

单词 presentation

Definition of presentation in English:


noun prɛz(ə)nˈteɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1mass noun The giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal ceremony.


    the presentation of certificates to new members


    count noun the Lord Lieutenant made the presentations


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All of his last day was given over to a farewell party with a buffet lunch, presentations and speeches.
    • A large crowd attended the presentation of prizes and the social evening.
    • Mrs McEvoy, 46, and her son had no idea that the presentation would take place - they thought that they were going on a holiday to meet up with their friends for the first time.
    • With the speeches and presentations out of the way it was on with the dancing.
    • He also made a presentation of a piece of Waterford Crystal to John.
    • The trust held its annual Community Awards presentation when certificates and trophies were awarded by the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, John Bush, to a host of nominees.
    • On the conclusion of the speeches, a special presentation was made to Paddy Holden, who created the plaque.
    • The evening will include a formal dinner, awards presentation and dancing with The Marble City Showband.
    • The ladies of the committee prepared tea and refreshments following the speeches and presentations for all those who attended.
    • There was a presentation of the certificates, followed by the trip to Paris.
    • The announcement was made on Wednesday at the Grand Stand on Queen's Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain, during the formal presentation of awards.
    • This can be dealt with by having two stages, one specifically for performances and the other for award presentation and master of ceremonies.
    • Last week's presentation of certificates acknowledged the hard work that has been undertaken.
    awarding, presenting, giving, handing over, dispensing, handing out, conferral, bestowal, granting, donation, award, according, extending, entrusting, furnishing
    1. 1.1 The manner or style in which something is given, offered, or displayed.
      the presentation of foods is designed to stimulate your appetite


      Example sentencesExamples
      • All the writers I have named above as preeminent leaders in the field have chosen to emphasise the substance of their work over the style of their presentation.
      • He is able to forge an indigenous style of presentation and writing skill, which has earned him appreciation from prominent personalities in literary circles.
      • The detailed depiction of each sub-culture and craft and the style of presentation is so engaging that it does not matter that the big picture in the background is plainly kooky.
      • And then there's the goofy style of presentation.
      • I would be grateful to receive from any readers, comments on the range of topics, the contents of the answers and the style and presentation of the material in the book.
      • Published in 1995, the set is an older release from Reader's Digest but presents an example of a simple style of presentation that will appeal to young beginner bakers.
      • Obviously, there will be a change in editorial style, presentation and even philosophy, but surely making these changes is the newspaper's prerogative.
      • After the second talk we joined a class as they settled down to work on their papers, giving them advice on writing style and presentation.
      • He has gathered 42 years of culinary experience from across the world, perfecting style and elegance in presentation and superb taste.
      • John is a Spanish and Art teacher with a huge passion for Spain and a keen eye for style and presentation.
      • The risk, originality, and soulful presentation she displayed set the pace for every gymnast who succeeded her.
      • As with any book of this magnitude and diversity of authorship, there are differences in style, presentation, and depth of literature coverage.
      • Music challenges every listener by its ever-changing style and presentation, making it daunting for some and utterly impossible for others.
      • Panza's sensitivity to the villa's historical and natural character may also explain the specific objects he donated and the manner of their presentation.
      • The article was first published in 1903 and is highly representative of that era in style and presentation.
      • Since physics depends on coherent argument, this manner of presentation is clearly ill-suited to the books' purpose.
      appearance, arrangement, organization, packaging, exposition, disposition, display, layout
  • 2A speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.

