

单词 coax


verb kəʊkskoʊks
[with object]
  • 1Persuade (someone) gradually or gently to do something.


    the trainees were coaxed into doing boring work


    with direct speech ‘Come on now,’ I coaxed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He kept on trying to coax her to walk into the water, but she adamantly shook her head.
    • She warns them that she doesn't want to wear the cloak but they insist and her mother coaxes her to go along with their request.
    • The negotiators talked to him and managed to coax him out.
    • The pang in my belly coaxed me inside to see what their table had to offer.
    • I tried to coax him down but I could see he was terrified.
    • Her natural buoyancy eventually coaxed us into conversation, and saved the day.
    • They're yachts, mainly, and very beautiful, and it wasn't long before my wife was coaxed into taking lessons.
    • The actors were somehow coaxed into performances that matched their gigantic surroundings.
    • I smiled and walked faster, coaxing him to walk faster too.
    • It was his father who saw his potential and started cajoling and coaxing him into playing.
    • I had to go down and personally coax him out of the car so that we could get him back here.
    • We weren't exactly abducted either, we were coaxed into coming into their house.
    • I coax him to the table by setting out an open beer.
    • This year I was coaxed into starting my holiday baking early.
    • You might see a fairly significant change if you could coax him into going for a 30 minute walk most days of the week.
    • After the fighting ended, he hid in the jungle for two years before he was coaxed into surrendering.
    • Once he was finally coaxed into a room with some of the city's finest musicians last year, he was hooked.
    • He waved at me as if he knew me already and coaxed me to come over and talk to him for while.
    • He was coaxed into a reading and soon found himself studying with an acting coach, having his long hair cut to marine length for the part.
    • Maybe he too had regrets, perhaps he wished he'd talked to him more often, coaxed him to spill out his memories and secrets.
    persuade, wheedle, cajole, talk into something, get round, prevail on, beguile, flatter, seduce, lure, entice, tempt, inveigle, woo, manoeuvre
    informal sweet-talk, soft-soap, butter up, twist someone's arm
    archaic blandish
    1. 1.1coax something from/out of Obtain something from (someone) by gradual or gentle persuasion.
      we coaxed our fare money out of my father


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He sharply criticizes the leader for using food aid as a diplomatic tool to coax concessions from rogue governments.
      • She was the only attendee, watching intently as he coaxed snakes from one basket to another with the mouth of his oboe.
      • He coaxes strong performances out of most of his cast.
      • I propped this glorious child on my shoulder and coaxed a burp from her.
      • Guided by an inner-something that could only have been instinct, she was soon making silly noises and coaxing delighted squeals from the little tyrant.
      • He's a big fella, well over 6 feet, with hands the size of tree stumps, but still able to coax sweet sounds from a guitar.
      • If he can coax some defectors from the opposition, he may reach a majority.
      • The charities are brutally businesslike in coaxing dollars from the wallets of the super-rich.
      • She cocked her head to one side with a sly smile, like a toddler coaxing a treat from a grownup.
      • He coaxed a superb performance from the young actor.
      • Many of his memories of his homeland are of sitting in traffic jams or waiting in lineups that ate up time he would have preferred to spend coaxing notes from his guitar.
      • He is adept at coaxing performances from actors with little or no experience.
      • She was able to coax new insights from those oft-interviewed.
      • She has coaxed excellent performances from the girls and uses animation and dream sequencey stuff extremely well.
      • His timing remained exquisite, expertly coaxing laughs from the bleakest onscreen situation.
      • At dinner, he was the focus of everyone's attention, and they coaxed some information from him.
      • The director coaxes some terrific performances from a noteworthy cast.
      • He coaxes some excellent performances from his singers.
      • Alex was coaxing a fire from the wet wood we'd gathered.
      • He uses a prepared piano on a number of tracks, sometimes coaxing harpsichord-like timbres from it.
    2. 1.2with object and adverbial Arrange (something) carefully into a particular shape or position.
      her lovely hair had been coaxed into ringlets


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Use a metal pastry scraper to coax the dough into shape, and a minimal sprinkling of flour, as necessary.
      • He coaxed the mouse onto his hand and put it into a tiny wicker basket.
      • He nodded, and soon she went about her work, coaxing the muddy roots from the ground for springtime use.
      • Half an hour was spent coaxing it off the track to safety.
      • It is a special puzzle challenge to coax these sets into a symmetrical shape.
      • After coaxing them to the surface with your feet, it's a simple matter of reaching down and scooping them up.
      • The birds are in the trees, and if I could coax them down to my shoulder, then my trek may be warranted.
      • You could try printing it on color transparency plastic and then heating it with a hair dryer whilst it is gently coaxed on to the surface of the mask.
      • After coaxing the bird on to his arm, he started to make his way back home.
      • She placed the lantern in the boat and coaxed the pig aboard as it had crossed the river many times with her before.
      • She shook her unruly mane of red hair, attempting and failing to coax it into some semblance of order.
      • She knew no greater thrill than coaxing a child from the womb, and receiving it alive into her own hands, wet, warm and squirming.
      • When my turn arrives I slowly, carefully coax the boat round until the wind is directly behind it.
      • Carefully, and ever so gently, Tristan coaxed my weight upwards to more of a sitting position.
      • Few of us have a team of trained hair professionals to dry, set, curl and coax our hair into perfection every morning.
      • Some were seen coaxing their pigs up the stairs!
      • With a broad wooden scraper, he coaxed the paint back and forward before lifting the screen to survey his handiwork.
      • She coaxed the boys' hair into snowy peaks.
      • My son caught it by knocking it off the car with a twig, then coaxing it on to a piece of card, and then putting it in a jam jar.


