

单词 pastoral

Definition of pastoral in English:


adjective ˈpɑːst(ə)r(ə)l
  • 1(of land) used for the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle.


    scattered pastoral farms


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The expedition was a great success and once and for all proved that there was no inland sea but plenty of land suitable for pastoral development.
    • We encourage the moves currently afoot to create a single pastoral organisation covering sheep, cattle, deer, and goats, funded by a single levy.
    • It was proclaimed a colony separate from New South Wales only in 1859, by which time the pastoral land in the southern states had been swallowed up.
    • In NSW the selector could settle on land in the pastoral domain without prior notice or official survey: this was free selection by free selectors.
    • Where pastoral land meets the sea it also meets tourists and tourism operators - especially along the attractive Kalbarri coastline.
    • Sometimes I wish that I could make a place on this pastoral land for my old parents to live, digging soil and growing vegetables and fruit.
    • In 1859 Samuel went out exploring for new pastoral land in the far north of South Australia.
    • In the early years, Tom focussed on developing the land and building his sheep and cattle business into a pastoral empire worth tens of millions of dollars.
    • The demand for land focused hostile attention upon the graziers, who reared cattle and sheep commercially on extensive pastoral holdings.
    • The tourism industry and Aboriginal groups were well represented with both interest groups expressing their concerns over access to pastoral land.
    • He discovered no gold, no minerals, no water, no worthwhile pastoral lands nor anything else of value.
    • The station went under the hammer for $1.76 million dollars and is the best price for pastoral land.
    • Those lands comprise approximately 245 hectares of predominantly pastoral land.
    • The pastoral Fulani (full-time cattle keepers) move about with their cattle for much of the year.
    • I accept that in the short term, farmers who are farming sheep and cattle, pastoral farmers, simply cannot afford to close up their paddocks and plant trees, or allow them to revert to native bush.
    • With respect to pastoral leases under the Land Act, the provisions are substantially the same.
    • The protection and regeneration programs led to the resumption of pastoral land in the catchment area.
    • So I take it whatever land is available for pastoral uses given the recent drought is actually being covered by this weed?
    • After the collapse of the state in 1991 and following a brief period of conflict, most of the former interclan conflicts over pastoral land were stabilized.
    • European settlers coming to Nelson were looking for flat land which could quickly be developed into pastoral farms.
    1. 1.1 Associated with country life.
      the view was pastoral, with rolling fields and grazing sheep


