinfandel might be described as beefy.
      • There is no big fruit, just intense, ripe Cabernet Sauvignon and tight old fashioned tannins.
      • This is a gorgeous, perfectly ripe and totally consistent Cabernet Sauvignon.
      • A generation of consumers accustomed to ripe, sweeter fleshy wines from the new world will be astonished at the sheer opulence of these wines.
      • Flying winemakers and a bright, ripe, flashy set of world-conquering wines are now set to grab the world's attention.
    2. 1.2 (of a smell or flavour) rich, intense, or pungent.
      rich, ripe flavours emanate from this wine


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The two riders hauled their animals to a halt at the very edge of the riverbed, smelling the carnage before they saw it: a ripe stench hanging on the breeze.
  • 2Having arrived at the fitting stage or time for a particular action or purpose)


    land ripe for development


    they felt that the time was ripe for a new approach
    Example sentencesExamples
    • By the 1970s, this area had become a neglected eyesore, ripe for development.
    • The time is ripe for a new way to move information through the system quickly.
    • ‘Malaysia is ripe right now for venture capital,’ he said, adding it is a missing element in Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor scheme.
    • Workplace tensions, whether related to compensation issues, unrealistic profit margins or setting rapid growth goals, can create an environment ripe for fraud.
    • A system with few clear boundaries and no real checks and balances is ripe for chaos.
    • Upon graduation, Goss jotted down three cities on scraps of paper-Los Angeles, New York and Boston-that she considered ripe for a job in advertising and picked one out of a hat.
    • Although the area is quite rural, local residents feared the township, which grew by 35 percent in the last decade, was ripe for development.
    • The time appeared to be ripe for renewed government spending.
    • The time was ripe for change, hence the creation of the Academy in 1980.
    • The time was ripe for a show to come along and engage millions of women with nothing to watch.
    • Shortly after Copland's death in 1990, Pollack decided the time was ripe for a fuller study of his life and work.
    • The time is ripe for arguments such as those presented in this book to be taken and discussed seriously.
    • The time is ripe for a new focus on winning a share of the shopper that will have a shelf life well beyond the cold, hard realities of an economic slowdown.
    • When the work became public in this form, I believe it also became ripe for discussion and criticism.
    • Alcoholic or not, most of us are ripe for a detox.
    • By 1910, then, the time was ripe for abstract art, and it developed more or less simultaneously in various countries.
    • Like a field anthropologist, Smith provides data and case studies ripe for cultural theory.
    • He felt his stomach growling, and decided the time was ripe for some food.
    • The product family of vending machines is likely to be the area most ripe for radical technological development.
    • As the industries start to mature, many are ripe for restructuring, often via mergers.
    ready, fit, suitable, right
    opportune, advantageous, favourable, auspicious, propitious, promising, heaven-sent, good, right, fortunate, benign, providential, felicitous, well timed, convenient, expedient, suitable, appropriate, apt, fitting
    archaic seasonable
    1. 2.1ripe with Full of.
      a population ripe with discontent