    a sales presentation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Here's a sample presentation that also explains what's so cool about the whole thing.
    • This presentation will also explain some of the financial challenges faced by the council and the decisions that must be taken before the budget is finalised next year.
    • Students then gave a presentation to the audience on what they learned through their enterprise experience.
    • Word is that the duo wowed the audience with their presentation, answers to the questions and their national dress.
    • The audience was entertained with presentations involving fish tanks, a remote controlled hovercraft, a bed of nails and beach balls.
    • Recently, in a presentation to a large audience of mostly young researchers at a prestigious university, I outlined the crisis in peer review.
    • A special presentation in class to explain what makes a single student different, delivered by his own mother… sounds like it could be a very bad thing.
    • The Department of Business Tourism and Culture organized a set of rotating workshops to highlight its marketing plans as well as a presentation of its product development strategy.
    • The students were also asked to give a presentation to an audience of teachers, friends, family and councillors on any aspect of space, which particularly interested them.
    • One of the highlights of the evening for the mostly French audience was the short presentation given, in French, by one of the English players.
    • They need work that gives them time to do the best possible job, and that doesn't call for them to do presentations of their ideas before large crowds.
    • Powerful and successful presentations or speeches basically come down to the person doing the presenting or speaking.
    • Lunch will be served at 2.45 pm, followed by speeches and presentations.
    • His presentations drew large audiences and provoked lively discussion.
    • The chair of the panel is Professor Jim James who will be giving a presentation explaining how they arrived at the figure of 43 per cent.
    • Guest lectures, seminars, product presentations and cultural programmes will also be a part of the exhibition.
    • The Co-op donated food for the breakfast bash and gave a presentation on Fairtrade products.
    demonstration, talk, lecture, address, speech, show, exhibition, display, introduction, launch, launching, unveiling, parading
  • 3A formal introduction of someone, especially at court.


    after her presentation to Queen Victoria, he had escorted his sister to numerous balls
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the life of a Victorian debutante, there were probably few experiences more exciting than her presentation to the Queen at Court.
    • His early photojournalism evokes the passing of a way of life, including the last court presentation at Buckingham Palace in 1958.
    • Tiny ivory fans were put into tea chests and we all associate white ostrich feather with presentation at court.
    introduction, making known, acquainting
    dated debut, coming out
    1. 3.1historical The action or right of formally proposing a candidate for a Church benefice or other position.
      the Earl of Pembroke offered Herbert the presentation of the living of Bremerton


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Parents Rosemary and Theresa performed presentation of the candidates for Confirmation.
  • 4Medicine
    The position of a fetus in relation to the cervix at the time of delivery.


    a breech presentation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Posterior presentation is more of a problem for first babies and their mothers than it is for subsequent births; when a mother has given birth before, there is generally much more room for manoeuvre, so it is easier for the baby to rotate during labour.
    • The fetal presentation, position and station are then confirmed.
    • The registers we used lacked information on the presentation of the second twin before delivery of the first.
  • 5Medicine
    mass noun The coming forward of a patient for initial examination and diagnosis.


    all patients in this group were symptomatic at initial presentation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • At initial presentation both partners should have a history taken and be examined.
    • Routine biopsy is not needed to confirm the diagnosis but may be needed in patients whose presentation is atypical.
    • However, these methods required an extended interval to obtain the diagnosis and were not helpful at the time of initial presentation.
    • The results of one chest x-ray examination performed a year after initial presentation were normal.
    • There also may be inconsistencies in the patient's presentation, history, and physical examination.
    • With experience, the disorder may be diagnosed with confidence on initial presentation or after a period of observation and minimal diagnostic testing.
    • Scabies is diagnosed based on the patient's clinical presentation, including history and physical findings.
    • Symptoms vary in their presentation, often making diagnosis difficult.
    • An earlier study in the west of Scotland found no association between the duration of symptoms and the stage at presentation of 146 patients with cervical cancer.
    • The patient died 7 months after her initial presentation.
    1. 5.1 The manner in which a disease initially manifests itself.
      depression frequently forms part of the clinical presentation of dementia
  • 6

    another term for Candlemas
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the Church of England, the Presentation of Christ in the Temple is a Principal Feast celebrated either on 2 February or on the Sunday between 28 January and 3 February.
    • This is because it commemorates the Presentation of Christ by His Mother in the Temple at Jerusalem exactly forty days after His Birth.
    • Christmas was soon complemented by the feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, forty days after his birth.