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The two rooms, the first dedicated to work and the second to contemplation, played on the belief that the nymphs themselves engaged in the simple occupations of pastoral life.
      • On this moderate-to-strenuous trip, we'll walk the pastoral lowland glens along the banks of exquisite Loch Lomond to the great Scottish Highlands.
      • There was a tendency for communities to view themselves as corporate groups rather than agricultural communities or pastoral hinterlands.
      • The pastoral countryside setting does have its contrasts.
      • Furthermore, the conversion of Algerian land to industrial-scale wheat farming threatened the pastoral way of life of the native population.
      • The pastoral scenes of country life, both winter and summer, and imagined estates with beautiful homes are filled with light and hope.
      • Classy classical music in a verdant, pastoral setting - a nice alternative to the sweaty, heaving crowds of the Jazz Fest.
      • The air is more pastoral and bucolic than in nearby hamlets.
      • The rich volcanic soil combines with a generous rainfall and cool, brisk climate to offer the Amhara a stable agricultural and pastoral existence.
      • Environmental degradation associated with agricultural and pastoral practices has compounded the rural crisis.
      • The rural district of Sheikhupur, about 30 miles east of the ancient city of Lahore, is a lush, green, pastoral landscape of rice fields and eucalyptus groves.
      • The differences derive from setting - the corrupt underworld of the modern city instead of the potentially pastoral British country house.
      • The theory envisaged a simple agrarian and pastoral world inhabited by four kinds of people.
      • The rural hinterland offers pastoral delights aplenty - and at prices that vary from good value to frankly unbelievable.
      • Regent's Park lay like pastoral acres of countryside or the royal hunting ground it once was, its lake a broken piece of mirror.
      • There are drawbacks, but if you like a pastoral life, with rural pastimes, this is the place.
      • The French countryside is still pastoral and not all of it is as intensively cultivated as ours.
      • Bekan is a pleasant pastoral countryside, as fine as you will fine the length and breadth of Ireland and its cattle and stock measure up.
      • Yes, people see the problem in the pastoral country as being quite different from in the agricultural area, but in many ways it's the same kind of process.
      • Unlike communities associated with agriculture and industry, the identities of pastoral groups have been far more elastic.
      rural, country, countryside, countrified, outdoor, rustic, agricultural, agrarian, provincial, grassy, green, verdant
      simple, innocent, idyllic, unspoilt
      literary bucolic, sylvan, Arcadian
      rare exurban, georgic
    2. 1.2 (of a work of art) portraying or evoking country life, typically in a romanticized or idealized form.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Next, they find volumes of poetry many of which romanticize pastoral themes and shepherding.
      • Hall's pieces are pastoral, evoking the chirrup of birds who have learnt the song of car alarms, and the grunt of a badly maintained bus.
      • There are also overtly romantic and pastoral images as well.
      • This has painted a very different picture of pastoral life for many.
      • An additional untitled track appears on my copy, delicately picked strings give a warm, fragile romantic pastoral glossiness throughout.
      • Religion shades into myth, portraits double as allegories and narratives, the pastoral turns erotic - and all in the work of one painter.
      • It was also adapted for inclusion in many dramatic works and ballets by such composers as Lully, Campra, and especially Rameau, and was often associated with pastoral scenes.
      • Above the fireplace was a portrait of a pastoral scene with a hunting party in the middle.
      • It portrays pastoral scenes such as the labours of the months, wildlife, and putti (little winged cupids, a popular Roman motif) fishing.
      • It was a French meadow and all around me there were French people enjoying each other's company and excellent food and drink in generous quantities in a beautiful pastoral landscape in perfect autumn weather.
      • An idyllic pastoral quality is evoked by two men enjoying the view from the shore of Rocky Neck in the foreground, while a third walks by with his dog and two sheep.
      • Poems by Shin Seok-jeong are peaceful, pastoral pieces about desires to live in paradise and his love toward his dear mother.
      • Outside the city, though, his work took on the very different character evident here, combining the lessons of Europe with the pastoral romanticism of Samuel Palmer.
      • At the simplest level this is knowing what an oboe sounds like and why it is associated with pastoral music.
      • This is most evident in Sunset Song, the swelling overture to the Quair, the words rolling out like a pastoral symphony.
      • The older, more cynical man seems far removed from the enthusiastic young writer who delights in evoking scenes of pastoral Irish life.
      • Strauss ties the pastoral pictures and puppy imagery of his experience to the dominant mode of medicine practiced in America - one that treats symptoms and not causes.
      • Recalling the pastoral works of Homer Watson, her shots of rolling, sunbathed hills effectively showcase her background in still photography.
      • These include portraits, landscapes, pastoral scenes and prints.
      • The picture remains a pastoral scene with a nominal biblical context: a celebration of landscape immersed in vague wistful reverie.
      • Emerson's Transcendentalism drew on German idealism and English pastoral poetry.
      perfect, ideal, idealized, wonderful, blissful, halcyon, happy
  • 2(in the Christian Church) concerning or appropriate to the giving of spiritual guidance.