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And most importantly, they are ripe with greed.
      • And, again, the situation is ripe with all sorts of hypocrisy.
      • It was around midnight and the place was ripe with furiously drunk students.
      • The road trip that results, as one would expect, is ripe with adventure, from motorcycle crashes, to drunken endeavours, to amorous encounters with beautiful women, right through to the stunning scenery that their journey encompasses.
      • Case's lyrics are ripe with vivid imagery and longing.
      • The health-services industry is ripe with opportunity.
      • Park takes these various threads and weaves them into a rich whole, a picture ripe with social commentary that he populates with an engaging cast of interesting characters and shoots with the vividness and style that we've come to expect.
      • The film may be ripe with clichés, but it embraces that concept.
      • Investors, at any rate, still seem to view Asia as ripe with opportunity, and are taking the long-term view in regards to engagement with the region.
      • Yet both led lives ripe with scandal and public disgrace.
      • It's easy to see why this music appealed to him: it has a mesmerizing quality in many of its slow moments, and the more dramatic ones are ripe with color and atmosphere.
      • Their scenes together are ripe with tension, both sexual and dramatic, and their relationship develops in emotionally intricate ways.
      • But the future is ripe with possibilities, like live television or an entire network with programming made especially for your cell phone.
      • George's poetry is ripe with sexual symbolism.
      • The story of her recovery is ripe with drama and pathos.
      • As an emerging conceptual framework, political ecology is ripe with opportunity for robust historical research.
      • The air was ripe with the smell of hay and horses.
      • The idea of these two people, each saddled with real issues, trying to break through psychological barriers and make a meaningful connection is ripe with possibilities.
      • The room is said to be ripe with wax figures and giant toy farm animals.
      • The industry is so ripe with foolishness, pretensions and self-loathing that nothing can be said or done to make it appear even more foolish.
  • 3attributive (of a person's age) advanced.


    she lived to a ripe old age


    Example sentencesExamples
    • However, at my ripe age of 16, I didn't care much for a car yet.
    • It seems that her more recent projects have met with little success; this is unfortunate, but since even now she has only reached the ripe old age of 20, we can still hope to see more of her in the future.
    • My grandmother, of course, lived up to a ripe old age.
    • She liked her slight eccentricity and the fact that, despite being the ripe old age of seventy-two, she remained fiercely independent and fully alert and updated on the world around her.
    • But in my ripe old age of 29 years, I have to say I was completely disappointed by my digital viewing experience.
    • At the ripe old age of 38, I found myself CEO of a public company that, at the time, had the biggest one-day gain in Wall Street history.
    • Since a miraculous cure to fix the ills of American health care is unlikely to happen quickly, to help you stay healthy to a ripe old age, what are your options?
    • I never had trouble talking to guys on the phone before, except for that first time, and now, at the ripe old age of twenty-four, I couldn't think of anything to say.
    • At the ripe age of 20, Kate married Oscar Chopin, another wealthy Creole and successful cotton broker in Louisiana.
    • The lady reminded Fiona of her own grandmother, who passed away three years ago from cancer at the ripe old age of ninety-one.
    • Even at his ripe age of twenty-nine, he still maintained a few secrets of his own.
    • Born in Bologna in 1706, he lived to the ripe old age of 78, a remarkable achievement at the time.
    • When they returned to New Plymouth, they moved to a house on the corner of Dawson and Vivian Streets, where Mary King lived until the ripe old age of 93.
    • At the ripe age of 39, this exuberant Brazilian choreographer has rapidly become a major player in the cultural landscape of her native country.
    • Amy Clarke lived in Farran House to the ripe old age of 101 and left it to her daughter, who was by then in her 80s.
    • The costly ceremony usually takes place some days or weeks after the burial of the corpse and is normally performed only for the rich and famous as well as for those who had lived to a ripe old age and were survived by children.
    • At the ripe age of 43 and after [more than] 17 years at the same job, I have no financial security; I live paycheck to paycheck.
    • And now, he's just made one of his very best records in any genre at the ripe old age of 61.
    • At the ripe age of 26, the two were closer then ever and lived together in a house in rural New England.
    • He was small and gangly for the ripe age of sixteen, unlike Christopher, who was two-years his senior and certainly looked the role of a strong handsome young man.
    advanced, hoary, venerable, old
  • 4(of a female fish or insect) ready to lay eggs or spawn.


    ripe females will stop and spawn with one or more males
  • 5informal (of a person's language) beyond the bounds of propriety; coarse.