  • presentational

  • adjective ˌprɛznˈteɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l
    • Relating to the way in which something is presented to an audience.

      an effective communicator with excellent presentational skills
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Every painting in the Art Windows exhibition has a small presentational card to go with it, written in an archaic font and revealing the artist's thoughts and emotions while she was creating the particular work.
      • I particularly liked the part about ‘the need to consider the presentational aspects of what is contemplated and to handle public relations appropriately.’
      • There is no reason why an international court cannot perform as well as a local court in this respect (with the added presentational advantage over a jury of producing a written judgement).
  • presentationally

  • adverb ˌprɛznˈteɪʃ(ə)n(ə)li
    • I don't think they've done much wrong presentationally so far.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Legal rules may well be used presentationally, rather than being operational working rules.
      • It may make sense in terms of parliamentary etiquette, but presentationally it is difficult to sustain.


Late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin praesentatio(n-), from Latin praesentare 'place before' (see present2).

Definition of presentation in US English:


  • 1The giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal ceremony.


    the presentation of certificates to new members


    the trophy presentations
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Last week's presentation of certificates acknowledged the hard work that has been undertaken.
    • This can be dealt with by having two stages, one specifically for performances and the other for award presentation and master of ceremonies.
    • A large crowd attended the presentation of prizes and the social evening.
    • The ladies of the committee prepared tea and refreshments following the speeches and presentations for all those who attended.
    • With the speeches and presentations out of the way it was on with the dancing.
    • The announcement was made on Wednesday at the Grand Stand on Queen's Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain, during the formal presentation of awards.
    • All of his last day was given over to a farewell party with a buffet lunch, presentations and speeches.
    • The trust held its annual Community Awards presentation when certificates and trophies were awarded by the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, John Bush, to a host of nominees.
    • On the conclusion of the speeches, a special presentation was made to Paddy Holden, who created the plaque.
    • He also made a presentation of a piece of Waterford Crystal to John.
    • Mrs McEvoy, 46, and her son had no idea that the presentation would take place - they thought that they were going on a holiday to meet up with their friends for the first time.
    • The evening will include a formal dinner, awards presentation and dancing with The Marble City Showband.
    • There was a presentation of the certificates, followed by the trip to Paris.
    awarding, presenting, giving, handing over, dispensing, handing out, conferral, bestowal, granting, donation, award, according, extending, entrusting, furnishing
    1. 1.1 The manner or style in which something is given, offered, or displayed.
      the presentation of foods is designed to stimulate your appetite


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Since physics depends on coherent argument, this manner of presentation is clearly ill-suited to the books' purpose.
      • The risk, originality, and soulful presentation she displayed set the pace for every gymnast who succeeded her.
      • All the writers I have named above as preeminent leaders in the field have chosen to emphasise the substance of their work over the style of their presentation.
      • He is able to forge an indigenous style of presentation and writing skill, which has earned him appreciation from prominent personalities in literary circles.
      • Music challenges every listener by its ever-changing style and presentation, making it daunting for some and utterly impossible for others.
      • As with any book of this magnitude and diversity of authorship, there are differences in style, presentation, and depth of literature coverage.
      • And then there's the goofy style of presentation.
      • I would be grateful to receive from any readers, comments on the range of topics, the contents of the answers and the style and presentation of the material in the book.
      • John is a Spanish and Art teacher with a huge passion for Spain and a keen eye for style and presentation.
      • After the second talk we joined a class as they settled down to work on their papers, giving them advice on writing style and presentation.
      • Obviously, there will be a change in editorial style, presentation and even philosophy, but surely making these changes is the newspaper's prerogative.
      • Published in 1995, the set is an older release from Reader's Digest but presents an example of a simple style of presentation that will appeal to young beginner bakers.
      • He has gathered 42 years of culinary experience from across the world, perfecting style and elegance in presentation and superb taste.
      • The detailed depiction of each sub-culture and craft and the style of presentation is so engaging that it does not matter that the big picture in the background is plainly kooky.
      • The article was first published in 1903 and is highly representative of that era in style and presentation.
      • Panza's sensitivity to the villa's historical and natural character may also explain the specific objects he donated and the manner of their presentation.
      appearance, arrangement, organization, packaging, exposition, disposition, display, layout
  • 2A speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.