    pastoral and doctrinal issues


    clergy doing pastoral work


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So there is that history of pastoral work, education, teaching women to read and, eventually, helping women to read the Gospels in the vernacular.
    • As part of her pastoral work with St James, she also carried out communion at three Clitheroe nursing homes, Castleford, Pendle Court and Clitheroe Nursing Home.
    • He helped set up churches in Lima and also lived in Arequipa, a city of a million people 8,000 feet up in the Andes, where he was involved in pastoral work.
    • It is certainly a book to be read by those entering the ministry and by all pastors seeking to be refreshed and re-focused in their preaching and pastoral work.
    • He combines his pastoral work at diocesan and national level with a keen interest in gardening.
    • The presence of evangelical contributors is interesting, and the number of those principally engaged in pastoral work is also notable.
    • Graduates will be eligible to study for a Higher Diploma in educational or chaplaincy studies for a career in education or pastoral work.
    • Meanwhile, the Catholic Church is suffering from a scarcity of priests that is putting its pastoral work under severe strain and its surviving priests under severe stress.
    • For over ten years his pastoral work was always marked by gentleness, thoughtfulness and sensitivity, especially to those in trouble.
    • Although restricted by the government, he was allowed to engage in pastoral work and development projects, and served as chaplain to the foreign community in Phnom Penh, the capital.
    • The friars lived by begging, mostly in towns, where they were best placed to engage in their principal vocations, pastoral work and preaching.
    • I am thinking, in particular, of persons in religious orders but who are not necessarily engaged in pastoral work of the kind that your client is concerned.
    • However his greatest wish was to continue his pastoral work in Ghana.
    • When anticlerical legislation sought to curb the power of the clergy institutionally, nuns and priests made pastoral work welfare work.
    • Does it matter if one of her professors, himself a rabbi, teaches with an eye toward pastoral work?
    • His pastoral work, letters, and published prayers demonstrate his compassion for the sick, his ear for the troubled.
    • From the beginning, his reflection was articulated in the context of pastoral work and evangelization.
    • Their members took the traditional monastic vows, but devoted their lives to pastoral work, aiming to produce a well-instructed and devout laity.
    • Holloway said he saw the evidence of this despair in his pastoral work, as well as in social ills such as violence, drug use and the high levels of suicide among young men.
    • His publications are abundant and diverse, and one sees in them a concern not only for history and theology, but also for pastoral work.
    • A clerical secretary could revoke the permit of a clergyman to do pastoral work.
    priestly, clerical, ecclesiastical, ministerial
    rare hieratic, sacerdotal, vicarial, parsonical, rectorial, churchly, prelatic, apostolic
    1. 2.1 Relating to or denoting a teacher's responsibility for the general well-being of pupils or students.
      the pastoral care of boarders
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was the archbishop of Salzburg and his suffragan bishops who protested vigorously at the involvement of Cyril and Methodius and their pupils in the pastoral care of the Danubian Slavs.
      • But when he showed interest in the post of acting principal teacher of pastoral care 18 months ago, he was told by the headteacher that he could not apply because he is not a Catholic.
      • They have accepted hearsay, endorsed scurrilous attacks, and walked away from their responsibilities as pastoral shepherds and teachers.
      • The Government will continue to work with education providers to reverse that trend by improving the quality of both the education and the pastoral care provided to student visitors.
      • He has been a very active teacher in terms of his classroom responsibilities and his pastoral responsibilities.
      • A far cry from Keijo's spooky, noise-laden pastiches or Islaja's feral moan, Growing Green is subtly pastoral.
      • One of the prime functions of a teacher is pastoral care, and students assume that their professors will offer moral instruction and guidance.
      • Pupils benefit from the vibrant atmosphere, excellent pastoral care and a strong academic tradition.
      • At least the Irish Catholic Church over the years has faced its responsibility for their pastoral care.
      • But it does not have to be that way, according to one Blackburn school which has confirmed its place at the forefront of pastoral care for its students.
      • Proceeds in excess of 1000 were donated to Colaiste Lorcain Parent's Association to be used for the pastoral care of pupils.
      • In contrast, in Study 4 only 3 of the 13 pastoral care teachers conducting the program were trained by the psychologist.
      • I think that's one of the main things I enjoy about being a teacher - the pastoral side.
      • Other areas praised by the Ofsted team include her leadership as head, and the pastoral care of pupils.
      • A recent Ofsted report praised the pastoral support pupils are given.
      • What may be needed, therefore, is a third player to provide unbiased educational information about pharmaceutical products and offer sympathetic pastoral care to general practitioners.
      • In 1975, he was given responsibility for the pastoral care of Dublin pilgrims during the HolyYear in Rome.
      • Monitoring of pupils at all levels is exceptionally effective while pastoral care and extra-curricular activities, including music and sport, were also praised.
      • Serving on the voluntary management committee, they have been responsible for the overall strategy and for the pastoral care of our dedicated staff and of the children who have attended the pre-school.
      • He stated the class of 2003 will be remembered for their good humour, honesty and sincerity and their contribution to the pastoral care of younger students.
noun ˈpɑːst(ə)r(ə)l
  • A work of literature portraying an idealized version of country life.


    the story, though a pastoral, has an actual connection with the life of agricultural labour


