

单词 satisfy

Definition of satisfy in English:


verbsatisfying, satisfied, satisfiesˈsatɪsfʌɪˈsædəsˌfaɪ
[with object]
  • 1Meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone)


    I have never been satisfied with my job


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And next time you're in a decent relationship, try to work through some of the things you're not satisfied with to see if they can be improved upon before you end it.
    • I am satisfied with the outcome of the workshop.
    • You said that you were satisfied with the summit meeting.
    • And of course, if people are not satisfied with the movie, then of course, they always feel that they paid too much.
    • If you get a mark you're not satisfied with, it never hurts to go back to the Prof and ask where you went wrong and how you might improve next time.
    • Once I was satisfied with my reflection, I headed down stairs.
    • If I am satisfied with my performance, I presume with confidence that the audience is equally satisfied.
    • Looking back at the year, we would all say we were satisfied with how it went, because no one expected us to do so well.
    • I e-mailed him to let him know I was satisfied with his work and would allow him to visit my house again.
    • The most important thing for me is to do work that I am satisfied with.
    • Once you are satisfied with your creation, a simple click of the finish button brings up your e-mail software and you are ready to send your pictures.
    • Victor was never satisfied with an ordinary angle.
    • The radio functioned well enough, if you were satisfied with AM reception only, but I was a fanatical FM listener.
    • After I covered Bosnia and wrote a book about it, I was satisfied with what I had written and wanted to move on to other subjects.
    • I think the judge was satisfied with the medical excuse.
    • If it doesn't make sense or you are not satisfied with it, please tell me.
    • But the hotel owners are never satisfied with what they've got; or perhaps they don't know what they want.
    • Eventually, however, our goal must be to arrive at an equilibrium whereby each one of us is satisfied with the way we make important decisions in our lives.
    • If we're not satisfied with the way the world is going, how will electing a leader who is, in most aspects, similar to the last, do any good?
    • Do get back to the doctor treating you or if you are not satisfied with the treatment that you are getting, see another psychiatrist.
    please, content, make happy
    1. 1.1 Fulfil (a desire or need)
      social services is trying to satisfy the needs of so many different groups


      Example sentencesExamples
      • How will indigenous Amazonians both use the resources of their territories to satisfy their current needs and conserve them for future generations?
      • They perform behaviors that keep them safe from danger, reduce stress or anxiety, or satisfy some other need or desire.
      • It didn't take long to satisfy his shopping needs and so we had plenty of time to find me a few new outfits.
      • And just to satisfy your need for instant gratification, turn to page 40 to find six quick meals you can fix in no time.
      • Consumers are motivated by the desire to satisfy complex needs, and these should be the starting-point for all marketing activity.
      • Join the real humanitarians as we strive to satisfy the needs and wants of every individual in the world.
      • To optimize these decisions, business managers need to know their customers' requirements and seek to satisfy their needs and desires.
      • An executive search firm is focused on satisfying the client's needs.
      • You can give orders all day long, but it's really a matter of providing leadership, of giving the company a vision, of implementing a strategy that satisfies the needs of the customer and the shareholders as well, too.
      • God is just in peoples heads, an illusion made to satisfy their needs for direction in life.
      • How will you ensure that those desires or needs are satisfied?
      • The university that you are attending is virtually one of the best in the nation in terms of satisfying the needs of students from a wide variety of cultures and interests.
      • The show also pretends that girlfriends can satisfy your need for a family, should you not find a suitable husband.
      • Maslow believed that higher level needs will only emerge when lower level needs are satisfied.
      • They were there to serve him and satisfy his needs and whims.
      • Seasoned preceptors can teach, express their feelings about a given situation, and satisfy their need to demonstrate their knowledge by telling stories.
      • Mutual fund companies are fiduciaries, meaning their top priority is to fulfill their responsibilities to others, not satisfy their own needs.
      • Providing significant teaching experience is probably not realistic in most departments because there are not enough courses to satisfy the needs of all students.
      • She stresses the importance of protein in diets to stop cravings and satisfy the body's need for nourishment.
      • I think he initially did it for the thrill or to satisfy some inner need of his own, but then there was so much media attention, that he was actually seduced into the cat and mouse game.
      fulfil, gratify, meet, fill, serve, provide for, supply
      indulge, cater to, pander to
      appease, assuage
      quench, slake, satiate, sate, take the edge off
      rare satisfice
    2. 1.2 Adequately meet or comply with (a condition, obligation, or demand)
      the whole team is working flat out to satisfy demand