    I think my language may have been a little ripe outside the church


  • ripely

  • adverb
    • Positive, ripely flavoured, with a hint of wax and a long, sustained, dry aftertaste makes this the perfect wine for those who like grace at their table.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They edited her writings and touched up her image to fit the ripely emotional world of 19 th-century piety.
  • ripeness

  • noun ˈrʌɪpnəs
    • The skill of the winemaker in these circumstances is to blend all the different regions, vineyards and levels of ripeness into a house style.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We grow only the best-tasting varieties and we pick and sell them at the perfect ripeness or maturity.
      • However, weather can trick the plant, meaning sugar levels can indicate ripeness while the pip of the grape remains hard or green.
      • Better to await ripeness to avoid bitter fruit.
      • A mango in Thailand isn't just a mango - there are many varieties, which mature at different times of year, so there is always some variety at its peak of ripeness.


Old English rīpe, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijp and German reif.


gripe, hype, mistype, pipe, sipe, skype, slype, snipe, stripe, swipe, tripe, type, wipe

Definition of ripe in US English:


  • 1(of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Outside in the back garden, he could see Mrs Galloway, who was their cook, picking ripe fruit from the strawberry patches nearby the greenhouse, collecting them in her apron.
    • With five of us it was only a few hours of work, and I had a great time watching the more athletic ones hang from branches trying to grab that last far-flung, beautifully ripe orange.
    • The tree was dripping with ripe, juicy peaches that looked so soft and succulent that they'd burst in your mouth at first bite.
    • The branches greened, leaves sprouted, and blossoms sprung and turned into ripe apples.
    • He can tell by looking if a fruit is ripe or overly grown.
    • There are crops which are ripe now and ready to be harvested!
    • I looked at the date palm trees that lined the roads, dripping with lush ripe dates.
    • He sat up and plucked a large ripe orange off the weighted tree.
    • He poured himself a cup of coffee and picked a ripe, juicy peach for breakfast.
    • Trees bearing big, ripe fruits of all kinds were everywhere.
    • Berry bushes may be bare these days, but come next summer, they'll be laden with ripe fruit.
    • What I craved was local food in season: ripe strawberries, fresh asparagus, traditional apple varieties.
    • Her voice was so soft that he nearly missed the question, losing the words in the rustle of ripe wheat that surrounded them.
    • I proceeded to pick the ripe fruits and vegetables.
    • I ignored him still, knowing I was too high up to be seen, and picked a lovely ripe apple bigger than any he had gotten.
    • Quinces grew in the valley, and their fruits were ripe.
    • Infecting fruits, flowers, and trees, gray mold looks like gray fuzz and is found on aging blossoms and soft ripe fruits.
    • About a half mile from the trailer there was a stand of trees filled with ripe cherries.
    • He looked carefully around him as he walked, noting bushes laden with ripe fruit.
    • The fruit is ripe for the picking so long as you can be bothered to pick the fruit.
    • The vendors took great pride in displaying and selling their wares; the ripe fruits adding colour and the voices of vendors adding din to the already noisy bazaar.
    mature, ripened, fully developed, full grown, ready to eat, soft, lush, juicy, tender
    1. 1.1 (of a cheese or wine) fully matured.
      a ripe Brie
      figurative ripe wisdom
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A ripe Australian Shiraz or Californian Zinfandel might be described as beefy.
      • This is a gorgeous, perfectly ripe and totally consistent Cabernet Sauvignon.
      • Flying winemakers and a bright, ripe, flashy set of world-conquering wines are now set to grab the world's attention.
      • A generation of consumers accustomed to ripe, sweeter fleshy wines from the new world will be astonished at the sheer opulence of these wines.
      • I give them each some of my real buttermilk, soured just right, or a chunk of my ripe cheese.
      • There is no big fruit, just intense, ripe Cabernet Sauvignon and tight old fashioned tannins.
    2. 1.2 (of a smell or flavor) rich, intense, or pungent.
      rich, ripe flavors emanate from this wine


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The two riders hauled their animals to a halt at the very edge of the riverbed, smelling the carnage before they saw it: a ripe stench hanging on the breeze.
    3. 1.3 (of a female fish or insect) ready to lay eggs or spawn.
    4. 1.4ripe forpredicative Arrived at the fitting stage or time for (a particular action or purpose)
      land ripe for development