    Example sentencesExamples
    • After moving to St-Tropez in 1892, Signac, a committed anarchist, began to paint politicized pastorals juxtaposing north and south and promoting a leftwing vis ion of the Mediterranean shore.
    • The placing of the dead in nature, too, began with the Greek and Roman pastorals.
    • While in the capital, Millet had catered to the desires of an urban clientele in order to feed and house his growing illegitimate family by painting luscious neo-Rococo nudes and pastorals.
    • Educated at Oxford, he had written pastorals before leaving for London to become both actor and playwright.
    • He wrote The Distrest Mother, a successful adaptation of Racine's Andromaque, but is remembered chiefly for his quarrel with Pope over the relative merits of their pastorals.
    • The scenes are bucolic pastorals of peasant and aristocratic life during the period.
    • His poems have inspired fine musical settings, and his stoic pastorals are some of the most sheerly beautiful in the late Romantic tradition.
    • A break from the rollicking pastorals of the first four tracks, it serves as the album's star-gazing intermission; from here, it moves towards a safer indie-pop sound.
    • The distant modulation evokes the pastoral and, being thus an allusion, pleases those who recognise it.
    • Yet despite being praised by certain conservative critics of the day, Signac's pastorals were differentiated in significant ways from both academic and Symbolist renditions of the same subject.
    • The idealized space of the pastoral is used to provide a locus amoenus for someone who eventually dominates all oral discourse within it.
    • Signac's pastorals indicate that in the 1890s the Latin heritage so closely allied to the Midi could have associations other than with the political right, and Signac made these other correlations palpable in his art.
    • The subject is arranged around the city/country axis - half the plays are twitchy, snippy, morally grey urban comedies, and the other half are la-la land everything-is-nice-in-the-countryside pastorals.
    • In the early 1590s, he had produced a series of three musical pastorals that are sometimes claimed as the earliest operas.
    • They include idyllic pastorals with little emphasis on genre, mythological scenes, and rooms surrounded by illusionistic painted gardens, full of flowers and fruit and enlivened by birds.
    • Their pastorals, both published in 1651, offered choices to Royalists in the aftermath of the crushing defeat at Worcester.
    • In order to cover all of the ‘Pauline collection’ Johnson takes up themes in the disputed letters and the pastorals, which he sees as ‘genuine lines of continuity’ in all of the letters.
    • The scene evokes an abbreviated pastoral - but the birds are shackled to their perch, which is in turn connected to the hand crank.
    • The wide renown of Puvis, a chameleon of a painter, meant that his relatively anodyne pastorals could be championed by just about anybody for just about any purpose.
    • The costuming also highlights the pastoral, evoking a pre-industrial time which gives the piece a period drama feel and has the effect of turning the drama into a piece of escapism.
    pastoral, eclogue, georgic, rural poem


  • pastoralism

  • noun ˈpɑːst(ə)r(ə)lɪz(ə)mˈpæst(ə)rəˌlɪzəm
    • Tribes practising sedentary agriculture or non-nomadic pastoralism are already on the downhill run towards modern, industrial society.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • By taking more than half of the area out of the Northern Territory, the main job-generating industries of the Territory, mining and pastoralism, have been seriously retarded.
      • Trench himself was an enthusiastic and moderately talented artist, and surviving works in the style of Claude show he envisaged Heywood as the ideal of contented Tory pastoralism.
      • Beyond some engagement with pastoralism in the Gedo region (adjacent to Kenya and Ethiopia), it lacked an established niche in Somalia's economy.
      • In more than a quarter of a century of land rights there has been no significant commercial development in the southern NT where Aborigines own half the land, despite ample opportunities in tourism, pastoralism and horticulture.
      • An anxious pastoralism is a distinctive part of the attempt of many American middle-class and intellectual Jews to assimilate to the Anglo-Saxon background.
      • She had taught at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, from 1976-2000, specialising in the Indus civilisation, urbanisation, trade and pastoralism.
      • This, however, is far from typical, and if the drift of my broader argument about romantic pastoralism is to be understood then another and unhappier picture must be shown.
      • Tourism and terrorism have turned out to be twin vectors of change for the old Kenya of pastoralism, smallholder farms, and colonial ranches.
      • The last issue covers agriculture, forestry, pastoralism, mines and Industry.
      • The pioneering family left behind legacies of pastoralism, art, and agriculture.
      • Although still contested, some conservationists have accepted the argument that pastoralists do not automatically degrade the environment and that pastoralism and wildlife conservation may be mutually compatible.
      • Subjects such as colonisation, migration, mining, convictism, and the development of pastoralism and agriculture all seem to provide opportunities for specialist investigations using archaeological techniques and approaches.
      • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
      • And then finally cultural factors, the Norse were derived from a Norwegian society that was identified with pastoralism, and particularly valued calves.
      • I propose that tourism and pastoralism should be partners, that areas of NT Parks dominated by buffel should be fenced, then cattle be introduced to graze the grass.
      • With the advent of non-traditional Aboriginal lifestyles, pastoralism, buffel grass, feral animals and road access to many places in the NT, land management has changed forever from pre-European times.
      • The move augurs disaster for pastoralism in the sub-continent, it is a mode of violence against the lives and livelihoods of several thousand rural households.
      • Historically, Arabs in Sudan tend to practice nomadic pastoralism, and black Africans (such as the Fur or Masalit) tend to subsist through sedentary agriculture.
      • Politically, they have roots that go back to the nineteenth century of American pastoralism and trustbusting, and of European social democracy and state regulation.
  • pastorality