    a sales presentation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The audience was entertained with presentations involving fish tanks, a remote controlled hovercraft, a bed of nails and beach balls.
    • Word is that the duo wowed the audience with their presentation, answers to the questions and their national dress.
    • A special presentation in class to explain what makes a single student different, delivered by his own mother… sounds like it could be a very bad thing.
    • His presentations drew large audiences and provoked lively discussion.
    • The chair of the panel is Professor Jim James who will be giving a presentation explaining how they arrived at the figure of 43 per cent.
    • The Co-op donated food for the breakfast bash and gave a presentation on Fairtrade products.
    • One of the highlights of the evening for the mostly French audience was the short presentation given, in French, by one of the English players.
    • Guest lectures, seminars, product presentations and cultural programmes will also be a part of the exhibition.
    • This presentation will also explain some of the financial challenges faced by the council and the decisions that must be taken before the budget is finalised next year.
    • Lunch will be served at 2.45 pm, followed by speeches and presentations.
    • Students then gave a presentation to the audience on what they learned through their enterprise experience.
    • Powerful and successful presentations or speeches basically come down to the person doing the presenting or speaking.
    • Recently, in a presentation to a large audience of mostly young researchers at a prestigious university, I outlined the crisis in peer review.
    • The Department of Business Tourism and Culture organized a set of rotating workshops to highlight its marketing plans as well as a presentation of its product development strategy.
    • The students were also asked to give a presentation to an audience of teachers, friends, family and councillors on any aspect of space, which particularly interested them.
    • They need work that gives them time to do the best possible job, and that doesn't call for them to do presentations of their ideas before large crowds.
    • Here's a sample presentation that also explains what's so cool about the whole thing.
    demonstration, talk, lecture, address, speech, show, exhibition, display, introduction, launch, launching, unveiling, parading
  • 3A formal introduction of someone, especially at court.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Tiny ivory fans were put into tea chests and we all associate white ostrich feather with presentation at court.
    • His early photojournalism evokes the passing of a way of life, including the last court presentation at Buckingham Palace in 1958.
    • In the life of a Victorian debutante, there were probably few experiences more exciting than her presentation to the Queen at Court.
    introduction, making known, acquainting
    1. 3.1historical The action or right of formally proposing a candidate for a Church benefice or other position.
      the Earl of Pembroke offered Herbert the presentation of the living of Bremerton


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Parents Rosemary and Theresa performed presentation of the candidates for Confirmation.
  • 4Medicine
    The position of a fetus in relation to the cervix at the time of delivery.


    breech presentation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The fetal presentation, position and station are then confirmed.
    • Posterior presentation is more of a problem for first babies and their mothers than it is for subsequent births; when a mother has given birth before, there is generally much more room for manoeuvre, so it is easier for the baby to rotate during labour.
    • The registers we used lacked information on the presentation of the second twin before delivery of the first.
  • 5Medicine
    The coming forward of a patient for initial examination and diagnosis.


    all patients in this group were symptomatic at initial presentation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • With experience, the disorder may be diagnosed with confidence on initial presentation or after a period of observation and minimal diagnostic testing.
    • However, these methods required an extended interval to obtain the diagnosis and were not helpful at the time of initial presentation.
    • An earlier study in the west of Scotland found no association between the duration of symptoms and the stage at presentation of 146 patients with cervical cancer.
    • The patient died 7 months after her initial presentation.
    • There also may be inconsistencies in the patient's presentation, history, and physical examination.
    • Scabies is diagnosed based on the patient's clinical presentation, including history and physical findings.
    • At initial presentation both partners should have a history taken and be examined.
    • Symptoms vary in their presentation, often making diagnosis difficult.
    • The results of one chest x-ray examination performed a year after initial presentation were normal.
    • Routine biopsy is not needed to confirm the diagnosis but may be needed in patients whose presentation is atypical.
    1. 5.1 The manner in which a disease initially manifests itself.
      depression frequently forms part of the clinical presentation of dementia
  • 6

    another term for Candlemas
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the Church of England, the Presentation of Christ in the Temple is a Principal Feast celebrated either on 2 February or on the Sunday between 28 January and 3 February.
    • This is because it commemorates the Presentation of Christ by His Mother in the Temple at Jerusalem exactly forty days after His Birth.
    • Christmas was soon complemented by the feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, forty days after his birth.


Late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin praesentatio(n-), from Latin praesentare ‘place before’ (see present).





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