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Napoleonic Wars would end in 1815 and with the favourable British colonial preference laws, whiskey could be transported over seas to help satisfy this new demand.
      • Many evangelicals say they're just trying to satisfy demands not met by traditional churches.
      • Financial engineering provides the capability to craft any type of security or any instrument to satisfy the demand of would be speculators or investors.
      • The Monegasque government has had to find innovative ways to satisfy the demand for construction: the use of land reclaimed from the sea.
      • Whether it would be sufficient to satisfy extraordinary demands such as those of national defense in today's world is, of course, quite another story.
      • This is an example of businesses reacting to industry conditions and satisfying market demand with supply.
      • Decentralizing measures introduced to satisfy local demands may lead to macroeconomic instability if fiscal imprudence by subnational entities is not vigorously disciplined.
      • In response, web servers must evolve to satisfy these demands.
      • There is increasingly rapid transport of seafood to the nation's interior to satisfy Spaniards' high demand for quality fresh fish and shellfish.
      • Art isn't interesting when it is made to satisfy the demands of the market.
      • The administration walked a political and social tightrope as it tried to satisfy the conflicting demands of all these constituencies.
      • To satisfy the domestic demand, raw materials, capital goods and other high-value products will, without doubt, be imported on a large scale.
      • A servant's use of his private car for transport during the course of his duties does not satisfy the conditions set out above.
      • There is enough gold in the vaults of central banks to satisfy world demand for 10 years without another ounce being mined!
      • It is a pleasure to note that despite his concise format, Chew's work may be the first to satisfy the demands for documentation that historians typically make of books they use.
      • The law didn't satisfy the demand for bodies: there weren't nearly enough condemned murderers to go around.
      • But dominating his last five years was his work for the theatre, satisfying the demand for music in plays and ‘semi-operas’.
      • They would be hard pressed to manufacture enough to satisfy demand, let alone research a new version of the item.
      • Although there will be enough capacity to satisfy demand next year, the excess of capacity over consumption will begin to shrink.
      • Both conditions were ultimately satisfied and the transaction was completed in February 2001.
      comply with, meet, fulfil, answer, conform to
      match up to, measure up to, come up to
      suffice, be good enough, fit/fill the bill
      Law perfect
      informal make the grade, cut the mustard
    3. 1.3 Pay off (a debt or creditor)
      there was insufficient collateral to satisfy the loan


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Creditors may seize jointly owned assets to satisfy your spouse's debts.
      • Basically they have taken too much debt and are currently restructuring in order to satisfy their creditors.
      • The accounts are titled in the name of the person responsible for satisfying the tuition debt.
      • He wants to carry out social reforms, but he has to keep public finances in order to satisfy international creditors.
      • That means the income from your job will be available to satisfy his debts.
      • In the spring of 1997 he and Coleman devised a private plan to satisfy his creditors.
      • It was the applicant's choice to obtain the loan to satisfy some of his creditors.
      • So far, the car manufacturer has managed to cut only 2,400 jobs, largely through voluntary redundancies and this is not enough to satisfy its creditors.
      • A portion of their land was seized and sold to satisfy their creditors, and shortly thereafter they sold the rest of their land, apparently out of dire necessity.
      • The company will also negotiate separately with existing bondholders and intends to satisfy all other creditors.
      • It also appears that his shares are going to be woefully inadequate to satisfy his creditors.
      • It still needs a quarter of a million pounds to satisfy creditors.
      • Given the sums that they had borrowed from shopkeepers and moneylenders at high interest rates, tenants were unable to satisfy both their creditors in the towns and their landlords.
      • The case itself involved a claim by the executor of an estate to retain part of a legacy due to a legatee sufficient to satisfy a debt due by the legatee to the estate.
      • The pledge confers on the creditor a right to sell the chattel involved and to satisfy the debt from the proceeds.
      • Will the company continue to operate while it attempts to restructure to satisfy creditors?
      • Two million acres of Creek land was given to the new colony of Georgia so it could be sold to satisfy debts to British traders.
      • Once the liquidator has realised all the company's assets, s/he will then set about satisfying the claims made by the creditors.
      • The shareholders have no claim, on a winding-up, to the return of their contributions to the company until all the creditors' claims have been satisfied.
      • Even if a share of the cash value of the equity is protected, this does not prevent the creditors from demanding that the home be sold so that the remaining share can be realized to go towards satisfying the debt.
      repay, pay, pay off, pay in full, settle, make good, discharge, square, liquidate, clear
  • 2Provide (someone) with adequate or convincing information or proof about something.