  • noun -ˈralɪti
  • pastorally

  • adverb ˈpɑːst(ə)r(ə)li
    • We are concerned that further moves in a multi-faith direction could be pastorally damaging and could undermine Christian outreach in the diocese.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Theologically confident and pastorally adept bishops have nothing to fear from meeting with concerned and committed Catholics, even (dare it be said) with ‘dissenting’ Catholics.
      • It leaves Catholics who are struggling against that sin high and dry, pastorally speaking.
      • It has meant that the studies appearing here, even in the section that I have called ‘Pastoral Reflections,’ fail to reflect pastorally and homiletically on the news of the day.
      • I believe the church should be led by elders of two types - ruling and teaching - who meet the Biblically qualified, pastorally inclined, theologically sound, and ministry oriented.
      • It will remain insufficient to sustain a pastorally dependent human culture if action is not taken.
      • The courses vary from the pastorally penal (remember the '98 U.S. Women's Open on the River course?) to Whistling Straits' Ireland with attitude.
      • So, while Jesus’ rule stands as our general guide, we pastorally evaluate every case to see whether divorce is the better alternative.
      • We think it is a good idea, particularly pastorally.
      • These books have become so popular that every pastor in America is now confronted with the task of gently, pastorally explaining to their congregation why the theology of these books is misguided and misguiding.
      • Some of the stuff he said was theologically ignorant and pastorally irresponsible.
      • It's knowing that pastorally, someone's there - a confidant and friend of the club, and someone around who's also objective and neutral.
      • To put this existentially or, better, pastorally: Is the Spirit's witness to Christ a praise for the conscience unstressed or is it an acclamation of Emmanuel, God with us?
      • It's theologically unsupported and pastorally disastrous and it's tearing our diocese apart.
      • The book is pastorally real and sensitive, honestly exploring the loneliness of pain, and how a hope in a risen Redeemer answers the inscrutability of life. It is also concise - it took me only two hours to read, and I'm a slow reader!
      • They are liturgically and pastorally innovative, relevant to members' everyday concerns and, even if members do not stay affiliated for long, adept at introducing the previously unchurched to a religious tradition.
      • Contemporary ‘engagements,’ however, have little religious, moral, or legal significance; hence, they are theologically and pastorally superfluous.
      • Hermeneutically, we educators need to be reaching for interpretive frameworks that are biblically, theologically and pastorally authentic in that global context, frameworks that help account for where we are.
      • We call upon military chaplains who are morally questioning this war to speak boldly and pastorally, conveying the concerns of this appeal to those who seek their guidance.
      • Minus any one of these, Goddess help us, minus two or all three of these, we will simply replicate the theologically and pastorally inadequate ways that have led to the current situation with even more disastrous results.


Late Middle English: from Latin pastoralis 'relating to a shepherd', from pastor 'shepherd' (see pastor).