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The product family of vending machines is likely to be the area most ripe for radical technological development.
      • The time is ripe for a new focus on winning a share of the shopper that will have a shelf life well beyond the cold, hard realities of an economic slowdown.
      • By the 1970s, this area had become a neglected eyesore, ripe for development.
      • The time was ripe for a show to come along and engage millions of women with nothing to watch.
      • Alcoholic or not, most of us are ripe for a detox.
      • When the work became public in this form, I believe it also became ripe for discussion and criticism.
      • ‘Malaysia is ripe right now for venture capital,’ he said, adding it is a missing element in Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor scheme.
      • He felt his stomach growling, and decided the time was ripe for some food.
      • The time is ripe for a new way to move information through the system quickly.
      • Although the area is quite rural, local residents feared the township, which grew by 35 percent in the last decade, was ripe for development.
      • Workplace tensions, whether related to compensation issues, unrealistic profit margins or setting rapid growth goals, can create an environment ripe for fraud.
      • A system with few clear boundaries and no real checks and balances is ripe for chaos.
      • The time was ripe for change, hence the creation of the Academy in 1980.
      • The time appeared to be ripe for renewed government spending.
      • The time is ripe for arguments such as those presented in this book to be taken and discussed seriously.
      • As the industries start to mature, many are ripe for restructuring, often via mergers.
      • Shortly after Copland's death in 1990, Pollack decided the time was ripe for a fuller study of his life and work.
      • By 1910, then, the time was ripe for abstract art, and it developed more or less simultaneously in various countries.
      • Like a field anthropologist, Smith provides data and case studies ripe for cultural theory.
      • Upon graduation, Goss jotted down three cities on scraps of paper-Los Angeles, New York and Boston-that she considered ripe for a job in advertising and picked one out of a hat.
      ready, fit, suitable, right
      opportune, advantageous, favourable, auspicious, propitious, promising, heaven-sent, good, right, fortunate, benign, providential, felicitous, well timed, convenient, expedient, suitable, appropriate, apt, fitting
    5. 1.5ripe withpredicative Full of.
      a population ripe with discontent


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was around midnight and the place was ripe with furiously drunk students.
      • The industry is so ripe with foolishness, pretensions and self-loathing that nothing can be said or done to make it appear even more foolish.
      • The idea of these two people, each saddled with real issues, trying to break through psychological barriers and make a meaningful connection is ripe with possibilities.
      • George's poetry is ripe with sexual symbolism.
      • As an emerging conceptual framework, political ecology is ripe with opportunity for robust historical research.
      • Park takes these various threads and weaves them into a rich whole, a picture ripe with social commentary that he populates with an engaging cast of interesting characters and shoots with the vividness and style that we've come to expect.
      • The room is said to be ripe with wax figures and giant toy farm animals.
      • Yet both led lives ripe with scandal and public disgrace.
      • Case's lyrics are ripe with vivid imagery and longing.
      • It's easy to see why this music appealed to him: it has a mesmerizing quality in many of its slow moments, and the more dramatic ones are ripe with color and atmosphere.
      • The story of her recovery is ripe with drama and pathos.
      • But the future is ripe with possibilities, like live television or an entire network with programming made especially for your cell phone.
      • The road trip that results, as one would expect, is ripe with adventure, from motorcycle crashes, to drunken endeavours, to amorous encounters with beautiful women, right through to the stunning scenery that their journey encompasses.
      • The air was ripe with the smell of hay and horses.
      • Investors, at any rate, still seem to view Asia as ripe with opportunity, and are taking the long-term view in regards to engagement with the region.
      • And most importantly, they are ripe with greed.
      • The film may be ripe with clichés, but it embraces that concept.
      • And, again, the situation is ripe with all sorts of hypocrisy.
      • The health-services industry is ripe with opportunity.
      • Their scenes together are ripe with tension, both sexual and dramatic, and their relationship develops in emotionally intricate ways.
    6. 1.6attributive (of a person's age) advanced.
      she lived to a ripe old age