    with object and clause people need to be satisfied that the environmental assessments are accurate


    the chief engineer satisfied himself that it was not a weapon


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The claimants have satisfied me that Mr Steele did not receive an adequate explanation before the 3rd August.
    • I am not satisfied that he has discharged the burden of proof upon him.
    • Where the court is satisfied that the petition debt has been paid, secured or compounded for, the court is precluded from making a bankruptcy order on the petition.
    • The soldiers satisfied themselves that there were no more of the enemy around, and sat down behind the crates.
    • I am satisfied to the criminal standard of proof that the wife wilfully breached the orders in question and I find her to be in contempt of those orders.
    • I am satisfied that adequate enquiries were made regarding your application and the content of the decision letter was correct.
    • In this case, we were satisfied that the information supported its use.
    • As a result I am satisfied that there is a need for a site to provide accommodation for them.
    • Mr Jeans' submissions were forceful and persuasive, but I am not satisfied that they were right.
    • Provided you are satisfied that the market has undervalued that business, thank your lucky stars for the golden buying opportunity.
    • The architect should certainly not have given any of the certificates to which I have referred until he had satisfied himself that the overflows were there.
    • We are satisfied that by acting in this way the judge provided the necessary safeguard to protect the possible interests of the appellant.
    • Provided he is satisfied that the conduct appears to constitute an extradition crime he is entitled to make an order to proceed.
    • Lending institutions will be required to satisfy themselves that the borrowers already have 10 per cent of the total price.
    • Having satisfied herself that he was alone, she continued over to the well.
    • I am also satisfied that the vendor provided the survey and made all reasonable repairs.
    • I am also satisfied that the prosecution still have to obtain information which is relevant and important information relating to the cheques.
    • By the end he has made some connection between poetry and life and satisfied himself that he needn't choose one over the other.
    • You may be refused support on the basis that you have given inadequate information to satisfy the Secretary of State that you made your asylum claim as soon as practicable after arrival in the UK.
    • I am satisfied that Mr Baird had an adequate opportunity to examine the boat.
    • I am not satisfied to the appropriate standard of proof that this appellant is of Eritrean ethnicity.
    convince, persuade, assure, make certain
    reassure, put someone's mind at rest, dispel someone's doubts
  • 3Mathematics
    (of a quantity) make (an equation) true.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This equation is satisfied by y= cx+ c2- c.
    • Why do we get so many possible solutions that all satisfy the same differential equation?


  • satisfy the examiners

    • Reach the standard required to pass an examination.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The purpose of the three-hour written paper is to satisfy the Examiners that the candidate has acquired not merely the knowledge requisite to write the dissertation, but also a broader contextual understanding of its subject matter.
      • Candidates who fail to satisfy the Examiners in any of the modules which are part of the taught component for the course may be re-examined on such terms as the Academic Board, on the recommendation of the School, may decide.
      • In order to be eligible for the award of a degree, a candidate must have satisfied the examiners by passing Part I of the Degree and thereafter have satisfied the examiners by passing Part II of the Degree.
      • A candidate who satisfies the examiners for the award of a classified degree at the second attempt shall not normally be awarded a degree classification higher than a Third Class.
      • I saw my name on the list of candidates who had satisfied the examiners in the final examinations.