Definition of pastoral in US English:


  • 1(especially of land or a farm) used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle.


    scattered pastoral farms


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We encourage the moves currently afoot to create a single pastoral organisation covering sheep, cattle, deer, and goats, funded by a single levy.
    • In the early years, Tom focussed on developing the land and building his sheep and cattle business into a pastoral empire worth tens of millions of dollars.
    • European settlers coming to Nelson were looking for flat land which could quickly be developed into pastoral farms.
    • The station went under the hammer for $1.76 million dollars and is the best price for pastoral land.
    • In NSW the selector could settle on land in the pastoral domain without prior notice or official survey: this was free selection by free selectors.
    • Where pastoral land meets the sea it also meets tourists and tourism operators - especially along the attractive Kalbarri coastline.
    • The tourism industry and Aboriginal groups were well represented with both interest groups expressing their concerns over access to pastoral land.
    • The protection and regeneration programs led to the resumption of pastoral land in the catchment area.
    • Sometimes I wish that I could make a place on this pastoral land for my old parents to live, digging soil and growing vegetables and fruit.
    • The demand for land focused hostile attention upon the graziers, who reared cattle and sheep commercially on extensive pastoral holdings.
    • With respect to pastoral leases under the Land Act, the provisions are substantially the same.
    • I accept that in the short term, farmers who are farming sheep and cattle, pastoral farmers, simply cannot afford to close up their paddocks and plant trees, or allow them to revert to native bush.
    • After the collapse of the state in 1991 and following a brief period of conflict, most of the former interclan conflicts over pastoral land were stabilized.
    • It was proclaimed a colony separate from New South Wales only in 1859, by which time the pastoral land in the southern states had been swallowed up.
    • The expedition was a great success and once and for all proved that there was no inland sea but plenty of land suitable for pastoral development.
    • In 1859 Samuel went out exploring for new pastoral land in the far north of South Australia.
    • He discovered no gold, no minerals, no water, no worthwhile pastoral lands nor anything else of value.
    • The pastoral Fulani (full-time cattle keepers) move about with their cattle for much of the year.
    • So I take it whatever land is available for pastoral uses given the recent drought is actually being covered by this weed?
    • Those lands comprise approximately 245 hectares of predominantly pastoral land.
    1. 1.1 Associated with country life.
      the view was pastoral, with rolling fields and grazing sheep