      Example sentencesExamples
      • At the ripe age of 43 and after [more than] 17 years at the same job, I have no financial security; I live paycheck to paycheck.
      • And now, he's just made one of his very best records in any genre at the ripe old age of 61.
      • He was small and gangly for the ripe age of sixteen, unlike Christopher, who was two-years his senior and certainly looked the role of a strong handsome young man.
      • It seems that her more recent projects have met with little success; this is unfortunate, but since even now she has only reached the ripe old age of 20, we can still hope to see more of her in the future.
      • But in my ripe old age of 29 years, I have to say I was completely disappointed by my digital viewing experience.
      • At the ripe age of 39, this exuberant Brazilian choreographer has rapidly become a major player in the cultural landscape of her native country.
      • Amy Clarke lived in Farran House to the ripe old age of 101 and left it to her daughter, who was by then in her 80s.
      • I never had trouble talking to guys on the phone before, except for that first time, and now, at the ripe old age of twenty-four, I couldn't think of anything to say.
      • The lady reminded Fiona of her own grandmother, who passed away three years ago from cancer at the ripe old age of ninety-one.
      • At the ripe age of 20, Kate married Oscar Chopin, another wealthy Creole and successful cotton broker in Louisiana.
      • The costly ceremony usually takes place some days or weeks after the burial of the corpse and is normally performed only for the rich and famous as well as for those who had lived to a ripe old age and were survived by children.
      • However, at my ripe age of 16, I didn't care much for a car yet.
      • When they returned to New Plymouth, they moved to a house on the corner of Dawson and Vivian Streets, where Mary King lived until the ripe old age of 93.
      • At the ripe old age of 38, I found myself CEO of a public company that, at the time, had the biggest one-day gain in Wall Street history.
      • Since a miraculous cure to fix the ills of American health care is unlikely to happen quickly, to help you stay healthy to a ripe old age, what are your options?
      • Even at his ripe age of twenty-nine, he still maintained a few secrets of his own.
      • Born in Bologna in 1706, he lived to the ripe old age of 78, a remarkable achievement at the time.
      • At the ripe age of 26, the two were closer then ever and lived together in a house in rural New England.
      • My grandmother, of course, lived up to a ripe old age.
      • She liked her slight eccentricity and the fact that, despite being the ripe old age of seventy-two, she remained fiercely independent and fully alert and updated on the world around her.
      advanced, hoary, venerable, old
    7. 1.7informal (of a person's language) beyond the bounds of propriety; coarse.


  • the time is ripe

    • A suitable time has arrived.


      the time was ripe to talk about peace


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, when rates begin to decrease, as they are now, the time is ripe for developing long-term interventions at the primary level, and evaluation of current interventions.
      • Ordinary citizens, civil society and religious leaders should also join the cause: the time is ripe for a truly global ‘people's campaign’ against terrorism.
      • Sanders said the time is ripe for the U.S. dairy industry to embrace the probiotic and prebiotic theories and develop products which deliver health to consumers through the inclusion of these naturally-occurring healthy bacteria.
      • In other words, the time is ripe for combining biology and economics.
      • He agrees that the time is ripe for examining the emerging Latino market.
      • Coughlan believes the time is ripe for more emphasis on international markets.
      • He's preparing to crush the miners in the barracks when he feels the time is ripe.
      • ‘I feel that there is more to this Grand Master than meets the eye,’ he said, ‘When the time is ripe, I believe that we shall see his true capabilities.’
      • Second, the time is ripe to develop a new, constructive approach in Latin America and to re-energize economic reforms, fortify democracy and build strong security partnerships.
      • Still, analysts and wireless execs believe the time is ripe for mobile commerce.


Old English rīpe, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijp and German reif.





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