  • satisfiability

  • nounsatɪsfʌɪəˈbɪlɪti
    • Balaguer responds that the notion of consistency at work in Full-Blooded Platonism is neither the proof-theoretic notion of consistency nor the model-theoretic notion of satisfiability.
  • satisfiable

  • adjectiveˈsatɪsfʌɪəb(ə)lˈsædəˌsfaɪəb(ə)l
    • What was missing was a procedure to list out all the non-valid formulas, or equivalently to list out all satisfiable formulas.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is nothing that justifies this demand, and nothing that supports the belief that it is satisfiable even in principle.
      • Finsler points out that one needs to distinguish between satisfiable and unsatisfiable circular definitions.
  • satisfiedly

  • adverb


Late Middle English: from Old French satisfier, formed irregularly from Latin satisfacere 'to content', from satis 'enough' + facere 'make'.

Definition of satisfy in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone)


    I have never been satisfied with my job


    no object wealth, the promise of the eighties, has failed to satisfy


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But the hotel owners are never satisfied with what they've got; or perhaps they don't know what they want.
    • Once I was satisfied with my reflection, I headed down stairs.
    • After I covered Bosnia and wrote a book about it, I was satisfied with what I had written and wanted to move on to other subjects.
    • Eventually, however, our goal must be to arrive at an equilibrium whereby each one of us is satisfied with the way we make important decisions in our lives.
    • If I am satisfied with my performance, I presume with confidence that the audience is equally satisfied.
    • I e-mailed him to let him know I was satisfied with his work and would allow him to visit my house again.
    • I am satisfied with the outcome of the workshop.
    • Looking back at the year, we would all say we were satisfied with how it went, because no one expected us to do so well.
    • The radio functioned well enough, if you were satisfied with AM reception only, but I was a fanatical FM listener.
    • And next time you're in a decent relationship, try to work through some of the things you're not satisfied with to see if they can be improved upon before you end it.
    • Victor was never satisfied with an ordinary angle.
    • I think the judge was satisfied with the medical excuse.
    • The most important thing for me is to do work that I am satisfied with.
    • Once you are satisfied with your creation, a simple click of the finish button brings up your e-mail software and you are ready to send your pictures.
    • You said that you were satisfied with the summit meeting.
    • Do get back to the doctor treating you or if you are not satisfied with the treatment that you are getting, see another psychiatrist.
    • If you get a mark you're not satisfied with, it never hurts to go back to the Prof and ask where you went wrong and how you might improve next time.
    • If it doesn't make sense or you are not satisfied with it, please tell me.
    • If we're not satisfied with the way the world is going, how will electing a leader who is, in most aspects, similar to the last, do any good?
    • And of course, if people are not satisfied with the movie, then of course, they always feel that they paid too much.
    please, content, make happy
    1. 1.1 Fulfill (a desire or need)
      social services is trying to satisfy the needs of so many different groups