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The pastoral countryside setting does have its contrasts.
      • There was a tendency for communities to view themselves as corporate groups rather than agricultural communities or pastoral hinterlands.
      • Regent's Park lay like pastoral acres of countryside or the royal hunting ground it once was, its lake a broken piece of mirror.
      • Furthermore, the conversion of Algerian land to industrial-scale wheat farming threatened the pastoral way of life of the native population.
      • The air is more pastoral and bucolic than in nearby hamlets.
      • The theory envisaged a simple agrarian and pastoral world inhabited by four kinds of people.
      • The rural district of Sheikhupur, about 30 miles east of the ancient city of Lahore, is a lush, green, pastoral landscape of rice fields and eucalyptus groves.
      • Yes, people see the problem in the pastoral country as being quite different from in the agricultural area, but in many ways it's the same kind of process.
      • Environmental degradation associated with agricultural and pastoral practices has compounded the rural crisis.
      • The French countryside is still pastoral and not all of it is as intensively cultivated as ours.
      • Classy classical music in a verdant, pastoral setting - a nice alternative to the sweaty, heaving crowds of the Jazz Fest.
      • There are drawbacks, but if you like a pastoral life, with rural pastimes, this is the place.
      • The rural hinterland offers pastoral delights aplenty - and at prices that vary from good value to frankly unbelievable.
      • The two rooms, the first dedicated to work and the second to contemplation, played on the belief that the nymphs themselves engaged in the simple occupations of pastoral life.
      • The rich volcanic soil combines with a generous rainfall and cool, brisk climate to offer the Amhara a stable agricultural and pastoral existence.
      • The differences derive from setting - the corrupt underworld of the modern city instead of the potentially pastoral British country house.
      • On this moderate-to-strenuous trip, we'll walk the pastoral lowland glens along the banks of exquisite Loch Lomond to the great Scottish Highlands.
      • The pastoral scenes of country life, both winter and summer, and imagined estates with beautiful homes are filled with light and hope.
      • Unlike communities associated with agriculture and industry, the identities of pastoral groups have been far more elastic.
      • Bekan is a pleasant pastoral countryside, as fine as you will fine the length and breadth of Ireland and its cattle and stock measure up.
      rural, country, countryside, countrified, outdoor, rustic, agricultural, agrarian, provincial, grassy, green, verdant
    2. 1.2 (of a work of art) portraying or evoking country life, typically in a romanticized or idealized form.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are also overtly romantic and pastoral images as well.
      • Next, they find volumes of poetry many of which romanticize pastoral themes and shepherding.
      • The picture remains a pastoral scene with a nominal biblical context: a celebration of landscape immersed in vague wistful reverie.
      • An idyllic pastoral quality is evoked by two men enjoying the view from the shore of Rocky Neck in the foreground, while a third walks by with his dog and two sheep.
      • Religion shades into myth, portraits double as allegories and narratives, the pastoral turns erotic - and all in the work of one painter.
      • Above the fireplace was a portrait of a pastoral scene with a hunting party in the middle.
      • Hall's pieces are pastoral, evoking the chirrup of birds who have learnt the song of car alarms, and the grunt of a badly maintained bus.
      • At the simplest level this is knowing what an oboe sounds like and why it is associated with pastoral music.
      • These include portraits, landscapes, pastoral scenes and prints.
      • Poems by Shin Seok-jeong are peaceful, pastoral pieces about desires to live in paradise and his love toward his dear mother.
      • It portrays pastoral scenes such as the labours of the months, wildlife, and putti (little winged cupids, a popular Roman motif) fishing.
      • Strauss ties the pastoral pictures and puppy imagery of his experience to the dominant mode of medicine practiced in America - one that treats symptoms and not causes.
      • Emerson's Transcendentalism drew on German idealism and English pastoral poetry.
      • It was a French meadow and all around me there were French people enjoying each other's company and excellent food and drink in generous quantities in a beautiful pastoral landscape in perfect autumn weather.
      • Recalling the pastoral works of Homer Watson, her shots of rolling, sunbathed hills effectively showcase her background in still photography.
      • The older, more cynical man seems far removed from the enthusiastic young writer who delights in evoking scenes of pastoral Irish life.
      • An additional untitled track appears on my copy, delicately picked strings give a warm, fragile romantic pastoral glossiness throughout.
      • It was also adapted for inclusion in many dramatic works and ballets by such composers as Lully, Campra, and especially Rameau, and was often associated with pastoral scenes.
      • This is most evident in Sunset Song, the swelling overture to the Quair, the words rolling out like a pastoral symphony.
      • Outside the city, though, his work took on the very different character evident here, combining the lessons of Europe with the pastoral romanticism of Samuel Palmer.
      • This has painted a very different picture of pastoral life for many.
      perfect, ideal, idealized, wonderful, blissful, halcyon, happy
  • 2(in the Christian Church) concerning or appropriate to the giving of spiritual guidance.