  • coaxer

  • noun ˈkəʊksəˈkoʊksər
    • Some of us are belligerent, some are coaxers of the ball, some delight in hearing the ball smash against the hoardings, others love to steer the ball wide of fielders.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The brass instrument has long been seen as a vehicle for many flashy players as well as subtle coaxers of tone.
      • He had a massive drive with a built-in slice and on the greens he was a soft coaxer whose putts were positive.
      • We usually don't see the workings of the behind-the-scenes handlers and shapers and coaxers and helpers.
      • The women vendors and coaxers support each other, and we feel we are recognized and accepted by the community.
  • coaxingly


  • adverbˈkəʊksɪŋliˈkoʊksɪŋli
    • Mistress smiled kindly and coaxingly asked me to come over to her.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She took his hand coaxingly and he flinched away.
      • ‘Come on now,’ she said coaxingly when her daughter continued to remain silent.


Late 16th century: from obsolete cokes 'simpleton', of unknown origin. The original sense was 'fondle', hence 'persuade by caresses or flattery', the underlying sense being 'make a simpleton of'.


Boaks, hoax, Oaks, stokes


noun ˈkəʊaksˈkoʊæks
mass nouninformal
  • Coaxial cable.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Another good antenna that's been popular around here for over 20 years is the ‘J-pole’ made from a piece of old TV antenna twin lead and a piece of coax.
    • It can serve up to four video streams simultaneously - one to a locally connected HDTV and three to additional client boxes connected via coax anywhere in the home.
    • After all, you can't lay fiber, buy cable modems and pay for cable TV with surplus coax.
    • Yes, if I were a nesting bird, I'd find a coil of coax to be the perfect shape for a nest.
    • Today, a bad picture isn't a problem with the rabbit ears or a loose bit of coax: it means that the decompression of a digital video stream has gone all wonky.
  • Coaxial.


    coax connectors


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Be it cable or satellite, just plug the coax cable into the coaxial cable input, and you have access for up to 125 channels.
    • Although both devices may have coax connections, once you see the image quality between them, you'll see why you should go with S-Video.
    • In areas where cable modem service is available, the cable company can sculpt that down to the single coax line.
    • As multimedia enthusiasts can tell you, a coax connection is not the best choice for image quality, to put it mildly.
    • In addition to the antennas supplied, the antenna connector on the hand held radio will accept a common coax antenna cable connector.


[with object]
  • 1Gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.

    the trainees were coaxed into doing boring work


    with object and infinitive he was coaxing me to walk a bit further
    “Come on now,” I coaxed


    Example sentencesExamples
    • After the fighting ended, he hid in the jungle for two years before he was coaxed into surrendering.
    • Maybe he too had regrets, perhaps he wished he'd talked to him more often, coaxed him to spill out his memories and secrets.
    • They're yachts, mainly, and very beautiful, and it wasn't long before my wife was coaxed into taking lessons.
    • The actors were somehow coaxed into performances that matched their gigantic surroundings.
    • He waved at me as if he knew me already and coaxed me to come over and talk to him for while.
    • It was his father who saw his potential and started cajoling and coaxing him into playing.
    • He kept on trying to coax her to walk into the water, but she adamantly shook her head.
    • I had to go down and personally coax him out of the car so that we could get him back here.
    • I smiled and walked faster, coaxing him to walk faster too.
    • Her natural buoyancy eventually coaxed us into conversation, and saved the day.
    • The negotiators talked to him and managed to coax him out.
    • You might see a fairly significant change if you could coax him into going for a 30 minute walk most days of the week.
    • She warns them that she doesn't want to wear the cloak but they insist and her mother coaxes her to go along with their request.
    • The pang in my belly coaxed me inside to see what their table had to offer.
    • I coax him to the table by setting out an open beer.
    • We weren't exactly abducted either, we were coaxed into coming into their house.
    • He was coaxed into a reading and soon found himself studying with an acting coach, having his long hair cut to marine length for the part.
    • I tried to coax him down but I could see he was terrified.
    • Once he was finally coaxed into a room with some of the city's finest musicians last year, he was hooked.
    • This year I was coaxed into starting my holiday baking early.
    persuade, wheedle, cajole, talk into something, get round, prevail on, beguile, flatter, seduce, lure, entice, tempt, inveigle, woo, manoeuvre
    1. 1.1coax something from/out of Obtain something from (someone) by gentle and persistent persuasion.
      we coaxed money out of my father