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Consumers are motivated by the desire to satisfy complex needs, and these should be the starting-point for all marketing activity.
      • Seasoned preceptors can teach, express their feelings about a given situation, and satisfy their need to demonstrate their knowledge by telling stories.
      • I think he initially did it for the thrill or to satisfy some inner need of his own, but then there was so much media attention, that he was actually seduced into the cat and mouse game.
      • How will you ensure that those desires or needs are satisfied?
      • Providing significant teaching experience is probably not realistic in most departments because there are not enough courses to satisfy the needs of all students.
      • The university that you are attending is virtually one of the best in the nation in terms of satisfying the needs of students from a wide variety of cultures and interests.
      • Maslow believed that higher level needs will only emerge when lower level needs are satisfied.
      • Join the real humanitarians as we strive to satisfy the needs and wants of every individual in the world.
      • They were there to serve him and satisfy his needs and whims.
      • You can give orders all day long, but it's really a matter of providing leadership, of giving the company a vision, of implementing a strategy that satisfies the needs of the customer and the shareholders as well, too.
      • Mutual fund companies are fiduciaries, meaning their top priority is to fulfill their responsibilities to others, not satisfy their own needs.
      • God is just in peoples heads, an illusion made to satisfy their needs for direction in life.
      • To optimize these decisions, business managers need to know their customers' requirements and seek to satisfy their needs and desires.
      • An executive search firm is focused on satisfying the client's needs.
      • It didn't take long to satisfy his shopping needs and so we had plenty of time to find me a few new outfits.
      • She stresses the importance of protein in diets to stop cravings and satisfy the body's need for nourishment.
      • And just to satisfy your need for instant gratification, turn to page 40 to find six quick meals you can fix in no time.
      • How will indigenous Amazonians both use the resources of their territories to satisfy their current needs and conserve them for future generations?
      • The show also pretends that girlfriends can satisfy your need for a family, should you not find a suitable husband.
      • They perform behaviors that keep them safe from danger, reduce stress or anxiety, or satisfy some other need or desire.
      fulfil, gratify, meet, fill, serve, provide for, supply
    2. 1.2 Provide (someone) with adequate information or proof so that they are convinced about something.
      with object and clause people need to be satisfied that the environmental assessments are accurate


      the chief engineer satisfied himself that it was not a weapon


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am satisfied that Mr Baird had an adequate opportunity to examine the boat.
      • The soldiers satisfied themselves that there were no more of the enemy around, and sat down behind the crates.
      • The architect should certainly not have given any of the certificates to which I have referred until he had satisfied himself that the overflows were there.
      • I am also satisfied that the vendor provided the survey and made all reasonable repairs.
      • By the end he has made some connection between poetry and life and satisfied himself that he needn't choose one over the other.
      • Mr Jeans' submissions were forceful and persuasive, but I am not satisfied that they were right.
      • Where the court is satisfied that the petition debt has been paid, secured or compounded for, the court is precluded from making a bankruptcy order on the petition.
      • I am also satisfied that the prosecution still have to obtain information which is relevant and important information relating to the cheques.
      • We are satisfied that by acting in this way the judge provided the necessary safeguard to protect the possible interests of the appellant.
      • I am not satisfied to the appropriate standard of proof that this appellant is of Eritrean ethnicity.
      • I am not satisfied that he has discharged the burden of proof upon him.
      • Having satisfied herself that he was alone, she continued over to the well.
      • Provided he is satisfied that the conduct appears to constitute an extradition crime he is entitled to make an order to proceed.
      • As a result I am satisfied that there is a need for a site to provide accommodation for them.
      • Provided you are satisfied that the market has undervalued that business, thank your lucky stars for the golden buying opportunity.
      • You may be refused support on the basis that you have given inadequate information to satisfy the Secretary of State that you made your asylum claim as soon as practicable after arrival in the UK.
      • The claimants have satisfied me that Mr Steele did not receive an adequate explanation before the 3rd August.
      • I am satisfied to the criminal standard of proof that the wife wilfully breached the orders in question and I find her to be in contempt of those orders.
      • I am satisfied that adequate enquiries were made regarding your application and the content of the decision letter was correct.
      • In this case, we were satisfied that the information supported its use.
      • Lending institutions will be required to satisfy themselves that the borrowers already have 10 per cent of the total price.
      convince, persuade, assure, make certain
    3. 1.3 Adequately meet or comply with (a condition, obligation, or demand)
      the whole team is working to satisfy demand