    pastoral and doctrinal issues


    clergy doing pastoral work


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As part of her pastoral work with St James, she also carried out communion at three Clitheroe nursing homes, Castleford, Pendle Court and Clitheroe Nursing Home.
    • Meanwhile, the Catholic Church is suffering from a scarcity of priests that is putting its pastoral work under severe strain and its surviving priests under severe stress.
    • From the beginning, his reflection was articulated in the context of pastoral work and evangelization.
    • He helped set up churches in Lima and also lived in Arequipa, a city of a million people 8,000 feet up in the Andes, where he was involved in pastoral work.
    • A clerical secretary could revoke the permit of a clergyman to do pastoral work.
    • His pastoral work, letters, and published prayers demonstrate his compassion for the sick, his ear for the troubled.
    • He combines his pastoral work at diocesan and national level with a keen interest in gardening.
    • Holloway said he saw the evidence of this despair in his pastoral work, as well as in social ills such as violence, drug use and the high levels of suicide among young men.
    • Graduates will be eligible to study for a Higher Diploma in educational or chaplaincy studies for a career in education or pastoral work.
    • The friars lived by begging, mostly in towns, where they were best placed to engage in their principal vocations, pastoral work and preaching.
    • So there is that history of pastoral work, education, teaching women to read and, eventually, helping women to read the Gospels in the vernacular.
    • Their members took the traditional monastic vows, but devoted their lives to pastoral work, aiming to produce a well-instructed and devout laity.
    • Although restricted by the government, he was allowed to engage in pastoral work and development projects, and served as chaplain to the foreign community in Phnom Penh, the capital.
    • For over ten years his pastoral work was always marked by gentleness, thoughtfulness and sensitivity, especially to those in trouble.
    • I am thinking, in particular, of persons in religious orders but who are not necessarily engaged in pastoral work of the kind that your client is concerned.
    • It is certainly a book to be read by those entering the ministry and by all pastors seeking to be refreshed and re-focused in their preaching and pastoral work.
    • The presence of evangelical contributors is interesting, and the number of those principally engaged in pastoral work is also notable.
    • Does it matter if one of her professors, himself a rabbi, teaches with an eye toward pastoral work?
    • When anticlerical legislation sought to curb the power of the clergy institutionally, nuns and priests made pastoral work welfare work.
    • His publications are abundant and diverse, and one sees in them a concern not only for history and theology, but also for pastoral work.
    • However his greatest wish was to continue his pastoral work in Ghana.
    priestly, clerical, ecclesiastical, ministerial
  • A work of literature portraying an idealized version of country life.


    the story, though a pastoral, has an actual connection with the life of agricultural labor


    Example sentencesExamples
    • While in the capital, Millet had catered to the desires of an urban clientele in order to feed and house his growing illegitimate family by painting luscious neo-Rococo nudes and pastorals.
    • The distant modulation evokes the pastoral and, being thus an allusion, pleases those who recognise it.
    • The subject is arranged around the city/country axis - half the plays are twitchy, snippy, morally grey urban comedies, and the other half are la-la land everything-is-nice-in-the-countryside pastorals.
    • The costuming also highlights the pastoral, evoking a pre-industrial time which gives the piece a period drama feel and has the effect of turning the drama into a piece of escapism.
    • In order to cover all of the ‘Pauline collection’ Johnson takes up themes in the disputed letters and the pastorals, which he sees as ‘genuine lines of continuity’ in all of the letters.
    • The placing of the dead in nature, too, began with the Greek and Roman pastorals.
    • In the early 1590s, he had produced a series of three musical pastorals that are sometimes claimed as the earliest operas.
    • The scenes are bucolic pastorals of peasant and aristocratic life during the period.
    • Their pastorals, both published in 1651, offered choices to Royalists in the aftermath of the crushing defeat at Worcester.
    • Signac's pastorals indicate that in the 1890s the Latin heritage so closely allied to the Midi could have associations other than with the political right, and Signac made these other correlations palpable in his art.
    • They include idyllic pastorals with little emphasis on genre, mythological scenes, and rooms surrounded by illusionistic painted gardens, full of flowers and fruit and enlivened by birds.
    • The scene evokes an abbreviated pastoral - but the birds are shackled to their perch, which is in turn connected to the hand crank.
    • His poems have inspired fine musical settings, and his stoic pastorals are some of the most sheerly beautiful in the late Romantic tradition.
    • After moving to St-Tropez in 1892, Signac, a committed anarchist, began to paint politicized pastorals juxtaposing north and south and promoting a leftwing vis ion of the Mediterranean shore.
    • Yet despite being praised by certain conservative critics of the day, Signac's pastorals were differentiated in significant ways from both academic and Symbolist renditions of the same subject.
    • The idealized space of the pastoral is used to provide a locus amoenus for someone who eventually dominates all oral discourse within it.
    • Educated at Oxford, he had written pastorals before leaving for London to become both actor and playwright.
    • He wrote The Distrest Mother, a successful adaptation of Racine's Andromaque, but is remembered chiefly for his quarrel with Pope over the relative merits of their pastorals.
    • A break from the rollicking pastorals of the first four tracks, it serves as the album's star-gazing intermission; from here, it moves towards a safer indie-pop sound.
    • The wide renown of Puvis, a chameleon of a painter, meant that his relatively anodyne pastorals could be championed by just about anybody for just about any purpose.
    pastoral, eclogue, georgic, rural poem


Late Middle English: from Latin pastoralis ‘relating to a shepherd’, from pastor ‘shepherd’ (see pastor).





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