      figurative coaxing more speed from the car


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He is adept at coaxing performances from actors with little or no experience.
      • She was the only attendee, watching intently as he coaxed snakes from one basket to another with the mouth of his oboe.
      • He coaxes strong performances out of most of his cast.
      • He coaxed a superb performance from the young actor.
      • Alex was coaxing a fire from the wet wood we'd gathered.
      • He sharply criticizes the leader for using food aid as a diplomatic tool to coax concessions from rogue governments.
      • Many of his memories of his homeland are of sitting in traffic jams or waiting in lineups that ate up time he would have preferred to spend coaxing notes from his guitar.
      • She has coaxed excellent performances from the girls and uses animation and dream sequencey stuff extremely well.
      • Guided by an inner-something that could only have been instinct, she was soon making silly noises and coaxing delighted squeals from the little tyrant.
      • He uses a prepared piano on a number of tracks, sometimes coaxing harpsichord-like timbres from it.
      • The director coaxes some terrific performances from a noteworthy cast.
      • I propped this glorious child on my shoulder and coaxed a burp from her.
      • He's a big fella, well over 6 feet, with hands the size of tree stumps, but still able to coax sweet sounds from a guitar.
      • If he can coax some defectors from the opposition, he may reach a majority.
      • She cocked her head to one side with a sly smile, like a toddler coaxing a treat from a grownup.
      • She was able to coax new insights from those oft-interviewed.
      • His timing remained exquisite, expertly coaxing laughs from the bleakest onscreen situation.
      • At dinner, he was the focus of everyone's attention, and they coaxed some information from him.
      • He coaxes some excellent performances from his singers.
      • The charities are brutally businesslike in coaxing dollars from the wallets of the super-rich.
    2. 1.2 Arrange (something) carefully into a particular shape or position.
      her lovely hair had been coaxed into ringlets


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He coaxed the mouse onto his hand and put it into a tiny wicker basket.
      • She coaxed the boys' hair into snowy peaks.
      • Use a metal pastry scraper to coax the dough into shape, and a minimal sprinkling of flour, as necessary.
      • She placed the lantern in the boat and coaxed the pig aboard as it had crossed the river many times with her before.
      • After coaxing them to the surface with your feet, it's a simple matter of reaching down and scooping them up.
      • When my turn arrives I slowly, carefully coax the boat round until the wind is directly behind it.
      • He nodded, and soon she went about her work, coaxing the muddy roots from the ground for springtime use.
      • Half an hour was spent coaxing it off the track to safety.
      • With a broad wooden scraper, he coaxed the paint back and forward before lifting the screen to survey his handiwork.
      • Few of us have a team of trained hair professionals to dry, set, curl and coax our hair into perfection every morning.
      • It is a special puzzle challenge to coax these sets into a symmetrical shape.
      • She shook her unruly mane of red hair, attempting and failing to coax it into some semblance of order.
      • Some were seen coaxing their pigs up the stairs!
      • My son caught it by knocking it off the car with a twig, then coaxing it on to a piece of card, and then putting it in a jam jar.
      • After coaxing the bird on to his arm, he started to make his way back home.
      • She knew no greater thrill than coaxing a child from the womb, and receiving it alive into her own hands, wet, warm and squirming.
      • The birds are in the trees, and if I could coax them down to my shoulder, then my trek may be warranted.
      • Carefully, and ever so gently, Tristan coaxed my weight upwards to more of a sitting position.
      • You could try printing it on color transparency plastic and then heating it with a hair dryer whilst it is gently coaxed on to the surface of the mask.


Late 16th century: from obsolete cokes ‘simpleton’, of unknown origin. The original sense was ‘fondle’, hence ‘persuade by caresses or flattery’, the underlying sense being ‘make a simpleton of’.


  • Coaxial cable.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yes, if I were a nesting bird, I'd find a coil of coax to be the perfect shape for a nest.
    • Today, a bad picture isn't a problem with the rabbit ears or a loose bit of coax: it means that the decompression of a digital video stream has gone all wonky.
    • Another good antenna that's been popular around here for over 20 years is the ‘J-pole’ made from a piece of old TV antenna twin lead and a piece of coax.
    • It can serve up to four video streams simultaneously - one to a locally connected HDTV and three to additional client boxes connected via coax anywhere in the home.
    • After all, you can't lay fiber, buy cable modems and pay for cable TV with surplus coax.
  • Coaxial.


    coax connectors


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In areas where cable modem service is available, the cable company can sculpt that down to the single coax line.
    • As multimedia enthusiasts can tell you, a coax connection is not the best choice for image quality, to put it mildly.
    • Be it cable or satellite, just plug the coax cable into the coaxial cable input, and you have access for up to 125 channels.
    • Although both devices may have coax connections, once you see the image quality between them, you'll see why you should go with S-Video.
    • In addition to the antennas supplied, the antenna connector on the hand held radio will accept a common coax antenna cable connector.




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更新时间:2024/10/19 13:18:39