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In response, web servers must evolve to satisfy these demands.
      • A servant's use of his private car for transport during the course of his duties does not satisfy the conditions set out above.
      • There is enough gold in the vaults of central banks to satisfy world demand for 10 years without another ounce being mined!
      • Although there will be enough capacity to satisfy demand next year, the excess of capacity over consumption will begin to shrink.
      • Whether it would be sufficient to satisfy extraordinary demands such as those of national defense in today's world is, of course, quite another story.
      • Financial engineering provides the capability to craft any type of security or any instrument to satisfy the demand of would be speculators or investors.
      • The administration walked a political and social tightrope as it tried to satisfy the conflicting demands of all these constituencies.
      • The Napoleonic Wars would end in 1815 and with the favourable British colonial preference laws, whiskey could be transported over seas to help satisfy this new demand.
      • The law didn't satisfy the demand for bodies: there weren't nearly enough condemned murderers to go around.
      • The Monegasque government has had to find innovative ways to satisfy the demand for construction: the use of land reclaimed from the sea.
      • Many evangelicals say they're just trying to satisfy demands not met by traditional churches.
      • To satisfy the domestic demand, raw materials, capital goods and other high-value products will, without doubt, be imported on a large scale.
      • This is an example of businesses reacting to industry conditions and satisfying market demand with supply.
      • Decentralizing measures introduced to satisfy local demands may lead to macroeconomic instability if fiscal imprudence by subnational entities is not vigorously disciplined.
      • Art isn't interesting when it is made to satisfy the demands of the market.
      • It is a pleasure to note that despite his concise format, Chew's work may be the first to satisfy the demands for documentation that historians typically make of books they use.
      • There is increasingly rapid transport of seafood to the nation's interior to satisfy Spaniards' high demand for quality fresh fish and shellfish.
      • Both conditions were ultimately satisfied and the transaction was completed in February 2001.
      • But dominating his last five years was his work for the theatre, satisfying the demand for music in plays and ‘semi-operas’.
      • They would be hard pressed to manufacture enough to satisfy demand, let alone research a new version of the item.
      comply with, meet, fulfil, answer, conform to
    4. 1.4Mathematics (of a quantity) make (an equation) true.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This equation is satisfied by y= cx+ c2- c.
      • Why do we get so many possible solutions that all satisfy the same differential equation?
    5. 1.5 Pay off (a debt or creditor)
      there was insufficient collateral to satisfy the loan


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was the applicant's choice to obtain the loan to satisfy some of his creditors.
      • So far, the car manufacturer has managed to cut only 2,400 jobs, largely through voluntary redundancies and this is not enough to satisfy its creditors.
      • Given the sums that they had borrowed from shopkeepers and moneylenders at high interest rates, tenants were unable to satisfy both their creditors in the towns and their landlords.
      • He wants to carry out social reforms, but he has to keep public finances in order to satisfy international creditors.
      • Even if a share of the cash value of the equity is protected, this does not prevent the creditors from demanding that the home be sold so that the remaining share can be realized to go towards satisfying the debt.
      • It also appears that his shares are going to be woefully inadequate to satisfy his creditors.
      • In the spring of 1997 he and Coleman devised a private plan to satisfy his creditors.
      • The case itself involved a claim by the executor of an estate to retain part of a legacy due to a legatee sufficient to satisfy a debt due by the legatee to the estate.
      • The shareholders have no claim, on a winding-up, to the return of their contributions to the company until all the creditors' claims have been satisfied.
      • The accounts are titled in the name of the person responsible for satisfying the tuition debt.
      • The pledge confers on the creditor a right to sell the chattel involved and to satisfy the debt from the proceeds.
      • Two million acres of Creek land was given to the new colony of Georgia so it could be sold to satisfy debts to British traders.
      • Will the company continue to operate while it attempts to restructure to satisfy creditors?
      • Once the liquidator has realised all the company's assets, s/he will then set about satisfying the claims made by the creditors.
      • It still needs a quarter of a million pounds to satisfy creditors.
      • That means the income from your job will be available to satisfy his debts.
      • The company will also negotiate separately with existing bondholders and intends to satisfy all other creditors.
      • Creditors may seize jointly owned assets to satisfy your spouse's debts.
      • Basically they have taken too much debt and are currently restructuring in order to satisfy their creditors.
      • A portion of their land was seized and sold to satisfy their creditors, and shortly thereafter they sold the rest of their land, apparently out of dire necessity.
      repay, pay, pay off, pay in full, settle, make good, discharge, square, liquidate, clear


Late Middle English: from Old French satisfier, formed irregularly from Latin satisfacere ‘to content’, from satis ‘enough’ + facere ‘make’.





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